Obama will billiger Krieg führen ...
Juan Perez | 10.01.2012 22:48 | Guantánamo | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Terror War | Cambridge | Oxford
Surviving Guantánamo ...
Picture: ....... Surviving Guantánamo: Without having being charged nor having committed a crime – and even after the authorities admitted that they had “made a mistake”, he was told that he would still have to go to Guantánamo Bay for a duration or he would have to lie and claim having a link with Osama Bin Laden, so that the authorities would in turn be able to save face. ‘I spent one year Bagram Air Base, then I was transferred to Guantánamo Bay; I was not allowed to sleep. I was not allowed to use the bathroom. For six months they kept me in a refrigerator naked. ......... M O R E: http://cynicalarab.org/2012/01/09/guantanamo/
( Watch The Interview: Former Guantanamo Detainee Speaks ... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/41020748#41020748 )
Die Ökonomie des Krieges - Zerstörung als Geschäft: es gilt zu erkennen, dass die Logik des Krieges im Kern des bestehenden Wirtschafts- und Geldsystems verankert ist und umgekehrt. ........ M E H R: http://the-babyshambler.com/2012/01/10/die-okonomie-des-krieges/
Juan Perez