Key Facts concerning Mossad Agents In Respect of 9/11
Jonas | 27.02.2012 17:25
*) It is a FACT that the first people to be arrested in conjunction with 9/11 were Israelis. This occurred in NYC within hours of the WTC attacks.
*) It is a FACT that the reason why the BOLO (be on look out) was issued by the NYPD for these men, was because they were witnessed filming the twin towers, celebrating, and giving high fives to one another after the FIRST plane hit. Bear in mind that following the first plane strike, most people were under the impression it was an accident.
*) It is a FACT that at least TWO of these Israelis were known to the authorities as being Mossad agents.
*) It is a FACT that the company that all five worked for, Urban Moving Systems, was known to the authorities as a front company for the Mossad.
*) It is a FACT, that following detainment of these five Israelis by the NYPD, they were thereafter taken into custody by the FBI.
*) It is a FACT that FBI sniffer dogs found traces of explosives on the white van in which these five Israelis were arrested.
*) It is a FACT that these five Israelis were detained by the FBI for 71 days, often in solitary confinement.
*) It is a FACT that photographs retrieved by the FBI show clearly these five men smiling and 'appearing jovial' in front of the smoking New York skyline a good ten minutes before the SECOND plane strike.
*) It is a FACT that the corresponding inventory seized by the FBI concerning these five Israelis included: a sock full of cash, airline tickets to Israel dated the 12th September 2001, a one-day admission ticket to WTC 1, various maps around NYC with certain landmarks highlighted, among other things.
*) It is a FACT that these Israelis' alibis didn't corroborate with each other at all.
*) It is a FACT that at least one of these five Israelis, after being deported back to Israel, has spent his subsequent professional career from 2002-2012 working as an explosives expert for a variety of different companies in Tel Aviv, Israel.
*) It is a FACT, that a 47-story building such as WTC 7, cannot fall into it's own footprint in 6 seconds without pre-planted explosives, no matter whether it has been hit by a high-speed object (which it hadn't), or even whether it was on fire.
*) It is a FACT that these five Israelis consistently refused polygraph tests. When they finally agreed to take them, they failed.
*) It is a FACT, that two employees of the the Israeli Instant Messaging company, Odigo, based in one of the World Trade Center towers, received two unsigned messages 2 hours before the first plane strike warning them to leave the building.
These FACTS are FACTS by way of the official documentation that has been made freely available either by the FBI or the NYPD. Anyone can download and read through the hundred and hundreds of pages that relate to the incident.
Some people have speculated that the United States of America benefited from 9/11 because it provided the necessary justification to launch a series of wars required to extend US hegemony in a variety of different regions. This may be accurate, however it is worth bearing in mind that the cost of these wars in U.S money and U.S blood has been MASSIVE.
Israel on the other hand, has had all of it's enemies taken out, for FREE.
In addition, Larry Silverstein, good friend of Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, whose business dealings in Israel extend to the now defunct project of trying to establish a free-trade zone in the Negev, and who conveniently was at a dermatologist appointment during the attacks, despite his military daily routine of eating breakfast in the "Windows on the World" restaurant at the top of the North Tower, and who infamously described in a PBS documentary how he made the decision "to pull" WTC 7 after learning of the uncontrollable nature of the fire - widely considered to be a demolition term - but then later appearing to imply that he meant "to pull" the firefighters out of the building, despite there not being any firefighters in the building at the time, and despite the fact that the Fire Chief Commander didn't recall any such conversation with Silverstein about this the ONLY person to personally profit from September 11th, after taking out an enormous insurance policy on both (asbestos ridden) towers just months after purchasing it from the Port Authority.
I'm still interested in hearing someone successfully debunk these facts - a somewhat impossible feat - given that they ARE all facts. The only debunking strategy in operation at the moment appears to be something along the lines of "You're an Anti-Semite", or "You're a dick". Bravo Israel. You really know how to win an argument without looking like you have blood on your hands.