Occupation on Leyton Marsh.
anon@indymedia.org (Digger) | 28.03.2012 00:55 | London
An occupation has sprung up next to the site of a planned Olympic 'temporary' basketball training facility on Leyton Marshes, Leyton.
It is there to show solidarity with the Campaign to Save Leyton Marsh.
An occupation has sprung up next to the site of a planned Olympic 'temporary' basketball training facility on Leyton Marshes, Leyton.
It began on Saturday when a group of concerned people went to the Marsh to show solidarity with the Campaign to Save Leyton Marsh (CSLM). Some had marched from Occupy London's Finsbury Sq.
The CSLM was formed to challenge the decision by Waltham Forest Council to grant the Olympic Delivery Authority permission to build a temporary basketball training facility on Leyton Marsh, which is designated 'Metropolitan Open Land'. As well as opposing the decision through a media campaign, the group has also engaged in several acts of peaceful disobedience: by standing in front of lorries attempting to enter the site where the facility is due to be built.
On Monday this week, the new occupiers joined with the local campaigners preventing any vehicles entering the site. By today, there were no vehicles at all and all work on the site stopped.
Many locals are very upset at what is happening to this piece of open, communal land. Kev, a local resident from Hackney expressed his feelings:
'' What they have been doing in Hackney on the East Marsh has shown the local people the devastation caused by the Olympics. Even if we're told this is just temporary we do not want it. East Marsh is too late but here there is a chance to stop it''.
Health and safety concerns have also been raised by local residents who point to the possibility of contamination. Caroline, a local resident and campaigner from Leyton said: ''They are churning up contaminated soil from WW2 and leaving it in mounds around the site. There could be asbestos in there.''
Locals are also concerned that by building on Metropolitan Open Land which is supposed to be protected, a precedent is being set for further land grabs, development and privatisation of public space. They also question the promise made by Waltham Council that the land would be returned to its original state by October 15th which seems hard to imagine if tons of concrete is laid. Caroline commented: ''It will take 1 year minimum for the turf to grow back, and the eco-systems will take far longer''
This morning a police officer reported that members of Waltham Forest and Hackney Council held a meeting. Presumably the fledgling occupation an peaceful direct actions by locals and occupiers will be a hot topic of discussion.
The site where the occupiers are camping is part of the Lea Valley Park and is subject to byelaws which forbid camping and barbeques. It is possible that the police may be instructed to clear the camp soon.
In the meanwhile though, the sun shines and local people come and talk with the occupiers and share their views on the situation, with some delighting in the obvious lack of work and silence on Olympic site. Lots of food, blankets and supplies have been donated: an indicator that many are glad to have the presence and action of the occupiers.
The occupiers welcome any and all support. There is plenty of space for more people to get involved. It is located Behind Lee Valley Ice Cente on Lea Bridge Rd, Leyton Map: http://tinyurl.com/6ntfscy
anon@indymedia.org (Digger)
Original article on IMC London: