USA Holocaust Medical & International Financial Muder, Travel Warnings About USA
Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone | 09.12.2011 21:25 | Analysis | Education
Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, American holocaust victim
It appears that federal war criminals control Yelp and have removed my warnings on Flagstaff Medical Center and Los Angeles Medical Center. What I said was I stopped at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004 and waited for hours after saying I needed a likely toxic burn treated. The staff then came in, placed a tongue depressor with goop in my mouth, then they forced needles into my thighs knocking me unconscious. I was held for three days under a Title 36-520 law allowing those war criminals in power to abuse us. They charged me over 1400 in cash and had me sign my BC/BS Insurance papers before I was injected. Our enemies are in power. We should assist each other when we are under attack. Let us pray their dictatorship of the American holocaust is gutted and their mob boss leaders are decapitated in the public squares of the USA and the Earth. We must approach this as a war because our lives and our families lives and our livelihoods are threatened. They are like animals and sometimes have to have a lance broken across their brows and snouts.
The Flagstaff Medical Center took and said they lost my car and house keys thereby putting myself and my wife and family at risk and hardship. Considering they gave me a stroke with the forced injections, I am horrified of them. The Veterans Administration health care facilities are just as dangerous for myself and others. Once the the government has those who turn against you in place legally, they can call you insane and or criminal. I urge people not to use VA or state sponsored healthcare if you are ever attacked by them as I was. To this day, I am given the "banana boat" treatment by government, meaning treated as an insane criminal and they will often try to get me to pull a gun. I encourage the importation and development of new weaponries to defend against government and civilian enemies in power. I urge our people to protect men like David Koresh who was killed by insane sociopaths and merecenary parasites who work for the USA governments, often nothing more than gestapo of our era.
Recently a police car rushed up behind me when I was traveling past Flagstaff Arizona going West. He followed me but did not pull me over. I would rather be killed in an automobile accident or shot dead with gun fire than to be injected by them again. We are enemies with the regime in power.
It is my hope a dictator can arise in the Americas and the USA to remove the corporate controlled international powers who control the Americas. They are brutal. They deserved more of what they got on 9/11/2001 but someone needs to finish the job. We are better off dead than to be under our enemies in these hated American nations. I would like to see one America and one dictator who supports human rights and who will kill those who are opposed to our human rights. Kurt Brown, investigative journalist, former FDIC bank examiner and Quartermaster onboard the USS Reid FFG-30, likely a medical guinea pig for experiments or as a tool. They killed many of us veterans in Los Angeles in experiments in 1999 and they tortured me in early 2001. Let us support the rise of a new dictator for the USA and the Americas.
We do not have a democracy. Our current dictators stay hidden and are the filthy rich war crimininals of international corporations. Their merecenary parasites with badges attack us in this hated parted of the Earth. If I had to do it over again, I would have rather have been born dead than as a peasant in the USA. Remember that if nuclear or biological weapons are released on the Americas, we of the lower caste are increasingly BOD, better off dead. Never trust the government. They are our enemies since birth. Remember Vietnam.
See the Love Line and Quatrains post that were recently made. The video Rocket Man by David Fonseca on Youtube illustrates a scientific view of how we can be deceived by one enemy with superior technology. I will elaborate in theoretical scientific approximations with possible hardware and other emulation methods later on the Love Line pages on how this sort of deception can be manifested. For the man whom I likely witnessed dieing in the explosion in Braman Oklahoma when the armed drone fell with a passenger who jumped aboard it and averted it to save my life -- A triangle on the tomb of the unknown soldier with a blip at the center of the hypotenuse seems appropriate.
I see your cookie now starting to crumble Tanoue Macau. As an aside, some aspect of Ho Chi Minh a dual matter, a set aside? In particle out particle, and why Xu and Xu enter from Bank of China in 2001 and why does Tanoue step out of the F-DIC Chair? Ta no Tanoue till now ta now ta naw. Mmmm. I dead reckon like a navigator in shee-it, monkey shee--it. My prayer, God get me out of this place or make them pay me permanent like. A job, a yob, if only a wealthy snob. Banking and journalism and medicine don't mix. That is my background. Also, a soldier of sorts, a Dead Eye DIC medical guinea pig tool. Stay away from it kids, military and societal servitude and medical subjugation, it is poison. You are on your own from birth till death.
Many Asian and Mexican nations leaders would cut your tongue out and feed it to a Nordic dog, or as in my case they fed me to the syndicates that killed federal banking frauds judge Thomas Crane Wales, per my estimation. The hits were likely ordered out of D.C. with interests in Nevada, California, Seattle, Vancouver B.C., and Macau, gambling and money exchange hubs. Even if they take our tongues in media such as Youtube, we now know where we stand in relation to each other. Everything Is Beautiful (music video) when we confiscate Ricardo Montalban's paradise or Yacht in Hawaii held by the Bank of Hawaii or by associates. That is if President Landon or their FDIC hook-up in the orient money laundering is Donna Tanoue, former FDIC chair. She stepped down when the Xu and Xu duo came from Bank of China in Macau to shack up in the USA. Allegedly. Smoke, mirrors, and bullshit is the modern banking game. In my opinion Taneou of the Bank of Hawaii now is the Tokyo Rose of money laundering if my retirement home is not bequeathed in a grant, or a job. After all, after a stroke, post-FDIC employment, and while investigating crimes in government in finance and medicine, if neither a job nor a grant is granted as requested, then check, check, check, the Devil's Triangle. Of course I jest, but I might have a prayer, or a book or two.
Daily Foreword November 30, 2011: I, Kurt Brown, was informed today of a possible reason Donna Tanoue left the FDIC as FDIC Chairperson in August of 2001. A woman of Asian descent descended upon me while in travel this week. She was in her yellow raincoat and had an entourage. She said, "They tried to take over".
I assume the messenger was with Taneou. I do not know if she was talking about the FDIC or the entire world government structure of corporate megaliths. They are the informal government, a sort of hidden dictatorship if you have no major asset holdings. They control the formal governmental show.
I Kurt Brown was terminated in 2000 allegedly for poor performance at the FDIC. I had filed an EEOC complaint. I also did not go to my lady bosses room at the Bank of Hawaii bank examination for the FDIC in 2000 because I was in fear of needles or she was a mule, meaning a male trans-sexual. This is a San Francisco job and she was a stranger. They kill and eat each other for big money. I don't pull out my penis or stick out my neck when lions are out.
I may have been too harsh on Donna Tanoue the President of the Bank of Hawaii. She may not do money laundering. I do not know which syndicate is taking over. There are too many. I do know that someone was so disgusted with what happened to this FDIC bank examiner and journalist that they told me they wanted me to be President of the Bank of Hawaii. They smiled. Money can flow here and there if no reigns are tied.
I was told she was one of those on FDIC management who after the Federal Police had me injected with chemicals, they wanted to incarcerate me for five years in April of 2001 when I was reporting and fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman, thief, and federal syndicates in the criminal sector. I was homeless because I took an FDIC job and was pushed out. If I was wrong about Tanoue, I apologize. If not, then let's share the misery and split the financial gains.
I was running tests on the FDIC in February of 2001 to see if they have murderers. I was attacked and cornered but did not engage in a gun battle because no one fired at me in February of 2001, not with a gun any way. They tried to make it look like an accident with a cross tie flip of the vehicle and cornered me afterward. I would like to meet Ms. Tanoue some day if I have not already. I may take a trip to Hawaii to clarify what I was told, if she will speak with me. I never persecute the innocent. The people I spoke with doubted innocence. Who controls the needles used against us? See the Love Line 11 Page for the links to Bank of Hawaii and Donna Tanoue. I will keep you informed if I apply for a job at her bank. The injections caused me to have a stroke, or it was other medical procedures, perhaps unrequested electric shock at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004, around February, and likely ordered by Las Vegas syndicates for some reason. I may need a bed to lay down my half dead head if I go to work as Bank of Hawaii. This is the image of Tanoue in the song Rocket Man by David Conseca on Youtube. I was told the video was choreographed as art to the facts of what happened when the alleged armed drone aircraft landed near my vehicle in December of 2004 and exploded. There have been reports of people finding pieces of an aircraft in the area of the blast. It was big baby, like nuclear dirty bomb. If a man jumped in the drone as they said to save me, I wish he would have left fate alone. But perhaps it is the message I deliver that saved me thus far.
Daily Foreword November 28, 2011: There are those who like to throw stones to run people away from cities in the USA and the USA in general. Some run you from employment in federal monetary oversight and some run you from your native banana republic American city. I recommend we be like boxers and throw stones back, but you have to make a living from it. No waste. Whether Mobile or San Francisco or Los Angeles, it is all pretty much the same, but with unequal and different liberties and many traps, in what I call the willow effect of drugs and alcohol and gun ownership etc.
Today I put a post on the Love Line 11 page about Donna Tonaue, former FDIC chairman and how we have likely been deceived by those who discriminate against us and who have come to power in these hated United States. The Bank of Hawaii likely has an interesting Tonaue tale till now with the Bank of China out of Macau with Xu an Xu being held in Las Vegas allegedly. FDIC San Francisco and Sacramento FDIC and the bankers out of Reno who came to California from Reno Nevada have a link also. Xu can back me up on this. Xu and Xu have been injected forcibly and likely have released information on their 2.3 billion dollar banking heist out of China and the USA casino and bank accounts. I want my $9.11 million or a job at the FDIC or at the Bank of Hawaii as a special audit team member to see what is happening. I will sleep on the love seat. Just give me a first class United Airlines ticket and a love nest on the sofa with lil miss Macau Tanoue and I will live on my IUD.
When I envision life, I sometimes see the peacock, whether in life or in war. The souls of the living dead (lol) are scattered like stems of an army, each in its own cloak but hooked to one body of one peacock. Jack Snatch and federal warlords, the ole bass tirds, knows of that which I speak if he or they exists at this time in their right mind, They often do not. Indifference is a brutal aspect of wars and boxing matches and the rule against futility in nature. Now I am being stoned in a way to leave the South East USA. The irony of life is that some never see the truth. I discuss how truth is perverted in our culture on the quatrains or love line pages recently. We become delusional in a sense and deny truths as matter of fact and label the truth a fallacy, a sort of denied existence that over rides our senses and common sense.
I imagine Jack having a bad trip as Satan's peacock dances to the Kinks, Low Life tune, on his breast and snout. I have a sense of humor and two videos just out, one is the Hand Over The Hand in Government and details why we are abused in the USA, and I also discuss some more fear and loathing in Pensacola in this video.
Daily Foreword November 26, 2011: The USA government owes me over 9.11 million to be paid from monies in the alleged Bank of China account. It was stolen USA currency. Xu and Xu's cash is elsewhere, or was. The injections they received in Las Vegas would allow full inquisition and truth. I have nightmares of being injected repeatedly as I was in Los Angeles in 2001 and in Flagstaff in 2004. Like a wounded child I cry or beg for the wounded lamb. Give me my daily Sweet bread. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC bank examiner survivor and holocaust victim in the land of the cursed, those lands controlled by international corporations. Those who pull the voting stick should stay at home and choke the chick.
Daily Foreword November 25, 2011: It appears the federal police and local government crime syndicates with badges are trying to have me, Kurt Brown, killed. They did things to see if I would pull a gun while I was in Pensacola Florida with harassment in Mobile Alabama also. I have had a stroke so they may want me, Kurt Brown, dead. I do not care if they are killed because they have drawn first blood on myself and others. The cowards in charge stay hidden in the informal governmental dictatorship of corporate billionaires. The last time the Sheriff or federal warlord came to see me, I was on a blind POF date. It turned out to be a hoax. Immediately afterward the oil rig in the gulf blew up. I heard it from the hill of my home and it seemed God or the dead had lead me to hear it, a slight metallic sharp ping. I was in New Orleans and someone brought a gun to greet me I am told. I will accept donations of guns and ammunition outside of the State of California. I may buy a camp and school to organize against our oppressors over the USA governments. The bonobo monkey eats their own, and so does man in a way. Let us turn the tide and throw the enemy dictators out of governments and lets put their puppets to work as grave diggers.
The federal and local Alabama police in Mobile had turned my wife against me by harassing her at work at a hospital and attacking us while at my home. These Mexican, German, and Asian warlords deserve a dose of their own medicine. We are enemies. Organize a new political party with a military dictator using monies extracted from international corporations on American soil. We should help each other overcome our enemies in power. One man wanted to let me walk from the VA in 2001 while in court after being injected. I think he meant well. Run for your lives if the chains drop. You are better off dead than under the whims of the international warlords in power through the informal government. I was basically an international bank examiner at the FDIC San Francisco. Funny how stupid Sweet looks in hard ball with cum on its face. But she may be changed somehow like a boss in a smaller office. He looked like Rocketman in the video below. I wondered how many ways a society could be robbed. Has Justice been changing?
Daily Foreword November 24, 2011: They like to intimidate and torture us. They use the "Willow" approach, whether with fake women, drugs, or alcohol. They are our enemies.. They are known enemies to the American working class.The irony of life is that the government that is bad, will take things of yours. Some times they take children and grandchildren. Some times they take anything and place them in crime scenes or they will place something in your possession that is incriminating. They are like a snake and cities like Los Angeles have the largest ones, and nations like the USA. Either way is very effective getting rid of someone. Sometimes they just fine you a million dollars for gun ownership. They torture you. If you have guns stay from government and all they control until you have put them away. We know we have become enemies in the USA, warring factions. Our enemies that have come to power want to disarm us. They have hurt me, causing a stroke and other maladies, and I feel nothing for them.
The "GO" word is coming down. The BP oil well explosion was intentional per my estimation in the Gulf of Mexico. The largest oil find in the US history in one location was being taken by a foreign held oil producer, BP (Asset Holdings). The BP refinery explosion, one of the largest in US history, was likely intentional a few years before by Americans who were cut out of work and oil profits by foreign oil producers and Mexican workers.
It appears that BP is not paying the little guys in their settlement as I have not received my Pensacola payment claim. The word is obviously "GO" to all international corporate thieves and sponsors of the enemy factions in power in the USA, and their key spots held by appointed warlords. The word is "GO" to the American people. Foreign nationals slit our veins with needles, our hearts with knives, our children with genetic malfmorations. It does not matter if they or their sponsors and receipients of wealth for their warlord endeavors receive an equal fate.
The USA is a nation that will always be divided on race, greed, wealth, and religious perversion. There is no need to fight for them. They are controlled by sociopathic war criminals both in the formal government and the informal government, which is really international corporate money and a few dictators who do not care if we live, die, or are maimed.
Today I awakened to see a Mexican, a German looking woman of the mongrel sect and a Korean. The American people view each other as enemies and push each other out and down. We are always among our enemies. We live as if in a war zone. Best of luck on the coming Exodus or sublimation of life, bent to the whims of the beast in mankind. They will likely take all of us out with technology, and not a whimper will be heard, not aloud anyway, not by the mullet race of Americans.
In closing, I have a "Honest Jewish Bank Examiner Joke or Hunter S. Thompson" He awakened and said, "Oye, it appears someone has left their suicide note at my head."
Daily Foreword November 23, 2011: During the explosion that almost hit me, Kurt Brown, in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma, I was recently hinted to about something I had not thought of--Someone was killed when the explosion hit or before, as it was burning in total or with a large amount of rocket fuel, as the sky lit up like a huge fireball was coming to the ground. The fireball about the size of two burning cadillacs in one mass or a bus in the distance, like a large rocket trail in a way but it appeared to be ablaze. When it hit, it was very bright and very loud, larger than USN missiles. It was like a small nuclear blast. That was December 7th late night almost December 8th 2004 that it exploded. I was on the interstate between OKC and Wichita when it hit in Braman Oklahoma and I was going North toward Wichita. I drove a short distance after the explosion and one car came flashing their headlights and driving South and skidded to a stop for a moment as if I would stop. F-ck you foreign nationals pretending to be American government employees and f-ck you inbred mongrels picking up a paycheck for the warlords. I pray they die before they can harm any of us any further.
Some may ask does Kurt Brown toy with the devil or does the devil toy with Kurt Brow? Let's ask Kurt to "Come As You Are (music)". I know it same old song.
I ignored the flashing headlights of the vehicle and kept going because our enemies in power had allowed me to be forcibly injected withhout cause in Flagstaff Arizona earlier that year in 2004 around February, under a law they allegedly passed in 2001. They are like the Soviets and to kill them would mean even less, those who pass laws that help our enemies within our borders and outside our borders.
They put pressure on us, therefore we should put pressure on our enemies by looking at their industry in our nation and putting legal pressure to crush them and to remove their formal government stronghold positions. The law of God should reign, true compassion for the American people, not forced halidol injections, not forced medical procedures, not murder, not starvation in prisons, not a prison state of mayhem, and not 400 dollars an ounce of addictive green prozac, marijuana, sold and grown by foreign nationals in these depressing United States of America.
It was hinted to me that it was a drone (unpiloted craft) that was released from some sort of other air-craft. Emotionally the person who told me said, the person who set the thing into an incorrect orbit jumped into it immediately before it was launched. He did it to save me. He was burned. The irony is, I immediately thought of the game of Chess as it relates to war and initiation of war or removal of strategy. Chinese checkers with a new twist soon follows. Life is no game, but I am half brain dead in stroke from being drugged repeatedly and knocked unconscious with government approval since FDIC employment. Some of my memory has been returning after prolonged PTSD treatment by a friend and not a government guinea pig asylum. I am still sick from the injections, the stroke, and what they did while I was unconscious, and I continue to quiver a bit like a dieing animal. If someone tries to kill me like that again, let them do it. Do not sacrifice yourself. That was my chosen death date. God hates me some days. Someone else has taken my place. May he rest in peace.
Perhaps I too am already dead, half dead. I would like to be paid. The D-FIC would not hire me, not yet, and I am partially blind and have had a stroke from tortures and punishments and my teeth are a bit loose from being knocked out after trying to help starving inmates by stopping a thief Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mob AL. and I really do feel like the medical guinea pig, "Dead Eye Dic". How about paying me or hiring me, $300 million of Xu and Xu and the Heimlich Maneuver's currency will do. See Youtube saintrambone money launding macau and las vegas.
In conclusion, those of us with imaginations are thought of as insane until a new solution is needed. I like to make comedy in my daily struggles. Leave my destiny alone. Pee Wee Herman's Tequila dance Youtube is how I dance on the cock of the Sheriff Possum Man and his over-fed F-DIC fiends internationale. The explosion in OKC was likely of the same device and not as proclaimed with McVeigh and a truck of fertilizer. Nuclear waste is cheap and available.
Some say America fell when alcohol was legalized. Perhaps they should keep it in the closet like marijuana. Alcohol is a terrible drug with horrible consequences. Not like the governments forced Haldol which is much worse. They do not care if we are killed or maimed. The filth that runs banks in the FDIC's Pacific Rim banks have set me up for a fall. To this day I am harassed even when I go to a grocer in towns like Pensacola Florida or Tehachapi California, both prison-like military loving towns. Many Americans hate each other because they are stupid. They are like starving animals, bonobo monkeys placed at each others throats for a price. Some help each other or at least try when the international enemies in our government through force and corruption make us prefer death over life or try to kill or maim us. They treat us like animals because they see themselves as animals. Some times I even look them as animals, their felonious police forces under the crown of the international dictators.
The international dictators over the USA are nothing to us, just wealthy overlord warlords. I have heard the same thing about Egypt, and even some Jews are fearful to walk in what they considder to be Pseudo-Yisroel, the fake Israel. The followers of the international dictators are often mercenary parasites. We need better escape methods first, secondly shielding weaponries of an undetectable sort. Our divisions are likely not as expected in reality. We are likely deceived on many levels. It is too bad he missed the mark, perhaps not next time, Rocket Man (music) is Braman.
Daily Foreword November 22, 2011: Someone told me that it was the Soviet Union that cut me in 2004 in Flagstaff Arizona at the Flagstaff Medical Center. They told me we lost control of the USA long ago. The point is I will have to extract payment I suppose or forego it in lieu of something else. It started in LA in 2001 or in San Francisco in a murder of a regional FDIC director approved of by a syndicate in the USA. A pseudo-American greaseball injected me 2001. In lieu of healthcare at the Los Angeles Medical Center (LA VA Westwood), I was tortured. I should have said, "I do not know if I had guns", in 2001. I had none in 2004.. The judge did not know in 2001 how many I had. He asked me. I told him what I was told. "Four?" maybe five by the man with the needle. I should have said about a trillion in God's army and they are going to kill you and your needle bearers and torture camp profiteers, I pray.". F-ck those ruling over the USA, whomever they are, whether, Soviet, Chinese, Mexican, Bastard European African. They cut me. They killed the others. They owe us, or perhaps we owe ourselves. I would opt for death or escape rather being under their abuses. We should organize as a collective to overthrow international tyranny that is orchestrated through subterfuge and financial and medical manipulations. We, the FDIC bank examiners, the true ones, who survive attacks and the veteran medical guinea pigs are in a true living Hell. As Swingblade reacted if he should kill them, "I reckon".
Daily Foreword November 20, 2011: Today I was told by a friend that someone they knew thought I had manic depression because they say my eyes were blinking rapidly in some of my, Kurt Brown, youtube saintrambone videos. In other matters I have offered my services to the Bank of China and I am in search of work if you need employees with my skill set. . It appears that the link is now censored at LA Indymedia. was uncensored in the year 1999 but now it is a throttle hold by the Bonobo monkey triad and their mercenary helpers on the West Coast of the USA. We would kill each other on this Earth if someone dropped the red flag. Sometimes I hear a song when I am writing and it matches the mood, sometimes in Jest. So Happy Together (music) is the the joke from Allah today, as we meld together.
