The World We Are Living In
GA | 12.02.2014 12:09
Let us admit it, no one could have been more succinct and precise in analysing Dieudonné’s vast impact. Yet in order to fully understand Rich’s statement we’ll have to decode the kosher sound bites and rewrite the above sentence using terminology that may resemble a familiar language.
Holocaust deniers – In the real world there are no ‘Holocaust deniers’: what we have instead are history revisionists – people who understand that the making of history, is a continuous attempt to narrate the past as we move along. The so-called revisionists re-visit, re-write and revise the past. Those whom Zionists and progressives often tag as ‘Holocaust deniers’ are often enough the last True Historians.
Neo-Fascists and Fascists – Zionists and Progressives tend to attach the ‘Fascist’ label to those who refuse to surrender to the tyranny of political correctness. Those few people who insist to say what they think against all odds. Thus, those whom the Zionists call ‘Fascists’ are in practice merely a bunch of Authentic People.
Pro-Palestinian Left – points in the direction of the last pockets of resistance to Kosher indoctrination within the Left, namely, those few resilient subjects and organisations that say NO to George Soros’ funding. Rich is basically referring here to the Genuine Left, people and organisations that are committed to Labour, working class politics and solidarity, as opposed to Identity politics spin.
Revolutionary Islamists of Iran – is the tag Zionists and progressives often attach to Proper Resistance – those Muslims who won’t work for Israel, not even in the spring.
Now that we are familiar with the basic Zionist glossary we are ready to translate Rich’s statement into proper English.
By suggesting that Dieudonné is articulating a common cause for “Holocaust deniers, neo-fascists, the pro-Palestinian left, and the revolutionary Islamists of Iran” Rich actually admits that Dieudonné has managed to unite the True Historians, Authentic People, Genuine Left and the Proper Resistance.
In case someone fails to realize it, what Rich is describing here is the true dissidence, an uncompromised league of people that forms the un-controlled opposition: those people and institutions that do not subscribe to Zionist hegemony funded by Soros and his ilk.
It is not a secret that the Zionists and Left are in a state of panic, and for a good reason. The ‘anti-quenelle’ campaign that was supposed to ruin Dieudonné’s career backfired colossally. Pretty much when it seemed as if the French people had been Zionised by means of ‘correctness’ and were stripped of their revolutionary inclinations, a tsunami of resentment towards kosher socialism and Jewish political power swept the ground. They panicked and struck back hard. But you cannot fight a tsunami with a boomerang.
Dieudonné’s ‘quenelle’ is already a monumental development in the history of the Jews and their stooges within the Left and the media.
“Let us admit it, no one could have been more succinct and precise in analysing Dieudonné’s vast impact. “
Let’s try to be a bit more understanding though. There is no bigger “tsures” than an uncontrolled opposition, and when faced with it they went into panic mode and were caught with their message down.
“It’s the extreme right! The Neo-Nazis! The racist haters!” Alain Soral’s imposing presence, and other old-time leftists in the movement gave the lie to this claim. “It’s the immigrants, enemies of the French ” de souche” (French by lineage)!” Not only is this funny, given the fact that Vals (the Minister of the Interior of the “through my wife I’m eternally tied to Israel” fame) is a naturalized French citizen, but the heavy presence of the French “de souche” disproves it.
Why, then, it’s ALL of them?!? Panic. Alain Soral pointed out in his latest speech in Marseille how the Jewish elite identified itself: when Dieudonée said la quenelle is not anti-semitic but anti-establishment, they responded in effect: “Mais ça c’est nous! (But that’s us!), so you are an anti-semite!
Panic makes you do dumb things.