Earth First! Winter Moot, what to expect
EF!WM Crew | 22.01.2012 15:15 | Ecology
have primarily attended to recruit for their respective campaigns. Yet
those who attend EF! Gatherings are predominantly already active, making
them good places for networking, but not necessarily for outright
recruitment. We recognise the effort gathering organisers put into
planning agendas but often the more discursive aspects of the gatherings
focus on larger, abstract questions and debates have often been framed by
self-appointed experts. We feel that these discussions ineffectively
attempt to find answers or reach consensus where this is inappropriate.
For example at the first EF! Gathering 20 years ago the question was
asked: 'What is EF!?' 20 years later in 2011 at the last Moot the same
question was still being asked . . .
The answer is EF! is what we make it, and this year we are going to make
it a space in which we can approach our campaigns both critically and
analytically by asking more specific and practical questions. Our activism
should be constantly evolving not stuck in a rut asking the same questions
again and again.
The agenda will be designed to ask questions around four key issues: the
tactics we use; the strategies that we employ in our campaigns; community
solidarity; and sustainable activism. There will be no attempt to reach
conclusions or consensus especially about what EF! is. Instead we want to
have discussions that lead to new ideas that could evolve ongoing
campaigns or give creative inspiration to ones that are just getting
A free space will be provided in which campaigns will be able to hold
meetings and have further discussions if they wish, and there will also be
some space given for campaign updates with an emphasis on honest analysis
rather than promotion.
For updates and more info check the website or email us.
EF!WM Crew