Week of Action : Police Spies Out of Lives
Police Spies Out of Lives | 10.03.2014 19:56 | Policing | Repression | Social Struggles | London
Women resist police attempt to strike out undercover police abuse cases
Court Hearing has been confirmed as taking place on 18th – 19th March 2014
This is the hearing which was postponed from last November, and involves a fresh fight against secrecy.
These are the common law claims of “deceit, assault, misfeasance in public office and negligence” made by the women who were deceived into long-term intimate relationships with undercover officers.
WHAT CAN I DO? (see below for details of each action)
Picket outside Royal Courts of Justice
Gather with your friends in solidarity
Support us on social media
Sign up to the supporters’ email list
Add your name to the ‘Where We Stand‘ solidarity statement
If you are a journalist or blogger, write articles about the case and ask to be added to the press list
Picket outside Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London, WC2 (Holborn or Temple tube)
9am – 10am, Tuesday 18th March.
We are asking people to gather with your friends during the week of action, in public or at home, to send messages of support and as an act of resistance. Undercover policing is attack on the trust built within friendship groups. Therefore, by coming together in solidarity with the women challenging these destructive police tactics you can both demonstrate your support and resist within your own networks.
Consider coming together to:
Organise a mass letter / email writing to local and national papers – while sharing a meal.
Distribute PSOOL leaflets to raise awareness, on a busy high street or other appropriate location.
Discuss within your groups the possibility of giving official support to the Where We Stand support statement – showing collective resistance against the intimidation of campaigners for social and environmental justice.
Follow and share the resources we are producing on facebook.
and on Twitter: @out_of_lives use #policespiesoutoflives , #spycops and #wherewestand (to reference the solidarity statement we are asking everyone to sign)
Sign up to the email list (in the right column on the website) to receive updates on news and actions.
Sign up, and ask your friends to sign up, to the ‘Where We Stand‘ solidarity statement.
To ask to be added to the list please email: contact#@#policespiesoutoflives.org.uk (removing hashtags which are there to prevent spam)
Further Information
The police will argue that the claims should be struck out because their asserted “Neither Confirm Nor Deny” policy prevents them from answering questions, disclosing any documents or giving evidence, and therefore they say they will be prevented from having a fair trial.
The police are also applying, in the alternative (i.e if the strike out application fails) for orders: 1. releasing them from standard disclosure obligations (so they don’t have to provide any documents to the claimants or their lawyers), and 2. that the identities of each claimant and each police officer and each witness in the proceedings must not be disclosed.
This hearing comes after the three other women in this legal action had to battle for over a year against their human rights claims going to a secret court; to widespread dismay, the Court of Appeal found against them in November 2013, and their battle continues.
Police Spies Out Of Lives extends solidarity with everyone affected by the extreme intrusions perpetrated by undercover police officers.
Police Spies Out of Lives
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