The decline and fall
Mark - former UK Indy mod | 24.11.2011 14:26 | Indymedia
The article is
FTP will of course hide this post, he will block the email to the Moderation List I have sent to ensure it is not on the public record and he will bully any other Mod that disagrees with his actions.
More than any other person FTP has damaged the Indy UK site and contributed to its decline in readership. They no longer publish the number of unique visitors to the site but as a former mod I can still see them and the decline is shocking. Between 2007 during the sickening Atzmon debacle and now the number of average daily unique visitors fell from 3476 to 943 and the 'click through' (meaning they read more than one story) fell from 5 to 2. This decline is continuing and during the last meeting of my regional collective we predicted that the UK site here will effectively cease to exist (unique visitors below 5 a day) by the Winter of 2012.
Mark - former UK Indy mod