Personal Budgets: It Is Working?
Community Glue | 25.02.2014 15:57 | Health | Oxford
12.00pm - 3:15pm, Saturday 8th March 2014,
West Oxford Community Centre
12.00pm - 3:15pm, Saturday 8th March 2014,
West Oxford Community Centre
In 2008 the government announced plans for all adults who used social care services (social services) to be able to plan their care using a ‘personal budget’. Personal budgets gave people more freedom to choose the support they wanted, but also passed over responsibility for lots of things that had previously been done by social workers. Now the government are extending the scheme to the NHS.
We’ve had personal budgets in Oxfordshire for five years now. There have been some successes and some difficulties. These workshops are aimed at learning the lessons, partly so that we can improve ‘personalisation’ in social care, and partly so that personal budgets in the NHS don’t repeat the same mistakes.
Each of the following workshops will be led by people who have used or developed projects relating to personal budgets. Notes will be taken and used to produce a booklet that will be launched at the same venue at another free event on Saturday 29th March.
Community Glue