Bristol Anarchist Bookfair full details available now
Bookfair collective | 09.04.2015 09:43 | History | Social Struggles | Wales | World
Bookfair poster
After-Party poster
Coming at you live and direct from east-central Bristol, just 13 days before the 2015 British General Election & local elections, the Bookfair once again brings you a wealth of political stalls and meetings, and we are sure there's something to satisfy everyone here! Plus we have this year the Soap Box outdoors for ranters, an outdoor green space and Trinity's permaculture garden, an all day vegan cafe, a space for kids with adults, and a QUIET Support room. Don't forget the Radical History Zone down the road at Hydra Bookshop! The Bookfair welcomes all who want to come, and is free to enter, but we'll ask for a small donation to cover costs
We hope the Bookfair will be your ideal antidote to the Electoral farce around us, with its lies, posturing and media spin, as the political elite reshuffles their pack to see who will rule over us. With the disunited Left feebly seeking a 'mandate to govern', we say bollocks to the lot of them. We don't ask you to 'join us', but we encourage you to self-organise and DIY for freedom, total equality and social revolution. Let's get stuck in!
You can find all the details about Bookfair meetings, stalls, the after-party and other information here

We are also using social media to promote the Bookfair, so if you are so inclined there are:
- details here for the main event

- here for the After-Party

- and we are on twitter at @bristolbookfair using the hashtag #BABF2015
Never mind the ballots...
In solidarity
Bristolanarchistbookfair collective
Bookfair collective
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