Decade of Darfur Demo, London : Sunday 28 April
freedom for all | 24.04.2013 09:30 | Anti-racism | Repression
Sunday 28 April 2013
Meet 12.30pm
@ Sudanese Embassy
3 Cleveland Row, London, SW1A 1DD
The march will move to Downing Street and end at Old Palace Yard opposite the Houses of Parliament.
While Darfur is often out of the news the violence and suffering continue. In the last year conditions in this vast but remote corner of Sudan have deteriorated and refugees cannot return home to devastated villages where they risk attack. Civilians continue to be targeted by aerial bombardment and ground troops and militia. Women in particular are targeted for sexual violence by a regime intent on destroying Darfur society.
Remember & Act :
Support the people of Darfur
Stand up against the regime
Make sure of the voices of Darfur are heard !
freedom for all