Also here is a link to the Bank of China Financials (Google link.) If you look at a five year chart of Bank of China, I first made the link 5 years ago between the bomb I saw, and Xu and Xu and the Bank of China and the mercenary syndicates in the USA. The question is, who is the Bank of China president Xiao Gang brought in in 2001 in one article, but in 2003 in another article. How far would he go and why was I attacked in 2001 to this date? Bank of China is suspect to me due to the Macau and Las Vegas connection. If you saw what I saw at FDIC you would beware. I like to brainstorm things on the web. That is how I found out about Xu and Xu of the bank of China after the explosion that almost killed me and soiled Braman with likely radioactive waste. Brainstorm Bank of China and associates in view on Google Search 1990's to present.
Because of a forced overdosage of halperidol, also known as haldol, in 2004 when running a test on Flagstaff Medical Center and getting treatment for what appeared to be a toxic chemical burn, I now have symptoms of Haldol overdosage such as Tarde Dyskinesia which includes rapid blinking of the eyes. I was very sick after being knocked unconscious in 2004 in Flagstaff and after being injected forcibly in 2001 in Los Angeles, all with federal approval.
Sadly in 2005 a doctor in Mobile Alabama at a medical center told me I had had a stroke. I was feeling sick since 2004. I was going to sue Flagstaff Medical Center or the federal government in Los Angeles. But I forgot about the conversation with the Dr. in 2005 and the stroke I had had. I just noticed my head hurt a lot and memory was not what it was and I was always tired. He said one of my pupils stayed dilated, indicative of a stroke. It is strange how the memory works. I still feel sick from it, and I hope to sue but I may have to let God handle it or his or her medical mercenaries. A Sweet Carol of the fed told me say my case is weak because I forgot. Aint That A Kick To The Head, My Bloody G-d Damned Head.
I need a better lawyer. I was told they did not take cases over 5 years old by an attorney in Flagstaff. I do not think I can sue in their hostile governmental environment. Jews could not sue Adolf Hitler in the torture chambers either. Nothing has changed in the USA for us. The blinking of the eyes is embarassing but the feeling of stroke goes deep.
A stroke instead of medical care is treason, guilty and punishable, even if I forgot about it. What brought my memory back was some natural medicine and a year of PTSD counseling. It could have been brainwashing or punishment Hell in 2001 in the Los Angeles Court system while listening to the federal war criminal directorate from the Los Angeles Superior Court system whose whim is orchestrated by federal war criminal profiteers and the informal governmental international syndicates. $9.11 Million would suffice Sweet Carol. Sweet Carol is the messenger. Do not harm him or her. It never pays to do so. It is kind of like killing a dragonfly maggot. If you are an attorney who can take my case, contact me by sending an email to
I was warned by a fellow veteran not to work for the FDIC when I was in college. I should have listened. They had killed a regional director prior to my arrival in the office. The maggots crawled in and out of the F-DIC. I hope the veteran who warned me prospers and lives a life of peacce. Auditing and investigations in highest finance, banking oversight, is a little like Hell. Yesterday as today, money is the root of all evil, and the bonobo in all of us set the rate of exchange at a pound of bonobo cannibal meat per pound of bonobo cannibal meat.
Daily Foreword November 19, 2011: A mother bird in the wild whose chick is handled by a human is killed by the mother when the chick is returned to the nest. In much sympathetic fear, I understand why. One example is of something different than what was left behind arises, even in the bird kingdom (education link).
If a human child is abducted by the government that is in power, there is a strong likelihood that child has been tampered with or dealt with in an inhumane and cruel fashion. Every thing and every one at a certain point is for sale. We are "Told" what to do by those over-riding factions in power whose control is exerted through the informal government's highest point which controls the formal government in its entirety in "material" positions. I saw dogs of war greased up in and through the California and D.C. FDIC. Whataya Want From Me (Music) you stinging sweet federal war criminal bass tirds in breeches?
Beware of buying property in the cities like Pensacola Florida and Monterey California, military towns. The federal mafia in those towns is like a Mexican or Geman razor held to your throat with orders given by the Asian Attila the Hun. Pensacola and MObile should back off of our native people. We increasingly do not care if you are attacked like the regime of Adolf Hitler, yet you are more than a simple German, you are Bonobobo underneath. Pensacola and Mobile federal authorities are like an invading force lately. Once the oil is gone, they will turn against the people. Prepare. It is fight or flight.
Daily Foreword November 18, 2011: (Random Thoughts on Video on Youtube today "Military Towns, Fear and Loathing, I Am Under Attack Again.") On September 11, 2001, an attack was made on the USA Pentagon. A concerted effort to overthrow and dismantle the ruling factions over the USA was instigated. I was attackd in February of 2001 and the governemnt ignored my calls. I should have seen it as a hit sent out by the informal dicatorship over the FDIC, as they had killed the prior FDIC regional director in cold blood and covered it up, or they set him up in some fashion in San Francisco FDIC to make him shoot himself. That is why I was hired there. They wanted a street vagabond with a doctorate education and a rat's appetite. But who are "they?" Do we have a faction left inside the USA governments? Is it a ruse?
The government tried to call me, Kurt Brown, insane in 2001 in February and later in April and some still do to this day. They will kill anyone. They will take your children and grandchildren and call you insane. They have no remorse. They are like a pack of animals at times. If you accept government assistance you are at risk of being attacked and arrested or used as a guinea pig experiment in healthcare or as a tool for some end. They feel entitled to you and that you are indebted to them. I do not care if their government is removed. They are an increasingly indifferent dictatorship.
As one veteran told me in Los Angeles Medical Center at the federal holocaust camp in Westwood/Santa Monica in April of 2001, "Remember, they drew first blood". They changed the name from LA VA Westwood so computer links would be broken to them since that time. I had worked for the FDIC overseeing millions of dollars in 2000. In 2001 they were calling me insane. They cross the line when they use those lies to kidnap members of our family saying we are not sane, yet they have no proof of insanity. I just add up the numbers, and some things seem to have a void, a hidden face, like the dictators. I would wager something like the Third Reich is in Switzerland with contacts to Asia. Type A Blood is a cannibal in the bonobo. They eat their own. So does Europe and Asia. It pays to know who you are, even if those around you are insane.
They have no right to our bodies or our children or grandchildren. The children they take are in the hands of war criminals who lie and destroy all things. What will replace that evil dictatorship when they are disbanded? I think it is time to leave the USA if you have the means to do so. Any nation controlled by an informal government has a dictator with a mask. Flee if you can as the USA has become the nation mentioned in Revelations, but it stretches beyond the USA. The Bonobo mokey Type A blood humans who have no other bloodlines are insane in many cases, and sadly enough so are many B bloodlines who follow the leader. They feel more comfortable taking everything, including childrens bodies and adults livelihoods. We are not one with them. They are enemies and their crumbs they throw us are disappearing remnants of what once was a life of plenty.
Daily Foreword November 16, 2011: Never trust nor support the abuses of those controlling the USA governments. They are nothing more than tools for wealthy international dictators. If those dictators were killed, most of us would be better off. Vomit on the USA flag. Do not salute it. Do not trust those who work for the government. If they attack you with needles and such, you have my blessings in your escape and my applause if you kill them if they corner you. We are nothing in America. We are chased and hounded like animals, like the enemy. A Dirty Bomb, nuclear, went off in Braman Oklahoma in 2004 and the government did not report it. They use and abuse many of us medically, forcibly. I pray to God to kill those who cross us, the innocent Americans of the lower caste.
Daily Foreword November 14, 2011: Today's post is a video tutorial describing how money is laundered from Las Vegas and federal war criminals in the USA to Macau and how their currency is turned into dollars in the USA. The government forcibly injects innocent people in the South West per new state laws and old federal dictatorship clauses. My enemies in the federal and state and city governments in my native city of Mobile Alabama beat me back from the doors when I try to investigate. I caught their Sheriff stealing yet they denied it from 2001 until 2006. To this day, I feel basically hounded by federal war criminals when I enter my home town, the Village of the Damned, the Mobile Alabama area. They tear up our vehicles when we are not near them, and they steal from us from coast to coast.
I Kurt Brown had a stroke and was too sick to pursue a legal case in 2005 against the Flagstaff Medical Center or the Los Angeles Medical Center, a federal healthcare and torture facility, and felt hopeless in the years 2001 to 2004 while being injected forcibly, and tortured psychologically and physically. That is why many of us pray to God to end our suffering. Many of us would turn A Bad Don loose on those in power like a exterminator who catches a rodent in the bread box. I want to scream bloody murder but something akin to the beast is in power.
It does not matter if they are killed, because they have drawn first blood. That is a quote from a federal veteran who saw me in chains in 2001 and where other veterans were killed in experiments. Our enemies have strangled us. We struggle from the bottom. We have no rights. I would welcome the end of time, but like those in the extermination camps of history, I am biased, I am half-dead.
I would like to see the King of Africa Town (Prichard) take over the city of Mobile and I would like to be an economic and human rights advisor. We would have to include the Prichard and Downtown Mobile area proper as a new voting district and we would have to raise money from foreing oil producers in the Mobile Alabama area.
I met a man who said a King of the Yoruba tribe was taken to Mobile years ago. I would like to meet him. We may be related. One of my ancestors was most likely a mediterranean or African/European mix child around 1900 who was either abducted or orphaned and you never know, but perhaps she was one of the descendants of the King of Yoruba or perhaps Solomon. America is a terrible place and always has been. My great grandmother was used like a slave on a plantation near Ocala Florida her entire youth. I was an 8 year old boy during the era of Vietnam approved forced murder of USA teenagers, and at age 40 I was getting my first forced injections by federal government in the USA. My middle number is 911. It seems to be all there in Revelations ironically, even though I tend to be more a Jew but can not speak a damned word of Hebrew except, "Go in peace and prosper". Yoruba. Whose my Ruby?
They make us sick. They make us unemployed. They make us half dead. The healthcare at Flagstaff Medical Center and LA VA Westwood (Los Angeles Medical Center) is worse than the movie Misery. I did not know a war was waging in America until I was attacked by federal war criminals in that most hated city of Los Angeles in 2001 while fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman, Alabama thief, and the federal war criminal aristocracy in the South East USA. Someone should do the Heimlich maneuver on the FDIC and Treasury for lending trillions overseas to the old third reich in Switzerland while denying Americans loans on their home's true values. The time will come that men will be men again, lower men, apes, killers, predatory homicidal cannibals, much like many are today, and increasingly so.
Daily Foreword November 11, 2011: Youtube Video Comments Regarding Rape and Electric Shock and more by federal war criminals in USA. 9.11 Revelations is no joke as that number is associated with my name by "The beasts over the USA".
SOS, no joke. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, appears to be a possible target of harassment again while traveling, most likely by the federal government syndicates, this time as usual. I have a revelation from Revelations 9:11 on the Quatrains 12 Page. I was trying to stop government torture of American people, from both sides of the border. We are at war it seems. I hope their side loses and that they are killed before they can draw first blood on me or us again. The Nazi syndicates of the USA governments should be destroyed. They are a tool for hidden dictators of the informal government, which is like those of Adolf Hilter which stood behind him but hidden, most likely from Switzerland. To this day that Swiss Warlord likely directs war criminal governments such as in the hated United States.
The government has those who hack into computers using a blue-tooth type technology. I had to reload my security suite and restore my PC to an earlier date in Bakersfield California. I was told that someone had me under surveillance there. A young man in drag or a woman stood near my PC as Starbucks while I was online. They had a hand held device like a phone or small computer and the Security Suite aborted and some unknown update occuured. We are being robbed by the international dictators and we have no human rights under their government.
On the radio they were discussing forced injections on Arizona and New Mexico. I had forgotten about it, but they put a tongue depressor in my mouth acting as if it was routine medical care and then they knock you unconscious with haldol. The taste of the depresser will be odd because they have a chemical in it. I suspect it was Electric Shock preparatory chemical agent or if it was for the injections that followed and knocked me unconscious.
I had spit out the ingredients on the tongue depresser out after she put it in my mouth at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004. I only wanted medical care. I want that hospital to pay for what they did. We are enemies with the government in power. They assault the innocent. The war is now. The war is never lost or won. Kurt Brown. See Quatrains 12 on this site.
I proctect those who can not protect themselves. They attack me, us. I was being harassed in Texas and further to the East. George Bush Jr. was likely killed just as his father. I have a suspicion they have a fingertip technology with an arm held gadget. That is theory. No Texan would treat us like animals, or would they?
The international corporations in the USA should be pressured to pay socialist party dues so we can have a candidate who supports human rights. We should exact payment in the American way. Whose turf are you on traitor? Let us applaud the overthrow of the governments of the United States and beware that they will put a knife in our back, needles in our arms, and give us other medical tortures.
Daily Foreword November 5, 2011: Long ago I was in touch with Hunter S. Thompson, who was a journalist and author of the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I was in touch with Hunter briefly online. I was on probation and exile by feared government syndicates during the period 2001 to 2004. I used various nicknames during the period of 2001 to 2005 when I contacted him. One of them was Jungle Jim. I heard him reference Jungle Jim and it appears Thompson was beat up by the Hell's Angel while interviewing them and another Jungle Jim might have been involved. I was beat up and injected forcibly with chemicals by the federal and state governments for investigating crimes in finance and medicine in governement. Here is a video link of Hunter S. Thompson describing his ordeal. Beware of all USA government contact. They have gone hog wild with forced injections of various chemicals and forced and often unknown medical procedures. Leave the USA is my sentiment. The USA government made a two trillion dollar loan to some Swiss Banks recently. I would recommend that Americans become permanent tourists in Switzerland. Go to where the money flows so you can eat. Au Revoir Mon Cheri USA. Hunter's final note was, "Never Call 911". I explained to him what happened to me after I was attacked in February 2001 to determine if killers were associated with the FDIC and NTEU of San Francisco. I called 911 and instead of helping me the Sheriff Jack Tillman who was a thief I was investigating took my gun permit on 4/3/2001 and the government began to attack me viciously over the next several years and even to this day they have illegal employment discrimination orchestrated against me as a Federal Bank Examiner and I am often treated like a criminal if I am recognized. 911 became my middle number. Hunters sentiment and message before he allegedly blew his brains out, "Never call 911" is ambiguous to me. Is he saying do not call me or do not call authorities? Both? I want Sheriff Snatch The Fairy Possum to enjoy his ride on the "Devil's Wing", hallucinating hack. The same old sh!t. Once In A Lifetime (music).
You must remember that human kind is not kind. We are predators and often killers. If you want the history of the human see the Bonobo monkey. It is our common living cave man from the trees for all of mankind. The bonobo is a cannibal, and is the smartest of the apes excluding man, which is a matter of opinion. Beware of California and Alabama and Arizona and Mississippi, etc. They lay traps for us. We have no human rights. We can be easily deceived, and like a cat, toyed with by something on a stick or technologies. The informal government is a dictator and all "Material" political and bureaucrat seats of the formal government are appointed by that informal government dictator(s). Six of one and half a dozen of the other it all comes out the same in the end. I weep to God to help me, us, sometimes, in my own way, even if in death. It is the nature of a holocaust victim on this Earth including in the USA. (Late Post, this Houston Indymedia news clip about the Earthquakes(?) near the hypotenuse of the "Fear and Loathing Devils Triangle" has been hidden by those who censor the voice of Americans. I have put it on Newsgroups as a result. It is all here on Mobile Audit Club
Daily Foreword November 3, 2011: The Department of Financial Institutions of California, the D-FIC has not contacted me yet regarding a D-FIC exam I took recently. I Kurt Brwon was sweating on the "Notice To Appear" affidavit and when I read it I believe God made me make a piece of exam paper out of it and he took my right hand and had me draw one long line at a diagonal of 45 degrees from 2" from the North corner and 2" from the South corner. It is a surgical scar sort of thing from a guinea pig, a sort of low relief thing. I would prefer to sit on the FDIC board of directors and relay all large international loans over my own youtube site at the FDIC and Treasury. Two trillion dollar loans to Swiss banks is a big Bozenski of our era, while we can not borrow two grand to buy a Florida thatch hut. Who's catching whom? A Bovenzi is not enough, I want the BOD, F-DIC. We seem to take sides and then kill each other while someone else directs the show. The line is drawn and it is a surgical scar. To F-DIC BOD oversee or to Bob F-DIC BOD over sea? That is the Sweet and ARD F-DIC Masta BOD Over See Question? People Are Strange (music) and even blue whales have scars, usually more scars as they age, much like humans.
Farm people know things. A predators eyes are in the front of their head and a preys eyes are at the side of their head. If I had known that as a child, I would have viewed myself and others differently. PG&E is playing games with their crooked colleagues in the "Let's try sorghum" blame game, an alleged new sort of power source being tested. That amazing Yellowstone National Forest East of Fresno will soon turn to a acid rain forest as they shut down power plants in the South near Los Angeles and crank up the junk burning power station in Fresno. Take it from a Gulf Coast refugee. Nature counts as well as an accountant or better. You lose. They are playing games with investors in the power game again. All bets are on the table that they are tampering with many of us Americans and Mexicans when we are knocked unconscious with Haldol or similar drugs in Arizona and California forcibly. I have a witness to abuse done to me after being knocked unconscious if the witness is not removed. That is the way they are. It is a game to them, the predators. Many of us do not care who is killed any longer in the USA because the formal government mask over the informal government faces makes the true beneficiaries of the predatory practices against us indiscernable. Prepare for the Tri-Lateral Brown out that will darken the city of Angels and trickle to San Francisco. Don't shut off the power in New Orleans, not at Cali 420 but at AZ 520....LOL.
Daily Foreword November 2, 2011: Todays message is a video I made regarding abuse at Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona and some notes about witnesses to abuse after the injections. Those witnesses could likely be put out of employment, killed, or tortured in some other manner. To me, it does not matter if federal warlords who turn against us are sued. I would prefer to kill them but the Bible says not to kill. I will take the money in lieu of blood. Beware of the Flagstaff Medical Center and the Los Angeles Veterans Administration hospitals. Beware of all government contact. The informal government is a few dictators who control a lot of money and they are international in scope. They do not care about the poorer 90 percent of Americans. The "material" federal governmental seats of power are controlled by them. When they abuse and torture us, it does not matter if they live or die. It has been this way since I was a child in the 1960's in the USA. It has been said that many young men were made to think they were in combat during that time and assassinated and maimed. I trust no one in government now due to their usage of needles and medical abuse to force their will on the innocent. Something happened to me when I was unconscious. The federal government and or Flagstaff Medical Center should and shall pay, so Help US God. They are also injecting fleeing immigrants with haldol, beaners. Human beings are not animals. The score needs to be made even. 9.11.
At LA VA Westwood many of us federal guinea pigs, forced medical recipients have been forcibly housed, injected, forced medical procedures, some of us dead, one of us alive that I know of. I should have known. They were killing and ordering the killing of us as children in their "selective" draft and later those surviving are often treated like animals or less, guinea pigs. Run immigrant, run veteran, run bank examiner, run for your lives if they try to attack you with needles. You are better off dead than to have a Hole In Your Head (music). The syndicates attack me from the police like I am a criminal and the criminals often attack me like I am their prey. Who am I? An informant FDIC bank examiner and freelance holocaust victim being totured in the haute places of the USA, Flagstaff AZ, Los Angeles (Westwood) CA, and Mobile, AL. I want to thank God and his subordinates for looking out for me. But I really think it is time for some payback and those monies I mentioned are there in Las Vegas under federal syndicate cuffs. I want my cut for surviving and for a finders fee for that chinese or american or canadian or any nations missile.
The truism of my life is, "I should have known". Some things many of us know "a priori", at birth. The USA government was ordering young men to be killed and harmed when I was a boy and I was to be next, and that was circa 1968. In 2001 I was forcibly injected by federal USA government paid employees and I had done nothing to deserve that sort of treatment. They have done more four years later in Arizona at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004. I should have left the USA when I was very young. Now I am too old. I have always hoped that those who caused us to be killed would be eliminated. Now, they eliminate me with needles and medical procedures and people stand silently by, helpless to help or indifferent. Flee, flee for your lives little ones. It is the same old story.
Daily Foreword October 31, 2011: The triangles overlap and intercede, self contained. I audited and investigated and worked in what I call the Devil's Triangle, Los Angeles California, San Francisco California, and the village of the damned in Mobile Alabama. It was a late judgment call on a Sheriff in 2006 in the Village of the Damned that I reported in 2001 as a government thief which has helped me to prove my innocence. The Sheriff and the federally syndicated mercenary types of federal banking oversight harmed me but his and his federal thief associates have lost some of their venom. The Sheriff was harming inmates due to the Sheriff's thievery of food funds and other funds and the government allowed it. We should not allow their government to stand in the South East and Western United States.
Now I have run another triangle not by my own choice but by divine judgment. I have melted some of the legal salt in the wounds from those who harmed me in government. Now I may have a lead on a Nuremberg type of assault on the people of the USA. Beware of Arizona. They are injecting people with chemicals, and the federal government is doing the same in Los Angeles California. When I was knocked unconscious in 2004 at Flagstaff Medical Center something was done to me behind closed doors and it is not in the medical records. It appears I have a witness. I want to be paid one way or another, and that is my prayer to the God of Divine Judgment. Those who have profited from this atrocity the most, should pay the lions share, one way or another.
