What the cuts mean - Jacques and Marie's story
Player of Games | 13.05.2011 21:23 | Public sector cuts | Oxford
Jacques continues to fight for Marie's future - as the video shows, Marie is severely disabled and very reliant on the services she receives.. The County Council, and especially Arash Fatemian who has responsibility for Adult Services, just don't seem to care. They seem happy to remove Marie from the friends and carers that she knows. And presumably hope that the 'big society' will fill in the gaps.
Arash, who according to his blog ( http://www.arashfatemian.com/?page_id=2 - worth it for the smug photo if nothing else) enjoys "cooking, reading, and listening to music" also enjoys turfing disabled people out of their support networks. Nice guy!
Help Marie and save our services. http://oxfordsos.org.uk/
Player of Games