Steve Topley gets bail thanks to Nottingham solidarity campaign
solidar | 27.04.2013 17:54
At the same time that Steve Topley was being bailed, evidence has been emerging of bizarre psychological warfare by the Department for Work and Pensions on claimants by the use of a new ‘personality test’ which after a trial in Essex appears to be going national. Claimants are being warned that failure to comply with the test will result in a sanction (stopping of benefits). And this is only one month after widespread adherence by Job Centres to DWP quotas to sanction claimants were exposed. With legal aid also being denied to claimants for benefits cases it appears that the government’s gloves have properly come off and allusions to torture are not as extreme as they might first appear.
If we organise to fight back collectively the police will, not surprisingly, take sides. Previously the cops were called by ATOS Healthcare in Nottingham during a demonstration at its Stoney Street examination centre against their administration of the tests, which resulted in two arrests (charges subsequently dropped). This has been written up by the Nottingham activists involved in a well-researched booklet, ‘Too much of that sort of thing’ which should be read by everyone.
The recent mounting of support for Steve Topley has been inspiring and will continue. This kind of solidarity is made possible by the experience of local activists who are prepared to act quickly in a case like this together with the existance of communication channels like Nottingham Indymedia. More collective effort will be needed as the effects of further Welfare Reforms come to bear.
An earlier post on indymedis reported on a demo in support of Steve