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Secrecy Surrounds Attempts to Kill Free Speech on University of California Campu

Citizen Sane | 02.11.2015 23:16 | Analysis | Palestine | Repression

Herein we will focus on what seems to be a somewhat elaborate, albeit loosely organized, conspiracy (one hesitates to use the word as arguments are quickly dismissed as conspiracy theories) in the making in which a relatively large number of pro-Israeli factions (both students attending American campuses as well as outside organizations as well as outside monies)are attempting to manipulate and intimidate people so Americans relinquish their right to free speech on American campuses—that is the right to say critical things about peoples and organizations including Jews, Zionists and Israelis.

Secrecy Surrounds Attempts to Kill Free Speech on University of California Campuses by Citizen Sane

As some people already know there have been attempts to kill free speech on American campuses if such speech happens to be critical of Israel (but not enough people know and especially they do not know the extent of this phenomenon). But rather than go into detail about this general story you are invited to listen to the Philip Giraldi being interviewed by Scott Horton at: Here Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer and Executive Director of The Council for the National Interest, discusses Senator Dianne Feinstein’s husband’s campaign to outlaw free speech for University of California students who dare to discuss the BDS movement or criticize Israel’s military occupation of Palestinian land.

Giraldi’s article discussed, “Israel Takes On the First Amendment Free speech except regarding Palestine” is found at:

Read also the following articles for an overview of this censorship story to realize how important it is to our culture and our American rights being stripped by Israeli and Zionist political machines:

“Silencing Dissent: How Biased Civil Rights Policies Stifle Dialogue on Israel” at:

“Right-Wing Thought Police: Assault Free Speech on Campus” at:

“Israel’s War on American Universities | Common Dreams” - See more at:***Important***.

And also see video: “BDS Grows Across College Campuses” at:;_ylt=A2KIo9cFQv5VoCkAFbssnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByN2RnbHFoBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMw--?p=Adelson+sheldon+Bias+On+College+Campus&vid=711cf2e890d1cc2683c7f7dc3567dca3&

You want to watch the above video as it provides important context to anti-Semitism allegations.

Herein we will focus on what seems to be a somewhat elaborate, albeit loosely organized, conspiracy (one hesitates to use the word as arguments are quickly dismissed as conspiracy theories) in the making in which a relatively large number of pro-Israeli factions (both students attending American campuses as well as outside organizations as well as outside monies)are attempting to manipulate and intimidate people so Americans relinquish their right to free speech on American campuses—that is the right to say critical things about peoples and organizations including Jews, Zionists and Israelis.

We begin with a recently published article called “‘New anti-Semitism’ on college campuses is largely blowback against orchestrated Israel advocacy” by by Jeff Warner and Dick Platkin of LA Jews for Peace, found at:

In this revealing article (website Mondoweiss (a great and important website as coming through with these kinds of exposes) has been labeled anti-Semitic too by ADL for printing criticism of Israel) we learn that outsider money was used to influence student election of student regent on UC campus:

“… we have … an extensive written record of Israel-related activism on the UCLA campus. This context includes the intervention of an off-campus businessman and convicted felon, Adam Milstein. Milstein is connected to right-wing Zionist groups and has funneled money through UCLA Hillel to influence student elections and oppose divestment campaigns on the UCLA campus lead by Students for Justice in Palestine UCLA.”

You really need to read this entire article and explore the various hypertext links to related articles so as to begin to realize this operation is in fact a conspiracy (some conspiracies really do happen). Also check out the Wikipedia entry for Adam Milstein (an important player in this drama). Obviously he is only technically an American—every ounce of his efforts is for Israel even at the cost to Americans. Read “Real Estate Developer and Convicted Felon, Adam Milstein’s History of Pro-Israel Fraud” by Richard Silverstein at:

See also this related expose: "Funds to UCLA student political party came from outside sources, leaked emails show" at the Daily Californian:

It starts out:

In a closed session Thursday, University of California Student Association’s system-wide affairs committee discussed whether to investigate allegations that student regent-designate nominee Avi Oved has potential conflicts of interest because of funding allegedly received from Adam Milstein, a heavy supporter of pro-Israel causes.

And then this online article shows some actual emails exchanged between students and donor Adam Milstein. And ironically Milstein doesn’t even hide his outsider intermeddling into college affairs. See: “To defeat BDS, enlist Israeli Americans” by Adam Milstein at:

Read as well:

'We Will Boycott the Boycotters and Make them Illegal 'in which philanthropist and real estate investor Adam Milstein speaks to Arutz Sheva about the recent anti-BDS summit held in Las Vegas, at:

Also see LA Times story from Larry Gordon “UC appoints Jewish student regent amid controversy” at:

There clearly was inappropriate, if not illegal, activity involved in getting a particular student to be the student regent for the University of California. Then later when this student was attending a Regent meeting he used the hypocrisy of anti-Semitic guilt-tripping about how his mother told him to be proud to wear the Star of David (in attempts to destroy the right to criticize Israel’s behavior). Why did the UC Regents allow this to happen—that is allowed him to be appointed under these circumstances? This whole mess needs to be examined more closely and fully investigated.