Sadly California, the alleged golden state can not afford school busses in many areas. This is a state where taxes are high, and the land is used to grow liquid gold, wine, and green gold, marijuana. The vices of those who are stupid enough to use them. But it is a trap. We are a poisoned and controlled and robbed people. The prisons and grave yards speak the truth while the asylums are increasingly filling up with people who are of the old Nuremberg stature behind bars, the victims. I am one of many. I was told Five Million Dollars would suffice in reparations for government approved war crimes against me, a former FDIC bank examiner and freelance investigative journalist on medical and financial crimes. I prefer more than five million dollars and we need a new government leadership to help with this fiscal and moral crisis. Kurt Brown, investigative journalist, former FDIC bank examiner, detained in LA and tortured, Flagstaff and tortured, Mobile and Tortured. In San Francisco they just stuck the old unemployment stick in my FDIC eye, and in Braman I just dodged the rocket.
Think of the beauty of the design Jack Tillman and federal war criminals in LA and Mob and SF. One large triangle of which you are a piece of my evidence and the evidence and truths span the nation, LA to Mobile to San Francisco. This new triangle inside the old triangle cuts from the San Francisco Bay area to Flagstaff Arizona. Grease that pole baby, your F-DIC Daddy is moving in. Mobile Audit Club wants to be paid and we need better leadership also in the USA. California kids with all of the money that is out there, should have Suede and leather upholstered busses to ride to school, not foot leather.
Jack Tillman and I met on 4-3-2001 when I ran a test to catch the wiley Possum Man Sheriff who was stealing food monies. The date was not a random date, it meant something and I had to discern it. I could have been killed on my birthday within 8 hours of the time of birth on my 44th birthday. The explosion was in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma. It was the hypotenuse of the Devil's Triangle in the USA per this auditors opinion. Kelly predicted it circa 1976 when she died in a car crash. I missed the death date twice. There are more triangles out there Jack, too many, all as gruesome as the last, and you and yours do not make things easier. You are like animals, not leaders. Some times the battles are won or lost before the battle is ever fought.
Daily Foreword October 28, 2011: Recently I was discussing with a law enforcement official the forced injections I had received of Haldol (halperidol) which knocked me unconscious in 2004. I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone or nickname Angel, former Freelance Investigative Journalist and federal FDIC bank examiner in California and Hawaii. I was knocked unconscious in early 2004 at Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center when visiting a hospital to have a burn on my neck receive medical treatment. I was forcibly held down and injected and knocked unconscious per the law passsed in 2001, the law Title 36-520.
I have been told by a law enforcement official that while I was behind the doors they did something to make me lose some of my memory. Halperidol is also used as chemical persuasion against government dissidents in places such as Russia and to keep Mexican immigrants from returning to the USA and I know I was hit with a double barrel load of that or something similar or a mix of ingredients.
I feel a black void that I never felt before in my mind, like memories and words erased. I have symptoms of Halperidol overdosage and electric shock or worse. I no longer have the the Blue Cross health care insurance I had at the time of the abduction in 2004, which I think helped precipitate the abduction and I suspect that some syndicates in health insurance make some money by allowing the forced abductions. Electric shock or chemical memory loss is the same. I am told that I should sue the Hospital and federal government if I can have someone come forward about the electric shock or unprescribed cocktail of chemicals in the syringes, one into each thigh.. I would split the multi-million dollar reward because that persons life would be in jeopardy.
America is controlled by a dictatorship, an informal government, international in scope. We were bought and sold long ago. I should have left America when I was 18. I knew the killers and thieves had taken over this wretched square footage known as the USA. Protect your own.
When I get that paycheck that will be determined by my attornies, I will feel like a 50 foot queenie (music link) when I stand by my 9.11 million dollar Queerest of the Queer House Talisman painting. It has been 10 years since the FDIC in mid 2000 forced me out. Something was strange there. I would say a split personality. Son of Sam Uncle Sam Sister Sam.
Now partially blinded and possibly brain dead by chemicals injections into me and I have been told something akin to Electric Shock therapy was inflicted upon me, while I was unconscious. I would recommend you flee to an attorney if they try to abduct you, even if it means your death while crossing the Interstate 40 in Flagstaff Arizona while fleeing those treacherous war criminals and medical profiteers of the pirate stature of the inbred and ignorant. This law allowing this was just passed in 2001 by another group of thieves and their followers, medical practitioners of torture and embezzlement. Law enforcement often tells no tale and what I heard made me tremble in my darkness, like a man who realized what he had endured, but only years after the medical torture.
Daily Foreword Octover 22, 2011: Today the D-FIC test was taken. My cat pissed on my invitation papers which I had to sign and turn and then return. What else are you going to do when you are squatting in broken down warehouses and living on the dole. I make humor in my horror. It could have been tears because of that song by Johnny Cash Hurt (music link), and the memories of the hell I endured since FDIC employment in 2000 and afterward. The torture by our enemies, their weapons their needles, their corrupted laws, their monkey men with guns, leaves a needle stain on my skin. A stain forced upon my skin and my record by the dictators in power and their new and old laws, Arizona and Federal, all war criminal in nature against innocent human flesh. Things got a bit nervous in Oakland at the D-FIC test today.
My attorney assistance to clear the F-DIC syndicate legal charges against me and the charges by the theif I caught, Sheriff Jack "Snatch The Fairy Possum" Tillman, was obtained by a therapist who was my lover and she persuaded me to go back to work in a regular job after 10 years. I think I put a pussy in my vein at the D-FIC test picking up my cat. I might have to think about it. It is hard to argue against that sort of logical persuasion. I have tunnel vision from being poisoned while in forced exile in Eureka California in 2003/2004 and I was rubbing my eyes at the Oakland test site. Glasses can not correct the situation. The skeleton in the closet of the test site with the gun and badge ridiculed me, mimmicking drug usage or asserting that claim. I am blind you son of a b-tch.
Often I made jokes in Yiddish because I felt I had been in a holocaust state of existence. I called myself Tin Goiter because my vision was suddenly a slit like a snake. Tin Goiter I read meant malleable neck in Yiddish. I wanted to run from the USA, it was early in the year of 2004 or around that time. I may have had a stroke from the dope the federal government allowed to be injected to me in 2001 and 2004. The poisons were definitely sprayed in my window in my eyes in Eureka California while in forced exile as well, creating a sort or redlight effect in vision for a few days.
Pay me with the ARD F-DIC writing stick. D-FIC Dead Eye Dic in chains all 9.11 million F-DIC gold links. Oakland looks sort of like the Long Beach I knew. I wanted to throw up. Randy Kraft serial killer in the hood? Some call me Saint Ram Bone, he calls me, "Angel", as should the F-DIC rater who had me terminated from F-DIC when I would not go to her room due to fear of federal needles. Perhaps she too should call me Angel. To D-FIC or not to D-FIC? The person collecting papers at the D-FIC test saw the blotted ink signature on the paper I brought from the warehouse and asked, "What happened to this?" I said, "Sweat". 6 of one and half a dozen of the other aye, Dr. Boils? Boyles was a Parasitology professor who taught me to audit the F-DIC, Snatch.
Daily Foreword October 20, 2011: The informal government over the formal government in the USA is a dictatorship. Therefore our formal government is in reality a dictatorship, bought and sold, and it is not a democracy representing us. Many of us are tortured as in a holocaust state of existence if we challenge the formal governments abuses and the police and law enforcement are often corrupt and abuse and rob us as well. Those who control the government have no remorse. Their buyout of the American political system and the resulting bureaucracy and their new laws leave us with no choice but to applaud their downfall. On 9/11/2001 some of the informal government was destroyed, but a few knocked down buildings would be a far cry from killing all of those filthy rich war criminals around the globe who control us as in a holocaust state of existence.
The abuses and torture I Kurt Brown have endured since 2001 has made me change my perspective on my own life and the men and women who surround me. Many in America are like soldiers. They do as they are told and they do not ask questions. They kill, they maim, they inject chemicals forcibly and torture people, innocent people, on the command of the formal government which gets their real marching orders from the informal government.
The thing I have often sought as a journalist is the truth. Since 2001, I have been maimed by government officials. They do not care if I am killed or maimed, therefore I do not care if they are killed or maimed or harmed in other ways, including the abduction of their grandchildren as they have abducted mine. They do not call family when they have no respect for the family. We are enemies in America with those in power over the governments in many instances.
There is no remorse in America. If they start to inject you with chemicals, I encourage you to fight for your life. Run for your life and get an attorney to negotiate your being released from the APB by police or leave the United States and spread the word to the American soldiers in the combat zones, including brass, and try to seize some power. The Mexican Indian, the European of the extreme North, and the Asian are the same blood type, like the Bonobo monkey. The African has it underneath, just beneath the surface, a recessive gene and Uncle Tom was always eating prime cuts while those in the field suffered. Many sell out. It was also common in the holocaust. I would prefer death rather than to sell out my people to my enemies in this life.
I was injected so many times that it has made me sick, after all of these years, with extreme symptoms of halperidol, aka Haldol, overdosage. I had a tooth knocked out when an inmate was taking my food as I ate in early 2001 in Los Angeles. My crime was no crime. Never trust any one in government. I was originally trying to stop inmates from being starved by a Sheriff in Alabama who was a thief in 2001. I was partially blinded by poisins while in forced exile in 2003/2004.
I was attacked on the highways while running tests to detect if murderers are associated with the FDIC and NTEU and after having a Sheriff in Alabama brought under financial audit for thievery and inmate starvation. An explosion almost hit me in Braman Oklahoma in December 2004 and earlier that year nearby two Macau bankers were arrestedfor alleged thievery of 482 million USA dollar equivalents. To this day I am beat down when I try to cover news in Mobile Alabama's government. I had survived an attempt on my life in early 2001 that the government ignored when I was running tests on the FDIC San Francisco. I have changed. America is not what they claim. Run from your enemies in power if you can. If you can not, I encourage you to fight them to the death. You are better off dead than to be captured and tortured. If you have guns, beware, as war criminals will say you are a threat and take the guns and your money and label you a felon or insane. That is what they did to me. I would have killed the man who murdered the FDIC director if it meant the American working class would not be robbed by him, or, them. It is a violation of God's law but man's law says a tooth for a tooth, and I too have to eat.
Never work for the government is my sentiment and if you have no other job options, just know that you are nothing to them and that your relationship with them is tenuous at best. Never expect them to care if you have suffered a crime. Many people in America hate each other just for existing. I will support a military dictator to overthrow the dictatorship in power if they will be humane to us and treat us as humans once the war is over, doing away with laws such as Arizona's Title 36-520 law and re-instating the Writ of Habeus Corpus. It does not matter if they are killed. Protect your own. They would kill you and in a sense we, many of us, are already better off dead. Never surrender to them. Fight to the death if you have to. We are among enemies in America.
The one thing I sought as an adult after years of education was the truth. It is said the truth will set you free. They say life is an illusion. Therefore death is an illusion. A partial truth in each account and a null and void in between on either side of the four spectrums, alternating densities and distances. It is a spiritual and metaphysical concept. They would cut out our frontal lobes and place us on treadmills to keep the machines running if their oil ran out. There is a horror in the Earth and a sick Bonobo laughter among mankind. I am that Bonobo missing teeth. Get tin ready for meet Some Where Over The Rain Bow 9.11 Million (Youtube music).
Speaking of Xu and Xu of the Bank of China out of Macau, their names translate in mathematics as X or times or an unknown variable, or X on the X axis, and Y as on the Y axis, and U meaning the union of sets. Beware as Xu and Xu were allegedly arrested near where I was attacked in 2004, and Yu was arrested in Los Angeles. Xu and Xu were allegedly arrested in OKC and Wichita in 2004, and I was almost killed in a rocket blast in Braman OK in late 2004, not that the FDIC and NTEU or the Secret Service or the Treasury or the FBI or the President or Senators and other federal syndicates really give a Sweet Mass of Sh!T if I live or die. The 9.11 Million dollars would show they cared, after all they wrongfully forced upon me that unlucky number and a holocaust of horrors. ARD F-DIC SWeet Carol should know I am like the Pink Panther when I investigate crimes and I bring a Sweet Transvestite to help me out. Are Xu and Xu and Yu's names computer generated you fake federal f-ck?>
It appears the D-FIC bank examiner test is in Oakland and not San Francisco. It is a good thing because of the Purple Haze in San Francisco. I might want to re-live an F-DIC experience with Fidel N Castro. Oakland is a more or less a strangled community, but Mobile and New Orleans had their nuts cut off, much like the F-DIC. Can Too much D-FIC make one sick? To be D-FIC or to not be D-FIC? That is the question.
Mr. President, do I exist at all after those injections that you still allow per your laws in Arizona and Caifornia, etc. ? Why do all of you on Snob Hill hide behind fences with spears? "They built their walls around them." That is a quote from a Rabbi who loves the Jewish people but fears for those in modern day Israel due to a line from the old Talmud or Torah. To be or not to be Yisroel? God give us shelter, something other than Castles Made of Sand (music link) and a broken down truck and Hurt (music link) by my enemies, their weapons their needles, their corrupted laws, their monkey men with guns. What have I become my Sweet Test Friends?
In closing, I picture this scene at the D-FIC test site in Oakland, a large room with that cold cheap fluorescent light, a pale set of walls and naive school kids and drop outs taking the test while a bureacrat in neck tie watches. I pull out the syringe and push the drug into my arm under tourniquet. I will explain to the government official that the government made me addicted to it, with forced injections of haldol. I will then take the test after a brief nap of haldol overdosage. Outside will be Marla who will ask, "You Dead Eye Dic D-FIC?". I make jokes like a holocaust victim because I am one actually. Even in the United States in our grand golden era of civil rights and individual liberties. Want more Sweet Jokes with Marla USA?
Daily Foreword December 6, 2011: The USA has become a dangerous nation to try to cross in a vehicle due to forced injections, and abuses by government officials. The federal government is being run by sociopaths whose crimes are equal to or worse than Adolf Hitlers. Recently I was terrified in Arizona while crossing that state in an automobile. I never stop inside the state of Arizona because I was forced injections and knocked unconscious in 2004 at Flagstaff Medical Center. Their Chairman at FSMC allows forced injections and was mayor. We should demand payment from those who profit from our suffering and we should demand payment for monies robbed from us. We are not allies with those in power. They drew first blood. Many do not care about each other in the USA. We are controlled by our enemies and we should behave as their enemies.
It appears that federal war criminals control Yelp and have removed my warnings on Flagstaff Medical Center and Los Angeles Medical Center. What I said was I stopped at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004 and waited for hours after saying I needed a likely toxic burn treated. The staff then came in, placed a tongue depressor with goop in my mouth, then they forced needles into my thighs knocking me unconscious. I was held for three days under a Title 36-520 law allowing those war criminals in power to abuse us. They charged me over 1400 in cash and had me sign my BC/BS Insurance papers before I was injected. Our enemies are in power. We should assist each other when we are under attack. Let us pray their dictatorship of the American holocaust is gutted and their mob boss leaders are decapitated in the public squares of the USA and the Earth. We must approach this as a war because our lives and our families lives and our livelihoods are threatened. They are like animals and sometimes have to have a lance broken across their brows and snouts.
The Flagstaff Medical Center took and said they lost my car and house keys thereby putting myself and my wife and family at risk and hardship. Considering they gave me a stroke with the forced injections, I am horrified of them. The Veterans Administration health care facilities are just as dangerous for myself and others. Once the the government has those who turn against you in place legally, they can call you insane and or criminal. I urge people not to use VA or state sponsored healthcare if you are ever attacked by them as I was. To this day, I am given the "banana boat" treatment by government, meaning treated as an insane criminal and they will often try to get me to pull a gun. I encourage the importation and development of new weaponries to defend against government and civilian enemies in power. I urge our people to protect men like David Koresh who was killed by insane sociopaths and merecenary parasites who work for the USA governments, often nothing more than gestapo of our era.
Recently a police car rushed up behind me when I was traveling past Flagstaff Arizona going West. He followed me but did not pull me over. I would rather be killed in an automobile accident or shot dead with gun fire than to be injected by them again. We are enemies with the regime in power.
It is my hope a dictator can arise in the Americas and the USA to remove the corporate controlled international powers who control the Americas. They are brutal. They deserved more of what they got on 9/11/2001 but someone needs to finish the job. We are better off dead than to be under our enemies in these hated American nations. I would like to see one America and one dictator who supports human rights and who will kill those who are opposed to our human rights. Kurt Brown, investigative journalist, former FDIC bank examiner and Quartermaster onboard the USS Reid FFG-30, likely a medical guinea pig for experiments or as a tool. They killed many of us veterans in Los Angeles in experiments in 1999 and they tortured me in early 2001. Let us support the rise of a new dictator for the USA and the Americas.
We do not have a democracy. Our current dictators stay hidden and are the filthy rich war crimininals of international corporations. Their merecenary parasites with badges attack us in this hated parted of the Earth. If I had to do it over again, I would have rather have been born dead than as a peasant in the USA. Remember that if nuclear or biological weapons are released on the Americas, we of the lower caste are increasingly BOD, better off dead. Never trust the government. They are our enemies since birth. Remember Vietnam.
See the Love Line and Quatrains post that were recently made. The video Rocket Man by David Fonseca on Youtube illustrates a scientific view of how we can be deceived by one enemy with superior technology. I will elaborate in theoretical scientific approximations with possible hardware and other emulation methods later on the Love Line pages on how this sort of deception can be manifested. For the man whom I likely witnessed dieing in the explosion in Braman Oklahoma when the armed drone fell with a passenger who jumped aboard it and averted it to save my life -- A triangle on the tomb of the unknown soldier with a blip at the center of the hypotenuse seems appropriate.
I see your cookie now starting to crumble Tanoue Macau. As an aside, some aspect of Ho Chi Minh a dual matter, a set aside? In particle out particle, and why Xu and Xu enter from Bank of China in 2001 and why does Tanoue step out of the F-DIC Chair? Ta no Tanoue till now ta now ta naw. Mmmm. I dead reckon like a navigator in shee-it, monkey shee--it. My prayer, God get me out of this place or make them pay me permanent like. A job, a yob, if only a wealthy snob. Banking and journalism and medicine don't mix. That is my background. Also, a soldier of sorts, a Dead Eye DIC medical guinea pig tool. Stay away from it kids, military and societal servitude and medical subjugation, it is poison. You are on your own from birth till death.
Many Asian and Mexican nations leaders would cut your tongue out and feed it to a Nordic dog, or as in my case they fed me to the syndicates that killed federal banking frauds judge Thomas Crane Wales, per my estimation. The hits were likely ordered out of D.C. with interests in Nevada, California, Seattle, Vancouver B.C., and Macau, gambling and money exchange hubs. Even if they take our tongues in media such as Youtube, we now know where we stand in relation to each other. Everything Is Beautiful (music video) when we confiscate Ricardo Montalban's paradise or Yacht in Hawaii held by the Bank of Hawaii or by associates. That is if President Landon or their FDIC hook-up in the orient money laundering is Donna Tanoue, former FDIC chair. She stepped down when the Xu and Xu duo came from Bank of China in Macau to shack up in the USA. Allegedly. Smoke, mirrors, and bullshit is the modern banking game. In my opinion Taneou of the Bank of Hawaii now is the Tokyo Rose of money laundering if my retirement home is not bequeathed in a grant, or a job. After all, after a stroke, post-FDIC employment, and while investigating crimes in government in finance and medicine, if neither a job nor a grant is granted as requested, then check, check, check, the Devil's Triangle. Of course I jest, but I might have a prayer, or a book or two.
Daily Foreword November 30, 2011: I, Kurt Brown, was informed today of a possible reason Donna Tanoue left the FDIC as FDIC Chairperson in August of 2001. A woman of Asian descent descended upon me while in travel this week. She was in her yellow raincoat and had an entourage. She said, "They tried to take over".
I assume the messenger was with Taneou. I do not know if she was talking about the FDIC or the entire world government structure of corporate megaliths. They are the informal government, a sort of hidden dictatorship if you have no major asset holdings. They control the formal governmental show.
I Kurt Brown was terminated in 2000 allegedly for poor performance at the FDIC. I had filed an EEOC complaint. I also did not go to my lady bosses room at the Bank of Hawaii bank examination for the FDIC in 2000 because I was in fear of needles or she was a mule, meaning a male trans-sexual. This is a San Francisco job and she was a stranger. They kill and eat each other for big money. I don't pull out my penis or stick out my neck when lions are out.
I may have been too harsh on Donna Tanoue the President of the Bank of Hawaii. She may not do money laundering. I do not know which syndicate is taking over. There are too many. I do know that someone was so disgusted with what happened to this FDIC bank examiner and journalist that they told me they wanted me to be President of the Bank of Hawaii. They smiled. Money can flow here and there if no reigns are tied.
I was told she was one of those on FDIC management who after the Federal Police had me injected with chemicals, they wanted to incarcerate me for five years in April of 2001 when I was reporting and fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman, thief, and federal syndicates in the criminal sector. I was homeless because I took an FDIC job and was pushed out. If I was wrong about Tanoue, I apologize. If not, then let's share the misery and split the financial gains.
