Marks & Spencer Bombarded With Boycott Threats over #workfare boasts
Johnny Void (repost) | 05.07.2013 10:30 | Workfare | Public sector cuts | London | Sheffield | South Coast
Hundreds of people bombarded Marks & Spencer on social media on Wednesday night after the company boasted of their use of workfare earlier in the week.
The company were forced to lock down their facebook page in an attempt to silence criticism and are now preventing people from posting on their wall. This has simply led to people leaving hundreds of comments threatening to boycott the company on their gaudy posts advertising over-priced food instead.
The ‘workfare party on the M&S facebook page’ as one person described it seemed to be holding strong on Thursday morning whilst the company haven’t fared any better on twitter where they can be found @marksandspencer.
M+S thread on 5/7/2013
Things are not likely to get any better for the company with a Week of Action Against Workfare beginning this Saturday where they will face further protests along with other greedy companies who don’t pay their staff.
As well as online and offline action targeting workfare exploiters the week will also see people leafleting Jobcentres and providing information to claimants about their rights.
The latest announced events are below. Join in and contact contact Boycott Workfare to be added to the list.
Brighton – Poundland London Road, 12 pm Saturday 13th
Edinburgh - to be announced
Glasgow – meet outside M&S on Argyle Street, 1pm Saturday 13th July (note link isn’t working for all, but details above are right!)
London - Hackney – Marks and Spencers, Hackney Narrow Way, Saturday 13th
London – Brixton - Infostall outside Brixton Job Centre, Brixton Road, from 11am (to about 1-2pm) on Wednesday 10th July
Sheffield - – Town Hall, 1pm Saturday 6th July
Let the workfare profiteers know:If you exploit us, we will shut you down!
Follow me on twitter @johnnyvoid
Johnny Void (repost)