Eco-warriors propose turning St Paul's Cathedral into Extinction Eco-Village
Nick Martian | 27.01.2012 23:35 | Occupy Everywhere | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
Some of the campers have been appealing for thousands of people to come to defend the camp and help resist eviction.
The eco-warriors who make up just a small minority of the campers would like to see an orderly and peaceful retreat into the cathedral with all the tents and personal possessions to avoid a violent confrontation with the police.
The cathedral authorities have already offered sanctuary to the protesters, possibly because the Church of England might be fearing a public relations disaster for them if anyone gets injured or killed by the police.
The eco-warriors are making our own proposals known publicly in the hope that sanity will prevail and everyone involved will live to fight another day.
Everyone concerned is invited to pass this message on to those who might need to know.
Thank you.
Nick Martian
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