Why I'm going to the Critical Mass this friday
ILOVEGCHQ | 22.07.2012 21:35
Anyway since 2005 the amount of redevelopment with yuppy flats and Tescos popping up all over the town is out of control, the locals have been pushed to once side.
I'm mates with a local Tory campaign, funny cause he's a tory, and all his constituants hate the Olympics, and he agrees. I'm assuming that after the Olympics like the Millenium Dome and Iraq, the top politicans will admit it was a bit of sham.
Everywhere I go I hear people moaning about the Olympics, and then when I turn on the TV, I see nothing but smiling faces.
Even my parents who are miserable, Daily Mail types want to see the VIP lanes blocked.
We got taxis drivers moaning, dairy farmers out on strike, now its times for the opposite end of the spectrum to join in with the critical mass.
When I heard about the critical mass, I thought it was time to give 'them' a hernia with stress. 130 quid fine for cycling in the VIP lane? thats an insult to the normal people who are stuck in London.
Anyway over the years I've was part of the Summit Hopping movment, but no-one in London has realised all the Olympics is another political summit, and it should of been treated as such, with massive direct action, banner drops, etc etc.
anyway if your coming to the mass on friday, expect the police, GCHQ and they're other resources to really treat us like shit.
On saturday a facebook event was blocked with in one-hour of its creation, I hope the girl who made the event doesn't use her own ip address. GCHQ are deffinatly going to watch this one.
Proberly a massive Copenhagen kettle on one of the bridges, or southbank, so keep your wits about you, ride a blue barclays bike, and ditch it if shit gets heavy lets not forget, the psycos of our Armed Forces are in London in numbers, and they can't tell the difference between an Afgan wedding and terrorist camp.
Keep telling your mates, and invite them along.
See you in the streets.
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