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A Link between Nazi Skinheads, Human Trafficking and Homicide in the U.S.

the author | 08.07.2015 07:47 | Anti-racism | World

In the United States, a manifesto written by a Nazi Skinhead ties him to a human trafficking ring, the harassment of African Americans and more. The following article explains his role in these activities.

A Neo-Nazi, Human Trafficker and Killer*
*Note : I will cross reference a manifesto written by this dangerous neo-Nazi. It is both attached and posted at the end of this article.
Introduction and Background Information

Before you begin reading this document, you need to understand the basic assumptions behind this document. I encountered a person who engages in human trafficking, or modern day slavery. For women, human trafficking frequently means being broken down to be an unpaid and abused prostitute. For men, human trafficking usually means having someone use or profit from the free labor of a person who is owned as a slave.

In the cases of women enslaved in the sex trade, the traffickers entrap women through offering economic opportunity, entry to the United States for refuges and immigrants, marriage, or other ruses to entrap women against their will into slavery.

Immigrants are frequently targets of these schemes but human trafficking does not just happen to immigrants. American citizens who are female are just as frequently victimized as immigrants. Traffickers who seek out American women will use gang rape, severe trauma or entrapment to break down a woman to where she can be controlled.

Regardless of how a victim is entrapped, usually the victim is targeted for not other reason than they can be and this is done to economically benefit the criminal who controls these victims.

It is never a matter of a victims willingness in these instances. Traffickers use deception, violent, extreme abuse or any other method which will work to make the trafficker a profit.

Human trafficking is a worsening problem. Maybe it gets ignored because people assume it only happens in foreign country, or that human trafficking merely refers to bringing people across national boundaries.

Maybe a better term to use is modern day slavery. No matter what you call it, it is the same thing- people who use whatever means they can to get a human being to work for nothing so that the "owner" of this person can get money and power.

The man who attempted to coerce me into slavery, brags in a document he wrote that owning slaves elevates "one's social status," though the reason for why this person would say this seems unclear.

Even United States citizens are at risk for getting trafficked. When it is accounted for how extreme violence is used against victims to break their will, you could argue that many people are not immune to this exploitation.

I think it is important for people to be aware of this problem. This helps in terms of deterring crime and protecting people from exploitation.

Lack of awareness creates the perfect medium for this crime to persist.

I had the misfortune to have human traffickers who knew of both my economic situation and of my being disabled, isolated and disenfranchised from autoimmune disease. I, unfortunately, in an effort to survive, spoke with women in my same predicament at the homeless shelter about our predicament when human traffickers were present.

At the time I had no idea that what I was doing was dangerous because I was completely unfamiliar with the problem of human trafficking. Even with the man who attacked and stalked me, I knew something was wrong with his intent, but I could make no sense of what the actual problem was.

I made the mistake of being overconfident in thinking that if there was danger I could outwit and survive this person. I had no idea as to the extent of the danger I was in. Namely, my perception of this individual with criminal aspirations was that he was just some hobo.

I had no idea this person had huge social and political sway in this area. So my miscalculations in regards to him cost me dearly. Still, I legitimately had a right to have some confidence in myself. I actually did come from a dangerous city myself and had survival strategies which had worked sufficiently in the area which I hailed from.

However, all the abilities I had and "street smarts" I possessed were from an area which didn't have a huge human trafficking problem. Given that this problem was alien to me, I made numerous mistakes in how I handled myself there in St. Paul.

Post facto, when it was too late, I understood that to survive human traffickers involves keeping any fact about you which makes you vulnerable, private. Silence is golden when it comes to combating human traffickers.

I also failed to recognize just how organized and well backed these criminals who human traffick can be. I had acquaintances when the events I describe occurred who knew this reality better than I did. One person actually admitted in a vague sense that to come out and fight those people out in the open was a recipe for failure.

Unfortunately for me, this person knew exactly what was going on, but was unwilling to confront the offenders directly. Also he failed to call it human trafficking outright. I still don't know the purpose his vague descriptions of the problem. I can't tell whether he supposed I was familiar enough with human trafficking to interpret his subtle hints about it accurately or if he was afraid he'd get in trouble if he called it this outright.

Either way, three weeks before I fled that shelter for my life, this person, Greg, did give me enough of a clue about it all for me to guess the problem. Still, by then it was too late for me to be able to act to protect myself.

So, yes, I did figure out after the fact it was human traffickers who were manipulating me and the other women at that homeless shelter.

Autoimmune disease
Autoimmune disease primarily effects women. Due to biases which are sort of sexist in the medical profession women will frequently not get the treatment for these conditions. The outdated attitudes about women not being able to tolerate pain and being overly emotional still exist today, and unfortunately have bearing on our access to pain control.

I'd moved up to Minnesota with the goal of getting superior medical care here. I have received just this, but this did not come without putting me into a situation to which I may never fully escape from.

It has become of utmost importance to me to research fully the extent of my trafficker's activities in both trafficking and other areas. I hope that this work will help other people.

I know I am dealing with a wholly evil and sick man. After my nightmarish experience with him, nothing I have since learned about him and his possible activities really surprises me all that much.

Human traffickers use techniques to control their victims. Human traffickers use physical violence, threats to harm or murder family members, rape and gang rape to traumatize women and men to the point they are broken. Once such a level of traumatization sets in, people lose their sense of who they are.

Trauma lends people to emotionally shut down. Emotions are what motivate human beings, more than thought. If you cannot feel anger, you cannot mount a defense in your own behalf. If you cannot feel love or trust, your bonds to other people also suffer. Emotions are just as much a part of what makes us human, as thought, reasoning, or intelligence.

Also, the ability to feel fear and manage it suffers at the hands of severe trauma and fear does serve to keep us away from danger. Never mind that fear sometimes appears over situations which don't merit it, but usually only after trauma does this become an issue.

When trauma occurs, I don't care who you are, the event seems unreal and separate from reality. Our emotions bind us to reality. Human traffickers know this so what they seek to do is shell shock their victims quickly and violently.

Maybe I actually fared better because I'm good at keeping a clear head in crisis and translating my fear into action. Still, I almost got taken, got disappeared. Worse, my adversaries haven't given up. I wonder if they ever will.

A human trafficker also tries to learn all they can about their victims to control them or will transport them around the U.S. and even into foreign countries so their victims become separated from support networks.

Human traffickers frequently seek out women who are new to a particular city or of whom are away from home on vacation. It is easier to find a woman who lacks social support and other necessary resources.

Also, it is easier for the human trafficker to talk about their victims when a woman lacks people who can vouch for her.

These facts certainly played a role in what happened to me. Due to the circumstances I detail below, a human trafficker posed as a friend to me, showed me around a city I had just arrived in and tried to learn all he could about me for nefarious purposes.

It seems that my willingness to assist a sexual assault victim at a shelter me and the victim stayed at, made me the focus of this effort to harm and control me.

I will describe now the circumstances where I offered assistance to that sexual assault victim at that shelter, since this seems to be what made me a target.

When I first came here to the Twin Cities, I met a man named Frank Marzitelli. He offered to show me a bike co-op he supposedly did volunteer work for.

I wasn't really interested in going down there with him. He seemed a charlatan, and carried himself like a salesman. That put me off of the idea of checking out the bike co-op with him. I repeatedly said "no" to the offer and went about my business.

That was until things started getting weird at the shelter. A friend of mine Jennifer was sexually assaulted at the shelter by a man named Thomas Cloud. She told us, her friends which consisted of me, two men who ran a bible study and Pat, a woman with fibromyalgia, her daughter, Joanna who had fibromyalgia and another woman, Pat who had chronic fatigue syndrome and Sjogren's syndrome, all of the above being autoimmune diseases.

The two men from bible study were older. One was Greg, who actually was aware of the strangeness going on at that shelter, and for the most part generally helpful.

The other was some odd guy who never bathed, name Tim. When Jennifer was assaulted, we all tried to help her. We told staff but they didn't call the police, nor did they kick the perpetrator out of the shelter. We kept pressing to have something done. I suggested calling the police.

They were called out but the perp wasn't arrested though he was a registered sex-offender. The police said they needed one of our phone numbers and they would call back. I had my phone going for 3 days, but I had a crappy AT&T pay as you go plan because there were no Cricket stores in the Twin Cities. Jennifer's phone wasn't working then either, so the call was missed. We all said she ought to get a protection order against Tim.

After we called the police, the shelter finally kicked the man out but it was only for 2 days. It started becoming apparent nothing would happen. Since really no one was helping and Greg had to take up the slack. I got in the center of it all since I expected justice to be pretty straightforward. Not like it ever is in Minnesota, I just didn't know that then.

Now the Pat with fibromyalgia started hanging out with that strange guy Tim. Greg knew something strange was going on there.

Greg eyed Tim's behavior suspiciously, likely for good reason. It turned out that Tim was friends with Frank later on. Tim was pursuing some sort of sexual funny business with Pat, which involved taking advantage of her untreated fibromyalgia by getting her pain pills.

Also, Jennifer, Greg and I began to question Tim's fantastic story in regards to his wife's death. I looked him up online, during the thick of all those events. I found an article about his wife's death. Tim said he and his wife he claimed had a suicide pact, and took a bunch of pain pills, but he somehow lived. I showed it to Jennifer, Greg and Joanna but not Pat. She was in Tim's thrall.

Even the story told by Tim of his wife's death in the paper didn't seem plausible to readers of the story online when the incident occurred. Tim said he took 90 Vicodin pills and still lived. Greg kept saying no one takes that many pills and lives. The readers of the story weren't buying it either.

About this point, things got really weird. Tim prior to this posed as a friend to me too, but had actually interfered with me getting into a room I wanted to rent by stealing a business card I had with the contact number for the building manager of the building.

After I dredged up that article online regarding his wife's death, Tim kept following me around, staring at me and otherwise trying to intiimidate me. This is also when Frank shows up in a big way. Frank offered to help out with the mess and it turns out he was friend's with Tim.

It was as if they were playing "good cop, bad cop" with me and when Frank pretended to help me and Jennifer, he actually showed up to protect his buddies and monkeywrench us getting Tim and Tom in trouble. Greg observed, without getting down to specific details, "They are playing divide and conquer with the women."

Greg never accounted for who he meant by "they" but he had the sense to back off at this point. I think he got these individuals and what their business was and knew enough not to openly challenge these people. That was sense I didn't have.

During all of this, Joanna tried to help Pat. At around the point I had to flee the shelter because of Frank and the threat he posed, I heard the last time I spoke to Joanna that someone had offered Pat a place to live outside the shelter, but that person came to demand she pay rent with sex. Joanna said that drove Pat to try to kill herself and when I was there that day, Pat was still at the hospital recuperating. She did manage to seriously harm herself.

I feel bad because I had to walk away from friends to save my self. I've been told I did the smartest thing I could have done and still I don't like that I did that. I don't cower, I certainly don't abandon friends. I know it was too dangerous. At that point Frank had already harmed me and nothing short of saving a life could drive me back up in harms way. Still it makes me mad because it was all their strategy in the first place. I was played. We all were.

In hindsight, I very much had the impression that something was really, really rotten with that shelter. In unprecedented fashion, it did not kick out a resident who'd sexually assaulted a woman. Later, that other women I knew down there was invited by someone at the shelter to move in with them. Then it came to pass, the man who'd invited her in to stay for free was demanding sexual favors in return for the rent. This woman was kind and intelligent and this situation drove her to literally trying to kill her self. I've since heard that shelters are places human traffickers here gravitate to. My experience indeed shows this to be the case.

Frank's tendency to talk about very, very odd things. One example was how he talked about how he was ¼ black. Frank is obsessed about this and this isn't too strong of a word. Frank is seemingly not proud of being black.

He criticizes African Americans frequently. Yet if you confront him about how what he's saying is racist, then he will claim that he can't be because he is ¼ black. Such absurdities can lead you to think of him as just a really confused individual. This was a mistake for me to assume this. It's a mistake for anyone to assume this about him. Until you know the truth, and how twisted his truth really is, then his odd rants have a direct tie to reality; a reality he's eager to confuse people about and for good reason.

Frank is an individual you have to do your homework on as a result of his dishonesty. Pieces of this puzzle have tended to get solved by relying upon sources other than Frank's own words. For example, someone told me that a year before I knew him, in 2010, he was a skinhead.

This piece of the puzzle was enlightening. Franks strange anomalies like wearing suspenders under his clothes, which he called, "workman's suspenders" began to make sense finally. I was able to do something with this information, once I had it. I figured he was a racist skinhead, but I knew next to nothing about the specifics on how he was able to be a racist skinhead and part black. I figured his usefulness maybe outweighed his background.

If you knew nothing about skinheads, the idea of a part black skinhead is preposterous. However, when you learn that there is a group of skinheads in Chicago called, "The Chicago Mafia Skinheads," and according to an email antiracists exposed online and that they allow someone who is ¼ black even though they are racists, the mystery disappears.

Truth is funny in that the greater your knowledge base, the easier it is to find truth.

I find myself in an ongoing project to figure this man out in order to maintain my freedom- literally. I had problems to contend with like harassment from other people than just him. I had to learn why this was. I had to learn how he became so skillful at psychological warfare through email. I had to learn how he learned to construct those emails that got me nowhere when I showed them to police. I had to learn why a diverse crowd in St. Paul was willing to do his bidding. I had to learn what made him so mind numbingly cocky that he felt he could describe his activities (albeit loosely) in a book.

I'm still seeking out these answers and there is no choice for me about this. Unless you can explain clearly why something is happening you will get no help in solving the problem. So I had to do my homework and read about human trafficking. Initially I didn't know what that was, nor did I understand the implications of the problem I was facing. All I can say is that it may have saved my life to put the time into this that I did.

I knew Frank had help; that he wasn't working alone. I had no idea who was helping him or why. Gangs seemed the only possibility. However, I knew nothing of gangs. My city thankfully doesn't have much of a problem with them. I had little to go on as to whom he could be working with. Aside from some tattoos and geographical locations he took me to on our bikes I had nothing to go on.

I knew there were two gangs in the metro St. Paul area; one was called, "the East Side Boys," and the other the "Selby Siders." The problem was that he took me on bike trails in both easterly and westerly directions in St. Paul. One day while I was riding along a trail on the east side of St. Paul I saw a sight that bothered me. It was a gang type man riding a bike along with a female, who was younger than him and pretty. She also looked scared and the man overly confident. Regardless, if it was just innocent or not, I became very, very attuned to my surroundings in this area. This was further along that trail than Frank ever took me. I also noticed some graffiti along the trail, although this portion of it was in an area that was clearly suburban.

I took a good look at some of it and then went home and went online to see if I could identify the gang in charge of the area based upon graffiti alone. This I thought would help in other ways too, like knowing what areas to avoid. This turned into a project in and of itself. There is not a lot of information about regional St. Paul graffiti out there.

One day by typing "images of Selby Sider" graffiti into a search engine I found myself led toa different website than one providing information about gangs. This website pertained to a problem of unsolved murders in which the victims were found drowned in various areas. I happened to be looking at a discussion which was in mid flight about the disappearance of a local man named Dan Zamlen. This page mentioned the Ford Street Bridge. I already knew that place. A bike trail dips right under it. Frank took me riding along that bike trail one day. Frank also camps out at night along the river in various spots going west from St. Paul into Minneapolis. I rode that trail once on my own after dumping Frank and was scared I'd run into him the entire way. I was particularly wary of the Ford Street bridge because I was mindful of Frank using that River Road trail and on that day I saw a gang member type walking down its steps when I was alone there and the visibility sucks along the trail there.

Honestly, I didn't expect much to come from reading that. The trouble is that the link to the image was strangely absent. This turned into a futile search for graffiti links, but nonetheless I learned that these pretty residential areas that Frank took me too do indeed have a side to them that is not nice. I never thought of these areas like around the bike trail as nice, ever, because of Frank. In that way I had the advantage of being a traumatized outsider, in that I've learned not to accept anything at face value in the Twin Cities.

I read more about the Dan Zamlen case and then what started as gang homework turned into me becoming stunned at how this man just disappeared one night out of the blue. I read discussion of dropped phone calls, futile searches and the chilling discovery of his ultimate fate. I kept thinking, "its got to be a gang—whoever did that did graffiti and what sort of ordinary person, even a serial killer, keeps spray paint on hand?"
I kept reading and when I got past the point they were talking about Dan I started back at the beginning of the comments section at page one. Right on page one I saw someone making a crazy statement I heard Frank make numerous times to me verbally and in his damned book—that "being ¼ black makes you black in society's eyes."

Except this particular Frank-sounding statement was online in a long discussion about a number of drowning deaths that in my mind were simply too suspicious for at least me to buy the line that they reasonably could be accidents. Frank always bemoaned that his barely black lineage mattered in some substantial way to the world around him. He doesn't even look black, so I never got what the big deal was for him about this.

I figure like so much about him, there is a specific reason behind it, namely that he is from Chicago, was a skinhead, still is a racist and there is a racist skinhead group in Chicago that although they posture at being anti-racist local antiracists have much to bring to the table to say otherwise. This isn't stuff a normal person can even hope to guess at. I could not guess at it either and it is even stranger that that I learned of the Chicago Mafia Skinheads from that blog on the drowning murders.

I think I need to say here that an Illinois/Indiana area skinhead, was busted just recently for ordering a hit on someone. Here is a recount of this little nasty faux pas by racists in Frank's home turf:


"Last week, Warsaw Police charged several subjects involved in a white supremacist hit on a local individual.

The investigation began on May 25, when Warsaw Police narcotics officers, along with the Indiana State Police, acted on a tip of a methamphetamine lab in Warsaw. During the meth lab investigation, officers found that a local gang member had ordered an “SOS” (Shoot/Smash on Site) hit. The hit was confirmed through various sources and the individuals involved were identified.

On Thursday, June 11, Warsaw Police located, Ryan Kauffman, who was the alleged hitman, and took him into custody. Kauffman, 33 years old, of Warsaw, had a firearm in his possession along with methamphetamine.

Kauffman was arrested and transported to the Kosciusko County Jail where he is being held on the following felony charges: conspiracy to commit felony aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, criminal gang activity, possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon and possession of methamphetamine. He is being held on a $500,000 bond with a parole hold.

Also located and charged are:

*Mark Holbrook, 37 years old, of Warsaw, is being held on charges of conspiracy to commit felony
aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, criminal gang activity and dealing Methamphetamine. He is being held in the Kosciusko County Jail on a $500,000 bond with a parole hold.

*Stacy Sult, 39 years old, of Bourbon, is being held on charges of conspiracy to commit felony aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and criminal gang activity. She is being held in the Kosciusko County Jail on a $500,000 bond.
The investigation is ongoing. Additional charges and arrests are pending further investigation. Warsaw Police were assisted in their investigation by the Indiana State Police and the Kosciusko County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office."
Posted by southsideantifa at 1:43 PM

It is so important to understand these skinheads just aren't guys who go out and drink together, that they pose a threat to the public and really do kill people. This why all of what I share here matters. People have been severely harmed by these people, shot at by them, drowned by them in the Chicago area.

Here is another article about Chicago Nazi skinheads demonstrating they are murderers:
Four People Charged in Racially Motivated Stabbing in Canaryville
Taken from Dailykos:

Kristina Fox, a 30-year-old administrative assistant, alongside her younger brother, was beaten and stabbed repeatedly in her back and face while being called "nigger" repeatedly by a racist mob of white men and women in Taylor-Lauridsen Park in Canaryville. Fox told her horrific story on Facebook from the hospital and recently did her first television interview, seen below, as she recovers:

On the morning of Saturday, May 30, 2015, my little brother, Marcus Fox, my daughter's father, Darrius Walton, and myself were sitting in Taylor Lauridsen Park conversing with 3 Caucasian people we had just met (Courtney, Kevin, and Jodie). Everyone was having a nice time.

Approximately 7-9 more Caucasian people arrived in the park. My little brother being the social butterfly he is introduced himself and began chatting with the new arrivals. After about 30 minutes, one of the guys out of the group we initially met and another from the group that arrived later got into a verbal altercation with each other. My little brother tried to calm things down but this soon escalated as everyone began jumping on him. It was at this point things turned for the worse as he and I fought this massive group of Caucasians consisting of both men and women.

They were throwing glass bottles, crutches, bricks, and anything else they could find at us. As we continued to fight through this crowd of assailants to get away, more Caucasians came from out of nowhere and joined in brutally attacking us delivering closed fist blows and kicks to our bodies and head. We began the fight of our lives.
This MOB of around 20 Caucasians beat us until we were unable to move and left us laying in the park. My brother & I sustained multiple injuries. I was stabbed eleven times, eight times in the back & right shoulder, twice in the face & once in the head (which the knife was left lodged by one of the perpetrators).

My brother was stabbed nine times, along his back, right side with one of the wounds causing him to have a punctured lung. NO ARRESTS have been made and the only publicity this received was an irresponsibly written 97 word article in the Chicago Sun-Times riddled with incorrect information.

If the roles were reversed and had this been a mob of African Americans attacking two Caucasians this would have garnered immediate attention and been plastered EVERYWHERE. We have contacted news stations & have not heard back from anyone. This further proves that America believes- BLACK LIVES DON’T MATTER. Please HELP US GET JUSTICE for this hate crime! Please help us show that OUR BLACK LIVES MATTER! #‎BlackLivesMatter Please help us share our story.

Four people have been charged.
Taken from ABC 7:

I have had a Chicago Mafia skinhead ,Frank Marzitelli himself threaten to kill me. He had is buddy Andrew make a gun gesture at me and call me a snitch. Right now he's busy trying to make good on it; and I am busy trying to prove he and his thug buddies are too stupid to win against any activist, any antifa, anyone who ever cared about people, social justice, and human rights. So far I'm winning and therefore we are winning.

I do have friends inantiracists groups and have been an activist so I was able to do more with knowing what tools and resources are out there. I found an article about the liberated diary of a Chicago Mafia Skinhead named Scott Erik Kriske. In this document, there is a part where Kriske is explaining the rules for membership in the Chicago Mafia Skinheads. This document on its second page said the requirement to join their racist group is to be at least 75% white.

We've already been there about Frank's obsession with being one quarter black. It seems like he is bent out of shape that he might not be accepted by his peer group. I just tear up at the thought; a poor bonehead wanting to belong, but being unable to because he is black. I bet he stays up all night whimpering over it, which is why he feels the need to make the rest of us listen to that crap. He tried to enslave me and brutalized me to get me to ignore that he's a piece of crap. Even still, it didn't work. Poor Frank!

Activists and members of South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action have unearthed conclusive information that the Chicago Mafia Skins are racist, sexist and violent. Just like Frank, white supremacists try to pretend that they are just peaceful people and not violent. Maybe the idea is that if you are something so blatantly evil, you need to twist and sugarcoat your activities so people do not take action to stop your activities. Genuinely peaceful people do not need to launch public relations-type damage control measures such as trolling the internet to interfere with people drawing their own logical conclusions. With dangerous groups or people, it is entirely another matter. I think I should stress that white supremacist groups frequently engage in trolling one left leaning forums and discussion groups.

This being the case, I wasn't surprised to article I read about John Haley, a Chicago Mafia Skinhead who drowned an Asian fisherman and given the nominal charge of manslaughter for this simply because he was intoxicated when he did it. This man had a history of racial violence and had attacked an Asian fisherman before, so this sentence was pretty light.

The man who tried to break me down to traffick me also made many threats about what would happen if I helped this other girl. Also, he and others did other things to play "divide and conquer" with the women there as one acquaintance explained it.

Later this acquaintance who warned me about this also mentioned Frank had "taken me out (on a bike ride) to exercise me." Knowing nothing about human trafficking at the time, this sounded like a very strange thing for anyone to say. This is maybe why I think it is so important to become educated on this issue.

Human trafficking profitable, so human trafficking is a rapidly expanding problem. Right now, ordinary street gangs are abandoning the drug trade and participating more and more in this crime. Presently, already established street gangs, like Crips, Bloods and Vice Lords, have been apprehended and arrested for human trafficking activity. This activity is quickly replacing drug trafficking activity among ordinary street gangs since easier to get away with than drug trafficking.

This is because there is an established police presence curtailing the ability of street gangs to get away with drug trafficking. Yet, beating and raping women into silence and submission for a 100% profit to the traffickers is strangely easier for them. There are very few police departments focused specifically on stopping human trafficking and most state and federal laws offer little punishment of this crime. Also, human trafficking is a highly profitable activity. A human trafficker and earn upwards of a couple thousand dollars a day on any victim hostage. If the trafficker becomes afraid he is arousing suspicion from local police, he will just move his victims to another location and start fresh there.

These factors can be attributed to the rapid escalation of the problem in recent years.
Human traffickers target women who are American citizens and women abroad.

As for overseas victims, these women usually come from poor countries. The victims often will be lured to the United States by men on the Internet offering job opportunities, relationships or just amnesty from their own nation for opportunity to stay in the United States.

Once the victim comes to the United States, it is too late for her to turn back. The trafficker will often seize her passport, green card or other identity papers which make her lose all ability to function independently. Also, with more and more frequency, illegal immigrants from Mexico, both male and female are becoming victims of human traffickers.

There was a news story about traffickers obtaining a house in a Texas suburb, boarding up the windows and using it to house male illegal immigrants. One video shows the traffickers walking around with firearms pointed at illegal immigrants who are starving and bleeding to keep them in line.
People in this neighborhood didn't have any idea anything criminal is happening in there.

Oftentimes, the people holding these immigrants against their will are also engaging in extortion of the victim's family back in Mexico, usually for supposed "coyote fees."

Often, women from Mexico who are forced to work as sex slaves, are so ashamed of what they did, despite it being against their will, if they escape and return home they don't tell their families about. This means too, that these victims are less likely to call home and plea for help from family.

If the woman is an illegal immigrant, their abusers can use their illegal status as leverage to control their victims with. This also makes it less likely for the victim to call the police. This probably explains why there is presently more and more exploitation of illegal immigrants from Mexico being documented. Unfortunately, violence is used to control slaves regardless of where the victims originate. Just like in the 1800's often sadistic violence or torture is used as a means to render human beings into plaint profit machines for sick, greedy individuals.

This is the reality in America right now in 2012: there are more people in slavery today than any other time in history. The problem of slavery is not one for the history books; it is a modern day problem.
Frank Marzitelli

When I first came here to the Twin Cities, I met a man named Frank Marzitelli. He offered to show me a bike co-op he supposedly did volunteer work for.

I wasn't really interested in going down there with him. He seemed a charlatan, and carried himself like a salesman. That put me off of the idea of checking out the bike co-op with him. I repeatedly said "no" to the offer and went about my business.

That was until things started getting weird at the shelter. A friend of mine Jennifer was sexually assaulted at the shelter by a man named Thomas Cloud. She told us, her friends which consisted of me, two men who ran a bible study and Pat, a woman with fibromyalgia, her daughter, Joanna who had fibromyalgia and another woman, Pat who had chronic fatigue syndrome and Sjogren's syndrome, all of the above being autoimmune diseases.

The two men from Bible study were older. One was Greg, who actually was aware of the strangeness going on at that shelter, and for the most part generally helpful.

The other was some odd guy who never bathed, name Tim. When Jennifer was assaulted, we all tried to help her. We told staff but they didn't call the police, nor did they kick the perpetrator out of the shelter. We kept pressing to have something done. I suggested calling the police.

They were called out but the perpetrator wasn't arrested though he was a registered sex-offender. The police said they needed one of our phone numbers and they would call back. I had my phone going for 3 days, but I had a crappy AT&T pay as you go plan because there were no Cricket stores in the Twin Cities. Jennifer's phone wasn't working then either, so the call was missed. We all said she ought to get a protection order against Tim.

After we called the police, the shelter finally kicked the man out but it was only for 2 days. It started becoming apparent nothing would happen. Since really no one who worked at the shelter was helping, Greg, I and other friends of Jennifer had to take up the slack. I got in the center of it all since I expected justice to be pretty straightforward. Not like it ever is in Minnesota, I just didn't know that then.

Now the Pat with fibromyalgia started hanging out with that strange guy Tim. Greg knew something strange was going on there.

Greg eyed Tim's behavior suspiciously, likely for good reason. It turned out that Tim was friends with Frank later on. Tim was pursuing some sort of sexual funny business with Pat, which involved taking advantage of her untreated fibromyalgia by getting her pain pills.

About the time Tim was acting suspicious, Frank invited me to go the bicycle co-op and I went. I was getting tired of all the stressful events at the shelter. I decided it was too much and that I needed to work on getting out of the shelter and acquainted with normal people in the normal world.

Going to that bike co-op sounded exactly like what I felt I needed to be doing. So I accepted Frank's offer to go there, pushing to the back of my mind that Frank seemed superficial, fake and overbearing.

He took me to the bike co-op and there he assisted in teaching me about the resources then. I needed to get the bicycle I had fixed. The tensioner on the chain was broken and not working. Once I got this repaired at the co-op I was able to go bike riding.

Frank offered to help me show where places were to ride there. So far I had zero familiarity with St. Paul and Minneapolis. I thought that I could benefit from getting familiar with St. Paul.

I must stress just how draining and disturbing life at the shelter was getting. I actually heard someone joke about how life in the shelter felt like living in a bubble, separate from the real world, with its own bizarre rules and problems.

The person was right. I felt myself acclimating to the bizarre situation in that shelter, where life proceeded like some sort of nightmare rather than everyday reality.

It was a situation where most all the people had some drug or alcohol problem. The population of residents would thin out after the first of the month, when the residents had money and would stay in hotels and or drink or drug to their hearts content and then return to the shelter.

It was hard finding people there who had higher aspirations or were homeless and staying there because of hard luck alone. I met one inspiring African American kid who was going to college and doing his homework at the shelter. Given the daily chaos of that dysfunctional place, it was a small miracle this youth managed to do this.

It helped me muster the determination to transcend the situation and get out in the world. The tragedy, for me, is that my own plan to get to back to the real world, so to speak, was used and exploited by sabotaging, manipulative Frank.
I also look at the larger tragedy here, which is at this shelter women were actively targeted by a resident population of human traffickers. I am guessing that this funny business was enabled by peope there. Personally I don't care for the idea that the minute something goes to where a woman winds up homeless in that area that immediately that women becomes a target for the most sick form of predators.

Which is not to say that due to how ubiquitous human trafficking is in the Twin Cities, that a woman need be homeless to encounter these criminals. Actually, my initial contact in the human trafficking task force I assisted in St. Cloud, MN, who was solidly middle class and helping law enforcement had her own daughter targeted by human traffickers.

So to cast it as a problem only affecting the poor or disadvantaged, is incorrect. It does mean that being homeless, even as briefly as I was, ups your chances of being targeted some 150%. There needs to be direct intervention with women who are homeless in the Twin Cities, to where women in the most danger of these predators, need to be warned of the problem and given strategies to avoid counting themselves as victims.

It actually has bothered me for years, that Pat, the women who the traffickers drove to attempt suicide, said she had a real job and made $35,000 a year before she came down sick with fibromyalgia. What happened with her disturbs me to this day. I finally had met someone smart enough not to judge me as defective over sleep deprivation.

That is because she had been through as much as it as I had. In fact, she educated me on some things that were symptoms, like having seizures from it. I had a seizure from sleep loss back in 2002. She not only supported me over getting sleep deprived from being awoken from physical pain from autoimmune disease, she had walked in my shoes.

It meant something meeting people in the same boat as me. Yet, all our talk and efforts to overcome our mutual situations only served to alert human traffickers we had a vulnerability they could exploit.

As for the shelter, and the surreal feel of life in that place, the nature of it is more akin to what you see in ghettos, where life is unfair, unpredictable, and where normal rules go out the window. I felt my expectations of life and people lower as each incident occurred and no real justice was ever meted out.

Also, Jennifer, Greg and I began to question Tim's fantastic story in regards to his wife's death. I looked him up online, during the thick of all those events. I found an article about his wife's death. Tim said he and his wife he claimed had a suicide pact, and took a bunch of pain pills, but he somehow lived. I showed it to Jennifer, Greg and Joanna but not Pat. She was in Tim's thrall.

Even the story told by Tim of his wife's death in the paper didn't seem plausible to readers of the story online when the incident occurred. Tim said he took 90 Vicodin pills and still lived. Greg kept saying no one takes that many pills and lives. The readers of the story weren't buying it either.

About this point, things got really weird. Tim prior to this posed as a friend to me too, but had actually interfered with me getting into a room I wanted to rent by stealing a business card I had with the contact number for the building manager of the building.

After I dredged up that article online regarding his wife's death, Tim kept following me around, staring at me and otherwise trying to intimidate me. This is also when Frank shows up in a big way. Frank offered to help out with the mess and it turns out he was friend's with Tim.

It was as if they were playing "good cop, bad cop" with me and when Frank pretended to help me and Jennifer, he actually showed up to protect his buddies and monkey-wrench us getting Tim and Tom in trouble. Greg observed, without getting down to specific details, "They are playing divide and conquer with the women."

Frank used my desperate attempt to get help with this unraveling situation. He offers to play the friend and the hero by helping out in what actually wasn't a helpful way. He'd drag me along on bicycle rides.

I only trusted going on these bike rides because people at the bicycle co-op for some damned reason thought he was great. Later, when I found out he wasn't just a human trafficker but a murderer of epic proportions I lost complete faith in the judgment of people at the bicycle co-op.

Greg never accounted for who he meant by "they" but he had the sense to back off at this point. I think he got these individuals and what their business was and knew enough not to openly challenge these people. That was sense I didn't have.

During all of this, Joanna tried to help Pat. At around the point I had to flee the shelter because of Frank and the threat he posed, I heard the last time I spoke to Joanna that someone had offered Pat a place to live outside the shelter, but that person came to demand she pay rent with sex. Joanna said that drove Pat to try to kill herself and when I was there that day, Pat was still at the hospital recuperating. She did manage to seriously harm herself.

I feel bad because I had to walk away from all those people to save myself from Frank. I've been told I did the smartest thing I could have done and still I don't like that I did that. It was too dangerous. At that point Frank had already harmed me and nothing short of saving a life could drive me back up in harms way. Still it makes me mad because it was all their strategy in the first place.

In hindsight, I very much had the impression that something was really, really rotten with that shelter. In unprecedented fashion, it did not kick out a resident who'd sexually assaulted a woman. Later, that other women I knew down there was invited by someone at the shelter to move in with them.

Then it came to pass, the man who'd invited her in to stay for free was demanding sexual favors in return for the rent. This woman was kind and intelligent and this situation drove her to literally trying to kill her self. I've since heard that shelters are places human traffickers here gravitate to. My experience indeed shows this to be the case.

Frank's tendency to talk about very, very odd things. One example was how he talked about how he was ¼ black. Frank is obsessed about this and this isn't too strong of a word. Frank is seemingly not proud of being black.

He criticizes African Americans frequently. Yet if you confront him about how what he's saying is racist, then he will claim that he can't be because he is ¼ black. Such absurdities can lead you to think of him as just a really confused individual. This was a mistake for me to assume this. It's a mistake for anyone to assume this about him. Until you know the truth, and how twisted his truth really is, then his odd rants have a direct tie to reality; a reality he's eager to confuse people about and for good reason.

Frank is an individual you have to do your homework on as a result of his dishonesty. Pieces of this puzzle have tended to get solved by relying upon sources other than Frank's own words. For example, someone told me that a year before I knew him, in 2010, he was a skinhead.

This piece of the puzzle was enlightening. Franks strange anomalies like wearing suspenders under his clothes, which he called, "workman's suspenders" began to make sense finally. I was able to do something with this information, once I had it. I figured he was a racist skinhead, but I knew next to nothing about the specifics on how he was able to be a racist skinhead and part black. I figured his usefulness maybe outweighed his background.

If you knew nothing about skinheads, the idea of a part black skinhead is preposterous. However, when you learn that there is a group of skinheads in Chicago called, "The Chicago Mafia Skinheads," and according to an email anti racists exposed online and that they allow someone who is ¼ black even though they are racists, the mystery disappears.

Truth is funny in that the greater your knowledge base, the easier it is to find truth.

I find myself in an ongoing project to figure this man out in order to maintain my freedom- literally. I had problems to contend with like harassment from other people than just him. I had to learn why this was. I had to learn how he became so skillful at psychological warfare through email. I had to learn how he learned to construct those emails that got me nowhere when I showed them to police. I had to learn why a diverse crowd in St. Paul was willing to do his bidding. I had to learn what made him so arrogant that he felt he could describe his activities openly (albeit vaguely) in a book.

I'm still seeking out these answers and there is no choice for me about this. Unless you can explain clearly why something is happening you will get no help in solving the problem. So I had to do my homework and read about human trafficking. Initially I didn't know what that was, nor did I understand the implications of the problem I was facing. All I can say is that it may have saved my life to put the time into this that I did.

I knew Frank had help; that he wasn't working alone. I had no idea who was helping him or why. Gangs seemed the only possibility. However, I knew nothing of gangs. My city thankfully doesn't have much of a problem with them. I had little to go on as to whom he could be working with. Aside from some tattoos and geographical locations he took me to on our bikes I had nothing to go on.

I knew there were two gangs in the metro St. Paul area; one was called, "the East Side Boys," and the other the "Selby Siders." The problem was that he took me on bike trails in both easterly and westerly directions in St. Paul. One day while I was riding along a trail on the east side of St. Paul I saw a sight that bothered me.

It was a 20-something year old black guy riding a bike along with a female, who looked about age 14 and pretty. She also looked scared and the man overly confident. Initially, I thought maybe my imagination was running wild, but later when I would learn of how widespread the problem was up there, I don't think this was wild speculation on my part.

Regardless, if it was just innocent or not, I became very, very attuned to my surroundings in this area. This was further along that trail than Frank ever took me. I also noticed some graffiti along the trail, although this portion of it was in an area that was clearly suburban.

I took a good look at some of it and then went home and went online to see if I could identify the gang in charge of the area based upon graffiti alone. This I thought would help in other ways too, like knowing what areas to avoid. This turned into a project in and of itself. There is not a lot of information about regional St. Paul graffiti out there.

One day by typing "images of Selby Sider" graffiti into a search engine I found myself led to a different website than one providing information about gangs. This website pertained to a problem of unsolved murders in which the victims were found drowned in various areas. I happened to be looking at a discussion which was in mid flight about the disappearance of a local man named Dan Zamlen. This page mentioned the Ford Street Bridge.

I already knew that place. A bike trail dips right under it. Frank took me riding along that bike trail one day. Frank also camps out at night along the river in various spots going west from St. Paul into Minneapolis. I rode that trail once on my own after dumping Frank and was scared I'd run into him the entire way. I was particularly wary of the Ford Street bridge because I was mindful of Frank using that River Road trail and on that day I saw a gang member type walking down its steps when I was alone there and the visibility sucks along the trail there.

Honestly, I didn't expect much to come from reading that. The trouble is that the link to the image was strangely absent. This turned into a futile search for graffiti links, but nonetheless I learned that these pretty residential areas that Frank took me too do indeed have a side to them that is not nice. I never thought of these areas like around the bike trail as nice, ever, because of Frank. In that way I had the advantage of being a traumatized outsider, in that I've learned not to accept anything at face value in the Twin Cities.

I read more about the Dan Zamlen case and then what started as gang homework turned into me becoming stunned at how this man just disappeared one night out of the blue. I read discussion of dropped phone calls, futile searches and the chilling discovery of his ultimate fate. I kept thinking, "its got to be a gang—whoever did that did graffiti and what sort of ordinary person, even a serial killer, keeps spray paint on hand?"

I kept reading and when I got past the point they were talking about Dan I started back at the beginning of the comments section at page one. This was where I about dropped the phone I was reading from on the floor. Right on page one I saw someone making a crazy statement I heard Frank make numerous times to me verbally and in his damned book—that "being ¼ black makes you black in society's eyes."

Except this particular Frank-sounding statement was online in a long discussion about a number of drowning deaths that in my mind were simply too suspicious for at least me to buy the line that they reasonably could be accidents. Frank always bemoaned that his barely black lineage mattered in some substantial way to the world around him. He doesn't even look black, so I never got what the big deal was for him about this.

I figure like so much about him, there is a specific reason behind it, namely that he is from Chicago, was a skinhead, still is a racist and there is a racist skinhead group in Chicago that although they posture at being anti-racist local anti-racists have much to bring to the table to say otherwise.

This isn't stuff a normal person can even hope to guess at. I could not guess at it either and it is even stranger that that I learned of the Chicago Mafia Skinheads from that blog on the drowning murders. I do have friends in anti-racist groups and have been an activist so I was able to do more with knowing what tools and resources are out there. I found an article about the liberated diary of a Chicago Mafia Skinhead named Scott Erik Kriske. In this document, there is a part where Kriske is explaining the rules for membership in the Chicago Mafia Skinheads. This document on its second page said the requirement to join their racist group is to be at least 75% white.

Activists and members of South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action have unearthed conclusive information that the Chicago Mafia Skins are racist, sexist and violent. Just like Frank, white supremacists try to pretend that they are just peaceful people and not violent. Maybe the idea is that if you are something so blatantly evil, you need to twist and sugarcoat your activities so people do not take action to stop your activities.

Genuinely peaceful people do not need to launch public relations-type damage control measures such as trolling the internet to interfere with people drawing their own logical conclusions. With dangerous groups or people, it is entirely another matter. I think I should stress that white supremacist groups frequently engage in trolling one left leaning forums and discussion groups.

This being the case, I wasn't surprised to article I read about John Haley, a Chicago Mafia Skinhead who drowned an Asian fisherman and given the nominal charge of manslaughter for this simply because he was intoxicated when he did it. This man had a history of racial violence and had attacked an Asian fisherman before, so this sentence was pretty light.

I don't think its coincidence that I learned of the Chicago Mafia Skinheads on the drowning mystery blog, and Frank's involvement with them would not be hard to prove. It's unlikely that the Chicago Mafia Skinheads came up a rule like that unless they wanted to include a particular person in their club of thugs and this person was only ¼ black, Hispanic or something else.

I also know that it is common practice for anti-racist groups to pressure Nazi skinheads out of towns where they set up and bully people. At least for me, things like his lamenting about not being able to live in Chicago anymore and how crazy that sounded began to make poetic sense.

Which is not to say that could be the only reason to leave town.

The pattern that I was able to see with Frank is what seem at first absurdities only appear absurd because he twists things in ways that serve his purposes. There are so many seemingly conflicting statements that you almost dismiss them all as the quirks of one very confused individual. I also noticed after it was clear people had recurring issues with a troll on the drowning mystery website who is probably Frank that other people respond the same way to him as I did.

People thought the troll honestly thought that priests were really behind the drowning murders and pitied him. I pitied Frank. I just didn't get how this could be anything but some sort of confusion or identity crisis. Sometimes the evil in him just doesn't appear initially to be an evil issue. I thought the marriage thing was just like that too—that he didn't know yet that proposing at the get go is something most people don't do. Even though I had no intention of ever taking him up on the idea, I could not know that my assumptions were wrong. My assumptions could have been fatally wrong if I didn't get away from him when I did. I don't think I would have lasted that long under his control with my health.


Frank's Book and clues to his activities

Frank frequently discusses the themes of drowning, rape and murder in his book. The bulk of the book consists of him throwing around human trafficking related terms like "indentured servitude. It seems he twists and distorts the context of those human trafficking terminology, so that he doesn't get identified as a participant in these crimes.

Yet, like the proverbial criminal who is compelled to return to the scene of his crime, Frank seems to be revisiting his exploits as a human trafficker by using human trafficking related words in a book.

To demonstrate how involved this individual with human trafficking, it is actually his own words. Frank has an all-out obsession with human trafficking terms and demonstrates this in a lengthy book, which he created for unclear reasons. I think he thought he could get away with this if he uses the terms as some sort of literary device where he states that because he works driving a truck and has to apply for low-end trade jobs like welding, that he is an "indentured servant."

He smugly forwarded me his book in an email, but never gave me time to read it, as was hounding me continuously. Much less did I even know then where the libraries were in the area. I didn't have a computer, nor did I know where I could go to use a computer. He showed me where libraries were and where other places were with free internet access. When he dragged me to the library, he'd never come in—he'd just sit outside and wait for me. I found this very odd. I find it very suspicious and suspect it had something to do with avoiding getting caught.

I just used what he had taught me about local resources and accessed them without his knowing. However, at the Metropolitan State University library, his friends sexually harassed me when I came in. I complained to the staff in the place and they were less than helpful. The staff at Metro state seemed afraid of these bums that would hang out there. I didn't get it then. I thought they were just wimps. Those people maybe had a better handle on how futile it was to contend with them.

Frank always managed to get his way, by either lying, manipulating or using violence. He has an interest in gaining and abusing power. He has too many connections, both to high-up politicians in the area and various gangs, both white and black. I don't know if he's deceived members of these gangs to enable him to play both sides. I imagine he has but I could not, nor would not speculate what he's lied about. Knowing him, I imagine he has lied. Either this or he has something to offer which makes people not care as to what he's about.

Frank has many, many allusions to human trafficking in his book
In Frank's book there are words which are associated with human trafficking on every page of his book. Indentured servitude, slavery, rape, even the word "exercised" appears repeatedly in his book he wrote.

This shows someone who obsessed with human trafficking. I don't think any of his claims that working a normal job makes him a "domestic servant," "slave" or "indentured servant" holds any weight whatsoever. I do think that the repeated mention of these terms reflect his own interests, and think he enjoys writing these terms over and over. He may even get pleasure in writing these terms.

What I also see in his mention of these terms, is a person who has spent much time reviewing the subject of human trafficking, particularly from a legal standpoint. One thing which helps clarify where his mind is in regard to the subject is when he makes mention of how if the Bill of Rights isn't enforced, it doesn't exist.

This is how he expresses this idea in his book;
"If one doesn't have the right to be protected from enslavement outlawed by the United States Constitution, how is it possible to purchase themselves from it legally, especially when according to licensed attorneys in the state and officials like David (who refused to offer a last name) from the department of Human Services in downtown Saint Paul Minnesota; the state's capital, 'The Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution pertains to only certain restrictions to certain government offices. It doesn't apply to the rights of a public. If you have any problems call the police and make a report.'

Three separate Minnesota attorneys (licensed) later confirmed this mentality: Mr. Patrick Marzitelli, Ms. Laura Melnick and Mr. Michael Davey. What was meant by calling the police was to establish an official record of incident (if the local police decide to handle the matter), so that things could be handled by the local authorities deemed necessary. It sounds more like people who are in the position of having to make these kinds of reports, may also end up in the position of being arrested or penalized for doing so---according to local authorities. What this suggests, is state wide fascism that legally shouldn't exist, does exist. Absence of the public rights guaranteed in the United States Constitution, establishes in this fashion a multitude of local dictatorships, outlining fascism throughout a state and even nationally, which should concern everyone. What is going on here? "
Why would anyone think like this? What I see here is someone who has spent a lot of time figuring out how to get around the laws which prohibit slavery and labor done for free like domestic servitude. The only logical explanation for this would be that Frank is very, very interested in the art of how to keep people as slaves and make money from their entrapment.

I think he may be also using these terms over and over because this titillates him. He also writes sexually explicit things in the book and seems to have a need to do this. Combine this with Frank's penchant for pretending he's the victim of the exact things he perpetrates and the book becomes a window into his own mind and actions.
Here are some examples of how Frank does this:

"The tickets and punitive damages serve as the indenture here, revealing a contract; labor agreement. The drivers dependency on the company owner/boss to handle the situation appropriately outlines the servitude. Factoring in the attempt to make the driver operate without a driver's log suggests a motive to hide what was really happening; indentured servitude/ slavery."
When I had time online, since I was always playing catch up for lost time I never bothered to read the email he sent. I skipped over the part of the email that was part of the forwarded message. The book he sent me was in an attachment.

He made sure to tell me it was a secured attachment because he planned to publish it. I not only lacked the means to read it read anyway. He's just bragging about having the local news interview him for being a bum at a shelter. I didn't honestly find reading about his bum status worth my time, especially my limited time when I'm out of town and emailing people back home. Now I really wish I had read it, at least enough to learn he was feeble minded and a pervert.

I doubt sincerely I could have made any sense of the human trafficking terminology in it, but I don't think it would have mattered.

The problem is that this absurd passage directly refers to something in reality. The problem is that this "freak," Frank actually fought to have the librarians at the downtown St. Paul library restricted from policing what library patrons view on the internet terminals there. This was something he told me about. He bragged about how he managed to get the librarians restricted from being able to make sure patrons obeyed library policy. Given how library policies regarding internet activity usually are about disallowing patrons to view pornography, it is no wonder someone like Frank would not like this.

Frank gloated about the new security guy they hired to do the librarians former job of making sure library patrons hold to library policy about viewing websites such as porn sites. Frank is such a skilled liar and manipulator, he managed to do this somehow.

Most all the havoc he wreaks on people comes from his ability to manipulate and scare people. This also shows the danger of Frank; he is skilled in getting his way in almost all situations and not just ones involving human trafficking victims.

His manipulative abilities give him much power. This is not a man who can be trusted with this power. His testimony enough to what goes on in this man's mind. Statements in it indicate Frank is a pervert, racist and misogynist. If this man can change the policy of the downtown St. Paul public library on a lark, then in what other institutions and businesses can he impose is will?

Having a person who dedicates paragraphs of his book to describing pornography should not be the same person who decides library policy. Children and families go into that library. If what they see are people looking at pornography when they come in because of what Frank did, then maybe it is time to question allowing someone like him to continue to exert power through lying and manipulation.
Frank had done this in other situations, but I don't know all the detail. One day he tried to convince me the female staff at a shelter he hangs at sexually harassed him. I didn't believe this and when I pressed the issue his mask came off and he was ranting about "those feminist bitches" (at Listening house) using a lot of expletives. I pressed the issue because I didn't buy the idea that the women down there would sexually harass a male, particularly since a few of the female staff there were less than interested in Frank the bum who came in and out of there.

Frank in his book also claims that the way another shelter is run is akin to rape. He calls welfare a "militant" scheme ran by black people. The man is a racist, and *former* skinhead too who avoids attention for this because he is "one quarter black." Frank seems to be a closet racist and I know from experience that when he's confronted about his racist statements, he uses the fact that he's black to assist him in lying about being a racist.

When I confronted him, he repeatedly denied he was a racist. When I confronted him about anything he would both lie or attempt to manipulate me. If you stood your ground despite his attempts at such games he would use violence and threats. He threatened to lie to my friends about me. Actually he did this anyway, so it was a moot point. If I tried to avoid him he'd find me. Then he would pretend to be very helpful and be a fake good samaritan. Really, the last part is exactly how he was able to shoe his way in between the friendships those of us at the shelter had formed. If he wasn't lying to me, he was lying to Jennifer. I gather he lied to Pat, although Tim seemed to be "managing" her at the time.

Later he would be so much more threatening and manipulative. I called the police on him one day. He had time alone with them, while I tried to get a woman who offered to play witness to his harassment of me on the street that day. The police came but the woman changes her mind about telling them what he did when they showed up. He had 4 minutes alone with them. After this, the police ignored what I said although I'm the one who called them. He got away with lying to the police. That was terrifying.

As for how it was that I didn't read his book until I was safe and not living in the shelter anymore, when I had time online, since I was always playing catch up for lost time I never bothered to read the email he sent. I glanced at the first page. It didn't seem worth reading based on this.. He sent the book in an attachment. He made sure to tell me it was a secured attachment because he planned to publish it.

I told him I didn't have time to read it each time, and the first page of it made me feel that this was something I wasn't interested in reading.

In the first part he's just bragging about having the local news interview him for being a bum at a shelter. I didn't honestly find reading about his bum status worth my time, especially my limited time when I'm out of town and emailing people back home. Now I really wish I had read it, at least enough to learn who I was dealing with.

I doubt sincerely I could have made any sense of the human trafficking terminology in it, but I don't think it would have mattered.

Frank, from what I've seen, probably copes with his inner moral corruption by projecting his issues onto the world at large. In this book are pages about how he is a victim of human trafficking because he got tickets for driving without insurance while working as a trucker, or because he has to go to job training, or that the librarians at a public library are victimizing him by "leering" at his computer screen.

Normally, this would be worth just ignoring and writing him off as a freak.

The problem is that this absurd passage directly refers to something in reality. The problem is that this "freak," Frank actually fought to have the librarians at the downtown St. Paul library restricted from policing what library patrons view on the internet there.

This was something he told me about. He bragged he got them restricted and gloated about the new security guy they hired to do the librarians former job of making sure library patrons hold to library policy about viewing websites such as porn sites. Frank is such a skilled liar and manipulator, he achieved what otherwise would seem an impossible task.

Also the new security guy was a friend to Frank and all the homeless people who use the computers at the library. He seemed smug and was not helpful. He even followed me around one day when I was browsing the library shelves. For me it felt like the he was the proverbial fox guarding the hen house.

Please understand that after I had made the mistake of telling people at that shelter, including him how "vulnerable" my situation with IC made me, it was like it was announced to the human trafficking community there at large what they could do to me and get away with.

So I was sexually harassed openly at the library and received no help from staff. It's sick what people do but I found that even bystanders won't help people out and protect them from these sick sexual predators.
Specifics on how Human Traffickers Manipulate

When I see Frank and other members of his human trafficking ring in action I think back to an article by MSCO, a human trafficking prevention organization in Oregon. The information that follows is from this anti-slavery organization and I will share all of it, since human trafficker tactics are very, very pertinent to all the issues I'm discussing:

"How does trafficking work?
From 'vulnerable' to V-I-C-T-I-M
The premeditated methods used by human traffickers to master control over their victims closely mirror those used in domestic violence situations and prisoner of war camps.
Once a suitably vulnerable prey has been identified, whether it's an unskilled worker in Eastern Europe desperate for a job, or a runaway youth on the streets of Portland looking for a friend, a savvy trafficker will likely begin a relationship by validating their victim's unappreciated attributes (beauty, intelligence) and posing as their long-awaited benefactor ready to make their dreams come true.
Once a victim has been lured into joining the trafficker on an adventure toward a new life, they are thrown into a 'seasoning process' lasting days or weeks during which time they may be beaten, starved, raped, and/or confined until they finally relent to go to work in the sex trade, drug trade, or at legitimate jobs where they must turn over all their earnings.
Traffickers exercise strict control over their victims by constantly monitoring their movements, confiscating all identity papers and money, controlling food and shelter, and enforcing a non-negotiable set of rules that result in violence if broken, such as falling short of daily earning quotas, attempting escape, or talking to the wrong person.

Traffickers maintain their control by endlessly threatening to brutalize their victims, or turn them in to police or immigration officials, or shame them by exposing their circumstances to friends and family, or to kill their family members if they try to escape. Such threats keep victims in a constant state of fear and unwillingness to leave.

Traffickers eliminate interference from their victim's family, friends and ethnic communities by cutting off all communications. They further reduce the chances of detection by authorities by moving their victims from house to house, state to state, or country to country. Alone, disoriented, penniless and afraid, victims become completely dependant upon their traffickers for survival and have few opportunities to develop trusting relationships with outsiders who they might ask for help.

Traffickers brainwash their victims with a barrage of false and emotionally confusing messages. Foreign national victims, for instance, who may be unfamiliar with American freedoms, are often told the police are their enemies, and that the traffickers abusing them are, ironically, the only ones who can keep them safe. American pimps will likewise offer their victims a warped form of protection by faithfully promising to free them from jail if and when they are arrested for the prostitution they are being forced to commit. Some pimps insist that their label actually stands for 'Power In Manipulating People.' "
Disclaimer: I recommend viewing any Smiley related websites with a browser which hides your ip address like the free open source Tor Browser or the free ip address concealer Surf Anonymous Free.
The links I provide here go to websites where dangerous people happen to be very active and some instances involved in technical matters concerning these websites. Therefore you may wish to hide your ip address, since in some cases it may be visible to people who may not have good intentions. Even if this seems a strange way to start out this discussion, please heed this request, even if you have to humor it for now until you are versed enough in this topic to understand the reasoning behind it.
If you use the Tor Browser, you will need to copy and paste the links into the Tor browser If you are using Surf Anonymous Free, your IP is hidden by default regardless of which browser you are using, so you can use IE and Firefox, etc. in the typical manner. You will still need to copy and paste the links into your web browser anyway. I listed hyperlinks according to how references to internet websites are supposed to be cited in MLA format. Thus, the links won't work directly from a word processing program because they are bracketed will only work if copy and paste them. You should only copy and paste the link itself which is in between these two symbols:

Part 2: Smiley Face Murders; Introduction

"Smiley Face Murders" is a term a journalist gave to a series of murders involving homicides committed where the victim is drowned as opposed to being stabbed, shot or whatever else. It was given this name by a journalist and people I have met who have made it their focus to seriously address the issue of drowning homicide have decried how the journalist placed such a silly sounding name on such a serious issue.

So what are the Smiley Face Murders? This name refers to a series of what some say total 300 people who were found dead in a river, almost always after being separated from their friends at a bar a party.

The deaths occur disproportionately during the winter, so the idea that these are just recreational accidents doesn't hold.

At the site of where the victim is found, there is also found to be a spray-painted smiley face, usually placed on a tree, as well as other graffiti, which part of it isn't being released to the public.

That's how the name "Smiley Face Murders" became attributed to the subject. You can google the name and be linked to a number of blogs and forums specific to the issue. These are likely better sources for information, however, use caution when visiting a couple of these blogs. The reason is that the blogs seemed to get riddled with people who aspire to dumb down this issue and make it sound more stupid than it really is.

The drowning cases I discussed before are referred to as the "Smiley Face Killers" (SFK for short). This is because smiley face graffiti was found spray-painted in places where drowning murder victims were recovered. Most of these incidents are simply ruled accidents by police.

There seem to be a number of reasons as to why cases involving drowning don't get scrutinized for any foul play. The first reason is the coroner will usually only be able to know that the cause of death was from water filling the lungs. This makes it difficult to detect foul play. The second reason pertains to the demographic which the victims consist of. There is a prejudice that young males in their 20's are prone to have accidents and do dangerous things.

The third reason is that the victims usually were out drinking or at a party before they drowned. Yes, it could be accidental if someone is drunk. Yet the bulk of these drowning incidents happen during winter. Also, the last place the victim was seen usually is nowhere near a river. This means he'd have to walk a distance to get there.

I'd like to argue the point that I never knew any drunk friends who ever would chose to go and play around in a river in the dead of winter. I never met anyone who got a hankering to swim in a river from being drunk during the summer either.

Much less would any of those people find something like that so compelling and tempting as to walk blocks to get to the river. Where I lived in another city, strangely, we don't have people regularly show up dead in our river. In Minneapolis/St. Paul there were 5 people who wound in the Mississippi over a span of six months. One of the victims during that time was Dan Zamlen, who was a young college age male who disappeared after a night of drinking after he was separated from friends. He was likely
targeted by the group that spray paints smiley faces and other odd things near the sites the bodies of victims.

The police have tended to be dismissive in many cases because the victims were at a bar the night they disappeared. The presumption these people did something stupid to bring about their death persisted even though many of these victims in reality had a very low blood alcohol level.

Also, most victims were witnessed by friends as not drinking even enough to get drunk.

There police are also prone to suggest suicide, although friends and family of many victims have thought there was no chance their son was suicidal. In one case, a victim just got his dream job and was found dead. In another, the victim had fallen in love and was very happy.

Surely family and friends are more aware of the emotional state of their son than the police. Suicides usually have some early indications. The victim seems depressed and unhappy. No one kills themselves when they are happy and most of the victims were doing well in their lives and seemed happy.

Autopsies on many of the victims turned up the date rape drug GHB. These victims fit the same profile as attractive, college age men who were high achievers. GHB, a date rape drug, is most likely to render a person unconscious if that person has alcohol in his or her system. If the person is sober, it will impair them but not as severely and the victim can still function. I know this first hand because one of
Frank's friends in his trafficking ring dosed me when I was sober. I functioned well enough to leave where I was and go to a public place. It's lucky I was still cogent enough to do that. Had I had alcohol in my system I would have not been able to do this.

Another fact that makes the case that these are murders it the victim's aren't just attractive but often resemble each other in terms of specific physical features. All the drowning victims in one state all had bushy eyebrows.

Does this means the killers have a fetish for people who look a certain way? I don't know. Does picking victims who resemble each other enable the killers to fulfill some pattern they wish to establish? I don't know.

Victims also are predominantly Catholic or are at least Christian. Many victims were found with signs of trauma, and torture. One early victim named Patrick McNeil, whose death was initially ruled an accident was found to have burn marks on his upper body by a subsequent investigation. Also, in these drowning deaths which fit the pattern, victims get separated from their friends by being kicked out of bars the night they vanish. In a many cases, the victims weren't acting unruly when a bouncer targeted them to get kicked out. In other cases a stranger picks a fight with the victim and it is the victim that kicks out.

There is clearly something amiss. In an alarmingly large number, the drowned college kids were kicked out of bars belonging to a chain of bars under the same owner. The name of the bars in this chain are called, Brothers. The owners of this chain, Marc and Eric Fortney, also own bars under a name different than "Brothers" and victims were bounced out onto the streets and then wound up mysteriously drowned at these bars, too. The Brother's Bar chain is also frequently gets complaints about racist behavior towards customers by employees. In Kristi Piehl's blog, in the comments section, this is discussed.

Brother's Bar and its recurrence Smiley Face Killer Cases
This may be nothing related to the SFK problem. However, with the SFK problem, there is a bar chain called "Brother's Bar and Grill," associated with the deaths of young men. Bars in this franchise or other bars owned by "Brothers" owners, Marc and Eric Fortney are often the last places SFK victims have been seen alive. For what it's worth, I wonder whether the owners of this franchise aren't running their own "mom and pop" operation of sorts. However, in this case it may be related to trafficking young men instead of women.

Here is one excerpt from the Drowning Mystery blog from when people there first discovered a connection between the Brothers's Bar chain and SFK disappearances.
From page 73, Link:

May 27th, 2009 at 21:22 | #31
Reply | Quote
@Kristi Piehl
"Matt Kruziki was on Sinsinawa Ave in East Dubuque, Illinois and on that street there's a bar called My Brother's Place but don't know if he was in there, we do know he was at the River Queen."


Zorro's Pal
May 27th, 2009 at 22:21 | #46
Reply | Quote
Zorro's Pal :
"Are the Brothers bars owned by the same people, a chain, or in any way related to each other?"
Dee :
"It appears Brother's Bars are a chain and wow... look at the map of where they are located (does anything stand out to you?): ."
Zorro's Pal :
May 27th, 2009
22:55 | #4

Zorro's Pal: "Are the Brothers bars
owned by the same people, a chain, or in any way
related to each other?"

leisure: "It appears Brother's Bars are a chain and wow... look at the
map of where they are located (does anything stand out to
From page 74: Link:

Zorro's Pal
May 27th, 2009
23:01 | #6

"BROTHERS BARS - SAYS it was founded in LaCrosse in 1990. So —
theoretically- maybe one of the founding people ?? Then it moved
on to 17 cities in the midwestern states. Aimed at the 21-35 year
old demographic. What year did the Lacrosse killings begin???"

Well maybe something like that but it sure would be bad for business.
Zorro's Pal
May 27th, 2009 at 23:01 | #6

BROTHERS BARS - SAYS it was founded in LaCrosse in 1990. So —
Theoretically- maybe one of the founding people?? Then it moved
on to 17 cities in the Midwestern states. Aimed at the 21-35 year
old demographic. What year did the Lacrosse killings begin???

May 27th, 2009 at 23:02 | #7

"@Zorro's Pal-- You are as freaked out by it as I am. I think of it as Bingo. The
locations are perfect. Brother's Bar! I just couldn't believe it when I saw the link posted by Dee."

May 27th, 2009
23:05 | #8

"There are so many of them located right along the I-94 corridor.
Wish I could superimpose I-94 over the map."
Zorro's Pal
May 27th, 2009
23:10 | #10
"There IS a map right on the Brothers Bar website! It shows all the


Another important things to know about Smiley cases is that victims also turn up disproportionately in certain cities.

No other logical explanation accounts for these correlations. Statistically, it is highly improbable these are accidents. Accidents happen to everyone, equally. No data exists to show that blonde men in Wisconsin have more accidents than anyone else.

A few members of law enforcement who initially began working with the parents of some of these victims have made solving these cases their vocation. One of whom I have met and his name is Douglas Gilbertson, who heads the criminology department at St. Cloud State University and assists local police departments, Kevin Gannon, a retired NYPD detective, and Anthony Duarte, another retired member of the NYPD.

In 2013 I met Douglas Gilbertson, who is a criminologist who teaches and assists the St. Paul police, wrote a book along retired NYPD detectives Kevin Gannon and Anthony Duarte to demonstrate through through the use of statistics how all these drowned college kids were homicides.

Most of the information in this document was written in 2012. Long story short, I submitted this information to people who focused on the cases discussed in this book. What I wrote must have been passed on to Douglas Gilbertson, who contacted me in early 2013.

Douglas Gilbertson, Kevin Gannon and Anthony Duarte have just written a book on forensics and drowning.

It is a large book and I've not read it yet. It should go into detail about much of what I discuss in this paper.

I think the simplest way to understand these incidents are unlikely to be accidents is to just look at the faces of these victims. The resemblance between them is far too extreme to attribute it to chance. There is also a similarity in how these kids vanished. Seemingly, each victim goes out drinking with friends, most usually during the coldest months of winter, gets separated from his friends and winds up dead in a river.

In most all the cases, the victim wasn't suicidal before their disappearance and death. In many cases, the parents weren't buying it and pressed the police to not jump to the conclusion it was an accident or suicide.

Parents usually know their own children well. Also, it makes no sense, no matter how drunk someone is, to want to go swimming in or hang out by a river during the dead of winter. Since most of these cases are centered around the upper midwest, from Minnesota to New York State, it was usually frigid outside when the victim went in to the water.

Other patterns have been found linking these victims to one another. These cases have gotten the moniker, Smiley Face Murders, because in places where victims were found in the water, a smiley face was found spray painted near the site, that showed up the week the victim drowned.

In a number of the drowning cases, some were re-ruled as homicides later on. The parents of Chris Jenkins received a tip from a man in prison that helped them get what they needed to prove their son's death was a homicide. Jan Jenkins says she has reason to think her son was tortured before he went into the water.

There is much to explain to show that there is solid thinking behind the argument these are homicides.
One thing which may help someone new to this topic understand that it isn't all that radical to think people kill by drowning people is a song, written by a famous musician from St. Paul, Minnesota about someone getting murdered by being forcibly pushed under water in a river.
That musician is Bob Mould, who performed in the band Husker Du. He was in the band "Sugar" after the break-up of Husker Du. These are the lyrics to the song, "Good Idea" by the band, Sugar:
Sugar - A Good Idea Lyrics
Artist: Sugar
Album: Copper Blue

They went down to the river
On a warm summer night
The air was thick with the
Smell of temptation

Then he said, "Why don't we lay in the water
Let the water run over me"
And she grinned and she said
Now she said, now she said

"Now that's a good idea", she said, she said
"Now that's a good idea", she said, she said
"Now that's a good idea", she said, she said
"Now that's a good idea", she said, she said

He held her head high in his hands
He held her down deep in the stream
He saw the bubbles and matted hair
Mixed in with seaweed she started to scream

Was it something I said
Was it something I said
And she said, and she said
And she said, she said

"Now that's a good idea", she said she said
To be alone with you she said she said
I've been waiting for years
And I'd rather be dead

That's a good idea he said he said
He held her down in the river
He held her down in the water
Another river of mud wash away those tears

He said and he said, "Now that's a good idea"
He said, "Now that's a good idea"
He said, "Now that's a good idea"
He said, "Now that's a good idea"

I saw them from the ocean
She didn't seem to mind
Didn't fight at all
She didn't fight it at all

Some things are best left alone
Sometimes I'm best left alone
And sometimes I see you in the water
At night at night at night at night

"That's a good idea", she said, she said
I wanna feel you in the water
With your hands on my head
Push you down into the water

She said, she said
"Now that's a good idea", she said, she said
Now that's a good idea, that's a good idea"
She said, she said

Now she said, now she said
"That's a good idea that's a good idea"
"That's a good idea", she said, she said
"That's a good idea", she said, she said
"I want to feel you in the water
With your hands on my head
Push you down into the water"
She said, she said

"That's a good idea", she said, she said
"That's a good idea", she said, she said
"That's a good idea", she said, she said
"That's a good idea", she said, she said

"That's a good idea", she said, she said
"That's a good idea", she said
"That's a good idea", she said, she said
"That's a good idea", she said, she said

"That's a good idea", she said, she said
"That's a good idea"

In a May 2008 article in the blog "Confessions of an American PI" written by Brian Blackwell, the following profile is given to victims of Smiley Face Killer victims:

"Denver-based private investigator Brian Blackwell began investigating in May 2007 the strange drowning deaths of young male college students that have been occurring in the Midwest and around the country for over a decade.


1. Victims were academically astute, athletic; each victim nearly had the same physical build.
2. Victims were last seen out drinking with friends or at a party.
3. Were under the influence of alcohol.
4. Oddly became separated from friends.
5. Disappeared between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.
6. (they) went missing in September to December and February to April.
7. The drowning deaths occurred along the Interstate 90 and Interstate 94 corridors, two links that connect Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois/Iowa border, Indiana and Michigan.
8. Victims were given an accidental or undetermined cause of death.
9. Smiley face symbols were found at drowning deaths in Wisconsin, Illinois/Iowa border and Indiana.