Some have argued having a pro-Israel student balanced the fact of a Palestinian student regent but this is far more about suppression of speech. The Palestinian student wasn’t trying to make rules that people who criticize Muslims are automatically engaging in hate-speech (which is a standard by many Americans to think of Muslims in negative terms thanks to a lot of Zionist propaganda).

More importantly this is about the right for Americans who are not Muslim or Palestinian to freely criticize Israel and Zionism. Israel already has enormous influence in our mostly gentile country. Israel gets all kinds of aid and all kinds of political favors via our foreign policy and every American has the right and duty to think about the implications and express disapproval if they so feel. This is the important issue—understanding the truth of Zionist practices versus the propaganda face of rhetoric.

It is disingenuous to claim this is merely about some conflict between Israel and Palestine happening on American campuses and that it is something that doesn’t belong here.

Furthermore one of the regular Regents, namely Richard Blum, for the University of California, who is Jewish, has put substantial pressure on the Board to help kill free speech on UC campuses. You can learn more about Richard Blum from the Philip Giraldi & Scott Horton interview referred to earlier in this article (you should really listen to it). Furthermore Blum’s wife, Senator Diane Feinstein, also seems to be putting pressure on this major college campus regarding the right to engage real free speech!

Compare her alleged suggested threats about UC getting federal dollars and can be investigated from a Federal level. That is read the following article for direct relationship to the very idea of politicians who try to regulate what people can say in college environments: “Brooklyn College's academic freedom increasingly threatened over Israel event” by Glenn Greenwald at:

By the way Glenn Greenwald is always worth reading so do not miss another related, relevant and recent article by him: “Anti-Israel Activism Criminalized in the Land of Charlie Hebdo and ‘Free Speech’” at: (another must read).

After reading this “Land of Charlie Hebdo” story you can understand the chilling effect Zionists are after. The Zionist war on free speech is global. This is the real legacy of Zionism as to how it is really acted out—in which the victims are not Jews but any and all other people—an extremely ethnocentric reality.

It is shamefully too bad most Jewish people do not know more of the truth about the history of Zionist efforts since their late 18th century inception—which is darker than most ever suspect. But a good place to begin learning is by reading Sea Shelly’s “Zionists Latest Anti-Semitic Inducing Provocation: Trying to Destroy a Highly Worthy and Sane Nuclear Deal with Iran” by Sea Shelly at:

There is an army of Pro-Israeli propagandists trying to destroy free speech on campuses here in the United States. Read another very important comprehensive essay that goes into a lot of detail “Some Zionists Are Using Exaggerated Hysteria to Destroy Free Speech on UC Campuses” by Grady Grip (a must read as well as there are many references there to check out). Make sure to read it at: Furthermore he does a great job contextualizing this issue to show the stated arguments are hiding the real motives of trying to install a State Department definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ he argues is “not a definition but a jail cell with many iron bars”.

He mentions the many Zionist Campus Watch groups and individually self-appointed censorship cops lurking to see if any student or professor is saying anything negative about Israel, Jews, or Zionism. He writes:

“The real issues are visible to see and they are mostly about people protesting and being angry about Israel’s behavior and policies. If you think the high skepticism of this argument is unlikely consider reviewing the Wikipedia article on the organization called “Campus Watch” at:”

“There is in fact a whole spy system already in operation to spy on anyone that upsets the Zionist propagandic line. The real concern is not real anti-Semitic acts. Rather it is not being able to control the entire narrative about what people are led to believe. This is why the goal is to re-define anti-Semitism to anything that seems hostile to Israel, Zionism, Jews, and equally to any so-called conspiracy theory that calls into question major beliefs people have already been led to believe via previous propagated. Campus Watch is one of several right-wing groups that attempt to limit free, unencumbered speech on campuses—especially speech about politics, and especially about the Middle East. And it should be obvious to those who really take a look at the individuals behind Campus Watch—they are anything but people without a political agenda.”

I do not know how more authoritarian Zionists can become in a supposedly open society—perhaps this is the Israeli version of a democratic society?

Look up “StandWithUs” (also known as "Israel Emergency Alliance”) on Wikipedia to see all the various propaganda organizations they are helping to influence political discussion about the Middle East on American campuses and culture at large. So it is not just many people are involved in suppressing free speech about important matters in American culture—it is also includes a coordinated infrastructure of propaganda mouthpieces as well. This cannot be acceptable to people who want to be free—especially from a country that already more or less extorts billions of dollars of free aid from our tax payers. This is exactly the kind of thing that inspires anti-Semitism in the first place.

