Grow Heathrow Court Judgement Revealed (Grow Heathrow) | 20.07.2012 16:55 | London
We have finally received our court judgement! We’ve lost but we live to fight another day as the judge has granted us permission to appeal on our arguments around human rights.
Handing down the judgement this morning, Judge Karen Walden-Smith took on board our arguments around the right to respect for the home, under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. She upheld this right in the case describing the project as “much loved and well used” by the local community, despite arguments from the claimants that this right did not apply to squatters. While she ruled in favour of the owners, she agreed that we should not be evicted without our human rights case being heard in the Court of Appeal.
Grow Heathrow are asking for donations to support the costs of lodging an appeal to be made via paypal through the website. (Grow Heathrow)
Original article on IMC London: