Book Announcement: Hijacking the Holy Qur'an and Islam
Zahir Ebrahim | Project | 02.11.2012 19:24 | Analysis | History | Terror War | World
Book Announcement: Hijacking the Holy Qur'an and Islam
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Excerpt Case Study: Why is the Holy Qur'an so easy to Hijack?
While accepting socialization as a fact, the Qur'anic recipe to circumvent socialization as a means for independent evaluation of beliefs, is to approach the Holy Qur'an with a cleansed heart. (Ibid.) But one still observes all the cleansed hearts throughout the ages still pretty much fall along the same sectarian demarcation among the Muslims. Why does the cleansed heart recipe evidently fail when it comes to sectarianism for the topics which divide the Muslims? Perhaps the hearts aren't cleansed enough? That platitudinous metaphor for bringing utmost earnestness when seeking a rational as well as spiritual understanding of the Holy Qur'an, not bringing preconceptions and prejudices to its study and reflection, doesn't really lend any additional insight into the subject of why even the most earnest seekers of truth come away understanding the Holy Book pretty much along the axis of their socialization. Focusing on the heart is a dead-end as far as further intellectual inquiry is concerned.
Therefore, the question naturally arises, that if it is empirically observed that everyone finds their own self-serving justifications to validate their respective socialization in the Holy Qur'an, how is one to study the Holy Qur'an objectively, independent of one's own socialization, in order to learn and comprehend what its own Author wanted to convey in that most revered Book of the Muslims?
How are we to prevent the hijacking of the Holy Qur'an from a self-serving understanding of it for our own selves?
Before one can even begin to perceptively answer that crucial question, commonsense suggests that one has to first diagnose and dissect the problem more precisely.
Therefore, we begin by formulating the problem in this way:
What are the inherent impediments for studying the message of the Holy Qur'an which make the Book so amenable to self-serving interpretation, socialization, and even bastardization by anyone?
Just to briefly footnote the usage of the latter villainous word, bastardization, it is no secret that today, its harbingers include the most notable Western propagandists. E.g., Bernard Lewis of Princeton University who skillfully crafted the mantra of 'Clash of Civilizations' and subsequently wrote the thesis “Crisis of Islam – Holy War and Unholy Terror”; and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski who easily gave to the USSR its Vietnam War in Afghanistan in Muslim blood with nothing more profound than a simple retake on the German Third Reich's battle cry Gott mins uns (God be with us): “God is on your side”.
“In 1990 Bernard Lewis, a leading Western scholar of Islam, analyzed 'The Roots of Muslim Rage,' and concluded: 'It should now be clear that we are facing a mood and a movement far transcending the level of issues and policies and the governments that pursue them. This is no less than a clash of civilizations – that perhaps irrational but surely historic reaction of an ancient rival against our Judeo-Christian heritage, our secular present, and the worldwide expansion of both. It is crucially important that we on our side should not be provoked into an equally historic but also equally irrational reaction against our rival.'” (Samuel Huntington in The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, page 213)
That supposed “Muslim Rage” of 1990 was turned into the egregiously titled full blown propaganda treatise The Clash of Civilizations by Bernard Lewis' Zionist-imperialist confrere at Harvard University, Samuel Huntington, in 1995:
“The underlying problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power. The problem for Islam is not the CIA or the US Department of Defense. It is the West, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the universality of their culture and believe that their superior, if declining, power imposes on them the obligation to extend that culture throughout the world. These are the basic ingredient that fuel conflict between Islam and the West.” (Ibid. pages 217-218)
And Huntington's myth crafting of 1995 was turned into the perpetual “War on Terrorism” on September 11, 2001 by the Zionist-imperialists' errand boy, George W. Bush Jr., the President of the United States, with “either you are with us, or with the terrorists”!
Bernard Lewis subsequently justified George W. Bush's launching of the global 'War on Terrorism' in his phantasmic 2003 book Crisis of Islam – Holy War and Unholy Terror. First by reinforcing his earlier seeding of the mantra of 'the roots of the irrational Muslim rage', and extending those roots to Islam itself:
'But Islam, like other religions, has also known periods when it inspired in some of its followers a mood of hatred and violence. It is our misfortune that we have to confront part of the Muslim world while it is going through such a period, and when most – though by no means all – of that hatred is directed against us.' --- Bernard Lewis, Crisis of Islam – Holy War and Unholy Terror, pg. 25
And then clairvoyantly predicting the following self-serving conclusions as his last word:
'If the fundamentalists are correct in their calculations and succeed in their war, then a dark future awaits the world, especially that part of it that embraces Islam.' --- Ibid. Chapter IX: The Rise of Terrorism, pg. 164
'If freedom fails and terror triumphs, the peoples of Islam will be the first and greatest victims. They will not be alone, and many others will suffer with them.' --- Ibid. Afterword, December 1, 2003, pg. 169
Moreover, today, both “militant Islam” and “moderate Islam”, the Hegelian Dialectic to continually advance and sustain the cause of empire's “War on Terror” as a “self-fulfilling prophecy”, draw justifications from the Holy Qur'an. One for Holy War, the other for Holy Peace. Each side has its partisans among the public because each side easily sees the correctness of their own position – it is, after all, (selectively) rooted in the Holy Qur'an they each claim. See Response to the Fatwa on Terrorism in the Service of Empire.