"The areas that the deaths took place in and the strange circumstances surrounding the victims' disappearance make drowning suspicious.

"Since the victims were in college towns in the Midwest, they easily fit the profile (young, physically fit, high-achieving white males). And since college students are known for their binge drinking, it makes sense that they were drinking with friends between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. during the school semester months (September through April)."

One point which supports the idea there is foul play involved in these cases is how not only are the victims attractive- the victims also resemble each other. What can logically explain this? Victims of the SFK all have a certain body type and appearance; the only difference was that in Midwest SFK cases the victims were blonde haired and blue eyed and in SFK cases in the East, victims were brown haired and brown eyed, according to someone who commented on Piehl's blog.

This person pointed out how Midwest victims all had blond hair and blue eyes, as well as an athletic build. This person also observed that victims in the Northeast have the same build. In one cluster of SFK cases the victims all had the trait of bushy eyebrows.

Other experts on the SFK issue have stressed that it would be impossible for one or two serial killers to have committed all these murders. The only other explanation I can think of for theses matches in appearance I can think of is that the killers advertise the opportunity to rape young males who are say, blonde, blue eyed, muscular and medium build.

In Kristi Piehl's blog, the poster, "Zorro's Pal says "victims (are) mostly: White men, (with) brown or brownish hair, not too tall, not too short- 5 foot 8 (inches) to six feet tall. (They have) an athletic or healthy build. (and are) not thin, not fat, college educated, intelligent (and) well liked."
Frank's book has content which correlates with aspects of Smiley Face Murders
Frank starts out his book with the following passage:

"To maintain the mummified remains of a once vibrant economy (like soaking a dead extinct lab animal in a jar of formaldehyde for future use) submerged and drowned is the old family oriented style of business management to a practiced alchemy of welfare solicitation, infectiously threatening the American apple pie, bread and butter values that once defined our country."
This passage evokes images more fitting to Smiley Face Murders than a long book about having to work jobs while being a bum. This statement would stand out anywhere, since there just isn't association with mummification, submerging and drowning and preserving animals in a jar in most people's minds. The passage becomes almost horrifying when some facts about SFK cases are brought to light. A Minneapolis victim of the Smiley Face Killers (Chris Jenkins) was found dead in the water with his arms crossed like a mummy. Frank said he once lived in Minneapolis and worked there. I don't know when but it would be interesting to know this, given Frank's possible involvement in the homicide.

There happened to be another Minneapolis drowning victim, a man who worked as a bicycle courier before he died or was killed. Frank goes to bicycle co-ops, so there's a chance he met this victim also.

This statement is out of context as the opening statement in a book. Frank likely is mentioning this because of some significance as opposed to anything to do with reality.

"Respiration: 1. The act of inhaling and exhaling air in order to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. Synonymous with breathing and ventilation. 2. The cellular metabolic process by which oxygen is taken in, substances are oxidized, energy is released and carbon dioxide and oxidized products are given off. Economies are similar to living organisms in that both consist of subjects engaging in some form of respiration involving breathing, ventilation and/or an essential biological exchange needed for survival."

This seems like a strange way to start off a book. Not that his piece is a typical book by any means. Still, even in this context I can't see the value in telling people the definition of respiration. Most people already know what respiration is. Also, what person bothers looking up the definition of respiration and submits it as the first paragraph of a book? I think there is something else behind his intent in placing the definition of respiration first.

Frank uses the word "submerged" in his book:

" because submerged into that hole once known as our economy... "

"Submerged" is usually used in reference to water.
Like I did at first, most people who listen to Frank or hear him speak merely think he's some sort of confused person. The problem is that Frank isn't confused; he's dangerous. .

These are just not quirky interests. Frank's penchants for weird analogies reflect something more disturbing: Frank is using projection onto his victims of his own actions, deeds and words. Frank is a victimizer who ironically accuses all his victims of doing what he does. He knows how to get away with that too, as I learned the hard way when I had to deal with him.

The bottom line is that Frank isn't some crafty user of interesting allegories; he just makes comparisons about economies and breathing because he is a sick man who is likely drowning people.

The things he says in his book are very strange. He proclaims he's a human trafficking victim because he got speeding tickets while working a job driving a truck in his book. That makes no sense. It begs the question, "why is he really making these illogical connections." Is it a literary device, a creative way of telling a story or something else entirely.

If you read the book you can tell this isn't creativity or skillful writing. It is my believe he writes these things for other, far more questionable reasons. I will get into discussing that later.

I think that Frank might have an obsession with respiration in the same way he has an obsession about human trafficking terminology; he needs to talk about crimes he commits, so he does it by talking about it but confusing the situation by pretending he's a victim of what he perpetrates.

Here is one example of how Frank does this:

"While returning to Texarkana, a company of trucks driving over the road in convoy was pulled over by local law enforcement and issued the same tickets as before, in particular driving without insurance and one expired vehicle registration. If the company owner/boss exercised the degree of care suggested last month in Victoria Texas, how is it possible to get a second ticket for the same offence--- in particular driving without insurance?

Had the driver stopped behind the vehicle pulled over in front of him, the same tickets would have been issued for a second time due in part to employer apathy prolonging a slave status in Texarkana. An ensuing court date; a legal order to appear in front of a judge in a courtroom of the American Criminal Justice System to address the matter would guarantee an exploitive employer another employee, by making departure from the employment difficult. This provides motive to apathy. When warrants are issued they go to the driver not the company owner/boss and likewise any punitive damages awarded a drivers license.

The tickets and punitive damages serve as the indenture here, revealing a contract; labor agreement. The drivers dependency on the company owner/boss to handle the situation appropriately outlines the servitude. Factoring in the attempt to make the driver operate without a driver's log suggests a motive to hide what was really happening; indentured servitude/ slavery."

t was sad to find that creep harassing and misleading good people interested in whether foul play was and is involved in the death of so many young college students who all resembled each other. Again, if you familiarize yourself with all of those cases, it becomes very visible that foul play is most likely involved in a high percentage of those cases.

Like what Douglas Gilbertson has maintained, it is not statistically possible for so many victims of unexplained river deaths to fit such a narrow profile, for these cases not to be homicide. This profile consists of successful, high-achieving college/university students, who have certain majors, generally resemble each other, and are attractive for the most part.

Other facts similar in all these cases, similar to the point that coincidence is ruled out include:
In most all the cases, the victim disappears for a time, and then is found in a river. Sometimes, even after a stretch of river is searched, the victim shows up in it later.

The victim is usually at a party, almost always drinking and gets separated from friends.

The cases appear more during winter as opposed to summer, eliminating the possibility these cases are typical mishaps involving swimming or water.

The victims all seem to have a series of college majors identical to each other. Or else, the students had similar military careers choices, such as aviation or engineering.

When Gannon and Duarte were interviewed on CNN, they said the graffiti was likely put up to taunt law enforcement.

I presently am on the run from a person who has involvement in these drownings and human trafficking. In the context of human trafficking, this man, Frank has taunted me and the police. There are strong parallels between how Frank conducts himself in terms of manipulating and lying to entrap people into sexual slavery and the ways people involved in the drowning cases have lied and manipulated.

Kevin Gannon said in the CNN interview that he suspected jealousy being a motive behind some of these killings. That would fit in very neatly with Frank. Not only has his success in the normal world of college and work seem truncated, but he has had career focuses identical to some of the smiley victims. The only difference is the victim was successful and Frank wasn't.

I think it is possible he compensates for not being successful in life and being accepted by peers and parents by taking it out on innocent victims leawho are everything he is not. I think he kills and human trafficks to avenge innocent people who remind him of his failures.
Part Three: Reasons I have for thinking Frank Marzitelli is involved in "Smiley Face Killer" murders

My Discovery about Frank's Book

I also know it is him from a book he forwarded me in a *secured* email message and its uncanny mentions of drowning and serial murder in them. I know it is he most importantly because I know this man is capable of vile, sick, twisted and disgusting acts. I know it is he because the same lack of a conscience would enable him to perpetrate these acts.

To prove this man is a trafficker to the outside world, the best thing I have is his own words, in his own book. Frank has an all-out obsession with human trafficking terms and demonstrates this in a lengthy book, which he created for unclear reasons. I think he thought he could get away with this if he uses the terms as some sort of literary device where he states that because he works driving a truck and has to apply for low-end trade jobs like welding, that he is an "indentured servant."

He smugly forwarded me his book in an email, but never gave me time to read it, as he'd visit every day and I had no time left over to go across town to just use a library computer for a meager hour. At the time I was around him, I didn't have a computer, nor did I know where I could go to use a computer. He showed me where libraries were and where other places were with free internet access. When he showed me where the library was, —he'd just sat outside and waited for me. It was odd as if he knew he was going to do something rotten and illegal to me, (this was before the rape) so he was cautious about where he was seen with me.

Here is the first example out of many where things in Frank's book have direct correlation to content on the Smiley Face Killer blog generated by what is in internet-speak a "troll" or someone who is online to disrupt normal activity in internet forums, chatrooms, etc.

Frank says in his book:

"He is told in a competition that he knows nothing however about to be forced into, "since you have one drop of black blood in you... that makes you black... if anything is afforded you.. that's how it gets done in the black community, here , not in front of news cameras as something else. He thinks about it for a moment (pauses pensively) and asks with a smirk of humor meant to be playfully sarcastic--- to help ease the awkwardness created by what has just unfolded--- (which was ill taken in retrospect) 'Does that also mean, that I'm like... one third animal?"

This compares to a comment on Kristi Piehl's blog where a "troll" using the name "FRENEMIES" says:

"That is correct, Matt Aradondo. He is ¼ black and ¾ white, so in societies eyes he is black. He is 25 and I get real bad vibes from the guy while viewing his Facebook and MySpace pages. Seems to have had a troubled life already, at 25. I hope the investigators pulled his and Ermin's (Matt's friend) call records that night to see if they in fact called Jelani's phone after he went missing. If they didn't call his phone, he didn't disappear. Point blank. As far as the distance from the house to the shoes to the golf course, to the bar, it is all in a straight line if you travel by the railroad tracks."
The Troll

The troll Jake ("Leisure" who is another good commentator on the board calls him, "jake the snake") accuses Monique777 of all manner of lies, so no one listens to her. He accuses her of being a killer,of using sock puppets and everything else people have accused the Jake, the troll, of doing. Jake is most likely Frank who uses other aliases including Bradley 2.0, Anonymous Coward, Jo jo potatoes, Harry and Fidlee. The other writer in the comments forum said "Fidlee" was a name "Fiddle Dee Dee" which probably referred to the troll's efforts in harassing and attacking a serious poster with good observations named "Dee."
Zorro's Pal here gets attacked by Jake for adroitly confronting Jake on his behavior.

On page 105, Jake accuses Zorro's Pal of doing exactly what he is doing:
July 10th, 2009 | #11
"I don't know how many different aliases ZorrosPal & his gang really has. I think if the killer were going to post on this site, he would so with several different aliases to throw people off, & try to make it look like other people (with completely different personalities than himself — albeit different personalities manufactured by the killer to throw people off) were also in agreement with him, when he debunks the valid theories & sends people on wild goose chases after the bogus ones.

It seems like Odette could be another one of those debunker aliases. Why would she attack me for posting evidence of a theory?"

Zorro's Pal happened to have a weak theory about Middle Eastern Terrorists being behind the smiley murders and Jake is attempting to use this to get people to ignore Zorro's Pal. Zorro's Pal is made by Jake to look stupid. On the face of it, Zorro's Pal's idea seems stupid. It isn't. Zorro's Pal came up with the idea based on an important, significant fact: smiley murders occur in disproportionately high numbers in areas which boast an unusually high number of Somali immigrants in the United States.

It also helps to know that people from Somalia are also prone to engage in human trafficking. The human trafficking ring arrested in St. Paul, Minnesota consisted entirely of Somalians. I met the police detective who busted this ring. Her name is Heather Weyker. I also would tend to think that for Frank to argue happily about and show me the high rise occupied by entirely Somali immigrants meant he must have frequented the place.

Zorro's Pal is actually wrong about Middle Eastern terrorists alone making up the smiley gang. One thing which he was smart to notice is that there are incidentally many Somali immigrants in smiley hotspots like Columbus, Ohio, Seattle, Washington, Nashville, Tennessee, and the Twin Cities. The largest population of Somalis is in the Twin Cities.

The Somali human trafficking ring in St. Paul, was said to have transported victims to Columbus, Ohio, and Nashville, Tennessee among other places. So with this you have transport of people between some of the worst cites for Smiley activity.

Conversely, smiley murders occur where there are no populations of Somali immigrants. That means Zorro's Pal's core premise is wrong.
A number of Somalis seem to have minimal qualms about participating in human trafficking; they have a long history of enslaving members of the Bantu tribe in Africa. The Bantu tribe is the largest tribe in Africa, I believe their native language is Swahili, but I could be wrong. All the same, this tribe spans over Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia and most of the African continent. This is the main African tribe, greater in number than all other in Africa.

More aptly, I think just like any other gang, the gang is otherwise called the Smiley Face Killers, is peopled by individuals in the Twin Cities area who already have dealings with one another. Just like how any social groups forms from whoever happens to currently live in a certain neighborhood, gangs like the smiley gang could recruit from whoever happens to be in the area. Since some Somalis are in the same trade Frank is in, human trafficking, he has likely related with them, and perhaps drawn some of them into his other activities.
More to the point, the Twin Cities seem to be a main hub for both human trafficking and smiley murders, making it the last place anyone should live if he or she doesn't like either activity.

Zorro's Pal is also conservative in jumping to the conclusion that every case is a murder. Jake twists things here so that new people disregard Zorro's Pal.
Jake :
July 10th, 2009 | #12 "Who in the world has the greatest incentive to post on this blog? Maybe the families & friends of the deceased who would like to see justice. & maybe the killers, who would like to prevent an arrest of themselves.
Most of the readers of this blog probably just read & may never post.
If someone posts a possible theory or seeks information, that seems legitimate.
If someone is engaged in debunking the theories, & discreditting evidence, & insinuating that a particular young man just probably fell in the water due to drunkenness, or attacking or belittling another person for posting a particular theory that seems questionable & suspicious. What incentive would that debunker have to do that, unless he/she/they are really the killers or covering for the killers"
That statement from Jake is of course Frank at his most typical.

Smiley Murder Victims Get Isolated from Friends and Entrapped Afterwards; Much Like Female Human Trafficking victims

The Smileys seem to they lay in wait for when the victim goes to a bar or party. They wait until the drinker has imbibed just enough to have their death credited to alcohol. Then what happens is the SFK gang member sends someone in to start a fight with the victim, ensuring the victim is kicked out of the bar and separated from their friends.

Victims seem to be manipulated or pushed into certain circumstances which benefit the killer, usually being separated from friends. Zorro's Pal, one of the better posters on Kristi Piehl's blog describes it as "Often, circumstances (occur) with (the victims) being asked to leave or are kicked out of a place or leaving in anger, etc. Some of these seem to be contrived situations.

This idea that the Smileys are working to divide and conquer their victims is shown here. Once separated by friends, Smileys can gain unfettered access to them. To isolate their victims, Monique777 on Kristi Piehl's blog, proposed the idea that the Smiley killers starting fights to get victims kicked out of bars.

She said that once they were kicked out of the bars, the victims would be isolated from their friends. When a new person to the blog inquired about how SFK murders seem to involve a particular bar chain called Brother's Bar and Grill, Est. 1967, Monique referred the new person to the thread entitled, "One Bar, Two Deaths," which where discussion of the involvement of the bar chain was dealt with in full.

This is where you can find the link to section in blog where this discussion takes place:

The discussion then naturally progressed to another mystery, which is why so often Smiley Victims spent their last night before disappearing at Brother's Bar.. Monique777, then said she was looking at the comments page of the Brother's Bar website. She notices one comment where a customer complains of stranger approaches him in a Brother's Bar location and accuses the customer of stealing his chair., and sitting where this stranger insisted he had a right to sit.

The problem is that the customer hadn't stolen anyone's seat. The customer who had this accusation hurled at him had been sitting at this location for over a half hour. No one else had been sitting there. This customer brought the issue to the attention of the bar staff; however, they took the side of the stranger who was there to start a fight.

Then, the bar staff call on a bouncer to remove the innocent customer from the premises. This could indicate Brother's bar itself may be contriving these situations to get innocent people put out on the street, at night, and cut off from their friends who had not been kicked out of the bar.

Moniuqe777 then finds another similar complaint on the Brother's Bar website, which leads her to think these instances could have conceivably factored into the drowning deaths of so many of the college students in Smiley cases. Nearly all the SFK victims are separated from friends while out drinking. It is when they are separated that something happens to them.

I revisit how Greg tried to warn me saying, "The are playing divide and conquer on the women."

Divide and conquer does indeed seem to be what the SFK perpetrators seem to be doing; they attack victims only when they are alone. This was the pattern Frank held to rigorously. He always would work to whittle away the number of people I had assisting me. Until he had me isolated he never showed himself. Only when he was sure I was isolated and or no one would catch him carrying out violence he moved on this. Does this mean he is a coward? This might be the case, but I really think his biggest priority is not getting caught in the act of any crime. This fits the profile of a person who spends most of his waking hours attempting to stupify about the reality of series of murders by Smiley Killers. If he has played a role in the trolling must be motivated by a terror of getting caught. Even his tantrums when people start learning he is playing games, have the feel of a cornered animal resorting to biting and clawing in desperation. Just like an animal that doesn't want to be captured, Frank does pretty much what animals do.

This is always how it ends up with Frank. When he is busy employing deception and manipulating people he maintains a fake, plastic niceness. Like with me, he was trying to play at being St. Frank and helping me do all these things I needed help with. When Frank was busy doing all these fake-nice things for me, he carried himself like a martyr.

In his book he plays the martyr too. In his book he is whining about being "the job's hamster,," "ole Hammy" , "good ole Frank", or "ole witchie poo."

I don't think he likes being fake-nice and if he had his way and no risk of getting caught he would act out cruelly and violently with people all the time. He is at first a closet sadist, working to position people where he wants them. Once he has them there, and those people have been isolated enough for him to feel safe from capture and censure, he has no qualms being violent.

I imagine this is how he conducts himself in targeting young, attractive college men. He waits until he has them sequestered away from their friends at the bar. The fact the victims have been bounced out of the bar, with no way to get back in, this is when he and other Smileys move in. They never just seem to pounce on victims with public violence they may get caught for. These people wait in the wings, get the victim where he is defenseless and then move in for the kill. My guess is that all of the killers in this group really don't want to get caught.

However, when I wised up to the deception, when he was only busy just "grooming" me to be human trafficked, and confronted him, the plastic niceness melted away. Then he turned into a monster. He raped me. He abused me. He was violent.

He seems to have the ability to coast on a false presentation of himself, which seems nice, but is contriving. People always seem to reach a point when realize he is playing games with them. People confront him because it is human nature to confront a liar. The moment someone confronts him is when the true cruel monster he really is comes out. Then he yells, screams, threatens and bullies. He will do this until the person backs off. He seems accustomed to having his way, and cannot manage being thwarted. This is Frank.

What is really, really interesting, is that right after Monique777 presents this idea on the blog, one troll named Jake launches into pages of character assassination of Monique777. Like both Frank and other section of the blog where the troll is active, the troll attacks the person who comes up with a relevant fact or a good idea. The troll also throws out accusations at the person making the post, accusing them of doing what they are doing- trolling and confusing people. The troll also then tries to accuse the poster of being the killer and all sorts of other things. Often these are the exact things the troll has been exposed as doing earlier in the thread/discussion.

I have found that when the troll is most active on the board, someone has usually brought up a really good idea, or has solved part of the mystery about the murders. Then the troll launches into vigorous ad hominem attacks. The troll even creates more sock puppets on the blog; sock puppets who all happen to be brand new to the forum/blog and decide to back the troll out of the clear blue. These observations come from other people on the blog. The only idea I contribute to this is deciding the troll's activity in response to good and accurate ideas.

No where is this more apparent than when the troll, using the moniker "Jake" attacks Monique777 and her idea that the killer's are instigating fights when the victim is as the bar he is last seen at. "Jake" strangely uses a technique Frank uses, which is to just throw out accusations of fake things towards whoever says something he doesn't like or brings up an issue he doesn't want discussed.
Here is her idea in her own words on page :

July 8th, 2009 at 23:56 | #35
Reply | Quote

"Two things: I was reading comments under Brothers Bar by patrons doing reviews and found two odd comments. Both were men that said they were confronted by a guy in the bar. One guy said someone came up to him and said he stole his seat. The guy had been sitting there a half hour. Then the people who worked there sided with the guy who accused him of stealing his seat. He said it was not longer after the bouncer (an off duty cop) came over and just told him to leave. The other incident was very similar. So it's as if someone inside is trying to instigate fights in that bar on purpose.
Second, the last time Matt Kruziki was seen according to my friend who use to be a reporter in the Tristate region, was when he was sitting under a bridge smoking a cigarette. It was after he was told to leave the River Queen without his coat. A cop approached him and asked what he was doing. He told the cop he was smoking a cigarette. My friend said she may have written about it but didn't think she had put it in the paper because it had come from one of her sources."


This following idea makes Jake uneasy. Here he is quoted:

July 9th, 2009 at 10:20 | #17
Reply | Quote
monique777 :Two things:
"I was reading comments under Brothers Bar by patrons doing reviews and found two odd comments. Both were men that said they were confronted by a guy in the bar. One guy said someone came up to him and said he stole his seat. The guy had been sitting there a half hour. Then the people who worked there sided with the guy who accused him of stealing his seat. He said it was not longer after the bouncer (an off duty cop) came over and just told him to leave. The other incident was very similar. So it's as if someone inside is trying to instigate fights in that bar on purpose.
Second, the last time Matt Kruziki was seen according to my friend who use to be a reporter in the Tristate region, was when he was sitting under a bridge smoking a cigarette. It was after he was told to leave the River Queen without his coat. A cop approached him and asked what he was doing. He told the cop he was smoking a cigarette. My friend said she may have written about it but didn't think she had put it in the paper because it had come from one of her sources."
"It's possible that the emoloyees/bouncer of the bar may have sided with the other customer, because they knew him a little better, than the guy who wrote the complaining post."
(from page
In this next excerpt of the dialog between Monique777 and Jake, we see Jake acting uneasy about Monique's theory which she shared just before:

monique777 : "So the bar workers instigate a fight with a man (perhaps recently drugged) to get him thrown out (so he will be alone) and vulnerable to being a victim. The men are chosen while in the bar."
Jake (July 9th, 2009) "My oh my — that is really jumping to conclusions. Talk about conspiracy theories.In bars, where people are drinking, people sometimes say stuff to other customers. If it gets heated, bouncers will boot out whichever one they decide to boot. If one customer had had something slipped in his drink by a passerby, his behavior would probably be worse, so he probably is the one to get booted. Once he is outside, separated from his friends, alone, he is easy prey. I don't know why you think that bar employees all over the midwest are in on this."

In this next snippet of the dialogue between Monique and Jake, Jake attempts to derail the discussion from going in the direction which it is headed:

Faith (July 9th, 2009:): "Matt Kruziki was last at the River Queen Lounge 12/23/05 in East Dubuque,IL. The River Queen Lounge is located at 31 Sinsinawa Avenue. This is actually very close to the water and a bridge.
Jake is very concerned about stopping Monique777 from carrying her idea further.. He ignores what Monique777 just said and says this:

July 10th, 2009 at 03:56 | #42
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"It seems like some people (& maybe along with their alternative aliases on this blog) are trying to send bloggers on wild goose chases, suspecting companies that the supply the bar ????? what is that ? WalMart? Come on people. That makes no sense.
It's very possible for the killer to use a certain type of bar (college hang outs) to find his next victim, but I doubt that that has anything to do who owns the bar or supplies the bar.
& mentioning cases that are clearly unrelated — 20 years ago, where many witnesses saw a guy accidentally fall into the water, and the recent case where the victim lived, when his 2 "friends" threw him off a bridge, & witnesses saw that too —- what is the point in bringing up these types of cases that are clearly unrelated to the serial killer theory ———- OTHER THAN TO TRY TO CAST DOUBT ON THE ENTIRE THEORY That there is some type of serial killer doing many of these killings.

Post on page
"Jake" attacks Monique777 verbally after she posts this idea. He levels accusations towards her immediately after she posts her theory that people working in tandem with the killers instigated fights with Smiley victims in order to get the bouncers to kick the victim out of the bar.

Starting at around page 103 and continuing to page 108, Jake goes on a rampage accusing almost everyone who posts on the blog of being the killers and more things. Here are examples of how Jake attacks Zorro's Pal, Monique and others:

July 8th, 2009 at 17:47 | #19
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monique777 : "This has been passed on to me to post for Zorro's Pal as I was told he will no longer be posting here:It is more about Bryan, the man who was found in the Milwaukee River. It's too bad we have lost a great mind who provided tons of information on this blog.

Zorro's Pal
July 8th, 2009 at 19:54 | #24
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monique777 :
"This has been passed on to me to post for Zorro's Pal as I was told he will no longer be posting here:It is more about Bryan, the man who was found in the Milwaukee River. It's too bad we have lost a great mind who provided tons of information on this blog.
link to
Jake :
"So Zorro's Pal emails information to Monique on the side —- what a surprise !!!! —- NOT !
Zorro's Pal seemed like a very inteligent well-educated person, BUT HE PROVIDED DIS-INFORMATION.
Wouldn't it be something if Monique & ZP were really one & same all along, just acting like different personalities. The one thing that they both had in common — COMPLETELY — is their opposition to anyone posting anything about priests. That seems so odd."

Zorro's Pal
"Popping in to post just to say this- "Jake," you are biggest A-hole on here. And you are worse than that."
The troll uses this ploy when he posts on all the Smiley related websites which allow people post their ideas on the subject.

People just really do get tired of mudslinging. However, the mudslinging works must work enough for the troll and others like him to persist with it. Political attack advertisements use appeal to fear almost as much as Jake/the Troll/Frank. He attacks all good ideas on all the various Smiley case solving websites that will allow him to do this. If he gets banned for the behavior he just comes back under a new name and does the same thing again.

His disruptive attempts to prevent solving Smiley cases also include posting ridiculous sounding theories which are false. He posts wacky ideas all the time to likely create the impression to new readers that people who take the Smiley cases seriously are gullible, stupid and prone to believing absurd things.

I also think his post about Catholic monks and priests being the serial killers come from how the troll doesn't like priests or monks. The killers seem to blatantly target Christians and Catholics, so this fits with the agenda of the killers.

This is so much like Frank. Jake is trying to get people afraid of and unwilling to believe, listen to and unwilling to assist his victims, that no one will help them and come to their rescue. I've already lived this in real life with Frank. My heart goes out to anyone else who is the subject of this ploy of his. It makes it easier for the killer he can get people convinced his victims are instead the perpetrators. Maybe this twisting of the truth reflects the killers own attempt to convince himself he is right to abuse, kill and maim his victims.

What is even more sad, is he posts his own tactics plain as day on the board, as if he's trying to mock everyone reading it as too incompetent to discern what is happening.

Jake says, "Vilify, nullify and destroy" to get with it. His description here is more complicated that what I learned is called appeal to fear. Wherever Jake obtained this formula, it is a more complex and more specific description of a strategy, which I have been calling "appeal to fear." I haven't even this described in articles about propaganda.

Still, I have learned there are actual books on how to manipulate people that human traffickers pass around among themselves. What I experienced when I had to deal with Frank trying to hurt, attack and isolate me is that he used strategies I had never heard of nor seen, and had no defense against. I even went to college and there was scarcely nothing I knew which helped me mount a defense against Frank's games.

I would love to see whatever guide he seems to be getting these games from, because if I had it and I put it out publicly, all these games he plays would be set up for failure.

Obtaining his source for these games would also greatly assist people trying to stop human trafficking, It would also be of great help in order to advise and prepare victims of human trafficking to fight off their traffickers by disarming their ploys.

It works for Jake frequently, not all the time, but enough to damage things. I'll bet Frank thinks when finds a pretty girl he hopes to force into unpaid prostitution against their will, "All I have to do is vilify her; if say scary things about her everyone will ignore her, dismiss her and she's ready to make a profit from. I just have to make sure I say all that before anyone figures out that I'm the liar and she's the one telling the truth. If they get to know her I've lost so I will make up the scariest lies possible, she's trapped. It will work if people don't have enough information about a person to accurately judge a situation."

He tried it with me, and it worked. I barely got out alive. He gets caught but he succeeds too. Otherwise, he'd have no reason to keep doing this to people.

Again, this is a way human traffickers and the smiley gang get unfettered access to their intended victims. If prevention is the best medicine, then understanding the objectives of traffickers and Smiley gang members, and how they achieve them matters.

Just look at how the troll accuses people like Monique777, Zorro's Pal and others of doing exactly what was doing in these online conversations, I have had some thoughts.

Frank always accuses first, even if he has to make stuff up and point of his tactic is that once anyone is accused of anything, it is natural for people to fear a person, whether the accusation is true or not.

Still, while focusing on this, I missed something important. He is doesn't just accuse people of random things so much as he accuses other people of doing exactly what he is doing. Speculations about the reasons why don't matter. What matters is that this is an established pattern, he repeats enough to count the pattern itself as valid way of obtaining information. From the data you could obtain from the pattern, you can both get an accurate record of things Frank has done and also a means to predict his future behavior.

Using the logic he used in the email, all people who own knives are serial killers. You don't need to take critical thinking to understand that argument is absurd. If I were to take the multiple times Frank has said other people do to him what he is doing to them, both online, here in Smiley crime solving forums and his book, and apply it to this statement, what this constitutes is an admission; yes, I, Frank Marzitelli am a serial killer. I am accusing you of being what I am.

It isn't enough to arrest him, but this is enough to point out that it is highly likely he has murdered numerous people. He didn't say "killer" he said "serial killer." Thus far, it seems clear he is involved in killing or being present at the killing of one person. He has a vested interest in preventing people from asking questions about drowning deaths which involve such a narrow segment of the population that it is statistically impossible these are random accidents.

Still, this, alone doesn't tell me exactly how many people he has killed. I don't know. I know he is involved in all of this in a big way. That isn't anything conclusive to indicate the number of lives he has taken. If he is following his pattern, and I believe he is, he is in effect admitting to serial murder.

He has likely taken multiple lives. I think a total of 300 plus Smiley Cases have occurred; this means that any portion of 300 murders trace back to Frank.

Also, if you take how he accuses other people of what he had done, take it as a pattern, or even a form of code talk, and went over not just Kristi Piehls blog but other smiley blogs, combed the comments section and back-engineered everything the troll has accused other people of, you would get a detailed, accurate and lengthy picture of every crime the troll has engaged in.

The same theory works on Frank in his book. This would be a very, very interesting project. This would be one way to get enough data about his activities to know where to look for real, tangible evidence which could theoretically lead to his arrest.

Now, all that is in the book of his and in that forum was said by police to be just circumstantial evidence and not enough evidence to charge Frank with any crime.

At the time the email seemed absurd and I figured he was not happy with me owning a knife, because if he came to get me I could hurt him with it.

He'd already raped me, already gave me enough hell to where he knew he was in for a fight if he came to abduct me. He wasn't happy about that.
When that failed, he next day threatened to sue me if I didn't meet him in person in 72 hours just because he said someone I knew spoke to him. He didn't even say who it was. You can't sue people for that. I think there is a term for threatening lawsuits which are used to harass or compel someone to do something he or she is better off not doing , like getting abducted by a rapist or rapists, given he is a human trafficker who is part of a ring. I don't recall it offhand. It would be good to remember, in case any readers of this have had similar threats made by human traffickers to them to scare that victim into doing things against their will.
The reason I am thinking about this is I recalled how Frank doesn't just troll Footprints at the River's Edge and Kristi Piehl's blog, but a larger, more general forum called There are threads on that forum which also discuss Smiley murders and I know other people on Kristi's blog mentioned seeing the troll active on this forum as well.
I recently went to their website and was sort of taken aback by what I saw on the splash page for people wishing to use the forum for the first time. There was a long list of banned activities which I know full well the troll or trolls (Batman, too) on Kristi Piehl's site had engaged in.
This is all a list of the typically sophisticated machinations Frank has engaged in, multiple times.
• You Contractually Agree that you are at least 18 years of age and that you are accessing this website for personal use only.
• You Contractually Agree that you wish to join as a member to this private establishment and that any communication taking place here is considered private communication between members and is not publicly disseminated information.
• You are responsible for all activity that occurs under your IP Address and device on this website, including your conduct and any User Content you provide or that you allow others to provide under your IP Address and device.
• You will not use this website to harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate another person, government, or legal entity.
• You will not use this website to promote, recruit for, or organize any real life group, political or otherwise.
• You will not provide, submit or otherwise make available any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, or otherwise illegal.
• You will not provide, submit or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," "affiliate links" or any other form of solicitation.
• You will not violate any local laws in your jurisdiction (including, but not limited to, intellectual property laws).
• You will not use our Site for any illegal or unauthorized purpose.
• You will not access, "hack," alter or otherwise use any part of the Site in any unauthorized manner.
• You will not utilize any software bugs, robots, web spiders, or other such technological device to automaticly access, extract or archive any data or information contained on the Site.
• You understand and agree that your membership to this private establishment can be revoked by this website's staff at any time for any reason whatsoever or no reason at all.
• You Contractually Agree to abide by and be bound by the additional terms of service, disclaimer, and copyright agreement found in the footer of this website.
What strikes me here is the usage of the word "tortious." I think it relates to a legal term used in regards to lawsuits. I am not sure exactly but heard the word used in the term tortious claims. It might mean frivolous lawsuits, I am not sure. Regardless, there seems to be policy here that is geared towards some pretty hideous abuses of the website.

As far as what violations lists here that the troll on Kristi Piehl's blog has partaken in, would include content that is "unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, or otherwise illegal."

The next rule that relates to things I've seen happen on Kristi Piehl's blog applies also:

"You will not use this website to harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate another person, government, or legal entity.

The troll/Frank on Kristi's Piehl's blog has on multiple occasions posed as other writers on the blog, a private detective, and probably taken up other false identities. The one time I recall most is when the troll poses as a private detective and is outed by a real private detective.

This matters in relation to Smiley crimes due to how sometimes real private detectives have been hired to look into these cases in the face of lackluster interest by the local police on a particular case. Posing as a private detective could be damaging in that innocent people would trust the troll, the killer himself with details about the cases which could compromise the ability to catch and arrest the killer.

I suppose it is the killer's effort to stay out of jail, by stealing information he has no right to. I can only imagine if this has happened the killer has posed as other authorities possibly. Again, I can't know the reason for the policy on

Still I recommend viewing any Smiley related websites with a browser which hides your ip address like the free open source Tor Browser or the free ip address concealer Surf Anonymous Free because the deceptive techniques used by trolls on these blogs is extensive. Also, Frank and his obvious sock puppets aren't the only trolls present.

I had my suspicions about "jbrown" on Kristi's blog. When I conveyed my mistrust of him to the authorities helping me, they said it was justified. He happens to be the moderator on Kristi's blog. This means that when you sign up to post on her blog he will get your ip address.

Frank seems to want me dead just for figuring out as much as I had in 2012. He is a psychopath and extremely dangerous. You wouldn't want a serial killer to know where you live. If you allow your ip address to show up on a website that can lead to someone finding out where you happen to be getting online.

The Smiley Face Killer blog troll, what his goals are and his frequent use of projection as a way to get people to doubt the people who are being honest

The one thing I seem most frequently with the troll on the SFK blogs is how he projects his own actions and motivations directly on people who are good, intelligent and able to formulate real theories and ideas which move people closer to solving the case. The troll relies on his ability to confuse people coming on new to the discussion and milks their ignorance for all its worth. Again and again, when people start doing good work on in these forums in solving the Smiley Face Murders, the troll tries to interfere in any way that he can.
The crazy thing is that he almost always accuses others of doing what he is doing. I don't think he really believes other's are doing it, so it's a bit different from how the term "projection" is used in psychology.

For some reason the troll, and for that matter, Frank seems to think projecting their own motivations onto the innocent is an effective way to block people from learning the truth. He does it probably from thinking that if he says others do what he does, then they will experience the isolation and hatred he feels he deserves himself.
Either this or he's somewhat limited in creativity, so he just twists things around backwards. It is no small irony that the biggest revealer of the tactics used by this internet persona, this troll, is himself.

I believe too he's working from a formula in his efforts to stall discussion about the smiley cases. I am certain that this post here from "Harry" who likely is the troll is laying out more specifically Frank's tactics. People who work in the law enforcement community on Smiley cases I've met would corroborate some of the following activities are partaken in by Smileys.
November 30th, 2009 at 03:43 | #21
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"... Groups also attack targets of convenience. These people are selected because they are convenient targets, and not for any other reason. These include loners who tend to be more vulnerable to their harassment tactics than those with family and friends around them. Targets of convenience are used for practice."
Their M.O. is :
2 Villify
3 Nullify
4 Destroy
"The leaders ... are starting to balk at exposing their members to arrest for activities which amount to little gain for the movement. THEY SAY THAT ANYONE WHO IS A TARGET SHOULD BE KILLED, and not just harassed for years."/b>"

November 30th, 2009 at 03:48 | #22
Reply | Quote
"Cyber-Stalking is a related group of harassing behavior occurring via
internet/online. Cyber-Stalking includes, but is not limited to;
Computer Hacking, "Trolling", Spamming (Often including "Porn
Deluges"), Verbal Assaults, Character Assassination, and
Impersonations of the victim."


The most common response people have to this troll is to sincerely think he is a very confused man, obsessed with weird things like priests who molest children, satanic cults, monks who make porn, etc. You think he's just got weird obsessions and ignore him. People like Monique have suggested that maybe he was abused by a priest and contributing these long posts about molester priests because of his own unresolved issues.
I thought something like that myself until I saw a post similar to Frank. The irony in all of this is that the reaction of thinking this guy is a freak who just has weird obsessions was my initial reaction to Frank! Hell, I pitied him until he started showing aberrant behavior. Absolutely none of what Frank concerns himself with is a real obsession from what I know. Frank instead is picking and choosing ideas to bring up to cultivate confusion in a way he sees fit.

In the following section, there is a statement made by Jake. Jake seems bothered by some points which other people are bringing up. I don't have in front of me the entire dialogue here. I don't know what was said about Walmart. All I know is that this is bothering the troll.
I find it intriguing to see that Walmart, in particular is part of someone's theory. I find it even stranger that "Jake" seems distressed at the mention of it. The reason why is that Frank told me he bought a watch at Walmart.

He had some weird sort of pathological reverence for the watch. In his book he uses the watch as a metaphor for a female which he controls and dominates sexually. Normal people don't associate watches with sex. Nor do normal people objectify the imagined female, the watch represents.
I also get the impression that there is some sort of hidden meaning beyond this in the watch. Again, I have no idea how Walmart factors into the equation. I will start with what I do know. Frank likes Walmart. Frank likes globalization. He rubbed this in my face years ago when he was moving in to make me a slave.

The only logical reason which I can think of for him liking globalization and Walmart stems back to human trafficking. Human traffickers transport victims over national boundaries in the American continent. I know that the truck company his cousin works for has permission to transport goods to Mexico and Canada. This truck company is in the south, which is where Frank said he went back and forth from during his trucking job.

His cousin is reasonably high up in the company. Frank is a manipulative person. I haven't seen it personally but I have a hunch that he uses money to bribe people to do work for him. To explain my line of reasoning, I will have to go back to the book about Cabrini Green by Sudhir Venkatesh.

The only reason I read this book is because Frank mentions Cabrini Green in his book. The gist of Venkatesh's book, is that when he was a sociology student, Venkatesh is sent by his professor to go collect information about the poor in public housing in Chicago.
What happens next is that when Venkatesh brings his survey form to Cabrini Green he catches the attention of some gang members patrolling a hallway in the Cabrini Green projects

The case of Dan Zamlen
In this part I will look more closely at the case of Dan Zamlen. I mentioned it before, but I will focus on details in this section.

I was living in St. Paul in 2011. I just had fled with great fervor from Frank Marzitelli. I still had problems with other people although I avoided with great care any location I knew Frank might happen to be at. I was getting harassed by a number of people all the same, most all of it was sexual harassment.

Like for example, once I relocated to the suburbs, someone drew a penis on my windshield of my car with soap, and wrote "bitch" in gangsta script.

I had concerns for my safety, naturally, so when it was evident I was in danger I began to make a concerted effort to understand crime in the Twin Cities area in Minnesota.

It so happened that I found someone using words I had heard Frank use in a forum which addresses a series of likely murders of successful, bright, attractive college males who tend to resemble one another. The role Frank seemed to be playing in this forum dedicated to solving murders was that of someone who endeavored to create confusion on the issue of whether these drownings were murders or accidents, and confusion about who was helpful and legitimate on the forum.

The section of the discussion about these drowning murders I first read about involved the drowning death of a St. Paul college student named Dan Zamlen. Dan attended a party at someone's house in St. Paul. The online discussion said the last phone call Dan made was to a friend at around 2:30 am.

Dan said he was walking near River Road in St. Paul. That was the last anyone heard from him. Scent dogs were used once Dan was found missing. Dan was missing for over a week. Later his body was found in the water near the Ford plant's hydroelectric dam.

Dan's parents said that they didn't think their son was suicidal. His parents weren't sure what happened but were very suspicious. They didn't trust the statements some of the witnesses to Dan's last night at that party made to police. They felt those people knew more than they were telling.

His parents were skeptical Dan would be stupid enough to walk down to the Mississippi River on a night when it was cold and snowing and then accidentally fall in. Unable to get any sort of justice or serious inquiry into the matter from St. Paul police, his parents focused on how at this party for mostly 18 and 19 year olds like Dan, how the parents of the kid hosting the party allowed liquor to be served.

Other facts worth noting about Dan Zamlen's case is that he and other people thought that the
liquor being served at the party tasted funny. Dan's parents also doubted Dan was as drunk as what his so-called friends at the party claimed. Dan happened to have a crush on a girl there who made contradictory, and likely false statements to police. This is one point where his family is cynical that the whole story as to Dan's disappearance and drowning is either false or missing pieces.

Dan's parents were also very disappointed in how the local coroner in St. Paul didn't conduct a full array of tests on Dan, including a proper assessment of his blood alcohol level and for GHB, a date rape drug.

Dan's body was in the water for days and apparently, this can skew results for both these tests. His parents were so disappointed with the lack of effort by the local coroner, they asked a coroner in Duluth, Minnesota to perform his own tests on Dan, which he did. Two attendee's at the party Dan said the beer in the keg tasted funny and that they became sick and vomited after drinking it.

GHB occurs naturally in the body. It either increases or decreases when a body decomposes. Dan was in the water for over a week. Blood alcohol level also increases with decomposition, making it hard to determine exactly how much Dan actually drank his last night alive.

Human traffickers use date rape drug. It probably was used on me. I drank tea from a pitcher which tasted funny, and I felt dizzy. Another girl where I was came over dizzy the same time I did and drank from the same thing.

Frank when he found me at an apartment I rented in Minneapolis, had other members of his human trafficking ring threaten me and harass me there. During that time, one of those people, a skinhead named Jamison from Detroit, bragged about using date rape drug.

I think that human traffickers not only use this drug to force compliance in prostitution, but in the cases of a few of Frank's friends, those people may have been also getting high off one date rape drug called ketamine.

Ketamine is not only a date rape drug, but is abused on the street because it generates a "high." Essentially, the majority of the people I saw involved in the human trafficking entailed poor street people who had drug problems and other substance abuse issues. It makes sense, because addicted people are emotionally numb and therefore able to hurt people with more ease than the general public.

Regardless of how they used date rape drugs for recreation, the only thing I am certain of is that Frank's human trafficking ring used it on people they wanted to exploit. Using the proverb, "where there's smoke, there's fire," undoubtedly those people could use it for other reasons beyond trafficking sex slaves.

I was online looking for graffiti pictures, but as I looked for one image on a drowning murder blog, I wound up reading about Dan Zamlen. I was intrigued by it most of all because I went with Frank right past the locations where Dan was thought to be the night he disappeared and where he went into the water.

Frank had this obsessive thing going about hanging out along the river. Naturally, I was all ears when it came to any story regarding possible murder where Frank ironically hung out. I joked that Dan must have sounded scared his last night alive because he had just seen Frank.

On a more serious note, I think I really was suspicious there was a connection between that incident with Dan Zamlen and the criminal misfits who hung out at the Dorothy Day center. Other facts that caught my notice about details of the case. One such fact included how a smiley face had been spray-painted along the Mississippi where Dan likely was placed in the water, and how the word "boo" was spray painted all over the area where Dan vanished made me think a street gang had a role in Dan's disappearance and murder. The hunch was right.

So, I am engrossed in reading this discussion online. Except that one day near the end of October 2011, I stumbled up something in that same discussion which nearly knocked me out of my chair. I will describe this in the next section.

Frank Marzitelli and the Smiley Face Killer Blog "Troll" Share the Same Unique, Bizarre Interests

One day when I was standing in line at the Dorothy Day Center for lunch, Frank came up to me in line and started talking to me. He was talking about what seemed like nonsense . He was trying to insist that the mural at the Dorothy Day Center in the main area on the first floor, near the ceiling, had sexual innuendo in it.

As it appears, the mural, is an image with homeless people sitting on benches and whatnot, with a figure of Jesus in the center. Yet, the the various images in the mural were interpreted by Frank to have hidden sexual innuendo in it. For example, he said that a picture where two people are laughing, and one person is bent forward, while laughing, depicts oral sex.

Mostly, I ignored what he said, and the only conclusion I drew is that he was screwed up. Apparently he thought me and everyone in the lunch line needed to hear this. I failed to see the point of why he felt the need to tell us about this.
In yet another seeming coincidence the troll on Kristi Piehl's blog, using the name "Bradley 2.0" in a post made on May 7th, 2009, said:

"This is interesting (referring to a link), its about Catholic art showing and promoting sexual perversity. .

I think the point the troll "Bradley 2.0" is trying to drive home with this is that priests and or monks are the Smiley Faced Killers.
Other people on the blog get very tired of this troll and his unrelenting attempts to make people believe priests are the killers. He posts under other names posing the same idea; some of those names include, "anonymous coward, AC, Boy in the Machine, Jo Jo potatoes and more. You can tell by writing style and by the insistence on certain ideas like killer priests that these are all different names used by the same person.

So, what Bradley 2.0 says this in post #10 and #12 about the satanic art monk is the effort by the troll to promote ideas which in all seriousness are just red herrings. I think when Bradley 2.0 tells us about the satanic porn monk, what he's attempting to do is divert people into chasing really stupid dead end ideas. Again, the troll has eagerness to point people in the wrong direction. Worse, when he starts prattling about serial killer priests, Satanists and the like, it makes the issue of these bizarre drowning deaths seem to be just a conspiracy theory. There actually is good data supporting the idea these are murders, but if you go to a blog like this and see ideas about killer priests and Satanists, it makes the issue of the all the drowning deaths of young men seem like a conspiracy theory and little else.

He says on page 9 of the comments section: link:

May 7th, 2009 at 18:37 | #12
Reply | Quote
"- The Shocking Embed Art of "Satanic Porn Monk" Br. Steve Erspamer
"Working with the Oregon Catholic Press as well as on his own, Br. Steve Erspamer, a former Marianist Brother, has been supplying the world with numerous deformed and blasphemous satanic and sexual religious artworks for many years.
"In this chapter, many of Erspamer's devastating artworks outside of the Oregon Catholic Press are deciphered in plain sight by use of motion graphic extractions. These shocking images were distributed throughout the world, appearing in liturgical materials and church bulletins. The Result: "Satanic Porn Monk" Steve Erspamer was shuffled out of the Marianist Order in St. Louis, and into St. Meinrad's Benedictine Monastery of Indiana, on temporary probation.
"In typical assailant fashion, he not only changed location & religious order, but Erspamer also altered his physical appearance, and even changed his name to an alias, "Martin" Erspamer.
"He continues to be the "Go to Guy" for embed art of the Conciliar Church's satanic pornography machine, adding to his hundreds of works of blasphemy, sex and horror, while the Church makes no effort to expel Erspamer, but instead protects him, his works, and the highly sensitive information that he knows."

I also think Bradley 2.0 is Frank because of what he says in his book which is a near exact match to information Bradley 2.0 shares with us:

"The work is huge and colorful (yellow), dominating an entire room and its occupants, dwarfing the mural size portrait of modest Ms. Dorothy Day herself; disdained, located on the other side of the room, thus removed. Depicted in the middle of the mural mirroring the facility, painted gold from head to toe like the Golden Calf of Aaron described in The Bible (in the position of most prominence in the piece), is an African-American man with greater stature then Jesus the son of God himself (also depicted in the work). The African-American male staring at Christ appears to be affording a condescending smile toward "Jesus," when factoring in what is going on in the rest of the work. Jesus, (placed outside of the work in the lower front shadows, as if in front of a projector screen displaying the mural behind him) appears exiting the ordeal in disgust toward the right, displeased in demeanor. In front of Jesus in the back-round staring at him, is what appears to be a Mexican-American or Asian-American man smoking a cigarette, while urinating in front of or on the feet of Christ. In the area toward the left of the work, is a cross gender Caucasian male walking with a Caucasian happy hippie type, who is flashing what appears to be the peace sign with his hand or hands, to the near right of (what vaguely appears to be) a male and female couple necking. To the lower left of the cross gender Caucasian male and the happy hippie type, larger in proportion by comparison, thus appearing closer to the viewer is another African-American male, only he is wearing an apron, walking toward the viewer with a staff radio outside of the apron in the area of his crotch. From a distance---in this area of his crotch---the staff radio forms a square hole in the apron, where viewed is this gentleman's genitalia exposed, with highlights included (to more accurately define the shape of his penis for the public to see).

"When someone enters the establishment from the front doors of the atrium area, this image is viewed directly in front of them from across the room as if on a painted stage, with the viewer's eyes placed at crotch level--- factoring in distance. To the right of the center of the work on the "Let Peace Reign On Earth" post, viewed are two people having sex with their clothes on in an alley fashion, with the female appearing Latino or African-American and the male appearing either as the African-American male with the staff radio or any other hippie type. The hair is the giveaway here. It has a curly Rick James like characteristic.

"Viewing the illicit activity taking place on the "Let Peace Reign on Earth" post is a group of haggardly Caucasian females sitting on a bench (waiting to participate) forming a line, with an older female at the very end of the bench wearing an American flag draped across her shoulders grinning strangely like the rest of them, suggesting more is implied other then the obvious; she appears to be masturbating or to have just masturbated with a stick she keeps close between her legs. To the right of this sex-train scene in the corner of the work, is an attractive Caucasian female staff member in appearance, giving an inviting look and pointing in the opposite direction, as a way of condoning the activity; providing privacy, yet inviting the viewer into it. The overall appearance of most of the people in the work is that of drunk, high, or drug addicts.

"How long has something this obscene been placed on the wall at The Dorothy Day Center of Saint Paul Minnesota; a state's capitol? Considering the snide, confident, condescending demeanor displayed by the average African-American male directed toward the public at The Dorothy Day Center and other establishments openly acknowledging daily their institutionalized worshipped status as among the funding cow elite of Aaron's Golden Calf Club, probably for quite some time. Some of their highly vocalized cries of peril expressed when they don't get what they want acknowledge this. Affirmative acclamations of "We are royalty!" "We are kings!" "We are kings of kings!" "We are gold!" "We are golden!" suggesting, "We set the rules or hold the standard; the gold standard," "We are D.D.C." The mural has been on the wall since 2001. A little shocking? From an artistic perspective it does an excellent job of illustrating something noticed that is very real to life in a particular environment. From this standpoint it is phenomenal artwork. The question is does the location where it is displayed publicly suggest appropriate use? If so, what purpose is... "

Bradley 2.0 posting the same weird stuff over and over annoys other people on Piehl's blog.

Monique777 says in post #15,

"Brad, please! Not all Catholics are perverted and promote perversion. Not all Catholic priests have molested children. Why do you focus on so much on the Catholics? Aside from the Abbey (where scent dogs found one victim's scent at an abbey in Collegeville, MN), and the Christian necklaces (which were found missing from some SFK victims), why is your mind caught in this rut? We all know there is some bad stuff that used to go on and maybe still is, but how is that relevant information? You made your point but (you) keep restating it over and over. Why?"

Bradley ignores Monique777 and then makes two more posts about this monk in posts 21, and 23.


Who is "Bradley 2.0?"

Frank Marzitelli is a troll on Kristi's blog who uses different "sock puppets" to harass, waste time of or misinform people. What the term "sockpuppet" means is that he writes under a series of made up names supposedly belonging to different people. People usually create sockpuppets only when they are engaged in nefarious activity online and most forums immediately ban people who use sockpuppets. The troll in Kristi Piehl's forum uses sock puppets frequently.

The name "Bradley 2.0" at first sounded to me like someone referring to computer software and the name Bradley. I thought the name was just someone trying to be stupid until I looked up the name in an effort to learn if other forums are out there that got trolled.
I find that Bradley 2.0 happens to be the name of a tank used by the U.S. Army, the M-2 Bradley:

"Bradley 2.0"
by James Dunnigan
October 21, 2009
"The U.S. Army plans to keep its M-2 (Bradley) IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) for another twenty years. To do that, it wants to upgrade thousands of them to "Block II" status. There are already 600 "Block 1.5" (BUSK) upgrades. These are the M-2s modified for urban warfare, based on Iraq experience.

The M-2 BUSK (Bradley Urban Survival Kit) upgrades were applied in two batches over the last few years (the program ended in 2008). The first included a more powerful (at 3 million candlepower, four times brighter) spotlight."

The use of this name by the troll is further confirmation that the troll is likely Frank Marzitelli. Frank, as his book shows, is really into tanks. He was in the Army during the 1980's and served in Germany according to the resume of his that he forgot he left with me. It said he drove tanks in the Army.

I'm sure for a white supremacist, joining the military and serving in Germany fits him.
He says in his book that he rode an M1 Abrams tank. Considering the Bradley 2.0 is Army equipment, which dates back to the 1980's—when Frank was serving in the army—my doubts about his role in the Smiley murders diminish almost completely. This is information posted on Wikipedia about the tank:

"Since entering service with the U.S. Army in 1981, a total of 4,641 M2s have been produced."

Frank says in his book:
"What has just happened, is all this negative E.M.P generated around a single issue that doesn't involve our jobs hamster, has just taken away his nest of earned veteran benefits acquired from years of service protecting the constitutional rights of everyone (including these factions), as if our jobs hamster somehow ran himself over with his own M1 Abrams Army Tank back in Germany years ago, without knowing it." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Bradley 2.0 tank was apparently in use during the same time period that Frank was likely in the army which was during the 1980s.
It is at least clear that the person posting as Bradley 2.0 was in the U.S. Army and tank driver familiar with both M2 Bradley's and M1 Abrams tanks. Frank is familiar with the latter.
Examining the murder case of Jelani Brinson as a Hate crime

These are just some of a long list of reasons that clearly, there is more to all of this than people dying from "unfortunate accidents." There is a killer, maybe even a couple killers. Tragically, it has taken the friends and family to press for justice for their deceased children. This pressure has been successful in some cases. One such case that was finally ruled a homicide involved a person in the Minneapolis area named Jelani Brinson.

Jelani was black. Jelani Brinson was married to a white woman and just had young daughter by her. Jelani loved his daughter and his wife. He was Christian, and worked in a cell phone store. Then one night Jelani left a friend's house at around 10 pm and was never heard from again. Jelani disappeared around the night of April 21st. A few days later he was found dead in a golf course pond. To this day his cause of death has yet to be determined.

Jelani was did not drink anything the night he disappeared. He just left a house for no apparent reason. He was found in a pond on a golf course a few miles away. He did not have his shoes on when he was recovered from the pond. His shoes were found strewn in different places in the neighborhood. To this day his killers have not been caught.

Many people on one blog thought Jelani might be victim of a hate crime. Part of this had to do with how he disappeared around the time of Hitler's Birthday which is on April 20th.

When I was reading about Jelani's case I discovered the following comment, which leads me to think that Jelani's death is indeed a hate crime and that Frank Marzitelli either knew the killers or participated directly in his murder.

Frank says in his book:

"He is told in a competition that he knows nothing however about to be forced into, "since you have one drop of black blood in you... that makes you black... if anything is afforded you.. that's how it gets done in the black community, here , not in front of news cameras as something else. He thinks about it for a moment (pauses pensively) and asks with a smirk of humor meant to be playfully sarcastic--- to help ease the awkwardness created by what has just unfolded--- (which was ill taken in retrospect) 'Does that also mean, that I'm like... one third animal?"



"That is correct, Matt Aradondo. He is ¼ black and ¾ white, so in societies eyes he is black. He is 25 and I get real bad vibes from the guy while viewing his Facebook and MySpace pages. Seems to have had a troubled life already, at 25. I hope the investigators pulled his and Ermin's (Matt's friend) call records that night to see if they in fact called Jelani's phone after he went missing. If they didn't call his phone, he didn't disappear. Point blank. As far as the distance from the house to the shoes to the golf course, to the bar, it is all in a straight line if you travel by the railroad tracks."


Clearly Frank doesn't think highly of black people. A racist such as him is prone to detest interracial couples. Frank showed me various places around town, usually sites which mattered to him and not normal people. I had no interest in seeing sites related to St. Paul history. Still it was an excuse for me to get out of the shelter and survey the area. Sitting passively around Tim and Thomas Cloud was not high on my list of things I enjoy. It required too much thought to watch my back at the shelter continuously. I wanted to get out in the world of normal people more than anything. It was hard because I was ashamed for staying at a shelter. This made me more afraid to socialize. You fear getting dismissed over this. I made a real stupid mistake by compromising and hanging out with Frank, a shelter person who couldn't judge me being in the same boat.

In this fashion of dragging me to places that bored me to tears, Frank shows me an apartment complex which he said housed immigrants from Somalia. He said it was a testimony to the success of keeping people of a certain ethnicity and religion separate from the community. He claimed they had more freedom to practice their religion (Islam) in that building. To me, it sounds like whitewashing what was essentially a racist idea.

To a racist like Frank, Jelani Brinson's planned marriage to a white woman and mixed raced child by her would be something taboo. Maybe Frank was more focused on the mixed race child. Frank is mixed race and is tore up about that. Maybe his parents were mean to him, so he's taking out rage about his origins out on other innocent people. I'd love to know what his family history is. There has to be much there to explain Frank's behavior. Maybe Frank saw his own parents in Jelani. His mom was half black and his dad was white. Surely there's something to this idea.
Frank's "Trolling" has Parallels to Manipulations Used by Human Traffickers

Whatever the topic at hand, a seeming troll using various fake online personae had his two cents to share on it. Also, when people working to solve these cases had an epiphany or break-through about how a particular college student was killed, this, troll would show up to discredit both the idea and the person who presented it.

I, personally had already had familiarity with the methods used to cause confusion in this forum from these methods or tactics being used on me by Frank Marzitelli.

Normally it is hard to enslave people in the 21st century if it not were for the manipulative games human traffickers use to break down victims and escape capture by the police. In fact, it would indeed make it hard for human traffickers if more people were aware of the methodology they use to ply their dark trade.

It was actually liberating to see Frank doing these manipulative games in the context of the forums on drowning deaths, because before this I was getting nowhere in staying safe from Frank because all those manipulative games he was playing were very, very successful in making sure he got away with exploiting women and his attempting to exploit me.

He never got me out onto the streets as a sexual slave, but he sure tried. After I got out of the shelter and out of St. Paul, I was still dealing harassment from people however and it was sexual harassment and I was getting depressed and listless over it. I felt I had no defense against those people. Justice was nowhere to be found. Those people were so good at getting away with their behavior and getting others either too afraid or too deceived to be any help. I didn't have any defense to these sort of actions. At this point it really was my word against his and I was not winning this war. I was failing. I was miserable. I felt defeated. Then I caught him attempting to manipulate people in the forums smiley killer forums, in the exact same way he manipulated people who should have helped me.

Seeing Frank's form of warfare unfold online, in print, in front of other people, most of whom were suspicious of him was a turning point for me. For the first time, I could demonstrate what games he played and how he played them. I could also see him relate to other people. It really wasn't far off from what I had already experienced myself. He would mercilessly attack and try to discredit the people who were smart enough to figure him out. If someone refused to buy his deception, he would have a meltdown, in print. He did the same thing in real life.

I could see the pattern, finally. When it was in print, it was much easier to look at and study. I also no longer felt alone in being railroaded by his games and his attacks. Other people were also suffering at his hands. Maybe those people were suffering from his games as much as or more than I was at the time. Frank is online in the forum delivering "veiled threats" to the family members of kids who had been murdered. I'm sure after losing a child and getting practically no justice for it hurts unimaginably. Then imagine what it must be like for those people to find some little devious mouthpiece online doing all he can to smear your child's name and misrepresent the circumstances in his life.

Frank in his online persona is constantly accusing victims of the smiley drowning murders of being suicidal when they weren't. He is also accusing good people like Jelani Brinson of abusing drugs. He posts what should be victim Brian Shaffer's personal diary online and cutting that smiley drowing murder victim to shred with what was in that diary.

Frank mercilessly tears apart anyone who stands in the way of his agenda. There is nothing to rotten for him to do. He has no regard for other human beings. He mocks people in their tragedy. He mocked the family members of victims, the victims.

He accuses one smiley drowning murder victim of being gay. Then the victims parents post a reply to his post stating they knew full well their son wasn't gay, saying their son was very visibly in love with a woman.

Haven't all these people been through enough? It isn't easy to lose a loved one, let alone your own child. These college students had their whole life ahead of them. They had already worked hard and had done so much. Then they get killed right when they should be out launching themselves into the adventure of their lives.

Since when does some 52 year old, balding, hideous looking serial killer and his agenda matter more than the lives of people who actually stood to contribute something to humanity, probably more than other people their own age. Again, it the best and the brightest who these killers go after. I always think that it is a tragedy to waste human life through murder.

The person may just be a face on the news but you don't know if that person could have come up with the cure to cancer. Murder exemplifies wasting human potential. The only good news is that such destructiveness invariably goes full circle and harms the perpetrators eventually. You never know who is going to help you in the future or who's contributions will benefit you. If a person is dead they can never help anyone. The problem seems to be that people who do harm to others are never far sighted. People of that mindset require immediate gratification and don't think far into the future.

One look at Frank or his book will show you he has never delayed gratification a day in his life.

The Troll is Persistent
If you comments in smiley drowning murder blogs, you will see Frank posting all these things with almost an obsessive persistence. Zorro's Pal once said that he checked the time stamps on all of Anonymous Coward's (a troll name Frank used) posts and he figured that Anonymous coward was online almost all his waking hours, 7 days a week. That isn't just someone interested in giving their 2 cents on a topic, that is someone with an agenda.

Until then, I had encountered novel strategies he used to discredit me and others. He'd email a threat and then accuse me of a crime so that if I told police that he was making death threats, the police would not get him in trouble, as they would be too busy doubting and scrutinizing me.

I sent the threats to the police to no avail. Then it was as if he proved he was virtually unstoppable. He really seems to enjoy the power play of terrorizing people and giving them no hope.

It was terrifying.

People on Kristi Piehl's Blog have had Good Reason to Think the Person Disrupting the Blog is actually the Killer

Many people on various SFK blogs, including the blog ran by journalist Kristi Piehl, entitled, "The Drowning Mystery," suspect that is a SFK killer is not only reading the blogs, but it behind the trolling disruption occurring there as well.

A person on the blog using the name "Zorro's Pal" in a post on July 13th, 2009, expresses his concerns about the troll:

Zorro's Pal : "To Nick, Stephanie: Please be very careful posting on this blog. I believe that there are a few very dangerous people on this blog. I actually believe that there is a killer on this blog who is asking lots of questions now about the arrangement of the clothing, any signs of a struggle, and wanting to know precisely what you saw. Be so careful. This poster now knows where you all work or at least the close proximity of it.
A person may seem "concerned" until you see what else they have posted here and elsewhere and how they really are, and how this person begins to harass and manipulate others — not just on this blog but elsewhere, too. Three words: caution, caution, caution. This is the way that killers like to enmesh themselves into the search or investigation - a way of reliving the act, feeling important, having others repeat details back to him — getting off on the drama and the reminiscing of it all. This is very common serial killer behavior and I believe we are witnessing it and participating in it with this poster on this site."

Soon after Zorro's Pal warns the newcomers to the blog to be careful about what they share. The troll using the name "Jake" this time attempts to undermine Zorro's Pal caveat to viewers of the blog:
"Notice how ZorrosPal is actually trying to scare Nick & Stephanie (& anyone else) from posting on the blog, suggesting that the killer will be able to track them to their neighborhoods.
Also notice how ZP is trying to suggest that someone other than him is the killer. He figures if he can say it first, then it will muddy the waters more so, if & when somebody else subsequently says it about him — that he is the killer, or is covering for the killer. Notice how ZP tries to discredit what Nick saw, by suggesting that 50-75 yards away is just simply too far to see anything clearly. What garbage that is! That's not far at all."
The thing that intrigues me the most is that I've experienced the sort of manipulation "Jake" is engaging in first hand with Frank and his friends. I've noticed how Frank manipulates people away from helping his victims. Frank uses a strategy based in accusing people of scary things to confuse people who aren't wise enough to know which party is being honest. In this context, he's targeting newer users on the blog specifically, knowing these users will lack the information to ascertain who is lying. Scary accusations seem to be part of his regular strategy to get me isolated from outside help so he could make me a slave and get away with it.

It is one thing for me to claim he has done this to me, but in his troll persona, he directly describes this technique outright:
Jake says:
"He figures if he can say it first, then it will muddy the waters more,"
Ironically, the troll here seems to be giving a perfect description in his own words, of "anchoring bias" and how this crowd manipulates people based upon anchoring. "Jake's" using a lot of material here, accusing Zorro's Pal of using anchoring bias, when it is Jake using anchoring bias to push his fake ideas.

Of course, I had to learn about how these people misuse anchoring bias to isolate victims and hinder truth, the hard way, first hand. I hadn't even heard the term at the time, and after repeated failures to get help when I was in immediate serious danger, I eventually figured what these people were doing. Especially when one of those people actually resorted to running to an office so they could tell their version of the story first.

Frank Misleading People about Smiley Cases by Providing Red Herrings

I think what Frank and his friends are doing by eagerly accusing other people to create patsies for their crimes. What they are doing is actively "muddying" the issue to assure they don't get caught. When you go back and look at what "FRENEMIES' said, you see that the person trolling the blog has the objective of "muddying" the heck out of the issue of the murder of Jelani Brinson. Give that Jelani's case was one of two cases in Minneapolis which were re-ruled homicides, the discussion of his case on Piehl's blog is very important.

"FRENEMIES" says" (link:  http://smiley )

"That is correct, Matt Aradondo. He is ¼ black and ¾ white, so in societies eyes he is black. He is 25 and I get real bad vibes from the guy while viewing his Facebook and MySpace pages. Seems to have had a troubled life already, at 25. I hope the investigators pulled his and Ermin's (Matt's friend) call records that night to see if they in fact called Jelani's phone after he went missing. If they didn't call his phone, he didn't disappear. Point blank. As far as the distance from the house to the shoes to the golf course, to the bar, it is all in a straight line if you travel by the railroad tracks."

The troll spends his time interfering with people who spend time online figuring out who is making young men wind up dead in rivers. This troll employs certain tactics to do this. The troll feels the need to accuse other people of using specific manipulative games which the troll himself uses regularly. If you haven't read enough of the discussion online, you might miss the fact the troll is lying.

Yet, if you have read most of the discussion, (usually the one on you know the troll is lying. I wasn't the only person to notice it. Worse, the troll ultimately fails by describing the exact means he uses to misinform people and disrupt dedicated efforts to solving the crime. The troll is only as successful in cases where people are either too stupid or too uneducated about the problem of drowning murders.

This troll does exactly what Frank did to me in real life. The people who end up helping him usually are either lacking in knowledge or who are gullible. Frank even disparages them, calling them, "useful idiots." Another midwest Nazi skinhead, Wade Michael Page, used that term, "useful idiots." He wrote a song about them. Since the massacre of Sikh's at their temple by Page happened the month Frank happened to learn I found out he was involved in smiley killings, I began to wonder if it was possible those two knew each other.

Let's face it, Chicago is only an hour from Milwaukee. Both Frank and Wade Michael Page are apparently lacking in intelligence in some areas. Page mistook Sikhs for Muslims. Sure, Frank manipulates and plays people well, but beyond this he is an underachiever. His troll persona doesn't even spell half his words right. This makes it really easy to identify the troll's writing style and ferret out his deception. He uses maybe 20 different names there because he kept getting exposed for trolling under each name. The trolls almost always get caught and outed in the discussion. However, the troll always reappears using a different name to conduct the exact same activity.

Maybe he thinks persistence pays. Still, the bottom line is that even Frank at his most anonymous, while he is online, has limitations. Again, informed people can't be deceived so easily; it means there is hope to end human trafficking by outing what strategies perpetrators use to control victims.

