Hopi weekend conference: April 21-22, central London
HOPI | 16.04.2012 19:04 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
Saturday April 21
11.30am: War, imperialism and the capitalist crisis
- Mike Macnair, Communist Party of Great Britain
- Istvan Meszaros, invited
2.30pm: Israel, Iran and the Middle East
- Moshe Machover, Israeli socialist and founder of Matzpen
Sunday April 22
11.30am: The political economy of the Iranian regime
- Mohamed R. Shalgouni, Rahe Kargar/Organisation of Revolutionary Workers in Iran
- Yassamine Mather, chair of Hands Off the People or Iran
2.30pm Solidarity with the people in Iran
- John McDonnell MP
- Donnache De Long, president of National Union of Journalists (NUJ)
- Sarah McDonald, participant of marathon in aid of Workers Fund Iran
In Farsi:
