Call Out For Folk In A Country Autonomous Arts Space...
Zarathustra | 15.08.2011 10:03 | Guantánamo | Education | Free Spaces | Workers' Movements
Zarathustra's a bit of a crazy occultist and you'd better deal with some pretty hairy motorbike rides but Khandro Kata keeps things down to Earth.
Soon we will be advancing a "TRUE LEVELLERS STANDARD" in the real tradition of the English Diggers which remains as an undercurrent in this society against all forces who have tried to destroy it. For now we just need a few folk who want a spot out in the country, have some revolutionary values not neccessarily neccessarily molotovs and the like and who are wishing to get involved in something which has many possible hook-ups with different networks.
- Must be willing to practise some form of communal meditation
- Do a bit of digging
- No K
- To devote oneself to some kind of meaningful political or creative project
- Able to bring some kind of collaboration, be it tools, technology, skills and willingness to struggle to find materials to work with or the ubiqituous and terrible Money.
- A heart which is 'good', but is also ultimately very 'beyond good and evil'
- Bring one gift illustrating yourself
- A sense of adventure and willingness to die. This may be far off, but if you wouldn't be willing to die for any cause then why not go and get an office job?
"By Dividing and Conquering, by setting a useful and good Thesis against another good
Thesis, by distorting reasonable Antitheses to serve their aims- thus powers
possessing an Intelligence of Cruelty rule over humanity."
"Of course the Imperialists do not wish for new creative forces which would
challenge their empire, ideas like bright eyed children of the future, to come into
birth. Therefore there is on every level a manipulation of life by these powers with
the intent of preventing the uplifting of things, preventing a real antithesis to the
capitalism from being created."
"This is all a matter of Dialectics, of the low quality of discourse."
Le Ga v roche