Jeremy Clarkson - a constructive follow up
Cyberman | 23.03.2012 23:41
I suggested that their complains were bullshit, because in a week it would all blow over and they'd all move onto the next Outrage to protest about, ad infinitum.
I was assured that I was wrong and that their would be continued protests etc and JC until something was done.
Therefore - I was correct in my analysis.
Now, you may bleat about this and so I'm wrong blah blah. But, denial is and self delusion with continue to mean you fail in your cause. Deal with the problems (there are clearly problems), with regard to a consistent, long term approach in something, rather than fleeting from one thing to another every week and not actually getting anything done. (thats the constructive bit).
Self delusion will mean you continue to be ineffectual. Accept that your campaign had no effect and work out what went wrong. Then improve it. Or not.