As scary as it was for me, I am not in this only because my survival is on the line. Even if Frank forgot about me and I was free to move about like a normal person with no fear, knowing other people could get as bad or worse by him affects me even deeper. He must be stopped. It is not okay to keep women as slaves for rape. It is not okay to take human life.

You see too that the trolls on Kristi Piehl's blog just don't accuse other people on the blogs who are legitimate of doing exactly what they do. Eventually, it becomes clear that what is happening is a persistent effort to disrupt and mislead people. The reason why is pretty obvious on the face of it: the killers are disrupting the discussion to ensure that they don't get caught.
Other Names the Troll Uses When He posts on the Blog

I still have more of Frank's sock puppet names to lookup online. I just learned "jo jo potatoes" is a actually the name for a potato recipe, for example.

The troll uses names from 1980's TV shows like "Cagney" or "Lacy" frequently. I think the use of 1980's TV shows for sock puppet names indicate the troll is old. Most people don't remember that stuff and I was a kid then so I recognize that method the troll uses to generate names.

I think the troll's sockpuppet name "boy in the machine" is based not so much on self-pity but has to do with maybe a boy getting stuck in a washing machine. I found too many hits on Google, which discuss a recent case of a boy getting stuck in a running washing machine, and surviving, yet I can't find any stories which date at the time Frank posted on the blog in 2009. I think it could be this and not Franks self pity, although it fits Frank and his feelings about society. In the book he wrote, he is a hamster in a cage and on a wheel because he's working poor. I do know the troll by using revolting names or names which have to do with water like "Brooke," and "Trout."

Honestly I think the names he chooses are designed to serve the purpose sickly taunting people working to solve SFK crimes. A prime example of the troll being outright sick and disrespectful is when he used the sockpuppet with the name "fleeandseembony." Zorro's Pal just had suggested that the killer maybe commits the crime and then actually comes back to observe the searches that ensue when an SFK victim initially turns up missing and to watch the recovery of the body from the water.

Zorro's Pal really gets the troll angry when he says that the troll's many posts about sexually abusive priests being the murderers were posted because the troll gets titillated by repeatedly posting that information. The troll then tries to twist the accusation made by Zorro's Pal, saying that because Zorro's Pal 's use of the word sex and his description of the troll getting titillated by his own posts is breaking the rules by posting sexually explicit information. Never mind the troll has been the one obsessed with sex in his posts, and has used far more inflammatory words like "penis" back when he's sharing us information on the monk who makes artwork with hidden explicit sexual images.

Here's Zorro's Pal's response to the troll, using the sock puppet 'anontreeshoe'" and Jake:

Zorro's Pal
June 29th, 2009 at 13:40 | #39
Reply | Quote
"Jake, I think it is possible. However, anonshoetree keeps posting the same thing over and over and under different names. We get it. The abbey is a place where priests are sent who have had sexual incidents. A dog might have smelled the scent of a victim there. We have heard it ten thousand times.
"But also, 90% of what anonshoetree writes is misplaced misinformation, and a lot of it is very hateful. Most of it is defamatory to a particular person and should not even be printed here.

"Once you have read these nearly identical postings a few dozen times, you realize this is a person who was probably assaulted by a Catholic priest, or IS a Catholic priest who does assaults, or is a person who gets his or her sexual enjoyment out of talking about assaults by Catholic priests. And actually, think it is the latter. I think this is a person that uses this as form of pornography — writing over and over these lurid, concocted tales of priests and monks attacking young acolytes. Just as with the man that flashes his privates on the bus, this is a person who gets no pleasure UNLESS we are forced to notice and acknowledge it. Anonshoetree wants us all to read and discuss this act over and over — this is Anonshoetree being aggressively pornographic and trying to force us to participate in his or her kink.

"Have you never heard of people that read True Crime magazines? These are magazines with pictures of women in bondage and then dead or mutilated. The readers gasp and act disturbed - but really, it is their form of titillation. It is the same with Anonshoetree — over and over "gasping" about strange rituals with the priests, etc. This is Anon's sexual obsession — and we are supposed to acomodate it. I can see it for what it is, find it boring and annoying and assaultive to the readership here.

From post #41 on page

*Note: Anontreeshoe is a really tasteless name. A few posts back, Monique777 said she found someone had nailed 2 muddy tennis shoes to a tree, about 12 feet up the ground, on the anniversary of an SFK victim's death (either Dan Zamlen or Joey Kaiser; either way it was a St. Paul victim. What scares me even more is Frank and his penchant for tree climbing. Seriously, when he took me to that Mound Park- that overlook park with the Indian burial mounds in it, Frank would climb one of two small trees there and sit there watch the world.

Now, this is an example of how Jake/Anontreeshoe try and twist Zorro's Pal's words in post 50 on page 100: :
June 30th, 2009 at 13:58 | #50
Reply | Quote
I must say that ZorroPal's comments make me believe that he is the one who is obsessed with sex. Additionally, it is ZorroPal who is continually & regularly attacking anyone who posts a theory regarding priests/monks. He jumps all over such postings. Why is so interested in negating that particular theory??? He has his theory about the Hmong (I believe), & many people have disagreed with that theory, but the other posters have not attacked ZP in the vile way that he attacks or belittles anyone who posts a theory concerning priests. ZP has posted what essentially amounts to pornography. Perhaps he is the one who gets titilated by that scene. Frankly, I am bored, disgusted & quite suspicious of his attacks.
Zorro's Pal, Leisure, Tenneguy and Monique777 are some of the best thinkers on the blog. They are suspicious about what the troll is doing on the blog, and, most importantly, why he's doing it. They don't trust him and have said more than a few times that he likely the killer. Zorro's Pal has fun with the troll in this post on page 100, post #40:

Zorro's Pal
June 29th, 2009 at 13:44 | #40
Reply | Quote
clark :
Are any of the regulars here worried about someone finding out your identity? You all leave a lot of clues about yourselves in your posts.
Yes Clark, we are concerned. But we all carry concealed weapons and we will blow holes in you if you try anything. And we are meeting Wednesday night/ Thursday morning at midnight under the Hennepin Bridge or a discussion group on this topic. Be there or be square."

SFK Victims happen to have similar interests and backgrounds to Frank Marzitelli

I don't understand exactly why but it seems many of the Smiley Face Killer victims have things in common with Frank. Frank is bipolar and two SFK victims in the Twin Cities area were bipolar. One victim was Vincent "Buddy" Rogers in Minneapolis and the other was Joey Kaiser in St. Paul. Also, in the comments section for the "Contact Us", "Graffiti you Saw," and the Victims List on old versions of Kristi Piehl's blog , which can be accessed at Internet Archive show someone describing the killer and this description matches Frank.

On this section of the comments, a person posting as "Dan in Detroit" boasting about how he thinks the killer is bipolar (Frank is), bisexual (Frank is) and many more traits which are indeed unique to Frank. "Dan in Detroit" also describes how the killer does sex acts with the victims, holds onto the bodies.

However, a connection between Frank and the Smiley Face Killer cases goes beyond things found in his book or the comments sections of various blogs and forums. The more I research this, the more I find tangible connections. Given the scope of the material I have to review, it may take a while to find more connections. What is obvious is that I'm finding connections between Frank and the killers at an alarming rate.

Here are the more simple and specious connections between Frank and the SFK cases. However, I'm finding much more concrete connections between Frank and the killings. I will start with the more simple, less specific connections. For example, one glance at the categories the Footprints the Rivers Edge website displays on it's left margin categories which pertain to what many SFK victims had in common.

For example, many of the SFK victims were in the military, like Frank; many have had bikes with them and Frank rides a bike; many of the victims were engineers or engineering majors as well as engineering specialists in the military; Frank is drawn to jobs which relate to engineering and was in the Army. Furthermore his brother was in an engineering unit in the 82nd Airborne division at Ft. Bragg.

"Eagle" is another common theme with SFK victims. Frank is obsessed with birds as you can see in his book. He also has an eagle tattoo on his shoulder.

For what its worth, there are lots of elements in many Smiley Face Murder cases which reference birds. SFK victims such as Jeff Geesey, Marlon Blue, Adam Falcon, Chris Olberding and Justin Hayduk had elements in their names indicating birds. Frank has many bird references in his book and goes on a very telling diatribe about ducks and decoys.

I will reiterate Frank's diatribe about decoys here:

"The productive never see it coming, while the leisurely have all the time in the world to execute, leaving the productive figuratively sitting on a cold, autumn placid lake in the middle of duck hunting season, like a live duck among decoys, (just waiting to be shot at) with the hunter eyeing the fall majestic scenery (slipping back and forth from moments of slumber) hoping to seize that moment. If one sits real still, maybe he or she will not be seen while peeking behind a small forest of floating decoys... placid, murky, cold employment pool, comprising Americans many lakes of uncertain death, harboring todays modern jobs market."

Here is the same text again with words and phrases pertaining to SFK killings in bold:

"The productive never see it coming, while the leisurely have all the time in the world to execute, leaving the productive figuratively sitting on a cold, autumn placid lake in the middle of duck hunting season, like a live duck among decoys, (just waiting to be shot at) with the hunter eyeing the fall majestic scenery (slipping back and forth from moments of slumber) hoping to seize that moment. If one sits real still, maybe he or she will not be seen while peeking behind a small forest of floating decoys... placid, murky, cold employment pool, comprising Americans many lakes of uncertain death, harboring todays modern jobs market."

What I see here is Frank expressing things that pertain to SFK murders by posing the article as if it pertained only to job hunting. I surmise the objectives Frank has in writing about his exploits is bragging, gloating and titillating himself. I also see how he hides his near admission of participating of human trafficking and maybe murder under a veneer of a very long article about jobs.

As I've said time and again, Frank isn't simply making analogies. Frank is bragging about his criminal exploits under the guise of analogies. Everything I've seen about human trafficking in his document demonstrates this to me. Just the same, I think it is not simply happenstance that he uses phrases pertinent to SFK murders in this book

Frank makes an analogy using water in other parts of his book, also:

"Sparking the class warfare that has blown our workforce---time and time--- clear off the level economically secure pond of global success, lost into that national turmoil forest of recession with one social class literally enslaving another.

Frank loves water analogies; he almost uses them as much as he does slavery and human trafficking terms. I know Frank is an asshole who thinks he can hide under some kind of ruse his own malevolent intent. No one just throws in legal terms pertaining to modern day slavery as a literary device. No one should even think of the terms unless there is some reason tying the words to human trafficking. I also know that any victim of human trafficking wouldn't use the terms describing their misery as some form of literary device. Such words trigger victims like me into remembering the violence.

Only a perpetrator would indulge in repeating human trafficking terminology over and over again; especially in a book that is supposed to be about the topic of job hunting.

I could also say there is no reason that someone who is writing about job hunting should use words repeatedly mentioning bodies of water, rotting corpses, or stalking people as a literary device. This makes no sense. I think there is something very, very wrong here.

I feel scared because Frank unfortunately has learned a few things like I've connected him to these killings and still pursues me, as if hurting or silencing me is going to save him. Especially considering the rumor's he was trying to spread about me being suicidal would set him up to drown me and have it appear as something other than homicide.

Personally, I'm sick of his crap, dumbfounded that people get suckered by him, and believe him, and that people don't care about the incomprehensible tragedy of so many not just innocent, but exceptional young men who've gone to their deaths from a bum, even be he a well connected one. There is no excuse. I've found people in the Twin Cities have an incredible lack of capacity to deal with this reality, but my goal is to forward this document to every police force in every area these tragedies have occurred in.

I was targeted for being easy prey as a new resident to this area. I will let his poor choice in victims and behavior come back on him in using the resources and culture of my own home to the end of solving these crimes. This is more than a serial killing; the numbers of victims would reframe this not so much as a serial killing as mass murder!

If this is mass murder, then it stands to reason, this is everyone's business and maybe elsewhere it will not be so easily ignored.

Another thing I'm gleaning from all this is that the killers may be targeting people who remind them of themselves. This means Frank is also targeting people like himself. I think the main reason this is happening might be from jealousy or a competitive streak in the killers. Or else, what is happening is that Frank is doing what many abuse victims do, which is projecting parts of themselves onto innocent people whom they make into scapegoats for their own inequities.

He is at any rate a psychopath and as I learned first hand, a very, very dangerous person.

Russell Plummer, an SFK victim who resided right over the Wisconsin border, a couple miles from St. Paul, MN, took a class in artillery/small arms repair while he was in the Army; so did Frank. Frank took the same course in small arms repair at a Labette Community College, according to his resume.

One victim named Russell Plummer was in the Army. Many SFK victims had military backgrounds, according to This website has a specific category for victims who were in the military or were wearing military type costumes the night of their disappearance.

Plummer was a recent graduate of army who specialized in artillery weapons repair, or small arms repair as it is also called. According to Frank's resume, he took a course on small arms repair around the time he was in the army at LaBette Community College.

There was evidence of Russell Plummer having been a victim of some kind of sexual assault.

It is worth mentioning this victim was found dead very close to the Twin Cities in a Bloomer, Wisconsin; with his pants around his knees and with some signs he had been in a struggle. The family of Russell Plummer was not satisfied with the Ramsey County medical examiner's report about their son and contest the idea his abrasions matched that of someone who just rolled down a hill.

Plummer's autopsy was performed by the Ramsey County Medical Examiner; Plummer was not tested for GHB or other date rape drugs by the medical examiner.

The Plummers know their son was an avid outdoorsman, strong and healthy and doubt a roll down a hill killed him. The authorities had no answers for why the key was in the ignition of his truck up the hill from where he died and how the battery got drained on the truck. The family of the victim also know Plummer traveled through this part of the forest frequently and was unlikely to make stupid mistakes about getting around there.

Miscellaneous notes about the possibility of white supremacist gang, white supremacist prison gang involvement in SFK cases

Frank was a skinhead and has skinhead ties. Frank's brother Justin Marzitelli was in the army, stationed at Ft. Bragg and served in the 82nd Airborne Engineering Division.
Frank and his brother both lived in Colorado. Frank says he was in Colorado because of being at an Army base there.
Wade Michael Page was stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, like Justin Marzitelli. Both men are both the same age. Ft. Bragg is notorious for the high level of violent racists who recruit outside the base there. Ft. Bragg is known to be where several homicidal, violent racists were stationed. Both Justin Marzitelli and Page practiced plane jumping for military operations at Ft. Bragg.
The racist skinhead group the Hammerskins counted Wade Michael Page as a member.
Wade Michael Page was in a band called "End Apathy" which was a white pride/hate band. End Apathy did a song called "Useful Idiots." The SFK blog/forum troll uses the term, "useful idiots" in relation to SFK cases. The troll uses the term "useful idiots." The more well known band tool does a song called, "Useful Idiot." However, this title is singular, not plural. The troll distinctly says, "useful idiots;" he never says, "useful idiot." The Tool song's lyrics are pretty meaningless. I don't know the lyric's to Page's hate band's song, "Useful Idiots." I'd like to find the lyrics, but can't.
Hammerskin's disbanded after Page massacred a Sikh temple. Portland Antiracist Action has good information on Page.
Wade Michael Page is from Colorado.
According to police, Wade Page was enlisted in the U.S. Army in April 1992 and served in the Psychological Operations Unit out of Fort Bragg in North Carolina. The same article said Page was discharged in 1998 though the specific reasons for his discharge were not disclosed.
It's hard finding out what a psychological operations unit engages in, the propaganda is assumed to be their mainstay. I'm suggesting a long shot idea, but maybe Frank and his skill at manipulating people for human trafficking and maybe too his prowess at using psychology on SFK blogs/forums to interfere with people solving SFK case might have its origins with his or his friends involvement in psychological operations. A military background would be the easiest way someone like him could get learn how to mislead people.

In an article about Wade Michael Page, referencing a Label 56 interview ("Label 56" is a racist band record label), Page says, "I set out to get involved (in music) and wanted to basically start over." He says, "I sold everything I owned except for my motorcycle and what could into a backpack and went on a cross-country trip visiting friends and attending (racist) festivals and shows."

Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center says that Page attempted to purchase goods from the neo-Nazi group called "National Alliance."
According to police, Page lived in an apartment building in Cudahy, Wisconsin. The landlord there told authorities Page held a night job making welding supplies.

Frank claimed verbally and in his book to have worked as a welder. Don't know if welding is a skill required of HVAC professionals. Probably not.
According to Rocky Mountain Antiracist Action, Wade Page was in two bands: "End Apathy" is one and "Definite Hate" is the other. It would be worth finding the lyrics to each bands songs.

More Reasons I'm thinking Skinhead involvement in SFK activity is Likely; specifically Illinois racist skinhead activity:
The video taken of Darrel Dullum (the recent SFK victim in Montana) in the bar he was last seen alive in, shows a man with a shaved head closely monitoring Dullum's activity in the bar. Also, this man goes out of his way to check out Dullum's rear end. This is the strangest part of the video and the act is blatantly what it appears to be. The video is still online in both short and long versions. Don't know which was the one I saw.

There are racist skinheads in Illinois who've been tied to homosexual activity and child sexual abuse. Apparently, antiracist activists in Illinois violently attacked a gathering of racists in Tinley Park there to target a pedophile racist who was hosting the event.

I'd figure that the homosexual angle of these racists probably indicates these men were in prison. Prison is where one major racist gang has its origins.

I think its possible Frank has ties to National Alliance. The ideology of National Alliance is distinctly anti-Christian. This may account for why SFK's target specifically young, Christian college males. The Anti-Defamation League says this about National Alliance:

"National Alliance members believe that people are the masters of their destiny and can control their lives within the laws of nature. The doctrines of various religious groups are therefore target. The National Alliance specifically rails against Christianity because most members have Christian family backgrounds. 'We are obliged to oppose the Christian churches and to speak out against their doctrines,' read the group's tenets.

"National Alliance members operate anonymously, only referring to themselves by first name.

"Pierce's sequel to (his first book, The Turner Diaries), called Hunter, tells the story of a drive-by killer who tries to cleanse America of its "sickness" by murdering interracial couples and eventually working his way up to Jews.

"In December 1995, a black couple was gunned down near an army base in what prosecutors call a racially motivated killing. James Burmeister and Malcolm Wright, members of the 82nd Airborne Division (Justin Marzitelli's outfit) were ultimately convicted of the murders and sentenced to life in prison. A third soldier, Randy Meadows, pleaded guilty to conspiracy and accessory charges. Burmeister and Wright were also neo-Nazi skinheads and reportedly read National Alliance propaganda.

Jelani Brinson was in an interracial relationship with a white girl, by whom he had a child with. Jelani Brinson was a devout Christian. Jelani Brinson was murdered around April 20th in Anoka- the day of Hitler's birthday. SFK cases frequently occur in places with the names Lincoln and Booth; Tenneguy has a long article about a string of SFK cases whereby the killers pick locales for the killings and victims whose names have references to the time period when Lincoln free the slaves and was then assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Tenneguy posts as "Ethan," "Tenneguy" and "Mr. XXXXX." Tenneguy claims to have changed names because of threats sent to the email associated with the blog he had about his "Trane Theory."

Another thing, which I can't prove is related to this, but makes me uneasy, is the fact that National Alliance recently held a white power rally in College Hill in Cincinnati. I know for fact that there have not been racist skinheads in our area for a very long time. There has been occasional KKK activity, but no skinhead activity. I told Frank a lot about my city and its possible might have told racist peers to try to set up shop there. There haven't even been punk rockers in the area for a long time, let alone skinheads. Even "scum punks" or those guys who do little else aside from pan handling have been gone from the area.

Also, a black and gay Cincinnati activist was killed recently up in Chicago. Some men approached this guy late at night, asking him and his friend if he could use the victim's cell phone. When the Cincinnati guy refused to loan his phone, the men attacked him. His friend got away from the attackers. Again, I can't prove anything but I find the timing in particular on some of these events very odd in light of Frank and what I told him.

The ADL article also says:
"National Alliance and racial separatist views shown by the National Alliance's, "Dissident Voices" radio program, "exhorted readers to chose between "racial separation" and "annihilation of whites. It said that annihilation is worth any cost: 'We should be willing to give up every material thing we own to achieve it,' says the National Alliance.

Whatcha bet that Wade Michael Page's giving up of his "worldly possessions" save for his motorcycle was based upon his following this National Alliance idea.
I also wonder whether Frank's continued presence in a homeless shelter heavily patronized by African Americans is maybe a manifestation of this too. He spends a lot of time down there ranting about how black people in the welfare system are responsible for all the ills in society. Confront him about it and then he claims he can't be racist because he's part black and that he would just wish his "people" would stop living on the dole. Okay. Not like he makes sense until you factor in his strange, violent activities. He seems to be spending a lot of time rationalizing things, and until you know what he's actually doing, the rationalizations just seem like insane rants. However, while people in the blogs and myself initially pity him as some confused human being, it becomes clear later on this isn't insanity; this is a mind trying to excuse his own violent tendencies.

The National Alliance seems really big on racial separation and hunting down non-whites or whites that offend their sensibilities by being Christian or whatever. I imagine that the SFK's are people who've been in the prison system, which is why gay sex is something they are into. I believe that they are affiliated with activities like drug trafficking, rape and human trafficking. I believe that some of them are white power gangs. I believe their activity is based in part in ideology, but the ideology only serves as justification for their already present need to kill, exploit, make money, and be generally violent. I believe SFK's are choosing victims to both confuse authorities, and create false patterns to give a serial killer feel to the crimes. I also think they pick victims based upon some ideology they have themselves centered around and that this ideology is one based in hate.

I still think that these killings are an extension of existing gang problems and dynamics. The difference is the sheer level of cruelty and the unsettling sheer number of possible murders.

I may be wrong on these ideas, but I'm going to test them through doing research because I think I'm heading in the right direction. Things fit pretty well. Some details are unclear.

Info on Wade Michael Page from article entitled "Gunman in Sikh Temple Shooting was Identified as Ex-Army Soldier Wade Michael Page ," by Fox News
Page was discharged from the Army for "patterns of misconduct" one of which being drunk while on duty.

Page served at Ft. Bliss in Texas in the Psychological Operations Unit in 1994 and was last stationed at Ft. Bragg in North Carolina.

Page was an E4 Psychological Operations Specialist but was never deployed.

Page was awarded the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal and the Army Good Conduct Award, The National Defense Service Medal and Parachutist Badge.

The 82nd Airborne Division is an active duty Airborne infantry division of the United States Army specializing in parachute assault operations in denied areas. (Justin Marzitelli was in this)

Other Marzitellis in the military:

Dominic Marzitelli served as an Airforce Airman- Feb 28, 2012. He's a Colorado resident.

Ft. Bragg is in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Page was discharged in 1998- about the time SFK murders began.

Nazi Skinhead Activity- Minneapolis
The National Socialist Movement, is a racist hate group that was led by Jeff Shoep of the Twin Cities area. I think one article said they were active in West St. Paul or South St. Paul.. The NSM has many independent skinheads which affiliate with it.
The NSM held rallies in West Allis, Wisconsin and Monkena, Illinois.

A "Blood and Honor" Council Meeting is held annually in North Carolina.

John Alexander was an NSM member who associated with Wade Page.

Nazi Skinheads in Arkansas
White revolution, is the name of a group based in Russellville, Arkansas, which was founded by Billy Roper in Sept. 2002 after he was expelled from National Alliance. Frank says in his book and said to me personally that he hung out often in Texarkana in Arkansas.

Miscellaneous Info from "Rose City Anti Racist Actionscist" website on Wade Page
Wade Page was a Hammerskin.
Hammerskins are violent: Florida Hammerskin affiliate Marcus Faella planned acts of racist terrorism and was arrested for this
The Hammerskins were founded in Dallas, Texas in 1987.
A Hammerskin doesn't get to just join; they start out as pledges who usually get evaluated for years before being allowed to join. Acceptance is based largely on the willingness of a recruit to commit acts of violence (if Hammerskin members have engaged in SFK murders then maybe the killings are done to show a willingness to commit arbitrary violence on people)
No women are allowed to join the Hammerskins (If Frank was /is a Hammerskin, then this could account for his misogynist hatred and his desire to be violent towards women)
Page actively posted on the Crew 38 Web Forum promoting regional Hammerskin gatherings and promoting his musical projects there.
One the Monday following the Sikh temple massacre, the Crew 38 Forum was made private and locked down (What if Frank has posted on any of these racist forums using his typical writing style and voicing his bizarre ideas?
Hammerskins are active in the Pacific Northwest (and so are SFK's)
Hammerskins are found in Oregon, Idaho, Montana (Dullum's killer?) and Washington State. However, they are most active in Idaho and Washington State. In Washington State, their presence is mostly concentrated in the Puget Sound regon. (SFK cases are plentiful here)

"Leisure" on Piehl's blog brought up the skinhead issue in regards to SFK murders. This is essentially what prompted me to research this stuff and realize that Franks status as a racist skinhead may matter.

"Leisure" tells us that there were about 7-8 Native Americans who were murdered in South Dakota in the 1980's through being drowned. It seemed to be a situation in which the modus operandi was the same as SFK's but the victims were obviously of a different demographic. One person on Piehls blog said the South Dakota drownings couldn't be related to SFKs. This person I think did say these Native American men were all drunks.
Wade Page Facts from an article entitled, "Wisconsin Gunman's Army base Had White Supremacists," by Tom Cohen, CNN

Wade Page Served at Ft. Bragg from 1995 to 1998
Three Ft. Bragg soldiers were convicted in a 1995 racial killing
A criminologist says that Page "really started getting into Nazi ideology in the military.
Page joined the Army in 1992 and wound up at Ft. Bragg in 1995, around the time the base had become the focus of white extremism in the military.
Three members of the 82nd Airborne Division stationed there were arrested in connection with the murder of an African American couple in nearby Fayetteville.
Investigators found neo-Nazi materials in the barracks of the men; all 3 were eventually convicted
The case prompted a military review that determined that 22 soldiers at Ft. Bragg had ties in the past or present to skinhead groups
Investigators found that movement operating among the 14,000 troops of the 82nd Airborne division.

Those who served with Page confirmed Page had racist tendencies back then when he was at Ft. Bragg
Pete Simi, a University of Nebraska criminologist said, "(Page) came to feel that there was preferential treatment for African Americans in the military and whites were on the short end of the stick."

"Outside every military installation you will have at least 2 or 3 active neo-Nazi groups actively trying to recruit on-duty personnel," said T.J. Leyden, a former white power skinhead in the Marines who now conducts anti-extremism training. Pete Simi wrote a book on this subject called, "American Swastika: Inside the White Power Movements Hidden Spaces of Hate."

Notes- Wendy Marzitelli has many, many tattoos- are these racist tattoos? Check for image nature and her proximity to racist establishments
It seems that Hammerskins and their supporters in the Northwestern U.S. have an affinity for tattoos and tattoo parlors. Wendy Marzitelli has many odd tattoos and friends who are tattoo artists. She resided in Idaho and Colorado (Colorado is a place Frank and his close relatives have resided). This begins an attempt to see if she is connected with Nazi tattoo parlors.
Gate tattoos in Nampa, Idaho is a Nazi tattoo parlor
Jeremy Kaufman is an Idaho Hammerskin

Convictions Tattoo and Piercing in Vancouver, Washington is a Nazi tattoo parlor
Shown Stover is a Nazi who runs "Convictions"

Page was involved in the bands, "Youngland, Intimidation One and Definate Hate." Intimidation One is tied to "Volksfront" an Oregon neo-Nazi hate group. (I wonder if Patrick Marzitelli stint in Law School in Eugene, Oregon exposed him to Northwest Nazi's? Patrick Marzitelli in his time as prosecutor here in Hennepin County shows the typical far right extremist bent of those sorts. He sort of broke the rules in prosecuting Occupy Wall Street protesters here. He was trying to pin unfairly harsh charges on the OWS protesters- even the judge saw what Marzitelli was doing was grossly unfair. Safe to say his politics don't match the typical Oregonian, which there particularly can indicate membership to right wing extremist movements.

Volksfront members Kyle Brewster and Steve Strasser murdered an Ethiopian man Mulugeta Seraw in Portland, Oregon in 1988. I think this was the boyfriend of Alan's friend Crystal- his death led to her suicide. Bad stuff here, scary stuff. The people who murdered Mulugeta were members of the violent "The Order/Silent Brotherhood" racist organization.
Misty Cook, Wade Pages's girlfriend lived in Chicago, Illinois. She broke up with him a month before he committed his massacre. Cook was a heavy Volksfront supporter
link to
Frank has an Obsession with Birds and Birds are Part of the Smiley Face Killer Pattern

There were two SFK victims in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. White Bear Lake is a suburb of the Twin Cities. White Bear Lake is also a location that Frank has worked at according to his resume. Also, Frank has relatives in White Bear Lake. These relatives are John and Maria Marzitelli. John and Maria had a son Patrick who died mysteriously from inhaling jet fuel fumes while on the job. Maria Marzitelli is a respiratory specialist. The last anyone heard from deceased Patrick Marzitelli was in the form of two text messages. One said he had been sprayed with jet fuel, but he was all right. A St. Paul, MN SFK victim named Peter Aguilar, sent a text message out the night he was found dead to his girlfriend saying to meet him at the Wabasha Bridge over the Mississippi or else she would never see him again. Text messages can be written by anyone, for what its worth. A witness heard someone shouting for help in the river near the Robert Street bridge about the time Aguilar was last heard from.

Sorry to bombard you with facts, but these facts matter in a big way. The bar that one White Bear Lake victim Nathan Edberg disappeared from was called "Decoys Bar and Grill." There was another SFK victim in that small community of White Bear Lake named Nick Rossini. Rossini's home happened to be right near Decoys Bar and Grill. I really start to ponder the statement, "there are no coincidences" when I weigh these facts against the book Frank created. Frank has an entire paragraph devoted to the subject of decoys. In a strong predatory tone, but still casting himself as a victim rather than perpetrator, Frank says:


"We need to understand, wage affordability is far more possible for someone who is an exploiter rather than an employer, especially during financially difficult times. This flourishes a field of employment predation for survival on a commercial level, where job candidates become prime choice targets for national consumption; economic cannibalization. The productive never see it coming, while the leisurely have all the time in the world to execute, leaving the productive figuratively sitting on a cold autumn placid lake in the middle of duck hunting season, like a live duck among decoys (just waiting to be shot at), with the hunter eyeing the fall majestic scenery (slipping back and forth from brief moments of slumber) hoping to seize that moment.
If one sits real still, maybe he or she will not be seen while peeking behind a small forest of floating decoys, eyeing the situation with silent, anxious, wide eyed, terror ridden, incapacitated, anticipation. Sooner or later you have to eat and so does he. Is it possible to sneak away undetected? What can the productive do when so vicariously suspended among an evitable fate of floating decoys; the leisurely?

"Sometimes it is good to do absolutely nothing at all but wait, but for how long? One could try and figure out what class he or she fits into, in effort to prepare for what could happen on that placid murky cold employment pool, comprising America's many lakes of uncertain death, harboring today's modern jobs market."

I don't know what Frank is getting at by decoys since his perspective is obscured behind him playing like he's society's victim, and the predatory tone which shows he more identifies with the hunter. Again, in his mind because he has to work a job, he's a victim or at least that is what he says. Maybe this book is an experiment to see if he can write about the predatory actions and feelings within him and come away with people feeling sorry for him as if he were the victim.

The last statement is utterly chilling if you know much about Smiley Face Killer victims. He says "Placid, murky cold employment pool" and what comes to mind is Jelani Brinson lying dead in a golf pond. "Lakes of uncertain death" remind me of all the victims which disappeared in lakes, especially the two White Bear Lake SFK victims. "Harboring" could just be an accidental choice in language or another way of titillating himself; Many SFK victims in Chicago, Seattle and Boston have been found in harbors.

Are all the facts I present here just coincidence? Can any coincidence be so exact? It seems the more I learn, the more the puzzle pieces fit together on this. The thing that concerns me is why is this happening. Surely, it is not possible for one person to have partaken in all these killings. The list of SFK victims was topping 300 people in 2009. I don't know the death toll is from this, but one thing is very clear—this is mass murder on an unprecedented scale. The authorities tend to write off all the deaths and disappearances associated with people who are likely SFK victims.

So is this Frank?
The presence Frank Marzitelli in forums and blog discussion forums was an unexpected discovery for me in October 2011. I had gotten away from him, and fled to a room rental in the suburbs of St. Paul, MN, when I was in a big hurry to flee that creep. I sold an expensive bike frame I brought with me as insurance financially if anything went wrong.

Well, everything went wrong. I sold it to afford a deposit on rental with two students. The problem for me was that whenever I went out on my bike to the urban part of St. Paul, or even near urban parts of the area, I was getting harassed. The main bulk of the harassment was sexual harassment. To my horror, just like with my friend Jennifer after she was sexually assaulted, justice seemed creepily out of reach.

I'm never a person to just roll over and let the worst happen. Maybe because I'm not from Minnesota, I'm used to injustice when it occurs and instead of panicking, I move to create a plan B. I didn't understand what human trafficking was then. I figured it was probably it. Yet, the shock and horror to learn this is a real modern day problem had to pass before I allow myself to consider that is what all this harassment was about.

There is nothing more terrifying to have many, many people harass you and get away with it. Yet, rather than get resigned, I was determined to get a way to overcome my adversaries.

I went to the library in South St. Paul/Inver Grove Heights where I lived. I initially thought this organization of harassment indicated a street gang was behind this harassment. My objective was to stay out of range of all these people. If justice was failing, as it seemed after Frank successfully lied to the police when I called them when he was harassing me, I needed to just stay the heck away from him and his cohorts.

I figured to do this I needed to identify what specific street gang he was a member of and where those people went. I stayed mindful and observant about what graffiti existed in areas where those people harassing me were active.

I found it distressing to notice gang graffiti was everywhere, including the suburbs. I know Frank was favoring the east side of St. Paul and showing blatant wariness when he traveled to the bike co-op on the near west side of St. Paul. He had a compass bike bell on his bike. He encouraged me to get one like it, probably so he could lie and claim my bicycle as his so he could deprive me of it and decrease my mobility.

I saw a weird "tag" on one of those east side bicycle trails that had a compass in it. I had already learned at this point that there was a dangerous gang called "The East Side Boys" in St. Paul. Also, having royally failed to heed intuition and wind up almost entrapped by Frank, I decided to trust my gut in future.

Working from that angle in summer 2011, I had an enormously bad gut feeling while cycling under the Ford Street bridge, when I was using the river side bike path to access Minneapolis. I looked around and noticed it was covered in graffiti. I also saw a strange man walking down the stair access from the deck of the bridge to the street/ bike lane level where I was.

I didn't pause, I just sprinted under the bridge and didn't look back. Only, later I'd learn that Kevin Gannon and Anton Duarte speculated this site, under the Ford bridge is where Dan Zamlen and another victim were dumped in the Mississippi River.

Meanwhile, I was fed up with being on the run from those people and wanted the upper hand. I did my homework on St. Paul crime. I looked up every last thing I could on local street gangs and street gangs in general.

This ultimately led to me look online for what the various local street gang graffiti looked like. I never expected to get good luck and actually find Franks double online. Naturally, it is him online talking trash to get people stymied and confused as to the fact most of the drownings there are homicides.


Frank's Book and clues to his activities

Frank frequently discusses drowning, rape and murder in his book. The theme of the book seems to be him throwing around human trafficking terms. It seems he twists and distorts the context of those human trafficking terminology, but distorting the context of these terms so that he cannot be pinned down as a participant in these crimes.

To demonstrate how involved this individual with human trafficking, it is actually his own words. Frank has an all-out obsession with human trafficking terms and demonstrates this in a lengthy book, which he created for unclear reasons. I think he thought he could get away with this if he uses the terms as some sort of literary device where he states that because he works driving a truck and has to apply for low-end trade jobs like welding, that he is an "indentured servant."

He smugly forwarded me his book in an email, but never gave me time to read it, as was hounding me continuously. Much less did I even know then where the libraries were in the area. I didn't have a computer, nor did I know where I could go to use a computer. He showed me where libraries were and where other places were with free internet access. When he dragged me to the library, he'd never come in—he'd just sit outside and wait for me. I found this very odd. I find it very suspicious and suspect it had something to do with avoiding getting caught.

I just used what he had taught me about local resources and accessed them without his knowing. However, at the Metropolitan State University library, his friends sexually harassed me when I came in. I complained to the staff in the place and they were less than helpful. The staff at Metro state seemed afraid of these bums that would hang out there. I didn't get it then. I thought they were just wimps. Those people maybe had a better handle on how futile it was to contend with them.

Frank always managed to get his way, by either lying, manipulating or using violence. He has an interest in gaining and abusing power. He has too many connections, both to high-up politicians in the area and various gangs, both white and black. I don't know if he's deceived members of these gangs to enable him to play both sides. I imagine he has but I could not, nor would not speculate what he's lied about. Knowing him, I imagine he has lied. Either this or he has something to offer which makes people not care as to what he's about.
Frank's Head Games

Frank likes accusing people of bad things. He particulary feels the need to do this once someone is on to him, and identifies any of his negative activities. Again, he is a coward who lives by the terror of getting caught. This would be typical for anyone prone to race hate, as most antifa well know.

Even if those things make no logical sense to anyone, he knows if he sticks to telling lies time and again, even logical people will question what they know, see and hear. When he is confronted about lies he will tantrum and become violent because, beyond this, he has no power. His power is structured upon lies, not truth. Truth has power. For people who have done wrong must circumvent the power of truth, violence is the only way left to force their will on people. Frank is no exception.

All this isn't really rocket science; it is what any abuser will do, it's just that Frank's doing a more sophisticated version of what is already done by wife batterers, and most all other types of criminals. Eventually, with people who lie, their violence is their last defense. Still, most of the time lies get him far enough.

Usually he tends to stick with accusing people of the very things the he engages in on the blog, and will even accuse those people of being killers. Again, this is something very comparable to the very real experience I had with Frank. He relied upon accusing me various made up things to ensure I would be deprived of the help I'd need to escape him.

Frank will accuse his victims of everything under the sun to make sure people fear rather than support the victim. For such a simple tactic, the efficacy of it is very, very powerful. People naturally do what Frank wants him to once he starts saying mostly made up lies about smiley face killer victims, family members of these victims, people in law enforcement who recognize the problem and people on all the smiley killer blogs with really good ideas.

I think often he accuses his victims of doing what he does simply because he wants his victim to be his scapegoat and get the punishment he feels he deserves. Or again, he thinks if everyone is too busy scrutinizing those who stand a chance of getting him caught committing crimes, he will stay out jail. Given that one murder usually equals a life sentence or the death penalty his motivation is pretty high to engage in deception. It seems the people who fare better against his attacks online, like Tenneguy, tend to just stick to the facts and uninteresting details.

As to why he is particular to accusing others of doing exactly what he does is harder to ascertain. One idea that helps explain this came from a book I read about the problem of human evil, entitled, People of the Lie, by M. Scott Peck . Peck stated in this book that it's common for evil people be unable to "own" the reality of their own evil, so they project it upon the people around them. This particularly is thought to explain why evil people abuse other people. Evil people refuse to experience themselves as evil, according to Peck. However, the denial among the evil of their evil nature doesn't take away its reality. Therefore, evil people will find other people to stand in their place for the punishment for the evil. This is the proverbial "kicking the dog" where self hate is displaced on vulnerable people.
The question is then, "is it really a surprise to me that Frank thought he was so smart that he could talk about what he did and what he planned to do still not get caught?

Maybe that is why he feels he can walk around black people in downtown St. Paul and say in front of them without any retribution, "I'm on fourth black, so that means I'm one fourth animal, right?" He was just as bad with misogyny. He could say whatever he wanted, no matter how obvious an affront it was to people and no one did a darn thing about it. It felt so surreal, I wondered if I was just making too much about nothing. In other cities if anyone said any of that in front of a pack of brothers, they would be murdered. No one would miss them either. Frank had so much latitude it was unbelievable. Eventually I concluded, wrongly, maybe he's just nuts, so the locals don't waste their time bothering to avenge the stuff that came out of his mouth.

I had a good basis for that theory. I could not see at all how anyone could get sexual imagery out of that mural on the wall at the Dorothy Day center. I mean, no matter how twisted you are, a hobo leaning forward on a bench is not performing oral sex, on another figure clearly in the background. I thought that if he could see this in that mural then he must think about oral sex whenever he sees someone sitting on a bench.

I'd say after seeing hearing him speak that he translates everything he sees into imaginary sexual stuff. His book attests to this. I doubt the librarians he describes had perverted motives for making sure he didn't break library policy. I think he projected his own inner filth onto them and that like he does so often with his victims. I really regretted not reading it, because I was blindsided by Frank from remaining ignorant.

All his distortions and screwed up psychology, pressed into the written word, would have helped me figure it all out.

The crux of this is that he is disturbed; he is disturbed and has a cadre of equally disturbed sex offenders working in tandem to make a profit off of the misery of women and children, judging from what I learned of his friends.

He lied to me about a situation involving him at the Listening House homeless shelter he spends much of his time at.

He was trying to convince me that female staff there had sexually harassed him. When I came out and said I did not believe him, then his façade broke. Immediately he started ranting calling the women who work their "feminist bitches."

He also slanders these people in his book. Here is what he says about Listening House staff in his book:
"it is time to rethink direction, especially with Listening House, after producing another community "consumered" transient, has engineered another image scam, by publicly posting a "word for the day" and awarding another staff member an award; The Rose Award for Street Works, with 2010's recipient not even possessing enough skin pigment to withstand getting a tan from that sun... this didn't stop our staff member from getting her award in an almost vampire like fashion (during the dark of night or shadow of day), nor did it stop our community "consumered" transient from getting his comparatively much darker tan on those now harsher streets of American life, comprising the many neighborhoods of public afforded exploitation mercilessly expended; another form of a perpetual motion machine, only far more social-bureaucratic and seemingly fascist; natured cold, calculative and impersonal, in method not much different from a single ongoing perpetuated act of rape, performed by a serial rapist primed---ready and seasoned---for the attack again and again and again (cloaked)!"

It isn't so much him playing a martyr for staff at Listening House getting an award, which caught my eye here. The last statement is what got my attention. Here he is using the analogy of a serial rapist. Using the formula where you know who he has harmed by who he maligns, I'm guessing that he is the serial rapist.

Strangely, he writes about the perverted, cruel intentions of Listening House staff, in the active tense, more typical of people describing their own actions. Being a victim is about being forced to be passive while someone over powers you. And he uses the same exact language he uses to describe his own sexual fantasies or exploits in other places in the book. I therefore have even less reason to suspect anyone who worked at Listening House of ever hurting him.

Chances are he got in trouble with the people who work there and writing this accusation is his revenge for this. He likely did something questionable at Listening House, given his tendencies.
A Rape in Downtown Minneapolis which has Parallels to Smiley Cases

The following story was shared in Kristi Piehl's blog. The story shared here does indeed seem to match facets of SFK cases. It also involves a rapist who slipped GHB or date rape drug to a woman in Minneapolis and then raped her after abducting her and taking her to his apartment. This story describes the rapist removing the cell phone battery from the phone of his rape victim so she couldn't call for help. The removal of the cell phone battery has parallels to Smiley Face Killer cases where the victims phones go dead or cease to work shortly after they are abducted. One victim was found to have his cell phone destroyed and another victim had his phone tampered with.
March 3rd, 2011 at 10:17 | #5
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"Maksud Mahbub is on trial for stalking and raping a woman at a MN bar. He removed her battery from her phone and put her in his car while she was drunk or blacked out. She escaped from his home. The article says the police found different pairs of underwear in his possession. I still wonder if there is information on the internet connecting Mahbub with a group who is raping American women and killing American men. Here is the article:

"The 24-year-old woman was out drinking with a female friend. They ended up at Sneaky Pete's in downtown Minneapolis, where the friend disappeared, the woman said. She sent a text message to a co-worker, who agreed to come to the bar from Cottage Grove and give her a ride home. "That's the last I remember," the woman testified Wednesday at the trial of Maksud Mahbub, 36, a Shoreview man charged with six counts of criminal sexual conduct.
"The next thing she knew, she was in a stranger's car, she said. "I started freaking out," the woman said. "I was scared."
"Testimony in Mahbub's trial began Tuesday in Ramsey County District Court in St. Paul. Prosecutor Yasmin Mullings said Mahbub prowled Minneapolis bars "to find the most vulnerable (intoxicated) women," take them back to his Shoreview town house and grope or rape them.
"It was early September 2009 when the first alleged victim found herself in Mahbub's car, she told the jury. The Pioneer Press generally does not identify alleged victims of sexual assault. From about 9 to 11:30 p.m., the woman drank five beers and six shots of a drink called a water moccasin, she said.
"After arranging for her ride, she must have blacked out, she said. She woke up in a car with the man she later learned was Mahbub. When she tried to use her cell phone, she said, "Nothing was coming up on my screen." The man told her she could use the phone at his house, she said. But when they got there, he didn't give her one.
"I was very angry and upset, and started tearing through the house looking for a phone," she testified. "I was trying to make commotion so maybe a neighbor would hear me and come over. I tried to set his mail on fire, and I was banging on the wall."
"The man said he would drive her home but claimed to be unable to find it, the woman testified. At one point, he yelled at her, she said, saying, he'd been "looking for your house for four hours."
She said she couldn't help because she didn't know where she was. At one point, they stopped in a parking lot or a park, she said, and she fled from the car, screaming, hoping someone would hear her. But no one around. She returned to the car, and they drove back to Mahbub's home, the woman testified.
"I just remember lying down," she said. "I had a long pink dress on. I woke up to him trying to climb on top of me."
She was naked, she said, and he was pinning her hands down by her head. And then he raped her, she testified.
Mahbub called her a cab, and she went back to her boyfriend's father's home. In a search of Mahbub's home, Ramsey County sheriff's investigator Julie Urban found four pairs of women's underwear, a bra and women's jewelry in an Abercrombie & Fitch bag in the defendant's closet. She also found seven cell phones. One pair of the underwear belonged to the victim who testified Wednesday, she said.
After she reached home, the woman said, she found her cell phone battery in her purse. It had been removed from her phone. She did not know how."

JBrown also says
March 3rd, 2011 at 10:29 | #6
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"this article says he would park his car near the bar and wait for young women who were alone or separated from their friends. He removed cell phone batteries from phones and sexually assault them. He has at least 5 female victims. One of the bars he was at was Brother's bar in Minneapolis (a common bar that our victims were last seen at). For me, there are too many similarities about this MO to our men victims to go unnoticed!"

Frank is not at all the Oppressed "Working Class" Lackey he Claims to be

I've mentioned how certain things trigger the troll to go beyond his usual daily fare of making posts attributing the murders to priests.

Most commonly, the troll will launch ad hominem attacks on the person posting the idea. This means that he will accuse the person who expresses a particularly intelligent assessment or idea of everything rotten false thing under the sun.

He already did that with me. He used email to send me threats and then would make up fake crimes I committed so that if I ran to the police to complain about getting threatened with violence, instead the police would ignore the complaint or focus on me as being the criminal and not him.

I think this is the basis for much of what Frank does. He in his book recasts minorities as threatening, powerful menaces. African Americans on welfare get twisted in his book as being the most powerful force in the country. I'm sure they wish they were on better footing but still his attempts to cast them as the powerful elite goes nowhere.

Frank on the other hand comes from family with clear wealth and demonstrable power. Frank is the nephew of Minneapolis mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, the grandson of a former St. Paul city council member, Frank D. Marzitelli, his brother is a prosecutor for the city of Minneapolis, Patrick Marzitelli, and the majority of his family either owns a business, or else is upper crust and not part of the poor whom he is posing to be part of in his book.

In his book he gets busy trying to play off riding to the capitol building. I think he is worried about people up where he lives questioning some of his obvious lies and contradictions. I don't know who this is directed at. Given the things he will say out in the open on the streets, like the times I recall he would go on his diatribe about racist stuff and the whole part black thing, right in front of the Dorothy Day Center, I am not all that surprised there are people out there who don't trust the man and have serious questions about him. I'd guess this next quote of his is addressing people smart enough to not believe him.

Here is how it reads:
"It isn't uncommon for someone on a bicycle to become suspect as a member or supporter of an opposing faction due to perceived relationship anywhere, like when riding past the governor's office when taking care of matters for work. In retrospect it isn't uncommon for the same person on his bike when riding by the governor's office for example, to be considered (by the governor's office) a community criminal associated with the liberal welfare activist groups, because of the side of town the bicyclist originated from when taking care of matters associated with work, keeping in mind the liberal welfare activists in the area, who also advocate for the rights of convicted felons, who also associate with all the local community criminals in proximity think of the same person on the bike as some kind of law enforcement officer; informant or "narc," because of the perceived fishy activities between the governor's office and general locations in questioned, while all the police officers throughout the area think of the guy as some kind of criminal civil rights activist, because of his proximity to the minority activist groups associated with convicted felons and liberal welfare activists, who happen to advocate against police brutality at some of the facilities, who happen to think of the individual as some kind of race hate group member, because of his false association with some of the police involved on duty at the facilities, especially with a few officers shaving their heads bald in effort to maintain a youthful appearance when dealing with the public, while all the race hate groups in retrospect, antithetically think of the guy as a minority rights supporter, because of his false association with the welfare activist group members, with the minority rights supporter activists antithetically thinking of him as some kind of member of a gay hate group, because of his perceived recluse political behavior exercised toward all the activist groups in general, with the gay hate groups in retrospect; antithetically associating this gentlemen as some kind of gender rights group supporter for the same reason, while the feminist rights groups, because of their antithetical association in retrospect to all men in general, think of him as some kind of misogynist, taking place during a time when this person totally oblivious to the entire local political landscape; our jobs hamster; our new American working class hero, unaware of what is going on around him; "not bunkered" from all this political E.M.P or G.M.P, due to his extreme unknown political minority status radiating from behind deep dark government curtains, has to call the Veteran's Administration to schedule a mandatory hearing test, finding the woman who is suppose to receive his call can't seem to get past her voice mail box and neither can he."

So he's not any of these things. Then what the heck is he? Is attempting to cover up what he is about. Perhaps.

What I've been told he is first hand by people I've met who know far more than I do, is that Frank is a member of the Process Church. Smiley Face activity traces back to them. Charles Manson was also a member of this cult called the Process Church. The Process Church branched off from Scientology. It's a cult and a dangerous one.

As for Frank and his dichotomy about the issue of race, it helps to have background information Charles Manson promoted the idea he called, "Helter Skelter." Helter Skelter, a name Manson stole from a Beetles song, refers to Manson's vision of inciting or creating a war between the poor blacks and the poor whites. Manson aspired to create the war, allow each side to decimate their respective numbers so that the rich could step in and take power.

Manson said he'd let the blacks win, but they'd be few in number and then he said he would "pat them on their black fuzzy heads," and keep them like pets. Whether or not this is a sane idea at all is less an issue than there really are people out there who think this disturbing stuff and intend to act on it. My guess is that Frank is a disturbed person who wants to take up Manson's cause himself and that his playing both sides with white and African American gangs would be something akin to realizing Manson's vision of Helter Skelter.

Let me be clear here that the goal Manson had with Helter Skelter is inherently racist. What Frank seems to be doing is manipulating African American street gang members to do his bidding. Which is not to say that just by being a gang member, any brother is doing the bidding of rich powerful racists.

Just like the Native Americans and alcohol, gang members work to get primarily poor African American people hooked on drugs which run as much as $300 dollars per day. When you are already poor and can't elevate your position in life as it is, tell me how introducing crack addiction will fix that.

If that isn't enough, there is what people have called "the hidden holocaust" happening in the United States where young African American males are killing each other en mass for petty territory disputes. I am not saying that if you are poor the money gang life offers is tempting. I ask you to not just look at the short term pay-off but the long term price all this carnage really is.

Just like how alcohol was pushed onto the Native Americans to facilitate white land grabs, your destiny if you follow the gang path will be only to exist in small number as a conquered nation. Maybe after this you really will have Manson proteges like Frank treating blacks like trivial little pets after the paid execution force of the ruling elite, gang members execute and addict so many of their own people that black power becomes nothing more than a joke.

I need also mention that these ideas are not my ideas. I am only repeating what other activists have said about the issues of gang membership and the destruction of African American people.

Jello Biafra said in one of his spoken word albums that the poor "are kept in their kennels called cities where they don't get educated, don't learn to read or write and only learn to shoot drugs and shoot each other and are kept in their cages by a massively out of control police state. Gee I wonder who planned that"?

I think then when you add Frank to the equation and learn what his actual goals are, combined with his rich and politically powerful lineage, you see what is at stake here.

He pretends to be some overburdened working class nobody, yet he can call pretty much anyone in his family for help, since he's the nephew of a Minneapolis mayor, the grandson of a famous St. Paul city council member and the brother of a Minneapolis city prosecutor .

Patrick Marzitelli, Frank's brother seems to have political motivation in attacking Occupy Wall Street. This article from Occupy Homes MN, describes how Frank's brother Patrick Marzitelli "singled out OWS members with previous political arrests for harsher treatment"

Here are some quotes from the article. I include this information because it shows that overall, people Frank himself admits to getting advice from in his own book, (Patrick Marzitelli) appear to have an agenda to shut down a movement that seeks to take back power from the rich, corrupt 1% and restore it to the majority of people.


"The Occupy movement in Minneapolis reached an important milestone on Monday, July 30, 2012 with the resolution of a case brought against four protesters arrested at a peaceful demonstration on October 20, 2011. Judge Daniel Moreno denied the prosecutor's attempt to add three additional charges to the original complaint less than two weeks before trial, and prevented the prosecutor from singling out individuals with previous political arrests for harsher treatment.

This case and recent arrests of dozens of OccupyHomes MN activists defending the Cruz home in South Minneapolis show that the City of Minneapolis, through the Minneapolis Police Department and City Attorney's office are attempting to intimidate activists and shut down the Occupy movement with tough tactics and unreasonable charges. The resolution of this case shows that Mayor R.T. Rybak's efforts to suppress dissent can be defeated with the help of a strong legal defense and solidarity from all who seek to create a more just society.

"Background on the case: On October 20, 2011, about a hundred people participated in a demonstration in front of U.S. Bank in downtown Minneapolis to draw attention to the fact that in 2010 alone, over 25,000 Minnesotans lost their homes to foreclosure. Meanwhile, U.S. Bank CEO Richard Davis saw his salary more than double to $18.8 million this year, and U.S. Bancorp reported record profits of $1.3 billion in the 3rd quarter of 2011. Tired of seeing banks refuse to negotiate with homeowners while making record profits, protesters moved into the intersection of 2nd Ave and 6th St. Police blocked and re-routed traffic, which allowed the demonstration to continue.

"Eventually, seven people were arrested and charged with violating Minneapolis City Ordinance 385.65 which prohibits "interfering with pedestrian and vehicular traffic." At the first court appearance in November, the prosecutor, Patrick Marzitelli, offered some defendants the opportunity to plead guilty to a petty misdemeanor, but insisted on charging Misty Rowan and Katrina Plotz with criminal misdemeanors, even though all seven defendants engaged in the same activity on the same day in the same place. The decision to treat some people differently based on past civil disobedience activities was clearly an attempt to silence, intimidate, and deter all citizens from engaging in political dissent.At subsequent court appearances, the prosecutor and his supervisor, Assistant City Attorney Mary Ellen Heng again refused to offer everyone the same deal. Rowan and Plotz, along with Ben Egerman and Peter Leeman declined to accept these terms, and were scheduled to go to trial July 30.

"Defense attorneys Jordan Kushner and Andrea Palumbo filed a motion to dismiss the initial charge on the grounds that the city ordinance in question was unconstitutional. In response, Marzitelli added three new misdemeanor charges to the original complaint (unlawful assembly, creating a public nuisance, and disobeying a peace officer).

"On July 30, Judge Moreno denied the motion to dismiss the original charge. Kushner then argued that the addition of three new charges was untimely and not based on any new facts in the case. When Kushner asserted that the extra charges seemed designed to punish the defendants for refusing to take previous "deals," Marzitelli objected, saying, "There is no evidence to suggest that the amended complaint is retaliatory in nature." His objection was overruled.

"Judge Moreno ultimately granted the defense's request to eliminate the additional charges. He then took the unusual step of allowing Rowan and Plotz the option of a "straight plea." Under this arrangement, they could each plead guilty to a misdemeanor, but as the judge, he would sentence them to a petty misdemeanor and it would be recorded as such, essentially bypassing the prosecutor's insistence that they should each be stuck with a misdemeanor. Rowan and Plotz both chose this option. Leeman and Egerman pled guilty to a petty misdemeanor as well."

Here is a portion of Frank's book where he discusses the advice his brother Patrick gave him about how if the police chose to not do their job and carry out justice how the Bill of Rights ceases to matter. Frank strangely discusses it as a way to introduce slavery. While I will not waste time arguing how Frank, a healthy adult male, who passes as white and is also son of rich well-heeled elites is somehow at all at risk for slavery.
I quote him here:
"To understand the entrapping nature of indentured servitude, one has to go no further then the plantation mentality housed locally with in communities; transitional housing shelters and drop-in-centers. They hold the population of America's new poor; casualties of economic difficulty. Slavery has never been about race. It has always been about destitution. Social groups of destitution have a long history of selling themselves into servitude to survive. Destitution is the primary factor making indentured servitude entrapping. In order to escape the servitude, one must make it out of the poverty that perpetuates it. This means acquiring steady financial income, which can be hard. This is difficult to do during economically recessed times. Freedom from slavery has a history of rarely being awarded or fought for. It has a greater history of being purchased by the servant, which was the original purpose of the indenture. It established not only the price for one's freedom, but more importantly the method of payment over a period of time, usually seven years.
This suggests freedom has always carried with it a price. With today's economy what is stressed isn't just the means of purchasing what is needed for survival, even if it is freedom, but sometimes to retain the legal right to do so. According to the 13th Amendment slavery shouldn't exist. What has been witnessed at many public shelters around welfare politics and with the Minnesota State Department of Human Services just a few blocks from The Dorothy Day Center, which receives reports of these kinds of civil issues, this isn't the case. If one doesn't have the right to be protected from enslavement outlawed by the United States Constitution, how is it possible to purchase themselves from it legally, especially when according to licensed attorneys in the state and officials like David (who refused to offer a last name) from the department of Human Services in downtown Saint Paul Minnesota; the state's capital, "The Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution pertains to only certain restrictions to certain government offices. It doesn't apply to the rights of a public. If you have any problems call the police and make a report."

"Three separate Minnesota attorneys (licensed) later confirmed this mentality: Mr. Patrick Marzitelli, Ms. Laura Melnick and Mr. Michael Davey. What was meant by calling the police was to establish an official record of incident (if the local police decide to handle the matter), so that things could be handled by the local authorities deemed necessary. It sounds more like people who are in the position of having to make these kinds of reports, may also end up in the position of being arrested or penalized for doing so---according to local authorities. What this suggests, is state wide fascism that legally shouldn't exist, does exist. Absence of the public rights guaranteed in the United States Constitution, establishes in this fashion a multitude of local dictatorships, outlining fascism throughout a state and even nationally, which should concern everyone. What is going on here? Is this really about the local politics of destitution housed in public offices according to licensed or appointed officials, or is something deeper involved?"

So here we have a clear white supremacist, misogynist and child of rich parents who thinks African Americans on welfare rule the country telling us all the means the state can use to make a joke out of our legal institutions.

We all have seen so much police brutality and corruption, so much so that now it is everywhere. Frank is more than just an elitist and fascist; he is sadist, a human trafficker. It disturbs me to see someone from his position detail in print how to carry out implementing a fascist state.

What disturbs me most is that what he describes is happening. Are the police being fair and doing their jobs anymore? No. Which is not to say I think every police officer is evil. What is fact is that disproportionately, members of white power/ fascist groups join the police and the military. I mean if you are like Frank and an out of sorts victimizer who needs to abuse and scapegoat those without power, like members of most minority groups you are going to love jobs which allow you to carry a gun and abuse power.

With this information you have grounds to argue that by manipulating their way into positions where white supremacists and their ilk can abuse power they can ensure their cronies don't get caught or go to jail for hurting blacks, Latinos, Arabs and more.

Since when I post this article and the information in it on an IMC, someone is making posts twisting the information in this to sound like a conspiracy theory, I will pause to clarify a few things.

First of all, these people, these fascists to use the exact definition of it, don't control everything and everyone. They certainly would like to and certainly try. I must stress that Frank is associated with weird cultist freaks, who he is vested in protecting. I won't say those freaks are in control of everything, these are still fringe groups.

NeoNazi's are fringe groups also, who although they wish they controlled everyone, they don't. We all know them and all know all blacks, Jewish people, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, and Arabs would be dead right now or be enslaved if these skinheads and KKK morons had their way.

As it stands, they don't control everything. That is their wet dream. We do a decent enough job of giving them problems. The people I have spoken with before on this who are experts say that only about 30 percent of the people in this nation likely have affiliations with some of these weird groups.

That hardly creates a hegemony. The point here also, is that we as activists have been successful in this fight and can continue to be, and therefore should never give up.

I find ideas that attribute total power to these thugs, innaccurate. Also, because of getting my posts of this article trolled by someone using "reducto ad adsurdam." This is a form of false argumentation where someone twists an opposing argument to sound ridiculous so that his own argument gets credence and weight it doesn't really have.

Recasting ideas in my argument in a way that makes it sound like some conspiracy theory loon is posting the idea makes it possible for the racists I accuse here to dissuade people from reading this article. It is to be expected. Not a one of them likes getting caught with his pants down.

Frank's skinhead buddy from Detroit, Jamison Messerly who hounded me in Minneapolis bragged about using date rape drug. He likely thought he could brag because if he said he used it, it would still sound implausible to people not well informed about the use of these drugs. Actually because people can also get high of GHB and Ketamine, these drugs are already common on the streets. He was counting that the suburban people I would have to go to for help then, would likely not know this and balk at the idea.

Reducing all these ideas to sound absurd therefore gives a lot of cover for these misogynist, racist, skinhead thugs to abuse and get away with hurting people.

If you study the habits and behavior of Nazi skinhead groups in Chicago, and the state of Illinois, you see both misogynist and racist abuse and behavior. John Haley, a Chicago Mafia Skinhead was also accused of date rape, and abusing women. Check out the diary of a Chicago Mafia Skinhead here: and Chicago's South Side Anti-Racist Action's website to learn about the habits of the racists, racist skinheads and other hate group members in that area:

I'm clarify these facts to address the person drafting articles that blame the FBI instead of the hate groups for what I accuse the hate groups of here. Let me be clear, I don't trust the FBI. Yes, they target activists and likely do it for the same reason the police harass us. This reason is that there is a number of geniune racist group members trying to use working in law enforcement to abuse power and carry out their agenda. Still, what matters here is to look at all of this information in context and compare it to facts. I at least try to back what I say here. I cite my sources.

The United States has a racist history, and our goverment still has racist and fascist elements. The United States also has thousands of African Americans, activists of all races and ethnicities and we have done much successful work to fight the culture of racism we've inherited.

The 1960's brought change and it was hard fought for. We can continue to bring those changes. Especially now with the sophistication racist, misogynist and corporate interests forward their agenda, it is important to question everything, learn as much as you can and learn to discern trolls and infiltrators which have always compromised our movements.

I have to address this because when someone is twisting ideas here to sound absurd and conspiratorial, clarifying the actual content of this article is necessary. Re

Sure there is likely what is a minority in establishments like government and the police who are still good. They are too few in number it seems to count. So what this lends itself to is the early stages of introduction of a fascist state.

I think that Frank's book might explain exactly how fascists and racists intend to carry out their assault on the poor and vulnerable in this country. The more the big banks and the billionaires siphon off money from all of us, we are all at risk for being broke, poor and to use a word he likes, "vulnerable."

Then what are you going to do if you lose your home and wind up staying at a homeless shelter crawling with human traffickers like him and others who would exploit your poverty? This is why this matters.

If you have a person with ties to the elite exploiting homeless females and likely homeless males too, what you have is those who have the money and power not just taking more money but harming people in disgusting, unconscionable ways such as making those people unpaid sex slaves.

It is bad enough to lose your home in a recession, but do you want to be placed at risk to be a forced unpaid prostitute, as surely would be the case in the Twin Cities in Minnesota and other major cities?

I think the answer is "no." If you have interest of sparing not just others but yourself this fate, maybe taking the time to actually question Frank's claims would be a good idea. If you are tired of racism, sexism, fascism, and believe in those causes, reading his book and fact checking all of this, is worth your while.

What I am saying is that I only have drawn so many connections here from three years of work. I know there is likely more damning information about him and smiley murders in his book and in his trolling adventures online.

I can't do all the work. Therefore I call out to all people who want fascists, racists, sexists, elitists, corrupt police behavior to do their own research on all of these things.

What Smiley cases represents is creative mass murder by white supremacist gangs and other groups. Therefore it is tantamount that this information be passed around and improved on the same manner as open source software.

I also suggest getting familiar with how this fascist writes and misspells words. One thing I am sure of is that he may seriously need his parents money to survive on because he can't spell anything right and is too prone to temper tantrums to likely make it on any job.

Actual people who work for a living and don't make much don't need some sniveling sadist rich kid who didn't hold a job for longer than a month since the early 1990's and who can fake being a homeboy because his rich parents sent him to a school on Cabrini Green dictating their lives.

If this gets trolled and I am oh so sure it will, I will post his resume online for all to see. Genealogy websites and libraries like there like the LDS genealogy libraries confirm all that I am saying about who Frank is descended from.

I always questioned how it was no one found it in themselves to beat the crap out of Frank for spewing race hatred in that shelter. Mind you, most all of the people in there are black. Maybe they were too afraid of him. He's a cunning, evil, manipulative person.

I am guessing he has been lying to very many people in order to carry out his own agenda. I am sure he also has actual converts out there as well. It is hard to say really but it goes far to trust your gut feeling about people, situations and information.

Again, sometimes truth and logic gets buried by types like him. This happens pretty often these days. Any activist has to sift through so much information. My advice is to trust your gut and to never jump to conclusions prematurely. Finding truth takes work. If you get lazy about that these days you will never find it. As you can see, the corrupt maintain power when people lack accurate information.

That is why it is a problem for five corporations to control the media. I have too many things to discuss here so if you are a progressive or whatever else, you already know this. If you aren't aware of all these things I suggest reading some Noam Chomsky for starters.

Frank really has a strange mix of people assisting him. Blacks, white supremacists, hobos, Somali's and more. His social connections are also those of other Smileys. The pattern is undeniable and it is primarily not me discovering these things.

It's either fear or maybe he is such a good excuse fabricator and or so good at playing his enemies, that no one has been able to mount successful opposition to him. I think that most people are too confused as to what he is really about. I sure was. There are too many contradictions, to the point he seems crazy. The problem is that the contradictions exist not as the result of insanity, but as the result of whatever game he happens to be playing at any given point.

Who would ever believe that librarians were predators, yearning to "leer" at his computer screen, or that people on welfare ran the country. If they ran the country, would they need or want to live on welfare? Unless it isn't "one dollar per vote," but instead "one foodstamp per vote," then maybe he'd be on to something.

He certainly played games with me and it nearly cost me my life and my freedom.

This being said, it is helpful to know some background on this. As far as the Process Church, I know very little, but this is not a Christian church, it is quite the opposite. Those people have bizarre ideas like fusing together Christ, Satan and Lucifer, and they are very likely engaged in activity involving ritual abuse. This would also entail all the horrific activities typically associated with ritual abuse including rape, pedophilia, murder and torture.

If I get too much into this topic I will diverge into religious and or spiritual discussion which is beyond the scope of this writing. What I will say is that I don't write this off as just the absurd ideas of a lunatic, but instead things that pose an immediate threat to many people.

In this day and age when there are people who are hold the bulk of the wealth who really do seek to keep the poor "divided and conquered," to secure themselves in power, any Helter Skelter schemes take on a different meaning.

Or more to the point, I am writing and sharing about how Frank has effectively committed crimes against me and others and has a working plan as to how to not get caught. Any methods he has used against me to isolate and control me can be used against anyone.

If you are tempted to disregard how someone skilled at manipulating people can be a threat, you miss the point as to how human trafficking, modern day slavery, is not only happening but on the rise. Much of what Frank does as far as manipulating people is covered under the list of propaganda techniques used by governments during World War I and World War II.

Beyond this, the rest of what Frank has done as far as manipulating me and others entails using what are called, "cognitive biases." A cognitive bias is in essence an error in human thinking usually precipitated by how our emotions interfere with true logical decision making. For example one of the many cognitive biases is "anchoring bias," and in anchoring bias you stick to the first piece of information when making a choice.

Group think is listed as one of the cognitive biases. Group think involves members of a group being biased against ideas which come from outside the group. It also entails group members seeking approval from other group members by supporting the bad ideas of other group members. Eventually, members of the group become so myopic in their thinking and the ideas of the outside world seem such a threat that the group starts making bad decisions.

I recommend studying these things because knowledge is power and people out there with ill will like Frank, especially other human traffickers would fail to maintain slaves in a modern world if people were versed enough in these matters to no longer be deceived.

It is also an advantage for people in normal, everyday life to know these things, because then the tricks advertisers play when they try to sell you things won't work on you any more.

