The murder of Lee Rigby was an inside job - MI5 are the real terrorists!
Be brave, speak out against government false flag terrorist attacks! | 07.06.2013 13:50
If people think this story is far fetched just remember that it was proven many years ago that MI5 murdered Princess Diana back in 1997 see this:
Be brave, speak out against government false flag terrorist attacks!
some points uncovered
07.06.2013 17:01
Why!? I doubt you will find any anarchists, libertarians or leftists who agree with your premise. Perhaps it is time for time-foil hat wearing nitwits to speak out.
> this story is far fetched just remember that it was proven many years ago that MI5 murdered Princess Diana back in 1997
No it wasn't.
> The war on terrorism is a massive fraud and people should be speaking out against this phoney war which is driven by false flag terrorists attacks like 9/11, 7/7 and the latest false flag terrorist attack in Woolwich.
What about the other 13,000+ terrorists attacks.Are they ALL false flag?
> If Indymedia editors delete this very important news story then it will be reposted again and again and again
Not your webste. You don't own it.
a fellow tin hat
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