Pranksters attack Deutsche Bank with fake press releases
prank the prankers | 18.12.2013 16:22 | Occupy Everywhere | Social Struggles | Technology
1) Deutsche Bank finances in upheaval; CFO fired
2) Deutsche Bank restates its financial statements
In these times of austerity policies, a bit of austerity for Deutsche Bank would make many of us smile. Deutsche Bank, while politically supporting and pushing for European austerity policies, keeps having huge profits and large bonuses for its management. A large coalition of different actors is supporting and profiting from this austerity policy that screws over most of us: the Troika which pushes the policies, the national states applying these cutbacks and militarising even more cities in order to prevent and repress social unrest, financial institutions that allow the international financial system to work, companies in whatever sector that keep gaining relevant part of their profit from the indirect exploitation through financial markets.
Deutsche Bank, together with other large European banks, has very large investments in Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and need austerity policies for protecting its assets, and had a strong influence on European policy makers in order to force these countries to pay their bill.
Financial institutions play a central role in protecting this financial system, and they decide about the lives of millions of people. Their authority is untouchable and derive partially from the monopoly they have over information and their strong ties with politicians on their payroll. They use this monopoly together with a strategy of manipulation, lies and the distortion and
of reality in order to maintain the current order. Everything which comes out of their official statements is perceived as unquestionable economical truth and has consequences as such.
But have we ever thought that this power is merely conventional and just derived by their recognition as official source of information? Have we ever thought that this power stems from their ability to surf on the flow of information? That have you ever though that this flow is in reality fragile and very unstable, and can be turned against them?
Today's action showed us their monopoly of information is not untouchable, and we can learn from their strategies of lie and manipulation and turn it against those who are supposedly entitled to act it. They love to show that they are almighty, but they are not. They will be really afraid to find out that if you discover the rules of their little game, it can be turned against them.
The interesting part is that you don't really need to be a specialist for gathering some information and diffuse a false rumour. Even sending a forged mail is freaking easy. Anyone can do it...
So let's be creative in finding new tactics for the struggle against capitalism and authority! Everything is possible, there is always a backdoor open!
prank the prankers
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