Dissident Island Radio - 17 May 2013 - Episode 119
Dissident Island Radio | 05.06.2013 18:08 | G8 2013 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | London
- Words from some of the dangerous anarchist types promising to rain death and destruction on London in the runup to the G8 this summer
- News from the fight against wholesale web monitoring following the defeat of the Communications Data Bill with words from Big Brother Watch and our in-house techno-privateer
- Buccaneers from the open house project running workshops on gentrification from their squatted social centre near Elephant & Castle
- Obadiah Playfair in the studio serenading us with acoustic goodness and
tales of plunder
- Some back-to-back fun on the wheels of steel from the D*I crew
- Banter and frivolity till yer ears bleed
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dissidentisland (at) riseup (dott) net