However, mechanisms for the bastardization of a religion is not the focus of this analysis. See Islam and Knowledge vs. Socialization, Islam vs. Secular Humanism and World Government, and Case Study in Mantra Creation for these details. (Chapters 10, 9, 18, and 2 respectively.) The political novel (or historical fiction – the only fair way to characterize it) “Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East” is further revealing of how the hijacking of the religion of Islam can be so diabolically engineered by planting and cultivating stooges for cognitive infiltration into the religion via a subversive sect creation in the 18th century. In PART SIX of the novel, key insightful observations are made about the religion of Islam and the Muslim psyche which, regardless of who authored them – whether as historical fiction or a real handbook of subverting Islam – are empirically visible even today. Empiricism lends direct credence to the description of the Machiavellian methods of subversion of the religion of Islam in that political treatise (read pertinent excerpt) irrespective of who is its author or what literary device is employed to convey the malignant thesis.
Just as “Philip Dru Administrator : a Story of Tomorrow 1920 - 1935”, by Edward Mandell House, depicts in a fictional narrative, the first principles used for the author's own Trojan Horse role in controlling President Woodrow Wilson's presidency (1912-1920) as a puppet on behalf of oligarchic powers behind the scenes. First principles which one can observe being practiced for all American presidencies ever since, including today for President Obama's puppet presidency. Just as empiricism also lends incontrovertible weight to the Machiavellian methods in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion regardless of who wrote that malignant treatise whose effects in the world today are plainly visible as if blueprinted directly from that villainous recipe book of subversion. All these political treatises in varying forms are akin to the political novel The Prince by Machiavelli, written in the 16th century which still forms the guide-book for modern statecraft, and that is the heart of the matter – the principles of subversion espoused in them. Just as Machiavelli is read and followed in statecraft, so are any recipe books which permit subverting the enemy, including the 2500 years old Chinese treatise of Sun Tzu, The Art of War (read all these works).
And lastly, in that same vein of subversion of a lofty religion for seeding havoc among its followers, the two articles Egypt and Tunisia – The 'arc of crisis' being radicalized! and Unlayering the Middle East War Agenda: Making Sense of Absurdities, delve into the more recent cultivation of the shia Iranian Revolution of yesteryear to connect with the present “revolutions” suddenly erupting in the Middle East against the same tyrannical rulers who were previously aided and abetted to remain in power over their peoples just like Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Its juxtaposition to the cultivation of the sunni “Mujahideens” in Afghanistan at exactly the same time period, both of them to fertilize the “arc of crisis” with bipartisan Muslim blood, is frightening testimony of the persistence of vulnerable fracture points among the followers of Islam which are perennially ripe for harvesting.
The Muslim fratricide of Iran-Iraq war was only made possible by deftly employing the age old historical schisms of shia-vs-sunni, arming both sides and contriving the fratricide in untold millions. That contrivance is a textbook example of game theory being put into practice for a global agenda. The effects of fertilizing the “arc of crisis” in Muslim blood predictively percolated into enabling other premeditated global events, ultimately setting into motion the creation of a New World Order – of one world government. Read the aforementioned two articles to fathom the self-serving Cassandra-like predictions made by Zbigniew Brzezinski right after lighting that fuse to what he prophetically (sic!) called the “arc of crisis”. A fuller understanding of that epoch of the latter half of the twentieth century minimally requires a book-length read which perceptively re-links the seemingly disparate and often unlinked antecedent and subsequent events, wars, collapses, revolutions of the past century, melding directly into the searing event of the New Pearl Harbor on September 11, 2001. See a précis in Of Ostriches and Rebels on The Hard Road to World Order.
With the preceding bird's eye view of the age old villainous methods of subversion and harvesting of the religion of Islam from within, the focus in this article is exclusively on the natural impediments to the earnest study of the Holy Qur'an by a genuine seeker of its knowledge who willingly comes to the Book with an intent to learn its contents.
So now you open the Holy Qur'an to read, reflect, and study, with a cleansed heart, Muslim or non-Muslim, native Arabic speaker or reading many translations in your own language alongside. Common impediments now make the study of the Holy Qur'an uncongenial to the ordered mind. Let's dissect that uncongeniality with a surgeon's scalpel. The result is not as obvious as it might first appear.
Zahir Ebrahim | Project