I was running tests on the FDIC in February of 2001 to see if they have murderers. I was attacked and cornered but did not engage in a gun battle because no one fired at me in February of 2001, not with a gun any way. They tried to make it look like an accident with a cross tie flip of the vehicle and cornered me afterward. I would like to meet Ms. Tanoue some day if I have not already. I may take a trip to Hawaii to clarify what I was told, if she will speak with me. I never persecute the innocent. The people I spoke with doubted innocence. Who controls the needles used against us? See the Love Line 11 Page for the links to Bank of Hawaii and Donna Tanoue. I will keep you informed if I apply for a job at her bank. The injections caused me to have a stroke, or it was other medical procedures, perhaps unrequested electric shock at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004, around February, and likely ordered by Las Vegas syndicates for some reason. I may need a bed to lay down my half dead head if I go to work as Bank of Hawaii. This is the image of Tanoue in the song Rocket Man by David Conseca on Youtube. I was told the video was choreographed as art to the facts of what happened when the alleged armed drone aircraft landed near my vehicle in December of 2004 and exploded. There have been reports of people finding pieces of an aircraft in the area of the blast. It was big baby, like nuclear dirty bomb. If a man jumped in the drone as they said to save me, I wish he would have left fate alone. But perhaps it is the message I deliver that saved me thus far.
Daily Foreword November 28, 2011: There are those who like to throw stones to run people away from cities in the USA and the USA in general. Some run you from employment in federal monetary oversight and some run you from your native banana republic American city. I recommend we be like boxers and throw stones back, but you have to make a living from it. No waste. Whether Mobile or San Francisco or Los Angeles, it is all pretty much the same, but with unequal and different liberties and many traps, in what I call the willow effect of drugs and alcohol and gun ownership etc.
Today I put a post on the Love Line 11 page about Donna Tonaue, former FDIC chairman and how we have likely been deceived by those who discriminate against us and who have come to power in these hated United States. The Bank of Hawaii likely has an interesting Tonaue tale till now with the Bank of China out of Macau with Xu an Xu being held in Las Vegas allegedly. FDIC San Francisco and Sacramento FDIC and the bankers out of Reno who came to California from Reno Nevada have a link also. Xu can back me up on this. Xu and Xu have been injected forcibly and likely have released information on their 2.3 billion dollar banking heist out of China and the USA casino and bank accounts. I want my $9.11 million or a job at the FDIC or at the Bank of Hawaii as a special audit team member to see what is happening. I will sleep on the love seat. Just give me a first class United Airlines ticket and a love nest on the sofa with lil miss Macau Tanoue and I will live on my IUD.
When I envision life, I sometimes see the peacock, whether in life or in war. The souls of the living dead (lol) are scattered like stems of an army, each in its own cloak but hooked to one body of one peacock. Jack Snatch and federal warlords, the ole bass tirds, knows of that which I speak if he or they exists at this time in their right mind, They often do not. Indifference is a brutal aspect of wars and boxing matches and the rule against futility in nature. Now I am being stoned in a way to leave the South East USA. The irony of life is that some never see the truth. I discuss how truth is perverted in our culture on the quatrains or love line pages recently. We become delusional in a sense and deny truths as matter of fact and label the truth a fallacy, a sort of denied existence that over rides our senses and common sense.
I imagine Jack having a bad trip as Satan's peacock dances to the Kinks, Low Life tune, on his breast and snout. I have a sense of humor and two videos just out, one is the Hand Over The Hand in Government and details why we are abused in the USA, and I also discuss some more fear and loathing in Pensacola in this video.
Daily Foreword November 26, 2011: The USA government owes me over 9.11 million to be paid from monies in the alleged Bank of China account. It was stolen USA currency. Xu and Xu's cash is elsewhere, or was. The injections they received in Las Vegas would allow full inquisition and truth. I have nightmares of being injected repeatedly as I was in Los Angeles in 2001 and in Flagstaff in 2004. Like a wounded child I cry or beg for the wounded lamb. Give me my daily Sweet bread. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC bank examiner survivor and holocaust victim in the land of the cursed, those lands controlled by international corporations. Those who pull the voting stick should stay at home and choke the chick.
Daily Foreword November 25, 2011: It appears the federal police and local government crime syndicates with badges are trying to have me, Kurt Brown, killed. They did things to see if I would pull a gun while I was in Pensacola Florida with harassment in Mobile Alabama also. I have had a stroke so they may want me, Kurt Brown, dead. I do not care if they are killed because they have drawn first blood on myself and others. The cowards in charge stay hidden in the informal governmental dictatorship of corporate billionaires. The last time the Sheriff or federal warlord came to see me, I was on a blind POF date. It turned out to be a hoax. Immediately afterward the oil rig in the gulf blew up. I heard it from the hill of my home and it seemed God or the dead had lead me to hear it, a slight metallic sharp ping. I was in New Orleans and someone brought a gun to greet me I am told. I will accept donations of guns and ammunition outside of the State of California. I may buy a camp and school to organize against our oppressors over the USA governments. The bonobo monkey eats their own, and so does man in a way. Let us turn the tide and throw the enemy dictators out of governments and lets put their puppets to work as grave diggers.
The federal and local Alabama police in Mobile had turned my wife against me by harassing her at work at a hospital and attacking us while at my home. These Mexican, German, and Asian warlords deserve a dose of their own medicine. We are enemies. Organize a new political party with a military dictator using monies extracted from international corporations on American soil. We should help each other overcome our enemies in power. One man wanted to let me walk from the VA in 2001 while in court after being injected. I think he meant well. Run for your lives if the chains drop. You are better off dead than under the whims of the international warlords in power through the informal government. I was basically an international bank examiner at the FDIC San Francisco. Funny how stupid Sweet looks in hard ball with cum on its face. But she may be changed somehow like a boss in a smaller office. He looked like Rocketman in the video below. I wondered how many ways a society could be robbed. Has Justice been changing?
Daily Foreword November 24, 2011: They like to intimidate and torture us. They use the "Willow" approach, whether with fake women, drugs, or alcohol. They are our enemies.. They are known enemies to the American working class.The irony of life is that the government that is bad, will take things of yours. Some times they take children and grandchildren. Some times they take anything and place them in crime scenes or they will place something in your possession that is incriminating. They are like a snake and cities like Los Angeles have the largest ones, and nations like the USA. Either way is very effective getting rid of someone. Sometimes they just fine you a million dollars for gun ownership. They torture you. If you have guns stay from government and all they control until you have put them away. We know we have become enemies in the USA, warring factions. Our enemies that have come to power want to disarm us. They have hurt me, causing a stroke and other maladies, and I feel nothing for them.
The "GO" word is coming down. The BP oil well explosion was intentional per my estimation in the Gulf of Mexico. The largest oil find in the US history in one location was being taken by a foreign held oil producer, BP (Asset Holdings). The BP refinery explosion, one of the largest in US history, was likely intentional a few years before by Americans who were cut out of work and oil profits by foreign oil producers and Mexican workers.
It appears that BP is not paying the little guys in their settlement as I have not received my Pensacola payment claim. The word is obviously "GO" to all international corporate thieves and sponsors of the enemy factions in power in the USA, and their key spots held by appointed warlords. The word is "GO" to the American people. Foreign nationals slit our veins with needles, our hearts with knives, our children with genetic malfmorations. It does not matter if they or their sponsors and receipients of wealth for their warlord endeavors receive an equal fate.
The USA is a nation that will always be divided on race, greed, wealth, and religious perversion. There is no need to fight for them. They are controlled by sociopathic war criminals both in the formal government and the informal government, which is really international corporate money and a few dictators who do not care if we live, die, or are maimed.
Today I awakened to see a Mexican, a German looking woman of the mongrel sect and a Korean. The American people view each other as enemies and push each other out and down. We are always among our enemies. We live as if in a war zone. Best of luck on the coming Exodus or sublimation of life, bent to the whims of the beast in mankind. They will likely take all of us out with technology, and not a whimper will be heard, not aloud anyway, not by the mullet race of Americans.
In closing, I have a "Honest Jewish Bank Examiner Joke or Hunter S. Thompson" He awakened and said, "Oye, it appears someone has left their suicide note at my head."
Daily Foreword November 23, 2011: During the explosion that almost hit me, Kurt Brown, in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma, I was recently hinted to about something I had not thought of--Someone was killed when the explosion hit or before, as it was burning in total or with a large amount of rocket fuel, as the sky lit up like a huge fireball was coming to the ground. The fireball about the size of two burning cadillacs in one mass or a bus in the distance, like a large rocket trail in a way but it appeared to be ablaze. When it hit, it was very bright and very loud, larger than USN missiles. It was like a small nuclear blast. That was December 7th late night almost December 8th 2004 that it exploded. I was on the interstate between OKC and Wichita when it hit in Braman Oklahoma and I was going North toward Wichita. I drove a short distance after the explosion and one car came flashing their headlights and driving South and skidded to a stop for a moment as if I would stop. F-ck you foreign nationals pretending to be American government employees and f-ck you inbred mongrels picking up a paycheck for the warlords. I pray they die before they can harm any of us any further.
Some may ask does Kurt Brown toy with the devil or does the devil toy with Kurt Brow? Let's ask Kurt to "Come As You Are (music)". I know it same old song.
I ignored the flashing headlights of the vehicle and kept going because our enemies in power had allowed me to be forcibly injected withhout cause in Flagstaff Arizona earlier that year in 2004 around February, under a law they allegedly passed in 2001. They are like the Soviets and to kill them would mean even less, those who pass laws that help our enemies within our borders and outside our borders.
They put pressure on us, therefore we should put pressure on our enemies by looking at their industry in our nation and putting legal pressure to crush them and to remove their formal government stronghold positions. The law of God should reign, true compassion for the American people, not forced halidol injections, not forced medical procedures, not murder, not starvation in prisons, not a prison state of mayhem, and not 400 dollars an ounce of addictive green prozac, marijuana, sold and grown by foreign nationals in these depressing United States of America.
It was hinted to me that it was a drone (unpiloted craft) that was released from some sort of other air-craft. Emotionally the person who told me said, the person who set the thing into an incorrect orbit jumped into it immediately before it was launched. He did it to save me. He was burned. The irony is, I immediately thought of the game of Chess as it relates to war and initiation of war or removal of strategy. Chinese checkers with a new twist soon follows. Life is no game, but I am half brain dead in stroke from being drugged repeatedly and knocked unconscious with government approval since FDIC employment. Some of my memory has been returning after prolonged PTSD treatment by a friend and not a government guinea pig asylum. I am still sick from the injections, the stroke, and what they did while I was unconscious, and I continue to quiver a bit like a dieing animal. If someone tries to kill me like that again, let them do it. Do not sacrifice yourself. That was my chosen death date. God hates me some days. Someone else has taken my place. May he rest in peace.
Perhaps I too am already dead, half dead. I would like to be paid. The D-FIC would not hire me, not yet, and I am partially blind and have had a stroke from tortures and punishments and my teeth are a bit loose from being knocked out after trying to help starving inmates by stopping a thief Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mob AL. and I really do feel like the medical guinea pig, "Dead Eye Dic". How about paying me or hiring me, $300 million of Xu and Xu and the Heimlich Maneuver's currency will do. See Youtube saintrambone money launding macau and las vegas.
In conclusion, those of us with imaginations are thought of as insane until a new solution is needed. I like to make comedy in my daily struggles. Leave my destiny alone. Pee Wee Herman's Tequila dance Youtube is how I dance on the cock of the Sheriff Possum Man and his over-fed F-DIC fiends internationale. The explosion in OKC was likely of the same device and not as proclaimed with McVeigh and a truck of fertilizer. Nuclear waste is cheap and available.
Some say America fell when alcohol was legalized. Perhaps they should keep it in the closet like marijuana. Alcohol is a terrible drug with horrible consequences. Not like the governments forced Haldol which is much worse. They do not care if we are killed or maimed. The filth that runs banks in the FDIC's Pacific Rim banks have set me up for a fall. To this day I am harassed even when I go to a grocer in towns like Pensacola Florida or Tehachapi California, both prison-like military loving towns. Many Americans hate each other because they are stupid. They are like starving animals, bonobo monkeys placed at each others throats for a price. Some help each other or at least try when the international enemies in our government through force and corruption make us prefer death over life or try to kill or maim us. They treat us like animals because they see themselves as animals. Some times I even look them as animals, their felonious police forces under the crown of the international dictators.
The international dictators over the USA are nothing to us, just wealthy overlord warlords. I have heard the same thing about Egypt, and even some Jews are fearful to walk in what they considder to be Pseudo-Yisroel, the fake Israel. The followers of the international dictators are often mercenary parasites. We need better escape methods first, secondly shielding weaponries of an undetectable sort. Our divisions are likely not as expected in reality. We are likely deceived on many levels. It is too bad he missed the mark, perhaps not next time, Rocket Man (music) is Braman.
Daily Foreword November 22, 2011: Someone told me that it was the Soviet Union that cut me in 2004 in Flagstaff Arizona at the Flagstaff Medical Center. They told me we lost control of the USA long ago. The point is I will have to extract payment I suppose or forego it in lieu of something else. It started in LA in 2001 or in San Francisco in a murder of a regional FDIC director approved of by a syndicate in the USA. A pseudo-American greaseball injected me 2001. In lieu of healthcare at the Los Angeles Medical Center (LA VA Westwood), I was tortured. I should have said, "I do not know if I had guns", in 2001. I had none in 2004.. The judge did not know in 2001 how many I had. He asked me. I told him what I was told. "Four?" maybe five by the man with the needle. I should have said about a trillion in God's army and they are going to kill you and your needle bearers and torture camp profiteers, I pray.". F-ck those ruling over the USA, whomever they are, whether, Soviet, Chinese, Mexican, Bastard European African. They cut me. They killed the others. They owe us, or perhaps we owe ourselves. I would opt for death or escape rather being under their abuses. We should organize as a collective to overthrow international tyranny that is orchestrated through subterfuge and financial and medical manipulations. We, the FDIC bank examiners, the true ones, who survive attacks and the veteran medical guinea pigs are in a true living Hell. As Swingblade reacted if he should kill them, "I reckon".
Daily Foreword November 20, 2011: Today I was told by a friend that someone they knew thought I had manic depression because they say my eyes were blinking rapidly in some of my, Kurt Brown, youtube saintrambone videos. In other matters I have offered my services to the Bank of China and I am in search of work if you need employees with my skill set. . It appears that the link is now censored at LA Indymedia. was uncensored in the year 1999 but now it is a throttle hold by the Bonobo monkey triad and their mercenary helpers on the West Coast of the USA. We would kill each other on this Earth if someone dropped the red flag. Sometimes I hear a song when I am writing and it matches the mood, sometimes in Jest. So Happy Together (music) is the the joke from Allah today, as we meld together.
Also here is a link to the Bank of China Financials (Google link.) If you look at a five year chart of Bank of China, I first made the link 5 years ago between the bomb I saw, and Xu and Xu and the Bank of China and the mercenary syndicates in the USA. The question is, who is the Bank of China president Xiao Gang brought in in 2001 in one article, but in 2003 in another article. How far would he go and why was I attacked in 2001 to this date? Bank of China is suspect to me due to the Macau and Las Vegas connection. If you saw what I saw at FDIC you would beware. I like to brainstorm things on the web. That is how I found out about Xu and Xu of the bank of China after the explosion that almost killed me and soiled Braman with likely radioactive waste. Brainstorm Bank of China and associates in view on Google Search 1990's to present.
Because of a forced overdosage of halperidol, also known as haldol, in 2004 when running a test on Flagstaff Medical Center and getting treatment for what appeared to be a toxic chemical burn, I now have symptoms of Haldol overdosage such as Tarde Dyskinesia which includes rapid blinking of the eyes. I was very sick after being knocked unconscious in 2004 in Flagstaff and after being injected forcibly in 2001 in Los Angeles, all with federal approval.
Sadly in 2005 a doctor in Mobile Alabama at a medical center told me I had had a stroke. I was feeling sick since 2004. I was going to sue Flagstaff Medical Center or the federal government in Los Angeles. But I forgot about the conversation with the Dr. in 2005 and the stroke I had had. I just noticed my head hurt a lot and memory was not what it was and I was always tired. He said one of my pupils stayed dilated, indicative of a stroke. It is strange how the memory works. I still feel sick from it, and I hope to sue but I may have to let God handle it or his or her medical mercenaries. A Sweet Carol of the fed told me say my case is weak because I forgot. Aint That A Kick To The Head, My Bloody G-d Damned Head.
I need a better lawyer. I was told they did not take cases over 5 years old by an attorney in Flagstaff. I do not think I can sue in their hostile governmental environment. Jews could not sue Adolf Hitler in the torture chambers either. Nothing has changed in the USA for us. The blinking of the eyes is embarassing but the feeling of stroke goes deep.
A stroke instead of medical care is treason, guilty and punishable, even if I forgot about it. What brought my memory back was some natural medicine and a year of PTSD counseling. It could have been brainwashing or punishment Hell in 2001 in the Los Angeles Court system while listening to the federal war criminal directorate from the Los Angeles Superior Court system whose whim is orchestrated by federal war criminal profiteers and the informal governmental international syndicates. $9.11 Million would suffice Sweet Carol. Sweet Carol is the messenger. Do not harm him or her. It never pays to do so. It is kind of like killing a dragonfly maggot. If you are an attorney who can take my case, contact me by sending an email to
I was warned by a fellow veteran not to work for the FDIC when I was in college. I should have listened. They had killed a regional director prior to my arrival in the office. The maggots crawled in and out of the F-DIC. I hope the veteran who warned me prospers and lives a life of peacce. Auditing and investigations in highest finance, banking oversight, is a little like Hell. Yesterday as today, money is the root of all evil, and the bonobo in all of us set the rate of exchange at a pound of bonobo cannibal meat per pound of bonobo cannibal meat.
Daily Foreword November 19, 2011: A mother bird in the wild whose chick is handled by a human is killed by the mother when the chick is returned to the nest. In much sympathetic fear, I understand why. One example is of something different than what was left behind arises, even in the bird kingdom (education link).
If a human child is abducted by the government that is in power, there is a strong likelihood that child has been tampered with or dealt with in an inhumane and cruel fashion. Every thing and every one at a certain point is for sale. We are "Told" what to do by those over-riding factions in power whose control is exerted through the informal government's highest point which controls the formal government in its entirety in "material" positions. I saw dogs of war greased up in and through the California and D.C. FDIC. Whataya Want From Me (Music) you stinging sweet federal war criminal bass tirds in breeches?
Beware of buying property in the cities like Pensacola Florida and Monterey California, military towns. The federal mafia in those towns is like a Mexican or Geman razor held to your throat with orders given by the Asian Attila the Hun. Pensacola and MObile should back off of our native people. We increasingly do not care if you are attacked like the regime of Adolf Hitler, yet you are more than a simple German, you are Bonobobo underneath. Pensacola and Mobile federal authorities are like an invading force lately. Once the oil is gone, they will turn against the people. Prepare. It is fight or flight.
Daily Foreword November 18, 2011: (Random Thoughts on Video on Youtube today "Military Towns, Fear and Loathing, I Am Under Attack Again.") On September 11, 2001, an attack was made on the USA Pentagon. A concerted effort to overthrow and dismantle the ruling factions over the USA was instigated. I was attackd in February of 2001 and the governemnt ignored my calls. I should have seen it as a hit sent out by the informal dicatorship over the FDIC, as they had killed the prior FDIC regional director in cold blood and covered it up, or they set him up in some fashion in San Francisco FDIC to make him shoot himself. That is why I was hired there. They wanted a street vagabond with a doctorate education and a rat's appetite. But who are "they?" Do we have a faction left inside the USA governments? Is it a ruse?
The government tried to call me, Kurt Brown, insane in 2001 in February and later in April and some still do to this day. They will kill anyone. They will take your children and grandchildren and call you insane. They have no remorse. They are like a pack of animals at times. If you accept government assistance you are at risk of being attacked and arrested or used as a guinea pig experiment in healthcare or as a tool for some end. They feel entitled to you and that you are indebted to them. I do not care if their government is removed. They are an increasingly indifferent dictatorship.
As one veteran told me in Los Angeles Medical Center at the federal holocaust camp in Westwood/Santa Monica in April of 2001, "Remember, they drew first blood". They changed the name from LA VA Westwood so computer links would be broken to them since that time. I had worked for the FDIC overseeing millions of dollars in 2000. In 2001 they were calling me insane. They cross the line when they use those lies to kidnap members of our family saying we are not sane, yet they have no proof of insanity. I just add up the numbers, and some things seem to have a void, a hidden face, like the dictators. I would wager something like the Third Reich is in Switzerland with contacts to Asia. Type A Blood is a cannibal in the bonobo. They eat their own. So does Europe and Asia. It pays to know who you are, even if those around you are insane.
They have no right to our bodies or our children or grandchildren. The children they take are in the hands of war criminals who lie and destroy all things. What will replace that evil dictatorship when they are disbanded? I think it is time to leave the USA if you have the means to do so. Any nation controlled by an informal government has a dictator with a mask. Flee if you can as the USA has become the nation mentioned in Revelations, but it stretches beyond the USA. The Bonobo mokey Type A blood humans who have no other bloodlines are insane in many cases, and sadly enough so are many B bloodlines who follow the leader. They feel more comfortable taking everything, including childrens bodies and adults livelihoods. We are not one with them. They are enemies and their crumbs they throw us are disappearing remnants of what once was a life of plenty.
