Smash EDO: Upcoming events and the Summer of Resistance
Smasher | 10.04.2012 20:44 | Smash EDO | Afghanistan | Palestine | South Coast | World
The summer will start with a demo up at the factory at 12pm on the 1st of May.
We are also looking for artistic types who might want to come and do some prop making. There will be an open prop making session on Friday the 13th at 1pm at the Cowley Club, Brighton.
Here are our upcoming events:
24th of April: Summer of Resistance info night at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton. 7.30-9pm
28th of April: Smash EDO Summer of Resistance workshop at the Campaign Against the Arms Trade gathering. Details TBA
Other events we'd like to tell you about:
22nd of April, Brighton: Everyone in out together for the Demonstration against the racist 'March for England'.
25th of April: join Disarm DSEi in London to oppose the Counter Terror Expo. Demo at the arms dealers' dinner, Royal Garden Hotel, 2-24 High St Kensington 6.30
Public, pre-advertised Summer of Resistance events:
Come along to these even if you are not planning your own action.
1st of May: Demo to mark the start of the Summer of Resistance, 12pm outside EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton. Although the summer is not about one particular event being successful, but about continious pressure on the factory, it would be great to see a lot of you up at the factory on mayday to show them what's coming! Bring noise.
2nd of May: 'Bad Music' noise demo outside EDO/ITT, 4-6pm. Come and play your instruments as badly as you can.
3rd of May: Phone blockade of EDO and twitter blockade of EDO's parent company @ITTExelis . You can let them know what you think of their business from wherever you are.
6th May, from 1pm: Picnic in the Park with music. Come along to socialise and scheme. Details TBA.
9th of May: 'Bikes not Bombs' Critical Mass bike ride. Meet at the Level, 3pm
12th of May: Target Barclays. Picket of Barclays in North Street, Brighton. Barclays are the market maker for ITT Exelis on the NYSE and a big investor in the arms trade. They also have significant investments in Israeli companies. If you are not in Brighton, feel free to have a target Barclays event wherever you are. Do let us know if you want us to publicise it on our lists.
23rd of May: 'Bring the voice of war to EDO' noise demo, 4-6 outside EDO.
30th of May: 'Don't attack Iran' noise demo, 4-6 outside EDO. Warm-up for the big demo in town the following week.
4th of June: 'No to an attack on Iran, No to the Arms Trade'. Mass demo in Brighton. Meet 12 noon outside Barclays on North Street.
e-mail: twitter: @smash_edo