NEXT threat to OLSX?
Best wishes | 02.11.2011 14:22 | Occupy Everywhere | Culture | Free Spaces | Public sector cuts
Despite The News of the World's closure and The Daily Mail just losing a major libel case, the hard-right media will use any lie they can fabricate to libel OLSX and the Occupy movement, and they may return to theme of trying to misrepresent OLSX as being somehow disrespectful towards Poppy Day.
A recently de-mobbed squaddie gave an excellent speech at St Paul's last Sunday, but no doubt the media will try to forget that. With regard to OLSX and the peace movement, the purpose of peace activism is not ever to disrespect fallen soldiers or their achievements and sacrifices (particularly since many peace activists are or were former Armed Forces personnel, and particularly in terms of their defending Britain from Fascism) - the purpose of peace activism is to try to shape our political futures so that governments stop using war to achieve political ends. At the very least actions along the lines of OLSX participants conspicuously wearing poppies, displaying poppies prominently on their tents, posting poppy images on the pillars opposite St Paul's, and a big banner reading "OLSX supports Poppy Day" should do the trick nicely.
Thanks for all your great work :)
Best wishes