Daily Foreword November 16, 2011: Never trust nor support the abuses of those controlling the USA governments. They are nothing more than tools for wealthy international dictators. If those dictators were killed, most of us would be better off. Vomit on the USA flag. Do not salute it. Do not trust those who work for the government. If they attack you with needles and such, you have my blessings in your escape and my applause if you kill them if they corner you. We are nothing in America. We are chased and hounded like animals, like the enemy. A Dirty Bomb, nuclear, went off in Braman Oklahoma in 2004 and the government did not report it. They use and abuse many of us medically, forcibly. I pray to God to kill those who cross us, the innocent Americans of the lower caste.
Daily Foreword November 14, 2011: Today's post is a video tutorial describing how money is laundered from Las Vegas and federal war criminals in the USA to Macau and how their currency is turned into dollars in the USA. The government forcibly injects innocent people in the South West per new state laws and old federal dictatorship clauses. My enemies in the federal and state and city governments in my native city of Mobile Alabama beat me back from the doors when I try to investigate. I caught their Sheriff stealing yet they denied it from 2001 until 2006. To this day, I feel basically hounded by federal war criminals when I enter my home town, the Village of the Damned, the Mobile Alabama area. They tear up our vehicles when we are not near them, and they steal from us from coast to coast.
I Kurt Brown had a stroke and was too sick to pursue a legal case in 2005 against the Flagstaff Medical Center or the Los Angeles Medical Center, a federal healthcare and torture facility, and felt hopeless in the years 2001 to 2004 while being injected forcibly, and tortured psychologically and physically. That is why many of us pray to God to end our suffering. Many of us would turn A Bad Don loose on those in power like a exterminator who catches a rodent in the bread box. I want to scream bloody murder but something akin to the beast is in power.
It does not matter if they are killed, because they have drawn first blood. That is a quote from a federal veteran who saw me in chains in 2001 and where other veterans were killed in experiments. Our enemies have strangled us. We struggle from the bottom. We have no rights. I would welcome the end of time, but like those in the extermination camps of history, I am biased, I am half-dead.
I would like to see the King of Africa Town (Prichard) take over the city of Mobile and I would like to be an economic and human rights advisor. We would have to include the Prichard and Downtown Mobile area proper as a new voting district and we would have to raise money from foreing oil producers in the Mobile Alabama area.
I met a man who said a King of the Yoruba tribe was taken to Mobile years ago. I would like to meet him. We may be related. One of my ancestors was most likely a mediterranean or African/European mix child around 1900 who was either abducted or orphaned and you never know, but perhaps she was one of the descendants of the King of Yoruba or perhaps Solomon. America is a terrible place and always has been. My great grandmother was used like a slave on a plantation near Ocala Florida her entire youth. I was an 8 year old boy during the era of Vietnam approved forced murder of USA teenagers, and at age 40 I was getting my first forced injections by federal government in the USA. My middle number is 911. It seems to be all there in Revelations ironically, even though I tend to be more a Jew but can not speak a damned word of Hebrew except, "Go in peace and prosper". Yoruba. Whose my Ruby?
They make us sick. They make us unemployed. They make us half dead. The healthcare at Flagstaff Medical Center and LA VA Westwood (Los Angeles Medical Center) is worse than the movie Misery. I did not know a war was waging in America until I was attacked by federal war criminals in that most hated city of Los Angeles in 2001 while fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman, Alabama thief, and the federal war criminal aristocracy in the South East USA. Someone should do the Heimlich maneuver on the FDIC and Treasury for lending trillions overseas to the old third reich in Switzerland while denying Americans loans on their home's true values. The time will come that men will be men again, lower men, apes, killers, predatory homicidal cannibals, much like many are today, and increasingly so.
Daily Foreword November 11, 2011: Youtube Video Comments Regarding Rape and Electric Shock and more by federal war criminals in USA. 9.11 Revelations is no joke as that number is associated with my name by "The beasts over the USA".
SOS, no joke. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, appears to be a possible target of harassment again while traveling, most likely by the federal government syndicates, this time as usual. I have a revelation from Revelations 9:11 on the Quatrains 12 Page. I was trying to stop government torture of American people, from both sides of the border. We are at war it seems. I hope their side loses and that they are killed before they can draw first blood on me or us again. The Nazi syndicates of the USA governments should be destroyed. They are a tool for hidden dictators of the informal government, which is like those of Adolf Hilter which stood behind him but hidden, most likely from Switzerland. To this day that Swiss Warlord likely directs war criminal governments such as in the hated United States.
The government has those who hack into computers using a blue-tooth type technology. I had to reload my security suite and restore my PC to an earlier date in Bakersfield California. I was told that someone had me under surveillance there. A young man in drag or a woman stood near my PC as Starbucks while I was online. They had a hand held device like a phone or small computer and the Security Suite aborted and some unknown update occuured. We are being robbed by the international dictators and we have no human rights under their government.
On the radio they were discussing forced injections on Arizona and New Mexico. I had forgotten about it, but they put a tongue depressor in my mouth acting as if it was routine medical care and then they knock you unconscious with haldol. The taste of the depresser will be odd because they have a chemical in it. I suspect it was Electric Shock preparatory chemical agent or if it was for the injections that followed and knocked me unconscious.
I had spit out the ingredients on the tongue depresser out after she put it in my mouth at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004. I only wanted medical care. I want that hospital to pay for what they did. We are enemies with the government in power. They assault the innocent. The war is now. The war is never lost or won. Kurt Brown. See Quatrains 12 on this site.
I proctect those who can not protect themselves. They attack me, us. I was being harassed in Texas and further to the East. George Bush Jr. was likely killed just as his father. I have a suspicion they have a fingertip technology with an arm held gadget. That is theory. No Texan would treat us like animals, or would they?
The international corporations in the USA should be pressured to pay socialist party dues so we can have a candidate who supports human rights. We should exact payment in the American way. Whose turf are you on traitor? Let us applaud the overthrow of the governments of the United States and beware that they will put a knife in our back, needles in our arms, and give us other medical tortures.
Daily Foreword November 5, 2011: Long ago I was in touch with Hunter S. Thompson, who was a journalist and author of the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I was in touch with Hunter briefly online. I was on probation and exile by feared government syndicates during the period 2001 to 2004. I used various nicknames during the period of 2001 to 2005 when I contacted him. One of them was Jungle Jim. I heard him reference Jungle Jim and it appears Thompson was beat up by the Hell's Angel while interviewing them and another Jungle Jim might have been involved. I was beat up and injected forcibly with chemicals by the federal and state governments for investigating crimes in finance and medicine in governement. Here is a video link of Hunter S. Thompson describing his ordeal. Beware of all USA government contact. They have gone hog wild with forced injections of various chemicals and forced and often unknown medical procedures. Leave the USA is my sentiment. The USA government made a two trillion dollar loan to some Swiss Banks recently. I would recommend that Americans become permanent tourists in Switzerland. Go to where the money flows so you can eat. Au Revoir Mon Cheri USA. Hunter's final note was, "Never Call 911". I explained to him what happened to me after I was attacked in February 2001 to determine if killers were associated with the FDIC and NTEU of San Francisco. I called 911 and instead of helping me the Sheriff Jack Tillman who was a thief I was investigating took my gun permit on 4/3/2001 and the government began to attack me viciously over the next several years and even to this day they have illegal employment discrimination orchestrated against me as a Federal Bank Examiner and I am often treated like a criminal if I am recognized. 911 became my middle number. Hunters sentiment and message before he allegedly blew his brains out, "Never call 911" is ambiguous to me. Is he saying do not call me or do not call authorities? Both? I want Sheriff Snatch The Fairy Possum to enjoy his ride on the "Devil's Wing", hallucinating hack. The same old sh!t. Once In A Lifetime (music).
You must remember that human kind is not kind. We are predators and often killers. If you want the history of the human see the Bonobo monkey. It is our common living cave man from the trees for all of mankind. The bonobo is a cannibal, and is the smartest of the apes excluding man, which is a matter of opinion. Beware of California and Alabama and Arizona and Mississippi, etc. They lay traps for us. We have no human rights. We can be easily deceived, and like a cat, toyed with by something on a stick or technologies. The informal government is a dictator and all "Material" political and bureaucrat seats of the formal government are appointed by that informal government dictator(s). Six of one and half a dozen of the other it all comes out the same in the end. I weep to God to help me, us, sometimes, in my own way, even if in death. It is the nature of a holocaust victim on this Earth including in the USA. (Late Post, this Houston Indymedia news clip about the Earthquakes(?) near the hypotenuse of the "Fear and Loathing Devils Triangle" has been hidden by those who censor the voice of Americans. I have put it on Newsgroups as a result. It is all here on Mobile Audit Club
Daily Foreword November 3, 2011: The Department of Financial Institutions of California, the D-FIC has not contacted me yet regarding a D-FIC exam I took recently. I Kurt Brwon was sweating on the "Notice To Appear" affidavit and when I read it I believe God made me make a piece of exam paper out of it and he took my right hand and had me draw one long line at a diagonal of 45 degrees from 2" from the North corner and 2" from the South corner. It is a surgical scar sort of thing from a guinea pig, a sort of low relief thing. I would prefer to sit on the FDIC board of directors and relay all large international loans over my own youtube site at the FDIC and Treasury. Two trillion dollar loans to Swiss banks is a big Bozenski of our era, while we can not borrow two grand to buy a Florida thatch hut. Who's catching whom? A Bovenzi is not enough, I want the BOD, F-DIC. We seem to take sides and then kill each other while someone else directs the show. The line is drawn and it is a surgical scar. To F-DIC BOD oversee or to Bob F-DIC BOD over sea? That is the Sweet and ARD F-DIC Masta BOD Over See Question? People Are Strange (music) and even blue whales have scars, usually more scars as they age, much like humans.
Farm people know things. A predators eyes are in the front of their head and a preys eyes are at the side of their head. If I had known that as a child, I would have viewed myself and others differently. PG&E is playing games with their crooked colleagues in the "Let's try sorghum" blame game, an alleged new sort of power source being tested. That amazing Yellowstone National Forest East of Fresno will soon turn to a acid rain forest as they shut down power plants in the South near Los Angeles and crank up the junk burning power station in Fresno. Take it from a Gulf Coast refugee. Nature counts as well as an accountant or better. You lose. They are playing games with investors in the power game again. All bets are on the table that they are tampering with many of us Americans and Mexicans when we are knocked unconscious with Haldol or similar drugs in Arizona and California forcibly. I have a witness to abuse done to me after being knocked unconscious if the witness is not removed. That is the way they are. It is a game to them, the predators. Many of us do not care who is killed any longer in the USA because the formal government mask over the informal government faces makes the true beneficiaries of the predatory practices against us indiscernable. Prepare for the Tri-Lateral Brown out that will darken the city of Angels and trickle to San Francisco. Don't shut off the power in New Orleans, not at Cali 420 but at AZ 520....LOL.
Daily Foreword November 2, 2011: Todays message is a video I made regarding abuse at Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona and some notes about witnesses to abuse after the injections. Those witnesses could likely be put out of employment, killed, or tortured in some other manner. To me, it does not matter if federal warlords who turn against us are sued. I would prefer to kill them but the Bible says not to kill. I will take the money in lieu of blood. Beware of the Flagstaff Medical Center and the Los Angeles Veterans Administration hospitals. Beware of all government contact. The informal government is a few dictators who control a lot of money and they are international in scope. They do not care about the poorer 90 percent of Americans. The "material" federal governmental seats of power are controlled by them. When they abuse and torture us, it does not matter if they live or die. It has been this way since I was a child in the 1960's in the USA. It has been said that many young men were made to think they were in combat during that time and assassinated and maimed. I trust no one in government now due to their usage of needles and medical abuse to force their will on the innocent. Something happened to me when I was unconscious. The federal government and or Flagstaff Medical Center should and shall pay, so Help US God. They are also injecting fleeing immigrants with haldol, beaners. Human beings are not animals. The score needs to be made even. 9.11.
At LA VA Westwood many of us federal guinea pigs, forced medical recipients have been forcibly housed, injected, forced medical procedures, some of us dead, one of us alive that I know of. I should have known. They were killing and ordering the killing of us as children in their "selective" draft and later those surviving are often treated like animals or less, guinea pigs. Run immigrant, run veteran, run bank examiner, run for your lives if they try to attack you with needles. You are better off dead than to have a Hole In Your Head (music). The syndicates attack me from the police like I am a criminal and the criminals often attack me like I am their prey. Who am I? An informant FDIC bank examiner and freelance holocaust victim being totured in the haute places of the USA, Flagstaff AZ, Los Angeles (Westwood) CA, and Mobile, AL. I want to thank God and his subordinates for looking out for me. But I really think it is time for some payback and those monies I mentioned are there in Las Vegas under federal syndicate cuffs. I want my cut for surviving and for a finders fee for that chinese or american or canadian or any nations missile.
The truism of my life is, "I should have known". Some things many of us know "a priori", at birth. The USA government was ordering young men to be killed and harmed when I was a boy and I was to be next, and that was circa 1968. In 2001 I was forcibly injected by federal USA government paid employees and I had done nothing to deserve that sort of treatment. They have done more four years later in Arizona at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004. I should have left the USA when I was very young. Now I am too old. I have always hoped that those who caused us to be killed would be eliminated. Now, they eliminate me with needles and medical procedures and people stand silently by, helpless to help or indifferent. Flee, flee for your lives little ones. It is the same old story.
Daily Foreword October 31, 2011: The triangles overlap and intercede, self contained. I audited and investigated and worked in what I call the Devil's Triangle, Los Angeles California, San Francisco California, and the village of the damned in Mobile Alabama. It was a late judgment call on a Sheriff in 2006 in the Village of the Damned that I reported in 2001 as a government thief which has helped me to prove my innocence. The Sheriff and the federally syndicated mercenary types of federal banking oversight harmed me but his and his federal thief associates have lost some of their venom. The Sheriff was harming inmates due to the Sheriff's thievery of food funds and other funds and the government allowed it. We should not allow their government to stand in the South East and Western United States.
Now I have run another triangle not by my own choice but by divine judgment. I have melted some of the legal salt in the wounds from those who harmed me in government. Now I may have a lead on a Nuremberg type of assault on the people of the USA. Beware of Arizona. They are injecting people with chemicals, and the federal government is doing the same in Los Angeles California. When I was knocked unconscious in 2004 at Flagstaff Medical Center something was done to me behind closed doors and it is not in the medical records. It appears I have a witness. I want to be paid one way or another, and that is my prayer to the God of Divine Judgment. Those who have profited from this atrocity the most, should pay the lions share, one way or another.
Sadly California, the alleged golden state can not afford school busses in many areas. This is a state where taxes are high, and the land is used to grow liquid gold, wine, and green gold, marijuana. The vices of those who are stupid enough to use them. But it is a trap. We are a poisoned and controlled and robbed people. The prisons and grave yards speak the truth while the asylums are increasingly filling up with people who are of the old Nuremberg stature behind bars, the victims. I am one of many. I was told Five Million Dollars would suffice in reparations for government approved war crimes against me, a former FDIC bank examiner and freelance investigative journalist on medical and financial crimes. I prefer more than five million dollars and we need a new government leadership to help with this fiscal and moral crisis. Kurt Brown, investigative journalist, former FDIC bank examiner, detained in LA and tortured, Flagstaff and tortured, Mobile and Tortured. In San Francisco they just stuck the old unemployment stick in my FDIC eye, and in Braman I just dodged the rocket.
Think of the beauty of the design Jack Tillman and federal war criminals in LA and Mob and SF. One large triangle of which you are a piece of my evidence and the evidence and truths span the nation, LA to Mobile to San Francisco. This new triangle inside the old triangle cuts from the San Francisco Bay area to Flagstaff Arizona. Grease that pole baby, your F-DIC Daddy is moving in. Mobile Audit Club wants to be paid and we need better leadership also in the USA. California kids with all of the money that is out there, should have Suede and leather upholstered busses to ride to school, not foot leather.
Jack Tillman and I met on 4-3-2001 when I ran a test to catch the wiley Possum Man Sheriff who was stealing food monies. The date was not a random date, it meant something and I had to discern it. I could have been killed on my birthday within 8 hours of the time of birth on my 44th birthday. The explosion was in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma. It was the hypotenuse of the Devil's Triangle in the USA per this auditors opinion. Kelly predicted it circa 1976 when she died in a car crash. I missed the death date twice. There are more triangles out there Jack, too many, all as gruesome as the last, and you and yours do not make things easier. You are like animals, not leaders. Some times the battles are won or lost before the battle is ever fought.
Daily Foreword October 28, 2011: Recently I was discussing with a law enforcement official the forced injections I had received of Haldol (halperidol) which knocked me unconscious in 2004. I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone or nickname Angel, former Freelance Investigative Journalist and federal FDIC bank examiner in California and Hawaii. I was knocked unconscious in early 2004 at Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center when visiting a hospital to have a burn on my neck receive medical treatment. I was forcibly held down and injected and knocked unconscious per the law passsed in 2001, the law Title 36-520.
I have been told by a law enforcement official that while I was behind the doors they did something to make me lose some of my memory. Halperidol is also used as chemical persuasion against government dissidents in places such as Russia and to keep Mexican immigrants from returning to the USA and I know I was hit with a double barrel load of that or something similar or a mix of ingredients.
I feel a black void that I never felt before in my mind, like memories and words erased. I have symptoms of Halperidol overdosage and electric shock or worse. I no longer have the the Blue Cross health care insurance I had at the time of the abduction in 2004, which I think helped precipitate the abduction and I suspect that some syndicates in health insurance make some money by allowing the forced abductions. Electric shock or chemical memory loss is the same. I am told that I should sue the Hospital and federal government if I can have someone come forward about the electric shock or unprescribed cocktail of chemicals in the syringes, one into each thigh.. I would split the multi-million dollar reward because that persons life would be in jeopardy.
America is controlled by a dictatorship, an informal government, international in scope. We were bought and sold long ago. I should have left America when I was 18. I knew the killers and thieves had taken over this wretched square footage known as the USA. Protect your own.
When I get that paycheck that will be determined by my attornies, I will feel like a 50 foot queenie (music link) when I stand by my 9.11 million dollar Queerest of the Queer House Talisman painting. It has been 10 years since the FDIC in mid 2000 forced me out. Something was strange there. I would say a split personality. Son of Sam Uncle Sam Sister Sam.
Now partially blinded and possibly brain dead by chemicals injections into me and I have been told something akin to Electric Shock therapy was inflicted upon me, while I was unconscious. I would recommend you flee to an attorney if they try to abduct you, even if it means your death while crossing the Interstate 40 in Flagstaff Arizona while fleeing those treacherous war criminals and medical profiteers of the pirate stature of the inbred and ignorant. This law allowing this was just passed in 2001 by another group of thieves and their followers, medical practitioners of torture and embezzlement. Law enforcement often tells no tale and what I heard made me tremble in my darkness, like a man who realized what he had endured, but only years after the medical torture.
Daily Foreword Octover 22, 2011: Today the D-FIC test was taken. My cat pissed on my invitation papers which I had to sign and turn and then return. What else are you going to do when you are squatting in broken down warehouses and living on the dole. I make humor in my horror. It could have been tears because of that song by Johnny Cash Hurt (music link), and the memories of the hell I endured since FDIC employment in 2000 and afterward. The torture by our enemies, their weapons their needles, their corrupted laws, their monkey men with guns, leaves a needle stain on my skin. A stain forced upon my skin and my record by the dictators in power and their new and old laws, Arizona and Federal, all war criminal in nature against innocent human flesh. Things got a bit nervous in Oakland at the D-FIC test today.
My attorney assistance to clear the F-DIC syndicate legal charges against me and the charges by the theif I caught, Sheriff Jack "Snatch The Fairy Possum" Tillman, was obtained by a therapist who was my lover and she persuaded me to go back to work in a regular job after 10 years. I think I put a pussy in my vein at the D-FIC test picking up my cat. I might have to think about it. It is hard to argue against that sort of logical persuasion. I have tunnel vision from being poisoned while in forced exile in Eureka California in 2003/2004 and I was rubbing my eyes at the Oakland test site. Glasses can not correct the situation. The skeleton in the closet of the test site with the gun and badge ridiculed me, mimmicking drug usage or asserting that claim. I am blind you son of a b-tch.
Often I made jokes in Yiddish because I felt I had been in a holocaust state of existence. I called myself Tin Goiter because my vision was suddenly a slit like a snake. Tin Goiter I read meant malleable neck in Yiddish. I wanted to run from the USA, it was early in the year of 2004 or around that time. I may have had a stroke from the dope the federal government allowed to be injected to me in 2001 and 2004. The poisons were definitely sprayed in my window in my eyes in Eureka California while in forced exile as well, creating a sort or redlight effect in vision for a few days.
Pay me with the ARD F-DIC writing stick. D-FIC Dead Eye Dic in chains all 9.11 million F-DIC gold links. Oakland looks sort of like the Long Beach I knew. I wanted to throw up. Randy Kraft serial killer in the hood? Some call me Saint Ram Bone, he calls me, "Angel", as should the F-DIC rater who had me terminated from F-DIC when I would not go to her room due to fear of federal needles. Perhaps she too should call me Angel. To D-FIC or not to D-FIC? The person collecting papers at the D-FIC test saw the blotted ink signature on the paper I brought from the warehouse and asked, "What happened to this?" I said, "Sweat". 6 of one and half a dozen of the other aye, Dr. Boils? Boyles was a Parasitology professor who taught me to audit the F-DIC, Snatch.
