Camp 14 Total Baloney
ASSPUK and JISGE and UK KFA | 12.10.2013 19:22
As part of the insidious anti DPRK psychological warfare the ruling bourgeoisie in the Western countries has decided to put the film "Camp 14 Total ControlZone " on release in countries like the UK . This is a film based on the so-called account of a "defector" from the DPRK who has become known to progressive people and friends of the DPRK as' Scumbag Shin'. Bourgeois liberal papers such as the "Guardian " and "Independent " which are aimed at the chattering classes have given the film rave reviews ignoring the fact that Shin's own ghostwriter Blaine Harden wrote "Mr. Shin had built his own memoir upon a gigantic lie" . It takes some doing to get denounced as a liar by your own ghostwriter. !
We have already exposed in detail the lies of this character
Isn' t it ironic that a film accusing the DPRK of using "forced labour " is released when in actual fact the UK government is forcing the unemployed to work fornothing. Indeed the relentless propaganda against the DPRK serves to distract people from the serious problems of poverty , unemployment , welfare cuts and homelessness. Moreover it part of the massive propaganda campaign against the DPRK being waged by US imperialism and other imperialist countries. Of course the film provides Mr Shin some royalties in addition to the money he getsfrom sales of his ghostwritten book and the money he gets from the CIA and south Korean NIS thus enabling him to live well without doing a job !
We in UK KFA and our allied organisations the ASSPUK and JISGE call upon progressive people to boycott this rubbish film !
A Russian Korea specialist Ivan Zakharchenko was present at the launch of this "book" in S. Korea and spoke to that man Shin. He was surprised to find out that Shin spoke South Korean dialect without any accent! When he questioned him, how was it possible, Shin simply replied that he "got used to" speaking South Korean. Now,we all know that it is not possible for a grown-up person to learn speaking a totally different dialect without any accent.
Here is the link to the Russian source about it:
К.В.Асмолов, анонсируя пост Ивана Захарченко о презентации фальшивки: «Захарченко о порнохорроре Син Дон Хёка, который, оказывается, прекрасно говорит на южном диалекте». ( ).