The unhappy egg company (led) | 18.02.2012 20:55
On Thursday 16th February, members of Nottingham Animal Rights converged to protest against the Happy Egg Company that have recently opened in the Victoria centre.
On Thursday 16th February, members of Nottingham Animal Rights converged to protest against the Happy Egg Company that have recently opened in the Victoria centre.
This company markets itself as caring about the hens that are used to source it's products but an undercover investigation by VIVA ( showed this to be the worst kind of "greenwash" - in reality the "happy" egg units are simply intensive farming by another name.
As the general public become more and more educated about the cruelty that is common place behind the scenes of animal industries, big faceless corporations are recognizing a requirement for grossly misleading propaganda to dupe us back into business as usual.
With gripping visuals, a hen costume and some enlightening leaflets, Nottingham Animal Rights left a more accurate picture in the minds of afternoon shoppers, at least for one day..
If you want to help open peoples eyes to the reality of places such as the "happy" egg company, why not join us?
Nottingham Animal Rights meet fortinghtly, alternately at the Sumac center in forest fields, and at the Navigation Inn on Wilford road (home of Annie's veggie friendly burger shack). Planning meetings start at 19:45, are open and very informal. :)
The next meeting is at the Navigation Inn on Thursday 23rd of February.
Alternatively, find us on facebook. (led)