Daily Foreword October 20, 2011: The informal government over the formal government in the USA is a dictatorship. Therefore our formal government is in reality a dictatorship, bought and sold, and it is not a democracy representing us. Many of us are tortured as in a holocaust state of existence if we challenge the formal governments abuses and the police and law enforcement are often corrupt and abuse and rob us as well. Those who control the government have no remorse. Their buyout of the American political system and the resulting bureaucracy and their new laws leave us with no choice but to applaud their downfall. On 9/11/2001 some of the informal government was destroyed, but a few knocked down buildings would be a far cry from killing all of those filthy rich war criminals around the globe who control us as in a holocaust state of existence.
The abuses and torture I Kurt Brown have endured since 2001 has made me change my perspective on my own life and the men and women who surround me. Many in America are like soldiers. They do as they are told and they do not ask questions. They kill, they maim, they inject chemicals forcibly and torture people, innocent people, on the command of the formal government which gets their real marching orders from the informal government.
The thing I have often sought as a journalist is the truth. Since 2001, I have been maimed by government officials. They do not care if I am killed or maimed, therefore I do not care if they are killed or maimed or harmed in other ways, including the abduction of their grandchildren as they have abducted mine. They do not call family when they have no respect for the family. We are enemies in America with those in power over the governments in many instances.
There is no remorse in America. If they start to inject you with chemicals, I encourage you to fight for your life. Run for your life and get an attorney to negotiate your being released from the APB by police or leave the United States and spread the word to the American soldiers in the combat zones, including brass, and try to seize some power. The Mexican Indian, the European of the extreme North, and the Asian are the same blood type, like the Bonobo monkey. The African has it underneath, just beneath the surface, a recessive gene and Uncle Tom was always eating prime cuts while those in the field suffered. Many sell out. It was also common in the holocaust. I would prefer death rather than to sell out my people to my enemies in this life.
I was injected so many times that it has made me sick, after all of these years, with extreme symptoms of halperidol, aka Haldol, overdosage. I had a tooth knocked out when an inmate was taking my food as I ate in early 2001 in Los Angeles. My crime was no crime. Never trust any one in government. I was originally trying to stop inmates from being starved by a Sheriff in Alabama who was a thief in 2001. I was partially blinded by poisins while in forced exile in 2003/2004.
I was attacked on the highways while running tests to detect if murderers are associated with the FDIC and NTEU and after having a Sheriff in Alabama brought under financial audit for thievery and inmate starvation. An explosion almost hit me in Braman Oklahoma in December 2004 and earlier that year nearby two Macau bankers were arrestedfor alleged thievery of 482 million USA dollar equivalents. To this day I am beat down when I try to cover news in Mobile Alabama's government. I had survived an attempt on my life in early 2001 that the government ignored when I was running tests on the FDIC San Francisco. I have changed. America is not what they claim. Run from your enemies in power if you can. If you can not, I encourage you to fight them to the death. You are better off dead than to be captured and tortured. If you have guns, beware, as war criminals will say you are a threat and take the guns and your money and label you a felon or insane. That is what they did to me. I would have killed the man who murdered the FDIC director if it meant the American working class would not be robbed by him, or, them. It is a violation of God's law but man's law says a tooth for a tooth, and I too have to eat.
Never work for the government is my sentiment and if you have no other job options, just know that you are nothing to them and that your relationship with them is tenuous at best. Never expect them to care if you have suffered a crime. Many people in America hate each other just for existing. I will support a military dictator to overthrow the dictatorship in power if they will be humane to us and treat us as humans once the war is over, doing away with laws such as Arizona's Title 36-520 law and re-instating the Writ of Habeus Corpus. It does not matter if they are killed. Protect your own. They would kill you and in a sense we, many of us, are already better off dead. Never surrender to them. Fight to the death if you have to. We are among enemies in America.
The one thing I sought as an adult after years of education was the truth. It is said the truth will set you free. They say life is an illusion. Therefore death is an illusion. A partial truth in each account and a null and void in between on either side of the four spectrums, alternating densities and distances. It is a spiritual and metaphysical concept. They would cut out our frontal lobes and place us on treadmills to keep the machines running if their oil ran out. There is a horror in the Earth and a sick Bonobo laughter among mankind. I am that Bonobo missing teeth. Get tin ready for meet Some Where Over The Rain Bow 9.11 Million (Youtube music).
Speaking of Xu and Xu of the Bank of China out of Macau, their names translate in mathematics as X or times or an unknown variable, or X on the X axis, and Y as on the Y axis, and U meaning the union of sets. Beware as Xu and Xu were allegedly arrested near where I was attacked in 2004, and Yu was arrested in Los Angeles. Xu and Xu were allegedly arrested in OKC and Wichita in 2004, and I was almost killed in a rocket blast in Braman OK in late 2004, not that the FDIC and NTEU or the Secret Service or the Treasury or the FBI or the President or Senators and other federal syndicates really give a Sweet Mass of Sh!T if I live or die. The 9.11 Million dollars would show they cared, after all they wrongfully forced upon me that unlucky number and a holocaust of horrors. ARD F-DIC SWeet Carol should know I am like the Pink Panther when I investigate crimes and I bring a Sweet Transvestite to help me out. Are Xu and Xu and Yu's names computer generated you fake federal f-ck?>
It appears the D-FIC bank examiner test is in Oakland and not San Francisco. It is a good thing because of the Purple Haze in San Francisco. I might want to re-live an F-DIC experience with Fidel N Castro. Oakland is a more or less a strangled community, but Mobile and New Orleans had their nuts cut off, much like the F-DIC. Can Too much D-FIC make one sick? To be D-FIC or to not be D-FIC? That is the question.
Mr. President, do I exist at all after those injections that you still allow per your laws in Arizona and Caifornia, etc. ? Why do all of you on Snob Hill hide behind fences with spears? "They built their walls around them." That is a quote from a Rabbi who loves the Jewish people but fears for those in modern day Israel due to a line from the old Talmud or Torah. To be or not to be Yisroel? God give us shelter, something other than Castles Made of Sand (music link) and a broken down truck and Hurt (music link) by my enemies, their weapons their needles, their corrupted laws, their monkey men with guns. What have I become my Sweet Test Friends?
In closing, I picture this scene at the D-FIC test site in Oakland, a large room with that cold cheap fluorescent light, a pale set of walls and naive school kids and drop outs taking the test while a bureacrat in neck tie watches. I pull out the syringe and push the drug into my arm under tourniquet. I will explain to the government official that the government made me addicted to it, with forced injections of haldol. I will then take the test after a brief nap of haldol overdosage. Outside will be Marla who will ask, "You Dead Eye Dic D-FIC?". I make jokes like a holocaust victim because I am one actually. Even in the United States in our grand golden era of civil rights and individual liberties. Want more Sweet Jokes with Marla USA?
Daily Foreword December 6, 2011: The USA has become a dangerous nation to try to cross in a vehicle due to forced injections, and abuses by government officials. The federal government is being run by sociopaths whose crimes are equal to or worse than Adolf Hitlers. Recently I was terrified in Arizona while crossing that state in an automobile. I never stop inside the state of Arizona because I was forced injections and knocked unconscious in 2004 at Flagstaff Medical Center. Their Chairman at FSMC allows forced injections and was mayor. We should demand payment from those who profit from our suffering and we should demand payment for monies robbed from us. We are not allies with those in power. They drew first blood. Many do not care about each other in the USA. We are controlled by our enemies and we should behave as their enemies.
It appears that federal war criminals control Yelp and have removed my warnings on Flagstaff Medical Center and Los Angeles Medical Center. What I said was I stopped at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004 and waited for hours after saying I needed a likely toxic burn treated. The staff then came in, placed a tongue depressor with goop in my mouth, then they forced needles into my thighs knocking me unconscious. I was held for three days under a Title 36-520 law allowing those war criminals in power to abuse us. They charged me over 1400 in cash and had me sign my BC/BS Insurance papers before I was injected. Our enemies are in power. We should assist each other when we are under attack. Let us pray their dictatorship of the American holocaust is gutted and their mob boss leaders are decapitated in the public squares of the USA and the Earth. We must approach this as a war because our lives and our families lives and our livelihoods are threatened. They are like animals and sometimes have to have a lance broken across their brows and snouts.
The Flagstaff Medical Center took and said they lost my car and house keys thereby putting myself and my wife and family at risk and hardship. Considering they gave me a stroke with the forced injections, I am horrified of them. The Veterans Administration health care facilities are just as dangerous for myself and others. Once the the government has those who turn against you in place legally, they can call you insane and or criminal. I urge people not to use VA or state sponsored healthcare if you are ever attacked by them as I was. To this day, I am given the "banana boat" treatment by government, meaning treated as an insane criminal and they will often try to get me to pull a gun. I encourage the importation and development of new weaponries to defend against government and civilian enemies in power. I urge our people to protect men like David Koresh who was killed by insane sociopaths and merecenary parasites who work for the USA governments, often nothing more than gestapo of our era.
Recently a police car rushed up behind me when I was traveling past Flagstaff Arizona going West. He followed me but did not pull me over. I would rather be killed in an automobile accident or shot dead with gun fire than to be injected by them again. We are enemies with the regime in power.
It is my hope a dictator can arise in the Americas and the USA to remove the corporate controlled international powers who control the Americas. They are brutal. They deserved more of what they got on 9/11/2001 but someone needs to finish the job. We are better off dead than to be under our enemies in these hated American nations. I would like to see one America and one dictator who supports human rights and who will kill those who are opposed to our human rights. Kurt Brown, investigative journalist, former FDIC bank examiner and Quartermaster onboard the USS Reid FFG-30, likely a medical guinea pig for experiments or as a tool. They killed many of us veterans in Los Angeles in experiments in 1999 and they tortured me in early 2001. Let us support the rise of a new dictator for the USA and the Americas.
We do not have a democracy. Our current dictators stay hidden and are the filthy rich war crimininals of international corporations. Their merecenary parasites with badges attack us in this hated parted of the Earth. If I had to do it over again, I would have rather have been born dead than as a peasant in the USA. Remember that if nuclear or biological weapons are released on the Americas, we of the lower caste are increasingly BOD, better off dead. Never trust the government. They are our enemies since birth. Remember Vietnam.
See the Love Line and Quatrains post that were recently made. The video Rocket Man by David Fonseca on Youtube illustrates a scientific view of how we can be deceived by one enemy with superior technology. I will elaborate in theoretical scientific approximations with possible hardware and other emulation methods later on the Love Line pages on how this sort of deception can be manifested. For the man whom I likely witnessed dieing in the explosion in Braman Oklahoma when the armed drone fell with a passenger who jumped aboard it and averted it to save my life -- A triangle on the tomb of the unknown soldier with a blip at the center of the hypotenuse seems appropriate.
I see your cookie now starting to crumble Tanoue Macau. As an aside, some aspect of Ho Chi Minh a dual matter, a set aside? In particle out particle, and why Xu and Xu enter from Bank of China in 2001 and why does Tanoue step out of the F-DIC Chair? Ta no Tanoue till now ta now ta naw. Mmmm. I dead reckon like a navigator in shee-it, monkey shee--it. My prayer, God get me out of this place or make them pay me permanent like. A job, a yob, if only a wealthy snob. Banking and journalism and medicine don't mix. That is my background. Also, a soldier of sorts, a Dead Eye DIC medical guinea pig tool. Stay away from it kids, military and societal servitude and medical subjugation, it is poison. You are on your own from birth till death.
Many Asian and Mexican nations leaders would cut your tongue out and feed it to a Nordic dog, or as in my case they fed me to the syndicates that killed federal banking frauds judge Thomas Crane Wales, per my estimation. The hits were likely ordered out of D.C. with interests in Nevada, California, Seattle, Vancouver B.C., and Macau, gambling and money exchange hubs. Even if they take our tongues in media such as Youtube, we now know where we stand in relation to each other. Everything Is Beautiful (music video) when we confiscate Ricardo Montalban's paradise or Yacht in Hawaii held by the Bank of Hawaii or by associates. That is if President Landon or their FDIC hook-up in the orient money laundering is Donna Tanoue, former FDIC chair. She stepped down when the Xu and Xu duo came from Bank of China in Macau to shack up in the USA. Allegedly. Smoke, mirrors, and bullshit is the modern banking game. In my opinion Taneou of the Bank of Hawaii now is the Tokyo Rose of money laundering if my retirement home is not bequeathed in a grant, or a job. After all, after a stroke, post-FDIC employment, and while investigating crimes in government in finance and medicine, if neither a job nor a grant is granted as requested, then check, check, check, the Devil's Triangle. Of course I jest, but I might have a prayer, or a book or two.
Daily Foreword November 30, 2011: I, Kurt Brown, was informed today of a possible reason Donna Tanoue left the FDIC as FDIC Chairperson in August of 2001. A woman of Asian descent descended upon me while in travel this week. She was in her yellow raincoat and had an entourage. She said, "They tried to take over".
I assume the messenger was with Taneou. I do not know if she was talking about the FDIC or the entire world government structure of corporate megaliths. They are the informal government, a sort of hidden dictatorship if you have no major asset holdings. They control the formal governmental show.
I Kurt Brown was terminated in 2000 allegedly for poor performance at the FDIC. I had filed an EEOC complaint. I also did not go to my lady bosses room at the Bank of Hawaii bank examination for the FDIC in 2000 because I was in fear of needles or she was a mule, meaning a male trans-sexual. This is a San Francisco job and she was a stranger. They kill and eat each other for big money. I don't pull out my penis or stick out my neck when lions are out.
I may have been too harsh on Donna Tanoue the President of the Bank of Hawaii. She may not do money laundering. I do not know which syndicate is taking over. There are too many. I do know that someone was so disgusted with what happened to this FDIC bank examiner and journalist that they told me they wanted me to be President of the Bank of Hawaii. They smiled. Money can flow here and there if no reigns are tied.
I was told she was one of those on FDIC management who after the Federal Police had me injected with chemicals, they wanted to incarcerate me for five years in April of 2001 when I was reporting and fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman, thief, and federal syndicates in the criminal sector. I was homeless because I took an FDIC job and was pushed out. If I was wrong about Tanoue, I apologize. If not, then let's share the misery and split the financial gains.
I was running tests on the FDIC in February of 2001 to see if they have murderers. I was attacked and cornered but did not engage in a gun battle because no one fired at me in February of 2001, not with a gun any way. They tried to make it look like an accident with a cross tie flip of the vehicle and cornered me afterward. I would like to meet Ms. Tanoue some day if I have not already. I may take a trip to Hawaii to clarify what I was told, if she will speak with me. I never persecute the innocent. The people I spoke with doubted innocence. Who controls the needles used against us? See the Love Line 11 Page for the links to Bank of Hawaii and Donna Tanoue. I will keep you informed if I apply for a job at her bank. The injections caused me to have a stroke, or it was other medical procedures, perhaps unrequested electric shock at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004, around February, and likely ordered by Las Vegas syndicates for some reason. I may need a bed to lay down my half dead head if I go to work as Bank of Hawaii. This is the image of Tanoue in the song Rocket Man by David Conseca on Youtube. I was told the video was choreographed as art to the facts of what happened when the alleged armed drone aircraft landed near my vehicle in December of 2004 and exploded. There have been reports of people finding pieces of an aircraft in the area of the blast. It was big baby, like nuclear dirty bomb. If a man jumped in the drone as they said to save me, I wish he would have left fate alone. But perhaps it is the message I deliver that saved me thus far.
Daily Foreword November 28, 2011: There are those who like to throw stones to run people away from cities in the USA and the USA in general. Some run you from employment in federal monetary oversight and some run you from your native banana republic American city. I recommend we be like boxers and throw stones back, but you have to make a living from it. No waste. Whether Mobile or San Francisco or Los Angeles, it is all pretty much the same, but with unequal and different liberties and many traps, in what I call the willow effect of drugs and alcohol and gun ownership etc.
Today I put a post on the Love Line 11 page about Donna Tonaue, former FDIC chairman and how we have likely been deceived by those who discriminate against us and who have come to power in these hated United States. The Bank of Hawaii likely has an interesting Tonaue tale till now with the Bank of China out of Macau with Xu an Xu being held in Las Vegas allegedly. FDIC San Francisco and Sacramento FDIC and the bankers out of Reno who came to California from Reno Nevada have a link also. Xu can back me up on this. Xu and Xu have been injected forcibly and likely have released information on their 2.3 billion dollar banking heist out of China and the USA casino and bank accounts. I want my $9.11 million or a job at the FDIC or at the Bank of Hawaii as a special audit team member to see what is happening. I will sleep on the love seat. Just give me a first class United Airlines ticket and a love nest on the sofa with lil miss Macau Tanoue and I will live on my IUD.
When I envision life, I sometimes see the peacock, whether in life or in war. The souls of the living dead (lol) are scattered like stems of an army, each in its own cloak but hooked to one body of one peacock. Jack Snatch and federal warlords, the ole bass tirds, knows of that which I speak if he or they exists at this time in their right mind, They often do not. Indifference is a brutal aspect of wars and boxing matches and the rule against futility in nature. Now I am being stoned in a way to leave the South East USA. The irony of life is that some never see the truth. I discuss how truth is perverted in our culture on the quatrains or love line pages recently. We become delusional in a sense and deny truths as matter of fact and label the truth a fallacy, a sort of denied existence that over rides our senses and common sense.
I imagine Jack having a bad trip as Satan's peacock dances to the Kinks, Low Life tune, on his breast and snout. I have a sense of humor and two videos just out, one is the Hand Over The Hand in Government and details why we are abused in the USA, and I also discuss some more fear and loathing in Pensacola in this video.
Daily Foreword November 26, 2011: The USA government owes me over 9.11 million to be paid from monies in the alleged Bank of China account. It was stolen USA currency. Xu and Xu's cash is elsewhere, or was. The injections they received in Las Vegas would allow full inquisition and truth. I have nightmares of being injected repeatedly as I was in Los Angeles in 2001 and in Flagstaff in 2004. Like a wounded child I cry or beg for the wounded lamb. Give me my daily Sweet bread. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, FDIC bank examiner survivor and holocaust victim in the land of the cursed, those lands controlled by international corporations. Those who pull the voting stick should stay at home and choke the chick.
Daily Foreword November 25, 2011: It appears the federal police and local government crime syndicates with badges are trying to have me, Kurt Brown, killed. They did things to see if I would pull a gun while I was in Pensacola Florida with harassment in Mobile Alabama also. I have had a stroke so they may want me, Kurt Brown, dead. I do not care if they are killed because they have drawn first blood on myself and others. The cowards in charge stay hidden in the informal governmental dictatorship of corporate billionaires. The last time the Sheriff or federal warlord came to see me, I was on a blind POF date. It turned out to be a hoax. Immediately afterward the oil rig in the gulf blew up. I heard it from the hill of my home and it seemed God or the dead had lead me to hear it, a slight metallic sharp ping. I was in New Orleans and someone brought a gun to greet me I am told. I will accept donations of guns and ammunition outside of the State of California. I may buy a camp and school to organize against our oppressors over the USA governments. The bonobo monkey eats their own, and so does man in a way. Let us turn the tide and throw the enemy dictators out of governments and lets put their puppets to work as grave diggers.
The federal and local Alabama police in Mobile had turned my wife against me by harassing her at work at a hospital and attacking us while at my home. These Mexican, German, and Asian warlords deserve a dose of their own medicine. We are enemies. Organize a new political party with a military dictator using monies extracted from international corporations on American soil. We should help each other overcome our enemies in power. One man wanted to let me walk from the VA in 2001 while in court after being injected. I think he meant well. Run for your lives if the chains drop. You are better off dead than under the whims of the international warlords in power through the informal government. I was basically an international bank examiner at the FDIC San Francisco. Funny how stupid Sweet looks in hard ball with cum on its face. But she may be changed somehow like a boss in a smaller office. He looked like Rocketman in the video below. I wondered how many ways a society could be robbed. Has Justice been changing?
Daily Foreword November 24, 2011: They like to intimidate and torture us. They use the "Willow" approach, whether with fake women, drugs, or alcohol. They are our enemies.. They are known enemies to the American working class.The irony of life is that the government that is bad, will take things of yours. Some times they take children and grandchildren. Some times they take anything and place them in crime scenes or they will place something in your possession that is incriminating. They are like a snake and cities like Los Angeles have the largest ones, and nations like the USA. Either way is very effective getting rid of someone. Sometimes they just fine you a million dollars for gun ownership. They torture you. If you have guns stay from government and all they control until you have put them away. We know we have become enemies in the USA, warring factions. Our enemies that have come to power want to disarm us. They have hurt me, causing a stroke and other maladies, and I feel nothing for them.
The "GO" word is coming down. The BP oil well explosion was intentional per my estimation in the Gulf of Mexico. The largest oil find in the US history in one location was being taken by a foreign held oil producer, BP (Asset Holdings). The BP refinery explosion, one of the largest in US history, was likely intentional a few years before by Americans who were cut out of work and oil profits by foreign oil producers and Mexican workers.
It appears that BP is not paying the little guys in their settlement as I have not received my Pensacola payment claim. The word is obviously "GO" to all international corporate thieves and sponsors of the enemy factions in power in the USA, and their key spots held by appointed warlords. The word is "GO" to the American people. Foreign nationals slit our veins with needles, our hearts with knives, our children with genetic malfmorations. It does not matter if they or their sponsors and receipients of wealth for their warlord endeavors receive an equal fate.
The USA is a nation that will always be divided on race, greed, wealth, and religious perversion. There is no need to fight for them. They are controlled by sociopathic war criminals both in the formal government and the informal government, which is really international corporate money and a few dictators who do not care if we live, die, or are maimed.
Today I awakened to see a Mexican, a German looking woman of the mongrel sect and a Korean. The American people view each other as enemies and push each other out and down. We are always among our enemies. We live as if in a war zone. Best of luck on the coming Exodus or sublimation of life, bent to the whims of the beast in mankind. They will likely take all of us out with technology, and not a whimper will be heard, not aloud anyway, not by the mullet race of Americans.
In closing, I have a "Honest Jewish Bank Examiner Joke or Hunter S. Thompson" He awakened and said, "Oye, it appears someone has left their suicide note at my head."
Daily Foreword November 23, 2011: During the explosion that almost hit me, Kurt Brown, in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma, I was recently hinted to about something I had not thought of--Someone was killed when the explosion hit or before, as it was burning in total or with a large amount of rocket fuel, as the sky lit up like a huge fireball was coming to the ground. The fireball about the size of two burning cadillacs in one mass or a bus in the distance, like a large rocket trail in a way but it appeared to be ablaze. When it hit, it was very bright and very loud, larger than USN missiles. It was like a small nuclear blast. That was December 7th late night almost December 8th 2004 that it exploded. I was on the interstate between OKC and Wichita when it hit in Braman Oklahoma and I was going North toward Wichita. I drove a short distance after the explosion and one car came flashing their headlights and driving South and skidded to a stop for a moment as if I would stop. F-ck you foreign nationals pretending to be American government employees and f-ck you inbred mongrels picking up a paycheck for the warlords. I pray they die before they can harm any of us any further.
Some may ask does Kurt Brown toy with the devil or does the devil toy with Kurt Brow? Let's ask Kurt to "Come As You Are (music)". I know it same old song.
I ignored the flashing headlights of the vehicle and kept going because our enemies in power had allowed me to be forcibly injected withhout cause in Flagstaff Arizona earlier that year in 2004 around February, under a law they allegedly passed in 2001. They are like the Soviets and to kill them would mean even less, those who pass laws that help our enemies within our borders and outside our borders.
They put pressure on us, therefore we should put pressure on our enemies by looking at their industry in our nation and putting legal pressure to crush them and to remove their formal government stronghold positions. The law of God should reign, true compassion for the American people, not forced halidol injections, not forced medical procedures, not murder, not starvation in prisons, not a prison state of mayhem, and not 400 dollars an ounce of addictive green prozac, marijuana, sold and grown by foreign nationals in these depressing United States of America.
It was hinted to me that it was a drone (unpiloted craft) that was released from some sort of other air-craft. Emotionally the person who told me said, the person who set the thing into an incorrect orbit jumped into it immediately before it was launched. He did it to save me. He was burned. The irony is, I immediately thought of the game of Chess as it relates to war and initiation of war or removal of strategy. Chinese checkers with a new twist soon follows. Life is no game, but I am half brain dead in stroke from being drugged repeatedly and knocked unconscious with government approval since FDIC employment. Some of my memory has been returning after prolonged PTSD treatment by a friend and not a government guinea pig asylum. I am still sick from the injections, the stroke, and what they did while I was unconscious, and I continue to quiver a bit like a dieing animal. If someone tries to kill me like that again, let them do it. Do not sacrifice yourself. That was my chosen death date. God hates me some days. Someone else has taken my place. May he rest in peace.
Perhaps I too am already dead, half dead. I would like to be paid. The D-FIC would not hire me, not yet, and I am partially blind and have had a stroke from tortures and punishments and my teeth are a bit loose from being knocked out after trying to help starving inmates by stopping a thief Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mob AL. and I really do feel like the medical guinea pig, "Dead Eye Dic". How about paying me or hiring me, $300 million of Xu and Xu and the Heimlich Maneuver's currency will do. See Youtube saintrambone money launding macau and las vegas.
In conclusion, those of us with imaginations are thought of as insane until a new solution is needed. I like to make comedy in my daily struggles. Leave my destiny alone. Pee Wee Herman's Tequila dance Youtube is how I dance on the cock of the Sheriff Possum Man and his over-fed F-DIC fiends internationale. The explosion in OKC was likely of the same device and not as proclaimed with McVeigh and a truck of fertilizer. Nuclear waste is cheap and available.
Some say America fell when alcohol was legalized. Perhaps they should keep it in the closet like marijuana. Alcohol is a terrible drug with horrible consequences. Not like the governments forced Haldol which is much worse. They do not care if we are killed or maimed. The filth that runs banks in the FDIC's Pacific Rim banks have set me up for a fall. To this day I am harassed even when I go to a grocer in towns like Pensacola Florida or Tehachapi California, both prison-like military loving towns. Many Americans hate each other because they are stupid. They are like starving animals, bonobo monkeys placed at each others throats for a price. Some help each other or at least try when the international enemies in our government through force and corruption make us prefer death over life or try to kill or maim us. They treat us like animals because they see themselves as animals. Some times I even look them as animals, their felonious police forces under the crown of the international dictators.
The international dictators over the USA are nothing to us, just wealthy overlord warlords. I have heard the same thing about Egypt, and even some Jews are fearful to walk in what they considder to be Pseudo-Yisroel, the fake Israel. The followers of the international dictators are often mercenary parasites. We need better escape methods first, secondly shielding weaponries of an undetectable sort. Our divisions are likely not as expected in reality. We are likely deceived on many levels. It is too bad he missed the mark, perhaps not next time, Rocket Man (music) is Braman.
Daily Foreword November 22, 2011: Someone told me that it was the Soviet Union that cut me in 2004 in Flagstaff Arizona at the Flagstaff Medical Center. They told me we lost control of the USA long ago. The point is I will have to extract payment I suppose or forego it in lieu of something else. It started in LA in 2001 or in San Francisco in a murder of a regional FDIC director approved of by a syndicate in the USA. A pseudo-American greaseball injected me 2001. In lieu of healthcare at the Los Angeles Medical Center (LA VA Westwood), I was tortured. I should have said, "I do not know if I had guns", in 2001. I had none in 2004.. The judge did not know in 2001 how many I had. He asked me. I told him what I was told. "Four?" maybe five by the man with the needle. I should have said about a trillion in God's army and they are going to kill you and your needle bearers and torture camp profiteers, I pray.". F-ck those ruling over the USA, whomever they are, whether, Soviet, Chinese, Mexican, Bastard European African. They cut me. They killed the others. They owe us, or perhaps we owe ourselves. I would opt for death or escape rather being under their abuses. We should organize as a collective to overthrow international tyranny that is orchestrated through subterfuge and financial and medical manipulations. We, the FDIC bank examiners, the true ones, who survive attacks and the veteran medical guinea pigs are in a true living Hell. As Swingblade reacted if he should kill them, "I reckon".
Daily Foreword November 20, 2011: Today I was told by a friend that someone they knew thought I had manic depression because they say my eyes were blinking rapidly in some of my, Kurt Brown, youtube saintrambone videos. In other matters I have offered my services to the Bank of China and I am in search of work if you need employees with my skill set. . It appears that the link is now censored at LA Indymedia. was uncensored in the year 1999 but now it is a throttle hold by the Bonobo monkey triad and their mercenary helpers on the West Coast of the USA. We would kill each other on this Earth if someone dropped the red flag. Sometimes I hear a song when I am writing and it matches the mood, sometimes in Jest. So Happy Together (music) is the the joke from Allah today, as we meld together.
Also here is a link to the Bank of China Financials (Google link.) If you look at a five year chart of Bank of China, I first made the link 5 years ago between the bomb I saw, and Xu and Xu and the Bank of China and the mercenary syndicates in the USA. The question is, who is the Bank of China president Xiao Gang brought in in 2001 in one article, but in 2003 in another article. How far would he go and why was I attacked in 2001 to this date? Bank of China is suspect to me due to the Macau and Las Vegas connection. If you saw what I saw at FDIC you would beware. I like to brainstorm things on the web. That is how I found out about Xu and Xu of the bank of China after the explosion that almost killed me and soiled Braman with likely radioactive waste. Brainstorm Bank of China and associates in view on Google Search 1990's to present.
Because of a forced overdosage of halperidol, also known as haldol, in 2004 when running a test on Flagstaff Medical Center and getting treatment for what appeared to be a toxic chemical burn, I now have symptoms of Haldol overdosage such as Tarde Dyskinesia which includes rapid blinking of the eyes. I was very sick after being knocked unconscious in 2004 in Flagstaff and after being injected forcibly in 2001 in Los Angeles, all with federal approval.
Sadly in 2005 a doctor in Mobile Alabama at a medical center told me I had had a stroke. I was feeling sick since 2004. I was going to sue Flagstaff Medical Center or the federal government in Los Angeles. But I forgot about the conversation with the Dr. in 2005 and the stroke I had had. I just noticed my head hurt a lot and memory was not what it was and I was always tired. He said one of my pupils stayed dilated, indicative of a stroke. It is strange how the memory works. I still feel sick from it, and I hope to sue but I may have to let God handle it or his or her medical mercenaries. A Sweet Carol of the fed told me say my case is weak because I forgot. Aint That A Kick To The Head, My Bloody G-d Damned Head.
I need a better lawyer. I was told they did not take cases over 5 years old by an attorney in Flagstaff. I do not think I can sue in their hostile governmental environment. Jews could not sue Adolf Hitler in the torture chambers either. Nothing has changed in the USA for us. The blinking of the eyes is embarassing but the feeling of stroke goes deep.
A stroke instead of medical care is treason, guilty and punishable, even if I forgot about it. What brought my memory back was some natural medicine and a year of PTSD counseling. It could have been brainwashing or punishment Hell in 2001 in the Los Angeles Court system while listening to the federal war criminal directorate from the Los Angeles Superior Court system whose whim is orchestrated by federal war criminal profiteers and the informal governmental international syndicates. $9.11 Million would suffice Sweet Carol. Sweet Carol is the messenger. Do not harm him or her. It never pays to do so. It is kind of like killing a dragonfly maggot. If you are an attorney who can take my case, contact me by sending an email to
I was warned by a fellow veteran not to work for the FDIC when I was in college. I should have listened. They had killed a regional director prior to my arrival in the office. The maggots crawled in and out of the F-DIC. I hope the veteran who warned me prospers and lives a life of peacce. Auditing and investigations in highest finance, banking oversight, is a little like Hell. Yesterday as today, money is the root of all evil, and the bonobo in all of us set the rate of exchange at a pound of bonobo cannibal meat per pound of bonobo cannibal meat.
Daily Foreword November 19, 2011: A mother bird in the wild whose chick is handled by a human is killed by the mother when the chick is returned to the nest. In much sympathetic fear, I understand why. One example is of something different than what was left behind arises, even in the bird kingdom (education link).
If a human child is abducted by the government that is in power, there is a strong likelihood that child has been tampered with or dealt with in an inhumane and cruel fashion. Every thing and every one at a certain point is for sale. We are "Told" what to do by those over-riding factions in power whose control is exerted through the informal government's highest point which controls the formal government in its entirety in "material" positions. I saw dogs of war greased up in and through the California and D.C. FDIC. Whataya Want From Me (Music) you stinging sweet federal war criminal bass tirds in breeches?
Beware of buying property in the cities like Pensacola Florida and Monterey California, military towns. The federal mafia in those towns is like a Mexican or Geman razor held to your throat with orders given by the Asian Attila the Hun. Pensacola and MObile should back off of our native people. We increasingly do not care if you are attacked like the regime of Adolf Hitler, yet you are more than a simple German, you are Bonobobo underneath. Pensacola and Mobile federal authorities are like an invading force lately. Once the oil is gone, they will turn against the people. Prepare. It is fight or flight.
Daily Foreword November 18, 2011: (Random Thoughts on Video on Youtube today "Military Towns, Fear and Loathing, I Am Under Attack Again.") On September 11, 2001, an attack was made on the USA Pentagon. A concerted effort to overthrow and dismantle the ruling factions over the USA was instigated. I was attackd in February of 2001 and the governemnt ignored my calls. I should have seen it as a hit sent out by the informal dicatorship over the FDIC, as they had killed the prior FDIC regional director in cold blood and covered it up, or they set him up in some fashion in San Francisco FDIC to make him shoot himself. That is why I was hired there. They wanted a street vagabond with a doctorate education and a rat's appetite. But who are "they?" Do we have a faction left inside the USA governments? Is it a ruse?
The government tried to call me, Kurt Brown, insane in 2001 in February and later in April and some still do to this day. They will kill anyone. They will take your children and grandchildren and call you insane. They have no remorse. They are like a pack of animals at times. If you accept government assistance you are at risk of being attacked and arrested or used as a guinea pig experiment in healthcare or as a tool for some end. They feel entitled to you and that you are indebted to them. I do not care if their government is removed. They are an increasingly indifferent dictatorship.
As one veteran told me in Los Angeles Medical Center at the federal holocaust camp in Westwood/Santa Monica in April of 2001, "Remember, they drew first blood". They changed the name from LA VA Westwood so computer links would be broken to them since that time. I had worked for the FDIC overseeing millions of dollars in 2000. In 2001 they were calling me insane. They cross the line when they use those lies to kidnap members of our family saying we are not sane, yet they have no proof of insanity. I just add up the numbers, and some things seem to have a void, a hidden face, like the dictators. I would wager something like the Third Reich is in Switzerland with contacts to Asia. Type A Blood is a cannibal in the bonobo. They eat their own. So does Europe and Asia. It pays to know who you are, even if those around you are insane.
They have no right to our bodies or our children or grandchildren. The children they take are in the hands of war criminals who lie and destroy all things. What will replace that evil dictatorship when they are disbanded? I think it is time to leave the USA if you have the means to do so. Any nation controlled by an informal government has a dictator with a mask. Flee if you can as the USA has become the nation mentioned in Revelations, but it stretches beyond the USA. The Bonobo mokey Type A blood humans who have no other bloodlines are insane in many cases, and sadly enough so are many B bloodlines who follow the leader. They feel more comfortable taking everything, including childrens bodies and adults livelihoods. We are not one with them. They are enemies and their crumbs they throw us are disappearing remnants of what once was a life of plenty.
Daily Foreword November 16, 2011: Never trust nor support the abuses of those controlling the USA governments. They are nothing more than tools for wealthy international dictators. If those dictators were killed, most of us would be better off. Vomit on the USA flag. Do not salute it. Do not trust those who work for the government. If they attack you with needles and such, you have my blessings in your escape and my applause if you kill them if they corner you. We are nothing in America. We are chased and hounded like animals, like the enemy. A Dirty Bomb, nuclear, went off in Braman Oklahoma in 2004 and the government did not report it. They use and abuse many of us medically, forcibly. I pray to God to kill those who cross us, the innocent Americans of the lower caste.
Daily Foreword November 14, 2011: Today's post is a video tutorial describing how money is laundered from Las Vegas and federal war criminals in the USA to Macau and how their currency is turned into dollars in the USA. The government forcibly injects innocent people in the South West per new state laws and old federal dictatorship clauses. My enemies in the federal and state and city governments in my native city of Mobile Alabama beat me back from the doors when I try to investigate. I caught their Sheriff stealing yet they denied it from 2001 until 2006. To this day, I feel basically hounded by federal war criminals when I enter my home town, the Village of the Damned, the Mobile Alabama area. They tear up our vehicles when we are not near them, and they steal from us from coast to coast.
I Kurt Brown had a stroke and was too sick to pursue a legal case in 2005 against the Flagstaff Medical Center or the Los Angeles Medical Center, a federal healthcare and torture facility, and felt hopeless in the years 2001 to 2004 while being injected forcibly, and tortured psychologically and physically. That is why many of us pray to God to end our suffering. Many of us would turn A Bad Don loose on those in power like a exterminator who catches a rodent in the bread box. I want to scream bloody murder but something akin to the beast is in power.
It does not matter if they are killed, because they have drawn first blood. That is a quote from a federal veteran who saw me in chains in 2001 and where other veterans were killed in experiments. Our enemies have strangled us. We struggle from the bottom. We have no rights. I would welcome the end of time, but like those in the extermination camps of history, I am biased, I am half-dead.
I would like to see the King of Africa Town (Prichard) take over the city of Mobile and I would like to be an economic and human rights advisor. We would have to include the Prichard and Downtown Mobile area proper as a new voting district and we would have to raise money from foreing oil producers in the Mobile Alabama area.
I met a man who said a King of the Yoruba tribe was taken to Mobile years ago. I would like to meet him. We may be related. One of my ancestors was most likely a mediterranean or African/European mix child around 1900 who was either abducted or orphaned and you never know, but perhaps she was one of the descendants of the King of Yoruba or perhaps Solomon. America is a terrible place and always has been. My great grandmother was used like a slave on a plantation near Ocala Florida her entire youth. I was an 8 year old boy during the era of Vietnam approved forced murder of USA teenagers, and at age 40 I was getting my first forced injections by federal government in the USA. My middle number is 911. It seems to be all there in Revelations ironically, even though I tend to be more a Jew but can not speak a damned word of Hebrew except, "Go in peace and prosper". Yoruba. Whose my Ruby?
They make us sick. They make us unemployed. They make us half dead. The healthcare at Flagstaff Medical Center and LA VA Westwood (Los Angeles Medical Center) is worse than the movie Misery. I did not know a war was waging in America until I was attacked by federal war criminals in that most hated city of Los Angeles in 2001 while fleeing Sheriff Jack Tillman, Alabama thief, and the federal war criminal aristocracy in the South East USA. Someone should do the Heimlich maneuver on the FDIC and Treasury for lending trillions overseas to the old third reich in Switzerland while denying Americans loans on their home's true values. The time will come that men will be men again, lower men, apes, killers, predatory homicidal cannibals, much like many are today, and increasingly so.
Daily Foreword November 11, 2011: Youtube Video Comments Regarding Rape and Electric Shock and more by federal war criminals in USA. 9.11 Revelations is no joke as that number is associated with my name by "The beasts over the USA".
SOS, no joke. Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, appears to be a possible target of harassment again while traveling, most likely by the federal government syndicates, this time as usual. I have a revelation from Revelations 9:11 on the Quatrains 12 Page. I was trying to stop government torture of American people, from both sides of the border. We are at war it seems. I hope their side loses and that they are killed before they can draw first blood on me or us again. The Nazi syndicates of the USA governments should be destroyed. They are a tool for hidden dictators of the informal government, which is like those of Adolf Hilter which stood behind him but hidden, most likely from Switzerland. To this day that Swiss Warlord likely directs war criminal governments such as in the hated United States.
The government has those who hack into computers using a blue-tooth type technology. I had to reload my security suite and restore my PC to an earlier date in Bakersfield California. I was told that someone had me under surveillance there. A young man in drag or a woman stood near my PC as Starbucks while I was online. They had a hand held device like a phone or small computer and the Security Suite aborted and some unknown update occuured. We are being robbed by the international dictators and we have no human rights under their government.
On the radio they were discussing forced injections on Arizona and New Mexico. I had forgotten about it, but they put a tongue depressor in my mouth acting as if it was routine medical care and then they knock you unconscious with haldol. The taste of the depresser will be odd because they have a chemical in it. I suspect it was Electric Shock preparatory chemical agent or if it was for the injections that followed and knocked me unconscious.
I had spit out the ingredients on the tongue depresser out after she put it in my mouth at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004. I only wanted medical care. I want that hospital to pay for what they did. We are enemies with the government in power. They assault the innocent. The war is now. The war is never lost or won. Kurt Brown. See Quatrains 12 on this site.
I proctect those who can not protect themselves. They attack me, us. I was being harassed in Texas and further to the East. George Bush Jr. was likely killed just as his father. I have a suspicion they have a fingertip technology with an arm held gadget. That is theory. No Texan would treat us like animals, or would they?
The international corporations in the USA should be pressured to pay socialist party dues so we can have a candidate who supports human rights. We should exact payment in the American way. Whose turf are you on traitor? Let us applaud the overthrow of the governments of the United States and beware that they will put a knife in our back, needles in our arms, and give us other medical tortures.
Daily Foreword November 5, 2011: Long ago I was in touch with Hunter S. Thompson, who was a journalist and author of the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I was in touch with Hunter briefly online. I was on probation and exile by feared government syndicates during the period 2001 to 2004. I used various nicknames during the period of 2001 to 2005 when I contacted him. One of them was Jungle Jim. I heard him reference Jungle Jim and it appears Thompson was beat up by the Hell's Angel while interviewing them and another Jungle Jim might have been involved. I was beat up and injected forcibly with chemicals by the federal and state governments for investigating crimes in finance and medicine in governement. Here is a video link of Hunter S. Thompson describing his ordeal. Beware of all USA government contact. They have gone hog wild with forced injections of various chemicals and forced and often unknown medical procedures. Leave the USA is my sentiment. The USA government made a two trillion dollar loan to some Swiss Banks recently. I would recommend that Americans become permanent tourists in Switzerland. Go to where the money flows so you can eat. Au Revoir Mon Cheri USA. Hunter's final note was, "Never Call 911". I explained to him what happened to me after I was attacked in February 2001 to determine if killers were associated with the FDIC and NTEU of San Francisco. I called 911 and instead of helping me the Sheriff Jack Tillman who was a thief I was investigating took my gun permit on 4/3/2001 and the government began to attack me viciously over the next several years and even to this day they have illegal employment discrimination orchestrated against me as a Federal Bank Examiner and I am often treated like a criminal if I am recognized. 911 became my middle number. Hunters sentiment and message before he allegedly blew his brains out, "Never call 911" is ambiguous to me. Is he saying do not call me or do not call authorities? Both? I want Sheriff Snatch The Fairy Possum to enjoy his ride on the "Devil's Wing", hallucinating hack. The same old sh!t. Once In A Lifetime (music).
