patrizia mura | 16.05.2013 15:16 | Education | World
Dora has been serving to raise awareness about harmful and illegal drugs on a grass roots level. She has distributed a series of booklets called The Truth About Drugs booklets, an initiative created by the Foundation for a Drug-Free World whereby anyone can receive the booklets free of charge for their own use in fighting the war on drug abuse by simply requesting them online. Dora has consistently distributed at least 150 booklets to individuals in St Pete, Clearwater, Tampa and occasionally in Miami, every week for the past year.
Dora received the official President’s Volunteer Service Award pin, a personalized certificate of achievement and a congratulatory letter from the President of the United States, Barack Obama.
The Truth About Drugs booklets produced by the Foundation for a Drug-Free World are easy-to-read, illustrated publications covering the most common illicit drugs on the street: marijuana, ecstasy, heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, Ritalin, LSD and painkillers.
Simple, graphic and factual, these publications contain compelling real-life testimony from former users, statistics, and accurate information about why drugs are harmful. It provides the drug facts that allow young people to make their own decisions, making them invulnerable to peer pressure or the drug “sales pitch.”
The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. For more information or to order free copies of the Truth About Drugs booklets go to: www.drugfreeworld.org.
And for the person with a drug problem, there are real solutions to addiction. Narconon, a drug rehabilitation program that utilizes the methods of L. Ron Hubbard, has a success rate of more than 75% (www.narconon.org).
patrizia mura