International Demonstration "People United Against Austerity"
Carolita del Monte | 30.05.2013 21:55 | London
We are facing at the same time an unprecedented global ecological crisis, with climate change, depleting fossil fuels and loss of biodiversity threatening the global economy. European people must lead a renewables revolution to create millions of new jobs, and guarantee food and energy security for our societies. An alternative to neoliberal fundamentalism must be implemented, including fiscal stimulus and more expansionary monetary policies with a democratic debate in our socities that get over the authoritarian diktak of the markets.
Alternatives to austerity and authoritarianism do exist. We should demand more, not less of Europe: a real economic union, a common welfare state across the European Union, including a common minimum wage and minimum health care protection, and most importantly, a genuine political union. But a democratic one, not a European Union under the diktat of the Troika and the corporations who lobby it.
As in Frankfurt, where Blockupy will protest in front of the European Central Bank Headquarters, in London people will protest in front of HM Treasury and at the European Commission representation in the UK: the symbols of austerity in the United Kingdom and across Europe. So,we will assemble to protest against cuts and austerity in the UK, and fight the majority of cuts that are still to come. But we will also be showing our solidarity with movements across Europe in joining the international protest against austerity. The fact is that today social rights are being rolled back in Britain, just as they have been in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Cyprus: we are inevitably all in this together. In dozens more cities in twelve countries protests will take place in search of a future without austerity-ridden policies and the ideological fanaticism which is destroying the most important thing in Europe: its people.
If you are interested in this protest, more information can be found via our website and media team:
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Carolita del Monte