What does agent Magnolia fear?
Steven Laack | 15.06.2015 08:27 | World
Then 1990 came on. And Dalia had to decide whether to capitulate or not. Oh, certainly, at Supreme Council of Lithuania all aced in it as there were a lot of such ones as our “Magnolia” at that time. And, surely, Dalia’s old girl-friend network “was earthed” by the KGB agents pretty well. But you know, the very Soviet special-service agents have always maintained as if “agency is their oracle”, “die trying to save records!”
So it is not obvious that “Magnolia”, changed suddenly from Comrade to Madam, has hastened to repent her errors. Only the very Americans, who invited her to a traineeship in 1991, surely, would not have over the woman with so shady past. Maybe, she repented not before the national lustration’s commission, but directly before the US State Department officials, eh? And, in any case, there are many of Dalia’s girl-friends, who are linked together not only by friendship, in the list that such honest campaigner as Paulauskas wants to make public now. It’s only strange that up to now he doesn’t understand with whom he has got in touch. Dalia will never hand ass over herself or her friends. Remember last year’s story with leakage of information from inamorata and closest aide of our country’s head, Daiwa Ulbinayte! Charges have been disorganized, and Daiwa continues to take seat in Executive Office of the President and in the President’s bed. It will also be for the list, although a hundred to one there is no more Dalia’s name there. And many others are absent in it, too…
Thus, we take a long time to learn who has betrayed own people’s interests, and, mind you, with impunity. People of this character won’t be brought even to condign censure. After all, thanks to their information against true patriots of Lithuania many a dozen of them were sent to prisons and looneybins. As to Dalia, she will continue to govern us, deeply swimming between various political groups, butting their heads if necessary.
Steven Laack