Brent-Kensal ries library
Brent resident | 15.10.2011 00:33 | Occupy Everywhere | Culture | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles
The local community are keeping vigil around the clock against it being boarded up.Are organising for resistance to the council & it`s lackeys boarding it up.
It is empowering & inspirational to see grassroots community action, cheek by jowel, a cross section of the community, black, white,asian middle class professionals, black & white youth, students, unemployed, pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, all voicing their support.Not an MP or councillor in sight & no Police. Get along to offer support & solidarity. B(r)ent council cannot be trusted from recent bitter expirence when they sent in the police & bailiffes to close down local Charteris sports centre when mothers & children were using the venue.
Where will B(r)ent council weild their axe next.
B(r)ent council is currently building a new town hall complex, at the expense of the local community, to the cost of millions, while making cuts to public services.
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Brent resident