So it isn't just in terms of some woman's efforts to stay free from slavery which bring to the fore the importance of being educated on these things. Freedom of choice in a more general sense depends on accurate assessments about all the information you receive. Questionable statements made in political campaign advertisements would stand out to you after studying this topic, even when you didn't happen to know the truth of the statement or untruth of it.

If you can identify all the games played when people pose arguments, like appealing to your fear, (called, "appeal to fear") or pointing out all the flaws of a person with a particular idea as opposed to flaws in the idea (called an "ad hominem attack").

I think because I was educated, and able to understand some of this on a rudimentary level, I avoided being human trafficked. This, in my opinion, makes me most grateful for my education. It saved my life.

Frank's Personal History and it's Context in Smiley Cases

What I learned about him after pursuing helping law enforcement and myself by researching him based on things I heard and read, is that Frank was spent his elementary school years in a remedial program for emotionally disturbed youth.

What's more telling, is that back in the 1960's his mother, according to The Hyde Park Times, a local Chicago paper, was active in promoting that school and was focused on how those students were ostracized by most normal people.

Based upon this, I am guessing he felt cast out, and not part of society so his crimes against people are his envisioned revenge. The sad part is I seriously doubt the clearly good people like Chris Jenkins, or Josh Szostak who were killed by him or his cohorts would be the types to reject, bully and hurt people. The smiley victims disproportionately are involved in volunteer work and causes, many of them are Christian and these people don't fit the profile of "bully."

Also, in these articles, it is evident Frank's mother puts herself in the public eye over the issue of emotionally disturbed youth. If she has the same unusual last name as Frank, this is in, effect announcing his situation.
The again, it is also possible he was violent and out of control from an early age, and this behavior is an extension. Personally, while I think bullying is wrong, and that Frank may have started out a victim, my concern about this is minimal given his violent abuse of innocent people.

From statements he made, it seemed he expected women to hurt him. This might explain the rape and human trafficking. In this way he forces women into sex and punishes them. Maybe he believes that the only way he can get sex is rape. His manifesto is riddled with misogynist hatred. The question I had is how a person like this comes to be? His family likely played a role, but as to what I can only speculate.

Still, it is worth mentioning that school for emotionally disturbed youth he attended in Chicago originally was located in a space in the Cabrini Green Housing projects in Chicago. He mentions Cabrini Green in his book.

This HUD development in Chicago was so infamous for violent crime, gangs and murder, that numerous articles have been written about the place. The existence and rise of some of Chicago's worst street gangs have been attributed to the place.

There is a book by sociologist Sudhir Venkatesh, called Gang Leader for a Day, describing life in Cabrini Green. This book became the basis for the book Freakenomics. This book mostly describes the poverty, gangs and social organization and lack thereof present at these projects. It doesn't include the horror stories, which include people being so regularly tossed off the roof there that special fencing had to be put in place to prevent the problem.

There was also a violent rape their of a 10 year old African-American girl, where she was poisoned, raped and as a result of all that wound up severely brain damaged. The place was such an example of failed policy in regards to the HUD program, that a U.S. President showed up to the location.

Cabrini Green is not a pleasant place. It was also a bulwark of the crime scene in Chicago. When I was living in Minneapolis, it seemed that there was such a tie to this place and people coming from the projects in Chicago to live in the Twin Cities, that a Minneapolis based charity called itself "Cabrini Green."

Since Minnesota believes giving welfare benefits with little or no requirements like working or having children to obtain benefits, people are relocating from Chicago to the Twin Cities, in droves. Thus, any discussion of the Twin Cities invariably includes Chicago.

Frank lived in both places. I wonder if his gang involvement began as a result of his experience attending school in Cabrini Green. He once rubbed in my face how I should "learn about Chicago politics," and seemed smug about this. From reading Venkatesh's book, and understanding how the gang the author studied served as the defacto provider of resources, protection, and opportunity for project residents to get rich (on crime) in the face of apathy from city, state and local officials, Frank would witness how to run a criminal organization or enterprise and succeed.

I am guessing that whatever he saw or became involved with there at Cabrini Green, even despite the irony he had rich parents living in the pricey Hyde Park area of Chicago, influenced him. I would guess that his involvement in a human trafficking operation must have come from a lifetime of proximity or participation in gang life.

It's said in articles on the gang problem I have read that the street gangs tend to recruit insecure young people who lack family support or normal social group involvement. What the experts say about people who get wooed into street gang life want most of all a family or a social group to be a part of. Frank probably fits that profile.
Human Traffickers also entrap Males into Slavery; Frank Might also Target Males for Human Trafficking

I know now the reason young men have been murdered by Smiley killers is not to briefly human traffick them. Still, there really is a tie between the same people who human traffick and people who are drowning students.
Frank is an opportunist who can get his way in many situations, using a variety of means. I heard on NPR the story of a youth in Minneapolis who was a run away from an abusive family, and went into prostitution because he was homeless, and living in a dumpster, freezing to death in the dead of winter there.

He described how he and other young men sold their bodies just to survive in Minneapolis.
This segment from an article entitled, "Why Human Trafficking is a Men's issue" lets readers know that human traffickers do target men . The article explains how the trafficking of males is also on the rise:

"However, forced labor is not the only facet of human trafficking in which males become trapped. Another group at risk for exploitation is homosexual young men. Many gay youth are at an increased risk of becoming homeless by being kicked out of their homes or running away to escape abuse and harassment. Multiple studies have indicated that homeless and runaway youth are among pimps' easiest targets. One pimp in an interview conducted by the DePaul College of Law confirms their ability to pick out frightened, hungry people: "You can smell the desperation." These young men, forced to engage in "survival sex", often are swept up into sex trafficking - and there's not much said or done about it.

"Straight males are also sexually exploited. Customers who pay to rape men do it for the same reason that they pay to rape women and children: according to Julian Heng, manager of a support project for men in prostitution, it's about power and control, not pleasure or orientation. Paying for this transaction is simply another form of exercising power and control over the victim. (Kloer) Like female victims, males are forced to participate in sex acts against their will, controlled through brutality, psychological manipulation, and routine drug use and addiction.

"Men and boys who are sexually exploited must come to terms with not only the physical and emotional trauma of repeated rape and abuse, but their own conflicted sexuality and masculinity afterwards. Amanda Kloer, anti-trafficking activist, writes that this added stigma prevents them from coming forward and seeking assistance, which further compounds the problem of a lack of information regarding the exploitation of men. Unfortunately, they also have an even more significant hurdle to clear: a general lack of knowledge and resources for their rehabilitation."
It's worth noting that during this edit of the document, after getting helped by Gilbertson, some of the ideas I had were correct, some weren't. I think the motive of Smilies is not obtaining male victims for slavery, but instead these victims are killed for the reasons law enforcement have stated. The important thing to recognize here is that because the same set of people, the same power addicted criminals are involved in both activities, there are the same techniques used in each instance to overpower others.

Since the same group is doing both activity, parallels exist. It is actually more significant to understand the group and their agenda as opposed to analyzing individual crimes and assuming each must happen towards the same end. What I've been told and assume myself is the unifying feature between both human trafficking and drowning murders is that the group doing both is highly corrupt and deviant, both in terms of sexual activity and outright horrific violence.


Frank has an Obsession with Birds and Birds are Part of the Smiley Face Killer Pattern

After I discovered Frank was the troll on Kristi Piehl's blog, I took it upon myself to do research on him. I wanted to find tangible proof he had killed people. I decided to check if it was true that he was related to a St. Paul mayor. I have members of my own family who enjoy doing genealogy. I knew I could use in order to verify or discount what Frank alleged about his family. While I'm sure he told this to me to intimidate me, it hasn't worked in his favor to have told me this.

I not only checked that fact, but I then had a theory. I'll call it my "couch surfing theory," for lack of a better term. It works. Anyhow, you have a man who is living at a homeless shelter, although I suspect he stays there for access to vulnerable women he can traffick.

I still don't know the details on why he stays at that shelter. In 2012, after discovering his presence on and disruption o f Smiley killer websites, I had an idea. I wondered how it was you have a bum, who sleeps at a shelter, and still manages to travel to United States to a greater or lesser degree to kill people.

I know he worked as a trucker but I knew nothing about trucking and how truckers sleep in their trucks. I thought, if he travels, he has to stay somewhere. His hotel bills would be astronomical. He could camp, but since most of these cases I knew to occur during winter, camping would be a nightmare during winter.

When I went to to verify if he was related to a mayor, I noticed immediately Frank just happened to have relatives in the exact locations some Smiley murders have occurred. These areas were not major cities, where it could be coincidence. These were specific small towns. My line of reasoning was that maybe he is staying with family when he travels around killing people.

That led to me looking further into his family, or initially, just where his family lived. I would compare the entire list of Smiley killer cases and cross reference it with locations where he had family. I hit pay dirt. This is pattern is too established to be coincidence.

That isn't all I found out from this research.


The HVAC Connection

Frank has relatives who run HVAC companies. One amateur researcher posting on SFK related forums under the name Tenneguy found significant overlap in locations where there are Trane HVAC company training sites and Smiley Face Killer victims that he drafted the well known "Trane Theory" in regards to the Smiley Face Killer theory.

Tenneguy found that one victim, Jessiah Jameson in Clarksville, Tennessee, was attending training seminars at Trane. He also found that Trane often has contracts with Universities. I don't have a copy of his entire theory because he had it on a blog he since has removed, but I have read a summary of it.

Frank has a relative john who runs an HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) company called Optimum Mechanical Systems. Frank describes in his book taking a test to become a welder. If he has family who presides over an HVAC company, it is likely he may have tried to get tested or certified to work in the field.

This part of his family in lives in White Bear Lake, Minnesota.

There were two Smiley victims in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. White Bear Lake is a suburb of the Twin Cities. White Bear Lake is also a location that Frank has worked at according to his resume. Also, Frank has relatives in White Bear Lake.

The bar that one White Bear Lake victim Nathan Edberg disappeared from was called "Decoys Bar and Grill." There was another SFK victim in that small community of White Bear Lake named Nick Rossini. Rossini's home happened to be right near Decoys Bar and Grill. I really start to ponder the statement, "there are no coincidences" when I weigh these facts against the book Frank created. Frank has an entire paragraph devoted to the subject of decoys. In a strong predatory tone, but still casting himself as a victim rather than perpetrator, Frank says:


"We need to understand, wage affordability is far more possible for someone who is an exploiter rather than an employer, especially during financially difficult times. This flourishes a field of employment predation for survival on a commercial level, where job candidates become prime choice targets for national consumption; economic cannibalization. The productive never see it coming, while the leisurely have all the time in the world to execute, leaving the productive figuratively sitting on a cold autumn placid lake in the middle of duck hunting season, like a live duck among decoys (just waiting to be shot at), with the hunter eyeing the fall majestic scenery (slipping back and forth from brief moments of slumber) hoping to seize that moment.

"If one sits real still, maybe he or she will not be seen while peeking behind a small forest of floating decoys, eyeing the situation with silent, anxious, wide eyed, terror ridden, incapacitated, anticipation. Sooner or later you have to eat and so does he. Is it possible to sneak away undetected? What can the productive do when so vicariously suspended among an evitable fate of floating decoys; the leisurely?

"Sometimes it is good to do absolutely nothing at all but wait, but for how long? One could try and figure out what class he or she fits into, in effort to prepare for what could happen on that placid murky cold employment pool, comprising America's many lakes of uncertain death, harboring today's modern jobs market."

The last statement is utterly chilling if you know much about Smiley Face Killer victims. He says "Placid, murky cold employment pool" and what comes to mind is Jelani Brinson lying dead in a golf pond. "Lakes of uncertain death" remind me of all the victims which disappeared in lakes, especially the two White Bear Lake Smiley victims. "Harboring" could just be an accidental choice in language or another example of the way he power trips just by using words related to illegal activities he had participated in. Many Smiley victims in Chicago, Seattle and Boston have been found in harbors.


Frank's job as a trucker and how it could facilitate his participation in Human Trafficking Activities

Human traffickers operate over the Mexican and Canadian borders
An article on the FBI website describes how a gang which involved itself in the smuggling of illegal immigrants over the Mexico/U.S. border also was engaging in human trafficking activity. The article is called, "Justice Served in the Case of the Texas Sex Slaves"

This article discusses the case of a couple Central American women paid to have a gang smuggle them to the U.S. Once these women were smuggled here, the people who smuggled them in demanded more money. Since the women didn't have the money to pay, the gang made slaves. By day they worked as unpaid domestic servants and at night they served as the gangs' sex slaves. The article then says not only were these women victimized in this way; the gang also extorted the women's family for more money.

Immigrant Smugglers who participate in Human Trafficking
An article called, "Human Trafficking: a Growing Criminal Market," by James O. Finckenauer and Jennifer Schrock at the International Center for Justice, mention how human trafficking "shares certain dynamics with alien smuggling." Finckenauer and Schrock also say that human trafficking differs with alien smuggling because human trafficking has the "additional elements of coercion and or exploitation."

Human traffickers tie into the problem of illegal immigration, mainly because illegal immigrants are good targets for traffickers. The reason for this is that these immigrants can't call the police without being caught without a green card. Furthermore, many traffickers use places like Mexico and Canada as conduits to the United States, since it is easier to smuggle in overseas immigrants into Mexico or Canada and then into the U.S.

Human traffickers also work as "coyotes;" that is people who smuggle illegal aliens from Mexico into the United States. They use the smuggling debt of the illegal immigrant and the immigrant's lack of legal status to manipulate and coerce the victim in slavery.

What Frank states in his book parallels the reality of coyote activity. Frank wrote:

"The first class represented those who chose to bind themselves to labor for a definite time to pay for their passage to America. The best known of these were Germans, but many English and Scottish men and women came in the same way. The second class, those who came to escape poverty or were forcibly brought to the colonies, was large because of the scarcity of labor in America. Their services were profitably sold to plantation owners or farmers, who indentured them for a period of years. The third class, convicts, were sentenced to deportation and on arrival in America were indentured unless they had personal funds to maintain themselves. Seven years was a common term of such service."

In the first pages of his book, Frank admits to running from police while working at his trucking job.

Frank writes in his book about how highway patrol began pulling over his truck convoy. He said he sped up and fled because his he didn't have insurance on his vehicle.

Frank told me verbally he did work trucking in the South and he mentions it in the email he sent me along with the book he sent me. I don't know where he worked, I just know he did trucking work in the south

Frank in the email he forwarded to me which had that book of his stored in attachment to the email:

"David, you and I were driving over the road down south for a brief time. When shelters start to fill like refugee camps and feel just as overcrowded; alienation, it's pleasurable to find a sense of home driving over the road, even if momentary. Well David "This is It," no; not another Michael Jackson tour, but the story I've been working on "forever" it seems, like a literary birth; a long arduous, painful process that really can't be rushed, minus the crows and bees. Read it and tell me what you think about my baby. She has that all American Muscle Machine design, where reading you should feel the motor (deep down) rev hard enough to notice the pulse of the engine through the tip of the stick shift---with sprinkles and icing included, enjoy (please) and thank-you for all the patients and consideration offered (that's what makes a man a man)."

Human Traffickers, like Smiley Killers, favor certain interstate corridors

The reason why is that human traffickers will pimp their victims at truck stops, and send their victims to massage parlors and other front businesses for the sex trade. Most of the locations of these businesses can be found down various interstate corridors with I-10 coming in first as the route chosen by human traffickers. Furthermore, human traffickers must move their victims constantly to disorient the victim and not get caught.

The I-94 corridor is another route highly favored by human traffickers as well is the I-35 corridor which runs north to south and ultimately to Mexico:

"Human trafficking and forced labor are theme for Spring Arbor University's 2012 FOCUS series" by Lauren Gentile

"Many people do not think human trafficking happens here," Mary Darling, associate professor of communication said. "But from Detroit to Chicago on I-94 there is high numbers of trafficking at the Asian spas and truck stops."

link at
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ taco bell

One person responds to an article about human trafficking in Toledo, Ohio with the following information about routes picked by human traffickers in that area:

"It is a well known fact that Toledo, OH is a hub for human trafficking. I-75 and I-94 are thoroughfares, and Michigan's vicinity to Canada is an ideal geographic locale for moving and holding trafficked victims.

Soroptomists Clubs around the world are raising awareness of this awful epidemic. Follow this link to learn more:

Human trafficking is the second largest growing industry here in the USA. It is important that we are aware of how it works and that anyone can be a victim."

In an article about the attempts of some women in Menomonie, Wisconsin to start a safe house in that city we again see the significance of I-94 to human traffickers. An article entitled, "Human trafficking victims benefit from a local group's scarf sales" in the Chippewa Valley Leader-Telegram says:

"Fierce Beauty co-founders Jenny Almquist, at right, and Tammy Berend, center, are working to with Cheryl Voyles, a survivor of sex trafficking, to start a non-profit organization Fierce Freedom. The goal is to start a safe house for victims of human trafficking... "

"'The facility is needed, given the few available locations for human trafficking victims to stay,' Berend said, and Menomonie's location along Interstate 94 - often used to transport victims between Chicago and Minneapolis - makes it a good spot for a safe house, a place victims can escape to."
link to

The following information is from data presented by program created to end human trafficking, particularly child human trafficking, in the state of Oklahoma. The name of the project is "Project Innocence Initiative." Here are some statistics about human trafficking in Oklahoma from the project:

"The crossroads of two major Interstate systems, I-40 and I-35, makes Oklahoma a hub for human trafficking.

The state human trafficking law requires proof of force used in the commission, even when the victim is a minor. The law imposes heightened penalties when the victim is under 18 years of age—the crime is punishable by 10 years to life imprisonment and/or a fine up to $20,000, sentences comparable to those under federal law."

The I-94 Corridor and Smiley Face Murders

I will start on this topic by sharing a series of brief pieces of articles about how the Smiley Face Killers have been targeting not just young men, but young men who are specifically in locations along the I-94 corridor. The reason for I-94 being significant is, again, about how I believe it is individuals who work as human traffickers are behind these murders. The following article is one of the better ones I've seen on the Smiley Killer subject. The article mentions key points in Smiley Killer-type disappearances. These points help cement the idea that human traffickers are perpetrators behind the disappearances:
A series of deaths along Interstates 94 and 90 have led an SCSU professor to investigate the cases."
Marli Stewart,4/16/09

"If you are a white male between the ages of 17 and 27, attending a major college or university, have a GPA above 3.0, are athletic, clean cut and good looking, some people think you may be a target.

There are hundreds of college-age men who have mysteriously disappeared since 1997. They vanish from a bar, their friends lose track of them and they end up in a river nearby a few days, weeks or months later.

These accidents all happen close to Interstate 94 and Interstate 90, with Minnesota and Wisconsin having the most victims. Most of these cases have been ruled by police as accidental drowning - case closed.

But when Chris Jenkins went missing and his body was found in the Mississippi river in Minneapolis, the investigation took a new turn. Jenkins' death was ruled as a homicide. He was abducted, driven around in a cargo van and tortured, then placed in the Mississippi river.

Retired New York detectives, Kevin Gannon and Anthony Duarte, have been investigating the cases and believe they are connected. They have teamed up with SCSU professor Lee Gilbertson to find answers to the many questions that the families of the victims are left with.

Gilbertson did an exhaustive examination of the cases after SCSU student Scot Radel went missing in 2005. He looks at time and space, as well as crime mapping to find connections between the victims and patterns in the data.

Two of Gilbertson's students, Amanda Pressenger and Jessica Claeys, found many mysterious similarities between the victims and the cases themselves, leading Gilbertson to believe that these were coordinated attacks on precise, set and prescribed dates -- attacks on victims that fit a distinct profile.

"Because of the way the dates fall out, we believe that these cases are involved with a group of 200 or so individuals who have the same ideology and are planning these 'murders,'" said Gilberston.

Currently, Gannon, Duarte, Gilbertson and Carlson (a former SCSU graduate student) are working on this investigation.

Why are the police not getting involved? The cases spread across 10 of the northern United States. Local police departments do not have the jurisdiction to investigate murders outside their local area.

"With a local police perspective, there's really nothing within our jurisdiction that has our level of suspicion, there's different facts online and some people believe that this wasn't just an accident. I think that any story like this is going to get some media attention, and people are going to wonder," said Sergeant Martin Fayre, public information officer.

Gannon, Duarte and Gilbertson are the only investigators who have gone to all the crime scenes and looked at the big picture. There are two rational explanations for what is happening to these college students. The first is that these men are drinking too much and end up, accidently, in the river. The second is that they drink too much and someone abducts them.

"We want to get the word out and warn people," said Gilbertson.

The chilling evidence that leads Gilbertson to believe that these were murders is a map of where the evidence is found compared to the path the victim actually took and the destination the victim was headed for. In many cases, the victim was going home or to another party or bar.

"The evidence is not leading in the same direction that the body was found and often times, the path of where the victim was supposed to be heading hardly matches up with the path the body was found in," said Gilbertson.

The professor can also predict when the next victim will go missing with pretty good accuracy and he can generally get the region that it's going to happen in, but he can't predict the city. Most the cases happen during the school year, in-between the months of August and May, during peak drinking hours on weekends between Thursday night and Sunday night.

He also has made a chronological map of the cities that these accidents happen in, which shows a pattern that repeats itself twice along I-94. "It's frustrating because I know someone is going to die and there's nothing I can do about it," Gilbertson said.

After a body is found in the river, investigators try to find out where the body entered the river. In most cases, where the body entered the river is where Gannon and Duarte have found graffiti, the most common symbol -- smiley faces. "The ideology is coming from the graffiti, which are symbols that most people wouldn't recognize; it's that unique and that bizarre. It's not gang graffiti," Gilbertson said

For now, the investigators are working to prove the cases were homicide, then look at the murders and look at patterns in the data.

So far they have 12 solid cases with all the evidence and autopsies but the murders are still in clusters, and they have to go back and investigate those clusters to find out what it is about the victims that this group is going after.

There are still many gaps in their investigation that the detectives and professor Gilbertson are trying to work through, but they lack the man power and funds to be able to work diligently on this case. They have requested the help from the FBI but were told that there was not enough evidence to prove foul play.

"Scot's case was ruled as an accident because there was nothing to lead the police to believe that it was nothing more than a tragic accident," Fayre said.

"We deal with quite a few incidents where people end up in the river. We rewarded cops a few months ago for someone that wandered into the river, they went in there with a life vest and a rope and that person would have died also. In that case we knew the circumstances, because the person survived. And it involved alcohol; the person was having suicidal thoughts."

When a body ends up in the river there is always an autopsy done. The problem is that the body is found in the water, the current and water temperature determines where the body is going to end up and erases most of the evidence. With ice it's even more difficult.

The police department did not have any comment on the national investigation that Gannon, Gilbertson and Duarte are working on.

There are many websites that offer information about these cases.

Gannon, Duarte and Gilbertson's website is:, where you can blog or contact the investigators and see videos of the detectives and Gilbertson in the media. "
Source: link to

In yet another article, we see yet again that the I-94 corridor is as central to so-called "Smiley Face Killers" just as it is to human traffickers. Again, after learning so much about these cases, I don't think by any means is this just a coincidence. I am in no way an expert in both the subjects of Smiley Face Killers and human traffickers, but the more I learn about each, the more I find to tie the two problems together.

"Could student drownings be work of serial killer?" By Todd Richmond, Chippewa Herald

"Rumors have persisted for years that a serial killer is prowling Interstate 94, hunting young men in college bars and plunging them underwater. Investigators, though, say there's no evidence of foul play. They say the victims were so drunk they fell in the river and died."

I-35 and Smiley Face Murders

One forum on Smiley Face Killer cases mentions the killers using the I-35 corridor as well as the I-94 corridor. As of late, no one has found any good reason for the killer to select victims down certain interstate corridors. However, in the context of human traffickers maybe being participants in these murders, the usage of these interstate corridors would actually be expected.

Recent disappearances along I-35:
1/17/10 Sylvester McCurry, 18, Superior, WI
1/19/10 Eric Peterson, 24, Lakeville, MN
1/22/10 Jon Lacina, 21, Ames, IA

I looked up where I-35 was on a map. I-35 goes all the way to the Mexican Border. It goes through major cities in Texas, the worst state in the U.S. for human trafficking. Those cities are: Austin, TX, Dallas, TX, Waco, TX. Plano, TX and its last U.S. stop before he goes into Mexico is in Larado, Texas.

Another question I have is where is the troll using veiled threats against the families of victims?? Looking for examples of this would be important. I wonder if in that one post which led me to discover it is likely Frank Marzitelli trolling this blog—the post where FREMEMIES drops a suggestion that Jelani Brinson's friends like Matt Aradondo are guilty of Jelani's murder, and where the troll belly-aches about society deciding you are all black if you have a percentage of black blood—that there is indeed a veiled threat.

Frenemies "That is correct, Matt Aradondo. He is ¼ black and ¾ white, so in societies eyes he is black. He is 25 and I get real bad vibes from the guy while viewing his Facebook and MySpace pages. Seems to have had a troubled life already, at 25. I hope the investigators pulled his and Ermin's (Matt's friend) call records that night to see if they in fact called Jelani's phone after he went missing. If they didn't call his phone, he didn't disappear. Point blank. As far as the distance from the house to the shoes to the golf course, to the bar, it is all in a straight line if you travel by the railroad tracks."

Post on page
The troll uses the words "point blank" here out of context. I noticed it seemed out place initially. Of course, now that the troll carelessly spells out his own tactics by trying to project them on other innocent people on the blog, I have to wonder if "point blank" is written there for some other reason. It almost sounds as if he's trying to express the idea of a gun being held at point blank range.
Surely Jelani's family and friends would be viewing this blog at this time. The use of the words "point blank" as a stand alone sentence fragment makes no logical sense. I wonder if this is a veiled threat. Some on the thread voiced concern that Jelani was jumped by a group of people when he stepped outside his house for that last time.
Another strategy employed and identified by the troll on the blog involves the concept of planting suggestions, like seeds, to put it in the trolls own words. He mentions it here:

Jake: (July 10th, 2009): "I believe there has been sufficient doubt (sometimes deliberately planted by some people) that has caused the police to either lose interest in a particular theory or to no longer follow up on that theory. We should all be concerned & perhaps suspicious of those that continue to spread doubt as a way of undermining the investigation & the pursuit of certain theories."

Section 2: SFK Murders are likely a Gang activity

Regardless, SFK activity does seem to be gang activity. A terrorism alert website indicates as much:

It requires having an open mind and reading the material that's out there. Douglas Gilbertson told me that the worse thing for these cases came from journalist, Kristi Piehl. He said her giving the name "Smiley Face Killers" to these events made it sound like a stupid conspiracy theory. I try to avoid using that term to describe these events. I prefer "drowning murders," or anything else. When I first compiled my notes here in this document, I used "SFK" to refer to these incidents. I also used "Smiley Face Killers" to describe the situation before I knew better. In the more recent notes and revisions I refer to these events as drowning murders or homicides. Ultimately, I am using all the above terms to refer to the same thing and I use these terms interchangeably.*


Brother's Bar and Grill, suspicious activity and racism
I found early in my reading about SFK cases that there were bars with a disproportionate number of SFK cases attached to them. It seemed that a bar chained owned by Marc and Eric Fortney had a horrible habit of being the last place many SFK victims were seen alive. I didn't discover this pattern. I did look at the name of another bar which they owned- another bar with an SFK case attached to it- which had the name Gaswerks. I thought at the time, "what a horrible name for a bar!" "Werks" is a Germanized version of "works." Considering what happened during the Holocaust, the name is pretty distasteful. What experts on the subject of Smileys have told me is that Smileys are prone to taunt people, namely law enforcement. I know this first hand. It is really like it seems, that these people enjoy flaunting how they are seemingly above the law and that no one can stop them.

I really do think that the entire Smiley crowd is made up of people who enjoy having power and abusing it. This is exactly what you see with white hate groups. So with all that taunting already something these people are prone to, I begin to think more and more that the name "Gaswerks" was intentional on the part of these people. I really do think that Smileys are in a major part white supremacists, that Brother's Bar is tied to those people.

Maybe "Brothers" is some code word for the white power movement, but I don't know myself if this is the case.

Getting back to what I was discussing before I digressed, I began to see that Frank probably did far more than make one comment on a blog. I decided to look into it. There was someone who was supposedly a private detective on the blog who made some vague comment about white power gangs not being ruled out in SFK cases. His comment was unclear. Regardless, I was looking for more of what Monique found; suspicious activity at the bar chain.

I did find more suspicious activity similar to what she discovered. I also found that almost every review about a Brother's Bar location there was at least one person complaining the staff of the restaurant showed racist or discriminatory behavior. From Philadelphia to Minnesota, staff at the franchise seemed to show racist tendencies. I'm figuring this is more about corporate culture, so to speak, than regional issue or other oddities. Brothers does have a dress code which many consider racist; so much show that in Wisconsin, students actually protested the bar. However, what I found seemed to extend beyond even the dress code.

I'll start with one very startling review of Brother's Bar's Minneapolis location. This is clearly suspicious activity in light of SFK cases!
Review by Carineofsthun3 on 2/28/20:

"Horrible experience! Last Saturday night, the 27th, me, my boyfriend, and my girlfriend got through the packed downstairs to get a drink at the bar. We were surrounded by guys. One guy in particular asked my girlfriend if she would like him to buy us a drink. She said sure. Who would turn that down? The guy ordered from a young male bartender. When the drinks arrived there were seven drinks, including shots. The guy who ordered them was hiding behind his friend like a child. The bartender started to get upset at me because the guy who ordered the drinks had no intention of paying for them. We were trying to explain this to the bartender and my friend said she would pay for the two drinks that were ours. He started to count down from five like we were children and said someone has to pay for all these drinks. So my girlfriend went into her purse and said she would just pay for them all. That's fine, even though we were not happy about it. But I work in the service industry and I know what its like when people dip out on their tabs. As soon as my girlfriend filled out her card the bartender dumped all the drinks and waved the bouncers over to kick us out!

"We were totally sober and calm. We explained to the bouncer what had happened and then one of the friends of the guy that ordered the drinks told the bouncer that this was a mistake; we shouldn't get kicked out, but it was his friend who ordered all the drinks. My friend requested to speak with the manager and even after doing so, three large bouncers muscled us out of the bar. We were not even putting up a fight. My girlfriend wanted to grab her coat; they wouldn't let her. We were shoved outside in the could like a couple of brawlers or criminals. This resulted in us getting separated from our group (italics mine) We had to take a cab. My girlfriend's house keys were in our friends car who were still in Brothers. She had to break into our house with a crow bar! Brothers is compensating her. I'm not going away quietly. Downtown bars think they can just treat people however they want and get away with it. It's like they have their own set of insane laws. I'm really upset at the manager who did nothing but add to the problem. We were more than willing to pay for the drinks even after they dumped them out. Now Brothers better be more than willing to pay for my friend's broken screen and window. I can make this legal and if they want to go to court, even if they win, they will still end up spending more money than if they just compensate us for our troubles. I don't want a complementary drink! I doesn't matter what they say, I will never go there again!"

There is something, which caught my eye here and harkens back to my horrible experience with Frank. One day after I broke up with him, he approached me on the street in front of that shelter he stays at. I'd gone there to meet a church person friend there. He proceeded to harass me. I practiced a technique called broken record and kept just telling him repeatedly to go away. A very trashy, strung out woman sitting out on a wall there acted like she thought the way he was treating me was awful and offered to be a witness for me if I called for help. Yet when the police came, she refused to play witness and started freaking out. I tried to calm her and beg her to still help. During this time, Frank had time alone with the two responding officers. In sheer testimony to his creepy manipulative skills, in the 4 minutes of time he had with them, he had them thinking I was the threat and he was the victim. I was dumbfounded and terrified. I remember that he was very dramatic and skillful with them. He even hid behind one of them like a small child hiding behind their mother. I haven't really talked too much about the nightmare he put me through, but it is truly scary when you face such a skilled manipulator. I'm still recovering from the experience and this isn't something you can just explain to someone who isn't savvy. I know human traffickers have this sort of thing down to an art form, but what such an experience does to your sense of safety is truly horrible. The sad thing is these people follow scripts, in effect. You can know the person who did this to you is probably working from a knowledge base common to other human traffickers and probably using techniques many people help form.

The following is another complaint about Brothers in Minneapolis, but this one complains of racism:

Review by Mrs88 on October 7th, 2008:

"Not so happy happy hour! My husband and I went to Brothers on 10/06/08 and we instantly felt uncomfortable as if we had just walked into a time warp and landed in the Jim Crow South Circa 1962! We proceed to find a clean seat to sit in and we even told the bartender that most of the seats were dirty which she brushed off and claimed was water. Anyways, she barked at us to see our identification which we showed here, then she asked for our order. But when two patrons returned from smoking, she quickly ignored placing our order to fill their new order! She also made our drinks wrong after we explained how we wanted them! She was rude and nasty (blonde, short, petite). We will never return!"

Here is a complaint of racism experienced in the Brothers Bar in Columbus, Ohio:

Erik B. said on August 10th, 2010:
"The frat boy henchmen... er doorman are what first turned me off (I'll explain later) and then maybe a close second is over-crowded space. Terrible music, surprisingly pricey drinks, difficulty in getting a beer and excessive line to the bathroom...that is always covered in urine, which seems to be a trend at the worst of Columbus bars I've been to. I simply don't get this place. I have no idea why my friends insisted on going here back in the day. They play the same terrible music that Lodge Bar and Gaswerks play. I also don't get why they have cops outside, standing there wasting tax payers money. My biggest issue with this cesspool goes back to the doorman. My group of friends and I have to deal with these clowns too often regarding our clothing attire. First off, we all dress like preppy white kids from the suburbs, which is the target demographic for the place. However, baseball caps must be worn frontwards and bent significantly according the henchmen at the door. Now, unlike rappers wearing hats three sizes too big, nor did we have the stickers on. With that said, bending a hat bill to a "v" is just not in style anymore. Part of me thinks they didn't want a certain demographic to enter the bar. Guess which one? I find it a tad discriminatory, even racist. Oh and my favorite moment with the doorhenchmen... after a Reds game I attended in Cincinnati, I came back to Columbus to go out with my friends. I have wore the authentic Johnny Bench jersey I wore to the game and they wouldn't let me. It wasn't baggy or over-sized. It was just as classy as the Ed Hardy graphic v-neck tees the "Muscle Milk" ingesting tools were wearing everywhere. Thankfully my friends and I grew up and now avoid Brothers, Gaswerks and Lodge Bar."

Aaron C. said on September 9th, 2010:
"I see this place is still a dump., this is one of if not the worst bar in Columbus. I don't know though all the bars in the Arena District are low on my list. Anyways, Brothers (is an) ultra bad bar, the dress code is a joke (the place is racist, very racist). Please find another bar to go to, you are better off giving your money to the homeless than this place."

What I do know is that my research on him on genealogy websites shows that Frank's grandfather, Frank Marzitelli, Sr. married a woman named Verna Misch.

The Misch clan he is related to through Verna is based in Wisconsin, and most all of his Misch relatives live around LaCrosse, Wisconsin.

I looked up everyone with that name in Wisconsin I could tie directly to Frank. I also looked up what they did. Clarence Misch, a direct relative of Frank's worked as a trucker, for John Deere. Actually a number of things Frank mentions in his book seem to show he had a close bond with Clarence Misch, who was the brother of Verna Misch.

For the record, before I proceed, Frank's father is Michael Marzitelli, his mother is Marcella Marzitelli, her maiden name is Marcella Sayles; his grandfather is Frank D. Marzitelli, the St. Paul politician; his aunt his Sharon Sayles-Belton. His uncle is John Marzitelli, who owns an HVAC business, who is married to Maria Marzitelli. and his brother is Patrick Marzitelli, the prosecutor for the city of Minneapolis.

All this information is strange and disturbing enough by itself. This is nothing compared to what I would later find out.

I was looking up all I could of this branch of his family, since they are the part of it in LaCrosse, WI. Then, while I was looking up info on each person related to him, I noticed one of those relatives had the name Rochus Misch. Rochus Misch died someplace north of LaCrosse.

I happened to Google the name, Rochus Misch. I learned that this so happens to be the name of Hitler's bodyguard, who was in the SS. While it is not the same Rochus Misch in Wisconsin and Germany during World War II, I still figure Frank Marzitelli to be related to Hitler's body guard. Again, I went through every genealogy source I could and there wasn't sufficient information posted to discern much. Only the parents of the Nazi body guard are mentioned and nothing else.

Still, for all the people who bear the Misch family name all over the world, the name Rochus only appears three times. The Rochus Misch who was a Nazi had a dad named Rochus. The other Rochus appears in Frank's family lineage. The name Misch is Polish and Rochus Misch who guarded Hitler was Polish.

Looking at all of this in perspective, I never got how a supposed Italian with African American and Italian heritage turned out to be such a damned bigot. It seemed counter-intuitive. Which is not to say that what you think of automatically is always true. The important thing is that you dig for facts and base what you know off these.

What I know is that in the very branch of his family which ties potentially to Hitler himself, just so happens to live almost exclusively in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, which also is the epicentre for Smiley murders and is also the place the owners of Brother's Bar call home.

This is really too much to attribute to coincidence.

*Minnesota Victims Note: This victims list was taken from 4 victims lists. The first list was taken from, the second is, the third was compiled by the troll and the forth compiled in part by Tenneguy. I've also supplemented the list with information provided by FootprintsATRE on cases involving victims that have ties to Minnesota.

Grant Edward Geiselhart, 21
Duluth, MN
Nathaniel Edison Williams, 21
North East Duluth, MN

Ken Jason Christiansen,19
Duluth, MN
Jeremy Stienkeoway, 24
Hinckley, MN

Peter Aguilar, 17
St. Paul, MN
Adam Zachardi
Fridley, MN
Dan Zamlen, 18
St. Paul, MN
Jelani Brinson, 24
Anoka, MN
Josh Guimond, 21
Collegeville, MN (nr. St. Cloud, MN)

Patrick Kycia, 19,
Moorhead, MN

Nathan Edberg, 21
White Bear Lake, MN

Nick Rossini,21
White Bear Lake, MN
Eric Michael Peterson, 24
Lakeville, MN
Chris Nordby, 27
Minneapolis, MN
Chris Jenkins, 21
Minneapolis, MN

Vincent Roberts ("Buddy")
Minneapolis, MN
Scott Radel, 21
St. Cloud, MN
Chris Melancon, 24
Resident of Bloomington; died in LaCrosse, WI
Trevor Hoheisel, 27
Lived in Blaine, MN; died in Chicago, Illinois
Marwa Akway Omot, 23
Minneapolis, MN
Notes On Minnesota Cases:

o I'm looking for things which tie these cases to Frank or the Twin Cities in general. I've learned to think like Tenneguy and in doing so I noticed something interesting.
o Marwa Akway Omot worked at the Walker Arts Center and was from Ethiopia. With the letters in his name "Ordway" can be spelled. The Ordway is the arts center in St. Paul, MN and it also was built by Frank's grandfather, Frank Marzitelli. It probably has nothing to do with this but racist skinheads in Portland, Oregon killed an Ethiopian man in the late 1980's.

o Also, two of the victims who were from here but killed elsewhere, were both out of town to see sporting events. In that case it is likely the killer followed them to the games. This also would suggest that the killer prefers to kill when victims are out of their element by being out of town. This implies a human trafficker modus operandi, where the killer or killers attack like human traffickers and seek out victims when they are most vulnerable. This also suggests stalking is occurring in these cases. Also, the stalker would most likely be from the Twin Cities. This would mean the killer selects his victims in places which are near to him rather than on Facebook; at least in these MN cases. Also, Frank is a clearly a seasoned stalker who is used to getting his victim in the end. This has been his approach in regards to me and he still persists after all this time. He thinks he owns me. Only success would make him so cocky. He immediately started sending skillful email threats less than 24 hours after I told him to leave and never come back.

o The email threats exhibited strategy which would have taken a long time to learn. He threatened to sue me if I didn't meet him in person after 72 hours because someone I supposedly knew tried to say hi to him. I'm pretty sure the plan he had was to overtake me and abduct me if I came to meet him. He never came to my apartment after the breakup and sent this threat. I believe this was because he knew that if he came to my apartment the police would think he was my abductor. This would mean he would get caught, something he seems very afraid of. Instead, he leveled threats at me to manipulate me into traps. He ensured he didn't get caught making these threats by making up illegal things I had done so if I took the emails to the police I would be ignored. He frequently accused me of prostitution in these fake threats and probably did this so when he made me his sex slave prostitute he could claim I was doing this activity of my own free will.

o Also, there were two killings in rapid succession in the Twin Cities which were both in April of 2009. If this is human traffickers doing this, then maybe there would be an increase of victims once the recession began in full swing. I haven't had time to check this, but its worth recording the thought.

o Nathan Edberg was another Twin Cities victim. He was killed on December 16th, 06. Frank's birthday is exactly one month earlier on November 16th.

o Again, the likely murders of both Nick Rossini and Nathan Edberg in White Bear Lake were both tied by a Decoys Bar in that town/suburb. Frank has an entire passage in his book which uses the analogy of a real duck hiding among decoys to describe his relationship to the economy. This again shows that its possible that he writes for the purpose of using terms which hint at his criminality hidden under the guise of a book about his role in the economy. Frank claimed to me and in print that someone asked him to write something about what it was like to be homeless in the present economic situation. I think his goal was to write something to give to this guy, but to mock this person and the effort in general by revealing his crimes in the book under a thin guise of analogy about the economy.

Recent SFK victim Peter Aguilar was murdered in St. Paul, MN on June 3rd, 2011. This murder occurred not long after I dumped Frank in early April of that year. This matters because Frank was working at a new bike co-op at around this time, which was only a few blocks away from the place where the victim was likely dumped in the river. Footprints at the Rivers Edge in their article about Aguilar that a woman called the police the night the victim disappeared, claiming she heard someone yelling in the water from under the Robert Street bridge near Shepherd Road in St. Paul. This location was a mere two blocks away from where Frank was likely working at this time. Frank's Linked In profile lists his job as a bike mechanic at this co-op.

There is also a bike trail along Shepherd Road in this location. Frank never took me along this bike trail because the area was flooded at the time I hung out with him. However he did want badly to ride this trail and complained about the flood. One night, really late like around midnight, he took me right under the Robert Street Bridge. Frank wanted to reach Shepherd Road, but it was closed from the record flood because part of it was under water. He instead took me up this steep road which connected to the higher elevation St. Paul city grid.

I find Aguilar's death very suspicious. Aguilar, according to the Footprints article was last seen leaving a house in West St. Paul around 2:30 am on a red bicycle. The article says he sent a text to his ex-girlfriend demanding that she meet him on the Wabasha Street bridge or she would "see him on the evening news." I think the statement suggests he's going to jump off the bridge. The real question is why would someone text an ex-girlfriend in a passionate request for a meeting to prevent a suicide. If someone was really suicidal you'd think the person would call and not text. I also think it's strange this text demands his ex-girlfriend meet him to prevent what we assume to be a suicide. He's clearly not dating the girl, so its unlikely passion is somehow motivating this. If passion was the motive to request to meet the girl, an ordinary person would call and not text. Also, if Aguilar wanted his girl to come meet him because he still loved her, why the heck would he tell this girl to meet him in dangerous downtown St. Paul at around 3 in the morning.

When I first came to this area and was comparing it to my own city after I'd been here a few months and had been scarred by the area I found downtown St. Paul was rated as being more dangerous to be in at night than practically any other American city. Downtown Cincinnati was rated just as dangerous in the area north of our downtown. One poll rated this area the most dangerous area in the U.S. in 2009.

However, the reasons for downtown St. Paul's exceptionally high danger ratings are unclear, especially to me as an outsider I do know, that after Frank pulled what he did on me, that I listened to intuition and worked to avoid the area, even when Frank would unlikely be where I was going. Even when I first came into the city, there seemed something trashy about St. Paul, even in comparison to Minneapolis. Given these facts, Aguilar would have to be very stupid to let his (what we infer to be) suicide hang on depending on a girl to come meet him on a bridge in a dangerous area. Even if his ex-girlfriend were in the military, its unlikely she'd go to the bridge at this hour. Now, lets assume she has a car- still at this hour, even if she was a partier, its unlikely she'd be awake. Again, if Aguilar were expecting her to come meet him to soothe him away from suicide, he'd be stupid to expect her on these terms.

Also, I think this is strange because Aguilar texted her to say these things. From my own experience and even stuff I've seen from Damn You Autocorrect. com that most people don't deliver major news via a text message. Threatening suicide counts as major news. Texting sometimes is poor form.

What if Aguilar didn't send the text? I think a killer or any malevolent stranger would text if they had his phone. Texting would enable someone who is not Aguilar to communicate under the auspices of being Aguilar. I think too that even the killer would also not expect Aguilar's ex-girlfriend to show up at almost 3:00 am to reconcile things with him or stop a suicide. I believe this suicide text message was created by Aguilar's murderer. I think he or she made this letter so that there would not be any homicide investigation into Aguilar's murder.

Also, a witness heard who was likely Aguilar shouting for help from the water in the Mississippi under the Robert Street bridge. A suicidal person would not yell for help, since they would want to die. Also, if Aguilar jumped over the bridge to kill himself, he might have not survived that jump. I don't know how high you'd have to be to kill yourself, but even a 10 foot fall hurts a normal human being, at least while hitting the ground. I don't think you could jump off that bridge and still be able to communicate by shouting help right after. If he fell in from the Wabasha Street bridge, I still think its unlikely he'd be in good enough shape to be yelling for help. All this is just strange, and I hope these facts at least show this truth.

One more fact of import about the Aguilar case is that the article about him in Footprints at the Rivers Edge mentioned he worked at Mancini's Char House. Frank's grandfather, Frank Marzitelli Sr. happened to friends with the founder of Mancini's Char House. Aguilar worked the night he disappeared. Given the penchant for certain bars and other establishments to have claimed more than their fare share of SFK victims, I pay close attention to the establishment an SFK victim was at the night they disappeared. I think in Aguilar's case, maybe some answer could be found there. Maybe something happened at work that night. If the text he received was faked, then people at work would maybe know he didn't have plans that night or maybe his killer was dining or hanging out there. The restaurant is on the route Frank seemed to ride everyone morning., and its the route he takes when en route to some of the places he camps out at along the river.

Regardless, a woman there who's name escapes me, was dating a Native American male named David Houle. I learned his name when I did a search on registered sex offenders who were staying in the Harbor Lights building.

I'm kind of confused about the demographic of SFK killers in the Twin Cities area. Someone named "Leisure" on Piehl's blog mentioned Native Americans in South Dakota getting killed through drowning. This person claims that the people killed were not young, but old and heavy drinkers. The troll then feels obliged to say Native Americans seeking revenge did the killings. I doubt this, I think these murders are committed by people who are diverse in origin. I think the only link between all participants in the killings is gang affiliation and ambition to make lots of money illegally.

This being said, I find Richard Houle interesting. He's a registered sex offender. I used an white pages search engine, to see if any of his residences paralleled SFK incidents. What I found is that this man seems to have lived in many, many, many different places. It also shows he was likely changing his name. All these things point to someone who was on the run at some point.

One thing which intrigues me is that there could be a link between Richard Houle and SFK cases.

I was reading the notes on Footprints at the Rivers Edge on the case of Trevor Hoheisel and I found something that could be relevant. Hoheisel's family was eager to rule out foul play, in the case of their son, even though he drowned in a way that seemed strange.

Hoheisel died when he left St. Cloud, MN to go watch the Golden Gophers play a game in Chicago. This means of course he was out of town and therefore out of his element. He got lost on his way back to the Sheraton Hotel in Chicago. Footprints at the Rivers' Edge and other sites have noted this Sheraton hotel has been associated with other SFK murders.

Hoheisel attended St. Cloud University. Hoheisel also was in the Army and specialized in Military Intelligence. I don't know if this matters but
Michael Page also specialized in Military Intelligence. Sometimes I wonder if Frank worked in Military Intelligence. What I know about Frank serving in the military is somewhat limited.

Footprints says that Trevor Hoheisel worked for W. Houle Construction under supervision of his cousin Randy Houle. I don't know if this is related but when Frank discovered I wound up at Harbor Lights, the girlfriend of David Houle, who is a level three registered sex offender in Minnesota, showed up at the facility, trying to dig for information about me. She worked in tandem with other women there who showed up at this time in attempting a gang takeover of facility. Me and many other people left at this time to avoid the negative situation created by these individuals. David Houle is almost the same age as Frank Marzitelli. Houle was born in 1961; Frank was born in 1963. Houle is Native American and Frank was pals with another Native American sex offender, Thomas Lester Cloud. His listing in the sex offender registry says he has a history of physical and sexual assault with adult female victims. It also says Houle was not previously known to his victims. I'd venture to say that background would at least make him a good candidate for the human trafficking crowd. I at least know as well as I can without seeing both him and Frank converse directly but I'd say circumstantial evidence shows they are friends. Any sex offender would be a good candidate for being friends with Frank.

Footprints says that Hoheisel's family did not suspect foul play, nor do the police. I'll just say that if a victim was related to his killer, the family might not report their suspicions. This that is a big if- I don't know if Hoheisel could be related to anyone, sex offenders notwithstanding. This is just an idea and I'm recording ideas I have only to keep the door open to finding connections that solve the drowning murders. Also, again, I'm approaching this from an angle of proving theories; not leveling accusations. I don't know what is true and what isn't. I didn't see Frank kill anyone. Trying to explore the possibility that he really has killed someone is fair game. I know he's a dangerous criminal from firsthand experience and my thinking is ultimately an extension of experiencing what I have from him.

Hoheisel attended St. Cloud University. He was in the Army and excelled at military intelligence (that's interesting).

Nick Rossini went to St. John's University. Josh Guimond, another SFK victim, went to St. John's University.

Nick Rossini was found in Gooselake, near White Bear Lake on April 16th after disappearing back on December 16th. Frank was born on November 16th and we have the date of the 16th appearing twice in regards to the Rossini case. Furthermore, Frank has relatives in White Bear Lake. That would give him reason to travel up to the area. Not only are there Marzitelli's in White Bear Lake- again a name that is not at all common, but also this branch of the Marzitelli family had a son Patrick Alexander Marzitelli, who died in a suspicious manner which matches the manner of SFK style murders.

Rossini was found asphyxiated to death on the top of a truck designed to refuel planes. This happened at an airport in Blaire, Minnesota. While on the face of it, this doesn't stand out as having a relation to SFK cases, there are similarities. Like with Peter Aguilar, the last communication Patrick Marzitelli made was via text. By way of text, Marzitelli let his girlfriend know that he was just sprayed with jet fuel but claims he is still "fine." Marzitelli was found on top of the fuel truck, off the ground where the engine hood is on these unusual vehicles. Normal protocol for plane refuelers in no way involves them climbing on top of these tall trucks. If Patrick thought enough to text his girl, he could have thought to have asked for help or to have changed clothes. Why he climbed on top of the truck is unclear from the texts.

Also, Patrick's mom happens to be a respiratory therapist. The child of a respiratory therapist ought to have had more sense around dangerous fumes.

The mothers of both Nick Rossini and Nathan Edberg both worked at Lincoln Elementary school. There again is the Lincoln pattern which Tenneguy points out.

More Miscellaneous Facts

¨ Frank applied for a job in Brooklyn Park. Brooklyn Park is where Jelani Brinson went to eat with friends before he went to the house he was last seen at in Anoka.
¨ Frank says in the email attached to his book that it isn't safe to communicate via Facebook to whomever he sent the book too. Again, Frank never gave me time to read that book it seems and I haven't paid attention to the first part of that email until lately. That is weird he says this, yet not surprising. He has almost no presence online under his given name. Given the mouth on the guy, it is pretty surprising he keeps such a low profile.
¨ Frank in his book says the word "Leisure" often. This almost makes me wonder if the person on Piehl's blog is a troll. It's also possible he picked up the word there from another person using it as their name. Whoever "Leisure" is on, "she" claims to be in Portland, Oregon and seems to know Portland well enough. Frank in his book equates this word with "an indulgence, a pleasure, as if actually accomplishing something
¨ Frank says on the same page of his book:

"Served up on a dinner plate is the fundamental recipe for many illegal Christian cults, engaging in the bombing of abortion clinics, slavery for child molesting and mass suicides as with groups like the Army of God, known internationally for abortion clinic violence."

This passage is the first I see of Frank admitting to being a child molester. Not like admitting such things is beyond him, but he always admits things indirectly rather than directly. The last week I was around him, he started talking about emotions a child molester feels. I immediately confronted him on it but he claimed he was only exploring what someone else would field. I thought this was weird.

This passage also makes me wonder if in his capacity as a drowning murder forum/blog troll that he tries to frame priests and the church for the SFK murders in some sort of revenge. This passage written in Frank's book makes me wonder if he hates the Church for punishing abusers rather than being them.

The following is a telling passage in his book:
"...sparking the class warfare that has blown our workforce---time and time again--- clear off the level economically secure pond of global success, lost into that national turmoil forest of recession, with one social class literally enslaving another. "

I don't know what he means by this but I know he knows a lot about "literally enslaving." What really is Frank's social class? He indicated to me that he grew up with money, and then reached a point where he is where is he is now. Frank is tied to money, that means unless he really screwed up with his family he isn't going to starve. Not with an active assistant district attorney as a brother, a former mayor on his mom's side, a lawyer for a dad and a St. Paul politician for a grandfather. Frank came from money. The Chicago Mafia Skinheads were outed in the comments section in the article on Haley's arrest for drowning the fisherman as being rich kids who watched "The Clockwork Orange" one two many times.

His grandfather was working class and probably instilled those values into the family. This man became successful enough through his own efforts to become a politician. His son, Frank's dad Michael got to go to college and study law. However Frank only poses as working class. According to his resume he only went to community college. He took a class in small arms repair there. Frank has almost no work history himself. According to his resume he's stayed at jobs for mere weeks at a time. In one case he didn't last one week. So when I hear him complain about one social class enslaving another it becomes very unclear what he really means. Maybe he just likes the word "enslaving."

What I realized recently after reading the email sent with that book he wrote is that the obvious has been staring me in the face but I've been missing it. The obvious is that someone probably really did request him to write something about being homeless. So the reason he has all this human trafficking terminology in the document as well as disturbing Smiley Face Killer or just plain murder-minded statements in there is that he was mocking the people who'd read the finished product. The real reality is that Frank is neither rich nor working class; Frank is a criminal and probably a career criminal. I'm learning things as of late that fully support this possibility. Frank wrote the book as a criminal mocking a homeless advocate. Who knows?

Maybe Frank chooses to be homeless to bolster his effort in finding victims giving him twenty-four hour access to "vulnerable" females at his homeless shelter. Or maybe his family is smart enough not to have their sex-offender son in the house. Maybe they know what he's done. Either way he's not living there. However, I'm not sure I trust his family at all. Franks dad rides a motorcycle. That would pair well with a family with strong Quebec ties. Motorcycle gangs are plentiful up there; and not just motorcycle gangs but highly dangerous, criminal motorcycle gangs. Quebec has a fair amount of human trafficking activity. The government in Quebec also manages to fail in a big way in addressing the human trafficking activity there. Quebec has a little Italy and much mafia activity there. That's a strange combination and the more and more I learn the less like coincidence all these things seem. I'll get to that later. I think the big thing tying this together is human trafficking. I'd say that is THE issue.

¨ What has been bothering me lately is thinking about exactly who is the clientele when human traffickers traffick children. Also bothering me is the question, "Who pays for a night of sex with an unwilling straight young college male?" I'm figuring that to be what Frank is doing with SFK victims; forced prostitution like what he does with women and likely children. It's said that human traffickers frequently cater to rich people, especially in the case of what they call "sex tourism." Sex tourism basically refers to people who travel overseas to sleep with children or other unwilling people. One article in Citybeat, the Cincinnati Alt-Weekly paper on human trafficking say that sometimes human traffickers aren't prosecuted because law enforcement personnel utilize human trafficker's services.

Really, I'd have to figure that there might be resistance in some instances to solving SFK cases because of something like this. If these young men are actually human trafficking victims before their captors cruelly throw them in a river, then who is paying to rape them? What I wonder about is what is the process in determining if the deceased person is a rape victim and male? They say the normal response to death is to void out the contents of your intestines. I don't know if that's true beyond what "Law and Order" claims is real. If this is true, then maybe that's why the victims get killed.

Or maybe the victims get killed only because of fear the captors have at having someone identify them. However, the captors could wear masks. I don't get why the victims are killed. I know I've said before that it would be hard to keep an adult male as a slave for long periods of time. Maybe that's all there is to this. Illegal immigrant males are now frequently human trafficked. The traffickers use deportation as leverage. I think SFK is taking some risk in procuring normal American white males with families. I think murder is done by SFK to make sure no one comes after him.

Revisited: Palo Mayombe and how it relates to Frank and Smiley Cases

If you've read what I've sent before you may have seen this information before. Because this is so significant and because 90% of my notes were not completed when I wrote it I recompiled what I had before. I'll just start with my old notes and then begin with the rest. I will designate which section is which.

Old Notes
I. The concepts of Twins and/or Brothers are significant in both Smiley Face Killer cases and to Frank

One big reason I think Frank has involvement in these murders is his choice of name for the email address he used to send harassing emails to me. The name of the email handle is I looked up what the word, "marassa" actually meant. Apparently, the word marrassa is a word that refers to "the twins," which are a powerful archetype in voodoo religion. Furthermore, the troll on Piehl's Drowning Mystery/ Smiley Face Killer blog brings up something which relates directly to "marassa" and helps explain Frank's use of this word in the email account he threatens me from. It helps that Frank signed all these emails with his name. This helps tie him and troll(s) on various SFK blogs and forums.

Palo Mayombe, Santeria
Santeria is a religion very similar to voodoo, except that slaves from the Congo region of Africa practiced Santeria in the Dominican Republic. Voodoo is similar but has different origins, as it was practiced by American slaves and the traditional African religion which it has ties to has its African origins from a different region in Africa.

Observe the following comment in the blog on page 193 in the comments section from Boy in the Machine:
Boy in the Machine
March 10th, 2010, Page 193

"(To) Simplesimon: "That would be the Constanzo case and it's important because it shows just how uneducated even the media or other authorities can be I even got into (it) with a certain criminal profiler who didn't have a clue. Constanzo practiced a perverted form of Palo Mayombe or just "Palo" for short. I say perverted not because the religion is evil but because Constanzo twisted it and created (h)is own version of it, one that catered to his criminal lifestyle. Yes, he believed his perverted rituals would protect him from the law... now the controversy comes from the media being unfamiliar with African Traditional Religions. Google the case and you will find articles describing Constanzo's practice as "Santeria," "voodoo" and Satanism, with neither of the three being accurate. Genuine Palo practitioners denounce Constanzo for his crimes. Now Palo is considered to be a "gross" religion because it uses bones of ancestors in rituals, but again its real easy to pass judgment on a religion that is so different from people's normal experiences."

After reading this I took up looking up the meaning of words Frank and the troll use to identify themselves with. I'm astounded by what I'm seeing here. Palo Mayombe is the black magic version of Santeria. I pay close attention to this because Frank sent an email to me using a the name from the voodoo pantheon of gods or concepts, "marassa" in an email he sent my way. I also think this is a significant finding since this may be the first instance of abduction of a college student when he was leaving a bar and became separated from friends. This person was also murdered afterwards, just like SFK killings.

Here are some basic facts about Palo Mayombe. Palo Mayombe is a black magic practice. Palo Mayombe derives its name from the word for stick, "palo." This is because practitioners infuse sticks with spirits and use these sticks in incantations. It was brought to the Caribbean and South America from slaves transported from the Congo.

Boy in the Machine (BITM) strangely plays devils advocate by minimizing the reality of Palo Mayombe being a negative practice in the above quote. To this day, Palo Mayombe practitioners are frequently arrested for illegal activity. BITM insists the controversy surrounding the religion is undue, but sacrifice, even if it doesn't involve a human being, is part of ordinary Palo Mayombe practice. Furthermore, he tries to dumb down the practice of using human bones in observance of the religion. Human remains have to be dug up to be used in Palo Mayombe religion, meaning grave robbing is a common activity for people who practice this religion.
Palo mayombe priests must use human bones and put them in cauldrons to make their spells work. In the actual practice of this religion, it doesn't need to be the bones of "ancestors" like BITM claims. Any human bones are used. This means that the practice of this dark magic inherently means breaking the law.

Also, people who observe this religion have been known to leave slaughtered animal remains on the doorsteps of people they wish to intimidate.

Practitioners also apparently think that the practice of Palo can make an everyday person and make them a powerful world leader in a short time and claim many world leaders began their rise to power from Palo practice. Practitioners also believe the magic can kill a targeted individual in just 24 hours. The article states a practitioner must be initiated into a Palo Mayombe coven. Also, it mentions that Palo Mayombe covens have a structure similar to a family. Palo spells are cast by invoking ancestral spirits by using bones of the practitioner's ancestors. Palo also invokes spirits that aren't dead ancestors, but evil entities unto themselves.

The "spirits" of this religion are not good ones per se like the spirits or gods invoked in regular Santeria practice. The spirits invoked in Palo Mayombe are said to live in "the house of the dead." Practioners of Palo claim that this religion is so powerful that a Palo priest can bring death to an individual targeted in 24 hours. Palo practitioners use clay pots and caldrons to contain the spirits that they invoke. Spirits are also stored in houses, rooms and even closets.

Now having established some basic facts concerning this religion, I will focus on how this religion pertains to SFK murders and Frank Marzitelli.
Human Trafficking and Palo Mayombe

Jimmy Lee Shreeve wrote in a book about ritual murders across the world. An intro to his book says, "Around the world, human beings are being trafficked, sold and enslaved for the specific purpose of ritual sacrifice." The intro goes on to say, "Voodoo priests in London have been linked to ritual murders and not long ago, a Palo Mayombe priestess' New York City apartment yielded its grisly secrets...He (Shreeve) uncovers the dark side of voodoo and Muti magic, linked with a score of sacrifices and murders...and in Mexico finds a devotee of Palo Mayombe responsible for torturing his victims and boiling them in a caldron."

Frank and Palo Mayombe

I shared above that brief quote from Kristi Piehl's blog above, where BITM tries to set Simple Simon straight on Palo Mayombe. This quote reads as innocuous and BITM really doesn't seem to take issue with Simple Simon. However, this is not what spurred me to take up reading about Palo Mayombe. I knew I hit pay dirt about Palo Mayombe from another website where the troll also posts, "Godlike Productions," or GLP I was searching for Tenneguy's work by doing a search for more recent posts by him elsewhere since activity on Piehl's site becomes limited after a certain point.

I bungled instead upon the troll having a frenetic rant over someone on Piehl's site mentioning Palo Mayombe as tied to SFK murders. Past experience tells me that when someone discovers a fact which leads to the solving of these drowning murders, the troll goes literally crazy in attacking the clue or the person who found the clue.

A thread on GLP entitled, "Smiley Face Killing Match Rituals St. Johns Priest and Other Monks are Fascinated With," shows the troll using the name Anonymous Coward having a meltdown of epic proportions over the suggestion Palo Mayombe is tied to Smiley murders.

On page 19 of this thread, Anonymous Coward says to no one in particular:
"Plus guess when this Santeria connection was written??? September 2009...Yes, and only this month!! September 2009 literally dispatched day age by lying thugs working for them who not even looked at the evidence...The victims are not chickens neither are theie bodies boiled and chopped up! See how quickly the goons at and footprints at the riversedgeblogspot,com move without a thought for the families? The whole article hurreidly prepared to divert attack and dissaude people from looking at the massive amount of real evidence I have amassed evidecne which makes the documented and tracable link between case evidence at st. johns and the alchemy drowning rituals [link to]. Not only police collusion protects them but media power."

Anonymous Coward then shares this link to something Monique said on Piehl's blog:

Monique777, September 9, 2009, Post 12:

"This article is an interesting read. It talks about replacing the DA in New York and what he has dealt with and some of the corruption. It also goes into detail on religious extremists and the practice of "dunking" and "waterboarding," with references to the movie, "The Believers" - which depicts means of getting someone to join to join them. It compares Constanzo's Santeria a means of recruitment by scouting out bars, looking for a victim to target and then the victim is drugged. Once the victim leaves the bar, he is abducted and often drowned by repeated submersion. It then talks about the SFK victims as Patrick O'Neil and their mysterious drownings. It's posted on Footprints where the site is named in the article. Really interesting read. "

This isn't all Anonymous Coward has to say about the issue. He is really upset Palo Mayombe was mentioned. After he quotes Monique he says,

"Bet it does!! I cannot find words to describe these people!! Yes this month!!! September 9th days ago. The whole article hurreidly prepared to divert attack and dissaude people from looking at the massive amount of real evidence I have amassed. Evidecne which makes the documented and tracable link between case evicence at St. John's and the Alchemy drowning rituals. Not only police collusion protects them but media power!!!!!!I have demolished this rubbish evidentally lacking media attack st johns alchemy theory here [link].

He then proceeds after this into complaining about Footprints At the River's Edge banning his IP address and deleting all his comments. Apparently he had a blog which was at I wonder if Internet Archive even bothered with that one. It's probably him blaming priests again. Maybe he's being cute with the name. I'm not sure if he was posting on GLP because Kristi Piehl banned him that week.
Boy in the Machine seems to know an awful lot about Palo Mayombe

Boy in the Machine (BITM), does seem to have much to tell us about Palo Mayombe (Palo for short). Assuming this troll is a so-called Smiley Face Killer, it is easy to see how the practice of Palo would fit with a killer's personality. Looking beyond the obvious black magic angle, BITM shows us reason he and his killer buddies might need to practice Palo. The first reason is that so BITM does not get caught. BITM seems to know about a gory incident near the Mexican border where a man practiced Palo to get away with "his crimes." BITM is correct about this; BITM doesn't tell the whole story though. Constanzo was involved in the drug trade and practiced Palo to help him not get caught running drugs. Constanzo also murdered several people and buried the bodies of those he murdered in a row of graves. Constanzo used the brain from one victim in a Palo Mayombe ritual. Constanzo was also found to have sodomized his victims, among other things.

Marassa and a Twin Pattern in SFK Murders

There is an article on the Drowning Mystery website in March of 2009 called, "Twin Cities - A Link?" The article discusses how there is the pattern in Smiley Face Killer cases of choosing to kill people in cities, which have the same name.

Kristi Piehl says in this article:
"Right now, there are two active missing person cases in Portland, Maine and Portland, Oregon. This isn't the first time two young men have gone missing from cities with the same name in different states. Ken Christiansen was last seen in Duluth, Minnesota on April 13, 2001. His body was recovered in Chester Creek. Justin Gaines was last seen in Duluth, Georgia on November 2, 2007. Gaines is still missing. Scot Radel went missing after a night of hanging out with his friends in St. Cloud, Minnesota. He was last seen on February 2, 2006. When James Beasley didn't return to his St. Cloud, Florida home, his parents called police. He was last seen in 2007 at a 4th of July house party in a nearby town. His body was found in a retention pond.

n Portland, Maine, police are using boats and cadaver dogs to search for Ezra Milan. He was last seen on March 10, 2009. A new tip has led police to search the water below Veterans Bridge. According to a newspaper reporter, few people walk along the busy bridge. Ezra's home was in the opposite direction of the bridge. Police are not saying much about the new tip or the search. In Portland, Oregon, Juan Garcia is listed as a missing person. He was last seen on March 15, 2009. Juan was a freshman at the University of Portland. He left campus and was reported missing when his personal belongings were found in the downtown area."

I too, find that same pattern of repeating locations, even from viewing cases which predate this article. Furthermore I think instances of repeating initials reflect this same theme with "twins." Personally, I think that the twin theme forms an easy way for a killer who works with others to create a pattern easily repeated by other people across the U.S. The objective of course being to make cases of abduction for sex crimes for profit instead seem like a serial killer.

I think the purpose for all the patterns, aside from coming from a twisted, power hungry mind of a killer is for Frank to have some way to reassure himself he can get away with things. Maybe he thinks magic will save him. I tend to doubt that is the case. He was caught at this stuff by me and wants me dead and I'm still here.

With cults, there is a history of charismatic, power-mad people creating a religious context to lure innocent people into obedience to a cult leader. Knowing that the Process Church which he is a part of emerged from Scientology, you can deduce a few things here. The negative things to which Scientology is associated with are many. I think too you have this context where charismatic people like Frank and Charles Manson, both members of that church, using a religious context to lure people into submitting to their will.

This is always the realm of crackpots, to trick people into joining their cult so they have the adoration and admiration from hapless followers. Given how Frank claims he had an abusive family, you can see how that schema melts into this. People who are unrecovered and come from families like that are usually narcissists.

Narcissists are usually emotionally stuck at age six. Narcissists therefore think like six year olds. They are one year before the age of reason, age 7 happens. This makes those people stuck with a constant need for attention and admiration normally associated with six year olds. They also reflect a six year old's frame of mind, where the child hasn't reached a level of maturity or empathy to realize other people are real like them and have needs, too. This is fine for children, they need that attention and they don't have the reserves to give to others yet.

