Solidarity Attack in Nottingham (IAF/Cell of Joy) | 13.10.2011 12:55
A visit to Nottingham Prison last night culminated in a fire being started underneath a prison vehicle. It had just gone nine when we arrived and after tagging some nearby walls with the messages of "Fire to the Prisons" and "Solidarity to those kidnapped", we quickly and quietly stepped to the vehicles, lit our fires and took off quickly into the night.
This attack was not a request, or a demand that the prisons improve, or that the judicial system becomes more fair. We attacked because our comrades have been kidnapped, and we will show solidarity in anyway we can. Solidarity to all those captured during and after the riots, to the anti-facists imprisoned because of the usual web of lies spun by the cops and their pals, and to all those who feel the urge to resist whenever the moment seems ripe. We did this in order to show solidarity with the actions of the IRF Bristol's action at the Law courts a few nights ago, and to our Cambridge brothers and sisters acting with such fierce love and rage.
The prisons are where they hold us when they can not control us, they are the threat they hold over us, but what they can not understand is that the greater threat to us is for us not to act. For us to be stifled by the condtions and the conditioning of this society. When we act in away that unleashes our rage, when we act in away that brings us joy then we are able to unleash a glorious FUCK YOU! A FUCK YOU with blood and spittle, a FUCK YOU directed plainly at those who benefit most from this diseased social system. (IAF/Cell of Joy)