Christine Lagarde: Ukraine fails to meet the IMF requirements
Olieolie | 20.11.2015 12:45
Time is creeping on, since March Ukraine has accurately received two IMF tranches, however, is still, so to say, not in a hurry to fulfill the IMF requirements in return. According to the IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, Kiev carries out the commitments but does not make it steadily and in full scale. And particularly it concerns the reforms in energy sector.
In the letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Ms. Christine Lagarde particularly recalls to the bilateral agreement between the IMF and Ukraine obligating the latter to carry out complete privatization of the company managing the transportation system of natural gas in Ukraine. Despite this requirement on behalf of the IMF considered to be critical, the currently acting legislation of Ukraine still allows the state to keep the controlling block of stock of the company.
Ukraine's gas transportation system is without exaggeration a key element of European energy security and natural gas supply. That's why it should be controlled by advanced private investors, not by corrupt officials. If Ukraine wants keep receiving international aid, it must completely and strictly meet its obligations, from A to Z!