It is sheer hell when an adult still retains those traits. Therefore I think all cult leaders, all the types who join hate groups tend to exist in this emotional and mental state. Being stuck in that mindset where empathy hasn't emerged means they are dangerous to other people. This is one way you can explain the emergence of killers and abusers. They are like small children playing with other people as if they were nothing but toys.

He is also likely prone to magical thinking like all small kids, so this Palo Mayombe stuff might make sense in his disturbed mind.
Double Initials

One person on Kristi Piehl's SFK blog named Tenneguy, who does good work noticed that many SFK victims have the same letter starting their first and last name. An example would be Brian Baker (B.B.)or Jessiah Jameson (J.J.). (GET SOURCE/Links!!). Tenneguy was fascinated with just how many times this pattern is found in SFK victims. Tenneguy put a lot of work in trying to solve Jessiah Jameson's case in particular. Jessiah vanished in Clarksville, Tennessee.

As I've said before, I think that the one thing our killer is most concerned with is not getting caught. This guy is online seemingly 24/7 trolling blog after blog after blog. This guy tries clever ploy after clever ploy to get away with his crimes. One thing I'm thinking of is that maybe the reason Frank sent me emails using the term "Marassa" as a Yahoo email account of his is that Marassa means something to him. He's likely invoking something from Palo Mayombe or just straight Voodoo to cast a spell to assure he does not get caught. I'd figure this to be a fairly accurate guess; he has been caught harassing somebody other than me. In McLean County Illinois, he has a felony record for phone harassment and violating protection orders. I think that Frank is probably pretty worried about getting caught, mostly because he's been caught before.

I'm really going to take a leap here and assume that we see the Twin Pattern, the double initial pattern and bars with the name "Brother" in them for much of the same reason Frank used an email account with the word "marassa" to send threats. Frank does not want to get caught and Palo Mayombe can be used to help criminals not get caught. I'd bet "marassa" or "the twins" are part of an incantation or ritual someone can use to avoid getting caught by the police. I'd bet Frank's brain is totally out of kilter and he really thinks these incantations can work!
I'd also wager the Smiley Face Killer is maybe invoking "marassa" or the twins so that he doesn't get caught murdering. Once again, I'm grateful for Tenneguy's work on these cases and without him I'd have missed this one. I feel that I'm seeing the exact same things in Frank and the Smiley Face Killers. Maybe belief in spells or occult practices is enough to goad a killer to kill someone in Portland, Maine and then rush 3000 miles to Portland, Oregon to kill again.

Thoughts on Marassa, Twins and Frank's Insanity

I don't know enough yet, but I'd bet I'd see this twin thing as being an element that occurs in other ways in regard to SFK murders. In a strange way, it's almost a relief to figure this out. This means that Frank is probably pretty unstable because he believes an absurdity like magic can actually keep him safe. While it's a relief to find the limitations of someone who has gotten away with so much bloodshed that the term "mass murderer" fits better than the term "serial killer,"
there are things which trouble me about this finding. So far I've taken educated guesses about the possible motive or motives for all these murders. Still I don't think I understand all this. Learning the motive is just as much a study in his personality as it is anything else.

What I learn about Palo Mayombe does confirm some basic traits Frank seems to possess. What I learn about Palo agrees with what I've already seen in Frank. The SFK victims were all successful males at the top of their game. All the SFK victims were the opposite of what Frank is. Frank I've figured is probably very insecure and needs to lash out about not measuring up. Furthermore, Frank has family that is unusually successful and he is an unusual failure. He has an aunt who served as mayor for Minneapolis on the African American side of the family. He has a St. Paul city councilman/Minnesota Highway Commissioner on his dad's side of the family. He has a brother who is a lawyer and a prosecutor for Minneapolis/Hennepin County. He has family which own businesses and excel in every way, yet Frank can't even pass a welder's exam.

I'd bet anything that Franks family makes him feel inadequate and that he is determined to succeed the only way he can; taking out the competition. There is a great book by M. Scott Peck called People of the Lie; the Hope for Healing Human Evil. In this book, Peck presents his case that evil people seem to be concerned most about how they appear. He says that evil people care most of all about looking good and keeping up appearances. Evil people don't bother themselves trying to do right like other people, he says because they are caught up in some form of malignant narcissism. Therefore, they don't think about whom they hurt. He does say that truly evil people actually do know the difference between right and wrong, unlike other types of criminals out there. He says this knowledge of right and wrong is what gives rise to evil people's preoccupation with how they look to other people.

I think this may help explain why Frank is killing these young men. I think he wants to look good any way he can. He probably wants his family's approval. I think he also wants power and wants to get it any way he can. I think he likely is a practitioner of Palo Mayombe. I think this matters in a big way. I have found one Palo website which mentions a deity associated with drowning, choking and asphyxiation (SOURCE!!). He's got black family members, which are in part from Mississippi. His brother Patrick Marzitelli worked for the city of New Orleans. These are areas where voodoo was practiced amongst African American slaves.

If he didn't learn of it through family, he may have learned of it during his escapades in Texas near the Mexican border. The Mexican border was where Constanza committed his vile murders in the service of Palo Mayombe.

I wish I could pin point exactly what is happening here. Frank actually has several reasons for killing ranging from a white supremacist, in the style of the neo-Nazi group National Alliance which declares Christians targets in their bloody struggle to rise to the top. It could also be a possibility Frank is killing these young men as some sort of human sacrifice made to protect his other criminal enterprises. It could be because he's screwed up in the head and acting out his family issues through violent behavior or it could be all of the above.

I think it is all of the above. I don't know right now, but I'm sure Palo Mayombe is going to explain a heck of a lot about Frank and why the SFK killings are happening in the manner to which they are.

More on Palo Mayombe

What Wikipedia Says about Palo Mayombe: (note- most all of this material was flagged by Wikipedia as all unconfirmed information which also lacks citations)
"Adherents of Palo Mayombe are known generally as "paleros," "ngangeros" or "nganuleros." Membership is by initiation into a "house or "temple." The organizational structure follows the model of a family. Palo has roots in the Congo basin of Central Africa, from where large numbers of slaves were brought to Cuban, Puerto Rico and the Colony of Santo Domingo, in what is now the Dominican Republic. It's chants and invocations are a mix of Spanish and Kikongo languages. During the mid-1800's, Palo Mayombe spread to Afro-Latino communities in the U.S. It then is said to have spread to Latino groups and African Americans in the U.S. In Puerto Rico, the city of Guayama became nicknamed "the city of witches" because Palo Mayombe was said to have been widely practiced there. Palo Mayombe is said to be a combination of veneration of ancestral spirits (i.e. family member's spirits) and natural earth powers. Paleros infuse those powers into sticks. The sticks are then called "nganga." Spirits are called Kimpungulu (singular Mpungu) inhabit Nkisi (sacred objects) which are also called Enkisi. Kimpungulu are "well known in name and deed" and are worshipped as gods. They, however, are ranked below the high god Zambi who, who's also known as Nzambi. Palo focuses mainly on a religious container or pots called Nganga or Prenda, which is like an altar. It's filled with human remains, earth or dirt, sticks, bones and other things. Each Nganga is dedicated to a particular Nikisi. This vessel also becomes inhabited by a muerto or spirit of the dead called a "nfumbe" who acts as a guide for all rituals. Shells, conconuts shells or a a blessed animal horn is used in ceremonies or scrying. Congo religions in Brazil are known as 'Umbanda,' 'Quimbanda' or "Candomble." In the Caribbean they are known as "kumina." When referred to as not a religion but only as magic it is called "obeah."

The theological or liturgical practice is known as "hoodoo," conjure or rootwork, which was practiced by former African Slaves in the U.S. because both derive from the Congo. In Haiti, there is a Voodoo denomination known as Makaya that is similar to Palo Mayombe."
Palo Mayombe and Events in Brownsville, Texas

Around 1988, in Matamoros, in Mexico, authorities raided a compound ran by Adolfo de Constanzo. Initially, authorities were led there by two men in a car who blew past a police road block. The passengers of the car were strangely unafraid of the police who pulled them over even though they had a carload of marijuana with them. The two men in the car gaily led the police to their ranch where police subsequently found the remains of 15 people. Many of these people were mutilated, some were missing entire body parts. Police then found a caldron where the body parts were found. The passengers said they were not afraid of the police, that their religious practices invoked spirits which protected them from the law.

An article in the Houston Chronicle said, "...Serafin Hernandez and David Serna Valdez... in custody seemed relaxed, even defiant. Police could not hold them, the prisoners insisted, they were 'protected' by a power over and above man's law. Hernandez was twenty years old at the time of his arrest, and was a nephew and lack of local drug baron Elio Hernandez Rivera."

Later it was found that this ranch, this compound was ran by Adolfo de Constanzo. The remains of a missing college student from Brownsville, Texas were found there as well. His name was Mark Kilroy. Him and two friends of his left a bar with him in Brownsville when they were out drinking celebrating spring break. On the way home, he and one of the guys fell behind the other guy since they were walking slower. Kilroy paused to urinate in an alley, while his other friend waited. That was the last time he was seen alive. He was eventually discovered buried and missing body parts in a shallow grave on Constanzo's ranch.

Kilroy was not the first victim of Aldolfo de Constanzo by any means. His prior victims were all Mexican. Officials turned a blind eye to Constanzo's many crimes simply because Constanzo performed rituals for them using Palo Mayombe dark magic. Mexicans often weren't educated and had primitive beliefs. One article said even some Aztec traditions still were in circulation there.

Even police officers in Mexico believed in these things and public officials. Constanzo made a ton of money doing rituals for individuals to get spirits to help them. Constanzo initially started out sacrificing and mutilating animals, but when he came to have not just more people but affluent people give him money for his witchcraft he started killing human beings.

A drug runner cultist he employed named Serafin Hernandez drove "past a police road block without stopping, ignoring the cars that set off in hot pursuit. Hernandez believed El Padrino's line (El Padrino stands for Godfather; this is what Constanzo called himself) about invisibility and he seemed (to be believing this) when officers trailed him to his destination in Matamoros. Even so, the smuggler was arrogant; inviting police to shoot him since he believed bullets would bounce off his body. They arrested him instead, along with cult member David Martinez, and drove the pair back to Rancho Santa Elena where a preliminary search turned up marijuana and firearms. Disciples Elio Hernandez and Sergio Martinez stumbled into the net while police were on hand and all four prisoners were interrogated through the evening, revealing their tales of black magic, torture, and human sacrifice with a perverse kind of pride."

I'm going to pause here and suggest that Frank in his capacity as the Smiley Face Killer or as one of them, writes in his book and online about his exploits because maybe he believes magic is protecting him. The last statement in the above quote, "a perverse kind of pride," is the most perfect description of how Frank writes about his exploits in his book. So yes, I'm seeing a pattern here and Frank would fit into all of this rather neatly.
Constanzo's Cult and the Chicago Mob

A article in the Houston Chronicle from 1989 stated there was an alleged link between Constanzo's cult and Chicago. When the police moved on Constanzo and other cult members Constanzo was purported to have hidden out in Chicago.

I did more research into this and learned that Constanzo and his drug-running outfit tied to the Hernandez family drug cartel worked in tandem with the Accardo crime family in Chicago, Illinois. A man named Albert "Caesar" Tocco was found to deal directly with the Palo Mayombe cult drug traffickers. The article stated the crime family wasn't involved in the murders of those innocent people found on Constanzo's ranch. However, the tie between the crime family and Constanzo was firmly established.

An article entitled, "Syndicate's Tie to Cult Probably Only Commercial," in the July 18th 1989 edition of the Houston Chronicle, written by Roy Bragg discusses this connection.

"A Chicago crime syndicate may have only bought drugs from Constanzo's gang and didn't participate in the cult's killings. The Accardo crime family only likely bought drugs from the Hernandez cartel of South Texas. It was a commercial, not a spiritual tie, according to a source. Rancho Santa Elena was where the bodies were found. Constanzo was slain in ta raid with his male lover Martin Rodriguez when he was 26. Manuel "Poncho" Jamarillo of Mission was listed in court documents as being an associate of Albert "Caesar" Tocco, a Chicago Mob boss, according to court documents. Tocco was charged with extortion, racketeering, tax evasion and obstruction of justice. His organization extorted large sums of money from businesses and other illegal gangs in Chicago.
Saul Hernandez, brother of three of the suspects in the Matamoros drug rings activities was arrested in 1986 with $200,000 of marijuana, a fact investigators say lends credence to the purported link. Tocco was 59 at the time of his arrest.

The article says that four Palo Mayombe cult members were arrested in a raid on their ranch when investigators moved in on a drug raid. The article says that the remainder were arrested in another raid on a Mexico City apartment.

The article goes on to say that a U.S. district judge named Filemon Vela of Brownsville issued a gag order in the Hernandez case, thus prohibiting investigators from making a public comment on the probe. However, the Brownsville Herald is said by the Chronicle to have cited court documents from Texas and Illinois and cited two connections between the groups.

The Chronicle said that Manuel "Poncho" Jamarillo of Mission was listed in court documents cited by the Herald as being an associated of Albert Tocco, a Chicago mob boss and the Hernandez family of South Texas. Another source with another different law enforcement agency agreed saying the connection is commercial, not spiritual. Constanzo apparently initiated the drug smugglers into Palo Mayombe.

The article also said two federal narcotics officers, Joaquin Manzo and Miguel, were among Constanzo's victims, as well as Mark Kilroy, a 21 year-old premed student from Texas. It also says Victor Sauceda was killed by Constanzo on April 1st, 1989 and was an ex-cop turned drug runner.

Constanzo according the Chronicle would do a sacrifice, believe the spirits would be happy as a result, so he gives the drug runners the okay for running half of a ton of marijuana over the U.S/Mexican border.

An article titled, "Feds Probe Possible Ties Between Drug Cult, Mob" published July 17th, 1989 said:
"Investigators with the U.S. Customs Office looked into ties between Chicago Mafia and suspects in Matamoros, Texas drug and murder case the Brownsville Herald reported in a copyrighted story that 'Agents are conducting an extensive investigation into a possible narcotics and money-laundering enterprise involving cult members, a Chicago-based crime syndicate and Manual Jamarillo who lives in Mission,' the newspaper reported, citing court transcripts, indictments, affidavits and police records filed in drug and racketeering cases from South Texas to Illinois.

"Dennis Yates, a Houston attorney representing Jamarillo called the drug and racketeering allegations against his client 'harassment.' 'Those accusations, as far as we are concerned are absolutely untrue. They aren't substantiated, and never will be substantiated.'
"Jamarillo's associates include Albert "Caesar" Tocco, a reputed mob boss arrested in January by FBI agents and charged in a 48 count federal racketeering indictment, the Herald reported. Other Jamarillo associates include members of the Matamoros-based Hernandez family that Mexican and American agents believe was central to a cult accused of slaying 15 people, according to investigators.

"Mexican Federal Judicial Police arrested Serafin Hernandez Garcia, 22 and his uncle Elio Hernandez Rivera, 22. During an April 9th drug raid on the family's ranch close to the Rio Grande near Matamoros. There they found the remnants of ritual slayings and unearthed 13 bodies, including that of Mark Kilroy, 20, a University of Texas student from Santa Fe in Galveston County. Police later found another two victims on a nearby ranch. DEA agents in Houston arrested Serafin Hernandez Rivera, the 45-year-old brother of Elio. He's the only suspect in custody in the United States. He is scheduled for trial this summer in Brownsville on drug and gun charges. Another brother, Ovidio Hernandez Rivera, 26, is still at large. Police have said the organization smuggled tons of marijuana and cocaine into the U.S.

"A principal figure in the South Texas-Chicago investigation is Michael Habiniak, 37 of Harlington convicted 1/11 in Corpus Christi on federal charges of conspiracy and possession with intent to distribute marijuana on board a U.S. vessel under American jurisdiction. Customs agents on Aug. 20th, 1988 had arrested on a boat in the intracoastal waterway and confiscated 597 pounds of marijuana.

"A government motion files in Habiniak's case states, "investigation by U.S. Customs agents has revealed a criminal enterprise connection between some of Habiniak's associates in the Rio Grande Valley and in Chicago, Illinois with Albert Caesar Tocco of the Accardo crime family. An investigation by the Customs Office in Corpus Christi revealed Habiniak was a business partner of Ramona A Jamarillo (Manuel Jamarillo's wife at the time in a Texas-based corporation named La Esperanza Mining Company.

"One week before Habiniak's arrest on the intracoastal waterway near Port Mansfield, Ovidio Hernandez and his two-year old son had been kidnapped from Amigoland mall parking lot in Brownsville. His kidnappers demanded a ransom of $800,000, an amount police later learned Ovidio and his brothers had stolen from the suspected culprits in a drug deal gone sour, according to Brownsville Police Department reports and court records in the Habiniak case. Police have made no arrests in the kidnapping but they suspect Jamarillo masterminded the crime with help from Habiniak and others.

"Olivio's brothers, Elio and Serafin, reported the kidnapping to Brownsville police twenty hours after it occurred, according to police. Police monitored several telephone conversations between the suspects and the victim before Elio and Serafin Hernandez admitted "that the entire affair involved a narcotics transaction which had turned into a rip-off" the Brownsville Police Report states."
More about Palo Mayombe

"Palo Mayombe is another syncretic Afro-Caribbean religion that combines the cultural and spiritual belief systems of the ancient African Congo tribes with religious practices of Yorba slaves and Catholicism. It uses magic rituals that manipulate, captivate or control another person, most often for the practitioners malevolent purposes. Lice people from Nigeria, the Congo slaves were forcibly brought to the Caribbean and... forced to adapt their cultural and religious beliefs to the Catholic religious tradition of the new land.

"Through assimilation, the Congo slaves also incorporated some of the beliefs, symbols and rituals of Santeria. The result of this particular syncretism was Polo Mayombe, derived from the Spanish word for stick, 'palo.' Priests of this religion art called 'paleros' or mayomberos." One trait which distinguishes Palo Mayombe is though Paleros are initially initiated into Santeria, few Santerians practice Palo Mayombe. In fact, Santeria fear Paleros, claiming they practice a sinister form of Santeria which they call "brujeria"—black magic or witchcraft, Second the rituals is Santeria focus on positive action to improve one's personal position.

"Palo Mayombe, in contrast, centers on rituals on the spirit of the dead, often using magic to inflict misfortune or death upon an enemy. Mayombero do not use orishas, but instead invokes the evil spirit of one particular patron who resides in his "nganga,"-- the cauldron used during most rituals. Palo Mayombe is an evil religion because it uses human bones.

"The following items are typically found in the ngaga; a human skull, bones, graveyard dust, crossroads dust, branches, herbs, insects, animal and bird carcasses, coins, spices, and blood. The initiate in Palo Mayombe is known as a "mpangui," "nganga nkisi" or "tata nkisis." The nganga does what its owners order it to do and working with it is referred to as "playing' with it. When the nganga spirit does its owner's bidding, it is rewarded with blood. The paleros also worship their ancestors, all the dead and the spirits of nature. "Chango" is the spirit paleros most frequently worship; they claim this "orisha", which they call "nsasi" originated in the Congo. Palo Mayombe has a pantheon of gods with both Catholic and Santeria Counter rituals to inflict mental or physical harm, even death on an individual. A brujeria or blongo is a black magic spell that as when a person is given a magical preparation in food or drink or when a bad spirit is sent with the intent of causing harm or misfortune. Other Palo Mayombe black magic entails leaving animal corpses on people's door steps or on their businesses doorsteps or preparing ritual dolls stuffed with ritual items (pendants, herbs, names of people, etc) and kept at home. There are images of paleros caldrons online as well as Palo Mayombe message boards on the internet."

I wonder if this is why the killer is stealing necklaces from victims. Or that could be some crazy thing done to confuse authorities or convince us Catholic priests are the killers like Anonymous Coward would have us think. I have to think like Kristi Piehl and think graffiti and necklaces are overrated as clues to what is going on. Unless these killers really are into Palo Mayombe and really doing rituals.

SFK victims have similar histories and interests to Frank Marzitelli. These are notes about these coincidences.

Russel Plummer Case Notes

Russel Plummer disappeared on 11/09/09. He was found with his pants partially down and unzipped around his thighs. He was found with abrasions to the face, arms, legs and back. Ramsey County medical examiner did a substandard job on the autopsy according to the family. Fox 9 News in the Twin Cities did an investigation of the poor job done by the Ramsey County ME. Plummer's family hired a Canadian Hypothermia expert named Gordon Giesbrecht to examine their son. Griesbrecht told Fox 9 News that "something killed (Plummer) immediately and he cooled thereafter or something inhibited him and he cooled until he died."

Plummer's heard and brain were never tested for fatal medical conditions which may have caused him to die suddenly, according to Fox 9.

Tests for date rape drugs like GHB, chloroform and rohypnol were not conducted, even though he was just at a bar and his pants were unzipped around his thighs.

Routine specimens were collected as part of a sexual assault examination but the specimens were not tested to see if another person's DNA was present. (Link to Fox News Story on Footprints blog under Russel Plummer entry).

Plummer was found in Chippewa County Forest in Wisconsin. He grew up in the Twin Cities area and attended St. Paul Lutheran School and Bloomer High School.

Plummer was in the army national guard in Wisconsin and was a recent graduate of Army specialty training in artillery weapons repair.

This is possibly significant because Frank listed on his resume that when he was in the military he had received specialty training from a Labette Community College in Small Arms Repair/ Artillery Weapons Repair. I'm not sure if this implicates him in this one SFK case near the Twin Cities, but there is a likelihood of his involvement. Many victims have histories or interests which mirror things in Frank's life. Further more, Plummer's death seems to be distinctly associated with something sexual, given that his pants were down when he was found.

Plummer was found in a forest and Frank seems to hang out in parks and along rivers frequently, and will climb trees to scout areas.

Plummer, according to the article about him in Footprints, enjoyed being in the army, hunting, fishing, being outdoors, working on and riding motorcycles, cars, snow mobiles and spending time with family. Plummer's toxicology report came up negative for drugs and alcohol.

His car was found in Chippewa County Forest, North of Bob Lake. His car was found with the ignition on and the battery was dead. His body was found near a pile of brush, 30-40 yards down the hill from his car. Michael McGee, the Medical Examiner for Ramsey County ruled his death cause to be hypothermia. Chippewa County Sheriff's Department told the victims family the abrasions on his body were consistent with having fallen down the hill. But Plummer's family and friends doubt the officials' findings. They know Plummer was a skilled outdoorsman and question how he could have died from hypothermia just a few feet from his car, which had his cell phone and warm clothes in it. The U.S. Army did it's own investigation into Plummer's death. In one set of documents it was reported, "the location and position of the body were "consistent with a tumbling fall or slide."

An investigator with Chippewa County reported to the Ft. McCoy office that there were too many trees on the hill that would have stopped Russes's body from reaching the bottom of the hill.

The abrasions were on Plummer's face, arms, legs and back, but he had not traumatic injuries. Plummer disappeared after leaving Morning's Corner Tavern, east of Bloomer, Wisconsin. His mother said Plummer said "hello" to a friend, took out $20 in cash from an ATM, bought a beer or soda and left the bar. His car was found on a dirt road where he often drove in Chippewa County Forest. He was found in the Hay Meadow Flowage area.


Frank mentioned a friend of his named David Branch and said he did truck work with the man. The way he referred to Branch in the cover letter of his resume, he implies that Branch is known in the trucking industry.

David Branch worked for DBS Trucking. DBS trucking HQ is on a Lund Street in Utah.

Benjamin Lund is one of the Texas SFK victims.

SFK victim Wade Steffey who disappeared from West Lafayette, Indiana on 1/13/07 majored in aviation technology.

Glen Leadly went to work for Anixter. Anixter is a company that sells parts for Trane Air Conditioners. Tenneguy, naturally, shared this fact. Tenneguy also says that Jessiah Jameson, the Tennessee SFK disappeared there was a 10 day class on Trane Air Conditioner repair going on in Clarksville, TN; which was where Jameson disappeared. Tenneguy also shares that both Glen Leadly's and Jameson's cases, a cab was called to pick up each victim. Not sure what that means; in Minnesota Somali's gravitate towards driving cabs for a living. It might be the same in other areas where Somalis gravitate, though I find it hard to imagine a Somali monopoly on cab driving could occur in a place like Tennessee.

(Is Anixter a company affiliated with Trane, or is Tenneguy jumping to conclusions???)

It's documented that in Chris Jenkin's case, police were given a false tip in regards to his murder. Frank and SFK killers are inclined to give false tips to mislead police. There was something written about how evidence gets planted after police announce where they think they've found the victim. The evidence is usually the victim's hat or coat; something which wasn't discovered the day before but just appears on the scene once the killers get more details about what the authorities know. Monique777 was the person who pointed this out.

Other Note; Birds, Neighborhoods in Chicago, etc.

Nicolas Rossini went to St. John's University

Josh Guimond went to St. John's University

Nick Rossini was found in Goose Lake, near White Bear Lake, MN on 4/16/07; he disappeared on 12/16/06. Tenneguy associated Jeff Geesey with Goose; Tenneguy noted that there was a string of SFK deaths where the victims had names which pertained to birds (Adam Falcon, Marlon Blue, etc.). Geesey and Goose Lake may pertain to the same pattern. I found that there is also a Goose Island neighborhood in Chicago. This pertains to an idea I had that Frank or whatever killer could be acting out Chicago neighborhoods in victim choices. One of the first victims, "Jimmy" Tseui (spelling?) was found in an area of New York City called "New Hyde Park." Frank claims to have lived in Hyde Park and gets nostalgic about this and other Chicago locations.

Figuring him as a potential killer, I checked out Chicago Neighborhoods which allude to SFK killings. Other Chicago locales that tie to victims are the Homan neighborhood in Chicago; Luke Homan was a victim. Keith Noble, SFK victim in Athens, OH; Noble Square is a neighborhood in Chicago. Jeremy Archer; there is an Archer neighborhood in Chicago.

Nick Rossini's home was near Decoy's Bar in White Bear Lake. Nathan Edberg was also last seen at this same bar, Decoy's Bar, in White Bear Lake. Again, Frank has had relatives who reside in the White Bear Lake area. It's possible he could scope out victims and locations while he visits with family. Again, I figure this based on it would cost a fortune in lodging expenses for someone like him to cruise around to kill people. Family willing to take him in or visit with him would provide a means for him to be where so many SFK deaths occur.

Tenneguy found a pattern relating to Lincoln, Booth and American history during Lincoln's time. "Footprints" recognizes the Lincoln pattern. I don't have info on the pattern from either source handy. It is weird that the mothers of both victims worked at Lincoln Elementary in White Bear Lake. Part of what Tenneguy found involved the killer referencing Lincoln freeing the slaves. It is worth noting that one SFK victim with the first name Matt was found in Lake Freeman, Indiana. This is something Tenneguy may have missed. I don't have a last name on this person; lists of victims vary from website to website.

A Max Walker, 26 years old, from Milwaukee, WI was in the Army reserve and drove a truck convoy in Iraq. He disappeared from a convention for the insurance industry held at both the Bradley Center Civic Arena and the Midwest Airlines Center. I think of "Bradley 2.0" when I see this.

Timeline of Events from 2011 Onward

As you can see, I put much work into deciphering Frank's activities and modus operandi. Most of this writing and research I had to while I was in Minnesota and on the run from him. The back story to all of this is the position discovering all this had placed me in.

In October 2011 while I was still living in South St. Paul with some college student room mates, I made the initial discovery of a statement which sounded exactly like one weird Frank would make. One of the first decisions I made was to go in and read more about Smiley cases and to look for further statements which resembled things Frank said.

I decided not to call the police on this until I made a fair effort to validate that this was the real deal. It was around Halloween when I read it, which made reading about so much tragedy involving innocent drowned people seem even more creepy.

About a month had passed, I found more to confirm my hypothesis it was Frank working to attack good ideas in that forum on Smiley Killers.

Then I called St. Paul police. I also spoke with someone about the attempt he made to human traffick me. Fortunately, as long as I'm not under extensive, prolonged, agonizing stress, I keep a good head on my shoulders.

Later on I would be taxed to my utter limits from these people. Yes, "these people" is the correct definition of the situation.

When I began making calls to the police and discussing details of this situation with friends on the phone, the female room mate at my place became afraid Frank would come out to the rental to find me.
She was visibly afraid and it came to a head one day, when my lease was up. I had signed on for 6 months and it wasn't renewed.

I had to leave and the only option was to go to a domestic violence shelter, given I hadn't enough money for gas, let alone a deposit at the time. I had to use a payment plan to cover my deposit for that place and I'd not paid it all off by any means after 6 months.

So I thought a domestic violence place would ensure no human traffickers in future would harass me. I'd later be proven wrong on that count, for it seems even the domestic violence shelters in Minnesota are over-run with ordinary homeless people who just want a place to go and have no batterer.

There were some pretty ghetto girls at some of these places and oftentimes I was no safer there than I would be at a normal shelter. This being said, things started getting difficult. The first problem arose after I was overheard discussing my situation about namely the human trafficking by an active prostitute staying at one domestic violence shelter in Minnesota.

After I was overheard, I was bullied by this girl and her friends. I was really dumbfounded to see that in Minnesota you have people who are adults bullying people in the same manner that those of us in the rest of the country usually only endure in junior high school.

At first I was amused, thinking to myself there was this massive lack of maturity on the part of people in the Twin Cities. Then I began to recoil in horror as I noticed just the sheer persistence these bullies used actually made it pretty terrible. It soon felt like the situation itself had so much of its own rules that the fact that we were all adults began to fade. They fight like Junior High in Minnesota. At least in Cincinnati, street people have the guts to just jump you fair and square. I missed that..

It beats human trafficking and random killings of people. At least annoy people who annoy you. I'd like to think people lived that way. Minnesotans don't. Minnesotans have cowardly ways of making money. Give me armed robbery even as being it's victim over human trafficking. Guns worry me less than sadistic creeps who get power trips attacking people. That's just sad to be so weak and disturbed that you commit crimes for sadism, power and control.

I don't believe for a minute that human traffickers just need money. Frank and the rest of them I met seemed particularly sadistic and power hungry, to the point I think that the whole of them enjoy abusing people and power as much as money. There are millions of people who steal or who shoplift and don't need to human traffick. The traffickers I met all seem to enjoy using and abusing power.

I also cite for this argument how much of a bullying problem there is in Minnesota. Minnesota Public Radio did a show on it. They bully the hell out of them in the hopes they can ruin people through a sort of "death by a thousand paper cuts." The normal down and out poor don't bully they just get what they need. So there is something else at work here.

Actually, bullying and it's inherent verbal abuse is proven to undermine even the most confident of people. The situational pressures at this time did begin to wear on me, although it would be nothing compared to what would come later.

I left the women's shelter over this and after going to another shelter that had a policy of waking people up early when I was fighting to get any sleep, I wound up in a non-domestic violence shelter, where I had a real bed and relatively normal room mates. In Minnesota there are homeless shelters which you pay to stay at. They take all your money, save for $90 and in return you get room and board, and a locked separate part of the facility from the men.

I stayed in a room with people with disabilities. One woman, Anne, was going through chemotherapy for cancer. Another room mate, Christina, had severe respiratory problems. Actually, most of the people there in my room in no way fit the demographic for the typical homeless. Anne was a former housewife in a rich family with cancer. Which in no way made her superior.

In fact, she was the woman responsible for turning over the information I had just learned about Frank over to his street people friends. She happened to be talking to those people to get help selling her left over Percoset's to pay for the upkeep of her previously rich spoiled son.

Christina was bold enough to turn on Masterpiece Theater when Downton Abbey was first getting popular in the face of threats from shelter people who instead wanted to watch
BET. She eventually converted some of them over to watching it. Christina never took crap from anyone, even with medical problems. It was sort of inspiring.

There was a woman, Barbara, who was older and had her own home her entire life and lost it over a foreclosure. She always had wisdom to share and made sure to put plants, cozies and other things in her corner of the room to make it feel more like a home and less like the warehouse it seemed like.

I made friends with her. Then later other nice people came in.

Janet was going through a divorce when she arrived. We didn't have the typical cadre of drug addicts and hobos in that room. So I was okay with the situation and hung on there for about 6 months.

Then later not so nice people came in, too. As time passed, it seemed less and less like the place was immune from the streets. One older woman came in, who we noticed was going way out of her way to act crazy, so that she could get a spot in our nice room.

I didn't get it was an act until it was too late. It was June 2012. I had found an amazing doctor in Minnesota who actually got me out of pain for the first time in a long time. It felt like a small miracle, enough to where I had incentive to put up with Minnesota crap.

This place was in Minneapolis and I was happy with going there because it placed me out of range of Frank and his creepy crew. I hoped to make a new, better thought out start of it there. It is nicer than St. Paul.

All was going well, all things considered. I hadn't given up on doing my homework to catch Frank at homicide. I kept finding more and more to link him to Smiley cases. This was much to witness and not talk to someone about it.

I had spoke with St. Paul police about some of this but they were pretty tepid about the issue. I was told that what I had found counted as circumstantial evidence and wasn't enough in itself for a conviction. That was bad for me because it meant this guy Frank was out there and there was nothing I could do about it.

I hesitated to discuss this with other people because first and foremost, it wasn't conclusive that these drownings actually were crimes. Because I have an autoimmune disease and these are maligned, I tread lightly on controversial issues which may or may not be believed or understood. Maybe this mess I'm in with my disease makes me more adept at doing this- or not. I don't know, really. People with autoimmune diseases do get isolated and unfairly dismissed, so I was unwilling to test any friendships I made by discussing Frank's possible behavior.

After a few months there, in July, I finally decided to share what I had found with Barb. She took one look at the material, and decided, justifiably, Frank's book was "toxic," and she didn't want to read it. I don't blame her at all, but I was a little more concerned that he could kill someone. The sad thing is Barb was the only person I fully trusted.

Anne was too catty and superficial for my taste. Yet, as the burden of actually seeing this incredible coincidence ate at me so much, I need to talk about it to someone. So I was in our room one July day, telling Anne all about this.

The fake crazy woman happened to walk in then, and I payed her no mind, figuring there would be no chance she'd have involvement with any of this. I was wrong. I was really wrong. This woman I'd later learn went by the nickname "gangsta granny."

Anne, too was also a mistake to trust. Anne was broke and had her son with her at this shelter on a separate floor. Both of them had lived a privileged life and weren't used to doing without things.
Kristin would later let us know Anne was selling her excess perocet from her chemotherapy on the streets.

So on two counts, I misjudged that situation utterly. A week later, Frank rides up to the shelter on his bike. By sheer luck, or just sheer disorganization in that small space, one day I couldn't find this badge they gave those of us who paid to stay there to get our free lunch. I was reading books then for enjoyment and to pass the time. I had this great tendency to use that badge as a book mark. I went through the stack of books I had on the windowsill there, which was the only place I had to keep stuff aside from on the bed or in a locker.

When I was running late looking for the thing, I happened to look out the window and see Frank. I decided I wasn't hungry that day. I mean, we had those badges because the area where people ate opened to a foyer which was open to the public. Going to lunch meant staying in line, in the foyer until the cafeteria opened.

There was no way I could eat lunch and stay safe from him. I've always said that Franks most dangerous weapon is his lying mouth. This being said, I could be ready for all out battle and still be left abandoned by people once that snake started talking trash about me. er

I don't like serial killers for that matter, either. I skipped on lunch and dinner for a few days. Eventually one of the staff took pity on me and brought me up food. Fortunately, I also was sharing with the people who ran that facility what I had found out about Frank. Even the director there was familiar with what I'd found and very helpful.

Also, there were people there who were educated on the local human trafficker problem. I had some good help. Still, on the street and in the foyer, I'd have to face off with Frank alone. I stayed in. When I went out, I put on a hoodie. I'd wait until my friends were going to the store and go with them. There was just no way I was going to let that asshole get me.
I had simultaneous problems with other people who seemed to be involved with this stuff. There were computers there for the street people and us to use. I did research in that room where male homeless people were coming in. One person felt the need to shoulder surf all the things I was looking up, from human trafficking to Smiley information.

One of those men scared the crap out of me in a parking lot outside that shelter one day. I had made an effort to hide what I looked like. Aside from dying my hair I wore a hoodie with the hood up. One day I was cutting through a parking lot on my way back. Unfortunately, it was a Sunday and downtown Minneapolis and the parking lot was pretty much empty. I paused for a moment, and next I heard a guy say "boo" behind me. I startled because I was alone and having the hood up lent me to not being able to monitor what was going on behind me.

It turned out to be two black males. I noticed these guys said, "boo," which seemed to be a theme with Smiley happenings. I felt scared and I didn't trust those two. Remembering how you are supposed to be loud as hell when you are in danger in urban areas, I decided it was time to get loud. I thought that just yelling like some typical female victim would be poor form, and announce I was scared as hell.

I remembered how my friend Denise, for a period of time, thought she was black because a black elderly couple was at her family reunion. Combine this and that she worked with a bunch of African Americans and she was pretty good at sounding black.

She was telling me how she'd say, "don't mess with me, I'm black." Actually she was part Creek Native American. She wasn't black and though she had a weave, she carried herself like she was black. Really, where we used to hang out, it sort of rubbed off on you. I joked with her that she was lucky she didn't show up at a black pride march announcing she was black because she'd look like a royal idiot. So saying she was black became a sort of inside joke.

Anyway, I decided I was going to handle myself like an African American Cincinnatian, specifically. That's always my first choice. Of course, we don't drown people to get out our frustrations, we tend to air them openly over doing sneaky crap. I have no respect for sneaky crap.

So I mouthed off to them very loudly, saying, "So you think you're all that!!" and a series of other statements.

One of these black men looked typical gangster and the other was short and wore khaki's. It was the one who had the khaki's who said, "I could rip your head off bitch," in response to me. All I cared about at the moment was that both of them proceeded to walk of and ceased to give me any more grief after this.

However, after the event I started putting two and two together and I was not liking the "boo" crap, nor was I happy about seeing someone saying he could rip my head off and looking like he meant it. "Boo" gets spray painted at Smiley sites and is one of their little words. I don't get the relevance of it.

It was disarming hearing my first real life Smiley related thing from someone. After that I got used to their crap. I mentioned something about to security there. Later I'd learn it was less than useless getting on site security to do anything helpful.

Mostly because they were apathetic, but later I'd learn that one of them had a relative involved in human trafficking. The tragedy about Minnesota is that human trafficking is so widespread, and so many people are invested in it because of the profit it yields, so many people there enable the activity or worse, participate in it.

I had not idea how big the problem was, coming from another city where it is scarcely an issue.

After Frank had found me at that place, staying safe became a challenge. The week he shows up a few women moved onto the women's floor there who started causing all sorts of trouble.

One woman, this person named Mary, showed up on the floor and was harassing me and others there. It seems that bullying is used by these people to wear down people who work in opposition to them. These people showed up and not only proceeded to bother me but they harassed and attacked the people on the floor who were good and not up to any kind of trouble, or criminal activity.

The rest of the people who were either addicts, obnoxious or all of the above, were left alone. These individuals also worked on gaining favor and ass kissing with staff to pave the way for what would be a litany of rule violations, abuse of other people and other negative activities.

Mary paved the way for herself so well that she did sex acts with her girlfriend in the TV room and when the people in there complained she wasn't kicked off the floor.

She also beat up another girl there who was nice. That girl signed up for a program there for recovering addicts and alcohol users which was tough and required prayer and not ever leaving the building to avoid being assaulted again.

As for myself, I was reduced to hiding in my room because Mary was making up bald face lies to get girls she didn't like in trouble. I saw what was happening and anticipated she would do the same thing to me to get me kicked out.

Well, if I never was around her, then there was no way she could accuse me. For what it is worth, there were cameras in that place. This worked until I made the mistake of telling someone what technique I was using to evade her efforts on Frank's part.

Then she made up a lie saying I gave her the finger as she walked past my room. I didn't do that. It was working rather well to stay in my room so I could not be misrepresented until that point. I was almost put out homeless on the streets of Minneapolis at midnight because of this.

I talked to staff and tried to relate she was lying about not just me but other people there. It took some friends in my room to back me to save me from that fate that night. On the streets with Frank in pursuit would ensure my demise.

I was lucky. The problems that Mary and her pals were creating were so extensive, that most everyone on the floor was desperately trying to find someplace else to stay. Even my friend Naomi went back in to live with her husband she was divorcing to get a break.

I pulled out all the stops to find some way to get into an apartment. I'd been stuck on a waiting list. A month after all this started I fled to a domestic violence shelter.

While I was there I had sense enough to prepare for the worst. There was no way in hell I was going to allow myself to be captured. I had many arduous years riding a bike in a hilly, dangerous city. Athletic training of the most intense sort was the result of my sustaining in that circumstance for over a decade. I knew there was a gym on the premises and started using it. I used a gym once before when I had a situation where I was off my bicycle for a while many years ago.

One of the people who worked there was kind enough to show me how to use most of the equipment. I wasn't using my bicycle then in Minneapolis, favoring to keep it stashed and hidden. Frank had tried to break into and steal my car to no avail those first months I was in Minnesota. I decided I had to hide the good bike as insurance to flee the state of Minnesota if things became more out of control.

In 2011, in the rental, I bought a bike smaller than a BMX, a kids bike, really. It was cheap as I could get and with my funds getting diverted towards high rent, I had to scratch by. I rode this bike around town, maybe as stupid as that was.

Still, I am a skilled enough rider to pull that off in a decidedly less dangerous area for cycling. At that point I had little idea of the magnitude of the threat Frank was. I did want to stay in shape. Maybe I am better defending myself while cycling than in any other way.

In 2011, that bike was stolen one night. I was livid. From then on, I was having to drive or walk. While I stayed at that shelter, I also hid my car.

I stayed prepared for contingencies all time. I used the gym.

When I was using the gym one day, Mary shows up. I was using a primitive bench press machine at that moment. There was not much in the way of equipment in there and most of it was more befitting prison guys than some cyclist like me. Still, I used it all, knowing that by using many machines, I could let one muscle group rest while I kept training.

So Mary shows up when I am taking a break from that machine. She saw me using it and then goes to sit on it and makes a phone call. I told her I wasn't done with the machine. She gets up and leaves the room. I use it again, but warily. I did not at all trust that girl. Expecting possible violence, I grab a wooden pole that was in there and rest it along side of the machine and go back to what I was doing.

She returns to the room, when I am prone on the machine. She came up with her arms reaching out to attack me. I sit up, grab the pole in one motion and level it across my chest defensively to guard my torso.

Then Mary, in a manner so typical to those people, runs out of the room right then. I'd dealt with Frank and his trafficker peers in conflicts before. I know these human traffickers use lying when all else fails.
These people have somehow learned that people get biased to the first person who tells their story, even if that person's stories has holes in it.

Later I would learn this is a technique uses something called, "anchoring bias," which is on a list of the "cognitive biases" which lead people towards faulty assumptions. Philosophers and psychologists study how cognitive biases influence people to make poor decisions. Anchoring bias is a bias where people irrationally favor the first piece of information they receive.

I didn't know the term for it then but I understood there was a pattern where the human traffickers always make sure they talk to the police before the victim has a chance.
When I called the police on Frank he got away with lying to them by making sure he was biasing them against me while I was trying to beg a woman who offered to tell the police what she saw him do, but she'd changed her mind.

I pleaded she still help, but she refused. Learning how these monsters play their games the hard way for so long, I got a feel for exactly how they succeeded in their games. This time, I was prepared. When I saw Mary take off and run I knew she was going to likely talk to staff and lie about me.

I ran right after her. I was learning. She tells a security guard I attacked her with the pole. She didn't have too long to work on this guy, however. I calmly kept telling what really happened trying to not get rattled by the game.

I believe that because I anticipated her strategy, I fared better. After listening to us and hearing a conflicting story, the guard banned us both from the gym for a week. She had a minor victory, one that would cost me. She was banned, too.

With these people, these minor victories, and just barely scraping by is the best you can do. Human traffickers pride themselves as being able to lie effectively and manipulate to get their victims. People who help the poor, women, and immigrants really need to be educated about these strategies human traffickers use.

If you identify the strategies like I did, you shut those people down. When staff at that facility didn't listen to me or believe me it put my life in danger and it enables human traffickers to hurt other women.

I bested Frank only because I had decent luck in finding him playing the same games he played with me with hapless people online attempting to determine how people like Dan Zamlen and Chris Jenkins died.

Before then, I was left defeated, in terror, unable to get justice, and cut off from support because he used clever strategies like these against me.

Finding him in the Smiley Face forums was a boon to me because I finally had, in print, Frank doing to other people exactly what he did to me.

I began to win against him although the victories I had were inches away from being mortal failures for me. Defining the problem is the first step to solving the problem I learned in a college prep class years ago.

I was able, through the luck of finding Frank online, to finally have some way to counter his games. Like at that shelter in Minneapolis, I was able to tell Jade, the director for the program, what he did to attempt to manipulate me into human trafficking. I was able in 2012 to compare the "veiled threats" he sent me in emails and all the other means he used to escape getting into trouble with the law.

There was this advantage, and the obvious fact that this also proved Frank is a highly dangerous person who has likely killed people multiple times.

It is disturbing is to face people capable of atrocities, as I have. It was more disturbing to see him get away with deceiving people and intimidating them. He and that man who murdered the Sikhs in Wisconsin that year used a term, "useful idiot."

Frank and others in his ring always tried to win over the most stupid people in positions of power and authority. Then, the pattern was after he had made a friend in a position of power, he got this friend to undermine the efforts of smarter, more dedicated staff who enforced the rules.

One time, after those people won over one person on staff, they then sought out to complain about the staff who saw through those people. Since Frank and his people bully, harass, sex traffick, and use drugs , they usually are busy trampling rules. Most people hired to work for an organization aren't copacetic to these things and have a normal sense of right and wrong.

This means Frank and his cohorts will invariably run into conflict with staff at these places and they do quite frequently. When Frank and his pals nearly did get busted, the relationship they shored with the stupidest employee in the place served as protection from the consequences of their actions.

So I believe, when Frank or that Sikh killer uses the word "useful idiot," what they are referring to are those ignorant people out there who wind up championing the perpetrators and disbelieving the victims.

To think that a Nazi skinhead is really an innocent, community minded, helpful person who is getting abused and hounded by 13 year old girls you do indeed have to be an idiot.

The unfortunate problem is that this world is full of people who really are that stupid. What options does some victim like me have at this point? My ability to stay alive depends upon other people not getting deceived by these traffickers.

I do well until I encounter that weak link in the chain at an organization.

I really do think that the entire point of Frank playing manipulative games is the power trip it gives him. His friend succeeded in getting a staff member at a shelter fired over a lie. The incident he describes in his book where he somehow strong arms the librarians is interesting.

I'd bet he lied about them to get his way, if that incidents follows the pattern I've seen. It is really scary because as long as he can manipulate and lie in such an effective way, he has the power to ruin any organization and the cause the organization supports.

That is political power. Frank must be addicted to this power. He is more than just the proverbial kid in the candy shop, he's the kid with the keys to the candy shop.

I don't know if Frank knew Wade Michael Page, but the Nazis in the upper midwest all seem to be friends with each other.

When Page killed those Sikhs, it also happened to be two weeks into Frank learning I had found him giving people trouble on Smiley Face websites. I don't know if these two were friends. I do know from contacts I made in law enforcement that these white supremacists clearly do have an agenda, and it is political.

I cannot say any of these Smiley people I contended with were smart, as individuals. They instead are only smart as a collective of people who share good ideas. As typical for racists, they are dumb as horse shit. What I must stress is that this seems to be a community of people involved in criminality who share secrets of how to do these things amongst themselves.

I would get snarky with those women who moved in that week he found me. It was a way to keep my dignity through it all.

At the shelter, when we had to smoke , we were escorted to a porch that was on another floor. This was a large building in downtown Minneapolis. I dreaded going out there usually because people could get abusive out there, in the way it gets in a ghetto.

It was this old elevator which staff had to manually operate. It could hold maybe nine people at most. If more people got on, the thing would break and get stuck between floors. So, naturally, if the usual fifteen to twenty people wanted to go outside, it took two trips with the elevator to get everyone out.

Some of these girls objected to having to wait for the second turn with the elevator. Occasionally, some of these women would overfill the elevator in desperation to get outside in a hurry. The problem was is that when they did this, the elevator would get stuck. One time, we were trapped in there for over 20 minutes as the staff woman operating the elevator played with its controls to get it to work. Long story short, it was counterproductive.

One of Frank's friends, this blonde girl, would run and shove to get in first, showed a lack of patience, intelligence, or all of the above. I was feeling furious over having to fear for my life. I decided one day to get sarcastic about her inability to delay gratification and made some comment about idiots who would rather stuck in an elevator than go out and smoke.

After the guy with the khakis said that he'd rip my head off, he kept making appearances in the computer lab at the facility.

At this point, I was busying myself trying to prove for myself and others that it really was Frank who was interfering with rational discussion of Smiley killings. I mean, it was hard to believe in the sense that I was likely to be dealing with some sort of serial killer.

The black man with khakis didn't look like your typical street banger. All the same, he seemed to be doing Frank's bidding after this point. He made a point of trying to shoulder surf, to get a view of what I was looking at online.

I made a pretty concerted effort to make sure none of those people saw what research I was busy doing online. To protect my research effort which was based in looking for any leads to confirm Frank's role in Smiley homicides, I would quickly close the webpages I was on when people like him came in.

That trafficker crowd is pretty big on shoulder surfing up there in Minnesota. I think that is how they get information on people they seek to victimize. I was used to it by then. I had a strategy to use if quickly hiding pages failed and it did a couple times.

I made sure to select the smallest legible view of the font on the web pages I viewed. Or else, if those the khaki guy and this bug-eyed black man who was his friend was in there, and persisted in the effort to check out what I was doing, to the point of complete annoyance, I would do something like the following.

Despite the testimony the khaki idiot made to his ability to decapitate me I wasn't having any of it. I'd been over that a million times with clever crack addicts in the past who thought I'd be an easy target for bike jacking because I was female.

Nine times out of ten I can see that stuff coming from a mile away. Or maybe they thought because I was white that I was stupid as so many other white people out there.

Either way, I was relatively good at recognizing what people would be up to at any given point. I had to be. I do tend to get annoyed by this sort of behavior because usually it means someone is wishing to bring more misery my way than I need.

I knew khaki guy was at it again. I could barely exit out of some web pages in time. I was pretty ticked off about it. This was a little different than issues I had with people like that in the past when theft is the extent of it. Human life could have been at stake, probably was at stake and if I screwed up on that it would be hard for me.

I was so angry, I intentionally Googled articles on the death penalty and blew them up in the largest size print I could manage. It really can get annoying to have selfish, sick killers addle you. I am not above asserting my right to do research without killers annoying me. Maybe the bug eyed guy got a little more bug eyed after I pulled an article on the death penalty up. Leave me alone, seriously.

I thought, "Here's your fate if you keep it up you sack of shit. Why don't you go drown yourself and see how it feels."

Thankfully I wasn't schooled in Minnesota-nice, nor was I particularly feeling any need to be that day. It was a slight moral victory. Surely all it did was make Frank and his creepy peers try all the more harder to get to me.

I wasn't trying for that result, but at the time all I could think is "how the heck can people do this sort of cruel crap to people in the first place? Maybe if I keep doing things like this the idiots will think twice about killing someone.

At least I attributed it to how many enablers of the problems there were in that state. I was sort of wrong about that. I survived though.

Still, I was pretty sure that Frank was trolling that blog. His style of trying to assault the truth in Piehl's blog was identical to what he had done with me in the threat emails he sent me the day after I told him to leave me the heck alone.

He knew I had a large buck knife and I'm sure this didn't please him. I could defend myself and maybe this saved me from outright assault on more than a few occasions. I bought it in Oregon, and yes, it likely was illegal in Minnesota.

I couldn't sell it because I engraved my name on it to ensure that if it got stolen no one could sell it to a pawn shop.

His strategy enabling him to threaten me in print without getting in trouble was to make up anything he could that would ensure whoever I showed these threats to would be too busy questioning my character instead of looking at how he was threatening me with violence.

In his writing and real life he accuses the vulnerable and his victims of being and doing what he does. I think he's doing it for the same reason he made up stuff in the threat emails he sent me. He wants people doubting and fearing his victims so that these victims of his are unable to get him arrested.

He counts on how the maligning of his victims, makes people fear and question his victims to the point they do nothing in response to his complaints.

I am amazed at how well this worked for him. When I would later seek information about how human traffickers persuade and manipulate. I used my education in philosophy to obtain answers. While studying critical thinking, something I was familiar with, I was prodded by the article on false argumentation to look to propaganda techniques.

In doing this I learned about "cognitive biases."

Cognitive biases refers to natural glitches in human thinking where the rational is sidelined because of the natural way the human mind works. Most of the identified cognitive biases, to which there are many, find their root in human emotion overruling logic.

The propaganda technique, "appeal to fear relates to this, and this is the technique he used to ensure he could threaten me in print as much as he wanted and get away with it because people would be too busy fearing and doubting me to notice the blatant threats in the emails.

It worked because fear seems to be such a powerful emotion in people. The less educated or intelligent a person was, the more likely that person would believe him over me.

He lied to the police and did it well. When they came he put on the dramatics. Frank is built, he's strong, he's more powerful than me. Yet when the police came he put on the countenance of a little boy. He play acted to be the innocent one by literally hiding behind the back of a police officer.

Frank is a guy who not only rides a bike loaded down with a tent, sleeping bag, tools and clothes.
He spends his afternoons hanging out with drug dealers and gang members. This is not a little boy by any means.

He is built, wears steel toed boots, has tattoos and sexually abuses people. Yet, he's such an actor and good at manipulating that the truth ceases to mean much to those he tries to charm into letting him get away with things.

When I found him online, and saw all these exact techniques get used by him to ensure a slough of murders weren't seen as murders, or that people ignored the issue of drowning murders, because he kept posting things which made it seem like some fantastic conspiracy theory when it all was the truth.

I think all of this is just a version of how child molesters get away with their crimes. The people with high social status, such as well known coaches have been known to get away with their crimes by having social status. This is because most people envision abusers to be creepy bums who are homeless.

It disgusted me how prone to fear and helping offenders many people are. It felt like more than just these people getting led around by blind fear; it felt like those people who almost let me get killed or enslaved in human trafficking were resisting the truth that there really are bad people out there.

This is what rape victims so often find; people who seem ruled by the wish to think the world really is a happy place and that rape victims are just malcontents out to persecute innocent males. People who study denial in rape cases attribute this to what is called, "The Just World Theory."

The Just World Theory refers to how people resist accepting negative truth simply because to admit there are sadistic, abusive and cruel people out in the world threatens those people's sense that they can go out in the world and be safe. Just World Theory makes it possible for most people to function and go about their day happy from being blissfully unaware of the fact that life is unfair.

Thus, people like Frank and other human traffickers get a toe-hold in their endeavor to victimize women for profit primarily from people who lack the capacity to admit bad things do happen.

Every time Frank attempted to get to me when I was both in domestic violence shelters and homeless shelters where he had trouble getting access to me, he or his friends would find the one person working there who was most gullible, least educated and the biggest Polyanna.

He would work on this person, he would "groom" them to do the things he needed in order to access victims like me. The word, "groom" is used in the context of human trafficking to describe how a trafficker works their way into a person's favor by telling them things they want to hear, in order to steer that person into trusting and giving power over to the trafficker.

I shouldn't be here, and one reason goes back to these games Frank played to access me in places he was locked out of.

The apartment I had moved into in 2013, was alright, the door had a lock and their was a locked entry way with a guard at the front desk. Still it was low income.

Half the problem with Frank is that he has this incredible patience. He must have found out I was living there in less than a month. Yet, he didn't show his cards until February 2013. That's when a neighbor who was a drug addict and an alcoholic he commandeered had him on speaker phone.

In the same fashion the human traffickers had used at the shelter, they inserted themselves into my building or else as in the case of the idiot who put Frank on speaker phone, they offered an insecure guy gang entry for assisting them. I now know that being in low income anything in Minnesota is risky, especially if you want to get them caught for homicide. This time, they had months of befriending the director of those apartments.

She unfortunately was an easy pick for them as far as a gullible patsy to assist them. Even my neighbors complained about how little Pat did to help the residents there. When conflicts arose, the neighbor Ray said all she did was try to get people in her office to mediate the conflict.

Ray accused her of not comprehending anything short of making various miscreants in the building "get together to sign Kumbaya. Andrew, the guy who got an official gang membership for putting Frank on speaker phone and then making a gun gesture at me while he called me a snitch, was one of the miscreants.

He was black, but from the suburbs, so he was an idiot and an asshole. When he'd drink he would feel a need to go about the place looking for items to steal. One nice neighbor of mine had Andy try to shove his way into his apartment when Andy was drunk.

Andrew saw fit to attempt to kick in my door after I had been living there for a few months. Surely, it in street terms was indeed enough time for me to get found by Frank. I didn't tend to think so then, knowing how little I knew then.

Initially I noticed my door lock was acting weird. Then Andrew was busy acting out all over the building without getting into trouble. He was not well liked as it was by the other neighbors. Eventually, I put it together after conferring with people about his other acts in the building that I got what was going on.

I was getting so fed up with having these people act as if they were a law unto themselves, I took matters into my own hands. I haven't lived in an easy place to live to say the least. I do know how to manage when an idiot gives me trouble.

I vaselined my door, so that when Andrew tried to kick it in he would injure his foot. My neighbor Ray, actually someone who said that was a stupid idea when I thought of it, actually was laughing the next day.
Andrew was wearing sandals, unusual for him and inappropriate for the fact it was minus five that week. It was Minnesota after all. Ray gave him the name "Slider" after what they call White Castle hamburgers- it's an eastern chain that sells creepy hamburgers of uncertain origin.

Also, another neighbor witnessed Andrew hitting solid wood door that day with his fist. That is what I would call proof positive those who are and do the bidding of white supremacist killers really are stupid. If your foot can't knock it down, what makes you think your fist will? Again, not a lot of brain power there, but who else is going to help out Frank?

No, there isn't a lot of brain power there which is exactly why they deserve to fail. The only intelligence they seem to possess seems to be in the area of manipulating people, and this they possess in abundance. I need to stress right now based on what I have been told, that these people do indeed really serve the interests of the state, the rich and powerful and just like the human traffickers I faced off with, so it seems through manipulating people, these people have their way.

Cognitive biases relate to the science of propaganda, which the state does indeed use against its own people. As you can see here, human traffickers, killers and the state are using all the same techniques. Really, sustaining any meaningful victory against this situation does require having a good base of knowledge. That way no one can mislead you because you know enough to sift through all you see and hear in some sort of meaningful way.

When people get actually too lazy to read things themselves and instead trolls and others summarize things for them, people get into trouble. I think Frank depends on this. Human laziness is likely another deficiency these assholes exploit.

I encourage you to confirm and continue my research. Don't rely upon me to do it all, I can't. I have to worry about staying alive and this is not easy. I presented this in the hopes people out there can take this up themselves.

We all know it needs to happen.

In situations when people are being oppressed and very clearly harmed, and above all manipulated, fact checking and being reserved about drawing conclusions without a good basis for information is required. This is real, this is the real deal and this work here shows that people actively are getting hurt. I'd like to see if there is more here and how far we can take this.

My dream is that it will take down the fascist state, now rather than later.

___________________________________________________________________________________THIS IS FRANK MARZITELLI'S BOOK:
“Respiration: 1. The act of inhaling and exhaling air in order to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. Synonymous with breathing and ventilation. 2. The cellular metabolic process by which oxygen is taken in, substances are oxidized, energy is released, and carbon dioxide and oxidized products are given off.” Economies are similar to living organisms in that both consist of subjects engaging in some form of respiration involving breathing, ventilation and/or an essential biological exchange needed for survival. “Our American economy seems slugged to the midsection so much, it just doesn’t seem to do much of this anymore, with many feeling too guilty to really talk about it lately.” frg.

During the fall of 2009 Kare Eleven News did a broadcast from Listening House in Saint Paul Minnesota on the subject matter of Homeless Veterans. I was in the piece---the guy with the John Deer earrings. Discussed was the good of a story from the other side of the economy from the inside on what life was like. I was politely prodded to do so, however asked for more time before producing the piece. Well, the work is done. I'd like to make sure the female reporter and the cameraman of the Kare Eleven News broadcast get a copy to illustrate; business in America can still be done on promissory notes.
Discussed were the risks associated with producing this kind of account of “life on the other side of the tracks.” Assured was appropriate support in handling and producing the material with many clients and staff very pleased with what may unfold. My experience with these types of matters is no one honors deals with shelter people and are prone to menacing through harassment; exploitation, rather than accommodating efforts made to get what is wanted. Case in point: while producing the piece all my items used for work when driving over the road were stolen making returning to work anywhere difficult, an official police report was made, strange email followed alluding to the content of what was stolen, full reports resultantly were made to the police, yet nothing has been done about a matter easy to solve with the appropriate use of a badge.
In the event the Kare Eleven News people don’t respond appropriately as the piece is submitted; politics, it was agreed The Pioneer Press would be the backup plan securing the interest of the sources who confided in me offering the bases for the material producing the piece; please read! I’m pleased it is finished and look forward to what good things may be derived from it for me and others. I especially would like to give a very special thanks to the Lifetrack people associated with the computer lab in Frog Town. Mentioned in the document is the importance of facilities designed to function like springboards to an economy; allowing people to spring back and forth as needed to secure an economic recovery. The Lifetrack Computer Lab is such a facility. Without it, I wouldn't be looking at the completion of this project requested of me on behalf of a failing economy and concerned third parties. The Asian gentleman named Wua; who managed the lab briefly, suggested it would work favorably if a story attributing the Lifetrack Computer Lab was offered, well here it is Amber, Wua and Tamekia---enjoy.

“A woman who frequents homeless shelters looking for potential suitors comes across a romantic interest from a while ago. He is again unemployed with clothes dirty, worn, torn, is thin with questionable hygiene, barely sustaining due to local shelter politics. She decides to take advantage of the situation and propositions him again. He politely rejects her, again. Disappointed and disgusted she asks, ‘why?’ He tells her ‘It’s not an issue of your outward beauty, but always a matter of your inner beauty.” frg.

When an economy spirals establishing a high level of indigence, facilities are needed to protect a workforce from hitting rock-bottom at accelerated speeds of financial descent, maiming a public with an inability of reentering a modern jobs market to help spur on a national economic recovery, during times of a national economic recession, also known as a business cycle contraction or a general slowdown in economic activity. These facilities would not only sustain the primary factor safeguarding recovery efforts, but would also sustain the primary factor contributing to a reduced national crime rate.
When these facilities designed short-term become long-term due to a recession, specific conditions exist suggesting a need to segregate. The high-rise low income housing projects of The Robert Taylor Homes and Cabrini Green of Chicago Illinois are an example. Once these facilities become long-term and the residency reaches a critical mass, no matter how many funding, training and education programs are thrown at a problem, no real avail is met.
The Skyline Tower Collaborative of Saint Paul Minnesota located on 1247 Saint Anthony Avenue is an example of these types of facilities appropriately segregated. The facility functions well as a social springboard projecting a needed workforce back and forth from a local jobs market now national, and responds well to funding, training and education programs offered. This is because demographically the residency is not segregated away from a larger community, but consists of a community predominantly of The Muslim Church doing an excellent job segregating a congregation of people to a community of individuals, rather than another social problem.
Listening House, The Dorothy Day Center, Mary Hall and The Salvation Army on 7th Street in Saint Paul Minnesota are examples of facilities designed like the ones mentioned; to fulfill a specific need today, yet fail to do so due to a segregation problem, placing them in the same category as The Robert Taylor Homes and Cabrini Green of Chicago Illinois, which no longer exist.
Difficulties associated with our economy suggest changes must be made to these establishments. They present a better solution to a problem we will soon face with this county’s future. Needed are springboards to employment opportunity for an economic recovery, not welfare dependence due to a recession, resulting in more extinct projects and a poor economy.
On September 10, 2010 a backpack containing items for employment was appropriately secured at Listening House for a two week period to respond to demands needed to find work. It was stolen. A client over-hearing other clients discussing what my response would be when I discover the next morning the theft, tipped me off something happened the evening of. All the appropriate measures with staff were taken before and after the loss, resulting in my having to file a police report; Case # SP10-198879. This was not suggested by staff (why?). Immediately after the report, strange emails were sent to me alluding to the content of the backpack, from a client who has a history of access to the facilities associated with Listening House (to include Listening House) during times this client wasn’t supposed to, suggesting a greater problem.
With a spiraling economy, these facilities should function as an economic solution to an economic recovery, not an economic incubus protecting criminal and inappropriate civil activity. With a pending national employment crisis approaching like a brewing storm, precautionary measures are needed to assist not just a local community, but a greater national community depending on the corporate model developed.

“Necessity’s end establishes no loss, but a time for us. Sleep’s dark embraces the ‘raze’ of the next day. This is why the sun never sets on the empire of the American spirit.” frg.

This report is an attempt to account for the time as a class A truck driver, where a driver’s log was taken for one work week while driving over the road, returned on the last day of employment with entries missing---creating an unaccounted for time gap in the driver’s log---and for the reader; an understanding of what happened employed in Texarkana.
“According to the Gale Encyclopedia of US History, an indenture refers to a binding contract obligating one person to work for another. Servitude refers to 1. the condition of a slave, serf, or the like; subjection to a master; slavery or bondage, 2. work imposed as punishment for crime, 3. the burden placed upon the property of or person by a specified right another has in its or their use. Indentured Servants in colonial America were, for the most part, adult white persons who were bound to labor for a period of years. There were three well-known classes: the free-willers, or redemptioners; those who were enticed to leave their home country out of poverty or who were kidnapped for political or religious reasons; and convicts. The first class represented those who chose to bind themselves to labor for a definite time to pay for their passage to America. The best known of these were Germans, but many English and Scottish men and women came in the same way. The second class, those who came to escape poverty or were forcibly brought to the colonies, was large because of the scarcity of labor in America. Their services were profitably sold to plantation owners or farmers, who indentured them for a period of years. The third class, convicts, were sentenced to deportation and on arrival in America were indentured unless they had personal funds to maintain themselves. Seven years was a common term of such service. The West Indies; a large group of islands between southeast North America and northern South America, separating the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean and including the Greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles, and the Bahama Islands, along with Maryland; one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1788, appear to have received the largest number of immigrants of the third class.” Indentured servitude was abolished with slavery when the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in 1865.
Dates framing the events known as the Holocaust; the genocide (killing) of European Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II from 1933 to 1945, suggest this wasn’t the case globally. A culture of bigotry sustained. Throughout Europe many professionals (mostly Jewish) were indentured into servitude by a German produced War Machine birthed from a recession after the signing of The Versailles Treaty of World War I, leading us into World War II. Today, according to a September 27, 2009 publication by the Business Insider entitled; The Money Game, “Getting the unemployment rate back to 5% in 5 years would require average monthly job creation of 250,000. The average for the major boom of the 1990s was 150,000. The average for the past 30 years has been about 50,000.” This suggests a recession has receded to conditions similar to October 24, 1929, known formerly as Black Thursday of America’s Great Depression, generating once again the same kind of production, establishing now an ingrained practice defining us as Americans? Unrecognized living conditions in the United States have allowed indentured servitude to flourish into the first decade of the year 2000. Since 1865 conditions coveted, entrapping and punitive have evolved, spurring on an extinct European industry in America.
Many advocating for indentured servitude/slavery refer to the section of the 13th Amendment in the United States Constitution implying, “the 13th Amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime,” suggesting that if the public can successfully brand an individual as criminal this would allow the practice of indentured servitude/slavery amongst citizens, thus providing public motive behind overzealous prosecution and conviction of alleged criminal offenses, and why many publicly go to great lengths to implicate anyone of anything criminal. It provides the indentured servitude market with another human being. This also explains why efforts are exercised to take advantage of public vulnerabilities during a recession; lack of work, food and shelter etc… Without the preexisting conditions known, the servitude appears voluntary. With the conditions apparent, the servitude appears manipulative, therefore involuntary. Branding one citizen criminal over another doesn’t legalize the practice of indentured servitude outside of the courtroom. It does provide an inappropriate excuse for the behavior outside of the courtroom and/or criminal justice system, thus perpetuating a market illegally. Provided is motive why many on the neighborhood, town, and city, county, and state, federal and global level would create circumstances spurring on an economic recession. The practice would give indentured servitude resurgence sustaining the culture.
While returning to Texarkana, a company of trucks driving over the road in convoy was pulled over by local law enforcement and issued the same tickets as before, in particular driving without insurance and on expired vehicle registration. If the company owner/boss exercised the degree of care suggested last month in Victoria Texas, how is it possible to get a second ticket for the same offence---in particular driving without insurance? Filled with suspicion and desire for freedom, one vehicle drove past the lead vehicle pulled over by local law enforcement, made it back to Texarkana and eventually home to give this account.
Had the driver stopped behind the vehicle pulled over in front of him, the same tickets would have been issued for a second time, due in part to employer apathy prolonging a slave status in Texarkana. An ensuing court-date; a legal order to appear in front of a judge in a courtroom of the American Criminal Justice System to address the matter, would guarantee an exploitive employer another employee, by making departure from the employment difficult. This provides motive to apathy. When warrants are issued they go to the driver not the company owner/boss and likewise any punitive damages awarded a driver’s license. The tickets and punitive damages serve as the indenture here, revealing a contract; labor agreement. The driver’s dependency on the company owner/boss to handle the situation appropriately outlines the servitude. Factoring in the attempt to make the driver operate without a driver’s log suggests a motive to hide what was really happening; indentured servitude/slavery.