You must remember that human kind is not kind. We are predators and often killers. If you want the history of the human see the Bonobo monkey. It is our common living cave man from the trees for all of mankind. The bonobo is a cannibal, and is the smartest of the apes excluding man, which is a matter of opinion. Beware of California and Alabama and Arizona and Mississippi, etc. They lay traps for us. We have no human rights. We can be easily deceived, and like a cat, toyed with by something on a stick or technologies. The informal government is a dictator and all "Material" political and bureaucrat seats of the formal government are appointed by that informal government dictator(s). Six of one and half a dozen of the other it all comes out the same in the end. I weep to God to help me, us, sometimes, in my own way, even if in death. It is the nature of a holocaust victim on this Earth including in the USA. (Late Post, this Houston Indymedia news clip about the Earthquakes(?) near the hypotenuse of the "Fear and Loathing Devils Triangle" has been hidden by those who censor the voice of Americans. I have put it on Newsgroups as a result. It is all here on Mobile Audit Club
Daily Foreword November 3, 2011: The Department of Financial Institutions of California, the D-FIC has not contacted me yet regarding a D-FIC exam I took recently. I Kurt Brwon was sweating on the "Notice To Appear" affidavit and when I read it I believe God made me make a piece of exam paper out of it and he took my right hand and had me draw one long line at a diagonal of 45 degrees from 2" from the North corner and 2" from the South corner. It is a surgical scar sort of thing from a guinea pig, a sort of low relief thing. I would prefer to sit on the FDIC board of directors and relay all large international loans over my own youtube site at the FDIC and Treasury. Two trillion dollar loans to Swiss banks is a big Bozenski of our era, while we can not borrow two grand to buy a Florida thatch hut. Who's catching whom? A Bovenzi is not enough, I want the BOD, F-DIC. We seem to take sides and then kill each other while someone else directs the show. The line is drawn and it is a surgical scar. To F-DIC BOD oversee or to Bob F-DIC BOD over sea? That is the Sweet and ARD F-DIC Masta BOD Over See Question? People Are Strange (music) and even blue whales have scars, usually more scars as they age, much like humans.
Farm people know things. A predators eyes are in the front of their head and a preys eyes are at the side of their head. If I had known that as a child, I would have viewed myself and others differently. PG&E is playing games with their crooked colleagues in the "Let's try sorghum" blame game, an alleged new sort of power source being tested. That amazing Yellowstone National Forest East of Fresno will soon turn to a acid rain forest as they shut down power plants in the South near Los Angeles and crank up the junk burning power station in Fresno. Take it from a Gulf Coast refugee. Nature counts as well as an accountant or better. You lose. They are playing games with investors in the power game again. All bets are on the table that they are tampering with many of us Americans and Mexicans when we are knocked unconscious with Haldol or similar drugs in Arizona and California forcibly. I have a witness to abuse done to me after being knocked unconscious if the witness is not removed. That is the way they are. It is a game to them, the predators. Many of us do not care who is killed any longer in the USA because the formal government mask over the informal government faces makes the true beneficiaries of the predatory practices against us indiscernable. Prepare for the Tri-Lateral Brown out that will darken the city of Angels and trickle to San Francisco. Don't shut off the power in New Orleans, not at Cali 420 but at AZ 520....LOL.
Daily Foreword November 2, 2011: Todays message is a video I made regarding abuse at Flagstaff Medical Center in Arizona and some notes about witnesses to abuse after the injections. Those witnesses could likely be put out of employment, killed, or tortured in some other manner. To me, it does not matter if federal warlords who turn against us are sued. I would prefer to kill them but the Bible says not to kill. I will take the money in lieu of blood. Beware of the Flagstaff Medical Center and the Los Angeles Veterans Administration hospitals. Beware of all government contact. The informal government is a few dictators who control a lot of money and they are international in scope. They do not care about the poorer 90 percent of Americans. The "material" federal governmental seats of power are controlled by them. When they abuse and torture us, it does not matter if they live or die. It has been this way since I was a child in the 1960's in the USA. It has been said that many young men were made to think they were in combat during that time and assassinated and maimed. I trust no one in government now due to their usage of needles and medical abuse to force their will on the innocent. Something happened to me when I was unconscious. The federal government and or Flagstaff Medical Center should and shall pay, so Help US God. They are also injecting fleeing immigrants with haldol, beaners. Human beings are not animals. The score needs to be made even. 9.11.
At LA VA Westwood many of us federal guinea pigs, forced medical recipients have been forcibly housed, injected, forced medical procedures, some of us dead, one of us alive that I know of. I should have known. They were killing and ordering the killing of us as children in their "selective" draft and later those surviving are often treated like animals or less, guinea pigs. Run immigrant, run veteran, run bank examiner, run for your lives if they try to attack you with needles. You are better off dead than to have a Hole In Your Head (music). The syndicates attack me from the police like I am a criminal and the criminals often attack me like I am their prey. Who am I? An informant FDIC bank examiner and freelance holocaust victim being totured in the haute places of the USA, Flagstaff AZ, Los Angeles (Westwood) CA, and Mobile, AL. I want to thank God and his subordinates for looking out for me. But I really think it is time for some payback and those monies I mentioned are there in Las Vegas under federal syndicate cuffs. I want my cut for surviving and for a finders fee for that chinese or american or canadian or any nations missile.
The truism of my life is, "I should have known". Some things many of us know "a priori", at birth. The USA government was ordering young men to be killed and harmed when I was a boy and I was to be next, and that was circa 1968. In 2001 I was forcibly injected by federal USA government paid employees and I had done nothing to deserve that sort of treatment. They have done more four years later in Arizona at Flagstaff Medical Center in 2004. I should have left the USA when I was very young. Now I am too old. I have always hoped that those who caused us to be killed would be eliminated. Now, they eliminate me with needles and medical procedures and people stand silently by, helpless to help or indifferent. Flee, flee for your lives little ones. It is the same old story.
Daily Foreword October 31, 2011: The triangles overlap and intercede, self contained. I audited and investigated and worked in what I call the Devil's Triangle, Los Angeles California, San Francisco California, and the village of the damned in Mobile Alabama. It was a late judgment call on a Sheriff in 2006 in the Village of the Damned that I reported in 2001 as a government thief which has helped me to prove my innocence. The Sheriff and the federally syndicated mercenary types of federal banking oversight harmed me but his and his federal thief associates have lost some of their venom. The Sheriff was harming inmates due to the Sheriff's thievery of food funds and other funds and the government allowed it. We should not allow their government to stand in the South East and Western United States.
Now I have run another triangle not by my own choice but by divine judgment. I have melted some of the legal salt in the wounds from those who harmed me in government. Now I may have a lead on a Nuremberg type of assault on the people of the USA. Beware of Arizona. They are injecting people with chemicals, and the federal government is doing the same in Los Angeles California. When I was knocked unconscious in 2004 at Flagstaff Medical Center something was done to me behind closed doors and it is not in the medical records. It appears I have a witness. I want to be paid one way or another, and that is my prayer to the God of Divine Judgment. Those who have profited from this atrocity the most, should pay the lions share, one way or another.
Sadly California, the alleged golden state can not afford school busses in many areas. This is a state where taxes are high, and the land is used to grow liquid gold, wine, and green gold, marijuana. The vices of those who are stupid enough to use them. But it is a trap. We are a poisoned and controlled and robbed people. The prisons and grave yards speak the truth while the asylums are increasingly filling up with people who are of the old Nuremberg stature behind bars, the victims. I am one of many. I was told Five Million Dollars would suffice in reparations for government approved war crimes against me, a former FDIC bank examiner and freelance investigative journalist on medical and financial crimes. I prefer more than five million dollars and we need a new government leadership to help with this fiscal and moral crisis. Kurt Brown, investigative journalist, former FDIC bank examiner, detained in LA and tortured, Flagstaff and tortured, Mobile and Tortured. In San Francisco they just stuck the old unemployment stick in my FDIC eye, and in Braman I just dodged the rocket.
Think of the beauty of the design Jack Tillman and federal war criminals in LA and Mob and SF. One large triangle of which you are a piece of my evidence and the evidence and truths span the nation, LA to Mobile to San Francisco. This new triangle inside the old triangle cuts from the San Francisco Bay area to Flagstaff Arizona. Grease that pole baby, your F-DIC Daddy is moving in. Mobile Audit Club wants to be paid and we need better leadership also in the USA. California kids with all of the money that is out there, should have Suede and leather upholstered busses to ride to school, not foot leather.
Jack Tillman and I met on 4-3-2001 when I ran a test to catch the wiley Possum Man Sheriff who was stealing food monies. The date was not a random date, it meant something and I had to discern it. I could have been killed on my birthday within 8 hours of the time of birth on my 44th birthday. The explosion was in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma. It was the hypotenuse of the Devil's Triangle in the USA per this auditors opinion. Kelly predicted it circa 1976 when she died in a car crash. I missed the death date twice. There are more triangles out there Jack, too many, all as gruesome as the last, and you and yours do not make things easier. You are like animals, not leaders. Some times the battles are won or lost before the battle is ever fought.
Daily Foreword October 28, 2011: Recently I was discussing with a law enforcement official the forced injections I had received of Haldol (halperidol) which knocked me unconscious in 2004. I am Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone or nickname Angel, former Freelance Investigative Journalist and federal FDIC bank examiner in California and Hawaii. I was knocked unconscious in early 2004 at Flagstaff Arizona Medical Center when visiting a hospital to have a burn on my neck receive medical treatment. I was forcibly held down and injected and knocked unconscious per the law passsed in 2001, the law Title 36-520.
I have been told by a law enforcement official that while I was behind the doors they did something to make me lose some of my memory. Halperidol is also used as chemical persuasion against government dissidents in places such as Russia and to keep Mexican immigrants from returning to the USA and I know I was hit with a double barrel load of that or something similar or a mix of ingredients.
I feel a black void that I never felt before in my mind, like memories and words erased. I have symptoms of Halperidol overdosage and electric shock or worse. I no longer have the the Blue Cross health care insurance I had at the time of the abduction in 2004, which I think helped precipitate the abduction and I suspect that some syndicates in health insurance make some money by allowing the forced abductions. Electric shock or chemical memory loss is the same. I am told that I should sue the Hospital and federal government if I can have someone come forward about the electric shock or unprescribed cocktail of chemicals in the syringes, one into each thigh.. I would split the multi-million dollar reward because that persons life would be in jeopardy.
America is controlled by a dictatorship, an informal government, international in scope. We were bought and sold long ago. I should have left America when I was 18. I knew the killers and thieves had taken over this wretched square footage known as the USA. Protect your own.
When I get that paycheck that will be determined by my attornies, I will feel like a 50 foot queenie (music link) when I stand by my 9.11 million dollar Queerest of the Queer House Talisman painting. It has been 10 years since the FDIC in mid 2000 forced me out. Something was strange there. I would say a split personality. Son of Sam Uncle Sam Sister Sam.
Now partially blinded and possibly brain dead by chemicals injections into me and I have been told something akin to Electric Shock therapy was inflicted upon me, while I was unconscious. I would recommend you flee to an attorney if they try to abduct you, even if it means your death while crossing the Interstate 40 in Flagstaff Arizona while fleeing those treacherous war criminals and medical profiteers of the pirate stature of the inbred and ignorant. This law allowing this was just passed in 2001 by another group of thieves and their followers, medical practitioners of torture and embezzlement. Law enforcement often tells no tale and what I heard made me tremble in my darkness, like a man who realized what he had endured, but only years after the medical torture.
Daily Foreword Octover 22, 2011: Today the D-FIC test was taken. My cat pissed on my invitation papers which I had to sign and turn and then return. What else are you going to do when you are squatting in broken down warehouses and living on the dole. I make humor in my horror. It could have been tears because of that song by Johnny Cash Hurt (music link), and the memories of the hell I endured since FDIC employment in 2000 and afterward. The torture by our enemies, their weapons their needles, their corrupted laws, their monkey men with guns, leaves a needle stain on my skin. A stain forced upon my skin and my record by the dictators in power and their new and old laws, Arizona and Federal, all war criminal in nature against innocent human flesh. Things got a bit nervous in Oakland at the D-FIC test today.
My attorney assistance to clear the F-DIC syndicate legal charges against me and the charges by the theif I caught, Sheriff Jack "Snatch The Fairy Possum" Tillman, was obtained by a therapist who was my lover and she persuaded me to go back to work in a regular job after 10 years. I think I put a pussy in my vein at the D-FIC test picking up my cat. I might have to think about it. It is hard to argue against that sort of logical persuasion. I have tunnel vision from being poisoned while in forced exile in Eureka California in 2003/2004 and I was rubbing my eyes at the Oakland test site. Glasses can not correct the situation. The skeleton in the closet of the test site with the gun and badge ridiculed me, mimmicking drug usage or asserting that claim. I am blind you son of a b-tch.
Often I made jokes in Yiddish because I felt I had been in a holocaust state of existence. I called myself Tin Goiter because my vision was suddenly a slit like a snake. Tin Goiter I read meant malleable neck in Yiddish. I wanted to run from the USA, it was early in the year of 2004 or around that time. I may have had a stroke from the dope the federal government allowed to be injected to me in 2001 and 2004. The poisons were definitely sprayed in my window in my eyes in Eureka California while in forced exile as well, creating a sort or redlight effect in vision for a few days.
Pay me with the ARD F-DIC writing stick. D-FIC Dead Eye Dic in chains all 9.11 million F-DIC gold links. Oakland looks sort of like the Long Beach I knew. I wanted to throw up. Randy Kraft serial killer in the hood? Some call me Saint Ram Bone, he calls me, "Angel", as should the F-DIC rater who had me terminated from F-DIC when I would not go to her room due to fear of federal needles. Perhaps she too should call me Angel. To D-FIC or not to D-FIC? The person collecting papers at the D-FIC test saw the blotted ink signature on the paper I brought from the warehouse and asked, "What happened to this?" I said, "Sweat". 6 of one and half a dozen of the other aye, Dr. Boils? Boyles was a Parasitology professor who taught me to audit the F-DIC, Snatch.
Daily Foreword October 20, 2011: The informal government over the formal government in the USA is a dictatorship. Therefore our formal government is in reality a dictatorship, bought and sold, and it is not a democracy representing us. Many of us are tortured as in a holocaust state of existence if we challenge the formal governments abuses and the police and law enforcement are often corrupt and abuse and rob us as well. Those who control the government have no remorse. Their buyout of the American political system and the resulting bureaucracy and their new laws leave us with no choice but to applaud their downfall. On 9/11/2001 some of the informal government was destroyed, but a few knocked down buildings would be a far cry from killing all of those filthy rich war criminals around the globe who control us as in a holocaust state of existence.
The abuses and torture I Kurt Brown have endured since 2001 has made me change my perspective on my own life and the men and women who surround me. Many in America are like soldiers. They do as they are told and they do not ask questions. They kill, they maim, they inject chemicals forcibly and torture people, innocent people, on the command of the formal government which gets their real marching orders from the informal government.
The thing I have often sought as a journalist is the truth. Since 2001, I have been maimed by government officials. They do not care if I am killed or maimed, therefore I do not care if they are killed or maimed or harmed in other ways, including the abduction of their grandchildren as they have abducted mine. They do not call family when they have no respect for the family. We are enemies in America with those in power over the governments in many instances.
There is no remorse in America. If they start to inject you with chemicals, I encourage you to fight for your life. Run for your life and get an attorney to negotiate your being released from the APB by police or leave the United States and spread the word to the American soldiers in the combat zones, including brass, and try to seize some power. The Mexican Indian, the European of the extreme North, and the Asian are the same blood type, like the Bonobo monkey. The African has it underneath, just beneath the surface, a recessive gene and Uncle Tom was always eating prime cuts while those in the field suffered. Many sell out. It was also common in the holocaust. I would prefer death rather than to sell out my people to my enemies in this life.
I was injected so many times that it has made me sick, after all of these years, with extreme symptoms of halperidol, aka Haldol, overdosage. I had a tooth knocked out when an inmate was taking my food as I ate in early 2001 in Los Angeles. My crime was no crime. Never trust any one in government. I was originally trying to stop inmates from being starved by a Sheriff in Alabama who was a thief in 2001. I was partially blinded by poisins while in forced exile in 2003/2004.
I was attacked on the highways while running tests to detect if murderers are associated with the FDIC and NTEU and after having a Sheriff in Alabama brought under financial audit for thievery and inmate starvation. An explosion almost hit me in Braman Oklahoma in December 2004 and earlier that year nearby two Macau bankers were arrestedfor alleged thievery of 482 million USA dollar equivalents. To this day I am beat down when I try to cover news in Mobile Alabama's government. I had survived an attempt on my life in early 2001 that the government ignored when I was running tests on the FDIC San Francisco. I have changed. America is not what they claim. Run from your enemies in power if you can. If you can not, I encourage you to fight them to the death. You are better off dead than to be captured and tortured. If you have guns, beware, as war criminals will say you are a threat and take the guns and your money and label you a felon or insane. That is what they did to me. I would have killed the man who murdered the FDIC director if it meant the American working class would not be robbed by him, or, them. It is a violation of God's law but man's law says a tooth for a tooth, and I too have to eat.
Never work for the government is my sentiment and if you have no other job options, just know that you are nothing to them and that your relationship with them is tenuous at best. Never expect them to care if you have suffered a crime. Many people in America hate each other just for existing. I will support a military dictator to overthrow the dictatorship in power if they will be humane to us and treat us as humans once the war is over, doing away with laws such as Arizona's Title 36-520 law and re-instating the Writ of Habeus Corpus. It does not matter if they are killed. Protect your own. They would kill you and in a sense we, many of us, are already better off dead. Never surrender to them. Fight to the death if you have to. We are among enemies in America.
The one thing I sought as an adult after years of education was the truth. It is said the truth will set you free. They say life is an illusion. Therefore death is an illusion. A partial truth in each account and a null and void in between on either side of the four spectrums, alternating densities and distances. It is a spiritual and metaphysical concept. They would cut out our frontal lobes and place us on treadmills to keep the machines running if their oil ran out. There is a horror in the Earth and a sick Bonobo laughter among mankind. I am that Bonobo missing teeth. Get tin ready for meet Some Where Over The Rain Bow 9.11 Million (Youtube music).
Speaking of Xu and Xu of the Bank of China out of Macau, their names translate in mathematics as X or times or an unknown variable, or X on the X axis, and Y as on the Y axis, and U meaning the union of sets. Beware as Xu and Xu were allegedly arrested near where I was attacked in 2004, and Yu was arrested in Los Angeles. Xu and Xu were allegedly arrested in OKC and Wichita in 2004, and I was almost killed in a rocket blast in Braman OK in late 2004, not that the FDIC and NTEU or the Secret Service or the Treasury or the FBI or the President or Senators and other federal syndicates really give a Sweet Mass of Sh!T if I live or die. The 9.11 Million dollars would show they cared, after all they wrongfully forced upon me that unlucky number and a holocaust of horrors. ARD F-DIC SWeet Carol should know I am like the Pink Panther when I investigate crimes and I bring a Sweet Transvestite to help me out. Are Xu and Xu and Yu's names computer generated you fake federal f-ck?>
It appears the D-FIC bank examiner test is in Oakland and not San Francisco. It is a good thing because of the Purple Haze in San Francisco. I might want to re-live an F-DIC experience with Fidel N Castro. Oakland is a more or less a strangled community, but Mobile and New Orleans had their nuts cut off, much like the F-DIC. Can Too much D-FIC make one sick? To be D-FIC or to not be D-FIC? That is the question.
Mr. President, do I exist at all after those injections that you still allow per your laws in Arizona and Caifornia, etc. ? Why do all of you on Snob Hill hide behind fences with spears? "They built their walls around them." That is a quote from a Rabbi who loves the Jewish people but fears for those in modern day Israel due to a line from the old Talmud or Torah. To be or not to be Yisroel? God give us shelter, something other than Castles Made of Sand (music link) and a broken down truck and Hurt (music link) by my enemies, their weapons their needles, their corrupted laws, their monkey men with guns. What have I become my Sweet Test Friends?
In closing, I picture this scene at the D-FIC test site in Oakland, a large room with that cold cheap fluorescent light, a pale set of walls and naive school kids and drop outs taking the test while a bureacrat in neck tie watches. I pull out the syringe and push the drug into my arm under tourniquet. I will explain to the government official that the government made me addicted to it, with forced injections of haldol. I will then take the test after a brief nap of haldol overdosage. Outside will be Marla who will ask, "You Dead Eye Dic D-FIC?". I make jokes like a holocaust victim because I am one actually. Even in the United States in our grand golden era of civil rights and individual liberties. Want more Sweet Jokes with Marla USA?
Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone