[RIO] Demonstration at the inauguration of Maracanã at the World Cup
CMI | 19.06.2014 12:07 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Repression
Demonstration at the inauguration of Maracanã at theProtests’ Cup:
“There won’t be no Cup! FIFA GO HOME!”
Military policemen from Choque initiated a persecution to the protesters, beginning a confront at different corners around the stadium with all their weapons – pepper spray, teargas and rubber bullets. Th shots from the teargas bombs were so strong that reached far away distances causing a huge impact (AROUND THE REGION?). A protester were hit by a rubber bullet in on the his hands and a chilean jornalist at the shoulder.
Alerts from media activists such as Jornal a Nova Democracia (youtu.be/DH9HkTlq4El) say that a group of “pitboys” received police “authorization” to hurt activists. At least three of them were hurt, but the main victim was the protester Edson Rosa, cripple, cowardly hurt. The aggressors were not intimidated by cameras or other people around. When questioned about by journalists of having received policeman authorization to commit aggression crimes to activists, he answered: “what the policemen told me was this, if someone attacks you and you have to defend yourself you can do it”. And then a journalist asked if any protester had attacked him and he answered: “No, no”. In despite of that, witnesses affirmed that a policeman in a motorbike stopped near them and say that they could attack protesters.
Approximately 19h30, at Bulevard 28 de Setembro, a Civil Policeman comes out of a car armed with a gun and threats a group of protesters that tried to walk on the streets. After a discussion with people that were not intimidated by his lethal arm, the policeman shoots to the air, at a street sided by buildings and cars. After that, when the number of protesters and journalists were even higher around him, he comes inside his car again (a gray Volkswagen, number plate KNW 2735) where it had, at least, two more people besides him, and got out at high speed, making three more shots. There weren’t any records of people being hurt by lethal weapon.
Part of the protesters followed in the direction of Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, coming by a policeman roadblock. The objective was to get to Maracanã to protest alongside international supporters. At this barrier, the protesters cleared away, in small groups, and got around by side streets, dribbling the policeman siege and finally reaching the stadium, at the end of the game, in the moment when supporters were coming out of the stadium.
In at least two different points of the stadium sidewalk, a group of protesters made order shouts in a sea of people that came out of the game in the direction of the metro. A big group from Choque came near by but couldn’t do anything because of the high quantity of supporters around, with the risk of causing an even higher damage to the image of the police military corporation, in the front of the international media and tourists. After getting to the stadium and the objective of the protest reached, activists dispersed.
By information from people that worked inside the stadium, a strong smell of teargas spread by the police, came inside gates B and C, until the A entrance, making supporters and workers suffer from sickness.
During the whole time of the protest, it was reported two hurt by rubber bullet, one hit by physical aggression and another imprisoned and released a couple of hours later.