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s.” (Exodus 20:2-17 NKJV)

To understand how indentured servitude is coveted, we have to look at how and why it is applied. When an organization has something to hide or indulge in that it doesn’t want the public to know about, employees cannot be trusted. Indentured servants are trusted, wanted and loved. This produces the coveting experienced; the feeling of blameworthy desire courting 13th Amendment violations. With the competitive nature of today’s jobs market and the need to succeed financially, this becomes apparent. Not many organizations are local due to costs. The ones that are struggle financially. Subsidy acquisition has become a way of life. The need to finance a country nationally through an economic recovery has shifted local capitalism values from financial; fair market competition based on competitive bidding and subcontracting to subsidize; tax breaks, financial assistance, grants, loans (welfare). To maintain the mummified remains of a once vibrant economy (like soaking a dead extinct lab animal in a jar of formaldehyde for future use) submerged and drowned is the old family oriented style of business management to a practiced alchemy of welfare solicitation, infectiously threatening the American apple-pie, bread and butter values that once defined our country. The new image formed with a Hollywood mentality (“consumered” into existence) as a result, is the client/employee model to assist in corporate begging; a form of visual prostitution. Factor in quality applied equation efficiency, insuring practicality through a probability and statistic engineering format (to justify time expenditures), uncoupled with time and motion study efficiency, down to a simple application of third grade math, with a sadistic desire for control and suddenly none of this matters anymore, because the new variables yield; indentured as the way to go. This inevitably balances away any employment, courting a national disaster. Without employment where is our economic recovery?
Support agencies from state workforce centers to transitional housing shelters to drop-in-centers are in tune with this country’s new brand of music (considering employment conditions) and understand well the perks. Line dance with welfare and give employment the ole heel, toe, docie-doe. Many individuals, who have become this generation’s new class of economic casualties, accept the idea of never again experiencing the emancipation afforded by employment. Few options exist, other than to compete for institution funding cow positions; our new corporate Hollywood (moo!). Like the translucent waves that echo a single drop of water penetrating a deep dark murky pool, black-marketed spontaneously are facilities almost national in notoriety, designed to give out welfare based on community funding appropriated, to help clients in the community apply for welfare when available and to supplement benefits when funds fall short.
One person employment based can blow it for everyone. This single baby’s hair breath strand of integrity personified provides the shadow of doubt that could shut-down a well sustained and managed industry, compromising the large herds of roving funding cows nurtured for subsidies; a corporate herdsmen mentality, more like cattle rustling rather than ranching.
Implemented to policy, protocol and procedure, to saddle up and chase away those employment coyotes (without a concerned conservation society aware), allowing “welfared” livestock to flourish---in carefully prepared once employment green pastures---are the numerous institution swindles seasoned like a surgeon’s hand behind a meticulously machined scalpel of operation, cutting away benign employment growth to a malignant growth of welfare, although described metaphorically medical, slowly evolves terroristic behind the recoil of numerous employments scams rifled at a public.
This is national. It is a reality and a sign of things to come demonstrated, but not limited to Listening House; a drop-in-center at 215 9th Street West in Saint Paul Minnesota, institutions designed to function as life rafts during economically turbulent times, parading employment daily (nominally) establishing a perceived orientation for funding, then when the time is right, harass and/or humiliate employment into leaving in favor of a more preferred “welfared” crowd, establishing the symbiotic third world condition leading to indentured servitude.
This holocaust like mentality at Listening House specifically, is conducted (but, not limited) through the method allowanced bus tokens are provided for labor performed by the clients; two tokens, if willing to do remedial simple fifteen minute chores; tasks, awarded clients who put their names into a metal box labeled work. Some clients are allowed to switch with other clients. This seems rather harmless and good on one side of the coin, but on the other side of the coin (or token) ---dark, overshadowed and ominous---, established is the precedent confirming the existence of America’s (new) redeveloped black-market industry.
Sometimes staff in effort to be demeaning will not allow the switching. This doesn’t happen often. What is desired is to avoid creating a sense of pleasure for the clients they are mocking or trying to breakdown; those who aren’t welfare based---wanted long-term for the servitude publicly. Once the “institutioned” simple chore is completed, the metal box labeled client; “welfared,” is given two bus tokens to do whatever he or she wants. Transportation is obviously important, but that is not the ultimate desired effect, nor the means to the true desired end, establishing the path paving America’s extinct market---coveted; black, now rediscovered.
The entire ordeal (beyond the convenient image of civil humanity) in reality (with suppressed smirks stretched from staff to clients to bus stop to panhandling consumer, who eventually get or use the tokens) is referred to openly (sarcastically) as the Listening House Jobs for Employment Program. It isn’t uncommon for staff and client from other institutions (due to a sense of sadism) to direct new clients (employment based) upon arrival---looking for any kind of work to ascertain some degree of dignity needed for human survival (other than consideration as subhuman civil-farming subjects) ---to go to Listening House if looking for work “Listening House has jobs,” generating a sick sense of pleasure sadistically building up high hopes of a career, during economically bleak times in individuals depressed with the economy and the new American way of life, deriving a horrible form of fulfillment, watching the client emotionally crash back down to earth, due to the reality of what was really offered; having been toyed with in a terrible fashion by a member of an institution trusted and designed to help. This form of emotional impact repeat process therapy (abuse) leaves employment based clients sometimes teary eyed and weary from a “de-ja-vu” economic nightmare, grown into a national cognitive disorder, that just doesn’t seem to want to go away, escalated by this psychological brutality. Here is the mentality really housed at these facilities with the present state of our nation’s economic affairs that we need to be concerned with.
When an economy starts to fail, there is no shame ending up at a public shelter or having to depend on a non-for-profit agency for survival. In fact the experience can be quite liberating. When at the level of destitution prevalent at these facilities, one comes to the realization that the only way out is up. It is just a matter of choosing the vehicle like an airplane or helicopter. Here is where the problem develops. Staff, client and volunteer, who basically have given up on themselves, because of their accepted station in life, develop primal jealousies felt deep on a biological level concerning personal survival, resulting in unfair targeting of the employment based (those with direction---dreams; inspiration). Created is a scenario where the resultant harassment---at these facilities---is not only hard to identify, but impossible to resolve, because of the petty underhandedness involved. This gratuity develops a rape mentality irresistible to those involved, more elusive than a Stephen King’s Randal Flagg (the dark man) depicted in the book The Stand. Created is an institution of good intent evolved to a facility of impropriety, slave based.
Other non-for-profit agencies have similar problems due to similar circumstances, like non-for-profit bicycle shops. Out of love for the recreation (shelter based altruism) the only time these agencies should receive funding is when appropriately recycling; taking apart discarded bicycles for parts, thus supplying needed bicycle parts to a public---of a specific interest; volunteer hours earned etc… (an established shelter base for altruism). This has honor and fulfills a purpose. If someone needs a specific part for a bicycle, they should have no problem getting what is needed from a non-for-profit bike shop, thus establishing community value. This allows someone who is dedicated to the recreation, membership to a club that can provide the parts and tools needed for year round bicycling (a community need fulfilled). The problem develops when individuals, rather than seeking appropriate means for dealing with economically recessed times, turn non-for-profit bike shops into personal profit bike shops in effort to survive, establishing a type of client, staff and volunteer incorporated maliciousness. Instead of recycling (which requires an enormous amount of work), what happens is the bike shop image is used to obtained grants and assets for profit---to line pockets (inappropriate motive in the form of gratuity). At this point, a conflict of interest has to be managed at the shop. Dedication to the recreation is compromised for obtaining profit. Suddenly, when someone goes to the shop in need of a specific part, the shop does not have the part of good quality (anything of value gets sold separately with less recycling done, resulting in an unavailability of good parts) ---case in point: (note: no bent cranks; tires wear-out, brake pads get thin, spokes break, but cranks are not designed to bend. In order to bend a crank an enormous amount of effort must be exercised, suggesting that the rider is well aware of the condition of the crank, to have enough consideration to throw it away for scrap after use, and not recycle the part for profit, or any other reason. Bent cranks result in an enormous amount of energy loss for riders who ride twenty-four-seven, therefore recycling bent cranks shouldn’t be done or even considered). This creates a problem as non-for-profit bike shops, become more interested in selling bikes, accessories and signing a public up for (grant or fund supported) classes, in effort to make ends meet; double dipping with subsidies acquired for recycling efforts no longer exercised, because of work involved. Bicycle maintenance isn’t as theoretical as automotive maintenance and is better learned hands-on in an open-shop environment with available parts, rather than in a classroom environment. Most of the problems that come into a bike depot are generated from those who worked on their bicycles after attending these classes, due to conditions at home rarely being the same as in the shop. As a result, they end up having to bring the bike back into the shop (or a shop) to have it worked on, leaving the client feeling humiliated or foolish. Meanwhile the volunteer---who due to love for the recreation and love for the altruistic endeavor; assisting the shop dealing with these problems as they come through the door---has his hours of service swiped away to hide what is going on (the shop can no longer honor his volunteer hours), leaving him feeling violated, used and manipulated (undervalued). Notice the similarity of conditions and feelings with the two scenarios, suggesting inappropriate targeting for a purpose.
The infliction of these feelings is important, because it establishes the backbone for what is really wanted publicly (funded secretly); indentured servitude community wide from an immediate area feeding a nation. Employment based people; economic casualties of indigence, use these facilities and will travel to them nationally: drop-in-centers, shelters, workforce centers etc… to establish a point of contact for future employment, suggesting a motive behind mistreatment. It reestablishes secretly the territory nesting the slavery pathology of America on a community level; plantations, like a ferret’s dean for hidden public impropriety for the “welfared;” the indentured, the enslaved of an economic recession.
The term applied here isn’t “welfare.” It doesn’t appropriately describe what is taking place. The appropriate term is “welfaring” or “welfare,” more in the nature of transforming a once free human being into an animated controlled object of commerce, like a (officially departed) living merchant’s ship secretly sailed, financed for pirating questionable public supported chained booty for future personal use. Complete welfare emancipates clients from this. Partial welfare (or insufficient funds) breeds dependency, establishing the black-market; America’s indentured servitude “market.”
Others witnessing this peripherally will do almost anything to get away, even if it means engaging in similar subsidized contracts of servitude somewhere else, perceived as less threatening. This yields the ultimate end product desired; institution produced employable indentured servitude/slavery for the public, exportable, expendable and affordable, whether “welfared” or accepting new employment extremes somewhere else. These are the present conditions many employment based clients experience hunting for work in America’s new deforested employment jungle with the multitude of “quick sand scams” present through nearby facilities like Minnesota Workforce Centers, Goodwill Easter Seals Foundations and/or many or any organization of a specific size and criteria, continuously coined behind a single drop-in-center’s (awarding) bus token sham; a farce designed to inflict an introduction to the servitude suggested (indentured).
This is important. Established is a national trend paving a path long to a possible future. Due to resent economic difficulties, many organizations with desirable job openings during hard times, like to try and make as much money as possible with their openings beforehand without having to fill them, by getting as much money up front as possible in the form of grants, funds, loans etc… by creating makeshift training or education programs, in a fashion that can be construed as employment prostitution; pimping a job opening for money. What is different is what is “consumered;” getting paid instructing employee prospects through a makeshift training program that is really a scam, offering only the basic orientation training given anyone if originally considered for the position; hired. When the training is complete, if the position still exists and is available (still hot!), someone might get it, but it really doesn’t matter, because more money has already been made beforehand, without having to go through the trouble of hiring or paying anyone for filling the job opening. This is literally prostituting employment for extra money on the side, which should be illegal. There is a reason the very nature of prostitution is considered illegal. The general laws of covet market commerce apply, the more applicants for a position the fewer or reduced the benefits, due to the (so called) fair market competition involved. To get the position, a prospect is often solicited with “how low can you go,” or he or she will try and often improve their chances by aggressively underbidding competition, to get that open spot; the available employment opening. This creates a situation of substandard income levels for those (families) positioning a nation’s economic future long-term. Suddenly things become not just a matter of time and money spent, but more of a matter of what kind of time are we spending (social costs be it family or other) and exactly how is this money acquired (will it cause inappropriate inflation in other areas of our economy that needs to be dealt with?), comprising the commerce shape of things to come. The actual act of prostitution is more notable for trust violations, not excluding the prior mentioned, however the similarities between the two are striking, like opposite images of a single dark mirror casting an American black-market industry redeveloped, once extinct.
A national value of pimping away something basic for healthy household development should never be shelved with the core values responsible for the workforce integrity needed for a sound firm national economic recovery. Compromised is the very fiber knitting the moral fabric securing our country, transforming a rich field of professionals to that of common ergonomic employment mammals of economy, caged, tethered, ruthlessly restrained by a foreign developed man-size exercise wheel; our new jobs market, where like expendable hamsters we generate for everyone except ourselves, steadily building that nest known as our new American gross national product; the selling of United States debt to foreign countries.
Once again (in the wake of a laid to rest ghost of NAFTA) not only does some other country have what was once our jobs, but this time is digging for us a major economic depression right in the center of our own front yard financially, and retaining the right to pester us with claims of owing them money for doing so afterwards (how annoying!). Who engineered this plan and why? Some things are suppose to improve with time, not our mistakes. It is as if we are contracting for the development of a swimming pool in the middle of our very own front yard (the last place anyone would want a swimming pool), dwarfing the front of our home (no longer accessible or convenient to have as a result), that can no longer be seen (due to the construction) or move away from demographically (due to unanticipated employment demands; lack of potential buyers in a nationally recessed housing market), with the swimming pool design benefiting everyone in the global community except us (due to our resultantly new national jobs market being that of a more debasing nature employment wise), of serving cocktails and hors d'oeuvres poolside to unwanted guests, taking illicit pleasure in our new revealing economic position. An example of a national local fiscal budget global predator compromise, bureaucratically surmised by those who were suppose to look out for us the entire time (how?). Someone must have been paid-off somewhere in some way. The question is who, where and why?
What has just been “consumered” is our economic sinking, offering credence to the term “quick sand scam,” because submerged into that hole once known as our economy, is everything once ours (swallowed), with our workforce just “hamstering” away on our shiny, brand “spanking” new, foreign produced, American treadmill jobs hamster national employment market. This is important, because when a dog, cat or horse gets tired or sick, the owner will compassionately take them to the hospital, or a doctor to get better. Somehow that doesn’t work for hamsters. They just sort of get tossed away, like disposable lighters, after having been pocketed from a public for years.
Proof of the trend is evident with how facilities like Listening House, Mary Hall and The Dorothy Day Center, similarly pocket employment based clients away from the public after parading, in favor of the more subsidies friendly welfare based clientele (to secure funding), sort of like burying a hamster in the backyard or flushing him down the toilet after death. When this becomes an institution protocol for earning money, it suggests a much larger American corporate value out there somewhere, just rummaging about aimlessly, occasionally surfacing in someone’s backyard and foraging away everything worked hard for as a nation.
During World War II, Germany under similar circumstances forced many Jewish professionals by a Nazis war machine wanting better designs for concentration camp incineration chambers, into producing a form of self-perpetuated genocide, behind similar smirks of bosses, who were actually racial oppressors, escalating suicidal tendencies in those involved for what was blindly “accompliced;” a hand in not only one’s own self-destruction, but in the destruction of many others, after the true purpose of the projects (nicknamed ovens) was revealed; an intolerable irony, apathy based on community values not much different from the values present today. This suggests national “fascism; a system of government marked by centralization of authority under local dictatorships, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.”
At Listening House when concerned outside agencies inquire as to how many clients are welfare based and how many are employment based (to access a situation in hopes of coming up with a solution that could solve a national crisis), Listening House can confidently say with an air of confidence behind similar smirks “Everything here is employment based, what exactly are you trying to imply we’re hiding here?”
With a looming national economic crisis hovering about at high altitudes of inflation, like a turkey buzzard poised for national flatulence; not much substance in our nationally produced carnage for any kind of bird of prey, other than a lot of hot air and national debt; a strong enough wind could probably blow that American vulture clear to China, where things could fare far worst for him, due to a perceived nation’s success. Not only has China swallowed whole our entire economy, along with the economy of many other western countries, but will probably do the same to any perceived menace---let alone some debilitated, boney, feathered scavenging fowl, now known as our new American jobs market (a minor pest by comparison). The best and last wristwatch I may ever own was designed, machined and assembled from that country, is built to last a lifetime, never needs a battery, and was sold to me at Wal-Mart in Texarkana for under twenty dollars. When I view the time, she reminds me of the American Dodge Challenger charging down the grammatical highway, with a Hemi Engine humming effortlessly away deep down inside her (responding intimately to necessary shifting patterns exercised); ---transporting my favorite high-end fashion model (to boot!) ---riding shotgun; Julia, (a self-winding beauty gently grinding away for me) with Marvel Comic’s The Invincible Iron Man, flying overhead calling out the “mushers;” highway gypsy slang for highway patrol. The pedal stays to the metal for the medal (Julia). I think it might even be genetic. I’m all for genetics. It’s called having a lead foot, or holding back a heavy load over the accelerator (“concentration, please… focus… must’nt let go, not yet… concentrate---”), especially when writing (or riding). Occasionally she runs a little fast according to activity (all wound up, juiced!), but that just gives her character, considering the visual stimulation provided (stunning).
All this wonderful imagery, artistically resonating from a rather remarkable chronometer; “an exceptionally precise timepiece,” who’s precision isn’t defined by mere measurements of time (learn to savor what you enjoy---boys), but by how well she houses The Ghost in the Shell; (visually choreographed precision) ---nicely ampoule increments of time---reflexive, with visual effects similar to the stage design rock band AC/DC used filming the Iron Man 2 music video (very cool!). She reflects even greater the culture of creative ingenuity that use to define us as a nation (be it back-round: rock-and-roll, hotrod, calendar-girl, movie-star, cowboy, etc… or whatever), now defining another country. The timepiece; nicknamed a Skeleton Watch (synonymous with the type of secrets one keeps), has quite imaginative depth (appetizing), considering all of this. I guess you’ve been introduced to mine (hot!)---“God, I love her… that ability“---personified by a foreign market due to our own country’s apathy commercially exercised toward her (own) citizens. Even if we were to produce merchandise that epitomizes this kind of innovation again (a kind of off-market cool), how much would we (as consumers) be forced to pay for it (rape---intolerable!)? I just can’t (nor care to) be a part of anything like that anymore. It isn’t right, and carries with it long term consequences.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers wrote a piece entitled Sir Psycho Sexy. The protagonist in the work accurately illustrates a new American growing statistic, due to a falling economy; long-term homeless no longer home oriented (feral) ---lost. Reflected is an adaptive trait unique to homo-sapiens, which makes humans far more interesting to study, rather than primates or any living organism, considering the ruthlessness involved. YouTube has a video account entitled Peppisoft. The image of beauty has been redefined; made feral (lost), rediscovered with Mya Diamond’s appearance---illustrated by a subsequent quote submitted four months ago as of March 4, 2011, “Mya - looks like the perfect combination of every race of mankind!” Reflecting again, this “adaptive trait unique to homo-sapiens, which makes humans far more interesting to study, rather than primates or any living organism, considering the ruthlessness involved.” Created through Mya is the perfect target for primal jealousies; racial harassment, sexual harassment, back-round harassment etc… (no two members of the ethnic group are exactly alike, suggesting an inability for appropriate representation, creating vulnerability to the new age of slavery). Due to apathy, these individuals are examples of the post-circumstantially-raped; the pleasure in targeting them overrides any desire to address problems, even when the targeting is conducted amongst families, friends and loved ones. Coveted slavery creates this post-circumstantial mentality; the culprit behind our economy today, running wild.
On September 11, 2007, a homeless gentleman out of work again---capable of welding pipe---wants to certify on thicker gauge materials. Basically, this means practicing pipe welding skills on heavier materials, so he can qualify for work available. He goes to the Saint Paul Technical Collage near downtown Saint Paul and requests lab time for doing this. He is told in order to do any of this, he must past their entrance examination, and have acceptance into their pipe welding program. He goes through all the qualifications and finds the institution jacks the reading comprehension score for pipe welding (unusually high) to the ninety-three percentile or better for acceptance. He just misses by a few points. He asks “How many people comprehend ninety-three percent or better of everything they read… and what exactly does that have to do with pipe welding? Do you guys know, that I can already weld pipe? I’d just like to practice larger welds for certification.” Anticipating when he retakes the test he has to make sure he answers ninety-three percent of the questions correctly, he retakes the test. He finds he scores even lower. It wasn’t that he didn’t comprehend ninety-three percent or better of the test questions given. He wasn’t answering ninety-three percent or better of the test questions offered, because the test is timed and of an undetermined length. What he needed wasn’t a class to improve his reading comprehension, but appropriate sleep before taking the test, which is impossible considering the situation he is in. What we have is a test culturally biased, designed to keep certain capable individuals out of a particular field, for a more preferred crowd. Very few people pass the test, and the ones that did were often able to do so through extra points awarded, based on criteria not consistently established (funding scam?). All the appropriate channels where notified of the problem, with many so enticed by the ruthlessness, that everything was secretly litigated away, leaving the victim (ethnically underrepresented due to his cultural diversity) circumstantially raped, like our economy. This is because this particular college makes more money selling degrees, rather than marketing public talent, placing our economy in the position it is at now; subcontracted!
This individual isn’t amongst the homeless, but amongst the post-circumstantially-raped, because of an extreme minority status acquired (without knowing it). Because he is not a member of a clearly defined ethnic group, he is constantly taken advantage of. There is safety in numbers (which he isn’t), because he is not---among numbers. This level of oppression runs even deeper into the actual families making up said individual. As an infant when sexually molested, because of these factors (the overlooked vulnerability), justice was never met; just secretly litigated away. The idea is, if the mother is of a different ethnic group from the father, who are both of a different ethnic group from said individual, what harm gets done, and who exactly cares? The better half of our society deemed it interesting removing amnesia blocks from a child (as a man); just to see what else was there (entertainment?). The irreversible collateral damage created one more living death (social cannibalization---his). The subsequent material produced, prevented at least one suicide; a significant-other in a country that has a high suicide rate amongst women (sacrifice). Did the ends justify the means (appropriation)? Depends, what does it mean to be a man? This is called post-circumstantial-rape Mr. Niccolo Machiavelli. The Buddhists call it karma. You can imagine, after the parents’ divorce what happens to the college funds (post-circumstantially-raped). Of course this mistreatment isn’t limited to any ethnic group. It is reserved to anyone who falls to this level of existence. What happens if staff at a homeless shelter decides to do research papers on the clients for school? If a client refuses, will they lose favor with the facility? Considering the clients are in survival mode, do they really have the ability to tell the staff “no-thanks” (post-circumstantial-rape!)? This is the form of political pornography contagiously growing, threatening our economy, that isn’t sitting wrapped seductively around my wrist.
On my wrist (routinely cradled daily, lovingly) is an example of a type of civil public plutonic love (once American manufactured) ---good tasting appealing but, foreign---commemorated by a watch produced by another country, other than our own (China)… nicely attached (twenty-four-seven), letting me gently know daily “she’s not after my money, but after my heart… and as far as a consumer she’s got mine (just steadily winding away for me---nonstop!) ---batteries not needed---, just provide the motion and she goes continuously… pleasingly (devotion), while sliding discretely through my pockets, pants or coat etc... subtly, guiding my hand throughout the duration of a day; a Cult’s Love Removal Machine (for there are no others or a need for them). For heaven’s sake, why couldn’t she at least be American to alleviate any guilt that may ensue? Maybe… the diversity helps intensify experiences? I don’t know, however I’m sure finding out. I don’t even need to take it off when I’m in the pool or showers (convenient). She just stays on my wrist (comfortable) like it was her only home. I really try and keep my heart local (really---‘I do’), but this time this one indefinitely has mine. All of this epitomizing a culture lost; rediscovered, whenever I reach for the time, origination from another country, other than the one renowned for this (ours!), known for its cultural diversity---not sitting on my wrist. I also think the Baoding Balls I bought in Corning New York at half that price, are the coolest thing as a sleep aid during many nights of economic insomnia, since The Chrysler Corporation has been putting The Hemi Engine inside her American Muscle Machine dream cars. You can’t get any more American than that, fair market competition; “build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your doorway.” It use to define us as a nation, now defining another country, at the cost of our very own freedom; indentured, walking barefoot on those now ruined paths of shut doorways, lining the once broad shoulders of our new American road of commerce.
At Listening House, Mary Hall and The Dorothy Day Center (due to the national economic crisis), separate facilities should be set up to appropriately address matters. To at least give employment a chance over welfare; economic recovery over economic recession, allowing for better global competition. Since there aren’t, everything is hidden---along with our national economic global potential. It should be obvious, welfare and employment politics don’t mix, which is exactly what these facilities are hiding, out of concerns for a preferred public; better situating institution for funds for survival of both American establishment and client, in our new American jobs market of begging. This mentality only adds to our national crisis, by perpetuating indentured servitude and spurring recessionary symptoms, to the point of redeveloping a national slave market fit for global consumption.
The problem is, extreme value shifts from welfare; depleted funds, back to employment; work during national poverty, gives rise to Nazi concentration death camp like mentalities; “Do more with less,” especially if it means trimming off unwanted national census fat (motive behind Germany’s Nazi War machine switching from incineration chambers; ovens, to gas chambers---more efficient killing method), with our all American jobs hamster “ole Furry Franky” (momentarily between jobs typing this account), worried whether it is going to be the economic toilet or the population control oven for him (and many others), after years of indentured servitude either participated in or witnessed, pocketed away from a public.
The place he is caged, due to community segregated “Habitrail” circumstances, spurred on by a new national poverty level (The Dorothy Day Center, Listening House and Mary Hall), functions as a public funded non-for-profit community African-American political guerilla militancy welfare post, with ties throughout many facilities and communities nationally. This isn’t too different from a concentration death camp or plantation in design---if one were to think about it. Format wise they are pretty much the same. Time and pressure is all that is needed to develop that questionable valued chunk of coal, into that recluse “illicit diamond” standard suggested.
With the present pressures, it is just a matter of time, which shouldn’t take long considering the community politics incorporated around welfare, slavery and our economy, as witnessed in the past with other countries like Germany. Are we talking about the formation of a possible new national commodity, establishing the new worth of our American currency; the dollar? The “Mya Diamond’s” national standard of impropriety (wow!). Considering the present scheme of things, what exactly would be my treadmill riding position of employment; enjoyment while “hamstering” away down that road; “the work to which one is engaged, the activity to which one devotes time,” the matrimonial like contract, establishing the standard or condition for this new relationship, yielding the global value of our currency?
Would it be like a corporal cowboy, penal, erect; straddling the asset all day, driving, riding, long, hard, hot hours of well directed work, strenuously exercised---performed sweat drenched---behind continuously secreted, throbbing, swollen, raw, physical assertions, exerted ritualistically, ceremoniously, with only the apparent conjugal gratuity as a form of pay, or more like the position of a tethered gimp; bridled, restrained, contained, coated with perspiration flavored skin, thin, ridden, mounted, soar, tender, soaking-muscle-sensitive, tired, worn to the touch, with much just corded and trimmed away; laminated with a slight body scent (faint breathed) to hint, to that which was tasted, ravenously, voraciously, rapaciously, transpired now on array, or more like something depicted behind the scenes of some hidden photo shoot, displayed maliciously on the internet, designed to be intentionally provoking; invoking feelings of suicide in the victim tormented by its circulation, as in another case of a “cyber bullying” parade?
Think about it, what kind of work exactly are we talking about here? Am I going to enjoy it? Will others enjoy me while I’m performing it, or are we just talking about another scenario of exploitation, with people pitted doggy-style against each other---to no real avail? The present national employment crisis and the cyber bullying mentioned, both yield a similar sense of a new found American vulnerability; both have a global aspect as far as a release (with one far more social economic than the other) with both felt just as hard deep down low at home.
On September 29, 2010, Danielle Weiner-Bronner of The Huffington Post published a story entitled; Rutgers Student believed To Have Committed Suicide After Classmates Allegedly Recorded Him In Day Sexual Encounter. The incident sparked such “needed” concern for a public, instantly developed was The Cyber Bullying Research Center. Mya Diamond’s Julia Koroknai, referred to prior with the satire designed to poke fun at the various ways a country may establish currency value (being the professional adult film actress she is), wouldn’t possibly have any objections to the development of a center like this. An objection would create a fundamental conflict of interest damaging a consumer market concerned with the appropriate use of the adult film medium; you lose sales if you hurt or offend your consumer group.
How is the present state of the economy as of 2010 any different? Basically, it appears as another major case of internet bullying; interconnected global, only more local American corporate, where instead of circulating inappropriately a video alluding to the nature of an industry through the use of the internet medium, what has been inappropriately circulated---through the use of the internet medium---are the industries consisting of the jobs establishing a nation’s economy; no longer, alluding to a comparatively far more darker industry with condolences offered of only shackles to an up and coming national black-market of American indentured servitude/slavery.
Why isn’t something more aggressively done about this? I don’t think Mya Diamond’s Julia Koroknai (being the professional she is) would object. Where, once again would be “the conflict of interest?” After all, wouldn’t this be the first positive movement in reestablishing vital industries lost; rediscovered, once again reestablishing an economy yielding an appropriate standard of living for everyone (especially for those mentioned), rather than one more inappropriate death? If Ms. Koroknai says it is okay (which I’m sure she would), then that’s good enough for me. What more does it take? Considering the expression of “all great minds think alike,” does it “always” really only take “brief” moments when great minds “possibly” may have the “remote” opportunity to “meet” over matters like this, to just so happen to “vicariously” think alike to “actually” achieve “anything” anymore in this “great country” of ours known as “America” in this day and age? Am I alone on this? I wonder what Julia thinks? Do you think she’s married?
In order for slavery to exist, the labor has to be subsidized to be affordable. Not all funded clients are considered exportable labor. Some are localized in the form of a human community garden for appearance sake; funding cow oriented, beneficial to the lap of the community funded luxury life of the favored cow, and his or her beloved plantation. Here is where the racial politics don’t evolve just around one’s ancestors having been slaves, but more significantly around the politics of maintaining a preferred community slave status for better welfare preference. It is well understood and accepted within these social circles, that if a particular group is no longer wanted for slavery, they will lose their preferred funding cow status (and literally starve), which is what the African-American community fight hard to prevent happening to themselves at these facilities; exclusive welfare rights they do not want to lose needed for survival, because the open indentured servitude market outside the wall of the institution no longer wants them.
This is due to an ingrained practice of social dependence, evident by the groups perpetuation of a culture, initially designed to be racially oppressive; no longer, more firmly incorporated (accepted and worshipped) distinctly for survival, by protecting a silk thin tie, although not admitted to; secretly coveted, to an industry that use to sustain them for labor, now evolved more in the form of fund rustling, implemented for welfare politics supremacy (during national economic difficulties), suggesting a rise in poverty (which this group is not foreign to). It is literally the practice of slaves reengineering the art of slavery in effort to remain on the plantation.
This is what happens when any group of people that has bred and raised itself for years of servitude is no longer wanted for the servitude. The political guerilla militant welfare politics that survives the rejection, extensively funds and launches many underground racial hate base operations, directed toward targeting other groups and organizations for self-interest. From politically constructed corporate aircraft carriers of seething staged hatred, set into motion are numerous efforts to mirror employment; the mask needed for welfare integrity, and at the same time compromise employment; the single act that guarantees welfare, in effort to maintain a preferred “welfared” status.
Our jobs hamster’s last job was flanked by two African-Americans fitting this description. The desire wasn’t to necessarily hurt, but to help our rodent of undue retribution, maybe recruit him to the cause, while at the same time secure more indenture for servitude; awarded welfare benefits for survival back home when returning, by once again mirroring the image of work (this time the jobs hamster’s) and reserving the right to turn around and compromise the employment that helped sustain him and many communities.
This employer unethically like many was specifically looking for indentured servants/slaves, because of a need to hide parts of an operation from authorities, during economically recessed times. When the work was terminated, because the authorities were tipped off about what was going on, all three of The Dorothy Day Center’s mobile elite returned, with the funding cows wanting to cannibalize the employer, and the jobs hamster disappointed, trying to avoid soliciting complications, drawing up plans to get to his next job, hoping it too will not be some kind of scam or compromised in a similar fashion; a practiced form of corporate vegetarianism. Hamster’s don’t’ eat meat. There is a reason for this. Corporate “vegetarianism” is more marketable this day and age rather than “cannibalization,” especially when there is a need to revive an economy.
The problem is these individuals, especially within the local community, referred here comically as animals of pets or livestock, are viewed as subhuman among the American public; not entitled to human rights, as if intentionally “plantationed” for the purpose of exploitation at shelters, “Since non-human animals were (and to a large extent still are) considered to be “lesser beings," therefore considered as human property by right" according to Kenneth Cassar’s March 20th 2008 Animal Rights Malta’s Blog. Include the underground African-American political guerilla militant politics prevalent and a greater problem surfaces; a culturally perpetuated third world social symbiosis forms; groups of people of a savage or primitive nature that sociably feed off a modern sophisticated larger society by providing a service (sometimes secretly coveted) benefiting both (similar to bootlegging), which in this case would be the pilfering of welfare benefits partially funding activities the community likes to engage in or covet.
When speaking on a genuine level with many African-Americans at these facilities making up not just clients, but also the staff and volunteers (rare due to the deeply elusive nature ingrained behind the politics), 85% of everything expressed and suggested by the members of this particular community was of a racist nature that takes place below the waist, which the institutions make money sustaining. 75% of this 85% involved illegal drug politics. In conclusion to the 75% factor, we can conclude that when drunk or high African-American's get racist and horny just like any other ethnic group, however prefer this if it can be afforded to them, due to a history of once having been slaves, rather than working for it, suggesting a reevaluation of the subhuman theory as related to the African-American guerilla militant politics played behind welfare, non-for-profit politics and the 13th Amendment.
Stray animals will wonder streets looking for masters to own them. The 13th Amendment suggests this is an illegal concept to apply to humans. This doesn’t seem to be the case into the year 2000 at many shelters and drop-in-centers. The question is would the average African-American at the Dorothy Day Center, Mary Hall and Listening House or other establishments, secretly sell themselves into slavery to these institutions to maintain the 75% and/or 85% suggested, and also protect these institutions for this with these institutions reciprocating? The answer is yes! Look for the indicated indentures; the supplemental programs; welfare outlining the servitude, the multitude of well supplemented welfare benefits affording this 75% and/or 85%. To substantiate the theory, would the other ethnic groups prefer work over institution provided 75% or 85%? The answer is yes; because of the feeling home privacy better provides this 75% or 85%, if oriented that way. Most African-Americans are under the impression they would not have similar privacy, due to a racially oppressive community housing market that would more than likely be subsidized, indicating the best option for the 75% and/or 85% suggested (if oriented that way), is through the shelters and drop-in-centers developed for this by a community. If offered a choice, why would anyone at these institutions want to associate with this culture, unless similarly 75% or 85% oriented? Furthermore, because of established values associated with the prevalent political guerilla militant attitude at these establishments, those that are housed and/or employed come to these establishments under efforts of stealth either directly or indirectly (staff included) to maintain this 75% or 85% (what kind of person goes to a homeless shelter to pick-up women---in particular, “white-woman?”) ---does the term “facebook” mean anything to anyone. What is surprising, is when Caucasian women at a state of destitution start to show up at shelters, how the male population at these facilities starts to swell, especially amongst the African-Americans, along with the availability legal and illegal drugs. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. The group with the longest history of slavery to date in America and most prone to slave politics is Caucasian women. What is evident, is a high degree of predation exercised publicly, still perpetuating a market today.
The argument justifying the mentality at these facilities is this is due to the superior sexual virility of the African-American male and others like him, which has to be medicated and/or sustained. The counterargument is this is due to the immaturity of these African-Americans at these facilities and the others like them, because responsible adults appropriate home and employment first and develop guilt complexes otherwise. The third argument is this lends integrity to the community subhuman theory; stray or abandoned pets will look for masters to take care of them, and often end up at humane societies looking to be adopted. The African-Americans at these facilities that claim them as home or as second homes frequent them because of the other ethnic groups and genders present, which helps solicit a feeling of importance, comfort, security and convenience, especially having someone to exploit other than themselves, which isn’t offered at home housed alone or employed, especially with facilities specifically favoring African-Americans, because of the abolitionist politics originating after 1865 with the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, so well woven into present welfare politics.
What this does is make life very difficult for the jobs hamster. The political mouse play generated by this guerilla militancy reciprocates inappropriate community cat play in the form of reprisals everywhere. All that is needed is a catalyst, a need for vindication, an incident of questionable notoriety, something suggesting offence, a trumpet call to arms; a Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty’s failed attempt to cut welfare based General Assistances and Medical Care for single adults with no disabilities. Frightening was his comfort behind the attempt. More frightening was the panic that escalated out of concern for other state funded assistance programs. Amazing was his consideration for President of The United States of America. Is someone trying to say something here? What is really being expressed nationally?
Created were some very heated political polar conditions that would hit the middle class and poor the hardest making up America’s working class. As the economy gets worst they face the destitution that establishes the funding herds. The G.A.M.C is the primary welfare that sustains them next to unemployment. His failed effort not only solicited a political stampede trampling him, but ignited a social subatomic reaction as community cat play reprisals surfaced (like a shockwave), where the E.M.P; electromagnetic pulse of (negative political) guerilla militant polarity; G.M.P, was greatly felt and still experienced today.
With large organizations like the governor’s office supporters and the numerous antithetical welfare activist groups in Minnesota, there is safety in numbers when this kind of social conflict kicks-off. Large group affiliation provides a bunker shielding members. It is the small groups that get compromised. Jobs hamsters aren’t interested in welfare, unemployment or budget cuts. They are quite literally the fit in your hand minority, who work no matter what, especially when between jobs.
What happens is supporters of the governor’s office employed throughout various civic offices (public and private) bloody nosed apprehensive---wanting to know exactly the description of what the people involved in the last political conflict looked like, who they were or where they are in effort to politically disable them through disenfranchisement or intimidation to avoid future conflict---start hunting. The search generally starts in a specific area according to demographics, but not always. The problem is this could be anyone anywhere according to “proximity,” because of housing conditions unavoidable during a poor economy. As one faction hunts for members of the opposite faction, so does the opposite faction, like enemy submarines launched to sea on covert operations at night during a time of war.
Created is a second wave political civil cold war operating underneath the E.M.P aftermath of a major incident. It isn’t uncommon for someone on a bicycle to become suspect as a member or supporter of an opposing faction due to perceived relationship anywhere, like when riding past the governor’s office when taking care of matters for work. In retrospect it isn’t uncommon for the same person on his bike when riding by the governor’s office for example, to be considered (by the governor’s office) a community criminal associated with the liberal welfare activist groups, because of the side of town the bicyclist originated from when taking care of matters associated with work, keeping in mind the liberal welfare activists in the area, who also advocate for the rights of convicted felons, who also associate with all the local community criminals in proximity think of the same person on the bike as some kind of law enforcement officer; informant or “narc,” because of the perceived fishy activities between the governor’s office and general locations in questioned, while all the police officers throughout the area think of the guy as some kind of criminal civil rights activist, because of his proximity to the minority activist groups associated with convicted felons and liberal welfare activists, who happen to advocate against police brutality at some of the facilities, who happen to think of the individual as some kind of race hate group member, because of his false association with some of the police involved on duty at the facilities, especially with a few officers shaving their heads bald in effort to maintain a youthful appearance when dealing with the public, while all the race hate groups in retrospect, antithetically think of the guy as a minority rights supporter, because of his false association with the welfare activist group members, with the minority rights supporter activists antithetically thinking of him as some kind of member of a gay hate group, because of his perceived recluse political behavior exercised toward all the activist groups in general, with the gay hate groups in retrospect; antithetically associating this gentlemen as some kind of gender rights group supporter for the same reason, while the feminist rights groups, because of their antithetical association in retrospect to all men in general, think of him as some kind of misogynist, taking place during a time when this person totally oblivious to the entire local political landscape; our jobs hamster; our new American working class hero, unaware of what is going on around him; "not bunkered" from all this political E.M.P or G.M.P, due to his extreme unknown political minority status radiating from behind deep dark government curtains, has to call the Veteran’s Administration to schedule a mandatory hearing test, finding the woman who is suppose to receive his call can’t seem to get past her voice mail box and neither can he.
Under these circumstances it is quite possible for someone “not bunkered” to spend all day accomplishing absolutely nothing, while everyone “bunkered” through group affiliation of any kind, just breezes by. What has just happened, is all this negative E.M.P generated around a single issue that doesn’t involve our jobs hamster, has just taken away his nest of earned veteran benefits acquired from years of service protecting the constitutional rights of everyone (including these factions), as if our jobs hamster somehow ran himself over with his own M1 Abrams Army Tank back in Germany years ago, without knowing it.
To further illustrate the full depth this E.M.P negativity can take, how it can spread and the full length of its residual effects, when our jobs hamster had to take on a two week unpaid training period for employment, that could stretch on to three or four weeks depending on when a federal test was available at the Rochester Minnesota Driver’s License Facility, on top of two more weeks of unpaid employment based training; the possibility of starvation became a reality. Considering this, it would make sense to apply for a food stamp card or something beforehand, like many of the other job candidates did going through the same training. He would look like a complete idiot if he didn’t. No one employs idiots, so what choice does he have?
On the day he went to the county welfare office---after calling to request an appointment weeks prior and getting it---an African-American female staff member from Listening House showed up at the office on the same day, and hung around enough for the opportunity to egregiously announce his first name and last name throughout the office for everyone to hear. The jobs hamster didn’t think anything of it. He politely and civilly saw her first, quietly acknowledged her with a calm hello (just to be pleasant), and in retrospect found her behavior to be odd, as if she had suddenly lost her hearing and ability for pronunciation, making it necessary to over compensate broadcasting his full name in the fashion she did; over accentuating the last vow of the last name to imply ethnicity. This was designed to humiliate him. He couldn’t realize this (at the time), because he doesn’t think on this level and second of all, he thought out all available options ahead of time, and felt no other choice existed other than look foolish, which is what she was trying to do to him, which maybe she succeeded through the eyes of others, but not through his.
This type of pettiness exercised illustrates why the state community and maybe even the national community is and maybe should be so terrified of the African-American guerilla militancy machine prevalent at so many institutions like this or in general. It can take on many forms through extreme efforts unknown. It has proven to be quite expansive with absolutely no limits. This is because its membership isn’t limited to just African-Americans; many groups seem to take on the cause, where being bad is good in effort to appear cool, hip, or trendy according to the cutting edge American culture perpetuated by it (try plantationed!).
No other race based hate group has ever been able to achieve this degree of cultural infiltration. This African-American guerilla militancy machine in our country is an American creation evolved from our own underground abolitionist movement for racial freedom back in 1865. It has proven to be an immensely destructive force to be reckoned with as a result. Its true power doesn’t exist in its terrorism, but more in the multitude of misdirected political constituency groups enamored with the false image of what it means to be objectively liberal, or African-American for that matter.
True objectivity allows African-American’s or any political constituency group (racial or otherwise) the moderation to apply an appropriate hypothesis to solve a critical problem, rather than perpetuate a political situation denying this. The entire movement seems more a curtain to closet a truth at the expense of the reputation of the very country and constitution that awarded it this freedom beyond belief globally, defining really what was meant behind being an American; “Land of the Free,” not land of the economically, racially and politically free falling; abolitionist politics as acquainted with welfare politics. We’re not talking about “forty acres and a mule” anymore, which according to Wikipedia the free online encyclopedia was “the practice in 1865 of providing arable land to Black former slaves.”
Unknown to the public, our abolitionist African-American guerilla militancy machine of patriotic freedom has transformed itself into a contagious social virus voiding out public objectivity, most of all within our civil legislative bodies and civil justice administrations making up our communities. Merit isn’t obtained with an applied double standard like this, the destruction of healthy American values are. This is the air of impropriety that has been housed in our national coverts of morality for so long, the very core patriotic values of bread and butter along with mom’s apple pie have long gone stale, with not only our law enforcement agencies and governing channels intentionally oblivious to today’s multitude of problems incubated by this force of once good gone bad, but due to political correctness, racial blindness or guilt are legally blind to it, by protecting its inappropriate activities as a form of self-expression legally framed in our bill of rights. There is absolutely nothing noble or American protected here. What we are seeing is an inappropriate license for racial harassment---that can be---directed toward anyone, anywhere, at anytime.
To illustrate exactly what has spawned since 1865, in 1978 Heavy Weight African-American Boxing Champion Muhammad Ali appeared in a DC comic entitled; Muhammad Ali vs. Superman, with many all American kids across our country locked away into this safe and secure comic book world designed for them, developing in an adult accepted adolescent cocoon of American core culture fiction, surprised to find this respected sports figure featured inside their own issue of DC Comics, beating up Superman really badly publicly on a loosely applied alien invasion theme.
Here is a full grown respected African-American public figure, menacingly invading a realm sacred to neighborhood children, based on personal racist values; on the pretence of himself being the real superman (the black superman), which didn’t look favorable for the Muslim Church this individual was associated with at the time, and not setting him or them to far apart mentality wise from the terrorist who leveled our World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
In retrospect, DC Comics should come up with a specific episode featuring the composer of this report---a real American hero considering the risk typing this “Truth Justice and the American Way” piece of literature---based on a freedom protected by our First Amendment, beating up really badly Heavy Weight African-American Boxing Champion Muhammad Ali in a similar fashion, only not on some loosely applied alien invasion theme, but more like a real civil rights (full grown mature) American male, trying to make a living the right way “wearing pants,” rather than like some adolescent adult kid childishly parading in a menacing fashion in front of the American public, in a juvenile minority tyrant like manner; immature beyond the point of wearing shorts and sneakers, or even a shirt for that matter.
Only someone with their head on an alien planet would think of appearing in a comic book beating up a fictitious comic image---designed for a specific American purpose---like Superman on such a loosely applied theme. Where does he think his ancestors came from? Doesn’t he know who Superman is? Does he understand Superman isn’t real? Doesn’t he understand what Superman really represents? Who exactly does he think made up the populations of Americans throughout history establishing our very own culture? No, not people wearing red bed sheets around their necks with red underwear worn outside of blue pants tucked inside workman like red space boots in an almost Bootsy Collins gimp like fashion (minus the sunglasses and hat), which happens to be protected under the same amendment, but aliens have---establishing our culturally rich past behind our country.
He needs to understand that this (fantasy) realm under “The First Amendment; guaranteeing the right of free expression” and “The Fourth Amendment; the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects” is sacred, protected just for children and adults alike, especially for parents concerned for their children and what takes place---with their children---inside these realms of Superman, Bozo the Clown, Porky Pig, Bugs Bunny, Popeye etc… He also needs to understand as far as the basic premise of Superman (or more importantly the idea of him being an alien) is that not only are these ideas protected under The First and Fourth Amendment of The United States Constitution, but aliens (regardless of how they dress) have made the populations of Americans throughout history, establishing our very own rich past, from every ethnic group dreamt possible, from every demographic location dreamed imaginable, which is really what is meant behind the idea of being an American. The only people native to the United States or North America for that matter, are the Native American Indians---and even their ancestors are alleged to have come somewhere else---rumored to have walked across a preexisting land bridge connecting North America with Asia traveled by cultures formerly nomadic, explaining the genetic similarities between American Indians and Asians, suggesting culture that came alien, establishing us as the true Americans we are behind hard driven efforts exercised everywhere.
Some theorize that our evolution into the sophisticated human beings we are now, started after contact with aliens from another planet long ago during our evolutionary process, explaining the amazing intellectual accomplishments we have been able to achieved more so than any other species or organism on the planet. What was Mr. Muhammad Ali’s Cassius Clay trying to say here, other than maybe a few blows to the head to many can affect better judgment concerning ego (“Keep out of contact sports kids and stay in school!”)? All this politically risked for some racial get even plot to intimidate and/or racially terrorize school children. You can’t get any lower then this. In comparison, think about what this particular African-American staff member from Listening House was doing to this homeless client struggling with the economy.
This staff member, due to African-American racial alliances with other clients and community (although not affiliated with a Muslim Church) ---unknown to our subject---spied on him, stalked him and launched a very petty premeditated surprise attack right in the middle of a public office (filled with people to witness) with this gentleman; our jobs hamster, completely unaware of what completely took place and why.
Image the depth and complexity of what took place. How can this not raise issue over the competency of an African-American public and supporters everywhere, especially when it comes down to employment and country? Are they objective and mature enough to meet the requirements? Will they create more hidden political bases for racial hatred directed toward a public? How can this not raise doubt over institutions that specifically cater to them? The irony is, this behavior ends up selling everyone (especially those who participate in it) right back to the slavery claimed to be avoided, more prevalent and evolved to today’s standards. It also suggests, “voluntarily” not “involuntarily.”
An example of this at The Dorothy Day Center took place January 17, 2011 on the day everyone in America acknowledges the passing of The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. According to “The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., Ph.D. (January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968) was a Nobel Laureate, Baptist minister, and African American civil rights activists. He is one of the most significant leaders in U.S. history and in the modern history of nonviolence, and is considered a hero, peacemaker and martyr by many people around the world. A decade and a half after his 1968 assassination, the Martin Luther King Day, a U.S. holiday, was established in his honor.” The Kare Eleven News weather forecast for this day was a low of 5 degrees in the morning with a high of 27 degrees later, accompanied with wind-chill factors of -10 to -15 degrees below zero. The Saint Paul Minnesota skywalk was partially closed, because of a lack of available power due to Light Rail construction. During these early mornings The Dorothy Day Center has a very specific policy of not putting clients outside into the elements. This is because a high percentage of The Dorothy Day Center’s clients are African-American and predominantly welfare based. On the morning of this national civil rights holiday, the African-American staff with support from the volunteers, instead of allowing the clients to stay indoors due to the weather, forced them to leave the facility, thus outside into the cold of that very brisk “Saint Paul Minnesota civil rights morning of January 17, 2011” between the hours of 6:30 am to 9:00 am. The clients because of the holiday had nowhere else to go. The African-American staff on days and evenings is fully aware of the policy however intentionally reinterpret guidelines to suite personal purpose. They state “The only time we have to let you guys stay in… is when the temperature is below zero,” excluding wind-chill factors etc... Every year during the public Dorothy Day Center Community Meetings of the summer this matter comes up, the center eventually acknowledges an oversight was made, yet the problem repeats itself over and over again during some of the coldest days of the year, and almost always with the African-American staff and volunteers of the center.
What this suggests, is an American cultural practice---within a particular group of our society---of “civil rights pertaining only to the rights of African-Americans; in particular only to the rights of African-Americans not forced into slavery;” a form of a Jim Crow like Affirmative Action Programming, confirming the absence of an appropriately applied bill of rights. This pathology illustrates how the racism that forced African-Americans into slavery historically and still today, is and was not incubated from any other ethnic group, culture, society or country other than the “ethnic groups, cultures, societies or countries” making up African-Americans racially today; historically referred to as Blacks. If one were to think about this it makes sense, considering the relationship between global economies, third world countries and modern industrialized societies. The concept of a Caucasian Superman wearing an “S” on his chest with red underwear worn outside blue pants tucked inside red workman like space boots with a red bed sheet worn around the neck, sailing a boat propelled by the wind across oceans and seas of foreign lands just to fight alligators, crocodiles, snakes, lions, tigers, bears, sharks, mosquitoes etc… through heat infested jungles, scorching hot deserts, ice freezing mountains, during hurricanes, tropical storms, tsunamis, landslides, mudslides, avalanches etc… just to grab another man by the toe while sleeping in the bush for the sake of global slavery doesn’t make sense, considering the global economics model applied. In a global economy any third world country; a nation that has no gross national product to establish currency value, is forced into selling citizens into slavery to maintain a national currency standard. “Africa-America” has a specific history of marketing racial guilt and racial anger for self-profit hiding this, thus compromising not only an economy by covering up the generational negative side effects of a poorly applied global economics model; slavery shouldn’t be a commodity for anything, but resurging again an extinct industry secretly sustained and coveted by them, now directed toward other groups (a beast among villagers so to speak), incubated by racial selfishness, generating a monster impervious to everything The United States Constitution Bill of Rights has thrown at it to date.
Interesting are the many cases of racism involving women as perpetuators either directly and/or indirectly, unaware to a public. This suggests some of the most horrible atrocities committed on the planet based on hate don’t evolve from the inappropriate action of men, but more significantly from the inappropriate action of women. This means, because of our country’s inability to end racism today; illustrated by America’s tendency to perpetuated discrimination to higher and/or different levels unnoticed and unaddressed, maybe the problem should be reevaluated as one not due to male aggression; testosterone, but more appropriately---as one due---to female territoriality; estrogen, a desire for security when nesting conducted through men, by the feminine insecurities of women; (ergo) not a male need for superiority due to masculine insecurities. This realization would be the first significant measure to putting an end to a problem that has plagued society for centuries. Hatred cannot escalate unless afforded opportunity to propagate. It cannot do this alone, so why limit it to one gender, if so why not to the appropriate gender? Who bears the fruit of any culture; women.
Shelter life is exceptionally hard on women. As clean and (as) orderly facilities (may) appear, there is absolutely nothing clean and orderly about them. Shelter environments are dirty, crusty and old, indicated by the condition of underwear clients are forced to wear (daily), regardless of outward appearances. If a shelter were in the position where it could offer clean underwear to clients on a daily bases, nothing would change environmentally, because appropriate means to change; disrobing, doesn’t always exist, especially as shelter populations grow. Disrobing (if opportunity is provided) often leads to more serious complications with shelter life. As a result, anything female entering the facility for the very first time by comparison is viewed as fresh and attractive, especially with a male population relatively isolated and lonely, where the female is lavished with extreme attention from client, staff and volunteer, fitting for that as a Queen amongst Trolls. The female entering the facilities at this point goes through an instant transformation, from comparatively fresh and new as a human being, to that of a highly valued commodity depreciating rapidly. Once the transformation takes place---100% depreciation; Trolled---, the feminist ideology that survives the ordeal creates something that can be regarded as a gender brute. A “gender brute” at a shelter is quite literally any female be it staff, client or volunteer, who has a tendency to brute or brood during certain times (even secretly; knowingly or unknowingly), because of this self-image transformation that has taken place inside them; effecting terribly, self-esteem and/or self-image. These females will have a tendency to (or a history of) gravitating back to these facilities either as clients, volunteers or staff in effort to reaffirm identity lost as Troll Queens, and will often engage in hidden racial, sexual and back-round harassment, in effort to reaffirm Troll Royalty status. This suggests, when dealing with cases of discrimination; environment, history and gender play a greater role than originally anticipated, and points more significantly to the role women play rather than men. This Troll Queen phenomenal isn’t limited demographically. It is seen in other environments too: entertainment industries, public service industries and/or any field highly civil, civic or public by nature. The pathology defines well the feminine tendency for control, the male or institution tendency to accommodate (due to chivalry), thus creating a blind for a horrible social problem; a negative civil weapon; a social troll virus (so-to-speak) unknown to many, incubating an inappropriate future. Think of the children born under these conditions bearing our future. Illustrated is a social disease relatively unfound (underlying difficulties global) in need of appropriate solution; a cure, suggesting waking up as a public when handling certain matters of conflict, especially as present economic conditions escalate. Until then it is a matter of avoiding nodding off into sleep inspired by dreams of tranquility, behind eyes that haven’t been awakened yet.
With Jamey Johnson’s In color resonating a background of another early ancestral morning chill (Saint Paul’s family morning frost), as a pioneer (The Wrecker’s Leave the Pieces) of resourcefulness (Heart’s Magic Man), our victimized rodent of undue retribution (Ben Folds Five’s Selfless, Cold and, Composed) makes do with what few resources are left available to him, personifying the resourcefulness of an Allen Jackson’s Countryboy… with his non-for-profit, (Sibley Bike Depot) volunteer hours worked, owner designed (Rush Red Barchetta), custom-built, personally maintained, all American bicycle; a special unique intimate rider relationship of a manual labor epiphany (a Jamiroquai’s Virtual Insanity) awe inspiring… inspired behind the Marvel Comix writer-editor Stan Lee’s (fictitious character) Tony Stark and his R.T.I Lab produced Invincible Iron Man suit of armor… turbo boosted by the high voltage rock and roll of AC/DC for ambiance (for appropriate pressurization) Girl’s Got Rhythm, a touch of Pearl Jam for great altitude (for high-level flight capabilities) Given to Fly, followed with a twist of Black Crowes for accurate direction (navigating systems complete) 99lbs; She Talks To Angels, with enough Tool for work---to get the job done--- (of course!) Vicarious… with interludes from Sheryl Crow for those quality assuring unionized breaks, The Difficult Kind with a Riverwide; gushing, (nothing “really” comes easy; “long hard firm consistent strokes only, honey---to get where we’re going, dear”)… accessorized; Hypnotized by System of A Down, “waiting for my girl” mesmerized… (all work and no play makes franky a very dull boy;) 1. grit is the ability to do work, 2. edge is the ability to actually perform it, 3. with appropriate balance warranted (always!) in between (anywhere)… an attribute of devotion (missile-priming, breasts-clutched, aligned centered of mass; economy, firm, pointed, ample, warmed-up, paired and aroused; stroke-stoked, lubed-ready for the shooting, while sliding through natural chain-lubricant drips geared permeating, by a stimulated targeted smile awaiting final salt’s tasted contact; an eager completion, completed---expelled!), Eminem’s Real Slim Shady confidently whispering suggestively, seductively “my bum in on your lips, my bum is on your lips And if I’m lucky, you might just give it a little kiss,” setting-off wild estuary defense system networks all over (ablaze!) in the form of goose bumps, warm tingles, and (stiff) heart palpitations of jealousy… hatred or love based (feared); subtle contractions felt deep down-low below, before ecstasy’s much awaited anticipated primal final “bellooow,” induced by an in-heat hidden wolf’s (seductive) private abode calling, conducted (disguised) underneath a thin layer of convenient sheep’s clothing, “My, what a beautiful brown squinty eye you have---grandma… Why, all the better to ‘feeel,’ you with my dear…” (continually salivating; her coveted culinary delight) habitually casually swallowing-back; backwashing, saliva gland’s anticipations; hidden erotic merk designed to elude her over-excited state; continual self-contained, self-perpetuated hormone exuberant detonations; nature’s biological chain-reaction responding to the final release of Spring’s new transformation) a Warren Zevon’s Werewolves of London, subdued, cloaked, lumbering about aimlessly on the prowl, (poised, alert) ---like a George Clinton’s Atomic Dog--- (ready for the pounce), cruising down the street with a subtle demeanor so sexy; shinning, that she transforms ordinary coal; daily dirty thought, to a highly prized “exxxtreme” value diamond, so stunning in raw form that it is a wonder the civil authorities---anally retained by a hidden prudish censorship agenda---even allow her out so vicariously about at all, due to the illicit testosterone/estrogen related jaw slapping catalyzed by her mere presence (a form meets function automatic puberty response solicited by mere sight; contagious, limited to no age group) as she obliviously gallivants about (alluding coyness and innocence), routinely schmoozing (a charged Tool’s The Pot), never drug related but “exxxtrememly” hormonal; mildly erotically euphoric, because after all, she is still fully clothed (by the grace of God) out of a humble strong sense for (public) self-modesty; true civil humanitarianism, exercised (Alanis Morissette’s Right Through You with One Hand in My Pocket) in a seedily sleazy directionless manner… with rather casual impromptu saunters of alert demeanor displayed on occasional protocol (when interested) while on-the-run, a Buckcherry Crazy Bitch… (that’s right, folks… uh… I, said… “bitch”---twice!!)… a password to a secret recipe of excitable, exuberant energy (Scooby Snacks provided by a Fun Loving Criminals charade; false) under covered, set into motion (finally, undiscovered elemental success!) when “three-peated,” breaking free the lyrics of Cherub Rock by the Smashing Pumpkins, serving utilitarian purpose greater than the Cub Wallis Junior, Jody Diane Rose inspired farm tractor, meticulously transformed (regarded reverently) as the now elated Koroknai McCormick seed planting endeavor machine of dreams… another Heart’s Barracuda, revered more passionately as the highly evolved, extremely specialized, elusive and exclusive Julia series Bi-Koroknai-Cycle, a.k.a the B.K.C; christened the Cherry Raven design… (serenaded by Jet’s Cold Hard “Bitch”… uh, that’s right… I said it, again… is it time, for my time out…? Yea, that’s three… uh-hu, okay… niiice and, eeeasy… relax… ready? One… two… three, “opensesomy”---woh!!!)… to an official prevailing (sweet scent) manipulative parade, of pink slip in color patterns, revealing (she’s no Stupid Girl from Garbage---really nice, but---loves the performance; “because it gets her what she wants… yea…”) seduction’s supersession of “immediate” goals for the “immediate” future with, “You’ve got nothing else better to do… other than to ride me all day today, boy…” and “Don’t worry about the dirt… or where… because I’m designed for the real work… and it won’t hurt… (oh… no…! watch-out’hun, fur dat---Puddle of Mudd… Control---damn!)…” riding, driving, pushing, shoving, pulling effortlessly euphorically (a Wu-Tang Clan’s Gravel Pit), consuming (devotionally) her farmer of ingenuity and intellectual engagement diligently, through another long hot lengthy back-forty excursion, of self-awareness and well rewarded self-cultivation (a Craig Morgan’s International Harvester), most biologically and physiologically scientific at this point, as the ultimate never-ending power-source for true clean, lean, mean, green-energy; (unknown element file, classification: “no!”… not vibanium; a fictitious metal… “but!” “Koroknaium;” a very real clean, strong deep-down penetrating power-exchange… “no…!” not like palladium; the element that poisoned Tony Stark’s heart,---The Invincible Iron Man---“some things changed”) what’s new can be improved; a romance fit, palpatory turbo kit… transpired behind the patented marketed “Diamonded” poetic affirmation (“Mya Diamond bike, galore… ooo-la-la, how she passionately rides me… like my---one and only---highly specialized-wife, *****…”) a nucleus splitting powerful positive energy reaction assertion felt down---low---below of… “Some things are better experienced with time; patience, dedication, loyalty… like the delicious flavor of a fine wine (rose tattoo) taste… rather than with the haste, generating the waist of what few beautiful moments truly define a lifetime… so savor me gently please… across the palate with a loving artist’s ease (culinary related physical-chemistry interactions, not physics; “clean but-true, physical science!”)… as we reach the moment’s final intimate release… chasing away a day’s mundane frivolities… after a nighttime of corporal interactions… commenced---over and over again---on a cellular level… co-generating an evening’s single, warm, wet embrace;” 6nxs, (an INXS’s Elegantly Wasted, a Hinder’s Get Stoned… green energy is never about the drugs or the “green;” listen and read between the lines, Julia) when “there is no turning back;” a Marvel Comix Incredible Hulk; Cage the Elephant Back Against the Wall (to release true inert kinetic energy; the stick of dynamite sprung from a bundle, activated, pulsing, in-heated for the final surge)… cognitively embroidered meticulously across the numerous daydreams, adding high definition techno-color vision to the various heated themes, running an active mind’s imagination wild---deep well jacked---, hard… (exploded) well driven (penetration), exercised through a busy day’s numerous activities… like the Space Shuttle Discovery booster rocket ride eruption, launching her national frontier cowboy to his final out of this world plateau (“poised six-shooter?---check!, leather chaps?---check!, stirrups?---check!, and all… check!?” for that “final” role-play of the day; multiple scenes of “Hi-Yo Silver away!” Riding the Lone Ranger (a Mystikal’s Shake It Fast)… with her uniformity (an ensemble of scantily arranged conformity) of, black mask, white cowboy hat and red (scented) scarf (fresh, well seasoned; worn exclusively alone for the occasion) dressing a “Kemosabe;” chicken, to a well-baked savory brown… (don’t worry hun… it tastes great...! nice… hot… juicy…! very soft, tender… uh… I, think it’s even… Hungarian!? What great taste…! thankyouuuu---please?! more...? come-on, that’s torture!!), generating the---needed---heated (friction) fictional fantasy themes (raging streams, of), “Excuse me mam, did I leave my cowboy boots under yo bed?” “Why yes you did kind sur… oh…! and by the weigh… anchovies own uh… pizza...! are savored, please...! before eaten…?”); “the soup-de-jour” special order request of the day, (Nick Gilder’s Hot Child in the City) re-defining the true meaning personified behind the term of crotch-rocket… like a finely tuned United States flag emblem perpetual motion machine of Enterprise launch, cradling its occupant intimately forward to future embracing hot-six engagements (twice in the morning, twice in the noon and twice in the evening; six, a full day’s load); the ergonomic patriotic operating engineering vehicle of practicality; bridling… ecology friendly, loyalty and national alliance personified, with special order Sibley Bike Depot handlebar mounted coffee cup holder and color accessorized Caribou Coffee cup (to boot) ---for that majestic steed of ravenous physical assertions exerted---winter, summer, spring and fall; self-indulgent bicycle enthusiasm magnificence beyond belief (relief), designed for taking the full load; fully loaded (wherever it goes)… self-propelled bodywork intensely shot from a charged flesh canon daily, climatically targeting the real purpose of true fulfillment and never ending happiness in life; a lifetime of pleasurable activity and exercise (forever) partaken (a “Sneaker Pimps” 6 Underground), gluttonously and lavishly indulged in (swallowed), grooming her rider for the deadening pain of the real world reality he must face daily with the economy… a form of shrugged off self-assuredness with “Yea, it’s like that, no big deal; really,” a reality… along with an entire community expressing similar desire in stealing (or harming) that bike for the very same reason, “Yea, it’s like that, no big deal; really,” a reality… a Brad Paisley’s Welcome to the Future as Bob Seger’s Night Moves re-welcomes again, an evening’s prevailing rains; hopefully rewashing away another day’s everything-everywhere, to a very real much needed deep-down sense of clean; renewed, redeemed; redemption reconstituted---“Seconds?” “Why, thank-ya mam... don’t mind if I do.” “Much obliged, kind sur…”
Meanwhile, Listening House with an enormous amount of awarded community effort and support, successfully produces one more homeless, jobless citizen with two more bus tokens, “consumering” again that same industry interested in those tokens at a reduced cost (as is the scenario with many things economic these days), with our jobs hamsters’ cages nationally everywhere filling with complaints of mistreatment (hidden), drowning an economic recovery treading for life, reaching for anything for survival, other than the welfare cycles motoring a country down the tubes, of a commerce pedaling openly a public down the countless streets, roads and alleys, outlining the numerous counties of the fifty states of The United States of America; similar to fifty states of national bewilderment, expressed behind a modern generated gross national product of fiscal budget red ink, sold globally; a new Red-light District Nation fit for international consumption, more in the form of some global prostitute, rather than any true Statue of Liberty of bronze nobility transfixed on an Ellis Island, greeting economic opportunity anywhere.
Last checked the prestigious wealthy awarded elite eventually travelled down the same roads as everyone else. It isn’t possible to travel everywhere by private jet. McDonalds and Burger King still only have parking lots when last checked (not helicopter pads), suggesting it is time to rethink direction, especially with Listening House, after producing another community “consumered" transient, has engineered another image scam, by publicly posting a “word for the day” and awarding another staff member an award; The Rose Award for Street Works, with 2010’s recipient not even possessing enough skin pigment to withstand getting a tan from that sun, let alone sustaining any long-term exposure to any of those rays emanating from that celestial force of life providing solar power associated with a planet of hopefully a greater human good, during long days of what use to make up never ending forty hour workweeks supporting a strong economy for everyone. It is as if those very same beams of light just don’t shine on America’s streets of national commerce anymore. This didn’t stop our staff member from getting her award in an almost vampire like fashion (during the dark of night or shadow of day), nor did it stop our community "consumered" transient from getting his comparatively much darker tan on those now harsher streets of American life, comprising the many neighborhoods of public afforded exploitation mercilessly expended; another form of a perpetual motion machine, only far more social-bureaucratic and seemingly fascist; natured cold, calculative and impersonal, in method not much different from a single ongoing perpetuated act of rape, performed by a serial rapist primed---ready and seasoned---for the attack again and again and again (cloaked)! As far as “The Land of Opportunity,” isn’t that what we are talking about here? Opportunity for what, cloaked? How long does something like this need to take place before drawing serious attention?
Racial harassment, sexual harassment, back-round harassment, non-for-profit organizations and plantations have one common variable sustaining them. It isn’t so much a common form of slavery to take advantage of; a target group, but more the art of violating, violation or making someone feel violated. Think about what Cassius Clay’s Mr. Muhammad Ali appeared to be doing to American school kids in 1978 sophisticated enough to collect comic books? This art of violation provides a strong sense of pleasure for those who enjoy engaging in, being involved with, in close proximity of or in support of this mentality, which is just a form of humiliation; cognitive rape. The sensation or euphoria is described as something similar to what a serial killer may experience, when burying his dead or dying victim near or in an area, where daily routines are conducted as a mundane part of life. In order for this experience to occur some conditions have to exist, and do.
When someone is awake, alert and has his or her guard up (normal when dealing with a public) they are difficult to catch off-guard to obtain what is described. Non-for-profits because of the housing situation for clients seem to specialize in offering these opportunities; to catch someone off-guard or in the natural so-to-speak, to obtain what is desired. This publicly solicits tours of gawking wide eyed voyeur mentality individuals routinely cavorting about these facilities in a manner similar to visitors at a zoo or menagerie; intrusion. When these kinds of civil annoyances become common place, the intrusions become accepted and evolve from feelings of violation that predators can sense and are attracted to like sharks to blood to actual physical measures directed toward a person, like specifically expressed feelings of violence; hatred or hostility directed or implied toward a person to fulfill some insatiable need, then rape has manifested. This is what keeps many non-for-profit volunteers, staff and clients in the industry and facilities. It isn’t the pay. It isn’t the glamour. It is these opportunities on a far more personal level to indulged in or be close to 501C3 non-for-profit style.
Just as civil annoyances evolve to the level of attracting more predators, so do predator motives evolve into becoming greater civil annoyances, as minor intrusions change from “a rape of justice,” to transgressions of “the act of seizing and carrying off by force; abducting or abduction,” to the manifestation of “forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.” This is really what is “consumered,” indentured; “welfared,” appropriated at these facilities for a community at public expense 501C3 non-for-profit style.
As an economy worsens, more career base people fall to the level of indigence offered at these shelters or establishments, suggesting vulnerability as clientele type shifts from welfare based to employment based. Due to naivety more appetizing of a target is provided for feeding facility sharks. Present economic conditions can place anyone anywhere in this position at almost any time. For the sake of a greater public a better legal eye is needed at these facilities now more than ever to protect a possible economic solution to a national crisis with a county’s economy. This would at the very least prevent minor civic problems at shelters from growing from plantation situations; defining a country’s dark past, to growing to holocaust civil exploitations; concentration camps, historic to this scenario. Non-for-profit facilities should be “springboards” to keep a public in a national economy fighting for a national recovery locally, not feeding tanks for predators flooding into community back and front yards, supplying alligators and crocodiles to swimming pools 501C3 non-for-profit style.
Offered are three following scenarios that escalate to the level of rape mentioned illustrating this nature, starting with the least dramatic and ending with the most severe, beginning with our jobs hamster at The Dorothy Day Center a few years back, before the economy reached the point it is at now as of 2010.
Before the stock market crashes involving our banks, real-estate and manufacturing industries toward the end of the first decade of the year 2000, the jobs market nationally was just starting to make its shift in becoming more treadmill-like, indicated by the advent of numerous temporary work agencies---some pretending to be companies---and a public now more between jobs, rather than employed. Here is where perseverance gets awarded, maybe not rewarded in the form of work; it isn’t possible to work when there is no work, but in the form of merit; someone surviving in light of national difficulties many will face soon. Developed was something unique. Produced was someone a scared public can look to for direction, due to credibility. People listen to someone in the middle of a national bad employment condition still surviving, similar to how a public may pay attention to a local weather broadcast from a favorite news weather anchor person, still standing right in the middle of an approaching storm. With these type of queer Neilson Ratings developing around a single person (in particular our friendly neighborhood jobs hamster), The Dorothy Day Center staff felt it necessary to take some precautionary measures to assure appropriate positioning for the future.
While at the front desk getting his card swiped one morning for admittance (necessary with job surfing; once the cover letters and resume’ are floated it is important to stay centrally located away from the public to receive responses, also a point of extreme vulnerability; anyone can tell what is going on, what you are doing and are prone to spying or stalking), our jobs hamster is told confidentially by three staff members on duty “In the non-for-profit industry… which you should be interested in, especially when it comes to survival these days… individual merit doesn’t get recognized. The funds a single person can solicit based on what he or she does won’t amount to much. More is needed financially. This industry is about social demographics, race, age, gender etc... where if one wants to be accommodated for any individual efforts exercised… which apparently you do being in front of the news cameras, compensation gets laundered through group association here---we have to stick together to live together. This is not some Lone Star state and loners don’t go far here. So if you want to play… the game with the perks… which you’ve started… you have to play the way things are done here and stick with the team, not somewhere else,” (team).
The teams that compete against or with each other at these establishments can be very complex and overlapping, according to facility demographics. Once the politics are set and become lucrative for funding, one minor hamster with public recognition of merit, can become a full grown “Godzilla; the first of its kind,” threatening a city, state or national industry. To avoid destruction of local shelter recognized demographics, our mammal of ergonomic economy, due to a devastated jobs market, receives his first official racist label; the team shelter uniform identifying the franchise that owns him, the group who will get accommodated for his recognition and upon doing so, will accommodate him as seen fit in accordance with The Dorothy Day, Listening House, Mary Hall tri-institution team established.
He is told in a competition that he knows nothing of however about to be forced into, “Since you have one drop of black blood in you… that makes you black. If anything’s afforded you… that’s how it gets done as part of the black community here, not in front of news cameras as something else.” He thinks about it for a moment (pauses pensively) and asks with a smirk of humor meant to be playfully sarcastic---to help ease the awkwardness created by what has just unfolded--- (which was ill taken in retrospect) “Does that also mean, that I’m like… one third animal?” A returned moment of silence immediately snapped, followed with uneasy anticipation amongst the four… with eventual returned suppressed smirks, giggles and mutual glances expressed between the “staff-three,” allowing the proceedings to continue at a cost of greater edginess building inside the stomach of our querent, now more than nervous on top of just merely hungry and homeless. With exception to himself, realized was that all three of the staff in front of him were light complexioned African-Americans, suggesting the comment directed toward himself (out of sarcasm and a desire for humility) at first was ill received, “Maybe it isn’t a good idea being so ‘frank’ with them” he thinks, which didn’t derail any further efforts to ensue.
Our hamster: less confident now, yet still giddy; tired from the strains of employment indigence, not use to addressing these kinds of issues on such short notice; taken completely off-guard, except when coming close to marriage plans back home in Illinois, where then it was always Mulatto Caucasian or Inner-racial Caucasian or “We’ll just say you’re white and not tell anyone” when addressing girlfriends’ families and friends, eased forward, (silent) nervous more restrained, hesitated, equivocated snickers---tension relief held under breath due the confusion and disbelief in what was actually happening to him at that moment---following the brief impromptu pause for inquisition, resulting in even greater apprehension to build inside his stomach, hoping still (deep down) this were all (still) some kind of joke afforded through a charade of sarcasm; a prank, only to be met again with straight faces and serious looks implying this wasn’t the case, suggesting “Hey… get with the program, please!” In particular the straight face and serious look of the light complexioned, attractive, yet older, slightly heavy-set, African-American female staff member, who as she observed him, displayed a kind of Cheshire Cat Alice in Wonderland smile accessorized with civil liberty dollar bills surmised by eyes speculating the earning potential of her new Urban League Affirmative Action minority monkey, like some Wizard of Oz wicked witch of the west with “Fly my little deary, fly!” only more in demeanor of a Silence of the Lamb’s Lector Hannibal, exercised after an acquisition of a special agent Clarice M. Starling’s dependence now confirmed.
He thought they were all crazy. He thinks she is really crazy. The entire situation especially to him; even crazier, but he wasn’t and they weren’t. This is really how non-for-profit industries work when they reach a certain size and criteria. It isn’t a choice. It is a fact; a reality, institutionalized for survival. Is it possible for someone who has never been awarded the freedom to marry, due to national racial segregationist politics, to really love his country enough to trust these types of institutions or communities, let alone jump in head first with this kind of politics---again? What choice does he have?
This is important, due to mandatory demographics for survival, our American jobs hamster (again, like with marriage plans) just had an entire identity awarded though integrity “seized and carried off by force, abducted or destroyed; stolen or removed,” due to an arrogant, extremely ignorant, superficial, superstitious belief, community based on racial values around a single drop of blood. This is the secret in how many facilities during an economic crisis make it. Racial politics supersede employment politics, resulting in four decades of fortitude establishing character; swiped away by a card in a single moment; raped, to accommodate a negative culture perpetuating itself back to the plantation.
This undermines the efforts many Americans historically have made to prevent this type of racism to date and nulls and voids all success within a glance, suggesting how great and vigilant the underlying pressures are coveting the politics around community based slavery. Witnessed was an unexpected sudden shift in public values politically so extreme like an earthquake from a civil perspective, that our rodent of undue retribution will experience the tremors for the rest of his life; political tremors, as if the conditions of California’s San Andreas Fault suddenly became national, only more hidden publicly on a far more personal level (long-term civil) with only a few brief intermissions between. What can one do? Our jobs hamster declined the solicitation/proposition (“I don’t want to be a part of some civic ethnicity zoo,” he thinks) in effort to run from the racial politics at hand, yet had nowhere to go, which was construed as an unwillingness to assist in funding, resulting in consistent subtle harassment from client and staff at all the institutions involved, from this point on.
To deaden the pain of the reality, in a delusional fashion he dismisses the ordeal as an indication that employment and welfare politics are obviously an oil and water mix. There couldn’t possibly be anything racial here. It is only a matter of politics and demographics, where if one keeps his mouth shut and just minds his own business, can get by. Anticipating this---after our two male staff members of the staff-three systematically check their watches, commencing a never ending impromptu of “attend (bureaucratic) meeting” mandates, that comes with the heavy prescribed managerial work load, suggesting directly it is time to leave and resultantly cordially do so---, our she-witch staff member (still sitting behind the front desk, watching and reading his face, like an old dime store novel reread---repurchased, reused---for the umpteenth time, suggesting nothing new but the same old thing over and over again as usual, with him still standing waiting to get his card swiped for entrance, as if in a traffic-jam delay before a tollbooth during major city gridlock rush-hour traffic---where it hasn’t even gotten to the point of swiping his card yet---suggesting how quickly this all takes place) decides it is time to make things a little more clear as to what is really going on; as a way of exclaiming out loud almost psychically, “Attention please… bond head!”---a subliminal suggestion more like an act of war, rather than a prelude to a routine daily transaction of life, where in the form of a propositioning spawn from hell; Satan’s Imp (clowning), she applies some very specific local community principles, to demonstrate the full power of the politics at hand. Our jobs hamster hadn’t spent enough time in the community to understand what was going on, and was about to be taught a lesson, with a stoic demeanor of concern displayed now more than ever---humiliatingly---across his face (scared), hidden.
Like the winter chill of the coldest day in January before the extension of daylight hours; still relative darkness; murky (twilight) cold with contentment accented with the snide confidence that comes with experience, she tells him she is switching her ethnicity to his perceived ethnicity to illustrate the overall benefits behind adhering to game plans, to prove a point. A couple of other clients with similar racial appearances would do the same in the form of not bribery, but recruitment through community affiliation common at these facilities, where with a smile, and a strong sense of satisfaction generated through a powerful sense of completion (closure), thus sealing the deal, she finally swipes his card with glee to allow him entrance into the facility (again) as if having earned something through privilege owed, like some gender brute (repeat process), leaving him entering an establishment supposed to shelter him from this, plagued with the experience of what it feels like for the first time in life to be truly opaque; invisible, (violated) institution processed; sign, sealed, delivered (routine indulgence afforded membership); coveted---gone.
This isn’t done to be menacing. It is a form of team organization or group networking he thinks. They aren’t enemies, but new teammates now. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to play the game. He just wants to hold on to what he worked for personally; merit, and resented deep down loosing it in this fashion---to the community racial politics involved. His merit, which was once exclusively his---at this point due to local segregated values---, belonged to the group, where if he wanted it back he would have to become a member. It didn’t matter whether or not they earned it or even deserved it. Public shelters run according to demographics one fits into, not personal accomplishments that set him or anyone apart---a national fact localized (now) just for him.
Rather than disenfranchise him entirely from a reputation he earned, and feeling bad for what was about to unfold, he is verbally consoled later with a few more heartfelt chats from different individuals, in effort to deaden the pain of the reality behind this community, and maybe within our nation as a whole today, where something else unique was discovered about our jobs hamster. His fundamental Christian beliefs set him even further apart from everyone else at the non-for-profit institutions along 7th Street in Saint Paul Minnesota. He feels there is nothing in The Bible or in history that proves Jesus died on the cross, indicated by what was witnessed after the crucifixion, suggesting Christ after the ordeal got up and walked away, First Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 6; “After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep,” Mark Chapter 16 verse 7 (witnessed by the young man at Jesus’ sepulcher when addressing Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome); “But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.”
He believes God has been trying to tell the public this with the 20 stigmatics listed throughout the nineteenth century. The most famous being Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824), Augustinian; Elizabeth Camori Mora (1774-1825), Trinitarian tertiary; Anna Maria Taigi (1769-1837); Maria Dominica Lazzari (1815-48); Marie de Moerl (1812-68) and Louise Lateau (1850-83), Franciscan tertiaries; where the idea of dying for sin, more specifically for someone else's sin, Romans Chapter 5 verse 8; "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us," is a false or misleading interpretation from The Bible advocating slavery and doesn’t imply the death on the cross many believe in. With Christ not dying on the cross (dying for sin), what is suggested is sin is not to die for, but should be avoided at the very least. Dying for sin---especially in this fashion---not only leads to slavery; indentured servitude, but provides a direct path to hell or self-damnation.
What this means is, every morning when our all American jobs hamster has to accomplish something, all he has to do is pull himself off that cross holding Jesus back, rather than wait for the type of miracles “ole witchiepoo” was in the process of conjuring. This resulted further in type casting him as some kind of new age devil worshipper or modern Voodoo priest, resulting in further excommunication from the facilities, after robbed of merit and beliefs that established him as a Christian.
Stripped of background, ethnicity and religion, like a satanic influence of real word community civil demons “incantationed” for a ritual cannibalization, witnessed was how the tri-institution non-for-profit team for new minority charity was rewarded for their transformation, with an extraordinarily ironic twist for extra savory flavoring. Instead of identifying themselves as inner-racial, inter-racial, or mulatto; a similar title was used, more condoning of the inappropriate politics set into motion; “biracial.”
The problem with the term “biracial,” is it suggests a fundament racial separatist belief that needs to take place or be approved of by the individual beforehand (philosophically) in effort to be accepted; to make sense of or be functional with the local racial politics making up a community; like the necessary aerodynamics of the two “separate” wings of a biplane allowing it to fly, or the two “separate” phases of a bipolar disorder that indentify the disease, suggesting the importance of accepting and adhering to the community’s local values coordinating and condoning the racism implicating the “division” and “labeling” of the basic ethnic groups making up the individual in question; further suggesting he or she theoretically shouldn’t exist, but since they do this must take place ideologically in order to be accepted or to appropriately exist within the community. This draws unnecessary attention to the inappropriate politics localized through the use of the term “biracial,” illustrating a degree of inappropriate political correctness; “racial polarization,” where one racial group (making up the individual) according to local political beliefs is on one extreme end of the community colored rainbow separate from the other racial group (making up the individual) on the other extreme end of this community colored rainbow, thus completely “separated; isolated,” as if out-casted by society, yet accepted if labeled in the fashion suggested and (likewise) as “inappropriate;” cursed… with all the other racial groups “appropriated;” with the use of inclusive terms (sometimes racial) used to identify them as this willingly by group members, resultantly coordinated accordingly and acceptingly in between.
The actual politics orchestrating this vary depending on community and person, and are rarely the same, however the implications are; separation of the individual by compromising acceptance on a deeply ingrained hidden subconscious racial belief (sometimes superstitious), this time around the politics around a single drop of blood. Case in point: if someone where part Irish and part Indian are they likewise considered “biracial?” If we want to apply the same inappropriate racial mentality of Saint Paul Minnesota, the classification would be “half-breeds,” but not as extreme as “biracial,” due to the specifics (which is outrageous), but depending on community attitude can also apply.
The term “biracial” advocates community based “racial polarization” resurging the old Jim Crow Laws historic to indentured servitude/slavery. If someone is not part of the local ethnic continuum comprising the community accepted rainbow of racial values implied through the use of the term “biracial,” than it’s into the underground labor market (basket) they go, establishing the hidden community based slavery. Case in point: with Saint Paul Minnesota’s Light Rail Construction project, the only people allowed to apply for employment with the project are those who have a union sponsor. Some employed under this condition will not have sponsors that are labor union oriented, but civil union minority oriented, with some applying without any union sponsor; sponsored by someone or something else based on skin color or back-round. The union sponsorship technicality provides the “racial colorization” establishing the continuum creating the “ethnic polarization” mentioned for the so called “community rainbow.” In the meantime, anyone who has consistently worked through the recession at side jobs as a Computer Numerical Controlled Machine Operator / Welder / Assembly Mechanic / Roofer / Truck Driver etc… with maybe better background and conditioning for the employment (without an appropriate sponsor), is denied the opportunity for the employment, due to the established “polarization” created and coordinated by the sponsorships, thus tossed into the local underground labor market. This practice isn’t old; it isn’t anything new, but something steadily evolving, always changing like a cold virus, and can be just as contagious, with no limits according to demographics and location. It reaches all levels of government and bureaucracies thriving strong locally nationally today, everywhere.
An example of this would be again the state of Minnesota; if a veteran has to apply for veteran benefits, he or she has to have a sponsor, or else is given the runaround, illustrating how deeply ingrained the practice is within many respected government branches local and national, like Veteran Administrations. With the racial polarization generated behind the use of the term “biracial,” illustrated is the ever changing American standard condoning inappropriate racial oppression---constantly reshaping this country’s ever changing ethnic landscape---, which is difficult to keep track of. Our 44th President of the United States of America Barrack Hussein Obama, epitomizes globally how these kinds of obstacles can be overcome, suggesting (maybe) our present economic condition may (also) be another minor phase; temporary, but also suggests as a nation we still have a long way to go.
Under these circumstances it isn’t uncommon for an inner-racial president of the United States of America (in need of public support) to make our country economically stronger during a major recession, who is considered “biracial” inappropriately by a community talk show host, to consider himself publicly on the broadcast in defense “more of a mongrel” (like that of a wolf; more American than “biracial”--- accepted---rather than “isolated;” especially with the term “biracial” alluding to something “inappropriate” like a biological experiment by comparison; a modern day Frankenstein) in effort to redirect an inappropriately awkward moment created by an inept talk show host. He is remaining humble and accepting for nation sake by condoning local racial values; keeping a very ethnically diverse country consolidated during difficult times, yet trying hard not to play into the negative racial politics that may destroy America as a nation, and in doing so reveals something about our country; we have serious race problems we aren’t (even) aware of and haven’t (even) began to address yet, unlike other countries. This took place when “The president appeared on ABC’s morning talk show The View on a Thursday, where he talked about the forced resignation of Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod, his experience with race and his roots. When asked about his background, which includes a black father and white mother, Obama said of African-Americans: ‘We are sort of a mongrel people,” according to Sam Youngman’s - 07/29/10 11:00 AM ET of the Hill Blog.
Personally viewing the broadcast in question, what isn’t mentioned is the attractive mulatto appearance female host intentionally using the term “biracial” when addressing the president’s back-round. He addressed himself as mongrel wanting to maintain some degree of humility as an act of chivalry, for someone hosting a show who wasn’t very deserving, especially coining terms like “biracial” at someone as magnificent as an American president. He is an individual man of ability and leadership, like the Alfa male of an American wolf-pack, filling the highly coveted position unchallenged and unrivaled as The Commander and Chief of our nation, not a perceived racial droid of genetic capabilities, cloned for the specialized political public position of national gimp. As a member of one of the most powerful nations on our planet; as a citizen of The United States of America, don’t assume but place yourself in the position of acknowledging this Ms., and keep coined racist terms like “biracial” in the pocket with the rest of the cheap change; away from our American president.
Job well done through a very difficult time Mr. President Barrack Obama of The United States of America. Not only am I personally proud of you, but I’m your biggest fan. No more comic book heroes for me, because you make news broadcasts on television far more interesting and more in touch with the life I’m familiar with. What exactly is meant by the term mongrel? What is he acknowledging about our public in general? He is illustrating how the American public can be so inappropriately racist at the most inappropriate times without even knowing it, that our most honored and protected citizen of the United States of America has to altruistically---for the sake of country---do some ducking and diving behind equivocal racially forked tongues; a real to life true American hero most deserving of reelection after that one (wow!).
Considering all of this nationally, what happens back in Saint Paul Minnesota with our jobs hamster and the recently formed tri-non-for-profit (new) minority team for hire is shocking. Everyone who made the shift to “biracial;” acknowledging the inappropriate community racism at hand, claimed to have received better appropriations applying for welfare benefits, with our Cheshire Cat female staff member receiving the best benefits of all; employment outside of the shelter, based on this newly acquired affirmative action back-round so lavishly applied, like some new brand of face-cream or makeup. She now no longer has to work at the shelter, but still keeps a part-time status securing her plantation master status, only of greater notoriety due to her newly discovered ethnicity, thanks to the exploitation of a jobs hamster. This is some really racy exploitive stuff happening right in the community with the right rodent on the right wheel at the right time, suggesting precisely why shelter positions or other positions like them are so unethically and highly coveted publicly, whether it be staff, client or volunteer; licensed exploitation, manipulation and experimentation for personal profit at community expense, 501C3 non-for-profit style.
This form of negative racial appropriation isn’t limited to the immediate community. Birds of a feather are corralled together in groups nationally by fascist fencing everywhere, indicated by this female staff member with two other individuals unknown, insisting that our jobs hamster write an Urban League political guerilla militant movement article, which doesn’t benefit him; not wanting to play the race card, but benefits her and the other clients rewarded for faking race rules, afforded by a biracial harassment license through national public apathy awarded minority members of similar back-round; when one ethnic group member addresses another member by a racially oppressive term considered illegal, yet appropriate if members of the same race use it when addressing each other, stretching north of the Mason Dixon Line from Saint Paul Minnesota to as far south of the Mason Dixon Line to Shreveport Louisiana, stirring up rumors with a legally self-conscious employer that our jobs hamster and his two “Black” wingmen were actually news reporters from Saint Paul Minnesota looking for economic story material (feds), suggesting implication behind the constant problems arising at the time with the authorities and the employer, resulting in termination by harassment back to Saint Paul. This task was more difficult in Texas to accomplish. The demographics were different, but not impossible.
With a national community civil welfare cycle of destruction similar to a Texas twister touching down, our jobs hamster and his two dark wingmen of destruction are forced back home at political gun point, by the extended barrel of a factions rifle stretching from Saint Paul all the way to Shreveport, due to unknown perceived owners recognized nationally as having better papers on these three men than the present owner, to at least recapture and re-chain one of them into typing this economic time capsule account around employments and deployments during a nationally poor economy, with absolutely no compensation other then the hidden hopes of breaking up the cyclone like conditions plaguing “The Land of the Free.” Once the conditions are present the danger is always eminent creating a constant state of weariness, until the conditions diminish like an anticipated weather-front from a foreseeable storm season. Racial oppression should not carry these characteristics in this day and age, yet does. It is strange what things improve with time and what things don’t (like weather).
When shelters no longer function as implied by name; sheltering people, and function more exploitive in the form of plantations, what does this make of the clients? The irony is, unless one where to think on this level they would have no way of seeing it, making the reality of the ordeal more hard hitting once experienced. Slave owners don’t want the old fashion slaves anymore, especially the ones capable of seeing this with the present economy. They want skilled professionals that are ignorant to this; incapable of thinking on this level, enhancing the true effect desired when reality comes touching down; the “covet” of the act of violation; intrusion, a form of rape on a civil level; slavery. When “ignorance is bliss” according to Proverbs 31 in The Bible has lost its merit in today’s jobs market due to the corporate values suggested---yielding a civil violations industry---isn’t it time to pull Jesus off that cross before another uncertain death?
This is the condition of today’s jobs market. It is very complex, entangling and ensnaring reaching high to the office of our Commander and Chief himself to as low as the average Joe and Jane on the street looking for employment. It isn’t so much difficulty in finding work. It is more difficulty in keeping it.
Situations like this produce solutions in America, where now with the new advent of solace, hopefully new national direction can be found. Solace is “comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or distress; consolation.” With today’s treadmill economy it is the number one necessity for survival. Without solace---especially when temporarily between jobs---it is not possible to maintain conditioning for employment. Without solace an individual’s mental capacity is reduced to that of a (constant) state of self-consciousness, defensiveness, unnecessary edginess, and an inability to focus, incapacitated communication skills, low energy levels, and a lack of enthusiasm, leading to illness both physical and mental (spiritual).
Like mental illness solace can vary. It comes in unique forms like down-home family recipes, secret patents to behavior; unique, like the way some organisms genetically construct nests for vulnerable possessions; eggs, which in this case would be the fragile human psyche needed for employment (survival) in today’s jobs economy, with the multitude of (resultant) weasels; rape minded intruders, wanting to intrude or violate to feed some sick form of indulgence, based on deep rooted personal insecurities or any reason that has nothing to do with the individual (victim), other than a strong desire to transform him or her into some insignificant dead virus for a vaccine (cure to a disease)---self-inflicted.
For solace: some indulge in reading, writing, engaging in personal projects only to be weaseled by the multitude of community staff, volunteers and clients feeding the pathological tendencies mentioned. Case in point: throughout Saint Paul at the various public library branches many of the librarians have been caught reading a patron’s computer keyboard---while the patron was typing on the computer---thus gaining access to not only what was expressed on the computer, but to secure documents and codes to emails and other private accounts. Sometimes what someone doesn’t know can hurt them ergo; “a rape of justice,” suggesting once incubated; an illness, especially when social can spread rampant. Case in point: the term racism never involves just one person. It suggests something mentally contagious not easily seen that involves many, so if one has to run from it where can they go, especially when rampant nationally?
Under these conditions our jobs hamster between jobs again, running back and forth on his second bicycle purchased for transportation, when working one of his many jobs that was supposed to be permanent, starts to realize that his once thought of temporary mode of transportation and station in life has escalated to something permanent (or at least more long-term). As a result “Murphy’s Law;” the idea that anything that can possibly go wrong, will go wrong, takes effect and vital mechanical parts (especially on a bicycle) seem to wear out when money is at its lowest and weather is at its worst. Our hamster must (now) make use of a community bike shop; The Sibley Bike Depot located on 712 West University. He was introduced to the shop by someone who befriended him at The Dorothy Day Center, who was secretly a registered sex offender---ironic considering this gentlemen’s present state of impotency afforded through diabetes.
While at the shop---due to his unknown association with said person---a worst situation surfaces. One of the male staff/committee people sexually propositions our hamster. Apparently this staff/committee person was due to take a seasonal leave of absence from the shop starting that fall, which would involve doing some kind of “logging of hard wood in the backwoods”---with another male companion---where an “additional hand would be loved.” The furry response sarcastically behind suppressed laughs was “Thanks for making me feel sociably awkward guys… but the answer is no, and what makes you think I’m gay anyway?” The answer surprised was “Oh, I or we… were just kind of hoping.”
With this gentleman’s departure, the shop having just relocated, in the process of forming a new image, in need of another core person to fulfill a mission, and our hamster officially between jobs looking for some needed “solace,” not only is the shop sustained with plenty of hamster hours to boot, but expectations are exceeded with “ole Hairy (our hamster)” developing competency overhauling planetary transmissions; Sturmy-Archer internal coaster brake three-speed hubs, where rewarded is the greatest award any hero could receive; public/consumer respect accompanied with a never ending supply of “solace” due to the charity involved, thus securing an almost never ending reserve of superhero powered perseverance when battling the many agents of this generation’s biggest foe; the economy. It is actually the volunteer non-for-profit status that affords this, unlike getting paid. There is no getting paid in charity, there is no getting laid in relationships; only God, thus replenishing what was so dearly stolen from him years before, an identity; the fundamental belief that established him as a Christian. Religions are a culture lived and a philosophy applied, not concepts coined from reference material few believe in or bother reading.
Just as things appear well at the Depot, our “lumberjacker” nemesis of the back-forty returns (silently surly) from his failed logging excursion with “Some men don’t work well with hard wood,” uttered sullenly behind difficulty accepting the new status of last year’s sexual target, now today’s neighborhood hero. The pleasure he had last year was in exploiting a vulnerability; a dependency, behind a community blanket of disregard, due to a hidden accepted lifestyle associated with the reduced social status of our hamster at the time in the shop, ironically now larger than life, afforded through altruism incubated by efforts appreciated more publicly; more people on unemployment equates to more people riding bikes in need of inexpensive maintenance and repairs, where now “ole Lumpy” more threatened by “ole Hammy’s” new role, is also more sexually aroused by the transformation, anticipating doing it all again with three fold the pleasure, due to the circumstances unfolded based on the hidden values he knows well about the area, which our hamster doesn’t know nor care to. The Twin Cities have a reputation of being a gay town with quite a few individuals well engaged in and in support of the homosexual lifestyle, especially around the politics of the proposed Proposition Eight legislation originating from California, secretly financed by supporters in Utah at the time, suggesting gay or same sex marriages should be unconstitutional. Apparently California’s need to battle economically recessed conditions made the state susceptible to out-of-state wealth and influences, creating problems all the way into Minnesota spurring on more vigilant political activism; more direct same sex propositioning as a form of social retaliation. More than one national monster is always a possibility. God forbid should they breed.
Trying desperately to deal with and suppress the excited feelings behind the motives and anticipations slipping uncontrollably from an once again overly provocative tongue when vicariously speaking, with “ole Fur Ball” totally oblivious to the overtures, a worst case scenario escalates due to being ignored and regarded as insignificant. Our “lumberjacking nemesis” gets more out-of-hand outside of being inappropriately provocative, and resorts to getting attention by physically knocking over our hamster’s bike at the shop on numerous occasions; violating the very solace which created a hero---incapable of doing anything---,because of our “log-jackers” immediately resumed staff/committee status upon return from his “log man’s” vacation, as opposed to “ole Hammy’s” volunteer recreational endeavor status, required for maintaining the needed solace for a loved endeavor of altruism in the wake of an escalating national emergency disaster; the economy. Instead of maintaining a volunteer status, our hero could upgrade to staff/committee status, and maybe even get away with giving “ole Loggy” a good healthy slug to the jaw however this would only create a worst scenario. Where would the solace be?
Perseverance persevered, where friendship amongst community committee/staff prevailed, resulting in an escalated pattern of mischievousness catalyzed from an unwarranted sexual advance years ago, being confidentially derailed behind momentary cloaks of whisper, illustrating the power behind true friendship bureaucracies, however not with some costs. Said individual wasn’t really in control of himself when the problem started over a year ago, wasn’t in control of himself when he returned, and still didn’t seem in complete control. He only seemed more redirected; impromptu work details off record involving minority neighborhood kids, but for how long? Adults in the field of child education and child daycare don’t see kids as attractive after a while, and really love the idea of something cute and cuddly like a furry hamster kept in a cage for personal convenience.
These kinds of conditions eluded on a community level unaddressed, eventual make incident resulting in atrocity elsewhere. With a public employment market failing, surfaced are many of America’s brightest and best to the destitution of shelter life, in effort to sustain the poor employment cycles that may yield the dreamt future career. It is just a matter of making it through the hard times, with this time a not so far out of high school, intelligent, street-smart, young attractive girl capable of reading, writing and speaking two languages fluently and clearly, showing up at the shelters for survival.
Once again the vulnerability is obvious, this time with staff and clients more elusively involved than normal, on a more ironic level. They are the core contributors behind the lack of solace this young lady suffers from, with extended shelter stays masked by the hidden sexist environment licensed by the community apathy prevalent at many non-for-profits as exampled prior, with the alternative solace offered being something more sarcastically referred to as the “attractive women’s program,” known more officially as The Dorothy Day Center Women’s Program; rumored to provided a far more dangerous crisis, the availability of addictive legal and illegal drugs and sex to the institution, which eventually incapacitates our heroine to the point where she literally gets “sexually raped” by staff, client and volunteer---sometimes even on the premises---more than once.
The two examples offered prior by comparison are like anomalies when compared to this situation, which has a history of really establishing itself behind shelter motives. We are not just talking about staff, client and volunteer, but also the public when it comes to this kind of shelter activity. Realizing the eminent danger, The Dorothy Day Center (aware that once again the many efforts exercised to prevent these kinds of scenarios from happening---or at least from resurfacing---have once again failed) routinely employ some extremely elusive measures, by not only getting said person on the top of an all welfare list, but by expediently “welfaring” this young woman out of the shelter for solace sake, somewhere into public housing with the required three births to sustain benefits; survival to qualify for the conditions of being so graciously "welfared;" solaced.
The irony exists in she still has problems with the same individuals (the same type of people), only it isn’t at the shelter anymore; therefore, not considered a shelter problem, or more specifically a Dorothy Day Center problem---as if there was a difference. Shelters (always) should have a concern---fist and foremost---for community integrity, not (just for) financial self-interests, which isn’t always the case. In fact, this sexual rape originating from the shelter covered-up, has evolved into a case of situational rape on different levels: with said individual now unable to commit completely to real employment; due to welfare qualifications that she is dependent on for survival, unable to commit completely to any career; due the responsibility of raising the children to qualify for the welfare for survival, and unable to commit completely to any kind of marriage or relationship; due to the children involved from different fathers to qualify for the welfare needed for survival.
Meanwhile---behind restrained sighs of relief and smirks---staff, client, volunteer and public (involved), condescendingly grin when she comes of subject matter, because not only (as a result) is she (now) more available for what they wanted her for in the first place, but to add insult to irony; offered are more comments to the nature of “It could-uh been a whole lot worst… she could-uh been strung-out on’em drugs, or being uh-hoe… which is what happens to most of’em… bringing’em, right back here,” which could still happen… because how is “being strung-out” on welfare in this fashion any different? What exactly did it protect someone from? Provided was no path to emancipation, but only a higher degree of servitude; slavery, suggesting rape not just of a sexual nature, but of a civil nature on the matter of independence; freedom, establishing the coveted nature of indentured servitude.

