#126: the Common House, Bent Bars, anarchism in Brazil & DJ BPM
dissident island radio | 22.09.2013 09:56 | Free Spaces | Gender | Social Struggles | London | World
MP3: https://archive.org/download/DissidentIslandRadio-20thSeptember2013-Episode126/DissidentIslandRadio-Episode126-September20th2013.mp3 (108mb)
OGG: https://archive.org/download/DissidentIslandRadio-20thSeptember2013-Episode126/DissidentIslandRadio-Episode126-September20th2013.ogg (74mb)
On the show:
* the Common House (commonhouse.org.uk) - the latest addition to London's list of radical, collectively-managed spaces
* Bent Bars (www.bentbarsproject.org) the letter-writing project for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, gender-variant, intersex, and queer prisoners in Britain on prisoner solidarity and thoughts on Chelsea Manning's incarceration
* Adriano Skoda, academic from Sao Paulo on anarchism and protest in Brazil
* Music tracks from Killah P (Greek antifascist recently murdered by Golden Dawn fascists) and Radio Rhydd via welsh political record label Afiach (@Afiach_DIY)
And if that's not enough we have one of our absolute favourite's - DJ BPM playing us out with hot and dirty grime.
dissident island radio
dissidentisland [at] riseup [dot] net