Epic Action Day by Squatters,Ken Clarks,Lib Dems nearly squatted,Dale Farm
Mr Watt Tyler | 16.09.2011 00:13
Day of Action report Thurs 15th Sept 2011
The day went well with a multiple action magickal mystery tour of Kennington and westminster.
Day of Action report Thurs 15th Sept 2011
The day went well with a multiple action magickal mystery tour of Kennington and westminster.
We gathered at Oval tube and set of with 15-20 folk and accompanying media, from the Guardian,some other independants that fed into mainstream media , a goodly number of photographers and independent film crew, also the Russia Today camera crew.
We went first of all to a street a few roads away, that the Squatters Intelligence Service had identified as containing a house owned by the minster of ( IN)Justice Kenneth Clarke where we initially displayed banners saying 'Homes not Jails' and 'Housing is a human right'..on the pavement outside.
Then the height work team got into gear climbing higher towards the roof and onto the front porch. Deploying the banners and delivering a traditional rant from the rooftops on the injustice of this proposed new law. To the assembled media. This proposed new law may criminalise trespass ,which will be in effect the last of the enclosure acts. Resistance now. The Government and their property developer friends are planning to criminalise trespass/squatting. There is a consultation process running until October 5th 2011 www.squashcampaign.org (for quick response guide)
The proposed legislation will impact on all members of our society, empower unscrupulous landlords to use violence to evict people,burdening the inadequate housing system, justice system, police / charities. Criminalising the homeless/poor while in the middle of a housing/financial crisis.
The proposed new laws could affect Tenants accused by landlords of being squatters for being behind with rent,Students and workers occupations of Universities and workplaces, Our Rights to Protest and set up Peace and Climate camps The Homeless, poor and vulnerable,Squatters, Gypsies and Travellers.
The proposed legislation could change trespass from a civil to a criminal offence, affecting all our ancient land rights to shelter in abandoned buildings.
We served a 6 month eviction notice on the CON Demmed Government,stating in front of the media, that if they continued with this Draconian attempt at Tyrranny,then we would begin a wave of evictions of the Govt, from next Spring equinox,before they had a chance to start the next round of their unecessary Wars for resources.
Then we proceeded across to the Westminster area to further deliver the message. Across Lambeth bridge we went to Cowley St the headquarters of the LIB DEMS, which we found to be empty apart from a workmen outside who said they had left 1 week ago,as we noticed a window was open we decided to knock an see if anyone was in,the door came open and we took the golden opportunity to advance .4 housing activists rushed into the building,attempting a cheeky rush and barricade squat, but unfortunately the workman just managed to get his hand then arm into the door before we shut it. And called for a work mate who may or not have been upstairs. We decided to pull out this time,but nearly had the best community centre squat in Westminster.
A passing workman in a van told us they had moved to 8-11 George St. So we headed that way.
However on the way we encountered Alistair Darling MP doing a TV interview for USA TV so we rushed him with banners and leaflets demanding to know if Labour where planning to support this draconan legislation to imprison the homeless and poor.
The reply was a stoney silence despite our repeated requests.
We headed off to LIBdem HQ,when we got there one of our scouts got in and said their was an elevator to go to 2nd floor Liberal zone,however as we formed up to do a polite citizens visit the doors where locked down and they refused to open up, three staff disappeared.
Then suprisingly a man came to talk to us it was Chris Fox the Libs Chief Executive,who was friendly and approachable,we explained our deep concerns about the new laws proposed and how it would affect so many.
We asked him 1) what was LIBS position on this new law,would they support govt or people.
2)Would Lib dumb MPs support the Early Day Motion 2114 against the law as 8 Libs had already signed this.
3)We warned him and delivered our 6 month eviction notice if they did not cease and desist this policy, he replied keep your campaign focussed ,we replied ,we are serious about this.
We gave him an email for the squattersactiongroup@gmail.com
He said he would get us a reply,we said we would be back in a month to check up on them.
On googling him this guy is a master of their strategy and tactics, he said we had made our points well, but at this point he saw a gap and tried to make a swift exit. We said we wanted and appointment with Paddy Ashdown as he was a man of action ( ex Marine).
We also wanted to know their policy on what should be done with empty buildings,which he said they had some ideas on, but would not elaborate. One of our crew asked him what about land TAX and mansion Tax, but by now he was slipping back into the new Fort Liberal Den,as we tried to rush around him for more photo opps. Under the watchfull eye of 6 Red patrol car Police who had appeared but stayed off us as we explained our citizens intentions of democratically making our point.
Write to chris.fox@libdems.org.uk to put clear and reasoned arguments for the cause,if the Lib dems dont support the Govt on this,then it wont get through. Also ring email fax and collar your local liberal councillor and MP etc take action in your area while we still have some rights left.
We stopped for lunch,but were turfed out of Westminster Abbey green for havin dogs,(bloody homeless crustys) so went to Victoria Tower gardens,site of the Peoples Assemblies after the Democracy village.
The final leg of a fun filled day,brimming with adrenalin was the Dale farm cardboard city flash mob at the Homes and communities agency which in a strange tribal telepathy way we had decided to go to ,then heard Dale Farm Possee were going to.
Gradually around 5pm a group of 30 -40 campaigners appeared with tent,cardboard ,and our 2 banners,watched by a media scrum of 3 big camera teams, 8-10 photo snappers.,and about 20 plus police ( a whole riot squad van and car around the back ).
There proceeded a series of rants,declarations,songs and statements to the assembled media,including BBC East,Sky,Guardian,Radio,and loads paparazzi. Chants of evict the govt not the people and homes not jails
We got the message out about the unnaceptable eviction of Dale farm and the treatment of travelling people,as well as squatters and info about the new law.
Calling for equal treatment of Nomadic and settled people.
We also informed BBC and Sky that Basildon Council had turned down offers from the Homes and Communities agency (HCA) for Basildon to use HCA land and some millions to set up new sites ,but Basildon had turned this down pulling out of talks. Thus proving the racist and narrow mindedness of the council.
We heard tonight on Indymedia that Basildon is set to approve the building of 900 homes on green belt pushed by a conservative in the area. Blatant Hypocricy.
The final positive note was Teresa MacKay executive for S.E. Regional TUC,gave a rousing support speech for Dale farm on the megaphone,and in conversation afterwards agreed to send out an email to the millions on the TUC email lists. Especially as it was explained that this law would affect Student and worker occupations of universities and workplaces.
We need more student groups on the case.
All in all a fun filled top action and networking day we are planning a return visit action in 1 month or less...consultation ends Oct 5th...come on folks.. especially the activist groups we are about to lose a massive chunk of our rights to protest,shelter,trespass and squat. Unless we activate all the networks ASAP
Love and Resistance from the Squatters Housing Action Group
Video of beginning of action on guardian ( paper article Friday)
Mr Watt Tyler
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