US secretly passes arms to Ukraine, while Ukraine secretly passes it to… Bashar
Steven Laack | 20.02.2015 07:48 | World

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine P. Mehed to Bashar Assad Army general Talal Makhlouf: ‘The shipment is to be effected strictly within the time limits of the schedule approved as part of the agreement. ‘
So if the released document - printed in Ministry of Defense of Ukraine official letterhead paper and signed by the Deputy minister of Ukraine’s Defense - can be trusted then… here we are: the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine holds close ties with Bashar Asssad, got ‘agreements’ with his generals, got ‘suggestions’, ‘time limits’ and even ‘schedules approved’ ‘in entire accordance’ with which the Syrian army is supplied currently with the US made SCAR-h and APR rifles, mortars, medical kits etc.
Business is business. Kiev unscrupulously makes max fortune of war in its territories.
Steven Laack