Urgent - Please contact British Airways to stop Osama's forced removal to Libya.
Keep Osama Safe in Cardiff Campaign | 10.01.2014 23:49 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Migration | Wales
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Since January 2012 he had no contact with the rest of his family and did not know where they were, until he finally heard from them in June 2013, such is the desperate situation for politically active people there.
Osama has built a life for himself here in Cardiff and has many friends. The saddest part of all is that he will be ripped away from his beloved fiance, who he planned to marry, and who loves him dearly. In her words 'if they take Osama, they can take me and my children too.'
As of today, serious instability, security issues, and regional factionalism remain a significant part of everyday life in post-war Libya.
“Pondi says it is clear that the aim of the Nato intervention, sanctioned by United Nations Resolution 1973, was primarily to get rid of Gaddafi and not to save the lives of civilians. ‘As soon as Gaddafi was dead, that was the end of the Nato intervention, even though violence was still ongoing. Civilians were still being killed,’ he says. Today, Libya is increasingly chaotic and violent, with more than 1,700 militias operating in various parts of the country – some better armed than the police and the army. Last month Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan was kidnapped and held by gunmen for several hours before being released. Last week more than 40 people were killed and 400 wounded in clashes between rival militias.” http://isnblog.ethz.ch/security/did-nato-intervene-in-libya-just-to-get-rid-of-gaddafi (ISN Blog - 6th December 2013)
Very recently the news broke that a British man and a woman from New Zealand were shot dead in western Libya by militias – this clearly illustrates how fragile and unstable the situation is in Libya today. http://www.brandonsun.com/world/breaking-news/briton-new-zealander-found-shot-to-death-in-western-libya-238490861.html
(Brandon Sun - 2nd January 2014)
Please call / email / fax British Airways to express concern and ask them not to take part in the deportation. This can work - deportations have been stopped when airlines have refused to take people.
TWITTER https://twitter.com/British_Airways
British Airways CEO: Keith Williams:
Tel: 0191 490 7901
Fax: 020 8759 9597
email: Company.Secretary@ba.com
British Airways Press Office
Fax: 0208 738 9838
email: media.relations@ba.com
BA Customer Relations:
Telephone: 0844 493 0 787
Fax: 020 8759 4314
For more information:
Petition: http://chn.ge/Ko6dlC
Keep Osama Safe in Cardiff Campaign