Why John Kerry Looks and Acts Like The Night of Living Dead
Beans Bacon | 04.09.2013 00:27 | Anti-racism | Palestine | Terror War
By Beans and Bacon
“Religious contention is the devil’s harvest.”
Charles Fountaine.
“Religion is a monumental chapter in the history of human egotism.” William James
“Such as themselves are, such will God appear to them to be; and such as God appears to them to be, such will they show themselves in their dealings with their fellow men.” William Ralph Inge
John Kerry now walks onto the graves of many, many to-soon-be-dead humans beings. He adamantly plays his well-crafted, seemingly rational justifications for more war; but his whole stage-craft of lies about knowing who is behind the chemical attacks, is a fraud of deceit as Biblical proportions. He is already a living corpse, a puppet for another Zionist-minted atrocity, similar to our Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama, both who lead this repeat of professional propaganda campaign, expecting the American public to swallow another pack of lies for another military and political fiasco (as if the U.S. can never learn from previous mistakes). Both have sold their souls to the devil of political push and shove.
To swallow and follow, weather old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating the human mind.”
William E. Gladstone
Too many in Syria are already dead by bullet, by bomb, or some other inhumane human action such as by poisonous gas, etc.; but almost all who suffer, we might readily surmise, suffer in manner ungodly—as hell on earth, as more eternal wars in the Middle East are fought by religious factions and Super Power concerns. Much of the so-called civil war is due to outsiders entering into Syria at the United States’ behest.
All this ongoing murder (because war is essentially murder of a gruesome nature), in this case of Muslims, of various suasions or sects, also relates to plenty political conceits as well. Besides John Kerry looking like Frankenstein, his stilted demeanor seems a man who has never taken a yoga class—congested with conceit and Jewish hatred for all things Islamic, he does eternal best Colin Powell moments to announce to the world there is no doubt, that is there is no conflict of interpretation, only facts, as the American Empire sees it as always correct (the track record for lies and foolishness being exactly the opposite. The truth is we Americans must kill, main, destroy, blast, bleed, harm, brutalize, burn, torture, bomb, incinerate, stone, stab, etc., more Muslims to the ALTER OF YAHWEH (because the Judaic Scripture of Zionism is the Word of God). AMEN. Need one say more?
And besides we can’t disappoint Ms. Heinz and her friends.
This Administration TOO boldly announces that since chemical weapons were used (as they adamantly demanded the U.N. Mission limited to finding out is such WMD were used (but NOT by who?), and by rushing into another major international crime, not just against the American people, but the international consensus. “No real investigators need apply”. And there are few, if any, real weapon inspectors experts like Scott Ritter, allowed any time to offer alternative insight, as the United States again pushes headstrong for bellicose war crimes.
Whereas years later, after all the MANY changed explanations as to why the U.S. lead the charge to attack Iraq illegally, both George W. Bush and Tony Blair “admitted” more or less privately, that it was for Israel (see article by Stephen Walt at ForeignPolicy.Com “I don’t mean to say I told you so” (February 8, 2010) and “Our One-Sided War on Terror” (July 26, 2013). So many criminal acts have already been perpetuated by so many American elites.
How many State Department, White House, National Security, and Pentagon monsters must we tax-paying Americans endure to their endless blood bath, too often for Israel’s War on Terrorists (that pretty much amounts to all Israel’s many enemies)? Our Federal government is already bankrupt even as war profiteers and private companies secure more and more lucre off these never-ending wars of religion and for the cheap theft of commodities?
Sophisticated public relations, by Congress people and mass media harpies, as a never-ending cacophony of political sycophants selling their latest excuses for more vampire blood-sucking, waves their false flag of red, white and blue patriotism and phony good intentions. It’s nauseating. Has not the American public learned anything?
At some point the camel’s back will break, especially given all the animosity already felt toward the United States, that has destroyed our Republican form of government, to endless financial greed, lobby bribery, and erudite flakes like President Barack Obama.
At least John Bolton, in his “…I don’t do carrots…” bravado, didn’t play such a devious lie as Susan Rice and Samantha Powers of humanitarian intervention. The Democratic Party has proven itself beyond doubt as despicable as George W’s lower-than-low legacy.
No he is not asking that we use nuclear weapons to kill millions—rather some precise goals that are so ill-defined that even their rhetorical smoke and mirrors can’t quite cover it upon reflection.
“Separation of Church and Stakes means we don’t support one terrorist religion over another one.” Amen
See article “War on chemical weapons’: Obama traps himself into Syrian combat at: rt.com/op-edge/war-chemical-weapons-obama-syria-120/
Beans Bacon