“Birds have wings; they're free; they can fly where they want when they want. They have the kind of mobility many people envy.” Roger Tory Peterson

To understand the entrapping nature of indentured servitude, one has to go no further then the plantation mentality housed locally with in communities; transitional housing shelters and drop-in-centers. They hold the population of America’s new poor; casualties of economic difficulty. Slavery has never been about race. It has always been about destitution. Social groups of destitution have a long history of selling themselves into servitude to survive. Destitution is the primary factor making indentured servitude entrapping. In order to escape the servitude, one must make it out of the poverty that perpetuates it. This means acquiring steady financial income, which can be hard. This is difficult to do during economically recessed times. Freedom from slavery has a history of rarely being awarded or fought for. It has a greater history of being purchased by the servant, which was the original purpose of the indenture. It established not only the price for one’s freedom, but more importantly the method of payment over a period of time, usually seven years.
This suggests freedom has always carried with it a price. With today’s economy what is stressed isn’t just the means of purchasing what is needed for survival, even if it is freedom, but sometimes to retain the legal right to do so. According to the 13th Amendment slavery shouldn’t exist. What has been witnessed at many public shelters around welfare politics and with the Minnesota State Department of Human Services just a few blocks from The Dorothy Day Center, which receives reports of these kinds of civil issues, this isn’t the case. If one doesn’t have the right to be protected from enslavement outlawed by the United States Constitution, how is it possible to purchase themselves from it legally, especially when according to licensed attorneys in the state and officials like David (who refused to offer a last name) from the department of Human Services in downtown Saint Paul Minnesota; the state’s capital, “The Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution pertains to only certain restrictions to certain government offices. It doesn’t apply to the rights of a public. If you have any problems call the police and make a report.”
Three separate Minnesota attorneys (licensed) later confirmed this mentality: Mr. Patrick Marzitelli, Ms. Laura Melnick and Mr. Michael Davey. What was meant by calling the police was to establish an official record of incident (if the local police decide to handle the matter), so that things could be handled by the local authorities deemed necessary. It sounds more like people who are in the position of having to make these kinds of reports, may also end up in the position of being arrested or penalized for doing so---according to local authorities. What this suggests, is state wide fascism that legally shouldn’t exist, does exist. Absence of the public rights guaranteed in the United States Constitution, establishes in this fashion a multitude of local dictatorships, outlining fascism throughout a state and even nationally, which should concern everyone. What is going on here? Is this really about the local politics of destitution housed in public offices according to licensed or appointed officials, or is something deeper involved?
Part of indentured servitude’s entrapping nature has established itself since the beginning of mankind, and will probably continue to do so closer toward the end of mankind, as situations of ground zero develop everywhere, especially during the beginning and end of an organism’s dominant existence in a “microcosm; a small, representative system having analogies to a larger system in constitution, configuration, or development.” Ground zero is an existence noted by an extreme level of equality, afforded through extreme measures of public wealth or public poverty. It suggests, an absence of economic markets with the existence of a “human socialization; a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position,” rather than “human civilization; an advanced state of human society in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached.”
During these brief moments of social equalization; socialization, in an effort to achieve social status, someone will try and enslave someone else; slavery, and some will sell themselves into this slavery; slaves. For the slave owner, higher social status is acquired through the ownership of another human being. For the slave, higher social status is acquired being owned by someone, suggesting value sustaining the ownership. The actual indenture that specifically launders this throughout mankind has been known as the marriage document or marriage license, which more clearly defines this kind of a relationship. The average indenture for servitude/slavery is for seven years. The average time for a common law marriage to take effect is likewise, seven years.
As a ground zero approaches, approached is also a market for better servitude/slavery among those secretly perpetuating the culture, where individuals who choose to not be a part of this culture, become targeted by it against their will---thus illegally, suggesting a greater need for an appropriately applied bill of rights, especially in states like Minnesota. Because there is no appropriately applied application of the bill of rights in states like Minnesota, a culture that should not have sustained has ingrained itself illegally for years, reestablishing continually just part of the entrapping nature of indentured servitude. From a civil perspective, predators left unattended will hunt indiscriminately with little concern for an unconcerned public, creating breeding grounds for hidden mass victimizations.
At Listening House a civil rights attorney volunteers time at the facility one evening a week. Through this attorney many other civil types have access to the facility, sometimes indirectly through said individuals. This isn’t uncommon for some people to do this, for it is a form of job security predation, where while being worshipped for a perceived altruism, they can take advantage of a vulnerable market of people. The population demographics at Listening House, like most facilities is mostly male. This male population is made up mostly of African-Americans, but can also be segregated into smaller groups according to race; ethnicity, heritage etc… back-round; religion, cultural orientation etc… and/or background; employment history, education etc... The next largest population would be the females; made up of various ethnic groups from various back-rounds and backgrounds. The women have a tendency to not get segregated by institutions or public in question---into smaller groups---and have a tendency to stick (or to get segregated) together more so than the men. This makes women the second largest group next to African-Americans at these facilities. It isn’t uncommon for larger groups and establishments to victimize smaller groups, and it isn’t uncommon for smaller groups to get forced into selling themselves into slavery for protection.
At listening house many of the women claiming to be rape victims by clients and staff throughout all three establishments, made an effort to do this with or through this particular civil attorney in hopes of receiving better treatment at the facilities. The attorney in return was more interested in enslaving a single employment based person (who was even more of a minority due to his inner-racial or mulatto Caucasian back-round) into objectively writing an account of life at these facilities in effort to in return use the females’ claim of rape to form a civil suit that would line career pockets.
One of the most recent allegations of rape during this time period took place the morning of Friday, August 27, 2010, between 4:30 am and 5:30 am with police called to location, just outside The Dorothy Day Center, with facility cameras present. The Dorothy Day Center, Listening House, Mary Hall and other institutions have a specific policy of covering-up these kinds of allegations, because they are not good for business. All the third party details involving the rape were accurate, but untrue. This is because literally three rapes happened within the same timeframe with all the institutions’, staff, clients and community trying to hide what really happened. Two more rapes outside of the immediate timeframe also surfaced, involving female staff and clients of the Women’s Program at The Dorothy Day Center as victims. In some of the cases drugs where involved either directly or indirectly, but not always. Sometimes people outside of the facilities among the community have greater access to institution resources than clients and staff, which often leads to incident "plantationed" at these facilities, indicated by the cover-ups employed.
The single incident alleged that spurred the other five incidents into surfacing on that Friday of August 27th, 2010, involved one of the end-of-the-month people; those who use these facilities to subsidize welfare benefits to afford illegal and legal drug habits. This African-American female was outside of the immediate Dorothy Day Center, but still on the premises, trying to score drugs for someone in the institution and missed an evening check-in time of 10:00 pm, where she decided to sleep in The Dorothy Day Center alley with security cameras posted for safety. She was raped by five African-American males and later had her throat slit, (according to source) four were arrested and authorities were looking for the remaining one.
The staff member at the facility; Jessie in particular, that was said to have seen what was happening---on the facility cameras from inside the institution during the very early morning hours of that August 27th Friday---contacted authorities appropriately. The police arrived and so did an ambulance, where the victim made it to the ambulance, however died hospitalized. The true problem is the employment based people “inappropriated" at these facilities struggling with the economy, unknowingly provide an image of integrity that allows all this to happen, unlike the "plantationed" welfare based clients “appropriated” at these facilities, where accommodations led to incident. By segregating these two groups a facility can better manage these kinds of situations, by appropriately implementing policy that would not allow these kinds of incidents to happen, yet hasn’t been considered enlight of the economic storm brewing.
What was shocking, the evening after the alleged rape incident, the African-American men at the establishments felt rather comfortable “talking-up” on the women at the facility, especially the Caucasian women, suggesting “If you hook up with me that will not happen to you, because at the very least we are all brothers who stick together… plus, I can get you what you need without those kinds of hassles and… no one will know.” The following Saturday during breakfast, some of the political parading outside The Dorothy Day Center, suggesting morning for what happened, came off as phony considering just after one of the incidents the morning of or before, the same public was addressing another African-American female rape victim with condescending sexist remarks, again condoning what happened---especially to her.
These kinds of problems are not unusual at non-for-profits. The Sibley Bike Depot on 712 University earlier the summer of 2010 had a similar incident take place, only it was conducted at the African-American female volunteer’s home, was more drug related than rape, and resulted in her death through illegal drug usage. The resources that provided this were the similar resources that provided the incident at The Dorothy Day Center. Unknowingly, what aided incident again was the integrity provided by the same employment based people at these institutions, falsely providing an image of these kinds of environments as not oriented this way, thus taken advantaged of image wise. Guilt due to association builds. Attempts are made to resolve the situation ahead of time requesting segregation, but are denied resulting (again) in incident.
While still on the subject of employment based people; the male client at Listening House negotiating with this civil attorney at first refused, because doing so would be a form of shooting himself in the foot---he really needs establishments like this, only more appropriately setup to sustain employment based clients rather than welfare based clients during tough economic times---, but later recanted realizing what could happen to him with the refusal. Because he cannot be a member of any ethnic group, due to his highly unique racial makeup, when the harassment starts up no means of appropriately handling the matter surfaces, other than running when possible, which is what he has been forced to do in the past on many occasions; disappearances.
Realizing that he may disappear again, a counter offer of better conditions at these facilities to assist in employment, with a possible job that could get him off the streets and out of situations like this permanently---emancipation; true freedom---was offered. Realizing that he more than likely was being lied to (how can someone in a civil field have these kind of ties in a construction, manufacturing, and/or transportation industry where he has worked), he has no other option other than to accept, because in doing so hopefully some kind of career oriented work will ensue, and at the very least a chance at the freedom from the harassment he must endure on different levels, covered-up at these institutions daily.
This is an example of the ground zero slavery mentioned, enslaving someone by force unaware. The “volunteer/staff” civil attorney was looking for slaves for personal profit like many attorneys do, establishing status at Listening House among a public as “master,” especially with a group of people who have the longest history of slavery; women, who were willing to sell themselves back into that slavery for better social status at these facilities among a client population that also has a history of slavery; African-Americans. Notice what was wanted wasn’t the slave groups, but the professional enslaved in effort to achieve what was desired. The professional refused, but later was forced, due to circumstances that could once again be exercised by others, against him. When this becomes a repeat process, a major problem has developed; institutionalized slavery cultured on a local neighborhood level. This is the primary factor that makes indentured servitude difficult to escape; entrapping. It spurs on a black-market that later self-feeds itself back into existence unaware to a public. Imagine how this affects families producing our future; our children who will eventually establish our country, especially when approaching the possibility of many national ground zeros based on similar levels of destitution, rather than levels of wealth in years to come.
Destitution has always been about race. It is poverty created by the reproductive habits of ethnic groups. The reproductive habits of ethnic groups have always been about family. If one’s family is not of the slave culture, Planned Parenthood is applied when rearing children. This means the number of children birthed is dependent on career assets based on training or education acquired through families, especially during times of extreme wealth. Doctors give birth to doctors to safeguard family medical practices, lawyers give birth to lawyers to safeguard family legal practices, accountants give birth to accountants to safeguard family accounting firms, and shopkeepers give birth to shopkeepers to safeguard family businesses; shops. This historically has been the backbone of America, establishing our bread and butter, mom’s apple pie values making our country great. This historically also protected family wealth and bloodline for survival, allowing a strong nation to continue growing strong. The children were often home schooled beyond a public education in effort to protect the so called “tricks of the trade,” with the common number of children usually two or less to sustain a good future. The idea is quality. “Quality” sustains a community. This quality maintains good social networks for a nation through neighborhoods. This historically sustained our country’s future and national bloodline.
The problem is Saint Paul Minnesota historically---like many other areas---has not been a community developed around these values. It has been a community developed of large family units. Some of these family units have been as large as twice to three times the children suggested. This indicates something different that runs deeper, influencing local civic and civil politics related to our United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights, more personal on a local family level inside the individuals establishing the families that make up a community.
If one’s family is of a slave culture and has a history of not only feeding into the culture; perpetuating it with as many participants as possible to farm personal assets, but also feeding off the culture; farming out kids and/or adults for profit by farming the assets of other’s, sometimes there is no Planned Parenthood involved or even parenting for that matter. Children are just indiscriminately birthed based on whatever immediate subsidies are available and sometimes not even that. The idea is the more the merrier. If hard times are faced it doesn’t matter, because “We can always sacrifice or sell the children to eat.” The common number of children is usually three or more to fully stretch a social network. Depending on labor demands the numbers can double as high as six or more. Time capsule television shows have mirrored this culture with syndicated series aired publicly of The Waltons, The Brady Bunch, The Partridge Family and My Three Sons etc…
The idea is quantity. “Quantity” profits from this kind of community. Profits are better secured invading a social network rather than sustaining it. Under these circumstances some have been selling themselves into slavery for so long, the labor of their children is no longer desired, due to unanticipated changes and technological advances in today’s modern jobs market. Not only are we no longer picking cotton by hand anymore, but our society has drastically jumped from agrarian to industrial, suggesting we aren’t even growing much of it these days having to be picked either by machine or hand. In fact the “Spinning Jenny” is not only obsolete, but is extinct with her handpicking agrarian industry, now evolved into the new subsidized welfare industry, perpetuated by our new level of national poverty.
This is important, during the economic difficult times associated with our Great Depression of 1929, with our society mostly agrarian, we had a way of sustaining. With our society now mostly industrial and facing similar conditions, the same means for survival doesn’t exist, especially with our national economy now global rather than local as in 1929. What happens to the people our culture so blindly reproduced according to an outdated agrarian mentality?
These children and adults who are forced to model or menace for subsidies to survive must now be tolerated by a public, raising some very old yet prevalent 1865 United States Constitution Bill of Rights concerns, especially with Minnesota’s regard to how The United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights relates to the civil/legal rights of a public. This document provided the very moral fabric that dressed and defined our country nationally, especially when dealing with global matters be it trade or war. We don’t go to war to kill people; we go to war to “Protect the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” Our biggest concern should not just be in dealing with the nation smashing monsters overseas threatening us, but with the small politically infectious ones allowing poor civil mentalities to perpetuate themselves, to the point of courting community starvation and homelessness nationally.
This is when some very unusual things happen in our neighborhoods. Our over populated slave market becomes stagnant. Slave demand stops completely for a nanosecond, until reignited again with greater fury and force for the same slavery with higher expectations; exploitable professionals.
The indentured servitude market from neighborhood street to Wall-Street to Senate blows up at twice the magnitude; doubled, on a three base system of value for the same servitude mentioned at a cheaper price. Slavery at this point is no longer an issue of just destitution, but a matter of a dual value yielding an overall single value making up this three base system. The two values (dual values; balanced) making up two of the three bases is “more leisure” and “better production,” with a quality base to improve both at the expense of compromising another human being to secure “affordability;” making up the third base and the final third (and overall) single value desired. What drives this American mentality is the accepted standard in our capitalistic society that in some social circles “leisure time” establishes prominence, rather than “productivity” establishing prominence in other social circles.
An example of this is how the white-collar field; employees who perform knowledge work, verse the blue-collar field; employees who perform manual labor, (both descriptions are over simplifications that can overlap, but necessary for explanation) compete for earning potential in a single society. The leisurely whether white-collar or blue-collar enslave the productive whether white-collar or blue-collar---through extreme means (if necessary) ---without the productive aware, rather than appropriately purchasing the productivity, which would fuel an economy. All of this done to afford quality personal time; leisure, as if we were a country made up of Hollywood movie stars.
Hollywood is an excellent American medium market for image, which greatly defines us for a sense of direction when needed, but isn’t an industry reliable enough for supplying the appropriate national standards that make a country great. Leisure shouldn’t be a base for anything economic. Rather than creating an economy of profitability, created is an economy of affordability to lowest bidders globally.
We need to understand, wage affordability is far more possible for someone who is an exploiter rather than an employer, especially during financially difficult times. This flourishes a field of employment predation for survival on a commercial level, where job candidates become prime choice targets for national consumption; economic cannibalization. The productive never see it coming, while the leisurely have all the time in the world to execute, leaving the productive figuratively sitting on a cold autumn placid lake in the middle of duck hunting season, like a live duck among decoys (just waiting to be shot at), with the hunter eyeing the fall majestic scenery (slipping back and forth from brief moments of slumber) hoping to seize that moment.
If one sits real still, maybe he or she will not be seen while peeking behind a small forest of floating decoys, eyeing the situation with silent, anxious, wide eyed, terror ridden, incapacitated, anticipation. Sooner or later you have to eat and so does he. Is it possible to sneak away undetected? What can the productive do when so vicariously suspended among an evitable fate of floating decoys; the leisurely?
Sometimes it is good to do absolutely nothing at all but wait, but for how long? One could try and figure out what class he or she fits into, in effort to prepare for what could happen on that placid murky cold employment pool, comprising America’s many lakes of uncertain death, harboring today’s modern jobs market.
Ironically, fate once again is decided by leisure, only this time with an extra savory twist for flavoring. It isn’t the hunter’s “leisure” as he nods off momentarily behind the elusive sites rifled at the public from his ominously present hidden camouflaged employment duck blind, but your “leisure”---suspended on that pond on vacation either by choice or enforced. Some individuals will travel, sit at home or just sleep; leisure as implied by an indulgence; a pleasure, as if actually accomplishing something, while others will engage in personal projects; starting and/or finishing something, like home improvement, building something, painting a room etc… completion, production, productivity; establishment, yet both will derive a similar sense of pleasure returning to work the next day; a strong since of accomplishment (strange yet true). This is the fundamental polarity that splits the very social nucleus making up our communities throughout America, sparking the class warfare that has blown our workforce---time and time again---clear off the level economically secure pond of global success, lost into that national turmoil forest of recession, with one social class quite literally enslaving another, or else sending the work elsewhere, usually to a worst third world condition located or developed locally or far off-shore to another country or province, yielding no long-term avail for anyone anywhere with anything economic.
It is this kind of class warfare that gives rise to sponsored slavery in America; a desire for better servitude for less. Sponsored slavery then gives rise to national economic depression as careers are farmed out to lowest bidders. This transgresses poverty as a contemporary economy shifts to third world. With destitution spreading due to the economic shift worst then another earthquake, the new market explodes like a fledgling black hole formed in space; swallowing entire solar systems, more specifically the local economies of other countries, with future hope resting on the recent enslaved third world burdened with the labor; those who could afford to under bid, intoxicated by fear of poverty, death, disease, starvation and/or an insatiable desire for lost power, to come to sobriety and request once again like those before them livable global wages, suggesting another long financial hurricane to be weathered due to an imbalance (Proverbs Chapter 11, verses 1-3 has merit here; “1. A false balance is an abomination to Yahweh, But accurate weights are his delight. 2. When pride comes, then comes shame, But with humility comes wisdom. 3. The integrity of the upright shall guide them, But the perverseness of the treacherous shall destroy them.”), suggesting we aren’t looking at anything new; we are looking at something old, still evolving---reestablishing civilization.
Our nation has a longer history of economic recovery rather than economic success; a longer history of imbalance. Balance is what is needed. Balance is what will inevitably happen. Balance is what capitalism prevents. More money is made exploiting imbalance; buying for less and selling for more. When there is nothing left to buy or sell a ground zero has been obtained, once again resurfacing indentured servitude, suggesting a recycling of the entrapment; a value that should have been extinct a long time ago persevered along with the indentured servitude market that sustains it.
Indentured servitude like this, primarily social or family based can be avoided. All one has to do is find a place to hide. Stay away from the social groups and avoid the families involved. The true problem is far more serious. It is too large to escape from and more than just demographic. Historically the plantation was the primary location and institution where indentured servitude was housed, almost hidden under the noses of a public. This is important, because what can be hidden; housed away from the public, can be protected and perpetuated throughout a community, without a public knowing; therefore serving as a greater threat cloaked.
Historically other than capitalist farmers, these institutions have been city, state and federal correctional facilities, migratory third world employment, emigration and lucid immigration law applications. Now it is transitional housing shelters and drop-in-centers as suggested before, only with another extra twist of irony. These facilities are not the monsters we should be concerned with when dealing with indenture servitude/slavery and the economy. They are the caves or lairs where the beast resides, with the multitude of inappropriate client, staff, volunteer and public, functioning like infectious parasites on his thick dark hide. The true problem (the beast of the pillage so-to-speak) exists with the September 27, 2009 publication by the Business Insider entitled; The Money Game, “Getting the unemployment rate back to 5% in 5 years would require average monthly job creation of 250,000. The average for the major boom of the 1990s was 150,000. The average for the past 30 years has been about 50,000.”
What this suggests with today’s unemployment rate nationally as of August 26, 2010 with 500,000 new people filing for unemployment; suggesting conservatively half a million more jobs vanished from our economy, is that we are not talking about a minor economic recession anymore perpetuating indenture servitude. We are talking about a full-blown national depression spurring us nationally into slavery. This is important, because the problem isn’t recognizable enough to solicit the appropriate support anywhere, yet severe enough suggesting this should be considered, thus creating a situation of impermeability due to invisibility---inflicting greater harm cloaked---suggesting invincibility.
This is primarily due to our governing bodies both local and national, although not wanting to advocate a resurgence for slavery (due to a rising national poverty level), needing to provide a false appearance of economic security---to stimulate public spending and investing---to aid in economic recovery (avoiding the national appearance of economic insecurity), which would create the national hording that perpetuates economic depressions, frightening spending and likewise investing. Needed is also enough of America’s vital economic assets local so that we don’t become a purchased suburb owned exclusively by another country, thus jeopardizing the existence of our very own culture; social extinction. It is as if the umbrella of the falsehood manufactured designed to protect us from the dangerous rays of light (a truth) that could burn us like exposed vampires to the morning sun (covering up what monsters we have been in the past), has incubated a gigantic mosquito bleeding us dry as a country of the vital corporate blood comprising our commerce.
We have to call it what it is nationally to at least deal with it appropriately locally; not a mosquito or a vampire, but another major national economic depression, greater than the Great Depression of 1923 in ways (Proverbs Chapter 21, verse 28 has merit here; “A false witness will perish, And a man who listens speaks to eternity.”), suggesting some practices should have ceased a long time ago. At the rate things are going we may soon become that suburb of another country---which is too bad (I like being an American). In fact I really love it, but what is the sense when the bill of rights designed to protect and define us as citizens is compromised, further perpetuating a national self-destruction mode?
Facilities are needed to protect the public by providing a safe rock-bottom from the disenfranchisement that ensues after these kinds of conditions, if not immediate at least future long-term. This would keep a seasoned workforce preserved for any economic recovery when needed. This should be what transitional housing shelters are designed for. This should be what any shelter is designed for. This should be there purpose when managed. This isn’t always the case. This is because poverty pays the bills here where employment is a mask for integrity to solicit funds. This doesn’t mean employment under these circumstances should be discouraged. It is after all the only solution country and institution have out of an economic depression cloaked as a national recession. Welfare likewise is the only alternative left for those who have worked for years, now disenfranchised by present economic conditions. It assists a healthy national nutrition rate needed for any country to be strong. Welfare’s people like employment also contribute to a nation’s wellbeing, considering no one can accurately predict the future role they may have to play to safeguard society’s survival.
Considering the welfare/employment oil and water mix legislated “imbalanced” on a civic level throughout all fifty states comprising our nation, created is an adversarial condition ideologically generating a dangerous internal threat to our country, which could destroy us in the end considering the global threat created by China’s success. Welfare/employment should provide the primary balance to maintain any society’s nutrition for survival, which isn’t happening in the United States, but is happening in China.
The reason for China’s economic success over every country on this planet is because of her superior nutrition as a nation: 1) China’s infrastructure better markets her population to fulfill employment demands for nation sake “through her people,” 2) China’s government exercising restraints on human reproduction or births, insures appropriate assistance networks be it food, shelter, education, work, etc.., better positioning China for economic success “through her people,” 3) China’s political ideological model of government assuring national self-preservation insuring dedication to her citizen’s and country, further safeguards all three of these variables “though her people,” thus protecting successful endeavors for decades to come. Our core value of capitalism administered today seems to be an attribute to national self-cannibalization.
Considering China’s new global economic superiority, concern should be exercised over China’s geopolitical model of government when dealing with the public, especially when according to a December 09, 2010 report submitted by the CNN Wire Staff entitled; Empty chair will represent imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize winner. “Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo will be represented Friday at the ceremony bestowing the honor by an empty chair, the second time such a symbol has been used in the event, the chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee said Thursday. Thorbjorn Jagland; chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee told reporters that the gesture is not a protest. ‘It is a signal to China that it would be very important for China's future to combine economic development with political reforms and its support for those people in China who are struggling for basic human rights,’ Jagland said at a news conference.”
China’s response to the ordeal appeared as if this were a political attack from the west directed toward the east, indicated by the countermeasures the country took, according to another December 09, 2010 publication by The World News, written by Jeremy Page entitled; Nobel Ire Increases in China, “BEIJING---China blocked access to several foreign media outlets, intensified a crackdown on political activists, and fired a fresh salvo of criticism at the U.S. on the eve of a ceremony Friday marking the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo, a jailed Chinese dissident. A hastily established Chinese organization also held a rival ceremony Thursday to present the inaugural "Confucius Peace Prize" to a Taiwanese politician---even though he was not present and his office said he had no plan to accept the award. A handful of Mr. Liu's overseas-based supporters, meanwhile, began arriving in Oslo for a ceremony that has triggered a global schism between mostly Western democracies on one side, and China and a host of predominantly authoritarian governments on the other. China has refused to release Mr. Liu or allow his family and friends to attend the ceremony. It has also pressured other countries to boycott the event. Of the 65 Oslo-based ambassadors who were invited, 20 at least will be absent---double the number last year. Beijing expresses anger over global calls for the release of imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo, a day before he's set to receive the award.”
It appears the highly appraised economic success of one country, regarded less favorable as far as human rights, has catalyze another political cold war far worst then the last one experienced with Russia, with us---The United States of America as a global power---on the losing end due to apparent infrastructure problems, which don’t seem to exist in China or maybe do, based on a western perspective. Out of fairness to China, politics appeared played behind the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize, considering last years recipient was Commander and Chief of one of the most powerful militaries in the Western World, next to China’s military; one of the most powerful in the Eastern World, according to Wikipedia the free online encyclopedia, who tells us “The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to U.S. President Barack Obama ‘for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”
It seems from a western political ideological standpoint with an objective eastern view, one awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize Award has crowned a proverbial defender for global democracy; a modern version of Western Civilization’s “Saint George the Dragon Slaying Knight;” U.S President Barack Obama, ordained into knighthood to protect the world from those pesky dragons pillaging and terrorizing international landscapes of concerned villagers everywhere, with the second awarding of the Noble Peace Prize Award identifying the proverbial “Gigantic Fire Breathing Beast of Dread, Fear and Doom to Western Civilization;” China, growing in power and strength behind each local pillage, resting in her lair for the final global plunder.
Since when do international peace awards (supposed to exercise a degree of cultural moderation globally) incorporate these kinds of personified “Beowulf” themes of old English literature into a modern second millennium earth, plagued with heated polarized politics awaiting catalyzing the end of civilization as we know it? Doesn’t anyone really read The Bible anymore? Before vanities escalate us into World War III, I wonder if I could get a shot at submitting something on a more literary note---a true life’s work inspired by true love---in hopes of fulfilling true world peace, and maybe qualifying me too for one of those Nobel Peace Prize Awards many just seem to so vicariously bump into lately these days, while walking down the street of a nation’s capital or through the courtyard of a nation’s prison system, at least before ole Saint George and the Dragon bring about the end to the world as we know it.
What is the since of awarding a Nobel Peace Prize when it exasperates conditions that will not allow anyone around in the world to share it with like Julia? I may not know much about global politics, Nobel Peace Prizes, truck driving or even the economy for that matter; most of my career has been spent manually laboring for American Corporations producing the United States gross national product that was successfully sold globally to pleased consumers everywhere, establishing the true value of a strong American dollar historically, not as the head of state somewhere or even married for that matter, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to try. I feel the idea has merit, is noble, sincere, well worth perusing and should be seriously considered. I wonder what Julia thinks about that? Do you think she’ll say yes? I’m really hoping so, (I do!). I’m sure Mr. Daisaku Ikeda as Educator, Buddhist Philosopher and Peacebuilder, third president of the Soka Gakkai (value-creating society) and founder of the Soka Gakkai International would agree with me. This is called Kosen-rufu, which is an important part of Nichiren Buddhism at the very least, which is the realization of a peaceful society. A society designed to sustain healthy relationships like marriages, world peace, civil humanitarianism etc… over a future of cold war and conflict.
There shouldn’t be anything wrong with these kinds of endeavors, especially if true love based? What would be the bases for any objection to the ceremony? It should be a sure thing, so I really shouldn’t have anything to worry about in theory at least… (right?). With the present economic situation of Western Civilization as of 2010 and as the last breed of true blue working class heroes (more real to life than Beowulf), I think I’m well prepared for any rejection that may follow… until then---at the very least---that doesn’t mean I don’t have the freedom to at least think or even dream about it… (yea?). Dreams are still okay… (aren’t they?). Maybe they can even be obtained… (and what the hell is exactly is wrong with that!)?
What is needed starting with the United States, beginning with the facilities mentioned in Saint Paul Minnesota along 7th Street---for national economy sake, as other states or countries follow suite---is a happy medium between employment and welfare at all 501C3 non-for-profit transitional housing shelters and drop-in-centers etc.., suggesting segregation. Segregating employment and welfare would allow for a healthy coexistence, allowing both necessary institutions needed to safeguard a county’s national nutrition rate needed for success a chance to flourish, yet isn’t considered due to financial funding selfishness. Welfare so far has evolved into a form of impropriety; modern image piracy, used to subsidize activities considered rather questionable at these institutions. Employment used as a mask for integrity at these institutions; covering up this mentality, forms an evil that could put an entire economy at risk. When times are tough economically, employment should have priority over welfare, the same way an enlisted member would have priority over a civilian during a time of war, which isn’t considered at the institutions mentioned, yet should be.
Employment is trustworthy, requires no supervision, spend less time at the facilities daily, short-term and long-term as opposed to welfare making these facilities an extension of home and personal life; just hanging around or subsidizing a check that penalizes for employment. The understanding that employment compromises welfare under these conditions is known as the great American welfare principle; “forty acres and a mule,” which according to was “a phrase echoed throughout the South in the aftermath of the Civil War, asserting the right of newly freed African Americans to redistributed lands---particularly those plantations confiscated by U.S. troops during the war---as compensation for unpaid labor during slavery,” birthed from our very own abolitionist movement, which ironically challenged and supposedly ended American slavery years ago. The irony is this is now the primary drive creating our nation’s poor economy and giving indentured servitude her resurgence.
The great American welfare principle is no stranger to people of destitution. It is the driving force behind the practice of slaves reinventing slavery to remain on the plantation. Think about what the women mentioned earlier claiming to be rape victims were trying to do? They were trying to carve out a tolerable plantation existence; an American welfare principle applied as among the funded elite. It is this principle that is protected at these institutions, because it helps secure funding. It is also this principle victimizing national employment, creating the human supply of individuals willing to do almost anything to get away, in hopes of acquiring true American freedom, whether expensively purchased or ruthlessly over worked for, contained in our United States Constitution, perpetuating indentured servitude/slavery under the conditions mentioned. This furthers our new national economic depression through these institutions, making life very difficult for the employment based people of the economy everywhere.
At the Dorothy Day Center, if employment had something to complete on a deadline using a computer, employment would have a very difficult time doing this with the computer lab provided, because the hours of availability are based to accommodate funders on tour and welfare based clients; leisure of the facility at the convenience of a general public, rather than an employment based client’s need; production or productivity based on commitment to a timeline. The intrusions in the lab (when available for employment) become difficult to tolerate with deadlines pending. Concentration is barely limited to an hour. The feeling must be “slaves have no need to concentrate on anything for more than one hour, unless manual labor oriented, and does not involving thinking, which certainly wouldn’t involve anything that has to be completed on a computer,” so who cares (get use to the locked door, buddy). Better availability to a computer lab away from this kind of public would help, but isn’t always an option.
Welfare at The Dorothy Day Center has keys to the lab, or knows someone who will open the lab for them on an individual bases. Employment isn’t afforded this. When it becomes apparent that a transgression has been inflicted through apathy; lab unavailability, then hours are posted in writing to cover-up what happened, like many things---just in case a concerned public inquires. Until then the hours were told to employment, were said to be available as promised to employment, but this wasn’t the case with now an overdue project pending.
Similar circumstances happen at the Lifetrack computer lab on University Street right across the street from the Sibley Bike Depot, and are covered up in the same fashion. There are even similar annoyances; loud conversations about boyfriends, African-American based soul music played on a radio etc… In fact on December 10th, 2010, 1:00 pm Friday at the Lifetrack Lab, the lab assistant was an hour late, resulting in the lab closing to the public until her arrival. Two male patrons where forced to wait until 2:00 pm, where upon the lab assistant’s arrival, all three entered the lab to find one of the female patrons already in the lab on the computers, and had been there since 1:00 pm. On March 9, 2011, one of the Caucasian female staff or lab assistants (she didn’t wear anything specifying her role with the institution) during open lab hours afternoon, bought a client into the computer lab and conducted an informative interview with this client (who could barely understand what was being said, because of his foreign status), creating a distraction for the other patrons using the lab.
The truth of the matter is how many clients in a public computer lab are actually trying to proof read an entire book, before returning back to looking for work, in a very predatory jobs market? How many people at a public shelter---during a major economic depression---are still looking for work, in a very predatory jobs market? Is it rational to expect organizations to monitor all annoying behavior conducted by clients and staff to accommodate one person, who hasn’t given up yet? How predatory can a jobs market be, to create these kinds of situations?
Thursday, March 10, 2011, James Joyner’s Outside the Beltway Blog tells us “Wisconsin Passes Anti-collective Bargaining Bill. The nearly month-long standoff in the Wisconsin Legislature over explosive union rights legislation rocketed toward a dramatic finish Thursday after Senate Republicans outmaneuvered their missing Democratic counterparts and pushed through the bill. The dramatic turn of events late Wednesday set up a perfunctory vote Thursday morning in the Assembly on the measure that would strip nearly all collective bargaining rights from most public workers. Once the bill passes the Assembly, it heads to Republican Gov. Scott Walker for his signature.”
Being a “working class blue color man,” I’d like to take some time out to explain to the reader exactly what collective bargaining is, and what this all means publicly. Collective bargaining (as mentioned prior) is negotiation between organized workers and their employer or employers to determine wages, hours, rules and working conditions. When our country was first starting out (before it was acknowledged as a country, after the American Revolution; the war between the American colonies and Great Britain (1775-1783), leading to the formation of the independent United States) American citizens having problems with Great Britain would walk or ride out of town, pitch assembly tents to discuss rationally what should be appropriately done, and then exercise measures deemed necessary for survival. This was (and is) called assembly; collective bargaining. This acknowledges the very first formation of American Unions to date, and defines greatly the purpose unions fulfill today. Great Britain (as a result) displeased, would force the citizens out of the tents, arrest them and burn the tents; denying a public the right to assembly; collective bargaining.
After the American Revolutionary War, which gave these citizens national freedom as members of the independent United States of America; the very first amendment put into the national constitution acknowledging their status as a free country, covered specifically “this right to assembly.” Argo, the right to assembly; collective bargaining rights; unionization, is protected by law under The Federal Constitution of the United States of America.
Basically, Wisconsin republicans violated the federal constitution; federal law, by denying certain state employees collective bargaining rights; indicating exactly how predatory our jobs market has become. Whether or not this is final would depend on Wisconsin’s governor. He has to sign the bill before it can become a state law, which could become a national law as other states follow suite.
Friday, March 11, 2011, according to the Associated Press; “Wisconsin Governor Strips Collective Bargaining Rights From Public Workers.” This illustrates exactly how predatory the job market has become; one great big huge---employment---trap (to say the least). There is still recourse that can be taken, but that doesn’t matter. Indication of inappropriate motive has already been proven here, suggesting as of 2011 when the public in America returns back to work, not only are citizens compromising pay and benefits, but also basic human rights, under present conditions.
Whether the core behind these inconveniences is racial discrimination, sexual discrimination, back-round discrimination and/or harassment etc… to fulfill promissory obligations, employment will now have to go to the public library to accomplish what is needed, yet again to no real avail.
When employment is on the computers at the public libraries of Saint Paul Minnesota, the female librarians perch on employment's shoulders to peek at what employment has on employment’s screen, similar to how downtown pigeons attach themselves to an important statue of prominence, erect publicly in the middle of a city park or town square congested with traffic, both vehicle and pedestrian. Welfare doesn’t have this problem like some form of pigeon repellent. What welfare has on welfare’s screen is of little interest to these female civil hooligans. For some reason the interest is in employment’s screen. To describe the experience, it is like going to the public men’s room to use the urinal and while urinating, discovering a female librarian lecherously standing in line behind you trying to peak at genitalia. The purpose of this isn’t openly expressed, but the violation is felt, with a sense of perverse gratification displayed by these gender beasts. In fact keyboard reading under this premise, is the equivalent of using a set of calipers to get a measurement; fundamentally violating, and should be covered under a bill of rights somewhere. Appropriate filter screens and filter settings would alleviate this problem immediately, but would then take away from this vicarious voyeur pastime pleasure these female civic thugs indulge in so much, out of a strong sense of personal civil maliciousness directed toward a certain public.
At Listening House, transportation and clothing are important to everyone whether maintaining employment, welfare or staff. Employment in effort to achieve what is needed for transportation, has to build and maintain a bicycle to meet demands winter, summer, spring and fall, sun, rain, sleet, or snow. When clothing starts to stink to the point the female librarians notify security to have employment removed from the library (because of this), Listening House will do absolutely nothing for employment. When welfare decides that welfare wants to do what employment is doing, Listening House has plenty of whatever is needed to achieve whatever is needed. What they don’t have they can find, even if it means offering personal rides in vehicles inside and outside of work. This is because the support of employment or the image of is far more marketable than actual employment itself when money is concerned. It is difficult to fund what isn’t seen just hanging around routinely, on a daily bases.
Welfare is always around to be accounted for if not in person, as a matter of record when applying for assistance. With the present housing crunch, these institutions are showing up more as domicile for many welfare recipients. When welfare works, welfare continues to return to these facilities to subsidize habits both legal and illegal. Slave conditioning breeds plantation dependency in this fashion. After all, this pays the bills. This is the great American fact behind the great American principle of welfare; employment isn’t wanted or supported when it comes to these kinds of politics. This escalates to the point where welfare will actually take the bread that employment eats in the evening, when returning to Listening House to hopefully watch the evening news on television---to see what is happening in the world around him---and feed it to the birds out of spite. If asked why welfare is doing this to employment, the reply with a heavy Asian accent is “Because the birds don’t have jobs”---as if offered was an acceptable excuse for inappropriate menacing behavior institutionalized at these facilities.
Mary Hall connected with Listening House inside the same building and established directly with The Dorothy Day Center will openly do nothing for employment unless employment signs up for welfare as directed by Mary Hall during The Dorothy Day Center’s Evening Program. When this happens, employment is no longer employment. An identity has been lost. Integrity to an inappropriate cause has been obtained. This suggests locally, some members of the public have been “welfared” for so long by community, that a major industry has developed to cater just to them, because of their recognition in the local system considered an added plus when public funds are allocated.
This rewards laziness as the funding cow mentality is cultivated with graze, (come in to eat) graze, (come in to sleep) graze, (apply for benefits) graze, (come in to get cleaned) graze! In fact, there are even incentives for participation. After a period of time chosen funding cows; Golden Calves, get upgraded to the coveted position of House Negro; where they no longer have to remain on the pastures grazing, because they are afforded a home to live in with fielding privileges secured; where if they want, they can return to the pastures amongst the funding cows to indenture up some personal servitude amongst the herd---institution backed! During the Listening House Safe Waiting Program in the evenings, one of the female staff gives an official announcement that always insists that if any of the funding cows have an alternate place to go to during the evenings---because of the crowding that occurs during cold weather---they are “expected to leave or else will receive a two week bar from Listening House and all Listening House services,” thus supporting the personal indentured servitude industry well established through these facilities. So as one can image, the competition for these positions can be quite fierce. On a daily bases it isn’t uncommon to see two cows going at it head-to-head over preferred grazing privileges, established by staff and institution. Some will openly play guitar, sing, dance, draw pictures etc… to covet favor from the institution masters; staff and/or volunteer for a preferred indentured status. As a result---migrating on the sidewalks consisting of the new pastures of indigence---this becomes a form of community job security be it money, food, housing, medical, drugs both legal and illegal; off market, which gives rise to addiction, prostitution and drug dealing, further enhancing funding as rehabilitation funds are solicited locally, to the point an establishment of ill repute is “plantationed” into existence and publicly marketed.
This is what plantations have been historically. The mentality of these facilities is never intentional. The slave mentality inadvertently acquires available resources to perpetuate itself as a market of poverty sustains it, transforming public non-for-profit establishments into community plantations housing the mentality. Transitional housing shelters and drop-in-centers have recently been acquired by this nation's new age of servitude, spurred on by an invisible national depression. None of this is ever planned. It just happens. If it is what the community wants to see it will be what is afforded, therefore funded and produced. Manufactured is what sells. The community will buy what it wants. It will not buy what it doesn’t want. So what is produced is what is wanted, even if ill reputed---especially if ill reputed.
At the Dorothy Day Center this community apathy awards a license for production with project development starting immediately, nonstop---twenty-four hours a day--- (seven days a week) three hundred and sixty-five days out of the year. This newly fervent commercial drive of local community commerce instantly reflects itself cognitively through product standard policy applications, embellishing consensus profanely, sprayed like a huge dog lifting it’s gigantic leg to secrete a malodorous pheromone to mark personal territory, like on a local city fire hydrant, only this time on a city shelter’s wall, in the form of not a stain, but a mural---a project’s highly revered commemorative demographic acquisition---so greatly appreciated from all the local facilities, the producing client was elevated to shelter staff status at Mary Hall. The mural obviously serves as a trophy. The question is what kind of trophy and for what?
There are many things peculiar about this work. There is no signature or date on it. The rewarded artist didn’t sign his master piece for probably three reasons: 1. he probably didn’t want the public knowing what he was involved in, 2. he probably didn’t want the public knowing what the institutions are involved in and 3. he probably didn’t want the public knowing how his involvement has rewarded him at the institutions and the institutions themselves. A signature and date would make the piece contractual, suggesting public responsibility; accountability, where if it is criminal is it a good idea to sign something like this? His personal blueprint to success, this piece of community accepted artwork, displayed for all prosperity to see in grandeur on the Dorothy Day Center’s wall, functions not much different public image wise from The Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island in New York, only greeting emigrating destitution to the three institutions mentioned: The Dorothy Day Center, Listening House and Mary Hall---like New York to America’s historic maritime refugees, establishing part of our American culture with,

