ASSPUK , JISGE and UK KFA denounce unjust and reactionary UNSC resolution
ASSPUK and JISGE and UK KFA | 25.01.2013 06:54 | Globalisation | Terror War
against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Our organisations were deeply angered when we heard of the unjust , reactionary and criminal resolution of the UNSC against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. We were shocked that the UNSC even went as far to impose sanctions on the Korean Committee for Space Technology. This is a serious affront to the DPRK's dignity as well an intentional step to block the DPRK's development of technology and pursuit of space exploration. It is bad enough that the UNSC took issue with the DPRK satellite launch which is the sovereign right of the DPRK an independent but to impose sanctions on the DPRK Committee for Space Technology really has gone too far and shows the sinister intention of the UNSC ,which is controlled by US imperialism , to stifle Korean-style socialism.
It is laughable that some people thought that the UNSC resolution was "prudent" and " cautious" . It is in fact an extremist resolution run through with the logic of big power bullying .
The United Nations is fast becoming discredited in the world , even regarded as a joke by some. The UNSC resolution shows the height of hypocrisy and double standards. The US and several other countries whichvoted for the resolution all have launched satellites and in the case of the US and Russia have decades old space programmes. Why are they taking issue with the socialist DPRK's satellite launch. It is very much the logic of "do as I say but don’t do as I do". The US imperialists and their UNSC acolytes seem to think that space exploration is something reserved for an exclusive club of countries and any newcomers should be barred from joining it and actively punished for trying to join it.
The UNSC is a marionette of US imperialism. In fact it is just a rubber stamp body to approve decisions made by US imperialism. The members of the UN Security Council are puppet states , vassals and the yes-men of US imperialism.
We strongly believe that all anti DPRK resolutions adopted by the UNSC should be repealed completely. The UNSC must issue an apology to the DPRK. We hopethat independent and progressive countries that love justice will ignore the reactionary UNSC resolution and throw into the dustbin of history.
We firmly support the right of the DPRK to pursue space exploration and to launch more application satellites in order to become an economic giant.
It is a totally correct and just stand expressed by the DPRK Foreign Ministry toregard the 19 September 2005 statement of the six-party talks as being defunct.Now peace on the Korean peninsula can only be secured by negotiations for the withdrawal of US forces from Korea rather than talks aimed at denuclearisation.
We support the stance of the DPRK to quantitatively and qualitatively bolster self-defence capabilities including nuclear deterrence . Furthermore we support the will of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK to root out the source of provocation.
The DPRK will be victorious as it advances along the road of independence and Songun led by the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un.
We, the ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA , call upon all friends of the DPRK , Juche idea and Songun idea followers plus the independence and justice loving peoples of the world to unite to defend the DPRK and ensure the manifestly unjust
UNSC resolution is scrapped.
Hands off the DPRK !
Down with the UNSC !
Long live the DPRK !