As Philip Giraldi writes in his article at Unz.Com:

Criticism of Israel does not just include complaining about the policies of that country’s government. It also has inevitably involved the so-called BDS movement, “boycott-divest-and sanction” which aims to make Israel pay an economic and social price for its behavior, similar to the pressure that was once directed against apartheid South Africa. This second narrative has been cleverly woven into the complaints about “harassment,” labeling any campus calls for BDS ipso facto anti-Semitic and “hurtful.” School authorities have generally been accommodating to claims made by Jewish groups that students are feeling “threatened,” obstructing and intimidating critics of Israel and denying tenure to faculty members who are seen as troublemakers.

This then is the real game plan—using the routine guilt-trips about anti-Semitism to kill any discussion that is related to making people aware of how Israel really performs and trying to do something about Israel’s routine war crimes and apartheid activities. Supposedly the world should just tolerate this status quo for another fifty years—after all, for too many people, the ONLY thing that matters is what Zionists want—everyone and everything else can go to a hellhole (including Constitutional guaranteed rights).

Giraldi further writes:

They have looked the other way as organizations like Canary Mission began exposing college students on its website who are reported to be “anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic” with the deliberate intention of damaging their future employment prospects.

Check out the Canary Mission website. What will Zionists not do to destroy the right to free speech here in the United States (mainstream newspapers already censor a lot of stuff that sheds negative light on Israel—not to mention major newspapers like the New York Times prints falsehoods such as distortions about Iran’s nuclear program).Or their biases are clearly visible when slapping Israel when it should be appropriately kicked in the rear. Where is anyone supposed to get any real idea of what is going on in this world? Our society is already enormously corrupt on many fronts.

Garaldi also wrote:

Stand With Us (SWU) and “Campus Maccabees” are national organizations well-funded by billionaire Sheldon Adelson and SWU has close ties to the Israeli government as does the lawfare center ShuratHaDin, which has filed lawsuits against Muslim and progressive groups on campus. Predictably, Congress and state legislatures have gotten into the act, seeking to pass laws that make it impossible for colleges and universities supported by taxpayer money to fund student groups that call for boycotts.

Besides Campus Hillel being involved in trying to help destroy freedom of speech (even as their advocates claim it is anti-Semitic to question Jewish peoples’ dual loyalties (which too often are not balanced in the favor of the United States) you also have many Hasbara Fellowship students doing the same. See “Israel's universities launch new anti-BDS initiative with Hillel by Ben White at:

So there really is a massive effort, that has being going on over the last years but is now growing fast, to change what you are allowed to say and think about in the land of the supposedly free. This really is a serious issue and is really is an authoritative and true conspiracy. This is not an exaggeration. Many people have already written about it as evidence is shown here in this essay.

Plus we also have the group called Friends of Israel, a right-wing, fundamentalist Christian coalition of naïve Christians organizing to advocate for banning free speech on Israel’s behalf (as if they really needed more help from the goy gentile).

But what makes this all particularly disturbing is the nature of the moral constitutions of people who get appointed to boards like the Board of Regents of the University of California. Many are successful people who have climbed the corporate ladder (or equally successful in the nonprofit world). They are more the “scratch their backs” kinds of people willing to compromise to get advancement. These are not true grit people who will readily dig their heels to the ground when things get a little tough—especially from well-organized Jewish pressure groups that always claim the moral high ground and paint endless portraits of Jewish victim-hood.

This whole issue of manipulating who is on the board of regents and how they operate needs a different approach to remedy, as well as public display of displeasure as it so much deserves (especially from journalists who have been too silent on this matter).News people didn’t seem to have much of a problem advocating for traitors like Judith Miller of the NYT’s being allowed free speech rights (even though she deliberately lied like a criminal to the American people and helped take us into an illegal war in Iraq (for Zionist purposes)).

Perhaps we Americans need a variety of lawsuits for our own “lawfare” program and purposes?

Maybe the feds, like the FBI, should look into this story, not because the UC gets federal funds but because illegalities have occurred and have been overlooked as were hid under the rug with the typical rationalizing rhetoric. Why is Feinstein’s husband as a controversial investment banker who seems to exploit his relationship with his wife senator for insider profiteering, even on the board of a college university? What kind of back-scratching has he engaged?

Americans need to wise-up to these kinds of insidious strategies being waged by Israelis and Zionist organizations with their money against our core First Amendment rights and principles of our own people and governance. This is more hubris than anyone has a right to assume.

What news company would sit back and allow these outsiders to create laws that say they have no rights to criticize Israeli behaviors and policies (and their many war crimes and repressive practices).

It’s time for a major immunological reaction against the pernicious violation to our freedom and integrity. The fact is too many Zionists have not earned our trust—it’s time to spell that out. They helped lie us into the war with Iraq, as well as Syria, and equally they want more war with Iran and they equally engage in lies as disinformation about Iran as well. It’s time for young Jewish people, as well as others, to wake up to all the lies the Zionist movements have been spreading over the decades.

We Americans have a right and a duty to speak truth and have it heard as a right to associate!

Secrecy Surrounds Attempts to Kill Free Speech on University of California Campuses

Citizen Sane

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