Smash EDO Summer of Resistance: Down the Drones
16.05.2012 20:48 | Smash EDO | Afghanistan | Anti-militarism | Palestine | London | South Coast | World
Later on in the demo kites were flown over the factory to remind the workers of what its like to be constantly underneath the drones. We even rigged up a kite to take some surveillance footage, aerial footage will be posted soon.
EDO have been involved in US drones for years (see, for example, and, EDO MBM in Brighton manufacture arming units which are incorporated into the drone's bomb release unit (see and
In Yemen yesterday 49 people were killed in two CIA drone strikes (see, at least eight of those people were civilians. Drone strikes are part of a policy of extrajudicial assassinations, illegal under international law.
We will be holding a public meeting about drone technology, with Chris Cole of Drone Wars UK, tomorrow evening at 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House on Ship Street