IDAAMD Nottingham (led) | 17.10.2012 00:55
Today activists from Nottingham Animal Rights undertook a mammoth leaflet distribution exercise outside the McDonald's outlet on what is known to be one of the busiest high streets in the UK.
Today activists from Nottingham Animal Rights undertook a mammoth leaflet distribution exercise outside the McDonald's outlet on what is known to be one of the busiest high streets in the UK.
The leaflet distributed none other than the historic flyer that began the story of McLibel, a historic attempt by a huge multinational to intimidate two ordinary people out of their freedom of expression and its subsequent monumental backfiring.
In a capitalist world, rich companies can seem stronger than governments but fundamentally anti-social enterprises like McDonald's walk a tight rope of marketing, and the propagation of shameful truths can be a potent kryptonite.
October the 16th is officially the International Day of Action Against McDonald's, originally launched by London Greenpeace back in 1985 and now attracting support from across the spectrum of positive movements, from animal rights to worker's rights, from anti climate change to anti-capitalism.
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