Novemebr issue of Freedom anarchist paper out now! (Freedom Press) | 01.11.2011 10:55 | London
Latest issue of the UK's longest running anarchist publication is in the shops now! 24 pages packed with the latest anarchist news, views events and actions. As well as sport, art, history, analysis interviews and reviews. All for just £2.
Freedom newspaper, the only regular anarchist newspaper published in the UK, has recently chnaged to a monthly publication, giving us the opportuniy to include more features
Freedom Nov 11 contains:
- News: Conspiracy trial ends in anti-fascists acquitted, Campaign to end ‘kettling’ police powers, round up of schools protests, Anarchist hip hop UK tour, Legal support for those arrested at recent demonstrations
- Theory: Re-imaging social organisation after the state
- Analysis: Occupation of Wall St phenomenon
- Economics: Second wave of crisis
- International: Suicides in China’s electronics industry, Chile’s growing student movement, Greece’s winter of rage, Famine and rape in Africa
- History: History of Freedom Press (first of four part series to celebrate Freedom 125 year anniversary)
- Sport: Rugby’s working class rebellion, Tranmere Rovers anti-fascists
- Anarchist and radical news: Edinburgh University Anarchist Society, From Bristol with Love radical radio show, Haringey Solidarity Group latest freesheet, Bristol Anarchist Federation freesheet – 1831, Appeal for the International Research Centre on Anarchism, Marseilles
- Getting Active: Working Class Bookfair, Newcastle, Manchester and Salford Anarchist Bookfair, Newcastle’s Winter book festival at Star and Shadow Cinema
- Book review: The anti-capitalist novel Peace, Love and Petrol Bombs by DD Johnston
- Film review: Tom Jennings on Attack the Block (directed: Joe Cornish)
- Art: Dale Farm community in words and pictures
- plus all the regulars - Prison news, Notes from the US, Svartfrosk's sideways look, Anarchist quiz, What's on and the legendary Wildact cartoon. (Freedom Press)
Original article on IMC London: