Did You or Your Family Take Palestinian Property during the Jewish Zionist Era
Project Humanbeingsfirst.org | 28.06.2011 04:55 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Palestine | World
Press Release Project Humanbeingsfirst.org
Monday 27 June 2011 3:00 PM
Did You or Your Family Take Palestinian Property during the Jewish Zionist Era Since 1948?
The Israel Embassy Issued the Following Press Release
Was Your Family's Property Taken During The Holocaust?
Thursday, 23 June 2011, 12:19 pm
Press Release: Embassy of Israel
Was Your Family's Property Taken During The Holocaust?
If you or your family owned movable, immovable, or intangible property that was confiscated, looted or forcibly sold in countries governed or occupied by the Nazi forces or Axis powers during the Holocaust era and you or your relatives received no restitution for that property after the Holocaust era, you may be eligible to participate in the Holocaust Era Asset Restitution Taskforce project (Project HEART).
Photograph Press Release Israel Embassy Project HEART June 23, 2011 (Image source Scoop)
Project HEART is a nonprofit initiative of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), with the support of the Government of Israel, Project HEART—Holocaust Era Asset Restitution Taskforce—aims to provide the tools, strategy, and information to enable the Government of Israel, the project, and its partners to bring about a small measure of justice to eligible heirs of Jewish victims, the victims themselves, and the Jewish people.
At this initial stage, Project HEART is focusing on identifying individuals with potential claims regarding the following types of private property for which no restitution was received after the Holocaust era:
private property that was located in countries that were controlled by the Nazi forces or Axis powers at any time during the Holocaust era;
and private property that belonged to Jewish persons as defined by Nazi/Axis racial laws;
and private property that was confiscated, looted, or forcibly sold by the Nazi forces or Axis powers during the Holocaust era.
See full details in this Project Heart Announcement document (pdf)
For more information or to download the Questionnaire, visit www.heartwebsite.org or call toll free 0-800-995045 or direct line +1-414-967-2581 between 14:00 and 18:00, Sunday through Thursday, except Jewish Holidays, and the Questionnaire will be mailed to you.
Photographs: Gift of Ruth Mermelstein, Yaffa Eliach Collection donated by the Center for Holocaust Studies, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, U.S.A. Gift of Eric S. Morley, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, U.S.A. Gift of Ronnie Hamburger Burrows, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, U.S.A.
Source Press Release
If that applies to you, you are encouraged to first seek compensation and restitution for the Palestinians who have been, and still are, experiencing a far worse holocaust today at the hands of the grandchildren of the Jewish holocaust victims.
As the Good Book says of the 'Golden Rule': “That which is hateful to you, don’t do unto others”.
The daily killing of Palestinian men, women, and children, the daily Palestinian property confiscations, the daily Palestinian home demolitions, the daily checkpoints and humiliations, the daily strangulation and systematic eradication of a people, and the daily replication of NAZI Era policies by the Jewish State of Israel, are all happening in Palestine to its indigenous Arab Muslim and Arab Christian peoples even as we speak.
The Palestinians don't need museums to prove their holocaust to the world. The Palestinian holocaust is happening while the Jews seek compensation for what is today only in their museums. All Palestinian land confiscations, Palestinian burial grounds, and Palestinian refugee camps, are open for all to see.
The Report on the Banality of Evil is being re-written several times each day in Palestine during the Jewish Zionist Era even as we speak.
Caption Children looking by Myrtle Winter. Photograph courtesy of Beshara Doumani, Professor, Department of History, University of California Berkeley
Caption Children looking by Myrtle Winter. Photograph courtesy of Beshara Doumani, Professor, Department of History, University of California Berkeley
Hard Evidence of 63 Years of persecution, land and property confiscation
Map UN Partition plan 1947map-of-occupation-palestinian-lands-1946-2008-pttthepromisedland Eretz Yisrael
Plands Palestine_map_1948_eng
Map of Palestinian villages in 1948 courtesy of Plands.org
The Jews, including those pious souls being asked to participate in the Holocaust Era Asset Restitution Taskforce project (Project HEART) to claim compensations for the past holocaust and NAZI crimes against humanity, are encouraged to boldly rise to stop this on-going holocaust at the hands of their own Zionist kith and kin first, before they may claim any moral grounds for any compensation whatsoever.
For full details, see “From Genesis to Genocide in Palestine – Only The Dead Have Seen The End of Genocide!” ( http://tinyurl.com/genesis-to-genocide-palestine )
The following is a short compilation for the innocent Jewish recipients and claimants of compensation for NAZI Era atrocities, of what and who is fueling the Palestinian genocide in the Holy Lands at the hands of their own holier than thou Zionist brethren even as we speak – compiled from Jewish sources by a Palestinian forced to live in exile from her land: A "Benign" culture with "Benign individuals"! ( http://tinyurl.com/the-chutzpah )
For information on how to rightfully return the Palestinians to Palestine with full compensation, see Project Humanbeingsfirst document ( PDF http://tinyurl.com/return-to-palestine ).
For further information, contact: Zahir Ebrahim, humanbeingsfirst@gmail.com
Source URL: http://pressreleases-humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.com/2011/06/pr-compensation-jewish-era-jun272011.html
Source PDF: http://humanbeingsfirst.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/pr-compensation-jewish-era-jun272011.pdf
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Last updated June 27, 2011 855
Project Humanbeingsfirst.org 5/5 Press Release June 27, 2011
Project Humanbeingsfirst.org