ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA denounce Japan's fabrication of the Ulsa Five point tre
ASSPUK, JISGE and UK Korean Friendship Association | 19.11.2015 07:17 | Anti-militarism
The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE) and the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) today issued a joint statement in support of the Memorandum of the DPRK History Society on the 110th anniversary of the fabrication of the "Ulsa (1905) Five-point Treaty":
Rather than honestly admitting to their horrendous crimes against the Korean nation , particularly the illegal and unjust annexation of Korea, the Japanese reactionaries continue to not only deny their crimes but to further embellish . It is nonsenical for them to say that the Ulsa treaty of 1905 has any historical or legal validity . The Ulsa treaty was not ratified by the Korean emperor, the head of state , at the time, it was a fabricated document from start to finish .
As the DPRK History Society points out " The treaty was an illegal and fraudulent document as it totally lacked legal validity.
The most important reason for calling the treaty illegal was that the treaty was cooked up by coercing the state representative.
The Japanese imperialists employed every means and method to make the treaty "legal", but they failed to attain their despicable purpose in face of Emperor Kojong's opposition.
The main point was that they failed to get ratification by Emperor Kojong, the supreme ruler of the Feudal Korean Dynasty.
The story about the emperor's "approval" of the negotiations on the treaty was a sheer fabrication."
Instead of deepening their crimes against the Korean nation , the Japanese authorities should , admit that their annexation and colonisation of Korea was an illegal action as well as an unjust and imperialistic one . They should duly atone for their crimes and make reparations.
Our organisations, the ASSPUK , JISGE and UK KFA , will work to consitently expose the crimes of Japanese imperialism against the Korean people.
ASSPUK, JISGE and UK Korean Friendship Association