PRO-CHOICE DEMO Saturday 16th July, 1-2pm, outside the Guildhall, Market Square
Feminist Action Cambridge | 04.07.2011 22:13 | Gender | Health | Social Struggles | Cambridge
However, existing organisations which provide "pregnancy advice services" have been exposed by Channel 5 News (among others) as giving medically incorrect, and frightening, information, for example that women who have an abortion have a 25% chance of becoming infertile. Th true figure is less than half a percent. Two organisations which are explicitly anti-abortion are affiliated with many of these 'pregnancy advice services' and under the suggested legislative change, would end up providing much of this 'independent' counselling.
Come and demonstrate to support a woman's right to be given impartial information on abortion by people who are medically qualified, to reject the undemocratic way these changes are being pushed through, and to support a woman's right to choose.
London is demonstrating on Saturday 9th July, and Cambridge is demonstrating on Sat 16th July, 1-2pm outside the Guildhall in Market Square. Wear pink (if you like) to show your support. See you there!
More information at
Feminist Action Cambridge