Law enforcement alone cannot overcome the international drug problem
Paola Martinez | 18.07.2012 20:23 | Education | Health | Social Struggles
The report chronicles the changing trends of drug use and addiction which has culminated in a general stability of the drug market. When the consumption of a drug tend goes down in one area, the same drug trends to go up in another, and so on throughout the list of drugs and regions.
Young men who are in urban settings, are at particular risk because they usually constitute the largest demographic group of drug users. However, young women are over-represented in numbers that indicate abuse of sedatives and tranquilizers. In fact, in many countries, there are more women abusing the heavier drugs than are using cannabis, the most popular illicit drug in the world.
The seizure of illegal addictive substances by law enforcement, has led to a partial global stability. But the reduction of demand is essential to tilt the balance toward real drug-free societies.
The Foundation for a Drug Free World is a non-profit organization actively involved in education programs in schools and in the community. The program is mainly addressed to youth. For information about drugs, the program, or to schedule a lecturer go to
And for the person with a drug problem, there are real solutions to addiction. Narconon, a drug rehabilitation program that utilizes the methods of L. Ron Hubbard, has a success rate of more than 75% (
The best solution, however, is not to begin using drugs in the first place.
Paola Martinez