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

Created artistically is a neighborhood front porch for something very different from a civil perspective, a public’s “statute liberty;” slavery. If anything suggests an inappropriate 13th Amendment violating cultural practice, here it is grand standing like some Los Vegas casino billboard, advertising community based immorality---openly and rather casually---and in doing, so luring a public inside routinely on a daily bases to secure profits in this fashion (openly and rather casually).
The work is huge and colorful (yellow), dominating an entire room and its occupants, dwarfing the mural size portrait of modest Ms. Dorothy Day herself; disdained, located on the other side of the room, thus removed. Depicted in the middle of the mural mirroring the facility, painted gold from head to toe like the Golden Calf of Aaron described in The Bible (in the position of most prominence in the piece), is an African-American man with greater stature then Jesus the son of God himself (also depicted in the work). The African-American male staring at Christ appears to be affording a condescending smile toward “Jesus,” when factoring in what is going on in the rest of the work. Jesus, (placed outside of the work in the lower front shadows, as if in front of a projector screen displaying the mural behind him) appears exiting the ordeal in disgust toward the right, displeased in demeanor. In front of Jesus in the back-round staring at him, is what appears to be a Mexican-American or Asian-American man smoking a cigarette, while urinating in front of or on the feet of Christ. In the area toward the left of the work, is a cross gender Caucasian male walking with a Caucasian happy hippie type, who is flashing what appears to be the peace sign with his hand or hands, to the near right of (what vaguely appears to be) a male and female couple necking. To the lower left of the cross gender Caucasian male and the happy hippie type, larger in proportion by comparison, thus appearing closer to the viewer is another African-American male, only he is wearing an apron, walking toward the viewer with a staff radio outside of the apron in the area of his crotch. From a distance---in this area of his crotch---the staff radio forms a square hole in the apron, where viewed is this gentleman’s genitalia exposed, with highlights included (to more accurately define the shape of his penis for the public to see).
When someone enters the establishment from the front doors of the atrium area, this image is viewed directly in front of them from across the room as if on a painted stage, with the viewer’s eyes placed at crotch level--- factoring in distance. To the right of the center of the work on the “Let Peace Reign On Earth” post, viewed are two people having sex with their clothes on in an alley fashion, with the female appearing Latino or African-American and the male appearing either as the African-American male with the staff radio or any other hippie type. The hair is the giveaway here. It has a curly Rick James like characteristic.
Viewing the illicit activity taking place on the “Let Peace Reign on Earth” post is a group of haggardly Caucasian females sitting on a bench (waiting to participate) forming a line, with an older female at the very end of the bench wearing an American flag draped across her shoulders grinning strangely like the rest of them, suggesting more is implied other then the obvious; she appears to be masturbating or to have just masturbated with a stick she keeps close between her legs. To the right of this sex-train scene in the corner of the work, is an attractive Caucasian female staff member in appearance, giving an inviting look and pointing in the opposite direction, as a way of condoning the activity; providing privacy, yet inviting the viewer into it. The overall appearance of most of the people in the work is that of drunk, high, or drug addicts.
How long has something this obscene been placed on the wall at The Dorothy Day Center of Saint Paul Minnesota; a state’s capitol? Considering the snide, confident, condescending demeanor displayed by the average African-American male directed toward the public at The Dorothy Day Center and other establishments openly acknowledging daily their institutionalized worshipped status as among the funding cow elite of Aaron’s Golden Calf Club, probably for quite some time. Some of their highly vocalized cries of peril expressed when they don’t get what they want acknowledge this. Affirmative acclamations of “We are royalty!” “We are kings!” “We are kings of kings!” “We are gold!” “We are golden!” suggesting, “We set the rules or hold the standard; the gold standard,” “We are D.D.C.” The mural has been on the wall since 2001. A little shocking? From an artistic perspective it does an excellent job of illustrating something noticed that is very real to life in a particular environment. From this stand point it is phenomenal artwork. The question is does the location where it is displayed publicly suggest appropriate use? If so, what purpose is fulfilled here?
Keep in mind that on a plantation slaves have no real rights no matter who they are and are often the target of the abusive behavior of that community, which serves as an irony considering the diplomatic banner hung outside the building by the front door during the last National Republican Convention of 2008 held in Saint Paul Minnesota; “Our political agenda: food, shelter and dignity,” which should read “Our political agenda: ‘plantationed’ welfare, sex, drugs, and crime for the community.” The worst part is the subject matter of the piece is based demographically on The Dorothy Day Center’s courtyard, suggesting exactly what is produced for the public held by the eyes, but not spoken. To understand how intentional the mural is choreographed to indicate an illicit community message of impropriety advocated to the public as a way of securing financing; looking at the work the color fluorescent green is used only once. It is about the same color green as the dollar bill. It can be seen glowing from the necktie of a man fondling with another man in a homosexual manner just right of the “Let Peace Reign on Earth” post positioned exactly in front of the modest mural size picture of Ms. Dorothy Day looking away. All of this inside an institution just a few blocks from the state’s capitol building and courthouses.
Some of the officials of the courthouses in the immediate area make an effort to politically appear each year at The Dorothy Day Center during lunch to feed the shelter clients food and cigarettes. The unknowing existing subject matter of the mural on the wall hidden from the court justices as they volunteer time and resources in the courtyard to this public, functions as a way of spitting in the face of these honorable public servants, to include our politicians as they make attempts to reconcile with a community some view as oppressed. This is precisely what brings welfare based people from all fifty states, willing to engage in all kinds of illegal or unethical activities for these institutions, bill boarded publicly and supported.
If there were any community objections, time was afforded to speak up and have the matter dealt with appropriately. No such thing has happened, suggesting the real problem exists among the fetishes of an entire community local and national, and not just among client, staff and volunteer. Community standards established through these kinds of values have been known to define shelter purpose in the past. Communities will support what they want to see, like murals. Not all attributes establishing these values are sexual as implied in the artwork. Some attributes are non-sexual, which is far worst then sexual, because they remain hidden in the shadows like the true threat to our economy; unseen, unnoticed, invisible, yet felt and witnessed to directly dictate policy at the institutions, to the point of covering up continually racial, sexual, back-round and background harassment at these establishments among a public daily.
Think of how long the true subject matter of the mural has been covered up? Why would personal abuses to community slaves be different? Would the public care, especially if the abuses where fetish based non-sexual cloaked with sexual overtones, which is what some love to see? Isn’t this exactly what a public usually pays to see for entertainment; an adult freak show of poverty and oppression live daily? It suggests a stronger fetish hidden somewhere responsible for the creation of the events resultantly unfolding; the puppeteer of the public kink present so-to-speak; the Carlo Collodi’s Jepetto of the Pinocchio, the Mary Shelley's Victor Baron Von Frankenstein of the monster, the bitch of the biblical beast responsible for the birth of impropriety plaguing a community, growing national soon to become global, the tip of the spear of Longinus propelled by the advent of a new national poverty level piercing the right lung of a God fearing nation. What is it? Where does it come from? What does it originate or germinate from?
“It” is known as slumming, which is someone who derives a strong sense of pleasure sauntering them selves in front of, being close to or in proximity of, involved with either directly or indirectly the poverty present at these institutions. This is the real heart of the problem. This is the real Minnesota behind the state. This is the real community making up Saint Paul as indicated by the existence of the mural on The Dorothy Day Center wall. The sensation described behind the kink is the thrill one would get standing at the end of a long line, being allowed to walk to the front of that line all day, or the thrill walking through a door the public isn’t allowed to walk through all day, or the thrill eaves dropping on a conversation that doesn’t involve them all day, or the thrill becoming a public sex symbol like Brittney Spears or Lady Gaga when not quite as attractive as either (all day). With this come the numerous volunteers, staff, clients and community people---in an almost festive mood---enhancing personal sensations, wearing everything from fancy to provocatively tight clothing, or anything to convey significance or prominence in front of this public enslaved, ensnared because of a poor economy, making the conditions of America’s new national poverty level rampant, surfacing throughout the communities and neighborhoods of families consisting of The United States’ new public; a citizenship of the encaged, the oppressed, restricted, the no longer free; incapable of getting away due to a newly poor status now confirmed, becoming a census bureau phenomenon---a growing national statistic---locally, flourishing an industrially “horticultured” garden of the damned; the civilly restricted, the circumstantially imprisoned, the socially buried alive, like in some quicksand tar pit trap in a country’s quickly developing backyard economic marsh, soon to become national to the point of global, suggesting resurgence rather than extinction of another backyard industry; slavery, establishing the entrapping nature of indentured servitude.

“When it comes to the institution of slavery, Northerners; view hicks as religious fanatics, Southerners; view yanks as minority worshippers, with the Midwesterners in the middle objectively admitting; both sides secretly would like to own one, not having the commonsense to realize this could be them. frg.

In order to understand the punitive nature of indentured servitude, it is important to take a closer look at something known as state civil violations industries. During a time when an economy is not good, often state governments will practice violating the civil rights of a public in effort to drive away citizens the state doesn’t want around and to make money from citizens the state does want in the form of issuing tickets, fees, fines, taxes etc… If indentured servitude were to exist, theoretically so would this industry allowing indentured servitude to flourish. Indication of whether or not a state is functioning in this manner surfaces with how certain laws are applied or reapplied (in particular but not always); traffic laws.
Illinois Governor. Rod Blagojevich on January 30, 2009 was impeached. He was caught trying to sell the Illinois senate seat formerly held by President Barack Obama of The United States of America, rather than appropriately appointing someone to the seat, before the Illinois Senate Office went up for public election. His impeachment was an indication that the state of Illinois had made the shift---to a “state civil violations industry”--- and was trying to rectify the problem. Confirmation surfaced immediately after Mr. Blagojevich took office as Governor of Illinois. Many Illinois citizens of 2003 when renewing motorcycle licenses where confronted with some puzzling questions risking the renewing of their licenses, the safety of the public, and possible qualification for inappropriate fining and/or ticketing. One of the questions on the test was: When riding a motorcycle on the street or road and a dog chases you, what course of action should one take? 1) Slow down. 2) Speedup. 3) Maintain your speed. 4) Pull off to the side of the road. The answer should have been 3) Maintain your speed. 2003’s test stated, 4) Pull off to the side of the road. This question with a few others caused many in not renewing their motorcycle licenses. It also created an awkward situation for not only the public taking the test, but for the test examiners giving the test. Anyone who rides a motorcycle knew the test was wrong. The only recourse offered was to reread the book and retake the test, with 2003’s Illinois Rules of the Road Book bearing the name of Mr. Rod Blagojevich himself as the new Governor of Illinois (the prior example question wasn’t in the book).
Witnessed was a shift to a state civil violations industry, where now dogs had greater legal consideration than some citizens. Think about what would happen if a motorcyclist pulls off to the side of the road or street with a dog perusing him; not only does he run the risk of being attacked by the animal, but so does his passenger. Think about the complications created with all the traffic operating in the immediate area; vehicle and pedestrian. Traffic laws are designed to protect an entire public objectively. When state governments make the shift from a civil rights industry to that of a civil violations industry the first indication is usually in how traffic laws are applied, or in this case reapplied. They don’t function in the manner suggested; protecting a public, and are the bases of civil law suits. Citizens should have a Fourth Amendment Right under the Federal United States Constitution to feel comfortable with personal effects, like driving a motor vehicle safely for the sake of not only themselves and passengers, but also for the sake of the general public, without fear of inappropriate ticketing or fining for doing so, or more importantly inappropriate redefining of local traffic laws that could result in a higher mortality rate, be it dog or citizen.
Considering this theory, if indentured servitude as a violation to the 13th Amendment actually exists, there should be other indications that a state civil rights shift has taken place, using the state civil violations industry model applied here directed towards Minnesota. Under ideal circumstances and convenience a civil violating traffic law like the Rod Blagojevich “motor canine law” would be perfect. However, we would need a traffic law far more serious than this Illinois Governor’s labeled legal farce, which could have been a minor logistical mistake at a single driver’s license facility anywhere. We want something more deliberate, state local; renowned nationally that could contribute to an increased mortality rate locally, possibly national as other states follow suite.
On December 31, 2010, Eric Roper of The Star Tribune wrote an article entitled; Drivers, No More Blocking the Box, stating “Minnesota drivers should keep four words in mind before hitting the roads in 2011: Don't block the box.
A new law takes effect Saturday, January 1, 2011 that prohibits drivers from entering an intersection if they are unable to pass completely through without blocking cross traffic---sometimes referred to as "blocking the box." The gridlock-fighting measure, already law in other states, is one of several new laws passed by the Legislature that will hit the books the first of the year. What is the penalty for blocking an intersection? Representatives of the state, Hennepin County and Minneapolis were unable to say yet just what it will be. But violating the law is not grounds for suspension or revocation of a driver’s license. "It's really common sense," said Minnesota State Patrol spokesman Lt. Eric Roeske. "You shouldn't enter an intersection if you can't get through it. But unfortunately that common sense isn't always practiced."
As a class A truck driver I’d like to take the time out to explain what “Blocking the Box” is, why or when it is practiced and the purpose it fulfills. When approaching an intersection with a green light and with the right of way established, blocking the box is when a driver for the sake of public safety stops in the intersection, waits for an appropriate opportunity to turn left at the intersection, therefore not colliding with oncoming traffic and has opportunity to visually check the lane he or she is turning into for obstructions, obstacles, pedestrians and conditions. In the event oncoming traffic is too busy to allow the left turn to take place, the driver sits and waits for the light to turn yellow, where oncoming traffic legally has to yield the right of way by not entering the intersection, thus allowing the driver time to make the left turn safely and slowly in two safe segments---rather than none---before the light turns red. The problem with blocking the box occurs when oncoming traffic breaks the law by (instead of “yielding on yellow;” not entering the intersection on a yellow light) speeding up or accelerating through the intersection on a yellow light in hopes of beating the ensuing red light. The reason blocking the box is practiced is because it allows certain vehicles that are larger than normal, loaded and/or slow to acceleration, opportunity to make the necessary left turn needed to not hamper traffic flow or cause accidents (especially during wet, snow or ice conditions). These vehicles include fully loaded tractor trailers, school buses and vehicles driven by parents occupied with children and/or other passengers etc... Blocking the box prevents accidents and traffic grid lock situations, ergo “saves lives and time.”
The only time blocking the box doesn’t work is when oncoming traffic is allowed to drive illegally by entering, accelerating or speeding through intersections designated by yellow lights, rather than yielding the right of way. Nationally, states’ laws inform us that all drivers are supposed to yield the right of way on yellow. The question is as indicated by the apparent blocking the box problem, why isn’t this happening? Here is indication of a state’s shift from an industry of civil rights to an industry of civil violations. Think about the legal right citizens should have to operate a vehicle safely for the sake of driver, passenger and public alike. How is this legal right---even when operating a bicycle---not compromised under the circumstances created by January 1, 2011’s No More Blocking the Box law?
What is more evident of a state civil violations industry shift is what is reciprocated from January 1, 2011’s No More Blocking the Box law; Accelerated Blind Left Turns. An “accelerated blind left turn” is where now due to January 1, 2011’s No More Blocking the Box law, drivers must attempt to make left turns at intersections accelerating through the turn in effort to not only beat the ensuing yellow or red light, but to also beat oncoming traffic; going through intersections with no decelerated safety segments to allow visually checking lanes and road conditions for making a safe left turn. This creates a civil loaded gun situation, where obtained is the opportunity for a motorist to run others over, be it vehicle, pedestrian or other.
Studying the situation with the aptitude of a third grader, one can conclude the only law that should be enforced is “yield on yellow,” not “no blocking of the box” as of January 1, 2011. As Minnesota State Patrol spokesman Lt. Eric Roeske said; "You shouldn't enter an intersection if you can't get through it. But unfortunately that common sense isn't always practiced" pertains here, however doesn’t appear appropriately applied; evidence of the existence of a state civil violations industry. With the industry indicated, propagated is a civil environment germinating the possibility of indentured servitude/slavery.
Historically, indentured servitude’s punitive nature has always resided in the relationship depicting the servitude. Throughout time the relationship that best reflects the mentality of indentured servitude in America, would be the relationship an owner/master would have with his or her dog; living ownership of another living organism controlled and/or trained. In fact in pop-culture a figure of speech used to express this type of close commitment relationship is coined behind the term “dawg.” Today’s indentured servitude/slavery demands a better analogy.
“Falconry; 1. (Individual Sports & Recreations / Falconry) the art of keeping falcons and training them to return from flight to a lure or to hunt quarry, 2. (Individual Sports & Recreations / Falconry) the sport of causing falcons to return from flight to their trainer and to hunt quarry under his direction, 3. the sport of hunting with falcons or other trained birds of prey, 4. the training of birds of prey. Some views of falconry state that the art started in Mesopotamia predating The Bible, some say that it started in the Far East, suggesting again Biblical predating. The earliest evidence comes from around the reign of Sargon II (722-705 BC) before the birth of Christ,” according to Wikipedia the free online encyclopedia. Looking deeper this practice could be older than the written record of mankind itself. Here is the best relationship describing today’s indentured servitude/slavery.
Falconry is the practice of enslaving another organism to an existence of servitude to benefit a master/falconer or one that breeds and trains this. It is quite literally the process of mentally breaking down another organism over a period of time into sitting vulnerably blindfolded on the leather gloved hand of a falconer/master, thus unaware of any opportunities for individual or independent existence afforded the organism due to the use of the blindfold placed on the organism’s head by the falconer/master, where upon only at the falconer’s/master’s discretion is the blindfold removed to reveal just enough to the organism to perform the bidding of that falconer/master, where the fruits of the spoils go primarily to that falconer/master and not to the organism. The organism is capable of an independent existence of autonomy away from the falconer/master, but is intentionally denied this due to the selfish values of the sport or recreation. All of this done in effort to achieve ranking within a particular social group or society. “In China itself the culture of falconry once occupied a very significant role---there are many historic remains in literature, poems, painting and porcelain describing it in the culture of the imperial family, the nobility through the social life of the ordinary people. Chinese, falconry had an inseparable relationship with politics and power and written records that goes back prior to 700BC,” according to the I.A.F; The International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey.
Keeping this in mind, non-for-profit organizations comparatively function as hatcheries, securing the broods, psychologically housing this mentality on a human scale, with the welfare based clients functioning on an institution level like carrier pigeons; keeping contact with the various black-markets sustaining an organization stretching through neighborhoods throughout all fifty states, with the employment based clients struggling with the economy functioning on an institution level like the wild falcons mentioned; seeking and obtaining employment for survival from all fifty states, suggesting a hidden macro connection as far as non-for-profit facility relationship with our struggling economy.
Proof of this hidden macro connection is evident with the recent national trend of reduced violent crimes. As more people fall to the level of shelter existence, theoretically we should also see a drop in a national crime rate; if shelters are the best factor in crime reduction? Since shelters are the best factor in reducing crime rates (proven statistically nationally), we have seen a national drop in violent crimes as of 2010. The problem with shelters is as the falcons seek and obtain what is needed for survival; employment, possibly spurring on an economic resurgence, the laws of common sense are reapplied with the welfare based clients and the staff deep inside developing an innate fear. Depending on the political wind flow these employment birds of prey may very well replace or supersede them within a community, creating problems for facility credibility outside of national statistics, especially with the present economic crisis pending as of 2010 and 501C3 non-for-profit institutions being covertly welfare based. Anything welfare based, although great for crime reduction, doesn’t work out well for the economy, unless people are given the freedom of upward social movement financially, which doesn’t often happen, because of primal jealousies that are welfare based prevalent at these facilities with institution staff, volunteer and client.
As a result, what is wanted by welfare based clients and staff under these circumstances and for institution sake, is as many wild falcons enslaved/domesticated to an institutional falconer’s mentality; the multitude of employed people dependant on shelter resources, justifying staff, client and institution existence; “We fulfill a purpose here due to a national crisis. We’re not freeloading or taking advantage of anything or the image of anyone here. We are living proof of just how difficult life is out there.”
The problem is the mere nature of employment incubates a strong desire for emancipation from this, suggesting a basic conflict of interest. Implemented as a result, are constant efforts to break the very spirit or resolve of the falcons; the employment based, to breed dependency in them like the carrier pigeons dependant on the institution. In doing this, a threat to economic recovery is engineered, perpetuating recessionary circumstances. In order to have true economic recovery an economy must be based on individuals emancipated from this dependency, not conditioned by it. Nationally we’ve only been hit with the storm’s preliminary rains. We haven’t approached the eye of the hurricane yet. Until then, due to mild recessionary symptoms of a failing economy, a form of institutional falconry civilly violating by nature flourishes, spurring on indentured servitude/slavery.
To locate the source of this mentality to reveal its true penal nature, we must find where the relationship institutionalizing the culture is housed for the public. We would want something that suggests a strong belief system. We would want something national and local, yet hidden (due to legality), resilient to surroundings, suggesting adaptability; being very applicable, suggesting practicality or usefulness; defining a microcosm to a macrocosm, to a civilization of (highly personalized) service. Belief systems of this magnitude are (often) mirrored by the philosophical value of a public’s manner of worship (highly personalized), in the form of religious sacraments historically.
This shouldn’t be considered anything unusual or new. In Christianity a sacrament is “a rite believed to be a means of or visible form of grace; a sense of fitness or propriety.” The feeling is “if a practice is endorsed somewhere in the history of a church literature, then it is safe to engage in or incorporate as a routine part of life.” In this fashion sacraments form ideological molds into reality. According to Aurelius Augustinus, Augustine of Hippo (354-430); saint and the pre-eminent Doctor of the Church in concordance with Roman Catholicism, a sacrament is "a visible sign of an invisible reality." (Under these circumstances one could say the same about slavery.)
Religions specialize in sacraments. Some sacraments are in writing, some are implied, yet receive the same degree of reverence, especially among those secretly perpetuating a culture. The use of sacraments, especially in the form of pledges or vows; implied sacraments, has a distinct history of enslavement; (more specifically) enslaving those self-emancipated from the mere social groups establishing the women and minorities historic to slavery. This is known as White Slavery; pure servitude.
The most famous example of this in Western Civilization is with Prince Vlad III of Wallachia (1431- 1476) enslaved/indentured by a royal order or vow out of Western Civilization’s concern for another pending invasion originating from the east, resulting in not only his death, but the death of his wife, followed by a western based public farce; a ludicrous, empty show; a mockery, designed to destroy reputation after death; a curse. Oppressive religious reigns generate oppressive vows in this manner, establishing oppressive use of power institutionalizing this mentality; the enslaving of only the capable and empowered. Mere groups of women and minorities rarely have a history of affording what an entire nation may need at a single moment for survival catalyzing the practice, capable individuals self-emancipated from these conditions have, whether woman or minority.
Considering this nature of indentured servitude, it is time to give America’s abolitionist movement concerned with slavery a lengthy over-do overhaul; a better sense of redirection for credibility, due to an escalating condition that should have been extinct since 1865, now sustained as a personal money train at the expense of those who’s efforts hold the key to our country’s freedom and success; the capable, the empowered, the self-emancipated (whether woman or minority).
With “indentured servitude’s punitive nature residing in the relationship depicting the servitude,” greater significance is placed finding the actual indenture/contract framing this relationship. This document specifically, would not only describe the relationship depicting the servitude we are interested in, but would provide the concrete evidence needed for handling the matter.
Since the practice of indentured servitude/slavery is against the law according to the 13th Amendment ratified in 1865, a closer look is needed to find the contract; the indenture, to reveal punitive nature. If something is illegal, participants will hide it, but this doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. In the example of a servant indentured for truck driving, the contracts or indenture outlining the servitude are the tickets framing the activity of the truck or driver employed. In the example of a servant indentured for sex, the contracts or indenture outlining the servitude are the credit card receipts framing the conjugal activity employed. Both are examples of servitude among enclosed social circles hidden from a public establishing cults, which have a history of church association within communities that hold these kinds of practices sacred---even if illegal; housing the mentality.
Cults are notorious for the tendency to deviate from Biblical orthodox Christianity to achieve what is wanted. This behavior provides the clue. Why the deviation? What are they hiding? Why are they hiding it? How are they hiding it? In order to illustrate unrecognized living conditions in the United States allowing indentured servitude to flourish into the first decade of the year 2000, spurring on an extinct European industry in America, suggesting a cultural practice evolved, we need better then tickets and credit card receipts. We need actual indenture; indication of stiff penal actions exercised (record) against a public.
This document should describe favorable conditions condoning the slavery, penalties affording structure; suggesting management, and a statement of purpose to establish understanding of what is openly afforded a public. This document should not only be highly revered, but recognized; famous amongst the culture that covets it for the power it can ruthlessly wield. It should have historic reference, revered today unchallenged---that many would die for---further establishing the invincibility of any industry spurred into existence by it. It should have common usage (referenced); prevalent among many households, even those who don’t perpetuate the culture (non-believers); sort of like a “When in Rome do as the Romans do” kind of mentality, or else prepare to be cut-down type of invoked fear. Most of all, it should have a direct lineage up to the present of perpetuating into existence the very industry we are stating; indentured servitude/slavery. This document, this sacred material, this living contract, this official transcript of inquiry, known formerly as “The Books;” renowned for its ability to keep a traveling nation intact and in order (on the move and still moving today); this philosophical focal standpoint for all of Western Civilization (as we know it), now governing greatly American culture future (as we knew it as of today), is (and has been) renown more formally and known even as of “now” (today) ---always and intimately---amongst those who covet it, both secretly and openly, everywhere across our great and beautiful planet as; The Bible.
Statement of purpose establishing understanding of what is afforded a public is found in Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 5; “Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto: Servants, be obedient to them that are your lords according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the simplicity of your heart, as to Christ.” This is further supported by commandments designed to structure an entire society around these values, found in Exodus Chapter 20 verses 2 through 17, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s.” The penalties affording structure, (establishing management) is covered under the accounts of Moses in The Bible, where concerns or issues are cordially presented to Pharaoh, where after doing so the presenter based on faith to the indenture waits for the ten plagues to come (official appropriation). Remember, Moses didn’t make it to the Promised Land. He died in route, so one could be in for a long wait. The favorable conditions condoning slavery would be covered under the accounts of Joseph in The Bible, who rewarded was put in charge of all of Pharaoh’s affairs; the non-for-profit staff and volunteer base. Amazing is how many non-for-profit staff and volunteers got their start as clients. Even more amazing is the unusual high degree of reverence they all have for the literature, although they do not practice the precepts ordained by it.
Merely finding an indenture like this isn’t good enough. It is about as significant as finding a weapon involved in a crime. More is still needed to prove bases for punishment (or at the very least) ---a very penal demeanor shaken menacingly towards a public at full length. With a master’s whip found, needed is location and reason applied for motive; The Salvation Army on West 7th, The First Lutheran Church near Metropolitan State University on East 7th and The Jesus Truck that feeds at The Dorothy Day Center on West 7th.
These three institutions; fundamentally religious, function secretively like the enclosed circles establishing cults locally. This is important, because developed is organization due to a common alliance, with directive due to common motive; secretive, thus dangerous, like a newly released alpha predator amongst a field of grazing sheep, with a public hiding; too intimidated to acknowledge (scared).
The “directive;” (would be) “because of the impropriety institutionalized at the other facilities… (which obviously don’t know what they are doing…) our community servants/slaves need redirection… appropriate with scripture; the official indenture, The Bible; our biblical beliefs.” This in return would spur on a movement throughout an area never completely noticed, but very well felt to be present, similar to the big brother sensation experienced during our cold war days with Russia, with ourselves as a country comparatively young and immature, (still developing) like the targeted public described here. This is significant, because this type of “merk” emitted from a single area isn’t limited demographics. As a result, incubated is something extreme, fortified behind efforts of many capable individuals, not always isolated but strategically placed anywhere, in a fashion similar to a cloaked crusade that could go on unnoticed for years, like a mounted Angel of Death on the rove; a Tarot---community fashioned---card thirteen.
Motive is important here. A statement of purpose establishing what is afforded a public comes close. This shows profit objectives. This doesn’t establish “an emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as incitement to action.” There is a difference between declaring oneself a marijuana dealer in effort to make sales, from one who just deals marijuana. Money isn’t always a motive. There could be other motives. With slavery there is no real money made in the production or sale of the servitude. Money can be made behind the savings provided by the labor, if one where in the market to purchase and employ. This kind of purchase and employment is still illegal; unconscionable, therefore how can one make money in a market that doesn’t officially exist? What would constitute taking the extreme risks? There are funds awarded through the funding cow mentality through community politics. However, these funds don’t make facilities fortune five hundred companies substantiating risk, especially with slavery.
Looking at the heart of the matter, none of this is of real concern, considering the actual nature of the true problem within the beast. Slavery inside a community, especially among the institutions mentioned, establishes a needed sense of grandeur within a public of low self-esteem, due to false or insecure religious beliefs, by offering ownership or control over another, and/or with one feeling similar value owned or controlled by another as outlined in the history of The Bible. Raised are issues of faith, where needed is motive in writing, suggesting these issues in faith exist and are experienced---offering greater perceived rewards self-awarded while enduring; enlightenment, motive; “substantiation of risk.”
Cults (local) specialize in this (motive; “risk substantiation”), addressing issues in faith (secretive), because sometimes what is happening is often illegal (affirming redemptive quality; enlightenment). They are notorious for scripture use designed to address everything for whatever purpose for whatever reason, justifying actions to a public under any circumstances, even with actions construed as illegal; especially with actions construed as illegal. The right cult literature will provide the right proof of motive needed, like the correct technical manual supplies the correct solution to a problem. Desired here is motive contemporary not historic as in The Bible. This would show an unrecognized living condition evolving, allowing indentured servitude to flourish---even today---a lineage suggesting ancestry, culture, government, heritage, ethnicity, morality etc… establishing the present existence of an alleged truly black-market industry (from the past as of today, strong), found once again, in a book (once again, amongst Christian circles) entitled; The Dark Night of the Soul.
According to The Dark Night of the Soul by Wikipedia the free online encyclopedia, “The Dark Night of the Soul Spanish: (La noche oscura del alma) is the title of a poem written by 16th century Spanish poet and Roman Catholic mystic Saint John of the Cross, as well as of a treatise he wrote later, commenting on the poem. Saint John of the Cross was a Carmelite priest. His poem narrates the journey of the soul from her bodily home to its union with God. The journey occurs during the night, which represents the hardships and difficulties the soul meets in detachment from the world and reaching the light of the union with the Creator. There are several steps in this night, which are related in successive stanzas. The main idea of the poem can be seen as the painful experience that people endure as they seek to grow in spiritual maturity with union in God.” From this we get the book incorporated as instructional religious material by the Roman Catholic Church available at online book Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross, books/dark_night/index.php.
Other churches use this literature. The premise in the book is there are again two "dark nights" (or times of spiritual bleakness) a person travels through to come to union with God. It is during these times God refines and perfects the spirit of man. The term has become a metaphor to describe a phase commonly experienced though rarely spoken of; few admit to moral or spiritual weakness marked by a sense of loneliness and desolation where if not destroyed shall become or made stronger by it---or at the very least changed as if appropriately transformed. It suggests a period of hidden vulnerability, where actions could be questioned and intentions scrutinized when there is a need for control, where moral integrity is not guaranteed. Not everyone makes it successfully through the period. The ones that don’t rarely admit to it and practice coveting the secret for acceptance. This is important, because shame based vanity is manifested, rather than altruism true religion advocates.
Slavery at this point develops redemptive characteristics, due to poor spiritual conditioning associated with a hidden perceived type of spiritual poverty, especially with those claiming “We are at the end times;” because things aren’t going well personally for them at their institution, suggesting their life and religious beliefs are the only ones that matter to a public. To save face, the suffering they are going through internally (or publicly) in the form of self-doubt, is viewed from within as aiding in the enlightenment desired (or promised). What this means is public proprietors, instead of becoming a target of public doubt (especially if in leadership or management roles), will cloak this malignant condition with objectives obvious; ethics and motives forming to masters; slavery proprietors, for a self-perceived redemption from hidden malignant spiritual conditioning, in an effort to maintain needed respect, although already rewarded in a position civically by local established authority; with the resultant mentality enforced on a client, of perpetuating a similar scenario---only not as master, but---as slave, inspired by an opportunity of the same servitude fitting for the slavery suggested; with difficulty (or suffering assured---or promised) to achieve that greater union with that higher power, in effort to gain the respect equal to or greater than someone like Jesus himself; enlightenment, or any perceived said higher power, due to a common mutually hidden spiritual ailment.
Sometimes referenced throughout the ordeal is Christ’s experience carrying and dying on the cross. In the mural on The Dorothy Day Center’s wall, the African-American male depicted has greater stature then Jesus Christ---positioned as if inconvenienced carrying an invisible cross; both a greater symbol of worship and respect, other than this African-American depicted in the mural. However, Jesus was never a slave, unlike the history of African-Americans, so offered through the present indentured servitude; slavery, provided in the mural among these institutions (especially amongst the African-American community) is the chance to not only get even or on the same level of stature with someone revered (perceived as probably a different race; playing into the racial values of slavery), but to possibly surpass him in honor, due to a perceived greater hardship, with greater worldly rewards awarded without having to die for, afforded through greater oppression by becoming this slave, especially for said institutions. Remember, Jesus never was nor ever owned a slave. With the greater hardship established, greater is the perceived rewards awarded, spurring on a cult industry of indentured servitude/slavery.
Considering this, it makes sense to incorporate a belief that would supersede a national law. This would establish a more powerful form of therapy, by religiously cannibalizing a greater worldly civic and/or civil respected belief, the way a self-made vaccine cannibalizes a dead virus; in hopefully producing a more effective powerful cure (established redemptive quality); by establishing a stronger sense of sacrifice, thus reestablishing a weak faith into a strong one, due to the risk involved, especially if peppered with obscenity for flavor for the local public, thus making everything more fundable and marketable. An example of this would be some of the debates conducted around the issue of abortion with these groups. It is like saying; “Okay… lets all sit down and take some time out to discuss what is passing between my wife’s, girlfriend’s or daughter’s legs with me and hey… how about some pictures to boot!” It is a form of political pornography or prostitution under this pretence; sickening, but damn good for funds, attention and public ratings.
Cannibalization of a greater law or a moral code becomes evident here, thus establishing the needed (greater) faith for freeing “Dark Night of the Soul” symptoms. Served up on a dinner plate is the fundamental recipe for many illegal Christian cults, engaging in the bombing of abortion clinics, slavery for child molesting, and mass suicides, as with groups like The Army of God; known nationally for the abortion clinic violence, The Brach Davidians in Waco Texas; known nationally for the child molestations mentioned, and the Jim Jones South American Jones Town Massacre; known nationally for the mass suicides. Greater the perceived risk, greater the rewards awarded, greater the path to enlightenment obtained or awarded; the need to be closer to said higher power.
What would possess someone in taking the risk of painting an obscene mural on The Dorothy Day Center’s wall? More importantly, how is someone rewarded for this? The answer is, with the desired risk taken, not only have the individuals involved perceived themselves as closer to said higher power, but considering the success afforded by the community secrecy provided; is probably sitting on said higher power’s lap every night of sleep. The support offered from all local institutions---individuals and authorities in not saying anything---establishes community cult affiliation. The mentality is, anything God centered, even if false, emancipates institutions and individuals from “Dark Night Conditions.” What this does is spur on an industry of religious civil and/or civic exploiters; zealots.
This is how a chief philosophical deity responsible for the cultivation of Western Civilization can not only practice what it preaches based on an indenture designed for slavery, but can advocate redemptive qualities through the practice (even if illegal), as indicated by the development of the supplemental literature of “The Dark Night of the Soul,” suggesting “redemptive risks exercised” have a history of not only being employed globally, as exampled by the “religious inquisitions” and “religious crusades” that have shaped the history of Western Civilization, but will more than likely continue to do so throughout our neighborhoods nationally, due to a similar need to ascertain strong religious faith during weak economic times.
After considering the “redemptive risks” of The Dorothy Day Center’s mural with the perceived payoff; self-enlightenment and/or community accommodations substantiating cult development, let us take a look at the circumstances leading to the senatorial election fiasco/cover-up during the fall of 2008, at the Saint Paul Minnesota Salvation Army on West 7th; an official polling site for voting for the immediate public (a mirrored mentality of all local facilities---501C3 or otherwise), where at the very least, this public service provided objectivity should have never been sacrificed for this kind of higher power, illustrating indentured servitude’s punitive nature.
Keep in mind, living during a time when people are losing jobs and homes due to public policies indirectly or directly voted into office, theoretically we should see more voters turning up at the poles voting, to hopefully solve a national problem locally, by correctly voting. The decade’s economic casualties can no longer use the excuse that they missed the opportunity to do so due to work or decided to stay at home because of weather. What was witnessed to have taken place at the Salvation Army during the elections of 2008 and effectively covered-up by the entire community still today, suggests public and/or community based hazing of registered voters hampering voter turnout everywhere as poverty levels escalate across the nation, implicating another monster unleashed pilfering the milk and honey coverts of the land of the free, confirmed now by the indication of the existence of an indentured servitude class of citizen showing up at the poles to vote, especially in states like Minnesota.
We need to understand what is really coveted here. What is desired but not really wanted is welfare’s mentality “plantationed;” to qualify for better funding for institution, minus a perceived negative. Publicly rewarded was the “yes sir boss mentality,” sort of like a “just point and grunt” level of employment; very remedial with no skills, other than the complacency for taking direction behind an extended finger of authority---accomplice with throaty uttered emissions expelled continuously---all day (yea!). Old slavery master based loved this. The new age of slavery has no need for it. The demand for today’s jobs market requires something more capable of filling production quotas, financial assistance qualification, and under bidding a market of cheap labor.
Wanted are thinkers and creators with initiative and job skills; employment based, affordable as possible; enslaved or indentured, due to a major economic crisis created from a major global financial shift. Wanted isn’t the sense of establishment or self-independence of spirit individuals acquire through employment history, especially with “Dark Night” conditions prevalent at many institutions with staff, volunteer and client. It is this very “sense of establishment” that was the backbone of our labor unions, now no longer wanted for similar reasons, desperately needed for these reasons; attacked! Fed into scenario as a result is the desire for welfare dependency with employment marketability, for the ultimate end product of better community based indentured servitude/slavery---fit for national economy consumption---localized. Historically, it isn’t uncommon for many things national (almost considered foreign), to become localized and well accepted (slavery). Why can’t this idea be reciprocated? To illustrate the point; has anyone ever played soccer?
Employment based people (willingly or unwillingly) have become important participants; economic field players, in a prevailing sporting event more spectacular than any on the face of this planet, played in any surrealistically sculpted sports superdome or super arena today; the economy. The (so called) coliseums with the locker rooms where these national athletes competitively engage in plays to hopefully safeguard the game in favor of their home country, state, county or city team, would be the numerous non-for-profit agencies set up for this. The problem exist with the welfare based clients, volunteers and staff, who function like spectators; just sitting back and watching the players participate in the game of reestablishing losses sustained by today’s jobs market. As national circumstances escalate locally, greater attention is placed on the local player in the field, with the welfare based client, volunteer and staff, possibly considered no longer as important. With the public enquiring who the players in the field are and how to better assist (a fan or groupie base developed), witnessed are many spectators putting on game uniforms and selling for funding and/or notoriety what they see the players doing, with absolutely nothing done to accommodate the players in the field other than a lot of hazing, backbiting and hidden spite, designed to keep them from leaving the arena; encaged, a form of psychological conditioning; mental imprisonment.
An example of this would be when anything is given out, food etc... When players get served, staff, volunteer and client make constant efforts to try and get on conversational bases, in effort to gain what is desired. Understanding this practice compromises employment, by breeching employer and potential employee confidentiality, the player is put in a position where he or she can not only not risk speaking with said people, but can’t even respond to just a simple “hello” and/or “how are you,” out of fear for what might ensue. As a result, the player will try avoiding speaking completely, resulting in the staff and volunteers serving less food out of spite; inflicted hunger, to breakdown resistance and breed dependency. This is what happens when an economy tanks. Under normal circumstances this wouldn’t happen, therefore shouldn’t be an issue. Since our economy has tanked and may continue tanking, it has become an issue, one we should all be concerned with.
Here is an example of a scenario created from institution based falconry. Just as a falconer would employ various means to breakdown a bird of pray from resolve and breed dependency, so will staff, volunteer and client employ similar means to breakdown resolve and breed dependency in employment based clients---not much different from the way a pimp would exploit naivety for a field of pornography. Some staff, clients and volunteers will go to extremes to acquire what is wanted from the player, just to protect what is developed; a "welfared" life in the lap of luxury funding a practice of spectatorship, at the cost of the player in the field, even if compromising the economy itself, due to a form of coveted hidden spite; selfishness---vanity; “Dark Night Conditioning.”
This is because as national indigence starts to level playing fields, personal integrity becomes more notable and rewarded publicly. With shame based desire created by the “Dark Night Conditions” prevalent; no one wants to be found so to speak, many will work hard to hide what is inappropriately gained, especially if a privilege secured amongst the privileged elite; the welfare based clients, staff and volunteers of an institution, that inflects great emotional pain for an obvious gratuity; the falconry suggested. Desired is the falcon like dependency like a falcon would have to a falconer, superimposed onto the player of the 501C3 institution, to the staff, client, volunteer and institution to secure self-interests. Encouraged is any method of achieving this, with almost no limits to compensate, as exampled with The Dorothy Day Center’s mural, with enticements seeming almost inexhaustible.
Some of the attacks conducted to achieve this are subtle, subliminal and often involve other clients to achieve the social ranking desired. The games can be petty, vicious, well thought out, well coordinated and carefully aimed, like the attacks on privileges awarded individuals for survival at these institutions---to include even the right to vote. The mentality is to leave an individual with the mind set of “They can only take away what one has or is given. If I don’t have or accept anything offered, they can’t take anything away from me… therefore they cannot hurt or inconvenience me,” even if it is the right to vote---especially if it is the right to vote. With this reduction in privilege acceptance; erosion of values, created is the foundation establishing indentured servitude/slavery.
When this happens, witnessed is spectators getting fatter, better accessorized with nicer clothing, jewelry, personal items like laptop computers, cell phones etc... more respected and adorned, as if they are actually the ones in the field scoring and/or losing jobs affording this, while the players wear out uniforms, get thinner, dirtier, stinky and hairier, with all the items purchased when momentarily working, affording employment and autonomy, stolen or missing, establishing the indentured servitude/slavery.
September 07, 2010, on a Tuesday morning at the Salvation Army on West 7th Street, a client walks in, takes one of the breakfast plates filled with food served to the public, and intentionally throws it into the garbage, then turns around and leaves. The staff was well informed who the client was, and knew well the details around the incident, along with three other clients doing the same thing for similar reasons (they were looking for someone; business). Rather then appropriately addressing the matter with these individuals, the African-American staff member at the time chose to use it as an excuse to scold and threaten everyone else in the room (this is better for business). He was informed everyone else in the room had absolutely nothing to do with the incident or incidents. These other people in the room were predominantly Caucasian, consisting of C.N.C Machine Operators, Welders, Class A Truck Drivers, Fork Truck Operators and Warehouse Workers etc…; suggesting motive, to establish the indentured servitude/slavery.
At The Dorothy Day Center, when individual arrangements are made to console some degree of freedom from the oppression implied, or maybe to breed similar dependency; when ice is afforded out of the ice machine for a bicycle water bottle during extremely hot days of long bicycle commutes in the sun, during the warmest month of the year for employment, which no one else at these facilities seem interested in anymore. It is reneged depending on the harassing attitude of individual staff, volunteer and/or welfare based client at any moment. The idea is “No one works here, so you’re not even supposed to be here getting ice, let alone on the ice machine, so get out.” It is possible to reestablish better understanding for what might be a minor misunderstanding, but this would require time away from pending obligations. With not enough time afforded to readdress, which is what seemed to be the motive; minor harassment, created was a desired inconvenience for said person for expressed purpose, establishing the indentured servitude/slavery.
The truth of the matter is some of the other clients (welfare based) at the beginning of the month, ---the start to the fourth of July weekend of 2010---intentionally spat in and washed their hands in the ice machine, just to create a problem for said individuals. Staff was fully informed who, what, where, why, when and how, and were obligated to not give the ice out (which was greatly appreciated). The problem is no police report was filed, no charges were pressed, no arrests made, and no prosecution ensued, because licenses for this kind of political militancy is granted as good for business for what is desired here, especially if it hides the real core of what is going on; the erosion of the self-independence or spirit mentioned, establishing the indentured servitude/slavery.
One week prior, the facility front atrium camera recorded a case of sexual/racial harassment conducted by staff, involving someone from the outside community, which was appropriately reported and then hidden by The Dorothy Day Center, just like the ice machine culprits and many other incidents. End of the month June on a Sunday, while admitting the clients in during the evening program, the African American male staff where trying to make arrangements to have sexual intercourse with an African American female who was not even a client; just a mere member of the outside public. They bought her in the facility, so while working they could continue attempts to have sex with her later. She seemed to enjoy the attention and privilege. In effort to appease her, one of the staff gave her a license to harass any one of the clients, while clients were using the bathroom in the front atrium area. The entire ordeal was videotaped by the institution security camera posted at the front desk like many incidents, a report was made appropriately, with the situation (like many similar instances) just disappearing---as if nothing happened---leaving the victim feeling further victimized. Will it happen again? What should be done if it does? All of this done to aid in the erosion of individual spirit, establishing the indentured servitude/slavery.
A recent case and probably not the last took place August 30, 2010, on a Monday with a Caucasian woman suffering from a borderline psychiatric disorder. The disorder was either from her having been at these facilities long-term, or was how she ended up at these facilities. Basically she was asked to leave and not come back when she was upset that morning having an item missing she felt was stolen from her purse. The problem is, the evening before and shortly after (the morning of) two African-American clients separately expressed similar frustration over different situations, and received greater compassion by the same staff, resulting in not being told to leave the facility. The African-American clients even behaved more threatening and menacing. The problem with the female, that obviously agitated staff due to her emotional condition, was appropriately handled with the assistance of a third party. But, had there been no intervention due to concern, the woman would have arrived the next evening at the facility---after realizing she had nowhere else to stay---compromised. Had the same individual staff member been present, some kind of agreement would have to be worked-out to insure an appropriate environment for everyone, which according to resent trends hidden, could result in another rape allegation. This didn’t and probably wouldn’t happen, however something was noticed; the stern demeanor of staff toward this woman resulting in her inconvenience, occurred the morning of that staff’s rotated time-off from the facility, suggesting no availability to readdress the matter appropriately later with both parties present---a stall in living arrangements designed to agitate (often exercised toward Caucasian women African-American clients find attractive, that don’t yield concessions or preference toward this crowd) establishing once again, the (racial) social ranking establishing the indentured servitude/slavery.
At The Jesus Truck, when a welfare based client is in line to receive food, he or she has a choice of whatever is wanted as far as food right down to the type of canned soda provided. An employment based client is not afforded this. When employment explains the diet sodas’ sweeteners offered cause nausea and request one that is not diet, he is denied. Welfare has the choice of whatever soda is wanted right down to the flavor, with an extra twist of irony for flavoring. Welfare with welfare’s end of the month welfare check, can afford whatever flavored soda welfare wants with no hassles. Employment can only afford a can of soda when employed, which is rarely while at the facility, and is simply out of luck when between jobs, establishing the indentured servitude/slavery.
At The First Lutheran Church near Metropolitan State University on East 7th, when standing in line for the breakfast offered to the public on Sundays, welfare standing in front of employment is intentionally given extra portions of food. When employment politely asks for the same portions (because employment will not get the chance to eat lunch or dinner later on that day, due to other obligations) the server will look employment straight in the eye and coldly say “no.” If anyone else asks for similar portions (if they don’t get them), they are asked to come back in line for seconds after 8:30, with employment an ear-shout away; overhearing this, establishing the indentured servitude/slavery.
It is very difficult to live with complete strangers under any means. When short-term facilities like the ones mentioned, become long-term, due to unforeseen economic difficulties, sibling and rivalry natured squabbles become common place and understandable, but if left unchecked, escalate elsewhere in other ways, which should concern everyone, everywhere.
The grand prize for this decade’s award for in your face civil rights spitting, whether over flavored soda selection or minor ice privileges, would have to go to The Salvation Army on West 7th Street, with the assistance this institution offered Republican Candidate Mr. Norm Coleman; who turned out to be the biggest sore loser of the 21st century over the final vote countdown of Minnesota’s 2008 senatorial race against political rival Democratic Candidate Mr. Al Franken. Some of the incidents in question involved locking clients outdoors during below freezing weather, burying chicken wings and chicken legs that are eaten with fingers under mounds of mash potatoes, and soup spitting as an “official institution practice,” confirming the indentured servitude/slavery.
The hostility started a couple years ago when The Salvation Army was making anti-abortion issues a forum to shove down the clients’ throats with breakfast. The idea is “Listen up, mouth shut, eyes open, speak when only spoken to and support at the end if you choose to… by applauding.” The routine became so mundane that a creepy silence started to ensue after each session, rather than applause. Due to this eeriness, one of the activists/volunteers serving breakfast, asked one of the clients what he thought about the abortion issue. The response was, “Until you can guarantee everyone in this country an appropriate standard of living, you have no right telling people what to do with abortion. Abortion is a dead issue… try a living one like quality of life… and visit a local old folk’s home or homeless shelter and live with what you see. Do you really have the right telling people if and when they can pass, especially if failing nationally to provide a quality standard of life? Once quality of life is guaranteed to everyone in America, then you might have some say with abortion issues… until then you really don’t.”
At this point invites to churches and religious groups followed, with said person playfully and politely saying (behind a false projected image of importance, meant to be comical) “No thanks… the indigence experienced between jobs is a reality… a full-time situation that offers no breaks between… and simply doesn’t afford me time for anything else,” silent giggles accessorized with smiles ensued mutually between parties involved; good-natured sarcasm, establishing at this point the ideological oil and water mix escalating the pressurized conditions erupting, during the senatorial election race between Saint Paul favorite x-mayor, conservative religious right winger republican favorite---I love getting my picture taken with President George W. Bush Jr. as much as possible---Mr. Norm Coleman, running against underdog Saturday Night Live comedian and writer Mr. Al Franken.
Minnesota during the Iraq War had a high casualty rate amongst her reserve and national guard troops, making George W. Busch Jr. not well liked. The many photo opportunities Mr. Coleman took with the President didn’t help, including the state of the economy then; far worst now as of 2010. Many also viewed Mr. Norm Coleman as a “turn coat traitor,“ because he was a member of the Democratic Party, which got him into office as mayor of Saint Paul Minnesota, and later turned over to the Republican Party, while still in office (talk about political soup spitting). Hand someone a political shotgun and not only does he figuratively blow all ten of his toes and fingers off; twenty digits in all, but when it comes to senatorial election time final countdown, seems to have a difficult time keeping track of the votes because of it, and complains publicly when each recount doesn’t come out in his favor. Think about the type of character personified here? This is what resulted in what should have been a blowout election with Mr. Norm Coleman the winner, not happening. Each recount would not change this as if engaging in them would? What was really going on with each recount?
Unusual was, with all the new registered voters in the area, due to the long-term residencies at places like Mary Hall, Listening House and The Dorothy Day Center (because of the poor economy), the outcome of the election was unusually close in favor of Mr. Al Franken. It was a matter of a few hundred votes at one point. How could an election under these conditions even come close? Mr. Norm Coleman should have been very happy at least with the close results. This wasn’t the case. What he did was even more shocking. His decision to openly challenge repeatedly the final vote count, inevitably appeared as if he was openly challenging the very voting rights of that small group of voters mentioned, who voted for Mr. Al Franken, due to party alliance. With each recount narrowing the margin, (thus spurring on efforts even more) it looked as if the number of votes that cost Mr. Norm Coleman the election, came directly from the people who voted from these three institutions. This is important, because here we are looking at a community of people considered and treated as slaves, who should at the very least have the privacy to not only vote because of the matter, but to do so without harassment; not happening.
Tensions started at the Salvation Army each morning during the recount fiascoes. The clients were tired of the recounts, especially with the spread looking more as if they were the single overlooked constituency group responsible for the Coleman lost; suggesting at the very least an invasion of privacy as far as voting is concerned. The staff seeing the margin shrink little by little, wanted the recounts to keep going in hopes of a win for their candidate, and relished the appearance of the clients’ “slave vote” possibly tossed out, and really enjoyed the stress the entire ordeal caused for the clients, with the implied second class citizenship status as indentured servants/slaves now confirmed. What developed, was an ultimate power struggle, challenging this very social classism, still established today; for the year 2010 was the primaries; the opportunity to choose the candidates who will have the right to run for public office, thus establishing the base for all future public policies local and/or national. Guess which group of people happened to be over looked? It was as if the primaries weren’t public primaries, but secret primaries; political submarine races.
With national problems surfacing locally, primaries should hold greater significance to registered voters and/or citizens everywhere. Hope at the very least, provides dreams to those who no longer have homes to sleep in at night, and for those who may lose them soon. Greater participation at primaries at least, provides this; “hope dreams,” as in a promise for a chance at better change, rather than more of the same, which didn’t happen.
During these Mr. Norm Coleman “recountathons,” comments surfaced between the master/owner staff and the community slave/indentured servant clients with “It looks more like the state of Minnesota’s challenging a public’s right to not only vote, but to have the votes counted with each recount.” “It’s time to admit someone got voted out of office by the public abused by his bipartisan politics he seemed to lovingly straddle so much to begin with… and maybe face sitting (I mean fence sitting) isn’t such a good idea when it comes to local politics for public office anyway.” Like the straw that broke the camel’s back, the split atom igniting nuclear fusion; political E.M.P resulted, with personal comments about Mr. Al Franken and Mr. Norm Coleman foaming vehemently from both sides, like a brood of agitated vipers with “What’s a comedian know about running a public office, what’s he gonna do, joke his way through the economy?” “That economy ain’t no-joke.” “What the hell, ya voted a World Wrestling Federation Wrestler Governor, at least he’s gotten accomplished sense of humor if that’r the case.” “I didn’t vote for him.” “I did… I thought it would be cool---my governor can kick your ass!” “Al ain’t like that.” “He’s a clown.” “He’d probably do more for this county then the entire republican party has done so far, all they did was put us all in the same room together this morning, like some reoccurring living nightmare that just doesn’t want to seeem toooo gooooo aawaaaaaay… sort of like a, red drum, red-drum redrum, redrum reeeedrrrrruuuuum; the economy!”
Laughter, snickers and sneers followed. A sense of poetic justice was met (even if momentarily), with this particular gentleman along with his perceived cohorts, finding themselves locked out into the cold Minnesota mornings before breakfast at The Salvation Army, thrown out into the same cold after breakfast, especially on below freezing days (often), as a way of cooling down the heated desire to address the issues, which so terribly oppressed them and an entire nation to the level of not just national destitution, but---more importantly---to the level of a growing sense of a national pending doom.
At this point, at The Salvation Army as an accepted institution practice soup spiting was applied, especially for this registered voting few, to exasperate matters more. What the staff would do is when serving soup under a false pretence of concern for the temperature of the soup (in front of said clients), is take one scoop of soup, put it into a bowl, show the client the bowl with a staff inquisitive expression displayed on the face, swallow the soup from the bowl into the mouth with an expression of certainty, wash it around in the mouth with a swooshing sound and a pensive expression on the face; suggesting a needed public service, where after confirmation that the soup temperature was okay and with a look of affirm and resolve, spit the soup back into the bowl in front of the client as if it were a huge wad of chewing tobacco, then place the bowl on the same cart with all the other bowls of soup placed out for the clients, only humanely on the lower-shelf suggesting, “You don’t really want to see us mad do you?”
It is almost as if the clients subjected to this, who just so happened to be the same clients locked outside into the cold often on those Saint Paul Minnesota cold mornings, acquired lower than normal body chill temperatures, when entering the facilities sensed only by staff, somehow consistently effecting only the thermal dynamics of that particular part of the room, effecting only the temperature of those particular servings of soup (which must have been running pretty cold quite a bit as far as soup went during forty-five minutes of so many days served this public indoors), with everything heated---including serving containers---operating well, during those almost never ending Mr. Norm Coleman “recountathons.”
It was as if the cold chill creating the problem was really the hidden seething freezing “Dark Night Conditions” unknown to everyone of staff, and not anything eminently temperature related to client or atmosphere, in relationship to those local “laws” of thermal dynamics---in particular the laws protecting one’s right to vote. It seemed “soup spitting to assure soup temperature as an actual institution practice” implied more than just a concern for soup.
Some of those who volunteer at The Salvation Army during breakfast also volunteer at The Dorothy Day Center for lunch, and at Listening House. Some of the volunteers are also employees of the local public library system and other public offices. During the recount fiascoes, The Dorothy Day Center for lunch served chicken wings and chicken legs (both entrée’s that require eating with fingers), buried under mash potatoes to insure awkwardness when eating, as if they too were making efforts to counteract body chill temperatures, by insulating the chicken in this a fashion---of course, sensed only now by the volunteer servers instead of staff---, with these said clients’ individual body temperatures apparently effecting only the thermal dynamics of that entire room, at that specific point and time around those same individuals’ servings, now at The Dorothy Day Center (for lunch).
The staff at The Dorothy Day Center where fully aware of what happened and what the circumstances were, was convinced that there were no problems with the thermal dynamics of the room, and that all ambient temperature readings in question were normal, yet did absolutely nothing. Eventually the vote recounts ended with Mr. Al Franken the new “unofficial” victor, behind a steaming stew of still resentment, with the Coleman camp not wanting a political catastrophe to turn into political genocide, having to make amends to save face and resurrect, what may have been cataclysmically politically destroyed forever, especially with more recounts following.
Decided was to spend some extra time campaigning, assuring a much abused community that it was not hated or despised especially with the following National Republican Convention of 2008 (held just a few blocks away from all these institutions) creating worst circumstances for everyone. It was planned by the Mr. Norm Coleman crew that during Thanksgiving Dinner at The Dorothy Day Center, not only would Mr. Norm Coleman and his entire camp serve Thanksgiving Dinner to this impoverished politically menaced public, but would take and clean trays chivalrously afterwards; an indication of a form of civic humanity; compassion, kindness, a kind of civil platonic (public) love exercised during a holiday season that would advocate this, especially for those still holding public office.
In the basking light of the mural on the wall radiating from across the room next door (almost hidden) in the same building, after a history of having fluctuated the laws of thermal dynamics to the point of effecting food servings, perpetuating unaddressed privilege fiascoes to the point of challenging a public’s right to vote, escalating a higher level of national poverty to the point of a national jobs market disintegrating to that of a modern treadmill employment economy (three crucial points triangulating a very serious final position for closure), the exemplary and sincere efforts---as genuine as they may have been---came off not as a concern for a public anywhere enlight of all that had happened, but more disingenuous and insincere as a way of pompously exclaiming openly to citizens across America… “How ya’ll liken ya’lls, plantations!?” welcoming not only exploitation compromising a nation, but in closing; establishing the punitive nature of indentured servitude.
“Plantation; a group of cultivated trees or plants. Plant; any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls, and lacking the power of locomotion. House plant; a plant that can be grown indoors.” House plants are not renowned for their highly elated stunning congenial personalities, but are famous for recycling unwanted carbon dioxide into needed oxygen. “Oxygen; a colorless odorless highly reactive gaseous element: the most abundant element in the earth's crust (49.2 per cent). It is essential for ‘respiration’ and almost all combustion and is widely used in industry. Symbol: O; atomic no.: 8; atomic wt.: 15.9994; valency: 2; density: 1.429 kg/m3; melting pt.: -218.79°C; boiling pt.: -182.97°C.” Oxygen allows us to breath---as in to breathe free, as in to do so freely---as free… Americans.
“On the subject of breathing freely, or for freedom for that matter… back in Texarkana---elated far beyond any level of thin air elevation, be it economic or otherwise--- (with the belief that it is better to know love---Julia---than to have never been loved before, suggesting momentary separation rather than loss), highly improved, magnified, better than 20/20 telephoto vision optically peers into a future’s vast horizon, underneath iron like coated, warm, rough, worn, rugged, scaled feathers that feral over an early morning brisk spring breeze; soaring majestic, effortlessly across rustic straights of another American day, fueled only by national thermal-drafts generated by the sun on his back (alone), propelling into a future more than just a bird of prey or machine (be it industrial, sociopolitical, global, symbol of a nation or more significantly the symbol of a nation or public’s new found freedom), but hopefully a significant sign of the things to come for a (very) promising tomorrow. Below him underneath leathery, weathered, tough, layered, crippling, seasoned talons, a company of trucks is once again traveling over the road in convoy, is once again pulled over by local law enforcement, and issued once again the same tickets, for another possible necessary financial moderation exercised during economically bleak times (incorporated at this point), suggesting a cycle. A cycle of many things other than just driving without insurance and on expired vehicle registration, stretching from the free-willers, redemptioners and convicts of America’s old abolitionist movement, to the falcons, jobs hamsters and funding cows of today’s modern treadmill jobs market. If the company owner/boss exercised the degree of care suggested in Victoria Texas, how is it possible to get the same tickets for the same offence twice? Filled with suspicion and a desire for freedom (soaring effortlessly overhead), one vehicle drives past the other vehicles in question, with the driver eventually making it back home to give this account. An account of a much older cycle reestablished in our culture, coveted, entrapping, punitive, evolved, spurring on an extinct industry once European, now strong into our future; a distinct industry of American indentured servitude/slavery. A resurgence from the land of the old from a past of suffocation, strolling along side the promise from the land of the new, with hope of (new) respiration for the “The Land of the Free,” as in the ability to not only breathe during such difficult times, but to do so freely as Americans. Until then it is a matter of not just making it through another An American Indentured Servitude Story of a form of civil bondage, but more significantly of making it to, a promised An American Indentured Servitude Story of bridled freedom; meticulously groomed, fueled by a renewed matrimony of international thermal-drafts generated by the sun at our backs (paired; itemized, married), suggesting anything can be overcome with time. Until then it is just a matter of time.”

the author

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